Associate Head (Learning and Teaching) |
Department of International Education |
Associate Editor: Multicultural Education Review (2017-).
Editorial Board Member: Human Rights Education Review (2017- ).
Editorial Board Member: Migration and Language Education (2017- ).
Dr. Gao Fang is Associate Professor in the Department of International Education. She did her undergraduate studies and initial professional education at Shenyang University in China. She has a Master degree in Educational Sciences from the University of Amsterdam and she completed PhD in the Sociology of Education at the University of Hong Kong. Her main research interests are in sociology of education, minority education, higher education and international student mobility. She has published widely in the fields.
Associate Editor: Multicultural Education Review (2017-).
Editorial Board Member: Human Rights Education Review (2017- ).
Editorial Board Member: Migration and Language Education (2017- ).
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters Research book or monograph (author) Gao, F. (2010). Becoming a model minority: Schooling experiences of ethnic Koreans in China. Maryland, U.S.: Lexington Books. Chapter in an edited book (author) Gao, F., & Liu, H. C. Y. (2022). The empowering potential of higher education for underprivileged ethnic minorities’ sustainable development in Hong Kong: Educational policies for access and equity.. In T. Savelyeva & F. Gao (Eds.), Sustainable tertiary education in Asia: Policies, practices, and developments. (129-141). Singapore: Springer. Gao, F., & Adamson, B. (2022). Minority family and community resources: Funds of knowledge and university access and choice.. In J. Gube, F. Gao & M. K. Bhowmik (Eds.), Identities, practices and education of evolving multicultural families in Asia-Pacific (87-99). London: Routledge. Gao, F., & Tsang, Y. K. (2019). Parental involvement and university aspirations of ethnic Korean students in China. In J. Gube & F. Gao (Eds.), Education, ethnicity and equity in the multilingual Asian context (215-234). Singapore: Springer. Gube, J., & Gao, F. (2019). From living in cultural and linguistic diversity to equitable outcomes in education: An introduction. In J. Gube & F. Gao (Eds.), Education, ethnicity and equity in the multilingual Asian context (1-14). Singapore: Springer. Gao, F. (2018). Identity and Chinese language learning among ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. In I. Liyanage (Ed.), Multilingual education yearbook 2018 (125-137). Cham: Springer. Gao, F. (2016). The effects of multiplicative and convertible capitals on non-Chinese language minorities’ accessing university in Hong Kong. In K. H. Shin (Ed.), Multicultural education in a global era: New perspectives and practices in contemporary society (pp. 97-117). New York: NOVA Science Publishers, Inc. Gao, F., & Postiglione, G. A. (2015). Ethnicity and educational achievement. In J. D. Wright (Editor-in-chief), International encyclopedia of social & behavioral sciences (2nd edition, vol 8) (pp. 130-135). Oxford: Elsevier. Gao, F. (2014). Identity and multilingualism: Negotiating multiculturalism among ethnic Korean teachers in China.. In J. Leibold & Y. B. Chen (Eds.), Minority education in China: Balancing unity and diversity in an era of critical pluralism (pp. 259-276). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Gao, F. (2012). Linguistic capital: Continuity and change in educational language policies for South Asians in Hong Kong primary schools.. In R. B. Baldauf, Jr., R. B. Kaplan, N. M. Kamwangamalu & P. Bryant (Eds.), Language planning in primary schools in Asia (pp. 147-159). New York: Routledge. Gao, F., Zhang, Q. Y., Ki, W. W., & Tsung, L. (2012). 在港成長少數族裔學生學習中文的案例 [A case study of Chinese language learning by a South Asian minority student]. In L. Tsung, M. S. K. Shum, W. W. Ki, & Q. Y. Zhang (Eds.), 香港少數族裔學生學習中文的研究: 理念、挑戰與實踐 [Studies of teaching Chinese as a second language to ethnic minority students in Hong Kong: Theories, challenges, and practices] (pp. 183-197). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Fu, A. L., Tsung, L., & Gao, F. (2012). 跨文化學習 [Intercultural learning]. In L. Tsung, M. S. K. Shum, W. W. Ki, & Q. Y. Zhang (Eds.), 香港少數族裔學生學習中文的研究: 理念、 挑戰與實踐 [Studies of teaching Chinese as a second language to ethnic minority students in Hong Kong: Theories, challenges, and practices] (pp. 119-142). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Gao, F., Sung, J. M. C., & Shum, M. S. K. (2012). 培養香港少數族裔學生語言基本能力的教案設計與分析 [Teaching design and analysis on nurturing basic language capability of non-Chinese speaking students in Hong Kong]. In S. K. Tse, W. W. Ki & M. S. K. Shum (Eds.), 非華語學生的中文學與教:課程,教材,教法與評估 [Devising a Chinese-language curriculum for non-Chinese-speaking students in Hong Kong] (pp. 141-147). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Gao, F., Sung, J. M. C., & Ki, W. W. (2012). 培養香港少數族裔學生跨文化交流能力的教 案設計與分析 [Teaching design and analysis on nurturing cross-cultural communication capability of non-Chinese speaking students in Hong Kong]. In S. K. Tse, W. W. Ki & M. S. K. Shum (Eds.), 非華語學生的中文學與教:課程,教材,教法與評估 [Devising a Chinese-language curriculum for non-Chinese-speaking students in Hong Kong] (pp. 149-155). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Gao, F. (2011). Bilingual education and Korean minorities in China. In L. Tsung & K. Cruickshank (Eds.), Teaching and learning Chinese in global contexts (pp. 81-95). London, UK: Continuum. Shum, M. S. K., Tsung, L., & Gao, F. (2011). Teaching and learning (through) Putonghua: From the perspective of Hong Kong teachers. In L. Tsung & K. Cruickshank (Eds.), Teaching and learning Chinese in global contexts (pp. 45-61). London, UK: Continuum. Tsung, L., Gao, F., Shum, M. S. K., & Ki, W. W. (2009). 在香港環境下的少數族裔學生的中文習得研究 [Acquisition of Chinese as a second language in Hong Kong: Chinese language studies among ethnic minority students]. In B, Zhang (Ed.), 不同環境下的漢語教 學探索:第五屆對外漢語國際學術研討會論文集 [Chinese teaching and learning in different contexts] (pp. 336-351). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. Edited book (editor) Savelyeva, T. & Gao, F. (2022). Sustainable tertiary education in Asia: Policies, practices, and developments.. Singapore: Springer. Gube, J., & Gao, F. (Eds.) (2019). Education, ethnicity and equity in the multilingual Asian context. Singapore: Springer. Bryant, D. A., Gao, F., Hennig, B. B., & Lam, W. K. (Eds.). (2007). Research studies in education, Volume 5. Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong. |
Journal Publications Publication in refereed journal Gao, F. (2024). Avoiding the “Rat race”: Hong Kong students’ sense of belonging to a Chinese university in the Greater Bay Area. International Journal of Educational Development, 108, Article 103059. Gao, F. (2024). ‘I Am Not What You Label Me’: Senses of Belonging in a Mainland Chinese University among Cross-Border Hong Kong Students. British Educational Research Journal, 50(4), 2001-2019. Gao, F. (2024). Understanding Campus-Based Intercultural Social Capital for Minority University Students in Hong Kong. Comparative Education, 60(2), 334-350. Gao, F. (2023). Examining the Role of Institutional Agents and School-Based Social Capital in Minority University Choice and Access. Educational Review, Latest articles, 1-16. Gao, F. (2023). Does desegregation matter? A comparative study of school-based social capital for university-bound minority students in segregated and desegregated school contexts of Hong Kong.. British Educational Research Journal Wang, G., & Gao, F. (2023). The school-based multicultural education curriculum in China: a case study of two Yugur middle schools.. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, online, 1-13. Gao, F., & Adamson, B. (2022). Exploring the role of community cultural wealth in university access for minority students. British Journal of Sociology of Education Gao, F., & Liu, H. C. Y. (2021). Guests in someone else’s house? Sense of belonging among ethnic minority students in a Hong Kong university. British Educational Research Journal, online, 1-17. Gao, F., Ng, C. K. J., & Lee, W. W. S. (2021). Are the effects always positive? Rethinking the role of parental social capital in the university choice process. International Studies in Sociology of Education, online, 1-23. Gao, F., & Gube, J. (2020). Multicultural education: How are ethnic minorities labelled and educated in post-handover Hong Kong?. Migration and Language Education, 1(2), 51-59. Lai, C., Gu, M. Y., Gao, F., & Yung, W. S. (2020). Motivational mechanisms of ethnic minorities’ social media engagement with mainstream culture. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, online, 1-18. Gao, F. (2019). Ethnic minority students’ progression to university in Hong Kong: access and equity. Multicultural Education Review, 11(2), 135-148. Gao, F., Lai, C., & Halse, C. (2019). Belonging beyond the deficit label: the experiences of ‘non-Chinese speaking’ minority students in Hong Kong. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 40(3), 186-197. Gao, F. (2018). Being ‘religious and cultural rebels’ or being ‘cultural hybrids’? The role of identity capital in Muslim female university students’ self-construction. Gender and Education, 30(8), 1032-1047. Gao, F. (2018). Do heterophilous networks work? Investigating school-based social capital and the university choice process among less-privileged ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. Race Ethnicity and Education, 21(6), 827-842. Gao, F., & Lai, C. (2018). Biculturalism and segregated schooling in Hong Kong. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 39(4), 301-312. Gao, F., & Ng, C. K. J. (2017). Studying parental involvement and university access and choice: An “Interacting Multiple Capitals” model. British Educational Research Journal, 43(6), 1206-1224. Gao, F. (2017). Capital multiplicity and convertibility: Language minorities’ multidimensional challenges to accessing postsecondary education in Hong Kong. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 38(8), 1165-1176. Shum, M. S. K., Gao, F., & Ki, W. W. (2016). School desegregation in Hong Kong: Non-Chinese linguistic minority students’ challenges to learning Chinese in mainstream schools. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 36(4), 533-544. Gao, F. (2016). Paradox of multiculturalism: Invisibility of ‘Koreanness’ in Chinese language curriculum. Asian Ethnicity, 17(3), 467-479. Lai, C., Gao, F., & Wang, Q. (2015). Bicultural orientation and Chinese language learning among South Asian ethnic minority students in Hong Kong. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 18(2), 203-224. Gao, F. (2012). Teacher identity, teaching vision, and Chinese language education for South Asian students in Hong Kong. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 18(1), 89-99. Gao, F. (2012). Imagined community, identity, and Chinese language teaching in Hong Kong.. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 22(1), 140-154. Gao, F. (2012). Imagined identity of ethnic Koreans and its implication for bilingual education in China.. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 15(3), 343-353. Gao, F., & Park, J. (2012). Korean-Chinese parents’ language attitudes and additive bilingual education in China. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 33(6), 539-552. Shum, M. S. K., Gao, F., & Tsung, L. (2012). Unlocking the racialized and gendered educational experiences of South Asian females in Hong Kong: The case study of Pakistani girls.. Asian Ethnicity, 13(3), 251-262. Tsung, L., & Gao, F. (2012). What accounts for the underachievement of South Asians in Hong Kong? The voices of Pakistani and Nepalese parents.. Educational Research, 54(1), 51-63. Gao, F., Park, J., Ki, W. W., & Tsung, L. (2011). Teaching Chinese as a second language in China: The cases of South Asians and ethnic Koreans.. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 4(3), 265–288. Gao, F. (2011). Linguistic capital continuity and change in educational language policies for South Asians in Hong Kong primary schools.. Current Issues in Language Planning, 12(2), 251-263. Gao, F., Park, J., Ki, W. W., & Tsung, L. (2011). Teaching Chinese as a second language in China: The cases of South Asians and ethnic Koreans. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 4(3), 265-288. Shum, M. S. K., Gao, F., Tsung, L., & Ki, W. W. (2011). South Asian students’ Chinese language learning in Hong Kong: Motivations and strategies. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 32(3), 285-297. Gao, F. (2010). A comparative analysis of the meaning of model minority among ethnic Koreans in China and the United States. Comparative Education, 46(2), 207-222. Gao, F. (2010). Ethnicity, achievement and friendship: Korean Chinese students’ construction of peer networks. Educational Review, 62(2), 143-156. Gao, F. (2010). Learning Korean language in China: Motivations and strategies of non-Koreans.. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13(3), 273-284. Gao, F. (2010). Bilingual education among ethnic Koreans in China: Ethnic language maintenance and upward social mobility. Chinese Education & Society, 43(1), 82-92. Gao, F., & Shum, M. S. K. (2010). Investigating the role of bilingual teaching assistants in Hong Kong: An exploratory study.. Educational Research, 52(4), 445-456. Gao, F. (2009). Language and power: Korean students’ language attitude and practice. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 30(6), 525-534. Gao, F. (2009). Self-perception and schooling attitude of ethnic Korean students in China behind the model minority stereotype. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 29(1), 17-27. Gao, F. (2009). Challenges of discourses on “model minority” and “South Korean wind” for ethnic Koreans’ schooling in Northeast China. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 3(2), 119-130. Gao, F. (2009). Researching Korean children’s schooling attitude and practice in China: An ethnographic approach.. Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, 5, 225-245. Gao, F. (2008). What it means to be a “model minority”: Voices of ethnic Koreans in Northeast China. Asian Ethnicity, 9(1), 55-67. |
Conference Papers Invited conference paper Gao, F. (2018, May). Re-shaping a sense of belonging by ethnic minorities in Hong Kong.. Invited paper presented at the 2018 KAME, Seoul, Korea: Seoul National University.. Gao, F. (2018, March). Politics, power, and ethnic minority children’s rights – Some implications for inclusive lifelong education in post-colonial Hong Kong. Keynote presented at the CESHK 2018 Conference, Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong. Gao, F. (2016, December). Parental involvement and ethnic Korean students’ enrolment in four-year universities of China: A multidimensional study on students’ perceptions. Invited speech presented at the First Forum for UNESCO Chair Partners and Associates, Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong. Gao, F. (2016, May). The myth of multiculturalism in multi-ethnic and multicultural Hong Kong. Invited speech presented at the International Forum on Rethinking Government Policies for Multicultural Families and