Prof CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen    周卓輝 教授
Professor (Practice)
Department of Science and Environmental Studies
Director of Knowledge Transfer
Research and Development Office
(852) 2948 7671
(852) 2948 7697
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Research Interests
Prof. Chow Cheuk Fai, Stephen’s research interests lie mainly in influential areas of supramolecular analytical chemistry, such as catalysts and chemosensors. Prof. Chow has been the Principal Investigator of various successful external research projects in environmental chemistry and education, with total funding of over HK$10 million. He was awarded 3 General Research Fund grants from the Research Grants Council in 2012, 2015, and 2016. He also obtained Knowledge Transfer Fund grants from the Hong Kong Government (ITC) in 2017 and 2023 and the PRC Guangdong Province and Ministry in 2013 to lead projects that aimed to detect toxic pollutants in food and drinking water sensitively and selectively. In 2016, he successfully received a grant of HK$3 million from the HSBC Foundation for transferring his research results into an environmental education project that aims to educate the next generation about the importance of plastic waste management. Over the past years, Prof. Chow has published over 100 international refereed journal papers/ book chapters/ books /conference papers, with more than half ranked within the top 10% in the SCI, SSCI, and SJR international databases. Several of his articles are highly recognized and highlighted as cover stories in Chemical Science, Chemical Communications, Journal of Material Chemistry, Chemistry-A European Journal, and Analyst. Also, he successfully filed seven patents by using his research in these areas from 2012-2021. To further enhance the impact of his research through knowledge transfer (KT), Prof. Chow has held the KT Directorship since July 2014 to facilitate the enhancement of university policies and initiatives on KT. His vision is to transfer his academic results to the community and support his University’s KT.

  1. Supramolecular chemosensors/catalysts for biological, environmental, and food contaminant monitoring.
  2. C-H activation and functionalization.
  3. Bimetallic complexes: MD-bridge-MA [MD = Fe(II), Ru(II), Os(II), Re(I); bridge = CN, N3, NCS; MA = Fe(II), Fe(III), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Pt(II), and Ln(III)].
  4. Smart materials – molecular imprinting polymers, supramolecular polymers, dynamic polymers.
  5. Plastic wastes environmental education/science.
External Appointments

Prof. Chow is a visiting professor at South China Normal University (2012-now) and Southwest University (2015-now). Because of his research background on plastic waste management, he has been serving as the honorable adviser of the Hong Kong Recycling Chamber of Commerce (2018-now), the adviser of the Committee of Environmental Sustainability and Social Distinct Development under the Shatin Woman's Association (2022-2024), and the member of the Climate Action Recognition Scheme of Hong Kong SDG Hub, Wofoo Social Enterprises (2021-now). Using his knowledge transfer background, Prof Chow serves as the assessor of the Enterprise Support Scheme (ESS) Assessment Panel for ITF, HKSAR (2021-now). He was a member of the HKDSE-Chemistry Subject Committee, Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (2012-2018), and a member of CDC-HKEAA Committee on Chemistry, Curriculum Development and Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (2013-2019), the Environmental and Conservation Fund Waste Reduction Project Vetting Subcommittee, EPD, HKSAR (2016-2022). He was a Topic Editor (Supramolecular Chemistry, 2020-2022), and he is now an Associate Editor (2022-now) of Frontiers in Chemistry (IF 5.45).

Personal Profile

Prof. Stephen Cheuk-Fai Chow received his B.Sc. (Applied Chemistry, 1st class honor) and Ph.D. from the City University of Hong Kong in 2000 and 2005, respectively. After graduation, he obtained a Croucher Foundation Fellowship and did his post-doctoral fellowship with Nobel laureate Jean Marie Lehn at the Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (ISIS), Strasbourg, France (2005-2007). His studies continued with Prof. Chi-Ming Che (The Chinese Academy of Sciences) and Prof. Michael Hon-Wah Lam at The University of Hong Kong (2007-2009) and The City University of Hong Kong (2009-2010), respectively. Prof. Chow joined the Department of Science and Environmental Studies of The Education University of Hong Kong as Assistant Professor in 2010 and became Associate Professor in 2013. Since 2014, he has taken up the Directorship of Knowledge Transfer at the University. He is now conferred with the Professor (Practice in Chemistry) title to recognize his leadership and academic excellence. Prof. Chow received The President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Research: (i) Early Career Research Excellence Award and (ii) Research Excellence Award from The Education University of Hong Kong in 2013 and 2016, respectively. He was a Topic Editor (Supramolecular Chemistry, 2020-2022) and is now an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Chemistry (IF 5.545, 2022- now). He was listed as the world's top 2% scientist in 2020 and 2022 (Stanford University under Organic Chemistry Field).

Ten Selected Publications:

(1) Shen C., Dagnaw W. M., Fong C. W., Lau K. C., Chow C. F. (COVER PAGE). Chemical Communications, 2022,58, 10627.

(2) Shen C., Tang Q., Gong C. B., Chow C. F. (COVER PAGE). Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 5029-5035.

(3) Zheng A., Shen C., Tang Q., Gong C. B., Chow C. F. (COVER PAGE). Chemistry-a European Journal, 2019, 25, 9643-9649.

(4) Shen C., Zheng A., Huang, M., Tang Q., Gong C. B., Chow C. F. (COVER PAGE). Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7, 8585-8592.

(5) Chow, C. F., Ho, P. Y., Wong, W. L., Lu, Y. J., Tang, Q., Gong, C. B. Chemical Science, 2017, 8, 3812-3820.

(6) Chow, C. F., Ho, P. Y., Wong, W. L., Gong, C. B. (COVER PAGE). Chemistry-a European Journal, 2015, 21, 12984-12990.

(7) Che C. M., Chow C. F., Yuen M. Y., Roy V. A. L., Lu W., Chen Y., Chui S. S. Y., Zhu N. (COVER PAGE). Chemical Science, 2011, 2, 216-220.

(8) Chow C. F., Roy V. A. L., Zhou Y., Lam M. H. W., Lee C. S., Lau, K. C. (COVER PAGE). Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 2, 6245-6249.

(9) Chow C. F., Fujii S., Lehn J-M. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2007, 46, 5007-5010.

(10) Chow C. F., Chiu B. K. W., Lam M. H. W., Wong W. Y. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 7802-7803.

Personal website:

ResearchGate ID:

Research Interests

Prof. Chow Cheuk Fai, Stephen’s research interests lie mainly in influential areas of supramolecular analytical chemistry, such as catalysts and chemosensors. Prof. Chow has been the Principal Investigator of various successful external research projects in environmental chemistry and education, with total funding of over HK$10 million. He was awarded 3 General Research Fund grants from the Research Grants Council in 2012, 2015, and 2016. He also obtained Knowledge Transfer Fund grants from the Hong Kong Government (ITC) in 2017 and 2023 and the PRC Guangdong Province and Ministry in 2013 to lead projects that aimed to detect toxic pollutants in food and drinking water sensitively and selectively. In 2016, he successfully received a grant of HK$3 million from the HSBC Foundation for transferring his research results into an environmental education project that aims to educate the next generation about the importance of plastic waste management. Over the past years, Prof. Chow has published over 100 international refereed journal papers/ book chapters/ books /conference papers, with more than half ranked within the top 10% in the SCI, SSCI, and SJR international databases. Several of his articles are highly recognized and highlighted as cover stories in Chemical Science, Chemical Communications, Journal of Material Chemistry, Chemistry-A European Journal, and Analyst. Also, he successfully filed seven patents by using his research in these areas from 2012-2021. To further enhance the impact of his research through knowledge transfer (KT), Prof. Chow has held the KT Directorship since July 2014 to facilitate the enhancement of university policies and initiatives on KT. His vision is to transfer his academic results to the community and support his University’s KT.

  1. Supramolecular chemosensors/catalysts for biological, environmental, and food contaminant monitoring.
  2. C-H activation and functionalization.
  3. Bimetallic complexes: MD-bridge-MA [MD = Fe(II), Ru(II), Os(II), Re(I); bridge = CN, N3, NCS; MA = Fe(II), Fe(III), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Pt(II), and Ln(III)].
  4. Smart materials – molecular imprinting polymers, supramolecular polymers, dynamic polymers.
  5. Plastic wastes environmental education/science.
External Appointments

Prof. Chow is a visiting professor at South China Normal University (2012-now) and Southwest University (2015-now). Because of his research background on plastic waste management, he has been serving as the honorable adviser of the Hong Kong Recycling Chamber of Commerce (2018-now), the adviser of the Committee of Environmental Sustainability and Social Distinct Development under the Shatin Woman's Association (2022-2024), and the member of the Climate Action Recognition Scheme of Hong Kong SDG Hub, Wofoo Social Enterprises (2021-now). Using his knowledge transfer background, Prof Chow serves as the assessor of the Enterprise Support Scheme (ESS) Assessment Panel for ITF, HKSAR (2021-now). He was a member of the HKDSE-Chemistry Subject Committee, Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (2012-2018), and a member of CDC-HKEAA Committee on Chemistry, Curriculum Development and Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (2013-2019), the Environmental and Conservation Fund Waste Reduction Project Vetting Subcommittee, EPD, HKSAR (2016-2022). He was a Topic Editor (Supramolecular Chemistry, 2020-2022), and he is now an Associate Editor (2022-now) of Frontiers in Chemistry (IF 5.45).

