Dr SHANG, Haifeng Aaron    商海鋒 博士
Associate Professor
Department of Literature and Cultural Studies
(852) 2948 8824
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Research Interests
He focuses on studying Sinographic texts in East Asia, while his research interest falls within the interdisciplinary intellectual history and cultural flows across literature, arts, and material culture with religions.

Teaching Interests

教學發展計劃 Teaching Development Grant (TDG):

詮釋的多維性與東亞古典漢詩教學 Multidimensional Interpretation and Teaching of East Asian Classical Chinese Poetry

開授課程 Courses Taught:

  1. 中國古代文學(一)先秦至隋唐 Classical Chinese Literature ( Ⅰ ) (From Pre-Qin to Sui and Tang)
  2. 中國古代文學(二)宋至清 Classical Chinese Literature ( Ⅱ ) (From Song to Qing)
  3. 詩經楚辭 Book of Songs & Songs of Chu
  4. 專家詩(蘇軾、黃庭堅) Works of Major Poets
  5. 漢傳佛教:東亞文化圈的一條紐帶 Han Buddhism: A Tie in the East Asian Cultural Sphere
  6. 中國傳統人生哲學(儒釋道) Traditional Chinese Philosophy of Life
  7. 學術論文及資源運用 Academic Writing and the Use of Research Resources

External Appointments
  1. 美國康涅狄格州紐黑文市,耶魯大學,東亞研究委員會,訪問學人 Visiting Fellow of the Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
  2. 日本東京都東京市,東京大学,中国思想文化学研究室,訪問学人 Visiting Scholar of the Division on East Asian Thought and Culture at the University of Tokyo, Japan
  3. 日本京都府京都市,花園大学,国際禅学研究所,客員研究員 Visiting Research Fellow of the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism (IRIZ) at Hanazono University in Kyoto, Japan
  4. 日本東京都東京市,人間文化研究機構,国文学研究資料館,外国人研究員 Foreign Research Fellow of the National Institute of Japanese Literature at National Institutes for the Humanities in Tokyo, Japan
  5. 美國密歇根州安娜堡市,亞洲研究学会,會員 Regular Member of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
  6. 日本東京都東京市,東アジア佛教研究会,会員 Regular Member of the Society of East Asian Buddhist Studies, Tokyo, Japan
  7. 日本大阪府吹田市,東アジア文化交渉学会,会員 Regular Member of the Society of Cultural Interaction in East Asia (SCIEA) at Kansai University, Suita, Osaka, Japan
Other Activities

研究生指導 Supervision:

博士候選人 Doctoral Candidate: 王珺瑤小姐, Ms. WANG Junyao, Sep 2020 – present.

博士論題 Ph.D. DissertationTitle: 般若思想對東晉中期(338-378)文學的影響:以支遁士僧圈為中心

Personal Profile


Dr. Haifeng Aaron SHANG joined the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies at The Education University of Hong Kong in the summer of 2016. He is a Tenured Associate Professor and Programme Leader of the Master of Arts in Chinese Studies (Language Education). Born in Beijing, he received his Ph.D. from the Institute for the Study of Asian Classics in Chinese at Nanjing University. He has held various academic positions, including Associate Head of the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies at the EdUHK, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy at Academia Sinica in Taiwan, Senior Research Scholar in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Sun Yat-sen University in Canton, and part-time Teaching Fellow at the School of Chinese as a Second Language of Peking University. Additionally, he has been invited to be an Academic Visitor at several prestigious institutions, such as the Institute of Advanced Studies on Asia and the Division on East Asian Thought and Culture at the University of Tokyo, the National Institute of Japanese Literature in Tokyo, the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism at Hanazono University in Kyoto, the Department of Chinese Studies at the National University of Singapore, and the Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University. In the spring of 2017, he founded the “East Asian Classics Academe” to focus on the approach of “History of East Asian Artistic and Literary Thought Originating from Religion.”Dr. SHANG has authored two scholarly books on the history of Buddhism and fine arts: Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment: A New Translation (2021) and Two Encyclopedias of Incense from the Northern Song (2023).

Research Interests

He focuses on studying Sinographic texts in East Asia, while his research interest falls within the interdisciplinary intellectual history and cultural flows across literature, arts, and material culture with religions.

