Mr YUEN, Tze Leung Raymond    袁子良 先生
Senior Lecturer I
Department of Cultural and Creative Arts
(852) 2948 7076
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Chapter in an edited book (author)
Lai, Y.C., Leung, P.W., Wong, T.W., & Yuen, T.L. (2016). Exploring the use of mobile devices and applications to support Field Experience in Teacher Education Courses. In L. Briz-Ponce, J.A. Juanes-Méndez & F. José García-Peñalvo (Eds), Handbook of Research on Mobile Devices and Applications in Higher Education Settings (479-496). Hashey, PA: IGI Global..

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
Ng, E. M. W., Yuen, R. T. L. & Leung, W. N. (2013). Ready for 21st-century education – pre-service music teachers embracing ICT to foster student-centered learning. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 73, 240-245.

Conference Papers
Invited conference paper
Lai,Y.C., Wong, T.W., Lee, K.Y., NG, W.S., & Yuen, T. L. (2013, June). Enhancing student teachers’ professional development in Field Experience by using cloud services and mobile technology. Communities of Practice for Teaching Supervision ( HKIEd), Hong Kong.
叶丽慈及袁子良 (2012,5). 未来音乐老师在香港的学校体验与实习。第二届粤港澳三地音乐教育论坛,音樂教師教育研究 論文集,香港。
Yip, L. C. R., Yuen, T. L. R., Leung, C. C., & Lee, Y. P. T. (2009, July). Comparative perspectives of classroom teaching of music creation for musical understanding.. the Australian Society for Music Education Conference, Launceston, Tasmania..
Yip, L. C. R., Yuen, T. L. R., Lee, Y. P. T., & Leung, C. C. (2008, July). The development of an assessment framework for music compositions of students. Paper presented at the 28th International Society for Music Education World Conference, Bologna, Italy.

Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies
Film, video
Yuen, T. L. (2008). Song of the warrior mass participation concert. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Composers' Guild.
Performance and participation in exhibits
Leung, C. C. (2010). Conducted the joint Chinese orchestra with musicians coming from Singhoi Conservatory of Music, Shenzhen Performing Arts School, Chinese University of Hong Kong New Asia College, Hong Kong Institute of Education and the Yao Yueh Chinese Orchestra in the concert featuring ShaoLin (erhu), Le Yeying (gaohu), Zhang Qiujian (diyin erhu), and Ma Chung Kui (zheng). Hong Kong: C-LP-11 Theatre, Hong Kong Institute of Education..
Consulting or contract research report
葉麗慈、袁子良及李亦鵬 (2008)。 音樂創作學習及評估架構研究報告。香港: 香港教育學院體藝學系、香港教育學院評估研究及發展中心。
Yip, L. C. R., Yuen, T. L. R., & Lee, Y. P. T. (2008). Report of research on the learning and assessment framework for music creativity. Hong Kong: The Department of Creative Arts and Physical Education and the Centre for Assessment Research and Development.

All Other Outputs
Other outputs
Lai, Y.C., Ng, E.M.W., Ng, M.L., & Yuen, R.T.L. (2014). Enhancing student teachers’ professional development in field experience by using cloud services and mobile technology. Speech presented at Seminar on Teaching Development Grant (TDG) projects. Hong Kong: LTTC, HKIEd.
Fung, S. H., Cheung, J., & Yuen, T. L. R. (2006). Integrative learning through the Arts: Curriculum and approaches (speech presentation). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.


Engaging Learners with Flipped Classroom
During a directed study week, learners will learn from different online materials prepared by their educators according to their online pre-test results. The online lecture materials may consist of a wide variety of digital formats such as videos, animations and pictures. Learners would attempt an online post-test after learning at their own pace and time. To consolidate learners’ knowledge, they would also apply their recent acquired knowledge to solve authentic problems in groups when they meet in class where the educator could provide more support to those learners who did not do well in the post-test. The series of activities proposed not only help learners to become more engaged in the learning process but also the individual differences could be better taken care of.
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志, NG MEE WAH, EUGENIA 吳美華 (YUEN, Tze Leung Raymond 袁子良 as Co-Investigator)

Building a Community of Practice (CoP) to enhance student teachers' professional development in Field Experience via web technologies
Institute-wide TDG Project: The project aims to establish a Community of Practice (CoP)to enhance student teachers' professional development in Field Experience via web technologies. It also aims to further promote good practice of using mobile technology and cloud services in higher education institutions.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志 (YUEN, Tze Leung Raymond 袁子良 as Co-Investigator)

Fostering student teachers’ learner-centred learning capacities by adopting information and communication technologies as the change agents
Fostering student teachers’ learner-centred learning capacities by adopting information and communication technologies as the change agents
Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): NG, Mee Wah Eugenia 吳美華 (YUEN, Tze Leung Raymond 袁子良 as Team Member)

Outcome-based Field Experience Framework
Outcome-based Field Experience Framework
Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): YU, Wai Mui Christina 姚偉梅 (YUEN, Tze Leung Raymond 袁子良 as Co-Investigator)

Collaborative Project on Teaching Cantonese Opera in Primary and Secondary Schools
This project is financially supported by the QEF for 3 years.It aims to develop in-service music teachers in teaching Cantonese opera in schools. Cantonese opera artists are invited to collaborate with music teachers in schools for partnership teaching. A total of 60 schools will be invited to participate in the project in three years. After collaborative teaching a series of CDROM will be published to document their teaching plans and process.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Bo Wah 梁寶華 (YUEN, Tze Leung Raymond 袁子良 as Co-Investigator)

Pilot Project on Teaching Cantonese Opera in Schools 粵劇教學試驗計劃
The project involved a professional artist of Cantonese Opera in collaborating with music teachers in teaching Cantonese opera in primary and secondary schools. Two primary and two secondary schools were involved in the project in which 14 primary music teachers and 2 secondary music teachers took 4 workshops on Cantonese Opera before teaching. The artist then jointly developed the teaching plans with school teachers and jointly taught the classes for eight weeks. The project aimed to pilot the artist-teacher partnership in teaching Cantonese Opera in schools.
Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG Bo Wah (YUEN Tze Leung Raymond as Co-Investigator)

DVD and Video Archive for the 2007 ISCM-ACL World Music Days Hong Kong – Music Creativity Education Campaign
The project proposes to develop: i)a DVD demonstrating good practices through case studies formulated from the music creativity workshops of around 30 primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong; and ii)a complete set of video archive and all the school workshops and other project related activities (including lecture demonstrations and mass participation concert) as future research materials.
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): YUEN Tze Leung Raymond

Research for a Learning and Assessment Framework for Music Creativity
The study proposes to develop: 1) a learning framework incorporating good practice, which would musically enhanced and educationally sound, with a focus on learning and teaching music creation; and 2) an assessment regime covering assessment OF, FOR and As learning in sync with the teaching framework above; such an assessment regime will include criteria/rubrics for assessing students compositions calibrated with the Rasch measurement model, one of the most advanced and rigorous assessment technology.
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): YIP, Lai Chi Rita 葉麗慈 (YUEN, Tze Leung Raymond 袁子良 as Co-Investigator)