教學發展計劃 Teaching Development Grant (TDG):
詮釋的多維性與東亞古典漢詩教學 Multidimensional Interpretation and Teaching of East Asian Classical Chinese Poetry
開授課程 Courses Taught:
研究生指導 Supervision:
博士候選人 Doctoral Candidate: 王珺瑤小姐, Ms. WANG Junyao, Sep 2020 – present.
博士論題 Ph.D. DissertationTitle: 般若思想對東晉中期(338-378)文學的影響:以支遁士僧圈為中心
Dr. Haifeng Aaron SHANG joined the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies at The Education University of Hong Kong in the summer of 2016. He is a Tenured Associate Professor and Programme Leader of the Master of Arts in Chinese Studies (Language Education). Born in Beijing, he received his Ph.D. from the Institute for the Study of Asian Classics in Chinese at Nanjing University. He has held various academic positions, including Associate Head of the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies at the EdUHK, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy at Academia Sinica in Taiwan, Senior Research Scholar in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Sun Yat-sen University in Canton, and part-time Teaching Fellow at the School of Chinese as a Second Language of Peking University. Additionally, he has been invited to be an Academic Visitor at several prestigious institutions, such as the Institute of Advanced Studies on Asia and the Division on East Asian Thought and Culture at the University of Tokyo, the National Institute of Japanese Literature in Tokyo, the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism at Hanazono University in Kyoto, the Department of Chinese Studies at the National University of Singapore, and the Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University. In the spring of 2017, he founded the “East Asian Classics Academe” to focus on the approach of “History of East Asian Artistic and Literary Thought Originating from Religion.”Dr. SHANG has authored two scholarly books on the history of Buddhism and fine arts: Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment: A New Translation (2021) and Two Encyclopedias of Incense from the Northern Song (2023).
教學發展計劃 Teaching Development Grant (TDG):
詮釋的多維性與東亞古典漢詩教學 Multidimensional Interpretation and Teaching of East Asian Classical Chinese Poetry
開授課程 Courses Taught:
研究生指導 Supervision:
博士候選人 Doctoral Candidate: 王珺瑤小姐, Ms. WANG Junyao, Sep 2020 – present.
博士論題 Ph.D. DissertationTitle: 般若思想對東晉中期(338-378)文學的影響:以支遁士僧圈為中心