Prof SI, Chung Mou    施仲謀 教授
Professor (Practice)
Department of Chinese Language Studies
(852) 2948 7218
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Research Interests

Chinese Linguistics

Language Education

Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

Chinese Culture


Teaching Interests

International Baccalaureate (IB) and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

Recitation and Language Education

External Appointments


Academic Committee Member, China Education Association for Language Teaching in Chinese, P.R.C., 2008-

Executive Committee Member, International Society for Chinese Language Teaching, 2005-

Executive Advisor, Hong Kong Association for China Graduates, 1996-

Honorary Committee Member, Association for Chinese Language Modernization, P.R.C., 1992-

Chairman, Hong Kong Association for Chinese Language in Education, 1994-1996

President, Hong Kong Association for China Graduates, 1994-1996


Specialist, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications, 2002-

Chairman, Putonghua Subject Committee, Teachers’ Language Proficiency Assessment, Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, 2000-

Member, Advisory Board for Chinese Language Education and Assessment Centre, Lingnan University, 2008-  


Chief Editor, Journal of Oriental Studeis, The University of Hong Kong, 2011-

Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Chinese Studies, Overseas Education College, Xiamen University, PRC, 2012-

Member of the Editorial Board, 海外華文教育(Overseas Chinese Education), Xiamen University, PRC, 2011-

Executive Member of the Editorial Board, 國際漢語學報(Journal of International Chinese Studies), The Southern Base of Confucius Institute Headquarters, Xiamen University, PRC, 2010-

Executive Member of the Editorial Board, 語文建設通訊(Chinese Language Review), The Chinese Language Society of Hong Kong, 1992-

Personal Profile

Before joining HKIEd, Professor Si was the Head of School of Chinese at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). Prior to this appointment, he has been appointed as Associate Dean of Faculty of Arts at HKU from 2006 to 2011, and has served as Director of Chinese Language Centre at HKU since 1993. His major research interests include Chinese linguistics, Chinese culture, teaching Chinese as a second language, and language education. He is author of a dozen of academic books published in Hong Kong, Japan, Mainland and Taiwan, including Language and CultureA Comparative Study of the Phonology in Yue Dialect and Modern Standard Chinese. He has contributed a lot in the promotion of recitation and Chinese classics by conducting many research projects on Chinese culture education in Hong Kong schools. Professor Si had been served as Chairman of the Hong Kong Association for Chinese Language in Education, and Founding President of the Hong Kong Association for China Graduates. He is now Executive Committee Member of the International Society for Chinese Language Teaching, Academic Committee Member of the China Education Association for Language Teaching, and Honorary Committee Member of the Association for Chinese Language Modernization, P.R.C.







Research Interests

Chinese Linguistics

Language Education

Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

Chinese Culture


Teaching Interests

International Baccalaureate (IB) and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

Recitation and Language Education

External Appointments


Academic Committee Member, China Education Association for Language Teaching in Chinese, P.R.C., 2008-

Executive Committee Member, International Society for Chinese Language Teaching, 2005-

Executive Advisor, Hong Kong Association for China Graduates, 1996-

Honorary Committee Member, Association for Chinese Language Modernization, P.R.C., 1992-

Chairman, Hong Kong Association for Chinese Language in Education, 1994-1996

President, Hong Kong Association for China Graduates, 1994-1996


Specialist, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications, 2002-

Chairman, Putonghua Subject Committee, Teachers’ Language Proficiency Assessment, Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, 2000-

Member, Advisory Board for Chinese Language Education and Assessment Centre, Lingnan University, 2008-  


Chief Editor, Journal of Oriental Studeis, The University of Hong Kong, 2011-

Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Chinese Studies, Overseas Education College, Xiamen University, PRC, 2012-

Member of the Editorial Board, 海外華文教育(Overseas Chinese Education), Xiamen University, PRC, 2011-

Executive Member of the Editorial Board, 國際漢語學報(Journal of International Chinese Studies), The Southern Base of Confucius Institute Headquarters, Xiamen University, PRC, 2010-

Executive Member of the Editorial Board, 語文建設通訊(Chinese Language Review), The Chinese Language Society of Hong Kong, 1992-