Teaching Interests

教學發展計劃 Teaching Development Grant (TDG):

詮釋的多維性與東亞古典漢詩教學 Multidimensional Interpretation and Teaching of East Asian Classical Chinese Poetry

開授課程 Courses Taught:

  1. 中國古代文學(一)先秦至隋唐 Classical Chinese Literature ( Ⅰ ) (From Pre-Qin to Sui and Tang)
  2. 中國古代文學(二)宋至清 Classical Chinese Literature ( Ⅱ ) (From Song to Qing)
  3. 詩經楚辭 Book of Songs & Songs of Chu
  4. 專家詩(蘇軾、黃庭堅) Works of Major Poets
  5. 漢傳佛教:東亞文化圈的一條紐帶 Han Buddhism: A Tie in the East Asian Cultural Sphere
  6. 中國傳統人生哲學(儒釋道) Traditional Chinese Philosophy of Life
  7. 學術論文及資源運用 Academic Writing and the Use of Research Resources

External Appointments

  1. 美國康涅狄格州紐黑文市,耶魯大學,東亞研究委員會,訪問學人 Visiting Fellow of the Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
  2. 日本東京都東京市,東京大学,中国思想文化学研究室,訪問学人 Visiting Scholar of the Division on East Asian Thought and Culture at the University of Tokyo, Japan
  3. 日本京都府京都市,花園大学,国際禅学研究所,客員研究員 Visiting Research Fellow of the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism (IRIZ) at Hanazono University in Kyoto, Japan
  4. 日本東京都東京市,人間文化研究機構,国文学研究資料館,外国人研究員 Foreign Research Fellow of the National Institute of Japanese Literature at National Institutes for the Humanities in Tokyo, Japan
  5. 美國密歇根州安娜堡市,亞洲研究学会,會員 Regular Member of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
  6. 日本東京都東京市,東アジア佛教研究会,会員 Regular Member of the Society of East Asian Buddhist Studies, Tokyo, Japan
  7. 日本大阪府吹田市,東アジア文化交渉学会,会員 Regular Member of the Society of Cultural Interaction in East Asia (SCIEA) at Kansai University, Suita, Osaka, Japan
Other Activities

研究生指導 Supervision:

博士候選人 Doctoral Candidate: 王珺瑤小姐, Ms. WANG Junyao, Sep 2020 – present.

博士論題 Ph.D. DissertationTitle: 般若思想對東晉中期(338-378)文學的影響:以支遁士僧圈為中心

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Research book or monograph (author)
商海鋒 (2024)。 《蘇軾、黃庭堅詩日本中世善註兩種:天下白・帳中香》。上海: 上海古籍出版社。
商海鋒 (2023)。 《北宋香譜兩種》。濟南: 山東科學技術出版社有限公司。
商海鋒 (2021)。 《新譯圓覺經》。臺北: 三民書局股份有限公司。
Chapter in an edited book (author)
商海鋒 (2020)。 〈澤社、永社、雲龍社:明末桐城「詩文社集」的勃興與頓挫〉。張藝曦、王昌偉、何淑宜、許齊雄, 《結社的藝術:16-18世紀東亞世界的文人社集》 (199-239)。臺北: 聯經出版事業公司。
商海鋒 (2014)。 〈方以智早年的詩學理想〉。左東嶺, 《明代文學研究的新進展:2011明代文學與文化國際學術研討會暨明代文學學會(籌)第八屆年會論文集》 (507-520)。北京: 生活・讀書・新知三聯書店。
商海鋒 (2013)。 〈傳統的超越:《和刻本中國古逸書叢刊》述評〉。周勛初, 《文學評論叢刊》 (202-207)。南京: 南京大學出版社。
商海鋒 (2013)。 〈方以智《通雅詩説》作年考辨〉。趙敏俐, 《中國詩歌研究》 (311-314)。北京: 社會科學文獻出版社。
商海鋒 (2013)。 〈李瑄《明遺民群體心態與文學思想研究》書後:兼論明清之際遺民文學研究的新思路〉。張伯偉,蔣寅, 《中國詩學》 (185-190)。北京: 人民文學出版社。
商海鋒 (2012)。 〈關於京都大學人文科學研究所藏真諦譯《大乘起信論》〉。北京大學國際漢學家研修基地, 《國際漢学研究通訊》 (95-103)。北京: 北京大學出版社。

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
商海鋒 (2022)。 「諸経の睛」:古代東アジアにおける『円覚経』の位置づけ。 花園大学国際禅学研究所論叢,第17号,241-262。
商海鋒 (2019)。 〈北宋本洪芻《香後譜》辨正輯佚〉。 故宮學術季刊,36卷1期,1-50。
商海鋒 (2018)。 〈「香、禪、詩」的初會:從北宋黃庭堅到日本室町時代「山谷抄」〉。 漢學研究,36卷4期,73-111。
商海鋒 (2018)。 『雪竇録』宋元刊本旧状新探─東アジア各地に所蔵される 希少古版本を中心に─。 国際禅研究,2,225-248。
商海鋒 (2015)。 〈《雪竇錄》宋元本舊貌新探:以東亞所藏該錄稀見古版為中心〉。 文獻,149,3-15。
商海鋒 (2015)。 〈方以智《浮山詩集》考述〉。 文學遺產,2,139-146。
Publication in non-refereed journal
商海鋒 (2015)。 〈「世界中的中國明末清初」國際學術研討會會議報導〉。 中國文哲研究通訊,25卷2期,133-146。

