Dr CHAN, Wai Ling    陳惠玲 博士
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Department of Early Childhood Education
(852) 2948 8169
(852) 2948 7160
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests

Educational Transition, Learning and Teaching in Early Childhood Education, Curriculum Design for Infants and Toddlers

External Appointments

1. Panel Member of a child care program validation exercise of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualification (HKCAAVQ) (May 2017- August 2017).

2. Consultant of the Diploma Course in Nursery Trainer Training, Centre for Continuing Education, University of Macau (2016-2017).

3. Consultant of the Preschool Chinese Learning Pack: K1-K3, Pearson Education Asia Limited, Hong Kong (2016-2018).

4. Group Member of the Education Drafting Group on the Child Health Policy for The Hong Kong Paediatric Society (2013-2015).

5. Supervisor of the HKIEd HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre (2011-2014).

6. Associate Director of the HKIEd Centre for Childhood Research & Innovation (CCRI) (2010-2013).

7. Professional Consultant for the project 'Quality Improvement Scheme of Learning and Teaching for Po Leung Kuk Kindergartens(22 kindergartens), Centre for Childhood Research Innovation (2010-2012).

8. School Manager of the HKIEd HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre (2001-2007, 2009-2011).

9. School Manager of the Yan Oi Tong Tin Kai Ping Kindergarten (from 2014 onwards).

10. Honorary Vice-chairperson of the Tai Po & North District Early Childhood Education (ECE) Principal Association (from 2010 onwards).

11. Honorary Chairperson of the Tai Po Pre-primary Service Principal Association (2007- 2010).

12. Vice-chairman of the Tai Po District Early Childhood Educational Principal Association (2001-2007).

Personal Profile

Dr. Chan Wai Ling has been working in the field of early childhood education since 1979. She was the Service Coordinator (Child Care Service) of the Christian & Missionary Alliance Social Services for the period of 1996-2000. She was responsible for the management of the operation of seven nursery schools, including administration and curriculum implementation. In 2000, she joined the Hong Kong Institute of Education as a Lecturer in the Department of Early Childhood Education, and had taken up the role of the Founder Principal of the Hong Kong Institute of Education HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre (ECLC) for the period of 2001-2007. Apart from her role as an Assistant Professor in the Department since 2010, Dr. Chan had been the School Manager of ECLC (2009 to 2011), School Supervisor of ECLC (2011 – 2014), (2017-2020) and Associate Director of the Centre for Childhood Research & Innovation (CCRI) (2010-2013) in the University. From 2010 onwards, she has been serving as the Honorary Vice Chairperson of the Tai Po and North District Early Childhood Education Principals Association. She was also the School Manager and Consultant of various early childhood organizations with a role of providing on-site support and staff development to these organizations during the past years.

She has been interviewed by different media in the past years. She was also invited as the Group Member of the Education Drafting Group on the Child Health Policy for The Hong Kong Paediatric Society during the period of March 2013 to June 2015, and appointed as the Panel Member of a program validation exercise by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualification (HKCAAVQ) (May 2017- August 2017).

Her research interests are in the areas of Educational Transition, Learning and Teaching Methods and Infants and Toddlers Curriculum. Different Referred Journal Papers were published in international journals. Her recent publication is about the discrepancy between teachers’ belief and practices in Hong Kong.

Dr. Chan is the co-author of two books in the field of Children’s Transition. She has also edited several books in the fields of Curriculum Design, Young Children and Art, and Teacher Education. Through her extensive community services and professional consultancy works, she has established a good liaison network with numerous pre-school organizations and primary schools, and has earned the reputation for herself and the University in the field of early childhood education.

Research Interests

Educational Transition, Learning and Teaching in Early Childhood Education, Curriculum Design for Infants and Toddlers

External Appointments

1. Panel Member of a child care program validation exercise of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualification (HKCAAVQ) (May 2017- August 2017).

2. Consultant of the Diploma Course in Nursery Trainer Training, Centre for Continuing Education, University of Macau (2016-2017).

3. Consultant of the Preschool Chinese Learning Pack: K1-K3, Pearson Education Asia Limited, Hong Kong (2016-2018).

4. Group Member of the Education Drafting Group on the Child Health Policy for The Hong Kong Paediatric Society (2013-2015).

5. Supervisor of the HKIEd HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre (2011-2014).

6. Associate Director of the HKIEd Centre for Childhood Research & Innovation (CCRI) (2010-2013).

7. Professional Consultant for the project 'Quality Improvement Scheme of Learning and Teaching for Po Leung Kuk Kindergartens(22 kindergartens), Centre for Childhood Research Innovation (2010-2012).

8. School Manager of the HKIEd HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre (2001-2007, 2009-2011).

9. School Manager of the Yan Oi Tong Tin Kai Ping Kindergarten (from 2014 onwards).

10. Honorary Vice-chairperson of the Tai Po & North District Early Childhood Education (ECE) Principal Association (from 2010 onwards).

11. Honorary Chairperson of the Tai Po Pre-primary Service Principal Association (2007- 2010).

12. Vice-chairman of the Tai Po District Early Childhood Educational Principal Association (2001-2007).

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Research book or monograph (author)
陳惠玲、黄國茜、鄭佩華、黄素君、陳淑琴 (2014)。 香港、澳門、台灣幼兒教育發展與現況。香港: 教育出版社有限公司。
Chapter in an edited book (author)
陳惠玲、鄭佩華、黄國茜 (2014)。 香港幼兒教育的現況和發展。輯於陳惠玲、黄國茜編, 《香港、澳門、台灣幼兒教育發展與現況》 (11-51)。香港: 教育出版社有限公司。
陳惠玲、黄國茜 (2014)。 香港、澳門、台灣幼兒教育簡介。輯於陳惠玲、黄國茜編, 《香港、澳門、台灣幼兒教育發展與現況》 (6-9)。香港: 教育出版社有限公司。
陳惠玲 (2013)。 優質嬰幼兒互動式課程理論與實踐。輯於陳惠玲、關珊編, 「敢」問「感」學——課程設計與推行 (11-21)。香港: 香港教育學院。
徐琼玉、余陳惠玲和黃潔薇 (2003)。 教師篇。輯於黃蕙吟、鄭美蓮編, 幼兒教育之旅 (頁196-234)。香港: 教育出版社。
Edited book (editor)
陳惠玲、關珊 (2015)。 學校、大自然、文化 - 課程設計與推行。香港: 香港教育學院。
陳惠玲、黄國茜編 (2014)。 香港、澳門、台灣幼兒教育發展與現況。香港: 教育出版社有限公司。
陳惠玲、關珊編 (2013)。 「敢」問「感」學——課程設計與推行。香港: 香港教育學院。
林美嫦、陳惠玲(編) (2008)。 《賦權老師、家長、幼兒的幼小銜接協作計劃》。香港: 香港教育學院匯豐幼兒發展中心。
Wong, W.Y., Chan, W.L., & Lam, P.W. (2006). Creative Young Children: Sky and Earth.. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institution of Education.
黃潔薇、李婉玲和陳惠玲 (編) (2003)。 《幼師筆下的教育面面觀》。香港: 香港教育學院。

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
Liu, T., Zhang, X., Zhao, K., Chan, W.L. (2020). Teacher-Child Relationship Quality and Chinese Toddlers’ Developmental Functioning: A Cross-Lagged Modelling Approach. Children and Youth Services Review, in press, 1-12.
CHAN, W.L. (2019). A Systematic Approach to Assess the Quality of Centre-based Care Services for Infants and Toddlers in Hong Kong.. Journal of Education and Human Development, 8(4), 1-17.
CHAN, W.L. (2019). Exploring the Impacts of Staff-Child Ratio on Quality of Early Childhood Care and Education – A Comparative Case Study in Hong Kong.. Journal of Education and Human Development, 8(3), 52-63.
Zhang, X. & Chan, W.L. (2018). Effectiveness of the SIME Program for Infants and Toddlers in Center-Based Settings.. Research on Social Work Practice., doi: 10.1177/1049731518775218, 1-19.
Chan. W.L. (2018). Challenges to the infant care profession: practitioners’ perspectives.. Early Child Development and Care, iFirst Article, https://doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2018.1432606, online, 1-13.
CHAN, W.L. (2016). The discrepancy between teachers' beliefs and practices: a study of kindergarten teachers in Hong Kong.. Teacher Development, 20(3), 417-433.
Chan, W.L. & Rao, N. (2013). Variation in the Qualities of Instruction Methods Adopted by Different Kindergartens in Hong Kong.. International Journal of Early Childhood Learning, 19, 21-41.
Chan, W.L. (2012). Expectations for the transition from kindergarten to primary school amongst teachers, parents and children.. Early Child Development and Care, 182, 639-664.
Chan, W.L (2010). The Transition from Kindergarten to Primary School, as experienced by Teachers, Parents and Children in Hong Kong.. Early Child Development and Care, 180(7), 973-993.
Chan, L & Chan W.L. (2005). Paired Reading – Student Teachers reading to Preschoolers (in Chinese). Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 4(1), 62-64.
Publication in non-refereed journal
Li, Y.L. & Chan, W.L. (2004). Early Childhood Education in Hong Kong Through the Eyes of Pioneers (in Chinese). Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 3(1), 51-55.

