Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters Deng, Y. & Zhao, Z. (2024). Marxism and Religious Education in China. In John Chi-Kin Lee and Kerry J. Kennedy (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Life and Values Education in Asia (xx-xx). London: Routledge. Zhao, Z. (2024). Section Overview: Religious Diversity in Multiple Contexts. In John Chi-Kin Lee and Kerry J. Kennedy (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Life and Values Education in Asia (xx-xx). London: Routledge. Zhao, Z. & Lee, C. K. J. (2024). Contexts and Orientations of Life Education in Asia. In John Chi-Kin Lee and Kerry J. Kennedy (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Life and Values Education in Asia (xx-xx). London: Routledge. Zhao, Z., Lee, C. K. J., & Tan, C. (2024). Life and Values Education in Mainland China. In John Chi-Kin Lee and Kerry J. Kennedy (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Life and Values Education in Asia. London: Routledge. (xx-xx). London: Routledge. Chia, Y.-T. and Zhao, Z. (2023). (Eds.) Citizenship and Education in Contemporary China: Contexts, Perspectives, and Understandings. London and New York: Routledge. Chia, Y.-T. and Zhao, Z. (2023). Citizenship and Education: Chinese Context and Conceptualisations. In Chia, Y.-T. and Zhao, Z. (Eds.), Citizenship and Education in Contemporary China: Contexts, Perspectives, and Understandings (pp. 1-6). London and New York: Routledge.. Zhao, Z. (2023). Religious Façade of ‘the Chinese Nation’ in China’s School Curriculum. In Chia, Y.-T. and Zhao, Z. (Eds.), Citizenship and Education in Contemporary China: Contexts, Perspectives, and Understandings (pp. 68-80). London and New York: Routledge.. Zhao, Z., Kennedy, K. J., and Wang, X. (2022). Civic belief systems in Chinese citizenship education. In Zhonghua Guo (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Citizenship (pp. 365-375). New York: Routledge. Nazim, A. H., Samina, N. and Zhao, Z. (2021). Multiculturalism in the Muslim world: A case of Pakistan. In Christine Halse and Kerry J. Kennedy (eds.), Multiculturalism in Turbulent Times. Asia-Europe Education Dialogue. (xx-xx). Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge.. Tan, Chuanbao, Zhao, Zhenzhou and Lee, John Chi-Kin. (2021). Understanding Life Education in Mainland China: Views Through the Lens of Moral-Civic Education. In John Chi-Kin Lee, Stephen Yam-wing Yip, Raymond Ho-Man Kong (eds.),, Life and Moral Education in Greater China. Routledge Series on Life and Values Education. (xx-xx). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Zhao, Z.Z. and Nazim, A.N. (2020). Religious education in China: Religious diversity and citizenship building. In Kerry J. Kennedy, John Chi-Kin Lee (Eds.), Religious Education in Asia: Spiritual Diversity in Globalized Time (XX-XX). New York: Routledge.. Zhao, Z. (2018). Moral and Civic Education. In Kerry J. Kennedy and John Chi-Kin Lee (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia (xx-xx). Abingdon: Abingdon: Routledge. Zhao, Z. (2016). “批判性思維與‘好’公民:中國與澳大利亞課程大綱的比較研究”. 輯於檀传宝和默里∙普云特主編, 《培育好公民———中外公民教育比较研究》 (184-201). 中國: 浙江教育出版社. Zhao, Z.Z. (2015). Being Good but Critical Citizens: A Comparison of Citizenship
