Dr YUEN, Wai Wa, Timothy    阮衛華 博士
Guest Lecturer
Department of Education Policy and Leadership
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests

Political and civic education

Social analysis of education policies

Internationalization of education

Gender matters in education

External Appointments

Community / Professional  Service

Invited speaker for staff development on civic education (Maryknoll Convent School Secondary Section) (2019 May)

中華基督教會公理高中書院教學顧問 (since 2016)

Speaker/Team member in Catholic School Teachers Training Project  (Catholic Social Ethics and Hong Kong Social Issues)  organised by the  Centre for Catholic Studies (HKCU)(2017-8)

Speaker/Team member in Catholic School Teachers Training Project  (Catholic Social Ethics and National Education) organised by the  Centre for Catholic Studies (HKCU)(2016-7)

Guest Editor of special issue, Asian Education and Development Studies (2015)

Editorial Board Member (refereeing), Citizenship, Social and Economics Education Journal (from 2010)

Executive Committee Member for Hong Kong, International Association for Citizenship, Social and Economics Education (from 2010)

External Examiner (2009) of Education Doctor Thesis Defence ,Bristol University, UK.

External Examiner (2004) of M.Sc. (Ed) Thesis Defence, Inter-Universitarium Institutum Macaonense, Macao.

Project Supervisor of Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority (2008)

Moderator of Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority (2004-12)

Reviewer of book proposal, Springer

Reviewer, Asia Pacific Journal of Education 

Reviewer, International Journal of Educational Management

Reviewer, Education Journal (HKCU)

Reviewer, New Horizons in Education.

Reviewer , Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood.

Invited speaker, Hong Kong Education Policy Roundtable Forum (jointly organized by HKIED, Roundtable Education and H.K. Policy Research Institute)  (2014-12-12)

Standing Committee Member(2003-present), The Association for Childhood Education International(Hong Kong and Macau Chapter). (Receiver of “Outstanding Contribution to promoting Educational Exchange and Childhood Education in Hong Kong and Macao, 2005")

Invited speaker to HKIED Jockey Club Primary School (2014-5-23)  

 主禮及致辭(7/7//2007), 天主教伍華小學第四十屆畢業典禮。

 書本文章評審員 (2006),  港澳兒童教育國際協會書本:<課程與評估: 兩岸四地的改革挑戰>。

系代表及講者 (2005): 連南老師培訓計劃 (利銘澤黃瑶碧慈善基金會贊助﹔教育學院中文系主辦) 

 講員 (2007-2009): 教统局委託香港教育學院主辦「擬任校長培訓」第六期課程。

 Guest-speaker(10/10/2006), Fukien Secondary School. Topic: Foreign Exchange Program with UK Students.

 Executive Committee member (2004-6), Saint Francis Xavier's Alumni Association.

 Chief Editor of Newsletter (2004-6), Saint Francis Xavier's Alumni Association.

頒獎嘉賓(3/3/2005), 救世軍陳昆棟幼稚園第二十週年校慶, 香港, 救世軍中央堂。 

籌委成員(2004年十月) 港澳兒童教育國際協會主辦「珠三角地區兒童教育的適應與發展研討會」,香港,香港教師中心。 

 主禮及致辭(4/12//2004), 救世軍田家炳幼稚園二十四週年校慶,香港, 救世軍田家炳幼稚園。(演講主題: 香港教育新發展)


Personal Profile

Dr. Timothy W.W. Yuen obtained his first degree from the University of Hong Kong and his doctorate from Durham University. He used to work as a schoolteacher, an economist, and a teacher trainer for the Education Department and the University of Hong Kong. He now serves in the Education Policy and Leadership Department of the Hong Kong Institute of Education. His research interest comprises, inter alia, citizenship/ political education, internationalisation of education, and education policies. His forthcoming and past publications can be found in Educational Management Administration and Leadership, Compare, Higher Education, Intercultural Education, International Journal of Educational Management, Citizenship Teaching and Learning, International Studies in Educational Administration, and Citizenship, Social and Economics Education: An International Journal.

Research Interests

Political and civic education

Social analysis of education policies

Internationalization of education

Gender matters in education

External Appointments

Community / Professional  Service

Invited speaker for staff development on civic education (Maryknoll Convent School Secondary Section) (2019 May)

中華基督教會公理高中書院教學顧問 (since 2016)

Speaker/Team member in Catholic School Teachers Training Project  (Catholic Social Ethics and Hong Kong Social Issues)  organised by the  Centre for Catholic Studies (HKCU)(2017-8)

Speaker/Team member in Catholic School Teachers Training Project  (Catholic Social Ethics and National Education) organised by the  Centre for Catholic Studies (HKCU)(2016-7)

Guest Editor of special issue, Asian Education and Development Studies (2015)

Editorial Board Member (refereeing), Citizenship, Social and Economics Education Journal (from 2010)

Executive Committee Member for Hong Kong, International Association for Citizenship, Social and Economics Education (from 2010)

External Examiner (2009) of Education Doctor Thesis Defence ,Bristol University, UK.

External Examiner (2004) of M.Sc. (Ed) Thesis Defence, Inter-Universitarium Institutum Macaonense, Macao.

Project Supervisor of Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority (2008)

Moderator of Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority (2004-12)

Reviewer of book proposal, Springer

Reviewer, Asia Pacific Journal of Education 

Reviewer, International Journal of Educational Management

Reviewer, Education Journal (HKCU)

Reviewer, New Horizons in Education.

Reviewer , Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood.