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Research book or monograph (author)
Lam S. M. S, Lee, C-K. J & Si, C. M. (2024). Learning and teaching Chinese as a first language international perspectives. Routledge.
金夢瑤 施仲謀 (2023)。 中華文明第一課。香港: 商務印書館。
施仲謀、杜若鴻、金夢瑤和李敬邦 (2022)。 《詩詞欣賞與品德情意》。香港: 商務印書館。
施仲謀、蔡思行 (2020)。 香港中華文化教育。香港: 商務印書館。
施仲謀、李敬邦 (2020)。 三字經與現代社會。香港: 中華書局。
馮志弘、謝家浩、施仲謀主編 (2020)。 《語文教育與思想文化》。香港: 中華書局(香港)有限公司。
施仲謀、李敬邦 (2019)。 論語。香港: 中華教育。
施仲謀, 葉植興 (2018)。 朗誦教與學。香港: 中華書局。
施仲謀 李敬邦 (2017)。 論語與現代社會(Confucius Analects and Modern Society)。香港: 中華書局。
Si, C.M. (2013). 語言與文化 (Language and Culture). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company.
Si, C.M., To, Y.H. & Wu, C.M. (2013). 香港傳統文化 (Traditional Culture in Hong Kong). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company.
施仲謀 (2013). 語言與文化(Language and Culture). HK: Chung Hwa Book Company.
Si, C.M. & Si, Y.C. (2011). Introduction to Chinese Culture. Beijing: Peking University Press.
Si, C.M., To, Y.H. & Wu, C.M. (2011). 中華經典啟蒙 (Chinese Classics of Enlightenment). Beijing: Peking University Press.
Si, C.M., To, C.C. & To, Y.H. (2010). 成語典故解讀 (The Origin of Idioms). Taipei: Wenshizhe Press.
Si, C.M., To, Y.H. & Wu, C.M. (2010). 中華經典導讀 (Introduction to Chinese Classics). Beijing: Peking University Press.
Si, C.M., To, Y.H., Wu, C.M. & Poon, K. (2010). 中華文化擷英 (A New Perspective of Chinese Culture)[Simplified Characters Version]. Beijing: Peking University Press.
Si, C.M. & Yip, C.H. (2009). 朗誦教與學 (The Theory and Application of Recitation). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company.
Si, C.M. & Yang. H. (2008). 紅樓夢詩詞釋義 (Annotations of the Poems in Dream of Red Chamber). Taipei: Wenshizhe Press.
Si, C.M.,Wu, C.M. & Poon, K. (2008). 中華文化擷英 (A New Perspective of Chinese Culture)[Traditional Characters Version]. Beijing: Peking University Press.
Si, C.M., To, Y.H. & Wu, C.M. (2007). 中華文化承傳 (The Quintessence of Chinese Culture)[Simplified Characters Version]. Beijing: Peking University Press.
Si, C.M., To, Y.H., Wu, C.M. & Poon, K. (2007). 香港學生看中華文化 (Chinese Culture from the Perspective of Hong Kong Students). Guangzhou: Jinan University Press.
Si, C.M., To, Y.H. & Wu, C.M. (2006). 中華文化承傳 (The Quintessence of Chinese Culture)[Traditional Characters Version]. Beijing: Peking University Press.
Si, C.M. (2005). 語言教學與研究 (Language Teaching and Research). Beijing: Peking University Press.
Si, C.M. & Chan, K.K. (2005). Cantonese in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Greenwood Press.
Si, C.M. & Hung, B. (2004). About Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Greewood Press.
Si, C.M. (2001). 廣州音北京音對應手冊 (A Comparative Study of the Phonology in Yue Dialect and Modern Standard Chinese). Guangzhou: Jinan University Press.
Si, C.M. & Hung, B. (2001). A Japanese-Cantonese Dictionary. Tokyo: The Oriental Press.
Si, C.M., Lam, K.P. & Tse, S.M. (1997). 普通話教學理論與實踐 (The Theory and Implementation of the Teaching of Putonghua). Hong Kong: Wide Angle Press Limited.
Si, C.M. (1996). 中國內地、台灣、香港、澳門語文能力測試與比較 (A Comparative Study of the Language Abilities of Students in Mainland China). Beijing: State Language Commission Press.