Curriculum in China and Australia. In Murray Print, & Chuanbao Tan (Eds.), Educating "Good" Citizens in a Globalising World for the Twenty-First Century (177-192). The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. Kennedy, K. J., Li, H., & Zhao, Z.Z. (2015). Theorizing Citizenship as Discursive Practice: Chinese Students Talk about Citizenship. In Zhonghua Guo and Sujian Guo (Eds.), Theorizing Chinese Citizenship (191-208). Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. Kennedy, K.J., Fairbrother, G.P., & Zhao, Z. (2014). Understanding Citizenship Education in China: Multiple Perspectives. In K.J. Kennedy, G.P. Fairbrother, & Z. Zhao, Citizenship Education in China: Preparing Citizens for the "Chinese Century" (222-234). London: Routledge. Zhao, Z.Z. (2014). The Trilingual Trap: “Imagined” Empowerment among Ethnic Mongols in China. In J. Leibold, & Y. Chen (Eds.), Minority education in China: balancing unity and diversity in an era of critical pluralism (239-258). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Zhao, Z.Z. (2014). Volunteer Development in Chinese Universities. In K.J. Kennedy, G.P. Fairbrother, and Z. Zhao (Eds.), Citizenship Education in China: Preparing Citizens for the "Chinese Century" (208-221). New York & London: Routledge. Kennedy, K.J., Fairbrother, G.P., & Zhao, Z. (Eds.) (2014). Citizenship Education in China: Preparing Citizens for the “Chinese Century”. London: Routledge. Zhao, Z.Z. (2012). China, Educational Equality for Ethnic Women. In J. A. Banks (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education (335-339). Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 趙振洲 (2011)。 “中國港澳臺地區公民教育經驗研究”(Citizenship Education in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau)。輯於檀传宝編, 《公民教育引論:國際經驗,歷史變遷與中國公民教育的選擇》(Conspectus of Citizenship Education: International Experience, Historical Transition and China’s Choice) (頁387-408)。北京: 人民出版社。 Zhao, Z.Z. (2011). Multiculturalism in China: Conflicting Discourses in Universities. In JoAnn Phillion, Ming Tak Hue and Yuxiang Wang (Eds.), Minority Students in East Asia: Government Policies, School Practices and Teacher Response (pp. 48-64). New York and London: Routledge Press. 趙振洲 (2010)。 《现代西方道德教育策略研究》(Strategies of Moral Education in Contemporary Western Society)。濟南: 山東人民出版社。 Zhao, Z.Z. (2010). China’s Mongols at University:Contesting Cultural Recognition. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Press.. Zhao, Z., & Fairbrother, G. P. (2010). Pedagogies of cultural integration in Chinese citizenship education. In K. J. Kennedy, W. O. Lee, & D. L. Grossman (Eds.), Citizenship Education Pedagogies in Asia and the Pacific (37-52). Dordrecht, Netherlands.: Springer. Zhao, Z.Z. (2009). A 2007 Summary of the Education System in Hong Kong (Volume 1). In Yang Dongping (Ed.), China Educational Development Yearbook (pp. 309-320). Leiden; Boston: Brill. 趙振洲 (2009)。 婦女地位 (Women’s Status)。辑於羅金義, 鄭宇碩編, 《變與常:中國改革開放30年》(A Volume on 30 Years’ Reform in China: Change and Stability) (頁303-312)。香港: 香港城市大學出版社。 Zhao, Z.Z. (2007). Schooling in China. In Gerard A. Postiglione and Jason Tan (Eds.), Going to School in East Asia (pp. 61-85). Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. Zhao, Z.Z. and Tan, C.B. (2007). Citizenship Education in Mainland China at a Crossroads. In Charlene Tan and Kim-chong Chong (Eds.), Critical Perspectives on Values Education in Asia (pp. 124-137). Singapore: Pearson Prentice Hall. 郭力力、趙振洲 (2004)。 儿童 性别 语文教材(Children, Gender, and Language Teaching Materials)。輯於史靜寰編, 《走進教材與教學的性別世界》(Entrance into the Gender World of Teaching Materials and Practice) (頁276-287)。北京: 教育科學出版社。 Zhang, L.L., Zhang, X.W., Zhao, Z. and others. (2003). 教育研究導論 (translation of Introduction to Educational Research, 3rd ed., by C.M. Charles). 北京: 中國輕工業出版社.