Invited speaker, Hong Kong Education Policy Roundtable Forum (jointly organized by HKIED, Roundtable Education and H.K. Policy Research Institute)  (2014-12-12)

Standing Committee Member(2003-present), The Association for Childhood Education International(Hong Kong and Macau Chapter). (Receiver of “Outstanding Contribution to promoting Educational Exchange and Childhood Education in Hong Kong and Macao, 2005")

Invited speaker to HKIED Jockey Club Primary School (2014-5-23)  

 主禮及致辭(7/7//2007), 天主教伍華小學第四十屆畢業典禮。

 書本文章評審員 (2006),  港澳兒童教育國際協會書本:<課程與評估: 兩岸四地的改革挑戰>。

系代表及講者 (2005): 連南老師培訓計劃 (利銘澤黃瑶碧慈善基金會贊助﹔教育學院中文系主辦) 

 講員 (2007-2009): 教统局委託香港教育學院主辦「擬任校長培訓」第六期課程。

 Guest-speaker(10/10/2006), Fukien Secondary School. Topic: Foreign Exchange Program with UK Students.

 Executive Committee member (2004-6), Saint Francis Xavier's Alumni Association.

 Chief Editor of Newsletter (2004-6), Saint Francis Xavier's Alumni Association.

頒獎嘉賓(3/3/2005), 救世軍陳昆棟幼稚園第二十週年校慶, 香港, 救世軍中央堂。 

籌委成員(2004年十月) 港澳兒童教育國際協會主辦「珠三角地區兒童教育的適應與發展研討會」,香港,香港教師中心。 

 主禮及致辭(4/12//2004), 救世軍田家炳幼稚園二十四週年校慶,香港, 救世軍田家炳幼稚園。(演講主題: 香港教育新發展)


Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Research book or monograph (author)
梁恩榮、阮衛華 (2011)。 《公民教育,香港再造!迎向新世代公民社會》。香港: 印象文字及香港基督徒學會。
Cheng, Y.C., Ng, S.W., Cheung, C.K., Choi, P.L., Tang, Y.F., Yuen, Y.M., Yuen, W.W.T. (2009). A technical research report on the development of Hong Kong as a regional education hub. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Chapter in an edited book (author)
阮衛華、莊璟珉 (2017)。 與學生探討具爭議性的社會議题。香港中文大學天主教研究中心, 天主教社會倫理 國情專題 專家講座筆錄 (xii-xiii)。香港: 香港中文大學天主教研究中心, 香港天主教正義和平委員會。
Leung, Y.W., Chong, E.K.M. & Yuen, W.W.T. (2017). Civic Education in Hong Kong: From the colonial era to post-occupy movement era. Tse, T. K.C. & Lee, M. H., Making Sense of Education in post-handover Hong Kong: Achievements and challenges (127-144). London: Routledge (Taylor & Francis).
Cheng, Y. C., Cheung, A., & Yuen, W. W. (2016). Developing Hong Kong as a regional education hub: Functions, modes, and requirements. In Y. C. Cheng, A. Cheung, & S. W. Ng (Eds.), Internationalization of higher education: The case of Hong Kong (pp.21-42). Singapore, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht&London: Springer.
Cheung, A., Yuen, Y. M., Yuen, W. W, & Cheng, Y. C. (2016). Effective strategies and Policies for exporting Hong Kong’s Higher Education to Asian markets: Lessons from Other Countries. In Y. C. Cheng, A. Cheung, & S. W. Ng (Eds.), Internationalization of higher education: The case of Hong Kong (pp.125-150). Singapore, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht&London: Springer.
Yuen, W. W., Cheung, A., & Yuen, Y. M. (2016). A SWOT analysis of exporting Hong Kong’s higher education to Asian markets. In Y. C. Cheng, A. Cheung, & S. W. Ng (Eds.), Internationalization of higher education: The case of Hong Kong (pp.101-124). Singapore, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht&London: Springer.
Yuen, W.W. T. (2013). Viewing the controversies of national education in Hong Kong from the perspective of a civic educator.. In Wan, K.M. & Ko, C.W. (Eds), Our Ideal Civic Education: Controversies on Moral and National Education (212-214). HK: Hong Kong Institute of Education Student Union.
Leung Y. W. and Yuen W.W. T. (2012). The Development of Civic and Moral Education in Hong Kong's Changing Context. John J. Cogan; David L. Grossman (Eds.), Creating Socially Responsible Citizens. Cases from the Asia-Pacific Region (35-56). USA: Information Age Publishing, Inc..
Cheung A. , Cheng, Y.C., Yuen, TWW. and Yuen, CYM. (2011). Exporting Hong Kong’s Higher Education to Emerging Asian Markets: Marketing Strategies and Government Policies.. In P. Tripathi & S. Mukerji (Eds), Cases on innovations in educational marketing: Transnational and Technological strategies. (pp1-24). Hershey, USA: IGI Global.
梁恩榮、阮衛華 (2010). 〈香港的公民教育:回顧與前瞻〉. 孔繁清、余振(編), 《中國和平發展:機遇與挑戰》 (頁517-532). 澳門: 澳門理工學院.
Yuen W.W.T. (2009). Development of civic education curriculum in Hong Kong: From city to world identity. In S K Wong etal (eds), 2008 Conference Series on Education Development in Chinese Society Collection of Selected Papers on Curriculum and Instruction (293-304). Macau: University of Macau.
阮衛華 (2009)。 學校與社區關係。輯於吳迅榮、黃炳文編, 廿一世紀的學校領導 - 持續與創新 (頁 307-318)。香港: 學術專業圖書中心。
阮衛華 (2009)。 教學語言讓學校自決。輯於香港教育學院編, 唯教、唯大--香港教育學院十五周年紀念:教育評論結集 (頁 60-61)。香港: 香港教育學院。
阮衛華 (2009)。 通識教育培訓智能型人才。輯於香港教育學院編, 唯教、唯大--香港教育學院十五周年紀念:教育評論結集 (頁 102-104)。香港: 香港教育學院。
阮衛華 (2009)。 金融海嘯對教育的啟示。輯於香港教育學院教育政策論壇編, 我們的言論空間 (頁 92-93)。香港: 香港教育學院教育政策論壇編輯小組。
Yuen, W. W. T. (2009). Turning from teaching in English to teaching in mother tongue: Social realities and contradictions in post-1997 Hong Kong. In R. Koo, B. Choi, M. Lucas, & T. C. Chan (Eds.), Education Policy, Reform, and School Innovations in the Asia-Pacific Region (pp.329-344). Hong Kong: The Association for Childhood Education International - Hong Kong & Macao.

