Prof KO, Po Yuk    高寶玉 教授
Professor (Practice)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
(852) 2948 7536
(852) 2948 8555
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests

Curriculum and Instruction Learning Study and Classroom Research Teacher Professional Development Chinese Language Education

Research Interests

Curriculum and Instruction Learning Study and Classroom Research Teacher Professional Development Chinese Language Education

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Research book or monograph (author)
高寶玉和賴明珠 (2020)。 《香港STEM教育:理論與課堂實踐》。香港: 香港教育大學卓越教學發展中心。
Ko Po Yuk, Lai Meng Choo (2017). The implementation of Learning Study in Hong Kong special education(‘課堂學習研究在香港特殊學校的實踐’). Hong Kong: Artech Creative Production & Printing Ltd..
高寶玉、賴明珠和區美蘭 (2014)。 在特殊學校應用課堂學習研究–中文及常識科報告。香港: 香港教育學課堂學習研究中心。
李樹英, 高寶玉 (2012)。 課堂學習研究實踐手冊,李樹英,盧敏玲(主編).'香港課堂學習研究叢書’。安徽: 安徽教育出版社。
高寶玉,賴明珠 (2012)。 中文課堂學習研究實踐與案例分析,李樹英,盧敏玲(主編)。安徽: '香港課堂學習研究叢書’,安徽教育出版社。
Chapter in an edited book (author)
Ko, P. Y. & Lee, J. C. K. (2021). University-school partnership for the professional development of teachers in Hong Kong: A case study of developing self-regulated learning in students. In J. C. K. LEE, & T. Ehmke (Eds.)., Quality in teacher education and professional development: Chinese and German perspectives (176-191). Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge.
Ko Po Yuk (2018). Lesson and Learning Study – originated in the East and spread worldwide. Kerry Kennedy, John Lee Chi Kin, The Routledge Handbook on Schools and Schooling and Asia (947-949). New York: Routledge.
Ko Po Yuk (2018). The development of Learning Study in Hong Kong and its shifting focus in university-school partnership. Kerry J. Kennedy, John Chi-Kin Lee, The Routledge Handbook on Schools and Schooling and Asia, New York (964-975). New York: Routledge.
Ko Po Yuk (2014). The Impact of the Learning Study Approach on Chinese Classrooms. Colin Marsh & John Chi-Kin Lee (Edited), Asia’s High Performing Education Systems: The Case of Hong Kong. Chapter 8 (117-131). New York: Routledge.
Ko Po Yuk, Bob Adamson (In press) (2012). Chinese Language pedagogy and human dignity - The Special Rank Teacher in the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution. Leung B. Cynthia, Ruan Jiening (Ed.), Historical, Philosophical, and Sociocultural Perspectives on Literacy Teaching and Learning in China (1-22). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
