Journal Publications Publication in refereed journal Xin LI (2025). Generalized optimal scheduling of cluster tools with reentrance and residency time constraints. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 55(1), 307- 318. Xin LI, C. Lu (2024). Scheduling dual-arm multi-cluster tools with residency time constraints beyond swap-based strategies and module-bound regions. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 9(11), 10177-10184. Xin LI, X Qian (2024). Scheduling single-arm multi-cluster tools connected by one-space buffer modules beyond the schedulability assumption. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal Zikang Wang, Chun Huang, Boqiang Yao, Xin LI (2024). Integrated reinforcement and imitation learning for tower crane lift path planning. Automation in Construction, 165, 1-18. Xin LI and H. Chen (2024). Bi-objective scheduling of physical therapy treatments with coupled operations for inpatients in rehabilitation departments. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 86, 1-13. X. Qian, M. Yin, Xin LI, Q. Zhang (2023). Two-stage stochastic nonlinear winner determination for logistics service procurement auctions under quantity discounts. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 19(10), 7072-7089. 李鑫、陳海濱和王進 (2022)。 〈基於複合遺傳算法的住院患者物理康復治療調度〉。 《工業工程與管理》,27 卷 2 期,頁 86-94。 X. Qian, S. Fang, M. Yin, M. Huang, Xin LI (2021). Selecting green third party logistics providers for a loss-averse fourth party logistics provider in a multiattribute reverse auction. Information Sciences, 548, 357-377. Xin LI, Y. Pan, S. Jiang, Q. Huang, Z. Chen, M. Zhang, Z. Zhang (2021). Locate vaccination stations considering travel distance, operational cost, and work schedule. Omega, 101 J. Wang, Xin LI, J. Chu, K. L. Tsui (2020). A two-stage approach for resource allocation and surgery scheduling with assistant surgeons. IEEE Access, 8, 49487-49496. Xin LI, Z. X. Wang, F. T. S. Chan, S. H. Chung (2019). A genetic algorithm for optimizing space utilization in aircraft hangar shop. International Transactions in Operational Research, 26(5), 1655-1675. Xin LI, J. Wang (2018). Approximate dynamic programming approaches for appointment scheduling with patient preferences. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 85, 16-25. Xin LI, Richard Y. K. Fung (2018). A dynamic scheduling algorithm for singe-arm two-cluster tools with flexible processing times. Engineering Optimization, 50(2), 329-346. Xin LI, Richard Y. K. Fung (2017). Optimal multi-degree cyclic solution of multi-hoist scheduling without overlapping. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 14(2), 1064-1074. Xin LI, Richard Y. K. Fung (2016). Optimal K-unit cycle scheduling of two-cluster tools with residency constraints and general robot moving times. Journal of Scheduling, 19, 165-176. B. H. Zhou, Xin LI, R. Y. K. Fung (2015). Dynamic scheduling of photolithography process based on Kohonen neural network. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 26, 73-85. Xin LI, F. T. S. Chan, S. H. Chung (2015). Optimal multi-degree cyclic scheduling of multiple robots without overlapping in robotic flowshops with parallel machines. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 36, 62-75. Xin LI, Richard Y. K. Fung (2014). A mixed integer linear programming solution for single hoist multi-degree cyclic scheduling with reentrance. Engineering Optimization, 46(5), 704-723. B.H. Zhou, Xin LI (2013). Heuristic tabu search scheduling algorithm for wet-etching systems in semiconductor wafer fabrications. High Technology Letters, 19(2), 111-116. Xin LI, Richard Y. K. Fung (2013). A mixed integer linear programming approach for multi-degree cyclic multi-hoist scheduling problems without overlapping. Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 274-279. B.H. Zhou, Xin LI (2012). Try and error-based scheduling algorithm for cluster tools of wafer fabrications with residency time constraints. Journal of Central South University, 19, 187-192.
Conference Papers Refereed conference paper Xin LI, H. Chen (2021, January). Physical therapy scheduling of inpatients based on improved Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Hai Kou, China. Xin LI, Y. Pan, R. Y. K. Fung (2019, December). Optimal scheduling of the reentrant multi-degree cyclic multi-hoist scheduling problem. Proceedings of 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Macau. W. Yang, Y. Zhou, M. Zhou, Xin LI, Y. Pan (2019). Sustainable supply chain network design considering the interactive influence of the multiproduct on the production capacity. Proceedings of 2019 16th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, ICSSSM 2019 Xin LI, J. Wang, Y. C. Pan (2019, July). A MILP model of scheduling physical therapies with coupled operations in a basic setting rehabilitation center. Proceedings of 2019 16th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM) Xin LI, S. Liu, Y. Pan, H. Guo (2018, July). Surgery scheduling study of deputy surgeons and assistants based on MIP. Proceedings of 2018 15th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM) Xin LI, Richard Y. K. Fung, H. Y. Sun (2011, December). An events-driven scheduling algorithm for two-cluster tools with processing time windows. Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore.