Dr JIN, Jing    金晶 博士
Associate Professor
Department of Chinese Language Studies
Associate Dean of Students
Student Affairs Office
(852) 2948 7188
(852) 2948 6240
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests
Chinese linguistics; syntax-semantics interface; syntax-pragmatics interface; formal approach to language acquisition.
Personal Profile


2013 Ph.D. in Linguistics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

2008 B.A. in Chinese Linguistics, Peking University

Research Affiliation

2011-2012 Fellow, Department of Linguistics, Harvard University

Work Experience


Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Language Studies

The Education University of Hong Kong


Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Language Studies

The Education University of Hong Kong


Lecturer, Department of Chinese Language Studies

The Hong Kong Institute of Education


2024-2026 Ewha Global Fellow, Ewha Womans University

Research Interests

Chinese linguistics; syntax-semantics interface; syntax-pragmatics interface; formal approach to language acquisition.
Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Research book or monograph (author)
JIN, Jing (2018). Partition and Quantity: Numeral Classifiers, Measurement, and Partitive Constructions in Mandarin Chinese. London / New York: Routledge..
Chapter in an edited book (author)
Jing Jin & Sihui Echo Ke (2025). Introduction. In Jing Jin & Sihui Echo Ke (Eds.), Chinese language education and second language Chinese acquisition: An interface with Chinese linguistics (1-7). Routledge.
Sihui Echo Ke & Jing Jin (2025). Concluding remarks: From research to fostering the knowledge base of Chinese linguistics, second language acquisition, and technology among Chinese language education teachers. In Jing Jin & Sihui Echo Ke (Eds.), Chinese Language Education and Second Language Chinese Acquisition: An Interface with Chinese Linguistics (273-278). Routledge.
JIANG Julie Li, Peter JENKS, and JIN Jing (2022). The syntax of classifiers in Mandarin Chinese. In Chu-Ren HUANG, Yen-Hwei LIN, I-Hsuan CHEN, and Yu-Yin HSU (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Chinese Linguistics (515-549). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108329019.028
Shi-Zhe Huang, Jing Jin, and Dingshu Shi (2016). Adjectives and adjective phrases. In Chu-Ren Huang & Dingxu Shi (Eds.), A Reference Grammar of Chinese (276-296). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Edited book (editor)
Jing Jin & Sihui Echo Ke (2025). Chinese Language Education and Second Language Chinese Acquisition: An Interface with Chinese Linguistics. Routledge.

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
JIN Jing (2024). Encoding complex speech acts via sentence final particles: New evidence from the Changsha dialect (Xiang Chinese). Concentric: Studies in Linguistics, 50(2), 200–242.
JIN Jing (2023). Attributional versus identificational: A dichotomous analysis of appositives in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Linguistics, 59(4), 763-794. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022226722000342
JIN Jing, KE Sihui, & LEE Chi-Kin John (2022). Language Interfaces in Adult Heritage Language Acquisition: A Study on Encoding of Nominal Reference in Mandarin Chinese as a Heritage Language. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:790102, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.790102
JIN, Jing & KE, Sihui (2021). Second Language Acquisition at Interfaces: A Study of the Word Order Variation in the Chinese Nominal Domain (DOI 10.1007/s10936-020-09707-6). Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 50(3), 563-583. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10936-020-09707-6
金晶 (2021)。 並不唯一的“唯一”:“唯一”的語義—句法介面考察。 世界漢語教學,2,192-205。
金晶 (2020)。 同位結構“單數人稱代詞+一個NP”語用功能再考察。 語言教學與研究,4,81-90。
JIN, Jing (2020). A revisit to the [Num-Cl-Modifier-de-N]/[Modifier-de-Num-Cl-N] variation in Mandarin Chinese. Language and Linguistics, 21(2), 213-253.
金晶 (2018)。 論長沙方言同源賓語結構“V+(賓語)+動量短語+修飾語”。 語言學論叢,57,91-116。
JIN, Jing (2017). The Syntax of the Abstract-type Measurement Construction in Mandarin Chinese. Studies in Chinese Linguistics, 38(1), 35-61.
金晶 (2016)。 漢語[度量短語+“的”+名詞]的再分類。 當代語言學,18(2),216-232。
金晶 (2016)。 從語義-語用界面看漢語[數-形-量-名]格式。 語言研究,36(1),92-96。
JIN, Jing (2015). The Partitive Construction in Mandarin Chinese. International Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 2(1), 85-120.
金晶、石定栩 (2015)。 句法、語義和語用的互動——從“另外”、“其他”與other、another的對比談起。 外語教學與研究,47(2),204-213。
金晶 (2012)。 “V了+有+數量短語+(NP)”中“有”的用法特點。 漢語學習,第3期,104-112。
金晶 (2011)。 述謂性“這/那個+謂詞性成分+(的)”。 語言科學,第1期,83-92。