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
Tang, H.H.H., Chong, K.M.E, Yuen W.W.T. (2019). Learning to Understand a Nation: Developing a National Education Curriculum Imbued with Catholic Social Ethics for Hong Kong’s Primary Schools. Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, 15(2), 81-93.
Cheng, E. C. K., Yuen, T. W. W., Leung, Y. W., Tang, H. H. H. (2019). A Model for Promoting Student Participation in School Governance. International Journal of Educational Management (DOI 10.1108/IJEM-06-2019-0186), XX, XX-XX.
Wong P.M., Cheung, C.K. A., Yuen, W.W. T. (2019). A Study of the Mobility of mainland Students: Factors and Issues behind Pursuing a Teacher Education Program in Macau DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/AEDS-06-2019-0095. International Journal of Educational Management, xxx, xxx-xxx.
Yuen W.W.T. , Cheng E. C. K. , Guo C.L. and Leung Y.W. (2019). The civic mission of schools and students’ participation in school governance. Asian Education and Development Studies, 9(2), 229-241.
Eric King-man Chong, Yuen Wai Wa Timothy, Leung Yan Wing (2018). Student council and student leadership training in Hong Kong primary schools. Citizenship Teaching and Leaning, 13.3, 329-349.
Yuen Wai Wa,T., Cheung, Chi Keung, A. & Wong Ping Man (2017). Studying where the jobs are: Mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong. Asian Education and Development Studies, 6(3), 290-302.
Cheng, Y.C., Yuen, W.W. Timothy (2017). Broad-based National Education in Globalisation: Conceptualisation, Multiple Functions and Management. International Journal of Educational Management, 31(3), 265-279.
Cheung A. C. K., & Yuen W. W. T. (2017). Examining the perceptions of curriculum leaders on primary school reform: a case study of Hong Kong.. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 45, 1020-1039.
袁月梅、張志強和阮衛華 (2017)。 香港中學生的靈性健康和其學校及公民參與。 青年研究學報,20(1),202-213。
Francis K.T. MOK, Timothy W.W. YUEN (2016). A critical evaluation of the understanding of critical thinking by school teachers: The case of Hong Kong (doi:10.1177/2047173416652146). Citizenship, Social and Economics Education: An International Journal, XX(YY), 1-17.
Cheung A.C.K. & Yuen W.W. T. (2016). Examining the motives and the future career intentions of mainland Chinese pre-service teachers in Hong Kong. Higher Education, 71(2), 209-229.
Leung, Y.W., Yuen, T.W.W., Cheng, E.C.K. & Guo, C.L. (2016). Is Student Union A Tokenism of Student Participation in School Governance? Journal of Youth Studies. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 11(2), 157-174.
Yuen, W.W. T. (2016). Civic education stuck in a quagmire: A critical review of civic education in Hong Kong. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education: An International Journal, Online released on May 27th , 2016 as doi:10.1177/2047173416650448, xxx, xxx-xxx.
Yuen Wai Wa Timothy, Leung Yan Wing (2016). Introduction to the special issue: Educating for Democracy: Issues and Debates. Asian Education and Development Studies, 5(1), 1-3.
Yuen, T.W.W., Leung, Y.W. & Lu, S.J.Q. (2016). Liberal Studies’ role in civic education: An exploratory study. Asian Education and Development Studies, 5 (1), 59-70.
Yui Kei LEUNG, Yan Wing LEUNG, Timothy Wai Wa YUEN (2016). The Contribution of Advocacy NGOs in Governance through Cultivating of a Participatory Culture: Case Studies in Hong Kong. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 4(3), pp.490-500.
Chong, E.K.M., Yuen, W.W.T. & Leung, Y.W. (2015). Reconstructing Hong Kong’s civic education in the post- national education era: Rethinking about conceptual, curricular & pedagogical matters. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 10(3), 251-269.
Lo,Y.L., Yuen, Y.W. & Leung,W.W. (2015). Exploring school ethos: An investigation of children’s human rights in two secondary institutions in Hong Kong. Intercultural Education, 26(3), 192-209.
Leung, Y.W. , Yuen, W.W. T., Cheng, C.K. & Chow, K.F. (2014). Is Student Participation in School Governance a “Mission impossible”?. Journal of Social Science Education, 13(4), 20-34.
Yuen, W.W.T. & Mok, K.T.F. (2014). Promoting National Identification through Civic Education: a study of the views of civic educators in Hong Kong. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 13(2), 82-92.
Leung Y.W., Yuen,W.W.T & Ngai, S.K. (2014). Personal Responsible, Participatory or Justice-oriented Citizen: The case of Hong Kong. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 9(3), 279-295.
Ngai, S. K., Leung, Y. W. & Yuen, W.W. (2014). The Turmoil of Implementing National Education in Hong Kong: An Overview and Analysis. Social Educator, 32(1), 5-15.
Yuen, W.W., Leung, Y.W., & Lo, Y.L (2013). Human Rights Friendly Ethos in Schools: A Hong Kong Case Study. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 8(4), 431-446.
Yuen, T.W.W. (2013). Book Review: Re-shaping Education for Citizenship: Democratic National Citizenship in Hong Kong.. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 43-2, 383-385.
Yuen, T.W.W., Cheung A.C.K. & Wong, P.M. (2012). A study of the impact of the first phase of the curriculum reform on student learning in Hong Kong. International Journal of Educational Management, 26(7), 710-728.
Leung Y. W. and Yuen W.W. T. (2012). Competition between Politicized and Depoliticized Versions of Civic Education Curricula: the case of Hong Kong. Citizenship social and Economics Education, 11 (1), 46-57.
Yuen, W.W.T. and Chong, K. M. E. (2012). Teaching Human Rights and Rule of Law in Class: a case study of two secondary schools in Hong Kong. Citizenship social and Economics Education, 11(1), 36-45.
Cheng, Y.C., Cheung, A.C.K. & Yuen, T.W.W. (2011). Development of a regional education hub: The case of Hong Kong. International Journal of Educational Management, 25(5), 474-493.
Leung, Y. W., Yuen, WW. & Chong, Y. K. (2011). School based human rights education: Case studies in Hong Kong secondary schools. Intercultural Education, 22(3), 145-162.
Yuen, W. W. T., & Leung, Y. W. (2011). How an advocacy NGO can contribute to political socialization? : A case study in Hong Kong. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education: An International Journal, 9(3), 209-220.
Cheung, A. C. K., Yuen, T. W. W., Yuen, C. Y. M. & Cheng, Y. C. (2011). Strategies and policies for Hong Kong's higher education in Asian markets: lessons from the United Kingdom, Australia, and Singapore. International Journal of Educational Management, 25(2), 144-163.
Yuen W.W. T. and Leung Y.W. (2010). Engaging students in school governance: A case study of the challenges and the way forward.. International Studies in Educational Administration, 38(3), 57-79.
Cheung, A.C.K., Yuen, T.W.W., Yuen, C.Y.M. & Cheng, Y. C. (2010). Promoting Hong Kong’s Higher Education to Asian Markets: Market Segmentations and Strategies. International Journal of Educational Management, 24(5), 427-447.
Yuen W. W. T. (2009). Book review: Toward Critical Patriotism: Student Resistance to Political Education in Hong Kong and Mainland China (by G. Fairbrother). Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 29(1), 119-121.
Leung, Y.W., & Yuen, W.W.T. (2009). School civic education since 1980s: A brief review of the literature in Hong Kong. Educational Research Journal, 24(2), pp. 257-292.
Yuen, W.W.T., & Leung Y.W. (2009). Political education: Controversial issues, neutrality of teachers, and merits of team teaching. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education: An International Journal, 8(2/3), 99-115.
Leung,Y.W., & Yuen, W.W.T. (2009). A Critical Reflection on the Evolution of Civic Education in Hong Kong Schools. Pacific- Asian Education, 21(1), 35-50.
Yuen, W. W. T. (2009). Implementing political education as a school subject: A case study of teachers' pedagogical decisions in post-1997 Hong Kong. Romanian Journal of Pedagogy, 7 (12), 182-187.
Leung, Y. W., & Yuen, W. W. T. (2009). Participatory citizenship and student empowerment: Case study of a Hong Kong school. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 5 (1), 18-34.
Cheung, C. K. A., Yuen, W. W. T., & Yuen, Y. M. C. (2008). Exporting Hong Kong's higher education in Asian markets: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. International Journal of Educational Reform, 17(3), 308-328.
Yuen, W. W. T. (2007). Social ethos and the teaching of politics in post-1997 Hong Kong: A tearchers' account. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education: An International Journal, 7 (3)
Yuen, W. W. T., & Byram, M. (2007). National identity, patriotism and studying politics in schools: A case study in Hong Kong. Compare, 37 (1), 23-36.
阮衛華 (2005). 以發展國際都會為視點培養學生跨文化溝通的能力. 《現代教育通訊》73, 頁58-60.
阮衛華、倪紹強 (2005). 提昇智能與締造正面的自我形象: 香港學校經驗的分享. 《香港教師中心學報》4, 頁125-130.
Yuen, W. W. T., & Ngai, S. K. G (2005). Sharing Hong Kong schools' experience in promoting students' congnitive and affective development. Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal, 4, 125-130.
倪紹強、阮衛華 (2004). 價值與性別研究 - 香港武打漫畫之分析. 《教育曙光》48, 頁22-28.
Publication in policy or professional journal
Lam, T.S., Leung, Y.W., Yuen, W.W., Chong, K.M., & Tang, H.H. (2018). An Evaluation Study of the Teachers’ Receptivity of the Hong Kong Catholic Social Ethics Curriculum and the training programme. Hong Kong Journal of Catholic Studies – Issue of Teaching Catholic Social Ethics and Civil Education, 8, 244-275.
Yuen Wai Wa, Timothy (2018). Accepting Students' Voice in School Governance. Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Bulletin, 95, 11-11.
Publication in non-refereed journal
梁恩榮、阮衛華 (2010)。 道德教育與政治教育結合 -- 香港公民教育的個案探討。 《中國德育》,第12期,頁15-21。
梁恩榮、阮衛華 (2010)。 香港公民教育的政治化與非政治化版本的競逐。 《道德教育研究》,第2期,頁37-45。

