Conference Papers Other conference paper Wu, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2025, January). The Inner Palace Edition of Feng Tianming Sanbao Xia Xiyang and the Imagination of Great Ming in the Court Drama of the Ming Dynasty. Fourth Hawai’i International Conference on Chinese Studies (HICCS) Center for Chinese Studies, University of Hawaii at Monoa, Honolulu, The United States of America. 胡梓穎 (2024,10). 〈從《療妒羹》到《補春天》──論十七世紀以來東亞劇壇上馮小青形象的嬗變〉。首屆粵港澳大灣區俗文學研討會暨青年學術論壇,廣州大學,廣州,中國。 胡梓穎 (2024,8). 〈「藏雅」的藝術──湯顯祖制藝與傳奇定場白之關係初探〉。第七届「戲曲與俗文學」國際學術研討會,中山大學,廣州,中國。 WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2024, June). From Shuihu Houzhuan to Zhongyi Xuantu: On the Historical Reappearance of “Jingkang Incident” in the Qing Court Drama of the Qianlong Period. Faculty Conference - Hong Kong Convergence: (Re)connection: Communication, and Contact, Faculty of Arts, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. Wu, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2023, December). Tang Xianzu’s Eight-legged Essay and the Parallel Character Arrangement in his World of Chuanqi Drama. 2023 Biennial Conference of the Chinese Studies Association of Australia – “Studying Things Chinese: Challenges and Opportunities”, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. 胡梓穎 (2023,8). 〈湯顯祖制藝及「臨川四夢」中的複調式人物安排〉。論文發表於「第六届『戲曲與俗文學』國際學術研討會暨中華戲劇學刊聯盟年會」,中山大學,廣州,中國。 Giovanna Tsz Wing Wu (2023, March). Portraits of the Loyal Officials in the Zhongyi Xuantu: The Reconstruction of the Relationship between Manchu Monarch and Han Officials during the Qianlong Period. The 2023 CHINOPERL Conference, Boston, The United States of America. WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2022, August). "Inner Sage and Outer King”: The Portraits of Kings and Emperors in Tang Xianzu’s Eight-Legged Essay. 2022 European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) Biennial Conference, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic. WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2021, November). Flowery Words Picking from the Six Dynasties: The Lyricism of Tang Xianzu’s Eight-legged Essays. Chinese Studies Association of Australia (CSAA) 17th Biennial Conference: Changing China: Then and Now, Australian National University,Canberra, Australia. Wu, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2021, August). Ending with the Disillusionment of Love: The Philosophy of Life in Tang Xianzu’s Eight-legged Essay and the Virtual Lives in The Legend of Purple Flute. 2021 European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) Biennial Conference, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany. WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2019, July). Tang Xianzu and His Eight-legged Essay: a Re-account on the Great Dramatist of the Late Ming China. Chinese Studies Association of Australia (CSAA) 16th Biennial Conference: Engaging Chinese Scholarship: New Directions, New Challenges, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2018, August). Hidden Voices Behind the Image of Lady Feng: ‘Peony Fever’ and East Asian Theatres of the Seventeenth Through Nineteenth Centuries. 2018 European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) Biennial Conference, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, The United Kingdom. WU, T. W. Giovanna (2017, December). The Endangered Genre: Re-considering the Significance of the Eight-legged Essay in the History of Chinese Literature. Paper presented at the 25th Anniversary Conference of the Chinese Studies Program in Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" on the topic "Current Issues in Contemporary Chinese and Oriental Studies", Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria. WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2017, July). The “Notorious” Eight-legged Essay: And Its Significance for Rewriting the History of Classical Chinese Literature. Chinese Studies Association of Australia 15th Biennial Conference - Chinese Values and Counter-Values: Past and Present, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. 胡梓穎 (2016,9). 〈《牡丹亭》與八股文────兼論湯顯祖與王思任的文學因緣〉。論文發表於「2016'中國撫州湯顯祖劇作展演國際高峰學術論壇」,撫州,中國。 胡梓穎 (2016,6). 〈從《雪曇夢》到《魯男子》──── 論曾樸的自我觀照與清末民初文學轉型〉。論文發表於「推陳致新:清末民初文學文化轉折國際學術研討會」,香港公開大學, 香港,中國。 胡梓穎 (2016,4). 〈崑劇的另類現代性 ────《牡丹亭》之流播與中外文化藝術對話〉。論文發表於「香港亞洲研究學會第十一屆研討會」,神戶大學, 神戶, 日本。