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Chapter in an edited book (author)
Chow, C. F. (2021). History: A Plastic Pandora's Box. Li, K., Kunze, C. (Eds.), Plastic Atlas (10-11). Asia: Heinrich Boll Stiftung.
Yeung, S. K., Chow, C. F. (2020). Applied Education for Sustainable Development: A Case Study with Plastic Resource Education.. Leal Filho, W., Azul, A. M., Brandli, L., Özuyar, P. G., Wall, T. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Quality Education (17-29). Switzerland: Springer.
Cheang, C. C., Cheung, T. Y., So, W. M. W., Cheng, N. Y. I., Fok, L., Yeung, C. H., Chow, C. F. (2019). Enhancing Pupils’ Pro-environmental Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviours toward Plastic Recycling: A Quasi-Experimental Study in Primary Schools. In So, W. M. W., Chow, C. F. & Lee, J. C. K. (Eds.), Environmental Sustainability and Education for Waste Management (125-143). Singapore: Springer Nature.
Chow, C. F., Chan, C. S. (2019). A Study on Fenton Technology for Polypropylene Waste Degradation and Recovery of High-Value Chemicals. In So, W. M. W., Chow, C. F. & Lee, J. C. K. (Eds.), Environmental Sustainability and Education for Waste Management (223-239). Singapore: Springer Nature.
So, W. M. W., Chow, C. F. & Lee, J. C. K. (2019). Environmental Sustainability and Education for Waste Management. In So, W. M. W., Chow, C. F. & Lee, J. C. K. (Eds.), Environmental Sustainability and Education for Waste Management (10-18). Singapore: Springer Nature.
Cheang, C.C., Chow, C.F., & Fok, L. (2017). The Unconventional Learning Experience of Students—Becoming a Courier of Marine Stewardship. In S.C. Kong, T.L. Wong, M. Yang, C.F. Chow, & K.H. Tse (Eds.), Emerging Practices in Scholarship of Learning and Teaching in a Digital Era (151-170). Singapore: Springer.
Chow, C. F., So, W. M. W., Cheung, T. Y., Yeung S. K. D. (2017). Plastic Waste Problem and Education for Plastic Waste Management. In Kong, S. C., Wong, T. L.,Yang, M., Chow, C. F., & Tse, K. H. (Eds.), Emerging Practices in Scholarship of Learning and Teaching in a Digital Era (125-140). Singapore: Springer Nature.
Tsang, Y. F., Chow, C. F., So W. M. W., Liu, W., Kwok, N.S., Ho, K.C. (2017). An Interactive Conceptual Approach to Support the Teaching and Learning of Green Technology. In Kong, S. C., Wong, T. L.,Yang, M., Chow, C. F., & Tse, K. H. (Eds.), Emerging Practices in Scholarship of Learning and Teaching in a Digital Era (141-150). Singapore: Springer Nature.
Textbook (author)
Chow, C. F., So, W. W. M (2020)。 《看漫畫愛惜膠》。香港教育大學可持續發展教育中心。 version (EdUHK Users only),,contains,991017404016403410&vid=EDUHKFind@EdUHK Library
Edited book (editor)
So, W. M. W., Chow, C. F. & Lee, J. C. K. (Eds.) (2019). Environmental Sustainability and Education for Waste Management. Singapore: Springer Nature.
Kong, S. C.,Wong, T. L., Yang, M., Chow, C. F. & Tse K. H. (Eds.) (2017). Emerging Practices in Scholarship of Learning and Teaching in a Digital Era.. Singapore: Springer.

