Dr WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna    胡梓穎 博士
Assistant Professor
Department of Literature and Cultural Studies
(852) 2948 6764
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Research Interests
  • 中國古典戲曲 Classical Chinese Opera
  • 制義與科舉文化 Formulated Exegesis and the Culture of Civil Service Examination
  • 中國古代文體學 Ancient Chinese Stylistics
  • 中國古典小說 Classical Chinese Fiction
  • 明清文學 Ming-Qing Literature
  • 中國傳記書寫 Chinese Biographical Writings

Teaching Interests
  • 中國戲曲史 History of Chinese Drama
  • 文獻學與中文研究 Philology and Chinese Studies
  • 中國古代文學(一):先秦至隋唐Classical Chinese Literature I: From Pre-Qin to Sui and Tang
  • 中國古代文學(二):宋至清Classical Chinese Literature II: From Song to Qing
  • 專家詩 Works of Major Poets
  • 文學經典作品選讀 Selected Readings in Literary Classics
  • 唐代傳奇 Tang Dynasty Tales
  • 戲劇與傳意 Drama and Communication
  • 明清小說 Ming and Qing Fiction
  • 中國文學及其他藝術 Chinese Literature and Other Arts
  • 中國文化概說 Introduction to Chinese Culture
External Appointments

Visiting Research Fellow ( 客座研究員 ), Fuzhou Tang Xianzu International Research Center ( 撫州湯顯祖國際研究中心 ) ( 2016-2018 )

Conference Secretariat & External Member of Organizing Committee, “Between Old and New Values: International Conference on Transitions in Literature and Culture from Late Qing to Early Republican China.” Hong Kong: Organized by the Open University of Hong Kong ( January 2015 - June 2016 )

External Referee to review a paper of journal article, Journal of Chinese Literary Studies ( 2014 )

Personal Profile

Dr. Giovanna Tsz Wing Wu specializes in Chinese literature of the sixteenth through early twentieth centuries. Her research interests lie at the intersection of classical Chinese opera and fiction, eight-legged essays, ancient Chinese stylistics, and the culture of imperial examination. She has presented her academic papers at conferences across the globe, including the United Kingdom, United States, Germany, Bulgaria, Australia, Japan, and China. Her research articles have appeared in peer-reviewed journals, such as Chinese Studies, Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, Sino-humanitas, NTU Humanitas Taiwanica, Tang Xianzu Xuekan, Tang Xianzu Yanjiu. In 2016, Wu was appointed a Visiting Research Fellow by Fuzhou Tang Xianzu International Research Centre, China.

Research Interests

  • 中國古典戲曲 Classical Chinese Opera
  • 制義與科舉文化 Formulated Exegesis and the Culture of Civil Service Examination
  • 中國古代文體學 Ancient Chinese Stylistics
  • 中國古典小說 Classical Chinese Fiction
  • 明清文學 Ming-Qing Literature
  • 中國傳記書寫 Chinese Biographical Writings

Teaching Interests

  • 中國戲曲史 History of Chinese Drama
  • 文獻學與中文研究 Philology and Chinese Studies
  • 中國古代文學(一):先秦至隋唐Classical Chinese Literature I: From Pre-Qin to Sui and Tang
  • 中國古代文學(二):宋至清Classical Chinese Literature II: From Song to Qing
  • 專家詩 Works of Major Poets
  • 文學經典作品選讀 Selected Readings in Literary Classics
  • 唐代傳奇 Tang Dynasty Tales
  • 戲劇與傳意 Drama and Communication
  • 明清小說 Ming and Qing Fiction
  • 中國文學及其他藝術 Chinese Literature and Other Arts
  • 中國文化概說 Introduction to Chinese Culture
External Appointments

Visiting Research Fellow ( 客座研究員 ), Fuzhou Tang Xianzu International Research Center ( 撫州湯顯祖國際研究中心 ) ( 2016-2018 )

Conference Secretariat & External Member of Organizing Committee, “Between Old and New Values: International Conference on Transitions in Literature and Culture from Late Qing to Early Republican China.” Hong Kong: Organized by the Open University of Hong Kong ( January 2015 - June 2016 )

External Referee to review a paper of journal article, Journal of Chinese Literary Studies ( 2014 )

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Chapter in an edited book (author)
WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2018). The Endangered Genre: Re-considering the Significance of the Eight-legged Essay in the History of Chinese Literature. eds. Alex Alexiev et al., Current Issues in Contemporary Chinese and Oriental Studies (293-312). Sofia: Sofia University Press.
胡梓穎 (2017)。 〈《牡丹亭》與八股文 ───── 從王季重評點本論湯顯祖的士人品位〉。輯於撫州湯顯祖國際研究中心編, 《湯學聚珍:2016年中國 ‧ 撫州湯顯祖劇作展演暨國際高峰學術論壇論文選集》 (243-256)。上海: 上海古籍出版社。
胡梓穎 (2012)。 〈晚明滑稽仿作新視野 ──── 王思任《弈律》初探〉。輯於陳蒨編, 《香港亞洲學會第七屆年會研討會論文集》 (1251-1263)。香港: 香港樹仁大學當代中國研究中心。
胡梓穎 (2009)。 〈何須扇底看桃花 ────《桃花扇》之解讀與孔尚任罷官原由新探〉。輯於周建渝、張洪年、張雙慶編, 《重讀經典:中國傳統小說與戲曲的多重透視》 (939-978)。香港: 牛津大學出版社。