Children., Seoul, Korea: Seoul National University. Gao, F. (2015, April). Multicultural education for ethnic Koreans in China. Invited speech presented at An International Symposium: Ethnic Minorities in Mainstream Education: An Asian Perspective, Hong Kong: Yew Chung Community College. Gao, F. (2014, September). Paradox of multicultural education policy: Invisibility of Koreanness in Chinese curriculum. Invited speech presented at Diversity and Education in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the Asian Region Conference, Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong. Refereed conference paper Gao, F. (2020, December). Exploring the role of community cultural wealth in university access for South and Southeast Asian minority students in Hong Kong. Invited paper presented at the 2020 KAME, Seoul, Korea: Seoul National University. |
All Other Outputs Review of books or of software Gao, F. (2016). Review of “Tibetanness” under Threat?: Neo-integrationism, minority education and career strategies in Qinghai, P. R. China, by A. Zenz. The China Journal, 76, 161–163. The China Journal, 161-163. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Other outputs Bryant, D. A., Gao, F., Hennig, B. B., & Lam, W. K. (2008). Research Studies in Education (RSE). THE GRADUATE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER, 10(2), 10.. |
Hong Kong Students’ Sense of Belonging in Mainland China’s Universities in the Greater Bay Area: A Multi-Sited Qualitative Case Study This research examines Hong Kong students’ (HKs’) belonging in mainland universities in the Guangdong-HK-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and the factors impacting their belonging. Project Start Year: 2024, Principal Investigator(s): GAO, Fang SDGs Information: 4 - Quality Education |
Choice of Hong Kong as An Undergraduate Study Destination: Motivations and The Decision-Making Process of Non-Local Students This research examines why and how non- mainland, non-local students choose Hong Kong (HK) universities for their undergraduate education. Project Start Year: 2024, Principal Investigator(s): GAO, Fang |
Harnessing the Power of Assessment to Support Pre-service Teachers' Learning and Professional Development Through an Innovative Blended Learning Approach (A+BLe) Educators in higher education encounter lots of difficulties in maintaining high academic standards and high quality attributes in today's classes with a large number of students with diverse needs. It remains a challenging task for teachers to, on one side, well organize the teaching/learning content so that all students are more likely to actively participate in the learning process, and on the other side, to well assess students’ use of their higher-order/self-directed learning processes (e.g., self-assessment, peer-assessment, use of formative feedback from teachers) to achieve academic success and high quality attributes upon graduation. There is a compelling need to provide a rigorous blended learning approach that can link teaching, both online and offline learning and assessment practices (self-assessment, peer-assessment, and teacher-assessment) in a visible, achievable and sustainable way. The A+BLe approach is expected to also encourage students to not only undertake the learning activities actively, but also tell students and teachers how well the objectives of teaching and learning have been achieved. Based on these concerns, this project aims to provide an innovative and creative blended learning approach (A+BLe) to link teaching, learning, and assessment practices in a visible and systematic way to promote EdUHK students’ multiple learning outcomes that are essential for their professional development. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): YANG, Lan 楊蘭 (GAO, Fang 高放 as Co-Investigator) |
Investigating Hong Kong Students' Aspirations for the Future In recent months, school students have organized school strikes, class boycotts, human protest chains, joined front-line protests, been arrested (30% under 18 years) and shot (2 students; 14 & 18 years), with more than 300 school students involved in the PolyU siege. For other students, the protests disrupted their schooling and their relationships with family, peers and teachers. The longer-term impact on their aspirations, futures and sense of belonging/connectedness to Hong Kong is unknown.This project seeks to map Hong Kong adolescents’ (15-18 years) aspirations and views on the resources/capital needed to achieve their aspirations for the future, and how Hong Kong schools and society can help. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): HALSE CHRISTINE MARGARET (GAO, Fang 高放 as Co-Investigator) |
Belt and Road Initiative and the Internationalisation of Higher Education in China: A Case Study of International Students' Perceptions and Experiences in Beijing 1. To explore why international students from Belt and Road countries have chosen to come to study in China; 2. To identify the kinds of capital they have accumulated during study in China; and, 3. To elucidate the factors at the individual, institutional and societal levels that facilitate or impede their accumulation of capital and future prospects. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): GAO, Fang |