Conference Papers
Invited conference paper
商海鋒 (2023,5). 〈從「黑漆桶」到「天下白」:日僧萬里(1428-1507)「梅花無盡藏」草庵裡的文字禪修行〉。第15屆東亞文化交涉學會國際學術研討會,天津。
商海鋒 (2023, May). 〈日僧萬里《天下白》與宋、清兩代蘇軾詩闡釋傳統〉. 「文致太平:漢與唐宋的制度與文學」蘇港澳學者古代文學研討會, 香港.
商海鋒 (2022,12). 〈東亞山谷詩三家註比較:北宋任淵、錢鍾書、日僧萬里集九〉。舊學商量加邃密,新知培養轉深沉:宋代詩文、書學工作坊,臺北。
商海鋒 (2022,11). 〈黃庭堅《山谷詩》的日本讀者:室町時代的天皇、公卿、武家與禪僧〉。誠明圓桌:中國古典文學在日韓流轉,香港。
商海鋒 (2022, August). 〈香嚴本寂:黃庭堅元祐元年的「吾家秘密藏」〉. 宋元禪林文學東亞傳播研究工作坊, 成都,中國.
商海鋒 (2020,11). 〈酺池寺南,退聽堂下:黃庭堅中晚年的禪修空間與《山谷内集》的編撰意圖〉。「2020佛教文獻與文學」國際學術研討會,臺北。
商海鋒 (2019,11). 〈如來藏思想與日僧萬里集九的蘇軾詩註《天下白》〉。漢學與漢籍:海外漢籍收藏史研究學術研討會,北京,中國。
商海鋒 (2019,11). 〈澤社、永社、雲龍社:明末桐城「詩文社集」的勃興與頓挫〉。2019明代文學國際學術研討會暨中國明代文學學會(籌)第十二屆年會,深圳,中國。
商海鋒 (2019,6). 〈從香藥、齋醮到參禪、詩料:黃庭堅、洪芻與北宋香事新變〉。滄海觀瀾:第四屆古典文學體式與研究方法學術研討會,香港。
商海鋒 (2018,6). 〈澤社、永社、雲龍社:明末桐城社集的勃興與頓挫〉。「16-18世紀東亞世界的文人社集」國際學術研討會,臺北。
商海鋒 (2015,9). 〈「香、禪、詩」的初會:從北宋黃庭堅到室町時代「山谷抄」〉。「共相與殊相:十八世紀前東亞文化意象的匯聚、流傳與變異」國際研討會,臺北。
商海鋒 (2012,11). 〈《天下白》、蘇詩五山註與東亞蘇詩闡釋傳統〉。「第九屆日本語教育、日本研究:雙向性實踐的可能性」國際研討會,香港。
商海鋒 (2012,8). 〈《不二抄》與室町時代之《碧巖錄》漢文校註〉。「京都與東亞」暑期班暨研究生論壇,京都,日本。
Refereed conference paper
SHANG, Haifeng Aaron (2022, March). Attaining the Way at Snowy Mountains: Tathāgatagarbha Thought and Catharsis in Su Shi’s Exile ‘Snow’ Poetry and Painting. The 2022 Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA.
SHANG, Haifeng Aaron (2019, July). On Hong Chu's Updated Version of the Encyclopedia of Incense: Correcting Texts and Finding Lost Contents. the 16th Biennial Conference of the Chinese Studies Association of Australia: “Engaging Chinese Scholarship: New Directions, New Challenges”, Melbourne, Australia.