Ko, P.Y., Lo, M.L. and Lee, J.C.K. (2012). Multidimensional understandings of school-based mentoring. In S. Fletcher & C. Mullen (Eds.), SAGE Handbook of Mentoring and Coaching in Education (308-321). Thousand Oaks, U.S.: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Ko Po Yuk, Lo Mun Ling, Lee Chi Kin John (2012). A Multidimensional Approach to Understanding Mentoring in Schools. Sarah Fletcher & Carol A. Mullen (edited)., The SAGE Handbook of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, Chapter 20, (308-321). US: Sage Publications Ltd..
高寶玉 (2010). 香港小學英語教學與英語老師之專業發展. 張叉(主編), 《外國語文論叢》第3輯 (121-129). 成都: 四川大學出版社,頁121-129.
高寶玉 (2010)。 香港教師在職進修新模式-課堂學習研究。輯於屏東教育大學進修暨研究學院編, 2010年亞太地區教師進修與終身學習國際研討會論文集 (頁55-60)。台灣: 國立屏東教育大學編印。
梁淑英、盧敏玲、高寶玉、勞傅燕華 (2009)。 數學生活化-數學課。高寶玉、高偉, 優質觀課的理論與實踐 (66-73)。香港: 香港教育學院 院校協作與學校體驗事務處。
梁淑英、盧敏玲、高寶玉、勞傅燕華、譚淑賢、郭永賢 (2009)。 鑒定字跡學作文-英文課。高寶玉、高偉, 優質觀課的理論與實踐 (46-54)。香港: 香港教育學院 院校協作與學校體驗事務處。
梁淑英、盧敏玲、高寶玉、郭永賢、勞傅燕華、黃晶榕 (2009)。 實驗學常識-常識課。高寶玉、高偉, 優質觀課的理論與實踐 (56-64)。香港: 香港教育學院 院校協作與學校體驗事務處。
梁淑英、盧敏玲、高寶玉、郭永賢、勞傅燕華、黃晶榕 (2009)。 拼圖閱讀-中文課。高寶玉、高偉, 優質觀課的理論與實踐 (34-44)。香港: 香港教育學院 院校協作與學校體驗事務處。
高寶玉 (2009)。 「變易」要對應學習內容的關鍵特質。高寶玉、高偉, 優質觀課的理論與實踐 (142-147)。香港: 香港教育學院 院校協作與學校體驗事務處。
高寶玉 (2009)。 如何讓小學生學會分段。高寶玉、高偉, 優質觀課的理論與實踐 (104-107)。香港: 香港教育學院 院校協作與學校體驗事務處。
高寶玉 (2009)。 如何選取最有價值的學習內容。高寶玉、高偉, 優質觀課的理論與實踐 (86-87)。香港: 香港教育學院 院校協作與學校體驗事務處。
高寶玉 (2009)。 課堂學習研究綜論。高寶玉、高偉, 優質觀課的理論與實踐 (120-127)。香港: 香港教育學院 院校協作與學校體驗事務處。
高寶玉 (2009)。 變易圖式的運用對學生學習上的影響。高寶玉、高偉, 優質觀課的理論與實踐 (128-141)。香港: 香港教育學院 院校協作與學校體驗事務處。
高寶玉、黃晶榕 (2006)。 香港特殊育中文識字教學慨況。 輯於《「優化課堂學習計劃」語文科堂學習研究案例:香港特殊教育識字教學》 (頁1-6)。香港: 香港教育學院:院校協作與課堂學習研究中心。
盧敏玲、勞傅燕華、植佩敏、彭明輝、高寶玉及郭永賢 (2006)。 課堂學習研究的實例分析。 輯於盧敏玲、龐永欣和植佩敏編《課堂學習研究─如何照顧學生個別差異》 (頁73-138)。北京: 教育科學出版社。
盧敏玲、植佩敏、高寶玉、梁玉麟、龐永欣、勞傅燕華及吳鳳平 (2006)。 課堂學習研究的發展和影響。 輯於盧敏玲、龐永欣和植佩敏編《課堂學習研究──如何照顧學生個別差異》 (頁40-72)。北京: 教育科學出版社。
盧敏玲、龐永欣及高寶玉 (2006)。 運用課堂學習研究照顧個別差異。 輯於盧敏玲、龐永欣和植佩敏編《課堂學習研究──如何照顧學生個別差異》 (頁26-39)。北京: 教育科學出版社。
Lo, M. L., & Ko, P. Y. (2006). Rethinking the pedagogy of teaching: Learning study and its impact in Hong Kong. In W. D. B. Heng, M. D. Osborne, & K. Lee (Eds.), Redesigning Pedagogy: Reflections on Theory and Praxis (pp.131-143). Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Lo, M. L., Chik, P. M. P., Ko, P. Y., Leung, Y. L. A., Pong, W. Y., Lo Fu, Y. W., & Ng, F. P. D. (2005). Learning Studies: Development and impact. In M. L. Lo, W. Y. Pong, & P. M., Chik (Eds.), For Each and Everyone: Catering for Individual Differences through Learning Studies (pp.41-74). Hong Kong
Lo, M. L., Pong, W. Y., & Ko. P. Y. (2005). Making use of learning studies to cater for individual differences. For Each and Everyone: Catering for Individual Differences through Learning Studies (pp.27-40). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
Edited book (editor)
高寶玉 盧敏玲 陳敏斯(編著) (2013)。 優質觀課的理論與實踐II,香港:,共324頁。Hong Kong: A&P Book Centre。
高寶玉、高偉 (2009)。 優質觀課的理論與實踐。香港: 香港教育學院 院校協作與學校體驗事務處。
高寶玉、郭永賢 (2006)。 《「課堂學習研究」實踐手冊──不同學習領域之案例》。香港: 香港教育學院院校協作與課堂學習研究中心。

