Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters Erni, J. N. & Striphas, T. (Eds.) (2022). The Cultural Politics of COVID-19. New York & London: Routledge. Erni, J.N. (2022). Color Charts: A Cultural Chronicle of Non-Chinese Ethnic Images in Hong Kong Cinema. In M. Hjort & T. Nannicelli (Eds.), A Companion to Motion Pictures and Public Value (357-381). Massachussetts: Wiley Blackwell. Erni, J.N. & Zhang, Y. (2020). Ethnic minority youth as digital cultural participants: Toward a critical indicator study. Sunny Sui-kwong LAM, New media spectacles and multimodal creativity in a globalised Asia: Art, design and activism in the digital humanities landscape (3-24). Singapore: Springer. Erni, J.N. (2019). The antiecstasy of human rights: A foray into queer cinema on “homophobic Africa”. Mette HJORT, Eva JØRHOLT, African cinema and human rights (256-279). USA: Indiana University Press.,contains,991017773891103410&vid=EDUHKFind@EdUHK Library Erni, J.N. (2019)。 種族劃分主義。朱耀偉, 《香港關鍵詞:想像新未來》 (233-244)。中文大學出版社。,contains,991017413313703410&vid=EDUHKFind@EdUHK Library
Journal Publications Erni, J.N. (2024). Negative Justice: The Case of the Human Rights Museum. European Journal of Cultural Studies. Erni, J.N. (2022). Discerning the Human Rights Museum. European Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2(4), 1-9. Erni, J.N. & Zhang, Y. (2022). Wild hopes: Sourcing the political vocabulary of digital citizenship from the LIHKG forum. International Communication Gazette, 84(4), 349-375. Erni, J.N. (2021). Is ethnic cultural participation the answer?: A cultural capacity analysis. Situations, 14(1), 1-33. version Erni, J.N. (2021). Toward a juris-cultural studies of human rights. IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies, 6(Special Issue), 3-14. Erni, J.N. & Striphas, T. (2021). COVID-19, the multiplier. Cultural Studies, 35(2-3), 211-237. Erni, John N; Leung, Daren (2019). The dilemma of mobility: On the question of youth voluntourism in times of precarity. Cultural Studies, 33(6), 915-943. Martin, F., Erni, J.N., Yue, A. (2019). (Im)mobile precarity in the Asia-Pacific. Cultural Studies, 33(6), 895-914.
Conference Papers Erni, J.N. (2022, June). Recognizing the Unrecognizable: The Case of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Paper accepted for presentation at the 2022 Cultural Studies Association Conference (unattended due to COVID-19 travel restrictions), Chicago, USA. Erni, J.N. (2022, May). Art, Surveillance Culture, and Hong Kong’s National Security Law. Paper accepted for presentation at the 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (unattended due to COVID-19 travel restrictions), Paris, France. Erni, J.N. (2021, August). Clashing Aspirations?: Experiences of Youth Volunteering in Times of Social Unrest. Paper accepted for presentation at The 12th International Convention of Asia Scholars (unattended due to COVID-19 travel restrictions), Kyoto, Japan. Erni, J.N. (2021, July). Critical Remarks at the Closing Roundtable. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Virtual Conference, Singapore. Erni, J.N. (2021, July). Weaponizing COVID-19: A Cultural Chronicle. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Virtual Conference, Singapore.