Journal Publications Lee, J. C. K., Tan, W., & Zhao, Z. (2025). Can parental financial literacy enhance children's higher education opportunities?. International Review of Financial Analysis, 97 infomation: 1 - No Poverty, 4 - Quality Education, 5 - Gender Equality, 10 - Reduced Inequality Aman-Hunzai, N., Kennedy, K. J., & Zhao, Z. (2024). ‘Good’ citizens or ‘faithful’ Muslims? Contested narratives for citizenship education in Pakistan. Journal of Moral Education, xx, 1–21. infomation: 4 - Quality Education Zhao, Z. & Lee, C. K. J. (2024). The meaning of life in China’s civics curriculum: A comparative historical study on worldview construction. Journal of Moral Education, 53(3), 575-591. Zhao, Z., Kennedy, K. J., & Yang, H. (2024). ‘Beyond the nation state’: does China’s ‘new era’ education facilitate an international orientation to citizenship education?. Globalisation, Societies and Education infomation: 4 - Quality Education, 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, 17 - Partnerships for the Goals Zhao, Z., Kennedy, K. J., & Wang, X. (2024). Teaching national identity in post-handover Hong Kong: Pedagogical discourse and re-contextualization in the curriculum. Citizenship Teaching & Learning, 19, 173 - 190. infomation: 4 - Quality Education Yu, T. and Zhao, Z. (2024). Confucianism in multicultural China: ‘official knowledge’ vs marginalised views. Comparative Education, 60(1), 59-76. Zhao, Z. (2023). What does the ideal citizen look like in China’s new era? A bottom-up view. Citizenship Studies, 27(6), 744-760. Zhao, Z., Wang, C., & Guo, Z. (2023). Introduction: Reconsidering Chinese citizenship: cultural roots and cultural reach. Citizenship Studies, 27(6), 623-636. Zhao, Z. and Wang, C. (2023). (Introduction) Beyond the state’s reach? Education and citizen making in China. Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, 19(2), 73-83. Zhao, Z. and Wang, C. (guest editing) (2023). Special issue: Beyond the state reach? Education and citizen-making in China. Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, 19(2), xx-xx. Zhao, Z., Kennedy, K. J., and Wang, X. (2023). Teaching national identity in post-handover Hong Kong: Pedagogical discourse and recontextualisation in the curriculum. Citizenship Teaching & Learning, xx, xx. Zhao, Z. (2022). Religious façade of ‘the Chinese nation’ in China’s school curriculum. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 43(2), 295-307. Zhao, Z.Z. (2021). Narrating belief in China: a comparison of the school curriculum and students’ perceptions. Journal of Beliefs & Values: Studies in Religion & Education. ifirst,, 42(2), 177-189. Zhao, Z.Z. (2021). Making Sense of Religion: A Qualitative Inquiry into Students’ Conceptions of Religion in Two Chinese Regions. British Journal of Religious Education. DOI: 10.1080/01416200.2021.1873105, xx, x-x. Zhao, Z. Z. and Sun, Y. (2020). Revisiting religious higher education in China: comparative analysis of Furen University narratives. The Asia Pacific Education Review, 21, 629-638. Yeow-Tong Chia, & Zhao, Zhenzhou (2020). Guest Editorial: Citizenship and Education in China: Contexts, Perspectives, and Understandings. Chinese Education & Society (special issue), 53(1-2), 1-2. Zhao, Z.Z. (2020). The religious world in Chinese social studies textbooks. British Journal of Religious Education, 42(2), 214-223. Gardelle, L. & Zhao, Z.Z. (2019). Being a herder in contemporary Mongolia: Nomadic identity and nationhood building at school. Asian Ethnicity, 20(3), 364-385. Zhao, Zhenzhou & Fairbrother, Gregory P. (2018). Religiosity and Citizenship Values in Chinese Language Textbooks. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 13(2), 227-239. Zhao, Z.Z. (2018). Knowledge and power: the interface between religion and education in China. Cambridge Journal of Education (Doi: 10.1080/0305764X.2016.1256950), 48(2), 141-156. Zhao, Z.Z. (2017). Religion and the Cultivation of Citizenship in Chinese Higher Education. Higher Education, DOI: 10.1007/s10734-016-0069-x, 74(6), 635-649. Fairbrother, G. P. & Zhao, Z. (2016). Paternalism, National Citizenship, and Religiosity in Chinese State Legitimation Discourse. Journal of Chinese Political Science, 21(4), 417-434. Zhao, Z.Z., Zhu, Z. Y., & Ruan, L. Y. (2016). Configuration of the Teacher–State Relationship:The Shanghai Experience [Special issue]. Frontiers of Education in China, 11(3), 322-337. Zhao, Z.Z. (2015). Review of 'Educational Policy Innovations: Levelling Up and Sustaining Educational Achievement'(by Sing Kong Lee, Wing On Lee, and Ee Ling Low).. Frontiers of Education in China, 10(4), 660-663. Deng, M., & Zhao, Z. (2014). The Education System in Shanghai: Negotiating the Nature of Education Special issue]. The Asia Pacific Education Researcher, 23(4), 805-812. Zhao, Z.Z. (2014). The teacher–state relationship in China: an exploration of homeroom teachers’ experiences. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 24(2), 148-164. Zhao, Z.Z. (2014). Pedagogisation of nation identity through textbook narratives in China: 1902-1948. Citizenship Studies, 18(1), 99-112. Zhao, Z.Z. (2014). Review of 'Global citizenship and the university: Advancing social life and relations in an interdependent world' (by Robert A. Rhoads and Katalin Szelényi).. Frontiers of Education in China, 9(1), 141-144. Zhao, Z.Z. (2013). Being a Critical Citizen: A Comparative Perspective on Australia and China. Curriculum Perspectives, 33(1), 90-93. Zhao, Z.Z. (2013). The Shaping of Citizenship Education in China. Frontiers of Education in China, 8(1), 103-120. Zhao, Z.Z. (2011). A Matter of Money?: Policy Analysis of Rural Boarding Schools in China. Education Citizenship and Social Justice, 6(3), 237-250. Zhao, Z.Z. (2011). Empowerment in a Socialist Egalitarian Agenda: Minority Women in China’s Higher Education System. Gender and Education, 21(4), 353-370. Zhao, Z.Z., & Postiglione, G. A. (2010). Representations of Ethnic Minorities in China’s University Media. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 31(3), 319-334. Zhao, Z.Z. (2010). Practices of Citizenship Rights among Minority Students at Chinese Universities. Cambridge Journal of Education, 40(2), 131-144. Zhao, Z.Z. (2010). Trilingual Education for Ethnic Minorities: Toward Empowerment?. Chinese Education and Society, 43(1), 70-81. Zhao, Z. Z. (2010). Guest Editor’s Introduction: China’s Ethnic Dilemma: Ethnic Minority Education. Chinese Education and Society, 43(1), 3-11. 趙振洲 (2009)。 中國大陸對公民教育的詮釋(Conceptualization of Citizenship Education in the Chinese Mainland)。 Education Journal 《教育學報》(香港),37 (1–2),頁57-69。 Zhao, Z.Z.,& Postiglione, G.A. (2008). Making Globalization Work for Chinese Higher Education by Building Bridges between Internationalization and Multiculturalism. Asian Ethnicity, 9(2), 133-150. 趙振洲 (2008)。 透視香港學生自願者的培養機制(The Development of Student Volunteers in Hong Kong)。 少年兒童研究,第12期,頁20-23。 何雲峰、趙振洲 (2007)。 行走學校,能走多遠? (Boot Camps: How Far Can They Go?)。 上海師範大學學報(基礎教育版),第4期,頁1-5。 趙振洲 (2007)。 隔岸對唱:近二十年關於中國大陸德育討論本土與國際焦點之對比(A Comparison between the Internal and International Debates over Moral Education in Mainland China during the Past Two Decades)。 教育學報,第4期,57-62。 Zhao, Z.Z. (2007). Ethnic Mongol Students and Cultural Recognition: Case Studies of Three Chinese Universities. Chinese Education and Society, 40 (2), 26-37. 趙振洲 (2006)。 女性主義方法論及對教育研究的應用(Feminist Methodology and Its Application in Education Research)。 教育研究與實驗,1006 (1),頁9-14。 Zhao, Z.Z., & Postiglione, G.A. (2005). Ethnic Identity at University: Mongolian Students in Beijing. 《神州交流》(Chinese Cross Currents), 2 (3), 77-89. 鄧猛、趙振洲 (2005)。 教育科學研究方法與寫作基本規範的思考(Reflections on Methods and Publication Rules in Education Research)。 教育研究與實驗,第1期,頁1-6。 Guo, L.L., & Zhao, Z.Z. (2002). Children, Gender, and Language Teaching Materials. Chinese Education and Society, 35 (5), 34-52.