Conference Papers
Invited conference paper
Hayes Tang & Timothy Yuen (2018, December). Intercultural Dialogues in Citizenship/National Education in the Context of HK Catholic Schools. FEHD Education Policy Research Cluster Seminar Series, HK.
Lam, T.S., Leung, Y, W., Chong, K.M., Yuen, W.W., & Tang,H.H (2017, March). An evaluation study of the teachers’ receptivity of the Hong Kong Catholic Social Ethics Curriculum. International Conference on Teaching Catholic Social Ethics and Civic Education, HKCU.
Yuen, T.W.W. (2015, June). Sharing the Views of Civic Education Teachers in Schools. Paper presented at EPL Department Research Seminars, HKIED, Hong Kong.
Yuen, T.W.W. (2015, May). The Role of Liberal Studies in Civic Education. Paper presented at HKIEd Symposium on Nurturing Student's Democratic Culture, HKIED, Hong Kong.
阮衛華 (2014,12). 回顧及期許香港公民教育課程發展。論文發表於香港教育政策圓桌研討會,香港。
Leung, Y. W., Yuen, W. W. T. & Ngai, S. K. G. (2012, May). The politics of civic education in Hong Kong: the contest between conservatism and liberalism in the politicization. Paper presented at Creating Communities: Local, National and Global, University of York, UK.
Yuen, W. W. T. & Leung, Y. W. (2011, June). How an Advocacy NGO Can Contribute to Political Socialization: a case study in Hong Kong. Paper presented in IACEE Conference on "Values and Purposes in Citizenship, Social and Economics Education" (28th - 30th June 2011) at Bath Spa University, UK.
梁恩榮、阮衛華 (2010,4). 香港公民教育的政治化與非政治化版本的競逐。論文發表於第七次中國道德教育高層論壇「公民教育與心靈教育」學術研討會,南京,中國。
Leung, Y.W., & Yuen, W. W. T. (2009, December). Politicized and depoliticized versions of civic education in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia Conference 2009, Honolulu.
Yuen, W. W. T. (2007, December). How is politics taught in schools? : An analysis of teachers' pedagogical decisions. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Hong Kong Political Science Association, Hong Kong.
Yuen, Y. M. C., Yu, W. M. C., & Yuen, W. W. T. (2006, June). How textbook pictures describe gender roles: Case studies of general studies and technology studies. Paper presented at Challenges and Possible in Gender Equity Education: The 2nd International Conference in the Asia Pacific Region, Hong Kong.
Yuen, W. W. T. (2006, May). Privatizing education: Some reflections on the development of direct subsidy scheme in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the International Conference on the Impact of Policy on the Social and Moral Fabric of Educational Institutions, Hong Kong.
Refereed conference paper
Timothy Yuen, Alan Cheung & PM Wong (2019, July). Mainland students pursuing study in education in Hong Kong and Macao.. Focal Meeting; Toyko, Japan., Japan.
Chong, K.M.E.; Leung, Y.W.; Davies, I.; Yuen, W.W.T.; Cheng, C.K.E.; Tang, H.H.H.; Hung, C.F.S (2019, June). How to facilitate students understand their national identity and concern about the national affairs? – Hong Kong civic education teachers’ perceptions on national education. Leverhulme Youth Activism International Network (25-27/6/2019), Budapest, Hungary.
Celeste Yuen, Alan Cheung, Timothy Yuen and Hayes Tang (2017, November). Understanding Young people's perspectives on Spiritual Wellness and Engagement with School and Society among Immigrant, Minority and Mainstream Students in Hong Hong. WERA Focal meeting and HKERA International Conference, Hong Kong.
Timothy Yuen, Alan Cheung, Celeste Yuen (2017, November). Teachers' Perspective on the Engagement of Chinese Immigrant and South Asian Minority Secondary Students in Hong Kong. WERA Focal Meeting and HKERA international Conference, Hong Kong.
Yuen, W.W. T. (2015, July). Can civic education help the people to face their challenges: The case ofHong Kong. International Association for Citizenship, Social and Economics Education Eleventh International Conference, UNIVERSITY OF GOETTINGEN, GERMANY.
Leung, Y.W., Yuen, T.W.W., Cheung, E.C.K. & Guo, C.L. (2014, November). Is Student Union a Tokenism of Students Participation in School Governance?. Paper presented in the Asia Pacific Education Research & The Hong Kong Educational Research Association International Conference 2014, Hong Kong.
Leung,Y.W., Yuen, T.W.W., Cheng, E.C.K. & Chow, J.K.F. (2014, November). Is Student Participation in School Governance a "Mission Impossible"?. Paper presented in Asia Pacific Education Research & the Hong Kong Educational Research Association International Conference 2014, Hong Kong.
Mok, K.T. & Yuen , W.W. T. (2013, July). Critical thinking in civic, moral, and national education.. IACSEE 10th International Conference, University of Auckland, New Zealand..
Yuen, W.W. T. Leung Y.W.& Lo, Y.L. (2013, July). Human rights friendly ethos in schools: A Hong Kong case study.. IACSEE 10th International Conference, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Ngai, S. K. G, Leung, Y.W. and Yuen, W. W. T. (2013, June). The Turmoil of Implementing National Education in Hong Kong: An Overview and Analysis.. Paper presented at the Citizenship Education’s responses: Challenges of Nationalism and Globalization, HKIEd, Hong Kong.
Ngai, S. K. G, Yuen, W. W. T. and Leung, Y.W. (2013, March). From Means to Ends: A Study of Civic Education and National Education Programmes in Hong Kong Schools.. Paper presented at The 8th Annual Conference of The Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong (ASAHK), HKIEd, Hong Kong..
莊璟珉、梁恩榮及阮衛華 (2013, March). 重構香港學校公民教育的公民任務. 香港亞洲研究學會第八屆研討會, 香港教育學院.
Yuen W.W.T. (2006, December). The education system of Hong Kong and its recent initiatives. Paper presented at Institute of Educational Sciences, Bucharest.
Yuen W. W. T (2005, December). Reforming medium of instruction in Hong Kong: An analysis of the Medium of Instruction Guidance for Secondary Schools. Paper presented at Conference on Implementation and Rethinking of Education Reforms in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, University of Macau, Macau.
阮衛華 (2004, October). 跨文化能力初探. 發表於2004 年 10月30 日在香港舉行之港澳兒童教育國際協會主辦「珠三角地區兒童教育的適應與發展研討會
Other conference paper
Leung, Y. W., Yuen, W. W., & Leung, Y. K. (2011, March). The contribution of advocacy NGOs in governance: Case studies in Hong Kong. Paper presented in International Conference on 'Governance and Citizenship in Asia: Paradigms and Practices'. 18-19 March, 2011, Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Grossman, D., Leung, Y. W.& Yuen, W. W. (2010, October). Who is the socially responsible citizens? Cases from the Asia-Pacific Rim Region. Seminar jointly organized by FES and Centre for Governance and Citizenship, HKIED.
阮衛華 (2008,11). 香港公民教育課程發展:身份認同的演變。論文發表於「華人社會的教育發展系列:課程與教學改進」研討會,澳門。

Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies
Consulting or contract research report
Leung, Y.W., Yuen W.W. T., Leung, K.Y., Wong, K.L. (2008). A Crucible of Democracy: Promoting participatory citizenship amongst students: First Report for the Research Project on HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity.
Cheng, Y. C., Cheung, C. K. A., Ng, S. W., Choi, P. L., Tang, Y. F. S., Yuen, Y. M. C., & Yuen, W. W. T. (2008). Report on promoting Hong Kong's higher education service to markets outside the Chinese Mainland. Hong Kong Institute of Education
Wong, P. M., Cheung, A. C. K., Ng, S. W., Wu, S. W., Yuen, W. W., & Yuen, Y. M. (2007). Working paper: Survey on the curriculum reform 2006 technical report. Hong Kong
Wong, P. M., Cheung, C. K. A., Ng, S. W., Wu, S. W., Yuen, W. W., & Yuen, Y. M. C. (2007). Working paper: Survey on the curriculum reform 2006 technical report (in Chinese). Hong Kong
Wong, P. M., Cheung, A. C. K., Ng, S. W., Wu, S. W., Yuen, W. W., & Yuen, Y. M. (2007). Working paper: Survey on the curriculum reform 2006 evaluation report. Hong Kong
Wong, P. M., Cheung, C. K. A., Ng, S. W., Wu, S. W., Yuen, W. W. T., & Yuen, Y. M. C. (2007). Report on a qualitative study of the curriculum reform survey: Focus group interviews. Hong Kong: Education Bureau.
Wong, P. M., Cheung, C. K. A., Ng, S. W., Wu, S. W., Yuen, W. W., Yuen, Y. M. C., Mcewen, P., & Chan, S. W. (2007). Evaluation report on the survey of curriculum reform (English version). Hong Kong
黃柄文、張志強、吳迅榮、胡少偉、阮衛華及袁月梅 (2007)。 2006年課程改革評估報告。Hong Kong
黃柄文、張志強、吳迅榮、胡少偉、阮衛華及袁月梅 (2007)。 課程改革調查之質性研究報告:焦點小組訪談。Hong Kong: 香港教育局。
Wong, P. M., Cheung, C. K. A., Ng, S. W., Wu, S. W., Yuen, W. W. T., & Yuen, Y. M. C. (2007). Evaluation Report on the Survey of Curriculum Reform (Chinese Version). Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau.
Wong, P. M., Cheung, C. K. A., Ng, S. W., Wu, S. W., Yuen, W. W. T., & Yuen, Y. M. C. (2007). Evaluation Report on the Survey of Curriculum Reform (English Version). Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau.
Wong, P. M, Cheung, C. K. A., Ng, S. W., Yuen, W. W. T., Yuen, Y. M. C., & Wu, S. W. (2007). Report on Hired Service for Conducting Focus Group Interviews (Chinese Version). Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau.
Wong, P. M., Cheung, C. K. A., Ng, S. W., Wu, S. W., Yuen, W. W. T., & Yuen, Y. M. C. (2007). Report on Hired Service for Conducting Focus Group Interviews (English Version). Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau.

