Journal Publications Publication in refereed journal Trent, J. (2024). The Struggle for Pedagogical Recognition in Higher Education: Short Stories of Tension and Triumph in the Professional Identity Construction of an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Practitioner in Hong Kong. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 23, 251-269. Trent, J. (2023). 'I'm in a Professional Twilight Zone': Exploring a Migrant Teacher's Professional Identities Construction in the UK. Issues in Educational Research, 33(4), 1601-1622. Trent, J., & Liu, X. (2023). You Better Watch out, Short Stories of Competition, Surveillance, and Compliance in the Construction of Vocational Education English Language Teachers’ Professional Identities in China. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 28(4), 572-594. Trent, J. (2023). How are Preservice Teachers Discursively Positioned During Microteaching? The Views of Student Teachers in Hong Kong. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 48(6), 80-97. Liu, X., & Trent, J. (2023). Being a Teacher in China: A Systematic Review of Teacher Identity in Education Reform. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 22(4), 267-293. Trent, J., & Liu, X. (2023). A ‘Useful’ Vocational Education English Language Teacher by Any Other Name. Short Stories of Teacher Identity Construction and Reconstruction in Vocational Education in China. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Online publication, online. Trent, J. (2022). EMI as Discursive Positioning: Exploring the Voices of Content Subject Teachers in Hong Kong. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 10(2), 265-285. Nguyen, C.D.,Trent, J., & Nguyen, T.P. (2022). ‘How Come They Struggle with such Simple Work?’: Parents’ Perceptions of Language Teacher Identity and Teaching Practice. Cambridge Journal of Education, 53(3), 275-292. Sun, X., & Trent, J. (2022). Shaping a Sustainable Doctoral Pathway: A Critical Analysis of Reflexive Mediation Between Structure and Agency in the PhD Experience. Higher Education Research and Development, Online publication, 1-15. Sun, X., & Trent, J. (2020). Promoting Agentive Feedback Engagement through Dialogically Minded Approaches in Doctoral Writing Supervision (doi: Innovations in Education and Teaching International, retrieved from, online publication, online. Sun, X., & Trent, J. (2020). Ongoing Doctoral Study Process to Live by: A Narrative Inquiry into the Doctoral Identity Construction Experiences - A Chinese Case. Frontiers of Education in China, 15, 422-452. Trent, J. (2018). ‘Fitting in’ or ‘Being Different’? Integration, Separation, and Identity Construction during a Teaching Practicum in Hong Kong. Teacher Development: An International Journal of Teachers' Professional Development, 22(4), 571-586. Trent, J. (2018). “It’s Like Starting All Over Again”. The Struggles of Second-career Teachers to Construct Professional Identities in Hong Kong Schools. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 24(8), 931-950. Trent, J (2017). Discourse, agency, and teacher attrition. Perceptions of “failure” amongst early career English teachers in Hong Kong. Research Papers in Education, 32, 84-105. Trent, J (2017). The NEST–NNEST divide and teacher identity construction in Hong Kong schools.. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 15,5, 306-320., 15, 306-320. Trent, J. (2015). “Inclusive and different?” Discourse, conflict, and the identity construction experiences of preservice teachers of English language learners in Australia. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(10), 106-124. Trent, J. (2015). Constructing professional identities in shadow education: Perspectives of private supplementary educators in Hong Kong. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 15(2), 115-130. Trent, J. (2015). The gendered, hierarchical construction of teacher identities: Exploring the male primary school teacher voice in Hong Kong. Journal of Education Policy, 30(4), 500-517. Trent, J. (2015). The identity construction experiences of early career English language teachers in Hong Kong: Great expectations and practical realities. Great expectations and practical realities, 31(3), 1-21. Trent, J. (2015). When communities collide: The shared construction and defense of community and identity during a teaching practicum. Teacher Development, 18(1), 29-47. Trent, J. (2014). ‘‘I’ m teaching, but I’m not really a teacher’’. Teaching assistants and the construction of professional identities in Hong Kong schools. Educational Research, 56(1), 28-47. Trent, J. (2013). The discursive construction of teacher identity: The experience of NETs in Hong Kong schools. TESOL Quarterly, 46, 104-126. Trent, J. G. (2013). Becoming a teacher educator: The multiple boundary crossing experiences of beginning teacher educators (doi: 10.1177/0022487112471998). Journal of Teacher Education, Retrieved from, online publication, 64(3), 262-275. Trent, J. G. (2012). Teacher professional development through a school-university partnership. What role does teacher identity play?. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, Retrieved from, online publication, 37(7), 1-21. Trent, J. G. (2012). Becoming a teacher: The identity construction experiences of begining English language teachers in Hong Kong. The Australian Educational Researcher, 39(3), 363-383. Trent, J. G. (2012). Research engagement as identity construction: Hong Kong preservice teachers' experiences of a compulsory research project. Teacher Development, 16(2), 145-160. Trent, J. G. (2012). The discursive construction of teacher identity: The experience of NETs in Hong Kong schools. TESOL Quarterly, 46(1), 104-126. Trent, J. (2011). Learning, teaching, and constructing identities. ESL teacher identity construction during an international experience programme. Asia Pacific Journal of Education,, 31, 177-194. Trent, J. (2011). Four years on, I’m ready to teach. Teacher education and the construction of teacher identities. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 17, 35-50. Trent, J. (2011). The professional development of teacher identities in Hong Kong. Can a short term course make a difference?. Professional Development in Education, 37, 1-20. Trent, J (2010). Teacher identity construction across the curriculum: Promoting cross-curriculum collaboration in Engklish-medium schools.. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 30, 167-184. Trent, J (2010). Teacher education as identity construction: Insights from action research. Journal of Education for Teaching, 36, 153-168. Trent, John (2010). From rigid dichotomy to measured contingency. Hong Kong preservice teachers' discursive construction of identity. Teaching and Teacher Education (Rank A*), 26, 906-913. Trent, John, & Lim, J (2010). Teacher identity construction in school-university partnerships: Discourse and practice. Teaching and Teacher Education (Rank A*), 26, 1-10. Gao, X., & Trent, J. G. (2009). Understanding mainland Chinese students' motivations for choosing teacher education programmes in Hong Kong. Journal of Education for Teaching, 35 (2), 145-159. Trent, J. G. (2009). Enhancing oral participation across the curriculum: Some lessons from the EAP classroom. Asian EFL Journal, 11 (1), 258-270. Trent, J. G. (2008). Towards a pedagogical framework for participatory learning in EAP. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 5 (4), 1-25. Trent, J. (2008). Promoting investment by Chinese learners in classroom discourse. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 18 (1), 30-48. Davison, C., & Trent, J. (2007). Language attitudes, policies and practices in English medium institutions in Hong Kong: A case study. Using a Foreign Language as a Working Language in Secondary and Tertiary Education, 36, 161-177.