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
Chow, C. F., Tang, Q., Gong, C. B., Mung S. W. Y. (2024). Indicator-Catalyst Displacement Assay for Tandem Detection and Signal Amplification of Dimethoate Organophosphate Pesticide. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 1, 1.
Tsoi, M.H., Choy, Y.S., Chow, C.F.S., & Mung, W.Y.S. (2023). Optimization of Surface Acoustic Wave Filter Performance with 2D FEM Simulation and Parametric Variation. Microwave Journal
Shen, C., Dagnaw, W. M., Fong, C. W., Lau, K. C., Chow, C. F. (2022). Selective functionalization of C(sp³)–H bonds: Catalytic chlorination and bromination by Ironᴵᴵᴵ-acacen-halide under ambient condition. Chemical Communications, 58(76), 10627-10630.
Zhou, Q.-H., Pan, M.-Y., He, Q., Tang, Q., Chow, C. F., Gong C.-B. (2022). Electrochromic Behavior of fac -Tricarbonyl Rhenium Complexes. New Journal of Chemistry, 46, 1072-1079.
Chow, C. F., Lam, C. S., Lau, K. C., Gong, C. B. (2021). Waste-to-Energy: Production of Fuel Gases from Plastic Wastes. Polymers, 13 (21), 3672.
Chen, M.-J., Yang, H.-L., Si, Y.-M., Tang, Q., Chow, C. F., Gong, C. B. (2021). A hollow visible-light-responsive surface molecularly imprinted polymer for the detection of chlorpyrifos in vegetables and fruits.. Food Chemistry, 355, 129656.
So, W. M. W. *, Cheng, N. Y. I., Cheung, T. O. Lewis, Chen, Y., Chow, C. F. S. (2021). Extending the theory of planned behaviour to explore the plastic waste minimisation intention of Hong Kong citizens. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, E-pub ahead of print, 1-19.
Chow C. F., Jose D. A., Selvakumar P. M. (2021). Supramolecular Chemistry at the Interface of Environmental and Food Science. Frontiers in Chemistry, 9, 680372.
Chen, Y., Chow, C. F., So, W. M. W., (2020). School-STEM Professional Collaboration to Diversify Stereotypes and Increase Interest in STEM Careers among Primary School Students ( Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 1, 1-7.
Chen M. J., Yang H. L., Si Y. M., Tang Q., Chow C. F., Gong C. B. (2020). Photoresponsive Surface Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for the Detection of Profenofos in Tomato and Mangosteen. Frontiers in Chemistry, 8, 583036.
Zheng A., Gong C. B., Chow C. F. (2020). Selective Detection for Methomyl Pesticide via Catalytic Chemosensing Assay. DOI: 10.1002/chem.202002882. Chemistry-a European Journal, 26, 14461-14466.
So, W. M. W., Chen, Y., Chow, C. F., (2020). Primary School Students’ Interests in STEM Careers: How Conceptions of STEM Professionals and Gender Moderation Influence (DOI: 10.1007/s10798-020-09599-6). International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 1, 1-7.
So, W. M. W., He, Q., Chen, Y., & Chow, C. F. (2020). School-STEM Professionals' Collaboration: A case study on teachers' conceptions. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 48, 1-19.
Chow C. F., Zheng A., Huang M., Shen C. (2020). The Power of Dissociation: Development of Displacement Assays for Chemosensing and Latent Catalytic Systems. (Review Invited as Celebrating Jean-Marie Lehn’s 80th Birthday).. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 4, 1328-1339.
Shen C., Tang Q., Gong C. B., Chow C. F. (2020). Catalyst + Chemodosimeter → Chemosensor: Incorporation of a Catalytic Functionality in an Indicator Displacement Assay to Realize Reversible Chemosensing Detection (COVER PAGE and HOT PAPER).. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8, 5029-5035.
Chow C. F. (2020). Biogenic Amines- and Sulfides-responsive Gold Nanoparticles for Real-time Visual Detection of Raw Meat, Fish, Crustaceans, and Preserved Meat.. Food Chemistry, 311, 125908.
Lui L. T., Chen M. J., Yang H. L., Huang Z. J.,Tang Q., Chow C. F., Gong C. B., Zu M. H., Xiao B. (2020). An NIR-light-responsive Surface Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Photoregulated Drug Release in Aqueous Solution through Porcine Tissue.. Materials Science & Engineering C, 106, 110253.
Chow C. F. (2019). Bimetallic-based Food Sensors for Meat Spoilage: Effects of the Accepting Metallic Unit in Fe(II)–C≡N–MA (MA = Pt(II) or Au(I)) on Device Selectivity and Sensitivity.. Food Chemistry, 300, 125190.
Shen C., Zheng A., Huang, M., Tang Q., Gong C. B., Chow C. F. (2019). Indicator/Catalyst Displacement Assay: Design of a Latent Catalyst for the Selective Detection and Degradation of Cyanide by Prussian Blue Analog-Modified TiO2 Nanoparticles. (COVER PAGE). Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 7, 8585-8592.
Zheng A., Shen C., Tang Q., Gong C. B., Chow C. F. (2019). Catalytic Chemosensing Assay for Selective Detection of Methyl Parathion Organophosphate Pesticide. (COVER PAGE and HOT PAPER). Chemistry-a European Journal, 25, 9643-9649.
So, W. M. W., Chow, C. F., (2019). Environmental Education in Primary Schools: A Case Study with Plastic Resources and Recycling.. Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years, 47, 652-663.
Wang, J., Li, C., Wong, W. L., Chow, C. F., (2018). Novel Iron-Based Polynuclear Metal Complexes [FeII(L)(CN)4]2–[FeIII(H2O)3Cl]2: Synthesis and Study of Photovoltaic Properties for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 54, 1164-1175.
Gong, C. B., Wei, Y. B., Chen, M. J., Liu, L. T., Chow, C. F., Tang, Q. (2018). Double Imprinted Photoresponsive Polymer for Simultaneous Detection of Phthalate Esters in Plastics. European Polymer Journal, 108, 295-303.
Long, W., Lu, Y.-J., Zhang, K., Huang, X. H., Hou, J. Q., Cai, S. Y., Li, Y., Du, X., Luyt, L. G., Wong, W. L., Chow, C. F. (2018). Boosting the Turn-on Fluorescent Signaling Ability of Thiazole Orange Dyes: The Effectiveness of Structural Modification Site and Its Unusual Interaction Behavior with Nucleic Acids. Dyes and Pigments, 159, 449-456.
So, W. M. W., Zhan, Y., Chow, C. F., Leung, C. F. (2018). Analysis of STEM Activities in Primary Students' Science Projects in an Informal Learning Environment.. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 16, 1003-1023.
Yang, Y. H., Liu, L. T., Chen, M. J., Liu, S., Gong, C. B., Wei, Y. B., Chow, C. F., Tang, Q. (2018). A Photoresponsive Surface Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Shell for Determination of Trace Griseofulvin in Milk. Materials Science and Engineering C, 92, 365-373.
Cheung, T. Y., Fok, L., Cheang, C.C., Yeung, C. H., So, W. M. W., Chow, C. F. (2018). University Halls Plastics Recycling: A Blended Intervention Study. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 19, 1038-1052.
Chow, C. F., Wong, W. L., Chan, C. W., Chan, C. S., (2018). Converting Inert Plastic Waste into Energetic Materials: A Study on the Light-Accelerated Decomposition of Plastic Waste with the Fenton Reaction.. Waste Management, 75, 174-180.
Cheung, T. Y., Chow, C. F., So, W. M. W., (2018). A Train-the-trainer Design for Green Ambassadors in an Environmental Education Programme on Plastic Waste Recycling.. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 27, 24-42.
Chow, C. F., Liu, S., Chan, C. W., Lu, Y. J., Wong, W. L., Tang, Q., Gong, C. B. (2018). A Bimetallic Re(I)-NCS-Pt(II) Solid-support Chemosensor for the Selective Detection of Dimethyl Sulfide in Spoiled Meat.. Sensors and Actuators B, 255, 2298-2305.
Wang, C., Lu, Y. J., Cai, S. Y., Long, W., Zheng, Y. Y., Lin, J. W., Yan, Y., Huang, X. H., Wong, W. L., Zhang, K., Chow, C. F. (2018). Advancing Small Ligands Targeting RNA for Better Binding Affinity and Specificity: A Study of Structural Influence through Molecular Design Approach.. Sensors and Actuators B, 262, 386-394.
Zheng, A. X., Gong, C. B., Zhang, W. J., Tang, Q., Huang, H. R., Chow, C. F., Tang, Q. (2017). An Amphiphilic and Photoswitchable Organocatalyst for the Aldol Reaction Based on a Product-imprinted Polymer.. Molecular Catalysis, 442, 115-125.
Yeung, S. K., So, W. M. W., Cheng, N. Y., Cheung, T. Y., Chow, C. F. (2017). Comparing Pedagogies for Plastic Waste Management at University Level.. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 18, 1039-1059.
Chow, C. F., Wong, W. L., Chan, C. S., Li, Y., Tang, Q., Gong, C. B. (2017). Breakdown of Plastic Waste into Economically Valuable Carbon Resources: Rapid and Effective Chemical Treatment of Polyvinylchloride with the Fenton Catalyst.. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 146, 34-41.
Chow, C. F., Ho, P. Y., Wong, W. L., Lu, Y. J., Tang, Q., Gong, C. B. (2017). Catalyst Displacement Assay: A Supramolecular Approach for the Design of Smart Latent Catalysts for Pollutant Monitoring and Removal. Chemical Science, 8, 3812-3820.
Sun, N., Wang, C., Xu, M.-H., Lu, Y.-J., Zheng, Y.-Y., Yan, Y., Guo, X.-L., Hou, J.-Q., Zhang, K., Luyt, L.-G., Wong, W. L., Chow, C. F. (2017). The Interaction of a Structural Flexible Small Molecule with Nucleic Acid Structures: Investigation of the Origin of Fluorescence Signal Discrimination in Sensing and the Utilization in Live Cell Imaging.. Sensors and Actuators B, 250, 543-551.
Zheng, Y.-Y., Sun, N., Xu, M.-H., Lu, Y.-J., Qiu, B., Cheng, M.-J., Wong, W. L., Chow, C. F. (2017). Molecular Interaction Kinetics and Mechanism Study of Phytohormones and Plant Protein with Fluorescence and Synchronous Fluorescence Techniques.. ChemistrySelect, 2, 3993-4000.
Lu, Y.-J., Guo, X.-L., Xu, M.-H., Chen, W.-W., Wong, W. L., Zhang, K., Chow, C. F. (2017). Selective Visualization of DNA G-quadruplex Structures in Live Cells with 1-Methylquinolinium-based Molecular Probes: The Importance of Indolyl Moiety Position towards Specificity.. Dyes and Pigments, 143, 331-341.
Gong, C. B., Li, Z. Y., Liu, L. T., Wei, Y. B., Yang, X., Chow, C. F., Tang, Q. (2017). Photocontrolled Extraction of Uric Acid from Biological Samples Based on Photoresponsive Surface Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Microspheres.. Journal of Separation Science, 40, 1396-1402.
Gong, C. B.,Ou, X. X., Liu, S., Jin, Y. L., Huang, H. R.,Tang, Q., Lam, M. H. W., Chow, C. F., Tang, Q. (2017). A Molecular Imprinting-based Multifunctional Chemosensor for Phthalate Esters. Dyes and Pigments, 137, 499-506.
Gong, C. B.,Wei, Y. B., Liu, L. T., Zheng, A. X., Yang, Y. H., Chow, C. F., Tang, Q. (2017). Photoresponsive Hollow Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Trace Triamterene in Biological Samples.. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 76, 568-578.
Shi, H. P., Zhu, Y., Tsang, P. K. E., Chow, C. F., Yu, Z., Huang, S. (2017). Factors Influencing Induction and In Vitro Culture of Hairy Roots in Phytolacca Americana L.. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology, 33, 272-283.
Chow, C. F., Ho, P. Y., Lu, Y. J., Wong, W. L., Tang, Q., Gong, C. B. (2017). Development of Sensitive and Selective Food Sensors Using New Re(I)-Pt(II) Bimetallic Complexes to Detect Volatile Biogenic Sulfides Formed by Meat Spoilage. Food Chemistry, 216, 382-389.
Tang, Q., Li, Z. Y., Wei, Y. B., Yang, X., Liu, L. T., Gong, C. B., Ma, X. B., Lam, M. H. W., Chow, C. F. (2016). Photoresponsive Surface Molecularly Imprinted Polymer on ZnO Nanorods for Uric Acid Detection in Physiological Fluids.. Materials Science & Engineering C, 66, 33-39.
Tang, Q., Quan, H. J., Liu, S., Liu, L. T., Chow, C. F., Gong, C. B. (2016). An Environmentally Friendly, Photocontrollable and Highly Recyclable Catalyst for Use in a One-pot Three-Component Mannich Reaction. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 421, 37-44.
So, W. M. W., Cheng, N. Y. I., Chow, C. F., Zhan, Y. (2016). Learning about the Types of Plastic Wastes: Effectiveness of Inquiry Learning Strategies.. Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, 44, 311-324.
Wang, Q., Lv, Z., Tang, Q., Gong, C. B., Lam, M. H. W., Ma, X. B., Chow, C. F. (2016). Photoresponsive Molecularly Imprinted Hydrogel Casting Membrane for the Determination of Trace Tetracycline Antibiotics in Milk.. Journal of Molecular Recognition, 29, 123-130.
Chow, C. F., Wong, W. L., Ho, Y. F. K. , Chan, C. S., Gong, C. B. (2016). Combined Chemical Activation and Fenton Degradation to Breakdown Waste Polyethylene into High-value Fine Chemicals.. Chemistry-a European Journal, 22, 9513-9518.
Lu, Y.-J., Hu, D.-P., Zhang, K., Wong, W. L., Chow, C. F. (2016). New Pyridinium-based Fluorescent Dyes: A Comparison of Symmetry and Side-Group Effects on G-Quadruplex DNA Binding Selectivity and Application in Live Cell Imaging. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 81, 373-381.
Chow, C. F., So, W. M. W., Cheung, T. Y. (2016). Past Examination Questions in Senior Secondary Chemistry: from Written Practice to Hands-on Experiments.. School Science Review, 97, 77-83.
Chow, C. F., So, W. M. W., Cheung, T. Y. (2016). Research and Development of a New Waste Collection Bin to Facilitate Education in Plastic Recycling. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 15, 45-57.
Lu, Y.-J., Deng, Q., Hou, J.-Q., Hu, D.-P., Wang, Z. Y., Zhang, K., Luyt, L.-G., Wong, W. L., Chow, C. F. (2016). Molecular Engineering of Thiazole Orange Dye: Change of Fluorescent Signaling from Universal to Specific upon Binding with Nucleic Acids in Bioassay. ACS Chemical Biology, 11, 1019-1029.
Lu, Y.-J., Deng, Q., Hu, D.-P., Wang, Z. Y., Huang, B.-H., Du, Z.-Y., Fang, Y.-X., Wong, W. L., Zhang, K., Chow, C. F. (2015). A Molecular Fluorescent Dye for Specific Staining and Imaging of RNA in Live Cells: a Novel Ligand Integration from Classical Thiazole Orange and Styryl Compounds (COVER PAGE). Chemical Communications, 51, 15241-15241.
Lu, Y. J., Wong, W. L., Chow, C. F. (2015). A Surfactant-like Ionic Liquid with Permanganate Dissolved as a Highly Selective Epoxidation System. Catalysis Communications, 69, 25-28.
Chow, C. F., Ho, P. Y., Wong, W. L., Gong, C. B. (2015). A Multi-functional Bimetallic Molecular Device for Ultra-sensitive Detection, Naked-eye Recognition and Elimination of Cyanide. (COVER PAGE). Chemistry-a European Journal, 21, 12984-12990.
Liu, H.-D., Zheng, A.-X., Gong, C. B., Ma, X.-B., Lam, M. H. W., Chow, C. F., Tang, Q. (2015). A Photoswitchable Organocatalyst Based on a Catalyst-imprinted Polymer Containing Azobenzene. RSC Advances, 5, 62539-62542.
Lu, Y.-J., Wang, Z.-Y., Hu, D.-P., Deng, Q., Huang, B.-H., Fang, Y.-X., Zhang, K., Wong, W. L., Chow, C. F. (2015). Benzothiazole-substituted Benzofuroquinolinium Dyes as New Fluorescent Probes for G-quadruplex DNA. Dyes and Pigments, 122, 94-102.
Chow, C. F., Ho, K. Y. F., Gong, C. B. (2015). Synthesis of a New Bimetallic Re(I)–NCS–Pt(II) Complex as Chemodosimetric Ensemble for the Selective Detection of Mercapto-containing Pesticides. Analytical Chemistry, 87, 6112-6118.
Ou, X. X., Jin, Y. L., Chen, X. Q., Gong, C. B., Ma, X. B., Wang, Y. S., Chow, C. F., Tang, Q. (2015). Colorimetric Test Paper for Cyanide Ion Determination in Real-time. Analytical Methods, 7, 5239-5244.
Wong, W. L., Chow, C. F. (2015). A New Bisphenol A Derivative for Estrogen Receptor Binding Studies with Surface Plasmon Resonance.. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 34, 1390-1396.
Xiao, K., Nie, H. M., Gong, C. B., Qu, X. X.,Tang, Q., Chow, C. F. (2015). A Colorimetric and Fluorescent Dual-channel Cyanide Ion Probe Using Crosslinked Polymer Microspheres Functionalized with Protonated Brooker's Merocyanine. Dyes and Pigments, 116, 82-88.
Wong, W. L., Chow, C. F. (2015). Synthesis of Highly Charged C3-Symmetrical Organic Molecule with a Fused Planar Core Structure.. Synthetic Communications, 45, 1327-1333.
Shi, H. P., Yu, W., Zhang, G. P., Tsang, P. K. E., Chow, C. F. (2014). Induction of Polyploid Hairy Roots and Its Plant Regeneration in Pogostemon Cablin. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology, 30, 1235-1246.
Chow, C. F., Ho, P. Y., Gong, C. B. (2014). An Ru(II)-Fe(III) Bimetallic Complex as a Multifunctional Device for Detecting, Signal Amplifying, and Degrading Oxalate (Selected as a Hot Article, Analyst 2014). Analyst, 139, 4256-4263.
Gong, C. B., Jiang, D., Tang, Q., He, L.-H., Ma, X. B., Chow, C. F. (2014). A Novel Turn-on Fluorescent Probe for Hg2+ in Pure Water Based on 8-Hydroxyquinoline. Analytical Methods, 6, 7601-7605.
Nie, H. M., Gong, C. B., Tang, Q., Ma, X. B., Chow, C. F. (2014). Visual and Reversible Detection of Cyanide Ions in Protic Solvents by a Novel Colorimetric Receptor. Dyes and Pigments, 106, 74-80.
Chow, C. F., Gong, F. W., Gong, C. B. (2014). Chemodosimetric Analysis in Food-Safety Monitoring: Design, Synthesis, and Application of Bimetallic Re(I)-Pt(II) Complex for Detection of Dimethyl Sulfide in Foods (COVER PAGE). Analyst, 139, 4532-4537.
Hou, L. L., Shi, H. P., Yu, W., Tsang, P. K. E., Chow, C. F. (2014). Induction of Polyploid in Hairy Roots of Nicotiana Tabacum and Its Plant Regeneration. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology, 30(6), 1-14.
Chow C. F., Lam M. H. W., Wong W. Y. (2013). Design and Synthesis of Heterobimetallic Ru(II)–Ln(III) Complexes as Chemodosimetric Ensembles for the Detection of Biogenic Amine Odorants.. Analytical Chemistry, 85, 8246-8253.
Gong, C. B.; Yang, Y. Z.; Gao, C.; Tang, Q.; Chow, C. F.; Peng, J. D.; Lam, M. H. W. (2013). The Preparation and Characterization of Photo-responsive Sol-gel Materials for 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid by Surface Imprinting.. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 67, 442-450.
Chow, C. F. (2013). Two-Photon Induced Emissive Thiophene Donor-Acceptor Systems as Molecular Probes for in Vitro Bio-imaging: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Spectroscopic Properties. RSC Advances, 3, 18835-18843.
Chow, C. F. (2012). Supramolecular Polymeric Chemosensor for Biomedical Applications: Design and Synthesis of a Luminescent Zinc Metallopolymer as a Chemosensor for Adenine Detection. Journal of Fluorescence, 22, 1539-1546.
Tang, Q., Nie, Y.-T., Gong, C.-B., Chow, C. F., Peng, J.-D., Lam, M. H. W. (2012). Photo-responsive Molecularly Imprinted Hydrogels for the Detection of Melamine in Aqueous Media. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22, 19812-19820.
Ho, Y. M.; Koo, C. K.; Wong K. L.; Kong, H. K.; Chan, C. T. L.; Kwok, W. M.; Chow, C. F.; Lam, M. H. W.; Wong, W. Y. (2012). The Synthesis and Photophysical Studies of Cyclometalated Pt(II) Complexes with C,N,N-ligands Containing Imidazoly Donors. Dalton Transactions, 41, 1792-1800.
Che C. M., Chow C. F., Yuen M. Y., Roy V. A. L., Lu W., Chen Y., Chui S. S. Y., Zhu N. (2011). Single Microcrystals of Organoplatinum(II) Complexes with High Charge-Carrier Mobility (COVER PAGE). Chemical Science, 2, 216-220.
Chow C. F., Kong H. K., Leung S. W., Chiu B. K. W., Koo C. K., Lei E. N. Y., Lam M. H. W., Wong W. T., Wong W. Y. (2011). Heterobimetallic Ru(II)-Eu(III) Complex as Chemodosimeter for Selective Biogenic Amine Odorants Detection in Fish Sample. Analytical Chemistry, 83, 289-296.
Lei K. L., Chow C. F., Tsang K-C, Lei E. N. Y., Roy, V. A. L., Lam M. H. W., Lee C. S., Pun E. Y. B., Li J. (2010). Long Aliphatic Chain Coated Rare-earth Nanocrystals as Polymer Based Optical waveguide amplifiers. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20, 7526-7529.
Chow C. F., Roy V. A. L., Zhou Y., Lam M. H. W., Lee C. S., Lau, K. C. (2010). Novel High Proton Conductive Material from Liquid Crystalline 4-(Octadecyloxy)phenylsulfonic Acid (COVER PAGE). Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2, 6245-6249.
Roy V. A. L., Lo K. K. W., Chow C. F., Chui S. S. Y., Lee C. S. (2010). Alignment of charge-transfer complexes for molecular devices. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20, 434-438.
Koo C. K., Chow C. F., Chiu B .K. W., Lam M. H. W., Wong W. Y. (2008). A pair of Coordination Donor-Acceptor Chemodosimetric Ensemble for the Detection of Tartrate in Aqueous Media. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 1318-1325.
Chow C. F., Fuji, S., Lehn J. M. (2008). Metallo-dynamers: Neutral Double-Dynamic Metallosupramolecular Polymers. Chemistry – An Asian Journal, 3, 1324-1335.
Chow C. F., Fujii S., Lehn J. M. (2007). Crystallization-Driven of the Evolution of Dynamic Polymers in response of neat and solvated environment. Chemical Communications, (42), 4363-4365.
Chow C. F., Fujii S., Lehn J-M. (2007). Metallodynamers: Neutral Dynamic Metallosupramolecular Polymers Displaying Transformation of Mechanical and Optical Properties on Constitutional Exchange. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 46, 5007-5010.
Koo C. K., Ho Y. M, Chow C. F., Lam M. H. W., Lau T. C., Wong W. Y. (2007). Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of cyclometalated Pt(II) complexes containing a functionalized cyclometalating ligand, 2-phenyl-6-(1H-pyrazol-3-yl)-pyridine. Inorganic Chemistry, 46, 3603-3612.
Liu, J., Lam, M. H. W., Sui, H.-Y., Chow, C. F., Yu, H.-X. (2006). The Research of Fluorescent Sensing to Endocrine Disruptor 17β-Estradiol Measured by Microsphere Molecularly Imprinted Polymer.. Research of Environmental Sciences, 19(5), 93-97.
Chow C. F., Lam M. H. W., Wong, W. Y. (2005). Design and Synthesis Heterobimetallic Chemodosimetric Ensemble for the Detection of Sulfur-Containing Amino Acids and Peptide in Aqueous Media. Dalton Transactions, 3, 475-484.
Chow C. F., Lam M. H. W., Wong W. Y. (2004). A Ru(II)-Cu(II) Donor-Acceptor Complex as a Chemodosimetric Ensemble for Selective Cyanide Detection in Aqueous Media. Inorganic Chemistry, 43, 8387-8393.
Chow C. F., Chiu B .K. W., Lam M. H. W., Wong W. Y. (2003). A Trinuclear Heterobimetallic Ru(II)/Pt(II) Complex as a Chemodosimeter Selective for Sulfhydryl-containing Amino Acids and Peptides. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125, 7802-7803.
Chow C. F., Lam M. H. W., Leung M. K. P. (2002). Fluorescent Sensing of Homocysteine by Molecular Imprinting. Analytica Chimica Acta, 466, 17-30.
Leung M. K. P., Chow C. F., Lam M. H. W. (2001). A Sol-gel Derived Molecular Imprinted Luminescent PET Sensing Material for 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 11, 2985-2991.
Publication in non-refereed journal
Chow, C. F. (2013). Environmental science is a basic component of environmental education. The Newsletter of the East-Asian Association for Science Education, 6(4), 14. version