All Other Outputs
Other outputs
阮衛華、莊璟珉 (2016)。 與學生探討具爭議性的社會議題, 公教報。天主教香港教區主教。


Policy Trajectories, Policy Types, and a Theoretical Model of Policy Processes
The project, an expansion of an ongoing project titled
'Historical development of educational policies in Hong Kong' (PI: Lo, Wai Yin, Co-PI: Choi, Tae-Hee, Co-I: Hui, Hon Wing Joe), will investigate the historical development of key educational policies in Hong Kong, Australia, Mainland China, and Korea. Comparative understanding of the history of select policies will help understand the evolution of policies in interaction with the contexts and actors within. It will be informed by policy enactment theory (Ball, Maguire & Braun, 2012), and draw on frameworks which capture the complexities of policy processes (e.g., Choi, 2018; 2019), and analyse historical policy documents, research reports, public addresses and the media records, in addition to the academic literature.

* References
1. Ball, S., Maguire, M., & Braun, A. (2012). How schools do policy: Policy enactments in secondary schools. London: Routledge.
2. Choi, T.-H. (2018). Implementation and impact of language-in-education policies: Insights from South Korea and Hong Kong. In K. J. Kennedy & J. C.-K. Lee (Eds.), Routledge international handbook for schools and schooling in Asia (pp. 518-524). London: Routledge.
3. Choi, T.-H. (2019). Structure, agency, and the “Teaching English in English” policy: The case of South Korea. In G. P. Glasgow & J. Bouchard (Eds.), Agency in language policy and planning: Critical inquiries (pp. 214-236). Oxon: Routledge.

Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): CHOI, Tae Hee (YUEN, Wai Wa, Timothy as Team Member)

Post Anti-National Education and Occupy Movement in Hong Kong: Characteristics of National Education in the Perceptions of Hong Kong Secondary School Civic Education Teachers GRF18604317
This GRF project investigates the perception of secondary school civic education teachers on national identity and national education. Mixed methods will be used and this project aims at contributing to scholalry understanding on how do teachers perceive their national identity and their methods of teaching national education. It is hoped that this project shall contribute to citizenship education and national identity literature.
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): CHONG, King Man Eric 莊璟珉 (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Investigator)

Catholic Social Ethics for Teachers (social issues)
The Catholice Socail Ethics Curriculum Project (Social Issues) 天社倫港情篇 2017-18 is a continuation of the previous project on national issues in 2015-17. Its emphasis , however, lies on incorporating Basic Law education into the teaching of Catholic Social Ethics in both primary and secondary schools. Again launched by the Centre for Catholic studies and collaborated with EdUHK academics, the project provided teacher training to a total of 80 schools and 200 teachers and its efficacy will be evaluated by the EdUHK team. The intended outcomes of this project is an open e-platform of teaching resources for local teachers and conference papers and research articles.

This project provides teacher training and conducts research on teaching Catholic Social Ethics in Hong Kong catholic primary and secondary schools. After teacher training on understanding different Hong Kong social issues, employing teaching and learning methods and strategies, and Catholic social ethics, the school teachers incoporate Catholic Social Ethics in school curriculum takes place in Religious Education, General Studies or related subjects. Post-teaching evaluation have also been conducted. There are 86 schools and 216 teachers participating this project.

Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): LAM, Tak Shing, John 林德成 (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Investigator)

What we want for Hong Kong education: Challenges and possible solutions
The project has the following objectives: (1) understanding the opinion and idea of stakeholders in preparation of the upcoming educational reform; (2) sharing generated knowledge with the public; (3) conducting impactful policy research
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): CHOI, Tae Hee 崔太僖 (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Investigator)

Transition from Early Years to Primary Education: Increasing Successful Immigrant and Minority Family Engagement with their Children’s Learning in Hong Kong
The purpose of this study is to provide (1) professional development (PD) for teachers of culturally diverse students, and (2) to inform and educate parents of the same in the necessary life skills to facilitate positive student engagement with learning in kindergartens and primary schools in Hong Kong.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): YUEN YUET MUI, CELESTE 袁月梅 (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Investigator)

Catholic Social Ethics for Teachers
Helping Catholic primary school teachers understand and apply Catholic social and ethical values in teaching.
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): LAM, Tak Shing, John 林德成 (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Investigator)

Developing Civic Learning Communities to Address Hong Kong’s Future Needs: Supporting Schools in Professional Development for School Based Civic Education
This project is a pilot study on the possibility of building a Civic Learning Concern Network that comprises important civic education literacy stakeholders like teachers, parents, academics and NGOs in primary schools The purpose is to lay some initial theoretical ground work for the later project by investigating the intricacies and interactional dynamics between the various stakeholders.
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Yan Wing 梁恩榮 (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Investigator)

Well-being and Success for All: Mapping the Pathways of Engagement with School and Society Among Immigrant, Minority and Mainstream Students in Hong Kong
The project is to provide a holistic appreciation of immigrant, minority and mainstream students’ well-being and engagement with life. Founded on the frameworks of life satisfaction (Huebner, 2001), spiritual health (Fisher, 1999; 2008), academic engagement (Appleton et al., 2008) and civic engagement (Schulz et al.,2008), this study focuses on identifying the structural relationships between the individual and contextual variables and the engagement of immigrant, minority and mainstream students with school and society. A multidimensional approach combining a questionnaire instrument survey with case studies is employed to deepen understanding of the complexities of well-being among different student groups.
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): YUEN YUET MUI, CELESTE 袁月梅 (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Investigator)

Liberal Studies as a Vehicle of Civic Education
The Project is an initial exploratory study on the subject Liberal Studies from the perspective of civic education.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華

The Role of Student Unions in School Governance and Citizenship Education
The Project is an initial exploratory study on the participation of students unions in school governance in HK. It aims at the impact of such participation on the citizenship development of the students.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Yan Wing 梁恩榮 (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Principal Investigator)

Critical thinking and national identity in civic moral and national education: An investigation of the understanding and practices in schools
In 2012, EPL and the Department of Social Science jointly appointed a number of teacher consultants. These consultants are HKIED alumni who were awarded Chief Executive Teaching Excellence 2010/2011 in the area of moral and national education to serve as teacher consultant. This project studies such distinguished moral and civic educators with in-depth interviews about their perception of national identification, the factors affecting its promotion in civic education, and its relationship with critical thinking.
Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華

The Civic Mission of Schools: Citizenship Education, Democratic School Governance and Students’ Participation
The Project "The civic mission of schools: Citizenship education, democratic school governance and students' participation" is a 3-year project funded by the General Research Fund (GRF). The aim of the Project is to investigate the contribution of students' participation in school governance in nurturing active participatory citizens.
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Yan Wing 梁恩榮 (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Investigator)

Critical thinking in civic, moral, and national education: an investigation of the understandings and practices of critical thinking in schools
The purpose of this research is to explore how the idea of critical thinking is understood and practiced by teachers in primary and secondary schools. It will also examine whether there are conflicts between the practice of critical thinking and the cultivation of other virtues as documented in the curriculums of civic, moral, and national education in Hong Kong.
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): MOK, Ka Tung Francis 莫家棟 (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Investigator)

Civic Mission of School: Citizenship Education, Democratic School Governance and Students' Participation
This project is an one-year pilot test exploring the relationship between citizenship education, democratic school governance and students' participation in secondary schools in Hong Kong.It focuses on the following three areas: constructing a questionnaire for understanding students’ perception of participation and a questionnaire for evaluating the mechanisms and methods schools adopt to encourage student participation; drawing up an interview guideline for exploring the relationship between student participation and citizenship; and constructing an instrument for measuring school ethos.
Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Yan Wing 梁恩榮 (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Investigator)