Conference Papers
Refereed conference paper
CHAN, W.L. (2012, July). Variation in the Qualities of Instruction Methods Adopted by Different Kindergartens in Hong Kong. Paper presented at The 19th International Conference on Learning, London.
Ng, M.L., Chan, W.L., Yuen, G.W.K. & Wong, B.K.T. (2008, May). English Immersion experience for Hong Kong preschoolers : What can we hear from children’s voices ?. 10th International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece.
Yuen, G., Ng, M. L., Wong, K. M. B., & Chan, W. L. (2006, October). Enhancing English learning in ESL young children through immersion creative activities: Hong Kong experiences. Paper presented at the 4th Korean Society for Early Childhood Education International Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
Other conference paper
Chan, W.L. (2017, May). Chat Room: Issue in Transition. Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education (CRECE) –Social, Emotional, and Moral Development of Young Children. Department of Early Childhood Education, Hong Kong.
Chan, W.L. (2017, May). Invited Panel Member of the Symposium "Smooth Transition to Primary School: Promoting School Readiness for All Children". OMEP Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Hong Kong.
Chan, W.L., Zhang X., Lam, P. W., & Mau, Y. C. (2017, May). The implementation of the quality infants and toddlers program.. Poster Presentation at the “Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education: Social, Emotional, and Moral Development of Young Children”, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
CHAN, W.L. (2015, April). Factors Affecting Kindergarten Learning and teaching in Hong Kong.. Presented at the “Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education”, Hong Kong.
Chan W.L. (2009, September). Factors Affecting Kindergarten Learning and Teaching in Hong Kong : A multiple Case Study. Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Education.. Paper presented at Asian Conference on Education, Osaka, Japan.
Yu Chan, W. L. (2008, May). Identifying the teaching and learning approaches in kindergartens of varying quality in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece.
Yu Chan, W. L., Duthie, S., & Lau, P. M. (2008, May). Empowering children, parents and teachers for the smooth transition from preschool to primary school: Partnership between preschool and primary school. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Hong Kong.
陳莉莉、余陳惠玲及姚芷茵 (2005,9). 學前兒童進行 "一對一" 閱讀輔導的經驗分享。論文發表於「國際華人幼兒教育學術研討會」,中國。

All Other Outputs
Review of books or of software
CHAN, W.L. (2016). Reviewer of the Book : 樂在「問題-探索-經驗」. Centre for Childhood Research and Innovation, The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Hong Kong.
Other outputs
CHAN, W.L. (2017). Consultant of Preschool Chinese Learning Pack : K2. Pearson Education Asia Limited, Hong Kong..
CHAN, W.L. (2016). Consultant of Preschool Chinese Learning Pack : K1. Pearson Education Asia Limited, Hong Kong.
CHAN, W.L. (2016). Consultant of the Diploma Course in Nursery Trainer Training. Centre for Continuing Education, University of Macau.
Chan, W.L., Cheng, P.W., & Wong, K.S. (2013)。 A survey on the implementation of 15 Year Free Education。Hong Kong
Chan, W.L. (2009). Learning and Teaching in Hong Kong Kindergartens: A Multiple Case Study. Hong Kong: EdD thesis.
Chan, W. L. (2008). Reviewer of a journal article, Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 7(2), 2009.


Preliminary Implementation of a Co-Designed Motor Skills Training Programme for Kindergarten Children
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): CAPIO, Catherine Mamaid (CHAN, Wai Ling 陳惠玲 as Co-Investigator)

A Quality Review of Hong Kong Crèches Services – An ITERS-R Approach
The aim of the study is to assess the global quality and various aspects of process quality of Hong Kong crèches services for comparison with the findings of other countries by using the ITERS-R instrument, which is the international widely used tool for quality measurement. The results will indicate the relative strengths and weaknesses of Hong Kong crèches for government and service providers to formulate policies for further quality improvement.
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): CHAN, Wai Ling 陳惠玲

Evaluating a Quality Infants and Toddlers Program
The project will assess the effectiveness of a quality infants and toddlers program, which is to be provided to the child care workers and parents in two experimental nurseries. Both the quantitative and qualitative methods will be adopted for the research, with Control Groups selected from four other nurseries. The aim of the project is to provide some guidelines for the quality infants and toddlers program to be adopted by the child care sector in Hong Kong.

Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): CHAN, Wai Ling 陳惠玲

The project examined the past, current and future development of Early Childhood Education in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. In addition, a comparision of the ECE practices of these three areas were described.
Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): CHAN, Wai Ling 陳惠玲

Early Childhood Professional Networks in Four Contexts: Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Korea
This project maps the professional networks of early childhood educators using social network analysis in order to identify professional leaders and to learn how their professional networks operate a sector that is characterized by recent change. The research will provide insight into strategies used by highly networked educators/leaders to access and share information about policy change. Detailed accounts of Most Significant Changes that have occurred when implementing policy change by highly networked individuals will provide a rich source of daily practice that will be made available for professional learning purposes.
Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): GRIESHABER SUSAN JANE 桂素心 (CHAN, Wai Ling 陳惠玲 as Co-Investigator)

Relationships between cognitive skills and language proficiencies in Cantonese and English among learners from the HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): WONG KWOK SHING, RICHARD 黃國成 (CHAN, Wai Ling 陳惠玲 as Co-Investigator)

An investigation into the modes of subsidy of early childhood education in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan
This project examined the current modes of subsidy in early childhood education in Hong Kong in comparison with the modes of subsidy in Macau and Taiwan. It aimed to (1) understand early childhood education modes of subsidy in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan in terms of implementation methods and the issues involved, (2) examine the strengths and weaknesses of the modes of subsidy in the three regions and (3) identify the appropriate early childhood education mode of subsidy in Hong Kong.

Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): CHAN, Wai Ling 陳惠玲

Teaching for creativity: Promoting creative practices in preschool classrooms and the process of change
This project recognizes the current Hong Kong preschool classrooms face a number of challenges for the development of young children’s creativity and it aims to support teachers to improve their creative practices. The objectives of the project are: (i) to empower teachers’ understandings of the concept of creativity and to support teachers to acquire skill and knowledge for creative teaching and teaching for creativity through training seminars, workshops and on-site supports; (ii) to develop exemplars of good creative practices through the partnership of project members and participating teachers; (iii) to identify the characteristics of good creative practices through try-out lessons; and (iv) to disseminate good creative practices provided by practicing schools.

Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG HUN PING, REBECCA 張杏冰 (CHAN, Wai Ling 陳惠玲 as Co-Investigator)

Teaching for creativity: Promoting creative practices in preschool classrooms and the process of change
This project recognizes the current Hong Kong preschool classrooms face a number of challenges for the development of young children’s creativity and it aims to support teachers to improve their creative practices. The objectives of the project are: (i) to empower teachers’ understandings of the concept of creativity and to support teachers to acquire skill and knowledge for creative teaching and teaching for creativity through training seminars, workshops and on-site supports; (ii) to develop exemplars of good creative practices through the partnership of project members and participating teachers; (iii) to identify the characteristics of good creative practices through try-out lessons; and (iv) to disseminate good creative practices provided by practicing schools
Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, Hun Ping Rebecca 張杏冰 (YU-CHAN, Wai Ling 余陳惠玲 as Team Member)

Organizational -based Quality Improvement Scheme
The Professional Development and Support Unit of Centre for Childhood Research and Innovation has extended its service to organizations that operate childcare centres and kindergartens. In 2010, The Po Leung Kuk Education Unit has invited our centre to run a two-year project for its 22 kindergartens.  Six consultants from Department of Early Childhood Education has been providing on-site support and staff development to 22 kindergartens since 4/2010 until 3/2012.

The aim of the project is to improve the quality of learning and teaching in Bi-literacy and Tri-lingualism in respect of the study of the following areas:

1.Effective language environment in the classroom.
2.Teachers' skills and techniques in using classroom language.
3.Effective learning and teaching strategy in language activities.
4.School and parents cooperation in enhancing children's use of language.

Besides the on-site support, the consultants will collaborate with the Po Leung Kuk Education Unit in the design of context strategies aiming to catalyze educational reform through the empowerment of the organization.

Project Start Year: 2010, Principal Investigator(s): (YU-CHAN, Wai Ling 余陳惠玲 as Co-Principal Investigator)

Empowering Children, Parents and Teachers for the Smooth Transition from Preschool to Primary School: Parentship between Preschool and Primary School
This is a joint project initiated by the Early Childhood Learning (ECLC) and collaborated with the Hong Kong Institute of Education Jockey Club Primary School (JCPS). It aims to empower children, parents and teachers for the smooth transition from preschools to primary schools by implementing a continual transition programme in both the ECLC and the JCPS and is expected to bring direct benefits to the three classes of 42 children attending the ECLC, three classes of 96 children attending Primary one of the JCPS, parents, teachers and principals from the two schools. A resource package will be disseminated to preschools and primary schools in Hong Kong.
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): CHAN, Wai Ling 陳惠玲