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
胡梓穎 (2024)。 〈有情以終滅爲驗 ──── 湯顯祖制藝中的時間意識與《紫簫記》中的生命哲學〉。 《人文中國學報》,38,93-133。
胡梓穎 (2024)。 〈制藝的結尾:湯顯祖萬曆癸未會試制藝考論〉。 《清華學報》,第54卷第2期,307-346。 https://doi.org/10.6503/THJCS.202406_54(2).0003
胡梓穎、黃自鴻 (2017)。 〈被建構的文類────從「辨體」角度論傳記與「傳奇文」〉。 《臺大文史哲學報》,86,87-126。 https://doi.org/10.6258/bcla.2017.86.03
黃自鴻、胡梓穎 (2016)。 〈傳記與辨體觀:內部衝突的分類過程〉。 《漢學研究》,34(1),95-122。
Publication in policy or professional journal
胡梓穎 (2021)。 〈能於筆墨之外言所欲言者────湯顯祖嘉隆時期應試制藝研究〉。 《湯顯祖學刊》,Vol. 8 & 9,104-109。

Conference Papers
Other conference paper
Wu, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2025, January). The Inner Palace Edition of Feng Tianming Sanbao Xia Xiyang and the Imagination of Great Ming in the Court Drama of the Ming Dynasty. Fourth Hawai’i International Conference on Chinese Studies (HICCS) Center for Chinese Studies, University of Hawaii at Monoa, Honolulu, The United States of America.
胡梓穎 (2024,10). 〈從《療妒羹》到《補春天》──論十七世紀以來東亞劇壇上馮小青形象的嬗變〉。首屆粵港澳大灣區俗文學研討會暨青年學術論壇,廣州大學,廣州,中國。
胡梓穎 (2024,8). 〈「藏雅」的藝術──湯顯祖制藝與傳奇定場白之關係初探〉。第七届「戲曲與俗文學」國際學術研討會,中山大學,廣州,中國。
WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2024, June). From Shuihu Houzhuan to Zhongyi Xuantu: On the Historical Reappearance of “Jingkang Incident” in the Qing Court Drama of the Qianlong Period. Faculty Conference - Hong Kong Convergence: (Re)connection: Communication, and Contact, Faculty of Arts, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
Wu, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2023, December). Tang Xianzu’s Eight-legged Essay and the Parallel Character Arrangement in his World of Chuanqi Drama. 2023 Biennial Conference of the Chinese Studies Association of Australia – “Studying Things Chinese: Challenges and Opportunities”, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
胡梓穎 (2023,8). 〈湯顯祖制藝及「臨川四夢」中的複調式人物安排〉。論文發表於「第六届『戲曲與俗文學』國際學術研討會暨中華戲劇學刊聯盟年會」,中山大學,廣州,中國。
Giovanna Tsz Wing Wu (2023, March). Portraits of the Loyal Officials in the Zhongyi Xuantu: The Reconstruction of the Relationship between Manchu Monarch and Han Officials during the Qianlong Period. The 2023 CHINOPERL Conference, Boston, The United States of America.
WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2022, August). "Inner Sage and Outer King”: The Portraits of Kings and Emperors in Tang Xianzu’s Eight-Legged Essay. 2022 European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) Biennial Conference, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2021, November). Flowery Words Picking from the Six Dynasties: The Lyricism of Tang Xianzu’s Eight-legged Essays. Chinese Studies Association of Australia (CSAA) 17th Biennial Conference: Changing China: Then and Now, Australian National University,Canberra, Australia.
Wu, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2021, August). Ending with the Disillusionment of Love: The Philosophy of Life in Tang Xianzu’s Eight-legged Essay and the Virtual Lives in The Legend of Purple Flute. 2021 European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) Biennial Conference, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany.
WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2019, July). Tang Xianzu and His Eight-legged Essay: a Re-account on the Great Dramatist of the Late Ming China. Chinese Studies Association of Australia (CSAA) 16th Biennial Conference: Engaging Chinese Scholarship: New Directions, New Challenges, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia.
WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2018, August). Hidden Voices Behind the Image of Lady Feng: ‘Peony Fever’ and East Asian Theatres of the Seventeenth Through Nineteenth Centuries. 2018 European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) Biennial Conference, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, The United Kingdom.
WU, T. W. Giovanna (2017, December). The Endangered Genre: Re-considering the Significance of the Eight-legged Essay in the History of Chinese Literature. Paper presented at the 25th Anniversary Conference of the Chinese Studies Program in Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" on the topic "Current Issues in Contemporary Chinese and Oriental Studies", Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria.
WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2017, July). The “Notorious” Eight-legged Essay: And Its Significance for Rewriting the History of Classical Chinese Literature. Chinese Studies Association of Australia 15th Biennial Conference - Chinese Values and Counter-Values: Past and Present, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
胡梓穎 (2016,9). 〈《牡丹亭》與八股文────兼論湯顯祖與王思任的文學因緣〉。論文發表於「2016'中國撫州湯顯祖劇作展演國際高峰學術論壇」,撫州,中國。
胡梓穎 (2016,6). 〈從《雪曇夢》到《魯男子》──── 論曾樸的自我觀照與清末民初文學轉型〉。論文發表於「推陳致新:清末民初文學文化轉折國際學術研討會」,香港公開大學, 香港,中國。
胡梓穎 (2016,4). 〈崑劇的另類現代性 ────《牡丹亭》之流播與中外文化藝術對話〉。論文發表於「香港亞洲研究學會第十一屆研討會」,神戶大學, 神戶, 日本。

Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies
Authored play, poem, novel, story
胡梓穎 (2010)。 〈從爸爸說起〉。 《香港作家》,6 (20-21)。香港

All Other Outputs
Other outputs
胡梓穎 (2020)。 〈摘艷六朝──湯顯祖制藝與《紫簫記》的語言藝術〉,講座。中國香港: 香港中文大學中國語言及文學系舉辦。
胡梓穎 (2019)。 〈湯顯祖嘉隆時期應試制藝研究〉。《湯顯祖研究通訊》,10(3) : 5-6。
胡梓穎 (2018)。 〈孔尚任《小忽雷傳奇》與明末清初骨董文化〉,講座。香港: 香港教育大學文學及文化學系、「薪傳文社」合辦。
胡梓穎 (2017)。 〈八股文與明代文學──兼論重寫文學史的問題〉,講座。香港: 香港教育大學文學及文化學系、「薪傳文社」合辦。
胡梓穎 (2013)。 〈從晚清走進民國──論《孽海花》之修訂與曾樸小說觀念之轉變〉,講座。香港: 香港教育學院中國文學文化研究中心。
胡梓穎 (2011)。 〈「湯沈之爭」與清中葉崑劇的衰落〉。《文匯報》,A29。
胡梓穎 (2011)。 〈明代「湯沈之爭」〉,講座。香港: 香港公開大學。


On the Variation and Dispersion of Its Readership: The Eight-legged Essay and Jin Shengtan’s Xixiang Commentary 讀者群的變異與游離──制藝與金聖歎的《第六才子書西廂記》
The project aims to study Jin Shengtan’s (金聖歎, 1608-1661) comments on the zaju (雜劇) opera Xixiang Ji (or Romance of the Western Chamber). The structure of zaju operas are often based on the principle of four acts in one part. Wang Shifu (王實甫, 1260-1336), a playwright of the late Yuan dynasty, broke this restriction and completed his Xixiang Ji in twenty-one acts in five parts, which complicated the plots and greatly expanded the length of the play. Jin Shengtan’s Xixiang Commentary is one of the most widely circulated versions of Xixiang Ji since the early Qing dynasty. In this project, the PI considers the theory on the structure of the eight-legged essay as a lens for re-reading Jin Shengtan’s Xixiang Commentary. She will also combine opera aesthetics, stylistics, and commercial publishing of the Qing dynasty, to re-analyse the relationship between the structural theory of the eight-legged essay and the Xixiang Commentary and re-investigate how Jin Shengtan integrated literary theory on the structure of the eight-legged essay, which is cultural assets of the literati, into opera and popular literature.
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): WU, Tsz Wing, Giovanna

Reconsidering “Peony Fever”: The Peony Pavilion and the Changes on Ideology during the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties 「《牡丹》熱」的重新審視:《牡丹亭》與明末清初意識形態的轉變
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna 胡梓穎

From Xuetanmeng to Lunanzi: The Self-Reflection of Zeng Pu and the Autobiographical Writings of the Late Qing and Early Republican China 從《雪曇夢》到《魯男子》── 論曾樸的自我觀照與清末民初自傳文學
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna 胡梓穎

A Dialogue between Opera and History: Peony Pavilion and the Spread of School of Mind during the Late Ming China 戲曲與歷史的對話──《牡丹亭》與晚明心學之流播
This research aims to re-interpret the cultural and historical background of the late Ming dynasty before and after the published of Peony Pavilion. By re-reading the opera, this research tries to re-elaborate the relationship between Peony Pavilion and the spread of School of Mind during the late Ming China, in order to have a better understanding of the Ming society .
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna 胡梓穎

Prizes and awards


Date of receipt: /3/2020, Conferred by: 香港中文大學中國文化研究所

Date of receipt: /4/2019, Conferred by: 香港中文大學中國文化研究所