日本詩僧萬里集九對蘇軾的詮釋與想象——東坡抄物《天下白》研究 (GRF) A Japanese Zen Poet-monk’s Interpretation and Reimagining of Su Shi - A Study on Banri Shūkyū’s Shōmono-style Commentary Tenka haku [The Brightest of the World]
蘇軾號「雪堂」,是北宋文學、藝術、宗教融合的推手。黃州貶謫期間,「如來藏思想」成為其安頓心靈、指導文藝的資源之一。蘇詩的宋、清兩代註者號稱「百家」,但儒家學者的視野有時會限制闡釋的邊界。日本室町時代,「五山僧」萬里集九撰著東坡抄物《天下白》,以漢字為主而輔以假名,歷時五年,遍註蘇軾的全部詩作。他擁有藏主、詩僧的修養和立場,因還俗而懺悔,與蘇軾的某些知識與心態,不期然形成共構。他視蘇軾為「雪山大士」,視其黃州書齋雪堂為「雪山道場」,為探索蘇軾文藝、佛學的交融提供了新視角。然學界未諳此註,研究極少,更從未立足至關重要的宗教立場。本案考察蘇軾雪詩、雪畫的如來藏意涵,可探索「文學藝術思想史」的新路徑;凸顯《天下白》相較宋、清及早期五山蘇詩註釋傳統的個性,可拓寬「東亞經典闡釋學」的視野;藉助萬里的漢詩文集《梅花無盡藏》,考察其隱居「梅花無盡藏」草庵,為地方僧俗講授蘇詩的行跡,可豐富日本漢學史的認知。The Northern Song dynasty scholar-official and literary figure Su Shi (1037-1101) is one of imperial China’s most renowned polymaths, and is arguably the most prominent driver of the distinctive trend of amalgamating literature, art and religion. His creative achievements were particularly profound in relation to the theme of bringing together poetry, art and Buddhism, where his contributions have a special place in the history of the wider Sinosphere. Nonetheless, not all of Su’s achievements in this regard have been heralded, let alone well understood. Su was demoted and sent into quasi-exile in Huangzhou from 1080 to 1084, and it can be argued that during this low period in his life, his attempt to seek solace in tathāgatagarbha thought had a substantial impact on his literary and artistic works. However, this Buddhist influence on Su Shi’s compositions has been little discussed among the many Song dynasty and Qing dynasty periods Chinese criticisms of his work, perhaps in part due to their authors’ strong affiliations with Confucianism, this tradition’s investment in the literary depiction of the archetype of the loyal official, and the strong association this tradition shares with depictions of the malaise of exile and righteous indignation. A very different perspective of these works, however, can be found in a commentary written in Chinese by the poet-monk Banri Shūkyū (1428-1507?), who flourished in Japan during the Muromachi period (1336-1573). Banri’s alternative perspective, presented in his Tenka haku (The Brightest of the World), was informed by his training as a Japanese Zen monk, scholar and poet, his exposure to different traditions of exegesis and training in art and literature, and personal experiences that in some ways echoed with those of Su Shi, including Banri’s experiencing regret and dejection at being compelled, when middle-aged, to renounce his vows and return to lay life. While Banri’s work is the source of unique and arguably compelling insights on intersections between literature, art and religion in Su Shi’s writings during and subsequent to the latter’s exile in Huangzhou in particular, it has hitherto received scarce attention in late imperial period Chinese commentarial texts and in contemporary scholarly literature. My study proposes to engage in an in-depth analysis of the Tenka haku, in addition to Banri’s own poetry collection, the Baiga mujinzō (The Inexhaustible Storehouse of Plum Blossoms), in order to cast a new light on the influence of tathāgata-garbha thought on Su Shi’s literary and artistic works, and bring attention to the distinctive Japanese tradition of criticism/commentary and poetic mimicry of Su Shi and other renowned Tang and Song dynasty poets that began to take on new forms from the Muromachi period.
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): SHANG, Haifeng Aaron 商海鋒

東亞古典學研修會 (Faculty Special Project Fund) East Asian Classics Academe
東亞古典學研修會 (EACA) 是研究、傳授並推廣「東亞古典學」的學術平台。「東亞古典」指古代東亞漢文化圈內,受漢文化滋養的人群所共享的人文典範與典籍。「東亞古典學」這一圍繞上述典範與典籍所展開的學術範疇,涉及文學史、藝術史、物質文化、思想史、宗教史、古文獻學等諸領域。培育、建設研修會的目的,不僅在於推動上述相關領域的研究與教學,亦在推動建構一種更為理性、包容,超越國族的「東亞歷史文化」價值認同。
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): SHANG, Haifeng Aaron 商海鋒

日本禪僧萬里集九的蘇軾詩註《天下白》研究 (IRG) On Japanese Zem Monk Banri Shūkyū’s The Light of the World: the Exegesis of the Anthology of Su Shi’s Poetry
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): SHANG, Haifeng Aaron 商海鋒

日本室町時代漢籍寫本《天下白》整理 (DRG) The Punctuation and Collation on The Light of the World, Japanese Sinographic Manuscript in the Muromachi Period
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): SHANG, Haifeng Aaron 商海鋒

日本禪僧萬里集九的黃庭堅詩註《帳中香》研究 (ECS) The Study on The Incense Burnt behind Curtains, Japanese Zen Master Banri Shūkyū’s Annotation of the Essential Poems of Huang Tingjian
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): SHANG, Haifeng Aaron 商海鋒

《圓覺經》譯註 (SRG) Translation and Annotation of the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): SHANG, Haifeng Aaron 商海鋒

從東亞文化史的角度看黃庭堅對香、禪、詩的創造性融會 (IRG) A Study on the Creative Fusion of Incense, Zen and Poetry by Huang T'ing-chien from the Aspect of East Asian Culture
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): SHANG, Haifeng Aaron 商海鋒