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
Ko Po Yuk (2022). How Learning Study could empower teachers to embrace education initiatives through research–practice partnership in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Vol. 42, No.1, 76-93.
Wan, Z. H., Lee, J. C. K., Yan, Z., & Ko, P. Y. (2021). Self-regulatory school climate, group regulation and individual regulatory ability: towards a model integrating three domains of self-regulated learning. Educational Studies, n.a., 1-16.
Yan, Z., Chiu, M. M., & Ko, P. Y. (2020). Effects of self-assessment diaries on academic achievement, self-regulation, and motivation. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 27(5), 562-583.
Ko Po Yuk (2019). Transcending conventional assessment boundaries in conducting Learning Study – a case in Hong Kong. The International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 8(3), 212-228.
Ko Po Yuk (2019). Beyond labels: what are the salient features of lesson study and learning study?. Educational Action Research, 27(4), 543-563.
Lee, J.C.K., Wan, Z.H., Hui, S.K.F., & Ko, P.Y. (2019). More student trust, more self-regulation strategy? Exploring the effects of self-regulatory climate on self-regulated learning. The Journal of Educational Research, 112(4), 463-472.
Xu, H. & Ko, P. Y. (2019). Enhancing teachers' knowledge of how to promote self-regulated learning in primary school students: A case study in Hong Kong. Teaching and Teacher Education, 80, 106-114.
Ko Po Yuk, Xu Hui Xuan (2018)。 Tensions of Self-regulated Learning in Classroom Practice – A Case Study of Hong Kong。 Curriculum & Instruction Quarterly,21-2,33-58。
Ko Po Yuk (2018). An exploration on the Self-Directed Learning in Hong Kong – an attempt in integrating the eastern and western ideas. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 13(1), 1-10.
Lamb, Penny & Ko Po Yuk (2016). Case studies of Lesson and Learning Study in Initial Teacher Education programmes. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 5(2), 1-8.
Ko, P.Y. & Lai, M.C. (2015). Fostering communities of practice in special education using the Learning Study approach, Vol.17, pp.93-102. Hong Kong Journal of Special Education, 17, 93-102.
Ko, P.Y. & Tsang, C.H.J. (2015). A multi-tiered mentoring and coaching approach to professional development of in-service school leaders and teachers in Hong Kong. Pedagogical Dialogue, 3(13), 58-73.
Ko Po Yuk (2014). Learning Study - the dual process of developing theory and practice. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 3, 272-289.
Ko Po Yuk (2013). Using variation theory to enhance English language teaching. Transacademia, Vol 1, No:2, 31-42.
Cheng Chi Keung Eric & Ko Po Yuk (accepted) . (2012). Leadership Strategies for Creating a Learning Study Community,. Journal of Educational Policy., 1, 1-10.
Ko Po Yuk (2012). A reply to Charles Clarke: The connection between educational research and practice - the China model. The International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 2, 1-2.
Ko Po Yuk (2012). Lesson Study on using Putonghua as the medium of instruction in Chinese language teaching in Hong Kong (in Chinese). Journal of Chinese Language Teaching, 9(3), 75-99.
Ko Po Yuk & Cheng Chi Keung (under review) (2012)。 A new model for the professional development of Hong Kong teachers – the Learning Study approach (in Chinese)。 Educational Journal,0,1-1。
Ko Po Yuk (2011). Critical conditions for pre-service teachers’ learning through inquiry – the Learning Study Approach in Hong Kong. The International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 1, 49-66.
Ko, P.Y. & Adamson, B. (2011). Pedagogy and human dignity--the Special Rank Teacher in China since 1978. History of Education, 40 (3), 371-389.
Gao, X. & Ko, P. (2009). Learning study for primary school English teachers: A case story from Hong Kong.. Changing English, 16, 397-404.
高寶玉、盧敏玲、龐永欣、賴明珠 (2009)。 課程決定的實踐歷程:課堂學習的個案研究。 當代教育科學,2009 年第18期,4-9。
Ko, P. Y. (2007). Interpreting differences in learning in terms of differences in the pattern of variation and invariance in teaching - The Hong Kong learning study. Nagoya Journal of Education and Human Development, 3, 1-15.
李樹英、高寶玉 (2007)。 課堂學習研究的國際展望。 《全球教育展望》第1期,頁52-56。
Lam H.C, Ki. W.W, A.L.S. Chung & Ko, PY. (2000). Experience in Designing Databases for Learning Chinese Characters. International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, 13, 351-375.
Law, N., Ki. W.W, A.L.S. Chung, Ko, PY & Lam H.C. (1998). Children’s Stroke Sequence Errors in Writing Chinese Characters. , Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 10, 267-292.