Conference Papers
Invited conference paper
Chow C. F. (2016, September). Rapid Degradation Technology of Plastic Wastes. International Conference on Synergy between Science and Social Development in Solid Waste Management, HKSAR.
Cheang, C.C., Chow, C.F.S. & Fok, L. (2015, August). The unconventional learning experience of students – Becoming a courier of marine stewardship. International Conference on Underwater Science, Technology and Education 2015, Hong Kong.
Chow C. F. (2014, November). Learning about Plastic Waste Recycling in Primary Schools. Paper presented in Asia Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference, Hong Kong.
Mok, K. H. J., Chow C. F. (2014, September). Managing Global Cities: Integrated and Plastic Waste Management in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the 5th United Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific (UCLG ASPAC) Congress, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chow C. F. (2006, December). Heterobimetallic Complexes as Optical Chemosensors for Biological and Environmental Analytes.. 6th International Symposium for Chinese Inorganic Chemists, Young Researchers Forum, Singapore.
Refereed conference paper
Chow C. F. (2016, July). Catalyst Displacement Assay: A New Supramolecular Approach for Latent Catalyst Development. Paper presented in the 11th ISMSC-2016, The International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry, Seoul.
Chow, C. F. (2015, July). Indicator/Catalyst Displacement Assay (ICDA). Paper presented in the 10th ISMSC-2015, The International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry, Strasbourg, France.
Chow C. F., So, W. M. W. (2015, May). I Act, U Act! Education for Plastic Waste Recycling. Paper presented in International Conference on Solid Waste 2015, Hong Kong.
Chow, C. F., Lam, H. W. M., So, W. M. W. (2014, March). Degradation and Mineralization of Plastics.. Paper presented in the 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management, Kyoto, Japan.
So, W. M. W., Cheng, N. Y. I., Chow, C. F. (2014, March). Learning about the Classification and Separation of Plastic Wastes: The First Step to Achieve Environmental Sustainability in Hong Kong.. The 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management, Kyoto, Japan.
Chow C. F., Hui T. L. (2013, July). Using Public Examination Resources as Teaching Materials for Experimental Sessions in the HKDSE Chemistry Curriculum: Effects and Outcomes.(Poster Presentation). The 3rd Biennial Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education, Hong Kong.
Chow C. F., Kong H. K., Leung S. W., Chiu B. K. W., Koo C. K., Lei E. N. Y., Lam M. H. W., Wong, W. T., Wong W. Y. (2011, April). Heterobimetallic Ru(II)-Eu(III) Complex as Chemodosimeter for Selective Biogenic Amine Odorants Detection in Fish Sample.. 18th Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research, Hong Kong.
Ho Y. M., Koo C. K., Wong K. L., Kong H. K., Chow, C. F. Lam M. H. W., Wong W. Y. (2011, April). The Synthesis and Photophysical Studies of Cyclometalated Pt(II) Complexes with Cyclometalating Ligands Containing Imidazoly Donors.. The 18th Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research, Hong Kong.
Chow C. F., Fujii S., Lehn J-M. (2006, August). Dynamic Neutral Metallosupramolecular Polymers.. 1st European Chemistry Congress, Budapest, Hungary.
Chiu B. K. W., Chow C. F., Lam M. H. W. (2004, August). Luminescent chemosensing of saxitoxin.. 228th American Chemical Society, National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, United Stated, United Stated.
Chow C. F., Lam M. H. W., Wong W. Y. (2004, August). Design and Synthesis Heterobimetallic Complexes as Chemodosimetric Ensembles for the Detection of Biological and Environmental Substrates in Aqueous Media.. 228th American Chemical Society, National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, United Stated, United Stated.
Chow C. F., Lam M. H. W., Wong W. Y. (2004, August). Ru(II)-Cu(II) Donor-Acceptor Complex as a Chemodosimetric Ensemble for Selective Cyanide Detection in Aqueous media.. 228th American Chemical Society, National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, United Stated, United Stated.