Si, C.M. (1992). 延壽與禪宗 (Yanshou and Zen). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational and Cultural Publishing House.
Si, C.M. (1987). 朗誦的技巧與訓練 (Speech Techniques and Training). Hong Kong: Modern Educational Research Society Press.
Si, C.M. & Chan, W.L. (1986). 小學生讀書教學百問 (One Hundred Problems in the Teaching of Reading). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government.
Chapter in an edited book (author)
To, Y. H. & Si, C. M. (2024). Integration of Poetic Prosody for Effective Digital Chinese Teaching. Lam, S. M. S, Lee, J, C-K. & Si, C. M., Learning and Teaching Chinese as a First Language: International Perspectives (88-102). Routledge.
于立緣 施仲謀 (2024)。 詩詞朗誦在國際中文教學中的應用。梁佩雲 何志恒 張連航, 古詩文教學新探:傳承與嬗變 (3-18)。香港: 三聯書店(香港)有限公司。
Si, C. M., Lee, J, C-K. & Lam, S. M. S (2024). A Review of the Development of Language Teaching and Learning in Hong Kong in the Past 50 Years. In S. M. S Lam, J. C-K. Lee, C. M. Si (Eds.), Learning and Teaching Chinese as a First Language: International Perspectives (pp. 15-33). Routledge.
Si, C. M., Lee, J, C-K. & Lam, S. M. S (2024). Introduction. In S. M. S Lam, J. C-K. Lee, C. M. Si (Eds.), Learning and Teaching Chinese as a First Language: International Perspectives (pp. 1-11). Routledge.
Li, Z., & Si, C. M. (2023). Flexible acculturation and identity transformation in L1-L2 Chinese language teachers in Hong Kong international schools. J.- F. Hong, & C-. M. Si, Teaching Chinese language in the international school context (119-136). Springer.
施仲謀 申正楠 (2023)。 漢語拼音的定位和功用。何志恆 陳曙光 施仲謀, 中國語文教學策略與實踐新探 (50-61)。香港: 三聯書店。
杜若鴻 施仲謀 (2023). 研究與實踐:從詩詞欣賞到品德情意教育. 陳曙光 何志恆 施仲謀, 文言經典與文化教學實踐新探 (43-59). 香港: 中華書局.
田小琳、施仲謀、李黃萍、蔡一聰 (2023)。 回歸前後香港語文教育政策變遷。輯於何志恆、陳曙光、施仲謀編, 中國語文教學策略與實踐新探 (19-34)。香港: 三聯書店(香港)有限公司。
施仲謀和李子建 (2022)。 〈孔子生活理念對現代生命教育的啟示〉。輯於李子建編, 《生命與價值觀教育:視角和實踐》 (頁 188-202)。香港: 中華書局。
施仲謀 (2021)。 香港中華文化教育的展望。輯於馮志弘、許國惠、施仲謀編, 《中國歷史文化教育及研究》 (頁 125-135)。香港: 中華書局(香港)有限公司。
施仲謀、王嬋娟 (2020)。 國際漢語教學的IB師資培養——以香港教育大學為例。趙健、鄭太年、彭正梅, 國際文憑教育中的中國研究與實踐 (276-288)。中國上海: 華東師範大學出版社。
施仲謀、王聰 (2020)。 如何迎接大灣區的中文發展機遇——以香港教育大學為例。馬毛朋、李斐, 博學近思 知行兼舉——田小琳先生八秩榮慶文集 (236-246)。香港: 和平圖書有限公司。
施仲謀 (2019)。 粵語讀音與吟誦。施仲謀、廖先, 朗誦與朗誦教學新探 (22-34)。香港: 商務印書館。
施仲謀、王嬋娟 (2019)。 漢語國際教育的IB師資培養:以香港教育大學爲例。許嘉璐、馬箭飛主編, 第十三届國際漢語教學研討會論文選 (119-127)。北京: 北京:商務印書館。
施仲謀 (2019)。 從校訓看香港中華文化教育。施仲謀、何志恆, 中國語文教學新探 (185-204)。香港: 商務印書館。
施仲謀 (2019)。 從校訓看香港中華文化教育。施仲謀、何志恆, 中國語文教學新探 (185-204)。香港: 商務印書館。
施仲謀 (2018)。 中語會與香港的不解緣。顧之川, 中語會與我 (131-135)。中國: 人民教育出版社。
施仲謀、李敬邦 (2017)。 談《論語》中的君子觀及其現代意義 ( An Investigation of the Concept of Junzi and Its Meaning in the Modern Society)。施仲謀、廖佩莉, 漢語教學與文化新探 (329-339)。香港: 中華書局。
施仲謀 杜若鴻 (2017)。 儒學之階段性演變及其現代意義 ( The Developments of Confucianism and Its Significance in the Modern Society)。Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Essays on International Confucianism (216-226)。Beijing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Press。
施仲謀 (2016)。 賴太史與香港早期的中文教育。施仲謀, 漢語教學與研究新探 (77-86)。香港: 中華書局。
施仲謀 (2015)。 《易經起予二集》序。黎世寬, 易經起予二集 (11-12)。香港: 香港儒學會。
Si, C.M. (2013). 永明禪教一致論述要 (On Yongming's Comment of the Agreement between Zen and Buddhism). Si, C.M., Myriad Steams Maketh the Ocean: New Currents in Chinese Studies (78-90). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company.