Conference Papers
Invited conference paper
Ko Po Yuk (2011, December). Keynote speech: “Leaning Studies and Teacher Development in Hong Kong”,. International Symposium “Considering Teacher Education for the future”, 28th and 29th November, 2011, Mejiro Campus at JWU, Tokyo., Japan.
Ko Po Yuk (2010, April). Keynote speech: “An innovative model of teacher professional development in Hong Kong”, , The National Pingtung University of Education, Taiwan, 22-23 Oct., 2010.. 2010 International Conference on Teacher In-service Education & Life-Long Learning in Asia-Pacific Region, Taiwan.
Ko Po yuk (2010, April). Invited plenary: “The theory and practice of Learning Study in Hong Kong: an English case”, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)/ SEAMEO Regional Language Centre Language Education: An Essential for a Global Economy, SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, Singapore, 19-21 April 2010.. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)/ SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, Singapore.
高寶玉 (2010,4). 香港教師在職進修新模式 ─ 課堂學習研究。2010年亞太地區教師進修與終身學習國際研討會論文集,頁55-60,台灣。
盧敏玲、高寶玉、龐永欣及賴明珠 (2008,7). 課程決定的三個層面及其對學習成效的影響。論文發表於第十屆兩岸三地課程理論研討會,香港。
李樹英、高寶玉、勞傅燕華、賴明珠、黎耀志 (2007,8). 課室學習研究。演講發表於「課室學習研究工作坊」(2007年8月20日),北京。
盧敏玲、李樹英、高寶玉及勞傅燕華 (2006,5). 課堂學習研究:理論與實踐。主題演講論文發表於「第二屆全國 “ 研訓一體 ” 教師成長高級論壇」,昆明。
Refereed conference paper
Ko, P. Y. (2009, June). The use of the variation theory in the learning study. Paper presented at the 3rd National Institute of Education Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
Ko, P. Y., Lo Fu, Y. W., Kwok, W. Y., Ng, P. H., & Li, S. Y. (2006, December). Contributions of the theory of variation to "learning to learn". Paper presented at the EARLI Special Interest Group 9- Phenomenography and Variation Theory Biennial Workshop, Hong Kong.
Li, S. Y., Ko, P. Y., Lo Fu, Y. W., Kowk, W. Y., & Ng, P. H. (2006, November). Learning study's impacts on local schools and its contribution to education reforms in curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference, Hong Kong.
Ko, P. Y. (2005, August). Relating teaching to learning: Learning study in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 11th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Cyprus.

All Other Outputs
Review of books or of software
Ko, P. Y. (2007). Reviewer of book, Revision of sample textbooks. "CHOICE" Magazine.


Professional Development Activities on Small Class Teaching: 15-hour Workshop
Workshops on effective strategies to enhance learning and teaching in a small class environment were provided for more than 150 local primary school teachers. EDB commissioned program
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Po Yuk

專業支援項目2022/2023 - 自主學習
A school supported project aims to enhance teachers’ knowledge and strategies in self-directed learning. Workshops and on-site support activities were provided for the school.
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Po Yuk

校本支援服務2022/2023 - 自主學習
A school supported project aims to enhance teachers’ knowledge and skill in self-directed learning. Workshops and on-site support activities were provide for the school.
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Po Yuk

Provision of Services for Workshops on Effective Strategies to Enhance Learning and Teaching in a Small Class Environment 2022-23
Workshops on effective strategies to enhance learning and teaching in a small class environment were provided for more than 150 local primary school teachers. EDB commissioned program
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Po Yuk

Provision of Services for Support Programme on Fostering Communities of Practice to Enhance Small Class Teaching 2021-24

Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Po Yuk

Study on Challenges, Effective Policies, and Best Practices of Ordinary Schools in Educating Students with Special Educational Needs in Hong Kong
Hong Kong implemented integrated education for almost two decades, which aimed to support the learning and teaching of SEN students in mainstream schools. However, the rights to inclusive education and equal education opportunities of SEN students have not been effectively addressed, related researches on reviewing the effectiveness of integrated education policy is also insufficient. Hence, CELT has been commissioned by Equal Opportunity Commission to conduct a policy research in order to identify major challenges while mainstream schools are educating students with SEN, and assess the effectiveness of existed integrated education policy. This project is hoped to serve for a foundation to suggest further policy interventions in integrated education.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Po Yuk 高寶玉