Conference Papers
Invited conference paper
金晶 (2024, March). 名詞短語修飾語的多功能性 [Multi-functionality of modifiers in nominal phrases]. School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
金晶 (2019,11). “唯一”的句法、語義特徵考察——兼論DP理論在漢語中的適用性。“生成語法的漢語研究與新時代漢語語法理論創新”副詞研究小型研討會,廣東外語外貿大學,廣州,中國。
金晶 (2017,11). 同位結構“單數人稱代詞+人稱NP”用法特點的再考察。第六屆現代漢語句法語義前沿學術研討會,香港中文大學。
金晶 (2013,12). 漢語的部分指別詞與漢語名詞短語指稱屬性。第四屆兩岸三地現代漢語句法語義研討會,香港理工大學,香港。
金晶 (2012,7). 漢語[度量短語+“的”+名詞]的再分類。“名詞短語結構與名詞短語指稱”博士研究生國際學術研討會,北京大學,北京。
Refereed conference paper
JIN Jing*, YANG Yang and LEE Jieun (2024, October). Producing speech acts in Chinese as a second/foreign language. The 15th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, Paris, France.
JIN Jing, YANG Yang and LEE Jieun (2024, July). Pragmatic Competence in Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language: From the Perspective of Speech Acts in Chinese. The 7th International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
金晶 (2024,6). “一整個”的狀語用法考察 [A study on the adverbial use of "yi zhang ge"]。The 5th Symposium on syntax and semantics of adverbs in Modern Chinese,Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou。
JIN Jing (2023, October). Expressing complex speech acts in Changsha dialect: A study on the sentence final particle "tai". The 5th International Workshop on Syntactic Cartography, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing.
劉春雪, 金晶 (2022, December). 漢語離合詞的二語教學研究——以香港某國際學校三年級班為例. The 7th International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, The Education University of Hong Kong, 15-16 December., Hong Kong.
金晶 (2021,7). 同位結構的語義色彩及語用功能:從“你這個 NP”談起。第六屆國際漢語教學研討會,高雄師範大學,台灣。
金晶 (2021,5). 副詞“分明”看分明。第二屆現代漢語副詞句法語義研討會,廣東外語外貿大學,廣州,中國。
金晶 (2021,5). 基於語料庫工具的漢語語氣副詞語用功能研究 ——以副詞“分明”為例。第二屆漢語語言學前沿問題國際論壇,香港教育大學,香港。
JIN, Jing, & KE, Sihui (2019, July). Nominal-level Word Order Variations at the Interfaces: A Study of Adult Second Language Acquisition of Chinese. Acquisition of Chinese: Bilingualism and Multilingualism, Cambridge University.
金晶 (2018,11). 再論現代漢語同位結構“你這個NP”的用法特點。日本中國語會第68屆全國年會,神戶市外國語大學,日本。
金晶、柯思慧 (2018,5). 漢語名詞短語修飾結構界面特徵二語習得初探——以漢語中高級水平韓國學生為例。第四屆國際漢語教學研討會,台北。
金晶 (2014,11). 現代漢語量詞受形容詞修飾現象再考察。日本中國語學會第64屆年會,大阪大學,大阪,日本。
金晶 (2013,6). 試析“另外”與“其他”。國際中國語言學學會第21屆年會,台灣師範大學,台北。
金晶 (2012,10). 從漢語無定短語[Cl+N]的解讀看“V-完”類複合詞的語義特徵。日本中國語學會第62屆年會,同志社大學,京都,日本。
JIN, Jing (2012, August). The pre-classifier “zheng” (‘whole’) in Mandarin Chinese. The 20th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
JIN, Jing (2012, May). Three types of “de”-contained measure expressions in Mandarin Chinese. The Symposium on Word Order in Chinese, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
JIN, Jing (2010, December). Ways of measuring and measurement constructions. The 2010 Annual Research Forum of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
金晶 (2010,11). 論長沙方言“V+(賓語)+動量短語+狀語”格式。第五屆漢語方言語法國際學術研討會,上海大學,上海。
金晶 (2009,11). 試析“這/那個A的”句式。第五屆現代漢語語法國際學術研討會(獲大會“語法新秀”二等獎),香港理工大學,香港。
金晶 (2009,6). 漢語口語“V了+有+數量短語+(NP)”中“有”的用法初探。國際中國語言學學會第十七屆年會,法國高等社會科學院,巴黎。
Other conference paper
金晶 (2015,5). 論漢語抽象類度量短語的句法結構。中國語言研究與教學學術討論會,香港教育學院。
金晶 (2014,5). 現代漢語 “部分結構” 初探。香港教育學院中國語言學系語言組學術研討會,香港教育學院,香港。
金晶 (2013,11). 從漢語的部分指別詞看漢語名詞短語指稱屬性。“現代漢語研究之回顧與展望“工作坊,香港教育學院,香港。
JIN, Jing (2011, November). Numerals ≠ Indefinite Quantifiers. The 1st Harvard Graduate Student Workshop in Linguistics, Harvard University, Boston.