Toxic Pollutant Monitoring and Removal by Manganese(II) and Cobalt(II) Hexacyanoferrates Modified g-C3N4/TiO2
The project involves synthesizing manganese(II) and cobalt(II) hexcyanoferrate-modified g-C3N4/TiO2 composites for OPs and cyanide detection and mineralization. We expect that the systems will: (i) create color changes via the detection event; (ii) activate the photodegradation properties of the semiconducting unit; (iii) degrade fluorescein, an additional luminescent agent, and establish a cascade amplified luminescent output; and (iv) degrade the target pollutant.
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai, Stephen

Catalyst Displacement Assay: Prussian Blue Analogs-modified g-C3N4/TiO2 for Selective Detection, Signal Amplification, and Degradation of Organophosphate Pesticides

Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai, Stephen

Catalyst Displacement Assay: Prussian Blue Analogs-modified g-C3N4/TiO2 for Selective Detection, Signal Amplification, and Degradation of Organophosphate Pesticides

Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai, Stephen

Promotion of Educational Technology Innovations: EdTech Innovations Salon 2023
Promotion of Educational Technology Innovations: EdTech Innovations Salon 2023
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Heterobimetallic Catalysts for C-H Activation and Functionalization (EdUHK/Dean's Research Fund)
In this proposal, we will synthesize and investigate a series of bimetallic complexes as the latent catalysts for oxidative halogenation reactions.
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai, Stephen

Synthesis and Catalytic Studies of High-Valent bimetallic Iron(IV/V)-oxo Complexes

Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Iron-catalyzed Late-Stage Aliphatic C-H Chlorination of Drugs and Bioactive Substrates (EdUHK/Dean's Research Fund)
In this study, we will focus on oxidative chlorination of C–H bond by high-valent iron-oxo-halide complexes. We envision that this project could develop new synthetic organic chemistry toolboxes for selective oxidative chlorination, and provide insights into how natural enzymes can selectively undergo halogenation. In the coming years, our deliverables include (i) efficient iron catalysts for chlorination of different olefin substrates, including drugs and important intermediates, and (ii) economically viable catalytic chlorination methods.
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Design and Development Smart Latent Catalytic Systems (EdUHK/Dean's Research Fund)
The development of “smart” catalysts for process monitoring and reaction control is highly important in modern chemistry. In this work, we will develop a supramolecular latent catalytic system, a so-called catalyst displacement assay, that uses the “threshold-controlled” catalytic property to detoxify pollutants in fresh water.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Development of a Green and Sustainable Method to C-H Activate Inert Plastic Wastes into Useful Resources (EdUHK/Departmental Research Fund)
The great demand for synthetic plastics and the ineffective recycling of plastic waste threaten our environment at a time when fossil fuels are gradually running out. The development of an economically viable C–H activation system for alkanes remains a major unsolved problem in this millennium. In this study, we will develop new high-valent metal-oxo catalysts to activate carbon-hydrogen bonds of PE, PP, PS, and PVC by solid green oxidants.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