Fostering interdisciplinary pedagogy for STEM Education in primary schools of Hong Kong
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Po Yuk 高寶玉

Provision of Services for Support Programme on Fostering Communities of Practice to Enhance Small Class Teaching 2017-19
The project aims to help establish communities of practice within and/or across schools to enhance learning and teaching, facilitate the sustainability of small class teaching (SCT), and enhance teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge, theoretical understanding and application of effective teaching strategies.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Po Yuk 高寶玉

Application of Theory of Variation in Learning Study for Special Schools
The programme aims to equip teachers in special schools with the theory and practices of Lesson Study (LS) by applying Theory of Variation with the purposes of strengthening their roles in classroom teaching, and further benefiting student learning.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Po Yuk 高寶玉

Provision of Services for Support Programme on Fostering Communities of Practice to Enhance Small Class Teaching
The Programme will be built on CSCT’s successful and proven experiences in developing and delivering EDB-commissioned programmes “Fostering Communities of Practice to Enhance Learning and Teaching in a Small Class Environment“ for Hong Kong primary school teachers since 2009/10, which have adopted integrated modes of workshops, school-based practice as well as visits to Hong Kong and Mainland schools.
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Po Yuk 高寶玉

Teacher Professional Development Programme on "Application of Theory of Variation in Lesson Study for Special Schools" (2014-15)
The aim of the Programme is to equip teachers in special schools with the theory and practices of Learning Study for strengthening their role in classroom teaching which can then promotes their professional development. The programme involves 8 special schools with students ranging from slightly to severely intellectual disability. It emphasizes on how Learning Study can be conducted through school-institute collaboration on topics related to teaching and learning through an action research methodology involving steps such as meetings, pre-test, pre-interviews, lesson planning and implementation, post-lesson conferences and evaluation.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Po Yuk 高寶玉

Problem-oriented learning improvement in Mathematics (POLIMATH)
The project aims to improve teaching and learning by assisting schools to carry out Assessment for Learning (AfL) in Mathematics teaching. The idea of AfL has attracted a lot of interests in educational research literature recently. It is expected that a large pool of data concerning AfL will be collected through this project which will contribute to our future research and publications in this area. Through working with a network of schools, the project helps foster the establishment of a learning community for teachers to share their teaching resources. The project contributes to knowledge transfer as well as enhances partnership building between HKIEd and the school community.

Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Po Yuk 高寶玉

Teacher Professional Development Programme on "Application of Theory of Variation in Lesson Study for Special Schools" (2013-14)
The aim of the Programme is to equip teachers in special schools with the theory and practices of Learning Study for strengthening their role in classroom teaching which can then promotes their professional development. The programme involves 8 special schools with students ranging from slightly to severely intellectual disability. It emphasizes on how Learning Study can be conducted through school-institute collaboration on topics related to teaching and learning through an action research methodology involving steps such as meetings, pre-test, pre-interviews, lesson planning and implementation, post-lesson conferences and evaluation. The data generated has been published as book for teachers’ reference and results ahs been presented as a conference paper in a conference in Nov 2014.
Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Po Yuk 高寶玉

English Learning Study Project
It was a Learning Study project which aimed at improving English Language teaching in Primary school level. It was funded by the English Enhancement Grant of EDB for the project to carry out in North Point Government Primary School. The purpose of the project was to help the English teachers learn to utilize Variation Theory as a pedagogical tool in planning and teaching.
Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Po Yuk 高寶玉

本計劃的目的是與小學教師共同研究小學階段不同學科的教學難點及學生公開評核中表現的弱項, 共同設計課堂; 然後透過公開觀課與評課, 為全港教師創設一個交流的平台, 共同探討改善教與學的方法. 在過程中透過專家評課, 與教師深入分析課堂, 研發提升課堂分析的理論, 探討有效的觀課與評課的方法, 以推廣優質的觀課與評課文化
Project Start Year: 2010, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Po Yuk 高寶玉

