Lecturer I |
Centre for Language in Education |
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters Research book or monograph (author) 簡漢乾 (2022)。 《自然手記 童書見天地》。香港: 香港繪本文化事業有限公司。 霍玉英、張壽洪、簡漢乾 (2018)。 《成長小說教學設計》。香港: 香港兒童文學文化協會。 簡漢乾 (2016)。 謝朓作品中的隱逸思想,輯於劉寧、李鵬飛編《古典文學的內部研究》,(頁348-359)。北京: 北京出版社。 Chapter in an edited book (author) 周立、簡漢乾 (2019)。 〈香港粵語懶音的分佈〉。施仲謀、何志恆主編, 《中國語文教學新探》 (頁 120-129)。香港: 商務印書館(香港)有限公司。 簡漢乾 (2007)。 小組互評在閱讀教學上的運用。梁佩雲、張淑賢, 輯於梁佩雲、張淑賢編《導向學習的評估:教育實務匯編》 (頁68-70)。香港: 香港大學出版社。 |
Journal Publications Publication in refereed journal 簡漢乾 (2021)。 曹植遊仙詩中的隱逸思想。 《人文與社會學報》,3 卷 10 期,頁 1-24。 Yu Baohua, Chau Lap, Kan, Hon Kin, Leung Yick Wah (2017). Languages development under the Bi-literacy and Tri-lingualism: A comparative study of language selection and learning motivation between Hong Kong and Chinese students. Chung Yuan Journal of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, 17, 81-122. 簡漢乾 (2016)。 〈從庾信作品的使節典故論其鄉關之思及貳臣之恨〉。 師大學報(語言與文學類),61,33-54。 簡漢乾 (2014)。 二陸入洛與南北文化交流。 人文中國學報,20,197-224。 簡漢乾 (2013)。 南北交流使者——徐陵。 書目季刊,47(2),49-74。 簡漢乾 (2003)。 謝靈運詩與《楚辭》。 許昌學院學報,22(6),60-63。 |
Conference Papers Invited conference paper 簡漢乾 (2016,12). 思考世界議題——以《八號出口的猩猩》為例的教學研究。論文發表於第一屆語文教育國際研討會,香港。 簡漢乾 (2012,6). 古典文學內部研究與外部研究的互為輔助:庾信出使作品及其心態探討。論文發表於北京大學中文系「古典文學內部研究之反思」學術研討會,北京,中國。 Kan Hon Kin & Poon Hon Fong (2009, July). Evaluation of the effectiveness of self-access e-learning mode in learning Tertiary Chinese Writing Programme in Hong Kong. Paper presented at 16th International Conference on Learning, Barcelona, Spain. Kan, H. K. (2008, April). The study of exiles of the Six Dynasties. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference for Research Students of Chinese, Hong Kong. Refereed conference paper 周立、簡漢乾 (2021,7). 粵講越好:普通話同音字粵音認讀混成學習系統。論文發表於「第六屆國際漢語教學研討會暨工作坊」,國立高雄師範大學,台灣。 簡漢乾 (2020,8). 疫情下的教學經驗分享:以香港教育大學語文教育中心中國語文增潤課程為例。論文發表於「第四屆大學中文論壇」 POON Hon Fong, KAN Hon Kin (2010, December). ‘Facing the internationalization and globalization, does the local language support in tertiary institution enough for transnational students in Hong Kong? Using the Hong Kong Institute of Education as a case study.’. Paper presented at The Second Asian Conference on Education, Osaka, Japan. 簡漢乾、潘漢芳 (2007,6). 廣州話拼音網上自學教材的設計特點及成效。論文發表於「第5屆全球華文網路教育研討會」,台北。 |
Promoting a Dynamic Pedagogical Model of Asynchronous and Synchronous Virtual Teaching and Learning to Enrich Students’ Virtual Learning Experiences Having meticulously considered the situation of the COVID-19 in Hong Kong, the EdUHK has been conducting Virtual Teaching and Learning (VTL) since 2020 spring. Most lecturers deliver lectures synchronously using Zoom and assist students’ asynchronous learning through sharing materials on Moodle and other online platforms and conducting online learning activities. A range of measures have been taken to help teachers and students cope with the challenges and problems, for example, developing Zoom tutorial videos and conducting online workshops, seminars, and sharing sessions to introduce and explain useful approaches to effective VTL. However, many teachers may feel overwhelmed by the large amount of resources and do not know exactly how to apply these strategies or methods in their lessons. Thus, it is necessary to provide them with a pedagogical model, which is easy to follow, conducive to effective VTL, and can be adapted to meet diverse teachers’ and students’ needs. In response to this call, we propose a dynamic pedagogical model that synthesizes and balances asynchronous and synchronous VTL (AS-VTL). To establish and promote this pedagogical model in Faculty of Humanities (FHM), we aim to develop a series of innovative virtual learning resources and implement the AS-VTL pedagogical model in a range of FHM courses across all the five departments/units in FHM. We will also establish a community of practice (CoP) for the wider adaptation of the AS-VTL pedagogical model in FHM, and indeed, in the EdUHK and beyond. Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): WANG, Lixun (KAN, Hon Kin as Co-Investigator) |
「優化中文增潤課程教學成效」計畫 近年,本地大學著手發展形形色色的網上教材或課程,鼓勵學生以至公眾通過互聯網「自主學習」,讓教育事業積極迎接新時代。就此,語文教育中心希望從「課程設計」及「電子教材」兩方面,持續優化中文增潤課程,進一步提升教學成效,以照顧新時代的兩大新需要:一、課程擬增加「生命教育」及「正向教育」元素,讓本校學生通過中文文獻,認識古代知識分子在社會出現各種突發危機時,如「疫病」、「天災」、「戰亂」等,如何自處,從而認識身為大學生或準教師應有的責任和態度,也助他們有更佳「生涯規劃」;二、改善非華語學生廣州話課程,並發展相關新電子教材,以照顧學生的自主學習需要。 Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): TSE, Chun Yip (KAN, Hon Kin as Co-Investigator) |