Diversity, Equity and Social Inclusion Research Group This proposal builds on and extends the achievements over the last two years by the Intercultural Studies Strategic Research Group in establishing a culture of collaborative research and high quality research outcomes: i) Successful grant applications on diversity: 5 of 6 GRF/ECS applications since 2017 successful (83% success rate); ii) Quality outputs: 1 co-edited book (Springer), 9 A*, 6 A journal articles by members on diversity (2 co-authored; three won awards) iii) Research collaboration: multi-method, collaborative research project involving all members on ‘Belonging of Diverse Youth in Hong Kong’ iv) International conferences: AERA Symposium (2019); presentations at Korean Association for Multicultural Education (KAME) (2019); v) RPG support: Monthly Theory Reading group. vi) Community engagement: Symposium with the Equal Opportunity Commission, NGOs, schools practitioners and community members on ‘Minorities and Education: Future directions?’, vii) Internationalization: i) established APIRN (Asia Pacific Intercultural Research Network) to connect regional diversity scholars. Includes members from Korean Educational Development Institute, Gyeongin National University of Education (South Korea), Osaka University (Japan), University of Canberra (Australia), Chiang Mai University (Thailand), National Institute of Education (Singapore). Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): HALSE CHRISTINE MARGARET , JACKSON, Liz null (GAO, Fang 高放 as Co-Investigator) |
Inclusion and Equity for Hong Kong’s Diverse Classrooms The purpose of this project is to ensure that all teachers recognize the importance of creating inclusive and equitable classrooms. That they have experience of such teaching in their own teacher education and that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills to assist them become active creators of, and carers for, inclusive and equitable classrooms. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): GUBE, Jan Christian C, (GAO, Fang as Team Member) |
School-Based Social Capital in Ethnic Minority Students’ Progression to Post-Secondary Education in Hong Kong Making use of the theories of SBSC and school structure and culture, this study employs multiple, qualitative case studies to examine: a) institutional provision of SBSC; b) the resulting benefits and challenges that EM students interpret and experience as they navigate PSE decision-making and application processes; and c) the school structural and cultural factors that impede or facilitate EMs’ access and use of SBSC. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): GAO, Fang 高放 |
Rural-to-urban Student Mobility: University Access, Persistence and Completion of Ethnic Minority Students in China To promote under-represented ethnic minority students' transitions to post-secondary education in China; To enhance rural-urban mobility of students from underprivileged ethnic minority backgrounds. Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): GAO, Fang 高放 |
Enhancing learning engagement and outcomes through formative e-assessment tasks in the General Education foundation course This project aims to enhance freshmen’s learning engagement and outcomes in the General Education (GE) foundation course by incorporating formative e-assessment (FEA) tasks into the tutorial process. A teacher guide on FEA task design and implementation, FEA tasks, cases of using FEA tasks, and a relevant website will be developed and refined during the project. The GE foundation course is an important course aimed at cultivating undergraduates’ generic skills for their future life and work. The effectiveness of the course depends on the level of student engagement and learning outcomes. FEA can enhance undergraduates’ learning engagement and outcomes due to the nature of formative assessment and the relative affordance of technology. This project will adapt Salmon's five stage model to design and implement FEA tasks in tutorials. A quasi-experimental design will be utilized to collect data from at least 10 tutorial groups of the GE foundation course using the methods of survey, interviews and document analysis. The data will be used to evaluate the effects of FEA on learning and provide insights to formulate an FEA framework as a reference for assessment innovation in GE at the tertiary level. Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): ZHAN, Ying 詹穎 (GAO, Fang 高放 as Co-Investigator) |