From Plastic Wastes to Resources: The C-H Bond Activation of Polyethylene, Polypropylene and Polyvinyl chloride by High-valent Manganese Catalysts (EdUHK/Internal Research Fund)
The C-H Bond Activation of Polyethylene, Polypropylene and Polyvinyl chloride by High-valent Manganese Catalysts
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Converting Plastic Wastes to Towngas: A Study of C-H Bond Activation of Polyolefin by Lewis Acid-activated KMnO4 (EdUHK/Dean's Research Fund and Departmental Matching Grant)
To study the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of the solid-state oxidation of PE, PP, and PVC by the new Lewis acid based high-valent manganese complexes
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Investigation of a New Technology for Plastic Wastes Treatment Using Solid-phase Process with Ball Milling System (EdUHK/Dean's Research Fund)
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

School-STEM Professionals Collaboration: Impact on Teachers' Conceptions and Students' Attitudes towards STEM
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): SO, Wing Mui Winnie 蘇詠梅 (CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝 as Co-Investigator)

School-STEM Professionals Collaboration: Impact on teachers’ conceptions and students’ attitudes towards STEM
A three-phase design-based approach was adopted in the design of authentic STEM inquiry activities with pre-study and post-study comparisons. The investigation of change in teachers’ conceptions of STEM education involved the use of the drawing of mind maps as well as interviews. Factors influencing the implementation of STEM activities in the classroom were identified through lesson observations of the instructional approaches. The change in students’ attitudes towards STEM was studied using pre-lesson and post-lesson surveys and interviews.
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): SO, Wing Mui Winnie 蘇詠梅 (CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝 as Co-Investigator)

Catalyst Displacement Assay: A Supramolecular Approach for the Design of Smart Latent Catalysts for Toxic Substances Monitoring and Removal (EdUHK/Internal Research Grant)
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Development of Ultra-sensitive Probe for Food Safety Control and Monitoring of Biogenic Odorants from Stale Meats (Innovation and Technology Commission/ITF)
The project is related to the development of new sensing devices to detect the biogenic odorants, such as sulfides, in food, particularly in meat, and aims to test and enhance food quality and food safety control.公眾對食品安全的關注正在迅速增長。消費者希望購買的食品都能得到安全保證。要是每一個經預先包裝的食物產品都能附有一個微型可靠的、不需要電池的和低成本的“食物安全探測器”顯示包裝食物有否變壞的信息,這將會給予消費者很大的全安保障。常見肉類如雞肉、 豬肉、 牛肉和海鮮等,在腐爛的過程中,會釋放出『生物硫』,因此生物硫可作為食品質量的指標物。在這個項目中,我們將開發一系列的化學複合物,用作檢測生物硫的分子傳感器。我們把這些複合物傳感器材料化,溶合到三氧化二鋁及聚氯乙烯等材料內,從而製造出具可塑性的固態生物硫傳感粒子材料。這些粒子材料可以固定在特別設計的片狀小裝置內,例如籌碼形的透明小片,能隔空感測到生物硫的存在,並顯視不同程度的顏色或熒光變化,以反映肉類或食品有否變壞。目前,我們在研究和技術方面已經取得了非常關鍵的基礎。有了這些食物安全傳感器的前期結果,我們相信能很快地實踐可用及可商品化的産品,並對食品安全監察工作作出革命性的貢獻。
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

A Study on the Rapid Degradation Technology of Polyethylene Wastes and its Recovery of High-valued Fine Chemicals (UGC/GRF)
The great demand for synthetic plastics and the ineffective recycling of plastic waste threaten our environment at a time when fossil fuels are gradually running out. The fact that the use of plastics is so widespread and that their poor degradability has led to their accumulation in the environment. Nowadays, plastic waste constitutes a significant portion of municipal solid waste – as many as 275 million metric tons per year. The aim of this project is to develop new technologies for the conversion of synthetic polymers into useful chemical resources, such as fine chemicals and/or organic compounds that can be used as fuels, so as to primarily solve the energy problem as well as to relieve the environmental stress of solid waste caused by plastic.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Development and Application of Novel Supramolecular Devices for Detecting and Destroying of Pesticides (EdUHK/Dean's Research Fund)
Practical and cost-effective treatment of pesticides has been a long-standing challenge in our modern society. Since after World War II, organo-pesticides have been widely used in the agricultural industries. Even today, organo-pesticides in use have high toxicity, very poor degradability and tend to accumulate in our environment. In addition to using regulatory and legislative tools to control the pollution, new technology to determine the level of contaminants and subsequently degrade them into harmless components is highly desirable.
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Bimetallic Donor-acceptor Ensembles for Detection, Signal Amplification and Degradation of Toxic Pollutants (UGC/GRF)
The extensive use and the improper disposal of organic/inorganic chemicals from various industries have led to significant pollution problems throughout the world. Over the past decades, several incidents involving significant contamination of water sources have resulted in severe financial, political, and health costs. In this context, a multifunctional device that can selectively monitor the level of organic pollutants and can magnify weak detection signal and subsequently degrade pollutants into harmless substances is highly desirable.
In the present study, we will address the following areas based on our preliminary results: (i) the mechanism of a bimetallic complex that can simultaneously function as a chemosensor, signal amplifier, and photocatalyst; (ii) the design and synthesis of other cyano-bridged bimetallic donor-acceptor ensembles with similar multifunctional properties for other toxic pollutants, and (iii) the real world application of these new types of molecular devices in environmental monitoring and waste treatment.

Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Teaching and learning of municipal solid wastes using an evidence-based approach
The project aims to build the capacity of secondary school science and liberal studies teachers to develop teaching and learning activities with reference to MSW management issue by equipping them current knowledge and relevant problem solving techniques. Emphasis will be placed upon the current status and key areas of debate in MSW management strategies in both local and international contexts, accounting for both technical and socio-political aspects. The programme will adopt evidence-based, inquiry-based, field-based and service-based teaching and learning approaches. Rather than telling teachers what to do, the proposed programme empowers teachers by fulfilling their information needs, thus enabling them to aid student to make their own informed decisions.
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG, Nga Yee Irene 鄭雅儀 (CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝 as Team Member)

Design and Production Services for Teaching Kit for Integrated Education Programme on Water Conservation
The teaching kit for Integrated Education Programme (IEP) on Water Conservation will be designed for pupils and their parents, principals and teaching staff of all primary schools in Hong Kong.
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): TSANG, Yiu Fai 曾耀輝 (CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝 as Co-Investigator)

“I Act, U Act!” – Education for Plastic Waste Recycling at HKIEd (HKIEd Celebratory Event of 20th Anniversary)
IAUA aims to educate our next generation, especially our HKIEd's students, about the importance and methods of proper plastic waste recycling. There are 12 teaching and learning activities including (i) Plastic Recycling Bin Inauguration, (ii) International Symposium, (iii)Slogan Design Competition, (iv) Learning Camp, (v) Trainer Programme, (vi)Educational Advertisements, (vii) Plastic Waste Collection, (vii) Hall Competition, (viii)Plastic Recycling Bin Promotion; (ix) Public Cleanup, (x) TV Slideshow, (xi) Educational Poster, and (xii) E-newsletter to be organized for our fellow students and colleagues in 2014.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Environmental Studies - Chemical Sensors for Health and Environmental Application (HKIEd/Specific Student Empowerment Work Scheme)
This project aims to train analytical and logical skills as well as environmental consciousness of science background undergraduate students. Through the project we provide them with the opportunity to generate their own procedures and data analysis techniques. Students will be involved in the development of novel scientific knowledge to be used by researchers in their work and in potential contribution to publications. A major difference between the research-based project and administrative project must be noted. In administrative project, student data are compiled by the students for educational purposes only; however, in the research-based laboratory, students are responsible for a larger project, and their data may be used in publications and future work. Through our proposed research-based project, students shoulder a greater responsibility. We expect the student to learn advanced scientific techniques, knowledge, and scientific thinking.
Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Design and Synthesis of Bimetallic Donor-acceptor Ensembles (BmDAEs) as Multi-functional Molecular Devices for Detection, Signal Amplification and Degradation of Toxic Pollutants (HKIEd/Internal Research Grant)
In China and Hong Kong especially, there is major public concern with respect to food safety. Consumers need to ensure the quality and safety of the food products that they purchase. Spoilage of foods generates biogenic volatile compounds (BVCs) which are therefore key markers for food freshness. At present, there are no similar chemodosimetric materials available for detecting the freshness of foods.