Roads to Better Cantonese: A Reading Program for Homonyms of Putonghua and Cantonese When learning Cantonese, learners often inclined to over-generalization, and make mistakes in pronunciation. Because of lack of systemic learning in homonyms of Putonghua and Cantonese, it will affect the effectiveness in communication with local people. This project uses connectionism as basic theory, selecting high frequency and co-occurrence words combination to emphasize the relationship between Putonghua and Cantonese. Under emphasizing the internal relationship of homonyms, learners can build up their own vocabularies, and the process of emergent properties will be reinforced. This project expects to have synergistic effect of formal and non-formal learning, by developing a set of asynchronous self-paced Blended Learning materials. Mainland students and international students, through systemic learning in homonyms of Putonghua and Cantonese, can better integrate into local society, nurturing the four core competencies. Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): CHAU, Lap 周立, KAN, Hon Kin 簡漢乾 |
The Online Self-learning Package on Workplace Chinese Communication The Project aims at developing students' independent language capabilities in Chinese as well as professional and positive attitudes through the development of a self-access learning package on professional writing and speaking for the workplace, in order to strengthen their competence in the job market. Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): KWONG, Oi Ping, TSE, Chun Yip (KAN, Hon Kin as Co-Investigator) |
The Online Self-Learning Package on Chinese Idioms This project's objective is to develop an online self-learning package on Chinese idioms so as to enhance students' Chinese language competence as well as develop their knowledge and appreciation of their cultural heritage. Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): TSE, Chun Yip (KAN, Hon Kin as Co-Investigator) |
Assessing Trilingual Speaking Language Ability and Constructing Learning Resources at Hong Kong Institute of Education In line with the objectives of the institute’s development, this project will assess the simultaneous interpreting ability of biliteracy and trilingualism (Cantonese, Putonghua and English) of students from different language backgrounds. The assessing criteria cover four dimensions: the degree of efficiency, the degree of accuracy and precision, the degree of fluency and spontaneity, and the degree of appropriateness. The findings of this research will provide a reference for the revision of language curriculum in the institute. It will also develop a tentative learning resource template on the basis of 500 sentences in spoken English, which can pertinently improve the language proficiency of students and provide a foundation for promoting the biliteracy and trilingualism in the future. The purposes of this project are four-fold: developing the new learning resources; guiding students to make good use of information technology; enhancing students’ independent learning; and achieving a comprehensive and effective promotion of students’ ability of biliteracy and trilingualism. At the same time, the project also aims at expanding students’ international horizon, developing their multicultural values, inspiring their humanistic care, enhancing innovative thinking, and cultivating intercultural communication ability as well as the team cooperation spirit through a better understanding and more recognition of different ethnic languages. Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): YU, Baohua 喻寶華, CHAU, Lap 周立, KAN, Hon Kin 簡漢乾 |
Interactive Online Self-access Learning Package for 'Chinese Writing Skills' The project aims to convert the paper-based self-access learning materials to interactive online learning materials. This could help to develop students' learner autonomy toward strengthening their Chinese writing. Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): POON HON FONG, CONNIE 潘漢芳 (KAN, Hon Kin 簡漢乾 as Co-Investigator) |
Reflective journal writing and interview skills of pre-service teachers on professional moral attributes - learning from frontline teachers This project will collect frontline teachers' views on professional moral attributes through a questionnaire survey. About 20 BEd students will interview frontline teachers to gather their experiences and opinions, then write a reflective journal on how they have learnt from these frontline teachers on professioanl moral attributes development. Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Wai Ha 梁慧霞 (KAN, Hon Kin 簡漢乾 as Co-Investigator) |
Cantonese as a Second Language: Learning, Teaching and Assessment 廣州話:學習、教學與評估 The project developed two modules of teaching and learning materials on Cantonese as a second dialect (30-hour each) aiming to address study and communication needs of Mainland students through courses on Cantonese for Literate Speakers of Other Chinese Dialects; and to enhance students’ Cantonese competence and Hong Kong culture knowledge through learning Cantonese as a second dialect. Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Wai Ha 梁慧霞 (KAN, Hon Kin 簡漢乾 as Co-Investigator) |