Conceptions of Global Citizenship and Teacher Education This research compares and examines the conceptions of global citizenship in the global citizenship related courses offered for the 15 Bachelor of Education (Honours) programmes at the Education University of Hong Kong. The research investigates the relationship between (a) the varied understandings, discourses and conceptions of global citizenship and (b) the disciplinary and pedagogical trainings of pre-service teachers, with particular focus on the formation of their professional identity and vison in teaching practice. While diversity of views and conceptions of global citizenship is cherished, it is meanwhile important to develop a cohesive framework that democratically captures the varied understandings, discourses and conceptions of global citizenship. In the current practices of global citizenship education, the main challenge lies in the misalignment between the goals, curricula, pedagogies and assessment tools (Deardorff, 2006, 2009). Seeking the alignments of conceptions of global citizenship, this research contributes to the teaching and learning of the University by enhancement of students’ learning outcomes and core competencies, through the means of internationalisation in cross-faculty curriculum and the fostering of a culture of student engagement and reflections. All things considered, the impact of the research lies in the university-wide framework working towards a clarified and cohesive vision for global citizenship. Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): TANG, Hei Hang Hayes 鄧希恒 (GAO, Fang 高放 as Collaborator) |
Supporting Ethnic Minority Students’ Chinese Language Learning through Enhancing Extramural Chinese Social Media Use The project aims to support ethnic minority students’ Chinese language learning through enhancing extramural Chinese social media use. Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): LAI Chun (GAO, Fang 高放 as Co-Investigator) |
From “Additive” to “Multiplicative” Effects of Capital on Post-secondary Education Enrollment in Hong Kong: A Double-informant Investigation across Ethnic Majority and Minority Students A study to examine the effects of capital upon university/college access. Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): GAO, Fang 高放 |
Establishing a Research Cluster in the EdUHK for Promoting Research on Multilingual Acquisition and Multilingual Education Hong Kong is a multilingual society with three principal languages: Cantonese, English and Putonghua. Since 1997, Hong Kong has adopted the “Biliterate and Trilingual” language policy, which aims at developing citizens who are biliterate in both written Chinese and English as well as trilingual in Cantonese, Putonghua, and spoken English. Thus, research related to multilingual acquisition and multilingual education is of great importance in Hong Kong. The area ‘multilingual acquisition and multilingual education’ is under "4123 language development, second language development, audiology" of H1 Psychology and Linguistics, according to the existing mechanism of RGC. In this project, a group of EdUHK colleagues who have expertise in the field of multilingual acquisition and multilingual education will form a research cluster. The project team members plan to have bi-monthly meetings, discussing issues related to multilingual acquisition and multilingual education in Hong Kong. In the second year of the project, the team will hold an international conference on Multilingual Acquisition and Multilingual Education, and invite leading scholars in the field from around the world to give keynote speeches, and our project team members and other scholars from around the world will also present their research at the conference. By the end of the project, the team plan to come up with a joint proposal to bid for the Hong Kong government Strategic Public Policy Research (SPPR) Fund, and the proposed project will aim at gaining a better understanding of multilingual education policies in Hong Kong, and how multilingual education can be carried out more effectively in Hong Kong. Recommendations will be made. It is hoped that the research cluster will strengthen the research profile of EdUHK in this field, and when language policy related issues need to be addressed/discussed, the government / EDB will consider consulting us because of our expertise and reputation in this field. Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): WANG, Lixun (GAO, Fang as Co-Investigator) |
Modelling the Effects of Different Forms of Capital on Post-secondary Education Enrollment: An “Interacting Multiple Capitals” Framework Funding support to ECS Proposal rated 3.5 by the RGC Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): GAO, Fang 高放 |
"Intercultural Studies" This project's aim is to establish Intercultural studies in education as an area of strength in The Faculty of Education and Human Development. This will begin by comprising 4 research themes: i) young people in education; ii) educational leadership; iii) multicultural education and intercultural pedagogies; iv) international education and internationalization. Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): HALSE, Christine Margaret (GAO, Fang 高放 as Co-Investigator) |
Education for Cosmopolitan Citizenship The funding is used to support a scholar visiting to our university. Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): GAO, Fang 高放 |