In this project, we will explore the feasibility of using bimetallic donor-acceptor ensembles (BmDAEs) as chemodosimeters to determine BVCs (e.g., biogenic amines, sulfides, phenols and carboxylic acids). Our objectives are to (i) design and synthesize new BmDAEs and to fabricate their nano-/microscale and solid-supported materials; (ii) study the chemodosimetric properties of all these materials towards various kinds of BVCs; (iii) analyse their applicability towards real food samples.

Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Molecular Engineering of Rhenium(I) based Bimetallic Complexes as for the Development of Dual Color and Luminescent Molecular Probes (HKIEd/Dean's Research Fund)
Our objectives in this project are to (i) design, synthesize and characterize of a series of new Re(I) based BmDAEs; (ii) study their chemodosimetric properties towards various kinds of BVCs such as sulfides, amines, carboxylic acids and phenols; (iii) analyze their applicability towards real food samples. At present, there are no similar chemodosimetric materials available for detecting the freshness of foods. Also, to date, a systematic design of Re(I) based bimetallic complexes as molecular probes has not been realized. This concept of in-situ monitoring of food quality in foods is completely new. Our dosimetric materials will be useful to the food industry and can be applied to the expiry labels for food packages.

Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Design and synthesis of bimetallic complexes as bifunctional molecular devices for simultaneously detection and degradation of industrial pollutants (UGC/ECS)
Selective detection and efficient degradation of persistent industrial pollutants are major challenges in the world. Stable chemosensors that can provide reliable readouts and quick responses and advanced catalysts that can quickly oxidize and mineralize organic contaminants are in high demand. In this context, a smart molecular device that can automatically degrade selected organic pollutants when specific levels reach a certain detection threshold is highly desirable. This allosteric approach has the advantage of trimming down the loading of chemicals (e.g., H2O2), catalysts (e.g., transition metal complexes), and energy (e.g., continuous UV irradiation) using the traditional degradation processes.
In this project, we will address three research questions arising from our preliminary results: (i) the mechanism of such a bimetallic complex that can function simultaneously as a chemosensor and a photo-Fenton catalyst, (ii) the design and synthesis of other cyano-bridged bimetallic complexes with similar bifunctional properties for the chemosensing of other selected analytes and the advanced degradation of organic pollutants, and (iii) the application of these new types of molecular devices in environmental monitoring and waste treatment in the real world.

Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Development and Application of Supramolecular Sensors on the Area of the Detection of Water Pollutants (超分子化學感測器與水質生物毒性預警設備聯用系統的開發和產業化) (The PRC Guangdong Province and Ministry)
This is a collaborative research project with coordination by Shenzhen Water (Group) Company Ltd, City University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Institute of Education. The project is funded The PRC Guangdong Province and Ministry.
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Bimetallic-based Strategies for Simultaneously Detection and Remediation of Environmental Pollutants (The Croucher Foundation)
Practical and cost-effective treatment of industrial waste has been a long-standing challenge in our modern society. Recently, research attention has been focused on the development of chemosensors for in-situ monitoring of pollutants. Furthermore, In order to deal with the industrial waste problems, elimination of harmful chemicals should be processed after the discovery of them. In this context, our primary aim is to design and synthesize a smart molecular device that can automatically degrade industrial pollutants when their levels reach a certain detection threshold is highly desirable.
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

RG7/12-13R Physical properties of rare earth ions in nanocrystals and glasses: A Semi-ab Initio Approach
Based on several appropriate and well-accepted theories and models, such as the crystal field theory, superposition model, density functional theory, and molecular dynamics model, the present paper attempts to adopt a new integrated approach to semi-ab initio computer simulation/calculations. The present research aims to study various physical properties (e.g., the optical/spectroscopic and magnetic properties considered scientifically and technologically important) of RE ions doped in various types of (a) glasses (e.g., sodium disilicate glasses, which are used in lasers and optical fibre amplifiers because of their high quality and wide range of chemical compositions) and (b) nanocrystals (e.g., ZnS semiconductors and titanium oxide used for new electroluminescence applications including high brightness displays, white colour lighting, and magneto-optical devices).
Through this this interdisciplinary research project, a team of experts with extensive and relevant research experience in physics, chemistry, and materials science from within and outside Mainland China will collaborate in discovering some new findings unique or complementary to those obtained using the traditional disciplinary approach. The collaboration will especially bridge the gap between theoretical and experimental research on RE ions in nanomaterials and new glassy materials.

Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): YEUNG, Yau Yuen 楊友源 (CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝 as Co-Investigator)

Junior Students Mentoring Scheme (JSMS) by a Science and Environmental Summer Programme (HKIEd/Learning Development Grants)
Junior student-teachers, especially freshmen, have limited in-class teaching experience. However, they will have to take up teaching roles soon in their third year of study in new 335 cohorts. In light of this, this application purposes to provide teaching and learning experience to our freshmen through direct observation and participation of classes conducted by our senior student-teachers. In addition to that, this proposal also aims to provide communication channels between our freshmen and their senior on sharing teaching and learning experience.

To realize these aims, the summer programme held by the Department of Science and Environmental Studies will be used as a platform. With extensive one-month participation in the programme, junior student-teachers will learn (i) effective teaching method and classroom management by means of peer observation; (ii) how to prepare lesson plans and teaching materials by involving various scientific and environmental activities, and (iii) teaching experience by participate experience-sharing sessions.

The grant will be allocated mainly to employ four senior student-teachers as instructors in the summer programme. Their main role is not only to conduct the lectures; they will take up the role (i) to mentor forty freshmen during this one-month project, (ii) to provide effective teaching and learning skills and (iii) to share their teaching experience. The project outcomes will be presented and shared in departmental meetings and knowledge transfer seminars.

Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Investigation of soil erosion dynamics using rare earth element oxides and fluorescent-magnetic grains
The proposed study will apply the sediment tracing technique to understand soil erosion, sediment transport and sediment source (origin), along with the delivery mechanisms of sediment, including the role of hydrological connectivity, in a small drainage basin in Hong Kong. Sediment tracing involves the tracking of sediment movement in watershed through a comparison of known tracer inventories in the soil at the sources with that measured in sediment at the basin outlet. This method is applied to obtain data on the spatial distribution of soil erosion in the study basin. A relatively new dual-parameter tracer has been selected in this study. The tracer incorporates a traditional (rare earth element oxides) and a new component (fluorescent magnetic grains). The advantage of using the selected tracers is that it can improve the accuracy of the sediment provenance estimation exercise. The study basin contains a weir and several erosion plots have already been established. These establishments facilitate the current investigation and reduce the cost to a minimum. The study includes a plot-scale and a catchment scale experiment. The objective of the study is to understand when and where soil erosion occurs in addition to the mechanics of sediment delivery and hydrological connectivity in a small sub-tropical drainage basin.
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): FOK, Lincoln 霍年亨 (CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝 as Co-Investigator)

Environmental Sustainability – Scientific research on a chemical method to simultaneously detect and degrade organophosphates (OPs) pesticides (HKIEd/Internal Research Grant).
The widespread use of OPs pesticides in agricultural industries has led to significant wastewater problems throughout the world. OPs pesticides are widely used in agriculture for insect eradication. Researchers have already demonstrated how OPs residues pose a potential hazard to human health such as paralysis and even death. In this project we will develop a bi-functional molecular device that services both as a sensor for the pesticides and a photo-Fenton (PF) catalyst for theirs mineralization. Furthermore, the special design of our chemical technology enables the catalyst to posses the degradation when the levels of OPs reach a certain threshold.
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Application of Chemosensing in Food Safety Monitoring - A Chemodosimeter in Polymer Films for the Selective Detection of Biogenic Amine Odorants (ITC/ITF)
Public concerns over food safety are rapidly growing. Consumers want to be assured of the safety of food products that they are buying. A small, reliable and low-cost “detector” that goes together with pre-packaged food products to demonstrate their safety in an eye-catching way is highly desirable. Rotting of meats and vegetables generates amines such as histamine, spermidine, putrescine, and trimethylamine. These biogenic amines are, therefore, key markers for food quality. At present, chromatographic determination is the most commonly adopted analytical approach for their detection. However, procedures involved are tedious and time-consuming. Problems are usually being identified after contaminated / rotten food items have already been sold or even consumed.

Chemosensing is the detection of specific analytes by specially designed molecular sensors. In this project, we will develop a series of cyano-bridged iron(II)-lanthanide(III) based complexes and poly-siloxane materials for the chemosensing of biogenic amines in the head-space of pre-packaged food products. We have already obtained very promising preliminary results. These chemosensors will open up a new way for the monitoring of food safety in pre-packaged food products.

Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): Lam, Hon Wah Michael (CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝 as Co-Investigator)

Fabrication of iron(II)-lanthanide(III) polymer films as solid-state chemosensors for detection of biogenic amines detection (External Funding from CityU)
This is a research project involving investigation on (i) polymerization of iron(II)-lanthanide(III) heterobimetallic complexes into their polysiloxanes materials; (ii) blending the iron(II)-lanthanide(III) polymers with conventional packaging plastics; (iii) and examination the applicability of those materials on food packaging materials.
Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Chemical sensors for environmental and health application: systematic development of luminescent bimetallic complexes as chemodosimeters for organophosphates (OPs)(HKIEd/Start-up Research Grant).
Over the past decade there have been a myriad of scandals and incidents involving contamination of the food and water supply chain which has drained public confidence and has had untold financial, political and health costs. Public concerns environment, food and water safety. However, ordinary chemical tests are tedious and slow. Problems are usually being identified after toxic items have already been exposed, sold or even consumed. In this context, a small detector that goes together with environment or food products to demonstrate their safety to public in an eye-catching way is highly desirable.

OP pesticides such as paraoxon, parathion and coumaphos are widely used in agriculture for insect eradication. Contamination of groundwater and agricultural products by OP pesticides has led to the need for sensitive and selective detection methods. Medical and biological researches have already demonstrated how OPs inhibit the activity of the enzyme acetyl cholinesterase, which leads to the toxic accumulation of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. The inhibition and accumulation lead to hazard to human health such as contraction of pupils, profuse salivation, convulsions, involuntary urination, defecation by asphyxiation. Up to now, chromatographic determination is the most widely adopted way of detecting OPs in food and water samples. However, the procedures involved are usually expensive and time-consuming.

Despite the needs of OPs monitoring, there are not many reports on the successful development of smart detectors/sensors/dosimeters for them. In this project, luminescent bimetallic complexes will be explored as molecular dosimeters specific for OPs. We envision that such a supramolecular bimetallic approach, where one metal centre acting as a specific binding site for OPs is bridged to another metal centre responsible for signal transduction is a very versatile approach of designing new molecular dosimeters.

Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Chemical Sensors for Biomedical Applications: Design and Synthesis of Luminescent Zinc Complexes as Chemosensors for Adenine Detection (HKIEd/Departmental Research Grant).
Adenine, a purine nucleic base, plays an important role in life processes of human body. It controls blood flow, prevents cardiac arrhythmias, inhibits neurotransmitter release, affects cerebral circulation, and modulates activity of adenylate cyclise. Abnormal concentrations of adenine have been used as biomarkers to diagnose several metabolic disorders and diseases, such as cancer, AIDS, and myocardial cellular energy status. Adenine is a metabolite of adenosine. Hence, differentiation of adenine from a mixture of adenosine and other nucleic bases (guanine, thymine, cytosine and uracil) is particularly important in both biological and clinical areas. Up to now, chromatographic determination is the most widely adopted way of detecting adenine in food and in biomedical samples. However, the procedures involved are usually tedious and time-consuming.
In this context, a small “detector” that can selectively detect adenine to demonstrate the health status of patients in an eye-catching way is highly desirable. The advantages of using luminescent zinc complexes as chemosensors in adenine monitoring are: (i) intrinsic properties (luminescent wavelength, quantum yield, solubility, analyte-binding functionality, hence, sensitivity and selectivity) of zinc complexes can be tuned by judicious choice of coordinating ligands; (ii) sensing signals from the luminescent properties of zinc sensors are readable, so that users/patients can recognize their sample/plasma level of adenine by their naked-eyes without any help of instruments; and (iii) chemosensors are easy to integrate/engineer with portable machine for the ease of advanced medical development.

Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝

Inexpensive Materials for Flexible Transistors and Inverters (ITC/ITF)
Since the report of the first organic thin film transistor (OTFTs) in 1986, there have been great progresses in both the materials performance and development of new fabrication techniques. OTFTs have great potential for a wide variety of applications, especially for new products that rely on their unique characteristics, such as electronic newspapers, inexpensive smart tags ( and large-area flexible displays ( In this proposal, the first deliverable is to achieve high performance OTFTs based on inexpensive charge transfer (eT) complexes. We will demonstrate solution-processed ambipolar thin film transistors (TFTs) where the hole and electron can be transported in a single layer. From our preliminary results, ambipolar transport is observed in CT based complexes. Despite the significant importance of OTFT research area, there is no such research project related to the development of charge transfer materials for OTFT applications in Hong Kong. The principal and co-investigators will demonstrate the basic material requirements and simple fabrication techniques for building inexpensive practical OTFT devices.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): Roy V. A. L. (CHOW, Cheuk Fai Stephen 周卓輝 as Co-Investigator)

Prizes and awards

Silver Medal
Prof CHOW Cheuk Fai Stephen's "Nano-Sensor System for Meat and Seafood Monitoring" won a Silver Medal from the AEII 2023.
Date of receipt: /12/2023, Conferred by: 3rd Asia Exhibition of Innovations and Inventions
Bronze Medal
Prof CHOW Cheuk Fai Stephen's "Nano-Sensor System for Meat and Seafood Monitoring" won a Bronze Medal from the iENA 2023.
Date of receipt: /10/2023, Conferred by: iENA - International Trade Fair “Ideas-Inventions-New Products” in Germany 2023
Special Award
Prof CHOW Cheuk Fai Stephen's "Nano-Sensor System for Meat and Seafood Monitoring" won a Gold Medal and a Special Award from the iCAN 2023.
Date of receipt: /8/2023, Conferred by: International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada (iCAN) 2023
Gold Medal
Prof CHOW Cheuk Fai Stephen's "Nano-Sensor System for Meat and Seafood Monitoring" won a Gold Medal and a Special Award from the iCAN 2023.
Date of receipt: /8/2023, Conferred by: International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada (iCAN) 2023
Bronze Medal (Nano-Sensor System for Meat and Seafood Monitoring)

Date of receipt: 29/4/2023, Conferred by: The 48th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva
Dean's Research Prize: Research Output Prize 2021/222

Date of receipt: 30/6/2022, Conferred by: EdUHK
The world's top 2% scientist (Standford University, 2020, under Organic Chemistry Field).
The world's top 2% scientist (Standford University, 2020, under Organic Chemistry Field).
Date of receipt: /11/2021, Conferred by: Stanford University
Dean's Research Prize: Research Impact Prize 2019/20

Date of receipt: 1/8/2020, Conferred by: EdUHK
Dean's Research Prize: Research Output Prize 2019/20

Date of receipt: 1/8/2020, Conferred by: EdUHK
Dean's Research Prize: Research Output Prize 2017/18

Date of receipt: 19/5/2018, Conferred by: EdUHK
Silver Medal in International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 2018

Date of receipt: 13/4/2018, Conferred by: Silver Medal in International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 2018
Dean's Research Prize: Research Output Prize 2016/17

Date of receipt: 17/3/2017, Conferred by: EdUHK
Dean's Research Prize: Research Impact Prize 2016/17

Date of receipt: 17/3/2017, Conferred by: EdUHK
President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Research (Research Excellence Award)
The President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Research is established to: recognize, encourage and reward the outstanding research work that has significant impact on the community, including but not confined to high-quality international refereed research outputs contributing to academic and intellectual enhancement in the relevant fields.
Date of receipt: /5/2016, Conferred by: The Hong Kong Institute of Education
President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Research (Early Career Research Excellence Award)
The President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Research is established to: a)recognize, encourage and reward the outstanding research work that has significant impact on the community, including but not confined to high-quality international refereed research outputs contributing to academic and intellectual enhancement in the relevant fields.
Date of receipt: /5/2013, Conferred by: The Hong Kong Institute of Education
Best Poster Award from French Chemical Society Congress

Date of receipt: 17/7/2007, Conferred by: French Chemical Society
Croucher Foundation Fellowship

Date of receipt: 1/9/2005, Conferred by: The Croucher Foundation
Champion in 11th Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad for Tertiary Institution

Date of receipt: /2/2000, Conferred by: Hong Kong Chemical Society and Royal Society of Chemistry

一种利用金纳米粒子的食品感测溶液的制 备方法及其应用 (CN 109724971 A)
本发明公开了一种利用金纳米粒子的食品感测溶液的制备方法及其应用。 - G/C01
Bimetallic Complex for Monitoring Sulfur-containing VOC Content (HK1261902)
A colorimetric probe based on bimetallic-based sensor for meat/fish spoilage is developed. - G/A23
A Method for Preparing a Food Sensing Solution through the Use of Gold Nanoparticles (HK1257474)
A colorimetric probe based on AuNP-based sensor for meat/fish spoilage is developed. - G/A23
Method for Preparing Biodiesel and Ionic Liquid Catalyst (HK1212547)
Method for Preparing Biodiesel and Ionic Liquid Catalyst - G/
Method for Assessing Oil Content of Jatropha Seeds (HK1210909)
Method for Assessing Oil Content of Jatropha Seeds - G/A01
8-Compartment Plastic Recycling Bin (HK1500153.0)
The invention relates to a 8-compartment plastic recycling bin designed to facilitate collection of different plastic recyclables (PET, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, PP, PS, Others, and Blend polymers). - G/B07
Molecular Heterobimetallic Chemodosimetric Sensor for the Detection of Biogenic Amines (US8288165B2)
The invention relates to heterobimetallic coordination polymers and their uses as chemodosimeters for sensing and screening of specific biogenic amines. - G/A61