Developing Principles to Guide Pedagogy for Effective Learning
The objective of this study is to identify 24 Learning Study cases that resulted in significant improvement in student learning from a data pool of 120 Learning Study cases. These 24 cases will provide a data set for the intra-case and cross-case analysis in the second phase of the study, through which we explore how the use of Variation is related to student learning.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Po Yuk 高寶玉

‘Learning English through drama’ Project
It is a project funded at $144,000 by Hong Kong Teachers Drama Association. I am the Project Leader to provide academic consultancy to the Association. This is an innovative project which works in collaboration with artists and teachers in four secondary schools to explore the idea of learning English through drama.
Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): KO Po Yuk

‘English Learning Study’ Project
It was a Learning Study project which aimed at improving English Language teaching in Primary school level. It was funded by the English Enhancement Grant of EDB for the project to carry out in Chan Kwok Wai Primary School. The purpose of the project was to help the English teachers learn to utilize Variation Theory as a pedagogical tool in planning and teaching.
Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): KO Po Yuk

Evaluation and Improvement of the Learning Study Module in the Core Curriculum
The projects evaluate the effectiveness of the Learning Study module on initial teacher preparation and provide implication on how to improve the module design base on the data collected.
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): KO Po Yuk

Variation for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning (VITAL) Project
The VITAL Project represented a major Institute initiative to collaborate with EMB to support schools in implementing curriculum reforms through supporting their teachers' professional development and assisting the schools as they become learning communities. The plan, over three years, was to support around 120 schools in conducting Learning Studies, where the focus was directly on the improvement of learning and teaching. Each year within the Project implementation period, some 40 schools participated in the projects, which covered all the Key Learning Areas (KLA's) across both primary and secondary schools.
Project Start Year: 2004, Principal Investigator(s): LO Mun Ling (KO Po Yuk as Co-Investigator)

‘Secondary Teaching Evaluation and Mentoring (STEM) Project’ (2003-6)
The ability to evaluate teaching performance, and to contribute to the mentoring and support of beginning teachers, is a major indicator of a teacher’s professional competence. This project built on the successful mentoring and staff development practices employed by the research team. The target group for the project was secondary teachers in the Arts Education, Technology Education, Mathematics, Science and Physical Education KLAs, and the specific focus will be on mentoring, peer review and lesson study within the context of the current education reforms in HK.The 'Secondary Teaching Evaluation and Mentoring (STEM) Project’ was granted $4.6 million by QEF in 2003, the second largest project awarded in the QEF bids in that year. This project obtained a QEF 10th Anniversary "Outstanding Project Award" in 2008, and was one of the 20 projects selected from thousands of projects funded by QEF over the past ten years that received such an honor.
Project Start Year: 2003, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Po Yuk 高寶玉

Prizes and awards

Outstanding Teaching Performance
Overall SET score is above 3.21, placed among the best performers in the C&I Department.
Date of receipt: 1/1/2017, Conferred by: The Education University of Hong Kong
President’s Awards for Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer
President’s Awards for Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer (Team Award)
Date of receipt: 1/1/2017, Conferred by: The Education University of Hong Kong
Outstanding Teaching Performance
Overall SET score is above 3.21, placed among the best performers in the C&I Department.
Date of receipt: 1/1/2016, Conferred by: The Education University of Hong Kong
Outstanding Teaching Performance
Overall SET score is above 3.21, placed among the best performers in the C&I Department.
Date of receipt: 1/1/2015, Conferred by: The Education University of Hong Kong
Outstanding Teaching Performance
Overall SET score is above 3.21, placed among the best performers in the C&I Department.
Date of receipt: 1/1/2014, Conferred by: The Education University of Hong Kong
Knowledge Transfer Award
The President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer is established to recognize, encourage and reward individual academic staff members or teams who demonstrated University-owned knowledge, expertise, know-how, skills or technology transferred to the society through the outstanding KT activities/practices/cases/projects, leading to innovative, profitable, economic or social improvements; as well as academic, professional, social and policy impact of KT on education at local, regional or international communities.
Date of receipt: 1/1/2014, Conferred by: The Education University of Hong kong
Outstanding Teaching Performance
Overall SET score is above 3.21, placed among the best performers in the C&I Department.
Date of receipt: 1/1/2013, Conferred by: The Education University of Hong Kong
Teaching Award Scheme – ‘Certificate of Merit’
Recognition of outstanding performance in teaching innovation and performance.
Date of receipt: 1/1/2013, Conferred by: The Education University of Hong Kong