Si, C.M. (2013). 詹伯慧先生與香港語文教學 (Zhan Bohui and Language Education in Hong Kong). Li, Z., Zoujin Zhan Bohui (46-47). Guangzhou: Jinan University Press.
Si, C.M. (2013). 談輕聲詞的教學 (On the Teaching of Neutral Tone Words). EDB, Jisi Guangyi (145-164). Hong Kong: EDB, HKSAR.
Si, C.M. (2012). 國際漢語教學資源研發的現狀與分析 (The Development and Analysis of the Resources for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language). Ministry of Education, Selected Essays for the Tenth International Conference on Chinese Language Teaching (595-602). Beijing: Northern Alliance Publishing & Media Group.
Si, C.M. (2010). 中華文化教學的漸進式和系統化研究 (A Study on the Progressive and Systematic Teaching of Chinese Culture). Ministry of Education, Selected Essays for the Ninth International Symposium on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (608-614). Beijing: Higher Education Press.
Si, C.M. (2010). 中華文化閱讀教學研究 (A Survey on the Teaching of Reading in the Chinese Culture Context). Liu M., Studies of Reading Education Policies in Asia-Pacific Region-Reading Policy & English Reading (1-20). Pingtung: National Pingtung University of Education.
Si, C.M. (2009). 中華文化教學漸進式研究 (A Study on the Progressive Teaching of Chinese Culture). Chen, J., Yuwen Jiaoxue Yanjiu (54-58). Beijing: Yuwen Xuexi Baoshe.
Si, C.M. (2009). 經典誦讀實驗研究 (A Study on the Readig of Chinese Classics). China Ye Shengtao Association, The Research and Review of Traditional Culture (508-512). Beijing: People's Educational Press.
Si, C.M. (2009). 網上經典誦讀實驗研究 (A Study on Online Classical Readings). Editorial Board, The Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Internet Chinese Education (428-435). Taipei: Taiwan Normal University.
Si, C.M. (2009). 輕聲詞和輕聲詞教學(A Survey of the Neutral Tone Words). Sin, C.Y., A Collection of Papers in Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the School of Chinese, HKU (602-613). Shanghai: Shanghai Guji Press.
Si, C.M. & To, T.H. (2009). 儒釋道思想的普及與社會和諧 (Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and Social Harmony). Editorial Board, Dialogue on Civilization (109-121). Macau: Associacao De Intercambio De Cultura Chineas.
Si, C.M. & To, T.H. (2009). 經典誦讀選材原則探討 (A Study on the Principles of the Selecion of Classical Readings). Editorial Board, The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Teaching Chinese As a Foreign Language (450-460). Taipei: World Chinese Language Association.
Si, C.M. (2008). 建構中華文化教學大綱 (The Outline of the Teaching of Traditional Culture). China Ye Shengtao Association, The Research and Review of Traditional Culture (580-590). Beijing: People's Educational Press.
Si, C.M. (2007). 全方位的中華文化教學 (The Teaching of Traditional Culture in Perspective). China Ye Shengtao Association, The Research and Review of Traditional Culture (623-629). Beijing: People's Educational Press.
Si, C.M. & To, Y.H. (2006). 中華文化教學研究 (A Study on the Teaching of Chinese Culture). Editorial Board, The Impact of the Confucianism to the Mankind (510-516). Hong Kong: The Confucian Academy.
Si, C.M. (2005). 粵音與朗誦 (A Study on Cantonese Phonology and Verse Speaking). Editorial Board, Research on Language and Philology (304-309). Beijing: China Social Sciences Press.
Si, C.M. (2004). 輕聲詞教學(The Teaching of Neutral Tone Words). Ministry of Education, Selected Essays for the Seventh International Symposium on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (536-547). Beijing: Peking University Press.
Si, C.M. (2003). 《廣東人講普通話辨誤》序(Foreword to Error Analysis on Cantonese). Zeng Z., Error Analysis on Cantonese People Speaking Putonghua (5). Hong Kong: Joint Publishing(H.K.) Co., Ltd..
Si, C.M. (2003). 初中中文科中華文化教學研究 (A Study on the Teaching of Chinese Culture). Editorial Board, The Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Teaching Chinese As a Second Language (114-126). Taipei: World Chinese Language Association.
Si, C.M. (2002). 《用普通話教中文的問與答》序 (Foreword to Questions and Answers on Teaching Chinese in Putonghua). Ho, K.C., Question and Answers on Teaching Chinese in Putonghua (10-12). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Si, C.M. (2002). 大專實用中文課程的發展 (The Development of Practical Chinese Courses in Tertiary Education). Editorial Board, The Proceedings of the International Conference on Language and Culture (125-130). Urumqi: Xinjiang University Press.
Si, C.M. (2001). 《廣州話對普通話》序 (Foreword to Cantonese and Putonghua). Kwan M.K., Cantonese and Putonghua (3). Hong Kong: Yellow Bus Publishing Limited.
Si, C.M. (2001). 普通話多媒體教學設計 (The Design of the CD-ROM of Classroom Putonghua). Lin Xiaoping, The Application of Information Technology in Language Teaching (152-154). Guangzhou: Guangdong People's Press.
Si, C.M. (2001). 普通話測試內容初探 (A Study on the Contents of Putonghua Proficiency Test). Miao J., The Theory and Application of Language Testing (496-505). Hong Kong: The Commercial Press.
Si, C.M. (2000). 廣州話普通話語音的對比 (A Comparative Study on the Phonetics Between Cantonese and Putonghua). Editorial Board, The Teaching of Putonghua in the New Century (115-123). Hong Kong: Education Department, HKSAR.
Si, C.M. (2000). 普通話教材發展探索 (The Theory and Implementation of the Compiling of Teaching Materials of Putonghua). Editorial Board, The Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Teaching Chinese As a Second Language (459-471). Taipei: World Chinese Language Association.
Si, C.M. (2000). 語文能力測試和比較 (On Language Capability and Testing). Gu H., Essays on Chinese Language Education in the Later Period of 20th Century (1186-1192). Chengdu: Sichuan Educational Press.
Textbook (author)
Si, C.M., Chan, Y.Y., Kun, H.K., Meng, S. & Yeung, Y. (2012). 新編大學普通話(New University Putonghua). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
Si, C.M. & Chan, K.K. (2005). Putonghua for Foreign Learners. Hong Kong: Mac's Workshop.
Edited book (editor)
Jia-Fei Hong, Chung-mou Si (2023). Teaching Chinese Language in the International School Context. Singapore: Springer.
陳曙光、何志恒、施仲謀編 (2023)。 《文言經典與文化教學實踐新探》。香港: 中華書局。
何志恒、陳曙光、施仲謀編 (2023). 《中國語文教學策略與實踐新探》. 香港: 三聯書店(香港)有限公司.
梁源 王嬋娟 施仲謀 (2023)。 國際文憑課程(IB)中文教學研究新探。香港: 三聯書店。
馮志弘、許國惠、施仲謀主編 (2021)。 《中國歷史文化教育及研究》。香港: 中華書局(香港)有限公司。
馮志弘、謝家浩、施仲謀 (2020)。 語文教育與思想文化。香港: 中華書局。
施仲謀、廖先主編 (2019)。 朗誦與朗誦教學新探。香港: 商務印書館。
施仲謀、何志恆 (2019)。 中國語文教學新探。香港: 商務印書館。
施仲謀,廖佩莉(主編) (2017)。 漢語教學與文化新探。香港: 中華書局。
Si Chung Mou, Lee Chi Kin John, Liu Lening (2017). International Journal of Chinese Language Education. Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company.
施仲謀 (2016)。 漢語教學與研究新探。香港: 中華書局。