EdUHK-Tencent JoyLearning Putonghua Journey
This project aims to promote technology-enhanced Putonghua learning among local primary schools.
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): JIN, Jing

Empowering University Students’ Literacy in Academic Reading and Writing through Critical and Ethical Use of AI
This project aims to develop a pedagogical framework to enhance university students’ academic reading and writing literacy regarding their critical and ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI) in source-based academic writing.
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): YUNG, Wai Ho, Kevin, ZHANG, Yuefeng, Ellen (JIN, Jing as Co-Investigator)

Enhancing Students’ Workplace Putonghua Competence in the GBA Context via Video Learning Resources: A Collaboration with Industry Professionals in GBA
The project features a close collaboration between Putonghua teaching experts at EdUHK and industry professionals in GBA , aiming at developing video learning resources to enhance students’ Putonghua workplace competence in GBA.
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): JIN, Jing

Understanding the Relationship between Interlanguage Pragmatic Learning Strategies and Pragmatic Competence in Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language: A Cross-regional Comparison in Asian Contexts
The project will approach CSL/CFL pragmatic learning from an under-explored perspective, i.e., the learners’ utilization of interlanguage pragmatic learning strategies (IPLS),
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): JIN, Jing

Nurturing Global Citizenship Through English (NGCE)
Nurturing Global Citizenship through English (NGCE) is English for Specific Purposes (ESP) that puts language learning and practice in the context of global themes including environment, intercultural communication, media and technology.
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): LI, Cissy (JIN, Jing as Co-Investigator)

Adult Bilinguals’ Interface Grammar Competence: A Comparison of L2 Learners and Heritage Learners of Chinese
The project will conduct a comparison between adult L2 learners and adult heritage learners of Chinese in their grammar competence of interface grammar knowledge in Chinese.
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): JIN, Jing 金晶

Stroke Dancing with Calligraphic Rhythm--Chinese Calligraphy Learning Platform (II)
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): CHAU, Lap 周立 (JIN, Jing 金晶 as Co-Investigator)

Reading Comprehension in Older Adults
How older adults comprehend Chinese texts compared to younger adults
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, Him (JIN, Jing as Co-Investigator)

Stroke Dancing with Calligraphic Rhythm -- Chinese Calligraphy Learning Platform
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): CHAU, Lap 周立 (JIN, Jing 金晶 as Co-Investigator)

Prenominal Modification and Word Order Constraints: An Interventional Study on L2 Chinese Learning
The project is aimed to investigate how the latest development in research on L2 learning at interfaces may help uncover more about the mechanisms of L2 learning.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): JIN, Jing 金晶

Interfaces and Word Order Variations within the Nominal Domain in Second Language Chinese
The project aims to investigate the second language acquisition of interface-conditioned word order variations taking place in Chinese nominal phrases.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): JIN, Jing 金晶

Curriculum Design and the Teaching of Classical Chinese Texts in Secondary Schools in Hong Kong
Through a general overview of the existing curricula, this project aims to provide suggestions and recommendations on the subject knowledge and competence structures of classical Chinese for local secondary schools, thereby proceeding to design and develop a feasible and efficient classical Chinese school-based curriculum and e-learning platform for frontline teachers to share their teaching materials, lesson plans and videos.
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, Lin Hong 張連航 (JIN, Jing 金晶 as Co-Investigator)

An Online Experimental Study on L2 Chinese Acquisition at Nominal-level Interfaces
The project is aimed to further existing research on L2 acquisition of interface phenomenon via an online experiment based on listening acceptability judgment tasks.
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): JIN, Jing 金晶

The Syntax-Discourse Interface and Word Order Variations: A Comparison of Nominal Phrases and Clauses in L2 Chinese Grammar
This project is aimed to examine adult learners’ L2 Chinese knowledge of nominal-level syntax-discourse interface properties as compared with that of clause-level syntax-discourse interface properties.
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): JIN, Jing 金晶

An Empirical Study on Second Language Acquisition of Interface Word Order Variations in Mandarin Chinese
The research project aims to investigate adult non-native Chinese learners’ knowledge of nominal-level word order variations at syntax-discourse and syntax-semantics interfaces, and look into the second language acquisition of the nominal-level discourse-constrained configuration as compared to that of the clause-level one.
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): JIN, Jing 金晶

Linguistic Encoding of Discourse-related Information in Chinese Nominal Phrases
This project aims to investigate the information structure of Chinese nominal phrases and to develop an interface theory to account for their syntactic and interpretive properties.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): JIN, Jing 金晶

Prizes and awards

Award for Excellent FE Supervision
This award is to acknowledge the contribution of FE supervisors to the students’ teaching practices and develop a good FE ePortfolio for reflective learning.
Date of receipt: /5/2022, Conferred by: EdUHK