Education, Ethnicity and Inequality in Multilingual Asian Context The funding will support the publication of the edited volume: Education, Ethnicity and Inequality in Multilingual Asian Context. Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): GAO, Fang 高放 |
Tertiary Education in Asia and Eurasia: Sustainable Policies, Practices and Developments The funding will support the publication of the edited volume: Tertiary Education in Asia and Eurasia: Sustainable Policies, Practices and Developments Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): GAO, Fang 高放 |
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Investigate Acculturation Orientation and Chinese Language Learning among Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong The proposed study is a cross-discipline research project that aims at examining the relative value of assimilation and integration acculturation orientation for Chinese language learning among ethnic minority (EM) students in Hong Kong. Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): GAO, Fang 高放 |
Tertiary Education in Asia and Eurasia An Edited book volume (Springer) co-edited with Dr. Gao Fang Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): SAVELYEVA, Tamara (GAO, Fang 高放 as Co-Principal Investigator) |
Multiplicity of Capitals in Parental Involvement and College Choice Process This study is a ECS 3.5 Funding project to increase the readiness of ECS project. Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): GAO, Fang 高放 |
Parental involvement and ethnic Korean students’ enrollment in four-year universities of China: A multidimensional study on students’ perceptions The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between parental involvement and Korean minority students’ enrollment in China’s 4-year universities. Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): GAO, Fang 高放 |
A multidisciplinary approach to investigate acculturation orientation and Chinese language learning among non-Chinese linguistic minorities in Hong Kong and China: From assimilation to culturally-responsive intervention The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between acculturation orientation and Chinese language learning among non-Chinese linguistic minority (NCLM) students in Hong Kong and China. Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): GAO, Fang 高放 |
Parental involvement and non-Chinese linguistic minority students’ enrollment in four-year universities of Hong Kong: A multidimensional study The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between parental involvement and non-Chinese linguistic minority (NCLM) students’ enrollment at four-year universities in Hong Kong. Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): Tsang Yiu Kei (GAO, Fang 高放 as Co-Investigator) |
Bicultural orientation and Chinese language learning among linguistic minority students in Mainland China and Hong Kong This study aims to explore the potential cause-consequence relationship between cultural identity and educational achievement (especially Chinese language acquisition) among non-Chinese minority students. Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): GAO, Fang 高放 |
Linguistic minority students go to college: Access, persistence, and success This study provides a critical examination of the challenges non-Chinese linguistic minority students face in accessing Hong Kong 4-year universities. Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): GAO, Fang 高放 |
Self-identification and Chinese language achievement among South Asian students in Hong Kong The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between acculturation orientation and Chinese language learning among South Asian students in Hong Kong. Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): Lai Chun (GAO, Fang 高放 as Co-Investigator) |
Teaching and learning Chinese as a second language: Korean-Chinese’s motivation and strategy This study aims to investigate Korean Chinese students' motivation and strategy of learning Chinese as a second language. Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): GAO, Fang 高放 |
Schooling experiences of South Asian students in mainstream schools This study aims to examine South Asian students' integration into the mainstream schools in Hong Kong. Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): GAO, Fang 高放 |
Faculty's Top 10% Teaching Awards 2019/20 Date of receipt: /5/2020, Conferred by: Faculty of Education and Human Development |
Dean’s Research Award 2018/19: Journal Articles Date of receipt: 3/7/2019, Conferred by: Faculty of Education and Human Development |
Finalist Faculty Quality Journal Article Award Date of receipt: /6/2018, Conferred by: Faculty of Education and Human Development |
Faculty’s Top 10% Teaching Award 2017/18 Date of receipt: /4/2018, Conferred by: Faculty of Education and Human Development |
Finalist Faculty Quality Journal Article Award Date of receipt: 15/6/2017, Conferred by: Faculty of Education and Human Development |
Departmental Teaching Reward Date of receipt: /12/2016, Conferred by: The Department of International Education and Lifelong Learning Teaching Reward Scheme in 2015-16 |