Journal Publications Tsang, K. K., Zhang, Y., Li, G., & Song, H. (2025). Moving the debate forward: A cross-sectional study examining Marxist and interactionalist perspectives of emotional labor in teaching. European Journal of Education, 60 (1) infomation: 3 - Good Health and Well-Being, 4 - Quality Education Zhang, W., & Tsang, K. K. (2024). Assessing the validity and reliability of enabling structure scale in mainland China. International Journal of Educational Management, 38(5), 1524-1539. infomation: 4 - Quality Education 白晝、王光強和曾國權 (2024)。 賦能學校科層制對教師職業倦怠的影響: 有調節的中介模型。 現代教育科學,第 2 期,頁 74-82。 Li, G., Tsang, K. K., Wang, L., & Liu, Dian (2023). Are Banzhurens (homeroom teachers) more prone to burnout in China? The moderation effect of school culture. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 32, 855-866. infomation: 3 - Good Health and Well-Being, 4 - Quality Education Zhang, Y., Chen, J., & Tsang, K.K. (2023). Responsible Leadership, Teacher Recognition, and Teacher Emotional Well-being: An Investigation of Gender Differences. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, Latest Articles Li, G., & Tsang, K.K. (2023). Does Accountability Aggravate the Risk of Teacher Burnout? Evidence from the Chinese Education System. Behavioral Sciences, 13(9), 772. Tsang, K.K. (2023). Bringing Emotions Back to Research on STEM Teachers and Teaching. Beijing International Review of Education, 5(3), 315-336. 曾國權、王光強和宋萑 (2023)。 培養數字化卓越教師: 中小學教師數字素養提升的校本路徑。 中小學管理,第 9 期,頁 20-23。 王光強、李雨曈和曾國權 (2023)。 父母教養方式對大學生專業認同的影響: 未來工作自我清晰度的中介作用。 內江師範學院學報,第 38 卷 第 6 期,12-18。 Tsang, K. K., Zhang, W., Teng, Y., & Song, H. (2023). Validating the Chinese version of the personal accountability measure for assessing teachers’ perceptions and experiences of teacher accountability in China. Behavioral Sciences, 13(2) infomation: 4 - Quality Education Tsang, K. K., Li, G., Tang, H. H. H., & Wang, X. (2022). Stories to live by: Narrative understandings of the self-concept of students at self-financing higher education institutions in Hong Kong. Sustainability, 14(20) Tsang, K. K., & Wu, H. (2022). Emotional labour as alienated labour versus self-actualized labour in teaching: Implications of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic for the debate. Educational Philosophy and Theory Tsang, K. K., Chang, L., Li, G., Ho, W. C., & To, A. H. K. (2022). Social participation of social organizations in education governance in China. Asia Pacific Education Review Asgarova, V., & Tsang, K. K. (2022). Students' self-determination in Azerbaijan. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 24(2), 69-85. Tsang, K. K., Jiang, L., & Zhu, G. (2022). Teacher emotions in Chinese societies: An introduction to the special issue. Beijing International Review of Education, 4(1), 5-10. Tsang, K. K., Li, G., Wang, G., & Hu, W. (2022). The relationship between teaching experiences and teacher burnout in China: The mediating role of emotional labor. Beijing International Review of Education, 4(1), 135-151. Tsang, K. K., Wang, G., & Bai, H. (2022). Enabling school bureaucracy, psychological empowerment, and teacher burnout: A mediation analysis. Sustainability, 14(4) Zhang, Y., Tsang, K. K., Wang, L., & Liu, D. (2022). Emotional labor mediates the relationship between clan culture and teacher burnout: An examination on gender difference. Sustainability, 14(4) Zhang, Y., Aramburo, C., & Tsang, K. K. (2021). Measuring teacher recognition through Honneth’s recognition theory: Development and validation of a teacher recognition scale. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher Tsang, K. K., Teng, Y., Lian, Y., & Wang, L. (2021). School management culture, emotional labor, and teacher burnout in mainland China. Sustainability, 13(16) Lian, Y., Tsang, K. K., & Zhang, Y. (2021). The construction and sustainability of teachers’ positive emotions toward STEM educational work. Sustainability, 13(11) Tsang, K. K., Lian, Y., & Zhu, Z. (2021). Alienated learning in Hong Kong: A Marxist perspective. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 53(2), 181-196. Zhang, Y., & Tsang, K. K. (2021). Performance-based accountability and teacher emotions: Role of Zhongyong thinking. Frontiers in Psychology, 12 Tsang, K. K., & Lian, Y. (2021). Understanding the reasons for academic stress in Hong Kong via photovoice: Implications for education policies and changes. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 41(2), 356-367.