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
施仲謀、田小琳、李黃萍和蔡一聰 (2021)。 香港中國語文教育評估標準回顧與思考。 《澳門語言學刊》,第 58 期,70-82。
施仲謀和王嬋娟 (2021)。 IB 理念與漢語教學的培訓課程研究:以香港教育大學為例。 國際漢語教學研究,2021 年 02 期,頁 13-19。
施仲謀 (2019)。 IB理念與孔子教育思想的比較。 國際中文教育學報,6,85-112。
施仲謀 (2018)。 《華語文與多元文化》。 華文世界,第121期,頁76-81。
施仲謀 (2017)。 傳統文化與語文教學。 研訊學刊,23,2-12。
施仲謀 葉枝茵 (2017). 香港少數族裔學生中文學習對策研究 (A Study on the Strategies of the Chinese Language Learning for ethnic-Minorities in Hong Kong ). 語言教學與研究 (Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies), 2017(1), 45-56.
施仲謀 (2016)。 建構香港首個國際漢語教學本科課程。 香港語文建設通訊,111,47-50。
施仲謀 (2016)。 永明延壽思想之研究(六)。 雷音,162,11-17。
施仲謀 (2015)。 永明延壽思想之研究(五)。 雷音,161,13-20。
施仲謀 (2015)。 建設中華文化世紀工程。 語文學習,445,1-11。
施仲謀 (2015)。 永明延壽思想之研究(四)。 雷音,160,12-22。
Si, C.M. (2009). 中華文化教學系統化探索 (On the Systems Approach for the Teaching of Chinese Culture). Journal of Yunnan Normal University, 7(2), 13-17.
Si, C.M. (2008). 漢語教學在香港 (The Teaching of Chinese As a Second Language in Hong Kong). Journal of Yunnan Normal University, 6 (2), 37-43.
Si, C.M. (2008). 香港的國際漢語教學 (The International Curriculum for Chinese Language Education in Hong Kong). Research Journal, (14), 2-7.
Si, C.M. & TO, Y.H. (2007). 新穎的視角、純真的感情 (A New Vision and a Genuine Passion). Hong Kong Writers, (4), 17.
Si, C.M. & Xu, X. (2007). 中華傳統文化教育與語文課程改革 (The Reform of Language Curriculum and the Teaching of Traditional Culture). Chinese Language Teaching in Middle Schools, (Z1), 11-19.
Si, C.M. (2006). 中華文化教學研究 (A Survey on Chinese Culture). Language Teaching, (35), 22-28.
Si, C.M. (2006). 學校應加強中華文化教學 (Schools Should Enhance the Teaching of Chinese Culture). Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly, (353), 146-149.
Si, C.M. (2004). 常用字廣州話讀音調查 (A Survey on the Pronounciation of Commonly Used Characters). Chinese Language Review, (77), 22-25.
Si, C.M. (2003). 介紹《廣州話正音字典》(An Introduction to the Standardized Dictionary in Cantonese). Modern Educational Bulletin, (65), 29-31.
Si, C.M. (2002). 幾種常用粵語拼音系統簡介 (An Introduction to the Commonly Used Phonetic Systems for Cantonese). Chinese Language Review, (70), 27-33.
Si, C.M. (2002). 從中學語文教學到大專中文課程 (Chinese Language in Education: From Secondary Schools to Tertiary Institutes). Chinese Language Review, (72), 55-59.
Si, C.M. (2002). 朗讀與朗誦 (Reading Aloud and Verse Speaking). Language Teaching, (17), 44-47.
Si, C.M. (2002). 香港中學漢語文教學一瞥 (The Chinese Language Education for Secondary Schools in Hong Kong). Language Teaching in Middle School, (10), 60-62.
Si, C.M. (2001). 教學語言與普通話教學(The Medium of Instruction and the Teaching of Putonghua). Pushi Huixun, (26), 3.
Publication in policy or professional journal
Si Chung Mou (2015). 永明延壽思想之研究(三) (A Study of the Thought of Yongming Yanshou 3). Leiyin, 159, 12-24.
Si Chung Mou (2015). 永明延壽思想之研究(二) (A Study of the Thought of Yongming Yanshou 2). Leiyin, 158, 13-19.
Si Chung Mou (2014). 永明延壽思想之研究(一) (A Study of the Thought of Yongming Yanshou 1). Leiyin, 157, 14-20.

Conference Papers
Invited conference paper
施仲謀 (2019,9). 讓中華文化成為生活的一部分。孔誕紀念研討會,香港。
Refereed conference paper
Li, Z., & Si, C. (2021, July). Flexible acculturation and identity transformation in L1-L2 Chinese teachers in Hong Kong international schools. The 6th International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (virtual), National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan.
施仲謀 (2021,2). 中文教育發展新趨勢——以香港教育大學為例。香港中国语文现代化研讨会,香港。
施仲謀 (2020,12). 孔子教育思想的现代价值。第四届国际汉字汉语文化研讨会,中國珠海。
施仲謀 (2020,11). 大灣區中文教育發展新機遇探究。第五届语言服务高级论坛,中國廣州。
施仲謀 (2020,11). 從《三字經》到「看動畫.學歷史」。國際教育中的古代經典學習工作坊,香港。
Si Chung Mou (2019, December). Comparison between IB Teaching Philosophy and Confucius Educational Ideology. The 7th International Schools’ Chinese Language Education Conference and Workshop, Australia.
施仲謀 (2019,5). 從校訓看香港中華文化教育。第九屆讀經教育國際論壇,台灣。
施仲謀 (2019,4). IB教學理念與汉语二語教学 ——以香港教育大学为例。2019 International Conference on Chinese Language Instruction at Princeton University Program,Princeton, USA。
施仲謀、王聰 (2019,3). 如何迎接大灣區的中文發展機遇。論文發表於「大灣區中文論壇」,深圳,中國。
施仲謀 (2018,12). 常用字廣州話讀音調查。第八屆「語文教育與思想文化」學術研討會,台灣。
施仲謀 (2018,11). IB理念與國際漢語教學。國際漢語教學地圖繪製研討會,澳門。
施仲謀、王嬋娟 (2018,11). 汉语国际教学的IB师资培养 ——以香港教育大学为例。世界汉语论坛暨第十三届国际汉语教学研讨会,北京。
施仲謀 (2018,5). 國際漢語教學的師資培訓——以香港教育大學為例。第四屆國際漢語教學研討會,台灣。
施仲謀 (2018,5). 從IB理念看孔子教育思想。第八屆讀經教育國際論壇,台灣。
施仲謀 (2017,12). 1950至1980年代香港大專院校的中文教育。第二屆語文教育國際研討會,香港。
施仲謀 (2017,12). IB教學理念與孔子教育思想比較。第十二屆世界華語文教學研討會,台灣。
施仲謀 (2017,12). 校训與中华文化。第七屆語文教育與思想文化學術研討會,台灣。
施仲謀 (2017,6). 粵語讀音與吟誦。論文發表於粵語吟誦暨紀念蘇文擢教授逝世二十周年研討會,香港。
施仲謀、李敬邦 (2017,5). 談《論語》中的君子觀及其現代意義。論文發表於第七屆讀經教育國際論壇,香港。
施仲謀 (2016,12). 傳統文化與語文教學。論文發表於第一屆語文教育國際研討會,香港。
施仲謀 (2016,11). 談教學語言與語文教學。論文發表於普通語/粵語教中文研討會,香港。
施仲謀 (2016,8). 從校訓看香港中華文化教育。論文發表於傳承與創新:深化語文教育改革國際研討會,北京,中國。
施仲謀 (2008,12). 常用字廣州話讀音調查。第八屆「語文教育與思想文化」學術研討會,台灣。