Collaborative research and publication project with Dr Alan Cheung of John Hopkins University
Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Principal Investigator)

Study on Students’ Attitudes and Views on Sexual Harassment
This study is aimed at assessing students’ attitudes towards sexual harassment, Wonjokyuje, premarital sex and teenage pregnancy. It is intended that the survey will provide information and useful data for assessing students’ sexual attitudes and concept of sexual harassment in particular. The results will reflect timely referencing points in discerning a spectrum of sexual attitudes from students covering a growth period from childhood to adulthood.
Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): LUK-FONG YUK YEE, PATTIE 陸方鈺儀 (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Investigator)

Mainland students studying education degree in Hong Kong
The project explores the reasons and difficulties of Mainland students studying degree course of education in Hong Kong
Project Start Year: 2010, Principal Investigator(s): DR Cheung Chi Keung, Alan, YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華

Exploring the Promotion of Gender Equity Education in Seoul-Joint project of Gender Matters Interest Group and SAO
A three-day study tour to Seoul, South Korea, as hosted and organized by the Korean Institute for Gender Equality Promotion and Education so as to see how does the Korean Government apply gender policies in the country. The group has been led to visit institutes and organizations working for the gender equality and sex education in Korea. The group managed to participate in the opening ceremony of a conference about gender.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): LUK-FONG YUK YEE, PATTIE 陸方鈺儀 (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Investigator)

How NGOs Help with Political Socialization: A Case Study
The project explores the roles of NGOs in promoting political socialization of the young people and the difficulties encountered.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華

Basic Law Education Project
The BLE is a two year school-based project, aiming at providing secondary teachers curriculum and pedagogical support in the teaching of the Basic Law and law-related concepts in the forthcoming New Senior Secondary Liberal Studies Curriculum.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Yan Wing 梁恩榮 (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Investigator)

A 'Crucible of Democracy': promoting participatory citizenship amongst students: research project on HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity (Phase II)
This is the second phase of the project that explore how school could promote participatory citizenship through formal, informal and hidden curriculum.
Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Yan Wing 梁恩榮, YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華

Law-Related Education Project
A pilot action research of three secondary schools on curriculum development and teaching of Law Related Education infused in Liberal Studies or Integrated Humanities. Curriculum, teaching plans and pedagogies of teaching of rule of law and human rights were negotiated between the schools and the researchers. Staff development of relevant subject knowledge and pedagogies were provided. Interviews with teachers and students before and after the lessons and classroom observations were conducted to collect data to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention.
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Yan Wing 梁恩榮 (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Investigator)

A Collaborative Project on Education Policy between the HKIEd and the University of Hull
The aims of the cooperative research which are to facilitate joint research between staff at the two institutions, to organize research conference, and to facilitate the generation of joint research bids.
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): WONG, Ping Man 黃炳文, BOTTERY Mike (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Investigator)

Consultancy Study of Promoting Hong Kong's Higher Education Services to Markets Outside the Chinese Mainland
The objectives of the study are: (1) To review the current situation of exportable higher education services in Hong Kong; (2) To analyze the conditions of the target markets (i.e. India, Malaysia, and Indonesia) for Hong Kong's education service providers; (3) To assess the competitiveness characteristics of international competitors (i.e. Australia, UK, Singapore) and the prospect of partnership with overseas partners in offering programs in Hong Kong to students from the target markets; (4) To (a) recommend the most appropriate market entry/recruitment strategies for Hong Kong Education service providers, (b) suggest any areas or policy that will enhance the prospect of Hong Kong's promotion of higher education services in target markets, and (c) recommend to HKTDC on how to promote Hong Kong's exports of education The study is conducted in three phases: “local and overseas field work and data collection”, “analysis and findings” and “final main report” in a period from April 2007 to February 2008.
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG, Yin Cheong 鄭燕祥 (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Investigator)

Promoting Participatory Citizenship amongst the Students: Research Project on HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
The project analyzed, with HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of creativity as case study, how schools can promote participatory citizenship through formal, informal and hidden curricula.
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華, LEUNG, Yan Wing 梁恩榮

Hired Service for Conducting Focus Group Interview (Curriculum Reform)
The survey on the curriculum reform has been conducted to solicit views from school heads, middle managers, teachers, and students on the reform of the school curriculum, implementation of KLA curricula and impact on schools in order to inform the way forward for curriculum reform for 2007-2012. The main objective of this follow-up study is to collect qualitative data from these various stakeholders to supplement and triangulate the quantitative data gathered by the survey project. The qualitative data will help to provide a better picture of the current curriculum reform perceived by various stakeholders.
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): WONG, Ping Man 黃炳文, CHEUNG Chi Keung, Alan (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Investigator)

Survey on the Curriculum Reform
This is an interim study in the Curriculum Reform in Hong Kong since 2001. It is to understand how the reform is being implemented in local schools, and the perceptions of principals, teachers and students on its effectiveness.
Project Start Year: 2006, Principal Investigator(s): WONG, Ping Man 黃炳文, CHEUNG CHI KEUNG, ALAN 張志強 (YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華 as Co-Investigator)

Prizes and awards

FEHD Top 10% Teaching Award (2018-9)
Top 10% SET Scores
Date of receipt: /6/2019, Conferred by: FEHD (EDUHK)
FEHD Top 10% Teaching Award (2017-8)
Top 10% of SET scores
Date of receipt: /6/2018, Conferred by: FEHD (EDUHK)
FEHD Top 10% teaching award (2016-17)
top 10% by SET score
Date of receipt: /6/2017, Conferred by: FEHD (EDUHK)