All Other Outputs
Journal editor ('editorial membership' should be excluded)
Si, C.M., Lee, J.C.K., & Liu, L.I. (Eds.) (2018). International Journal of Chinese Language Education (Volume 3). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company, Columbia University & The Education University of Hong Kong.
Si, C.M., Lee, J.C.K., & Liu, L.I. (Eds.) (2017). International Journal of Chinese Language Education (volume 2). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co. (H.K.) Ltd., Columbia University and The Education University of Hong Kong.


From Appreciation of Classical Chinese Poetry to Moral and Affective Education 從詩詞欣賞到品德情意教育
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): SI, Chung Mou 施仲謀

"Animated Chinese History for Curious Minds": Tracking Study and Research
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): SI, Chung Mou 施仲謀

A Study of Three Character Classic and Modern Society
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): SI, Chung Mou 施仲謀

The Publication of The International Journal of Chinese Language Education (IJCLE)
The International Journal of Chinese Language Education (IJCLE) is jointly published by CHL and the Chinese Language Program at Columbia University. This journal aims to build a cross-national, cross-regional academic platform for Chinese language education.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): SI, Chung Mou 施仲謀

A Study on Incorporating the Culture Element into the Chinese Language Education 語文教育中的中華文化元素研究
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): SI, Chung Mou 施仲謀

A Study of Confucius Analects and Modern Society 論語與現代社會
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): SI, Chung Mou 施仲謀

Chinese Cultural Education in Hong Kong 香港中華文化教育
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): SI, Chung Mou 施仲謀

Inter-institutional Collaboration on the Development of a Generally Recognized University Chinese Test and the Construction of a Complementary Repository of Question Papers
An UGC project to development a Chinese proficiency test and the construction of a data bank of question papers
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG, Kat Hung Dennis 鄭吉雄 (SI, Chung Mou 施仲謀 as Co-Principal Investigator)

A Dialogue between Gao Xingjian and Liu Zaifu
To organize a dialogue between Gao Xingjian and Liu Zaifu in Hong Kong
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): SI, Chung Mou 施仲謀

A Survey on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
To organize an international conference on TCFL
Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): SI, Chung Mou 施仲謀

A Survey on Humanities Education: Traditional Culture in Hong Kong as a Typical Case
A QEF project to investigate the traditional culture in Hong Kong
Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): SI, Chung Mou 施仲謀

An Experimental Study on Incorporating Chinese Culture into Chinese Language for Junior Primary Schools in Hong Kong
Research products published by Peking University Press on Chinese classics, including Confucian Analects, the Four Books and poems, were intended for junior primary and tested in schools. The feedback from experts was used to revise the texts which are now available in Hong Kong, Mainland, Taiwan and overseas.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): SI, Chung Mou 施仲謀

Chinese Language Teaching Development with Learning Objects Compatible with PC and Mobile Phone
Learning Chinese characters using PC and mobile phone
Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): MENG, S. (SI, Chung Mou 施仲謀 as Co-Investigator)

An Experimental Study on Incorporating Chinese Culture into Chinese Language for Senior Primary Schools in Hong Kong
A series of books on Chinese classics was developed for senior primary and tested in schools. The feedback from teachers, students and experts in 10 different countries, was used to revise the texts which are now available in the Chinese communities around the world.
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): SI, Chung Mou 施仲謀

An Experimental Study on Incorporating Chinese Culture into Chinese Language for Senior Secondary Schools in Hong Kong
The study of Chinese is something more than language and literature – as something that conveyed history, philosophy, tradition and all matters of Chinese culture. I therefore applied for and received a grant for a two-year project that aimed to take this approach into school-based learning. A series of books on specific topics of Chinese culture was developed for senior secondary and tested in schools. The feedback from teachers, students, parents, and principals, plus academic experts from more than 10 different countries, was used to revise the texts which are now available in all primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong.

Project Start Year: 2005, Principal Investigator(s): SI, Chung Mou 施仲謀

An Experimental Study on Incorporating Chinese Culture into Chinese Language for Junior Secondary Schools in Hong Kong
This QEF project aimed to conduct school-based experimental teaching on learning about different aspects of Chinese culture – 24 categories in all covering such topics as festivals, historic sites, legends and Chinese thoughts for junior secondary students. The feedback from teachers, students, parents, principals and academic experts, was used to revise the books which are now available in all Hong Kong schools.

Project Start Year: 2003, Principal Investigator(s): SI, Chung Mou 施仲謀

Prizes and awards

Certificate of Recognition for Oustanding Innovative Articles
Date of receipt: 1/12/2010, Conferred by: Ministry of Education, P.R.C.
Quality Education Fund Outstanding Project Awards

Date of receipt: 1/12/2008, Conferred by: EDB, HKSAR
Quality Education Fund Outstanding Project Awards

Date of receipt: 1/12/2008, Conferred by: EDB, HKSAR
Certificate of Recognition for Oustanding Innovative Articles
Date of receipt: 1/12/2008, Conferred by: Ministry of Education, P.R.C.
The Outstanding 100 Publications in China Awards

Date of receipt: 1/12/2007, Conferred by: The State News and Publications Bureau, PRC