Conference Papers Zhao, Z. (2024, June). Revisiting religious higher education in China: comparative analysis of Furen University narratives. Critical University Studies conference, Hong Kong. Yu, T. & Zhao, Z. (2024, May). Confucianism in multicultural China: ‘official knowledge’ vs marginalised views. Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2024, Singapore. Yu, T. & Zhao, Z. (2024, April). Confucian Tradition in Multicultural China: ‘Official Knowledge’ vs. Marginalized Views. 2024 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA.. Zhao, Z. (2024, April). China’s Education of New Era Citizenry: Forging a cultural understanding of citizenship. 2024 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA.. Zhao, Z. (2024, April). Learning During an Age of Disruption and Turmoil: Learning to be a citizen. Inclusive Values For Troubling Times: Creating Caring Societies. A Symposium for the International Congress on Educational Futures, Hong Kong. Zhao, Z. & Yu, T. (2024, April). Confucianism in China’s political education: From state curriculum to student voices. Paper presentation]. 2024 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association: "Dismantling Racial Injustice and Constructing Educational Possibilities: A Call to Action" (AERA 2024), Philadelphia, USA.. Zhao, Z. (2023, June). Cosmopolitanism and Marxism in China’s New-era Education. Paper presented at the 17th Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education (APNME), Joetsu University of Education, Japan.. Zhao, Z. (2023, June). Local cultures and global developments in moral and citizenship education: Similarities and differences in East Asia. Paper presentation]. The 17th Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education, Joetsu, Japan. Wan, Z., Lee, C.K. J. & Zhao, Z. (2023, May). Working in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: Hong Kong science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) undergraduates’ intention and concerns. Paper presentation]. International Conference on Learning and Teaching for Future Readiness 2023: “Learning and Teaching in the Eve of Metaverse”. Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Zhao, Z. and Lee, J.C-K (2023). Regulating Life in China’s Civics Curriculum: A Comparative Historical Study on Worldview Construction. Paper presented on the 24th Annual Children’s Identity Citizenship European Association (CiCea) / 2nd CitEdEV Conference on “Strengthening Citizenship Education in Times of Conflict”, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Zhao, Z. (2022, October). Traditional culture and education for citizenship in the Xi Jinping era. Paper presented at 2022 Annual Conference of the Asian Qualitative inquiry Association, South Korea. Zhao, Z., Kenned, K. J., Wang, X. (2021, July). Civic belief systems in Chinese citizenship education. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education (APNME), Taiwan.. Zhao, Z. (2017, June). Religiosity and citizenship in China’s school curriculum. Paper presented at The 13th CitizED International Conference: Global citizenship and youth work: educational meanings, possibilities and practices, Korea National Sport University, Seoul, Korea., Korea. Zhao, Z. (2016, July). Religion and citizenship in China’s moral-political education. Paper presented at The 12th CitizED International Conference, the University of Birmingham, UK., UK. Fairbrother, G. P. and Zhao, Z. (2016, April). Paternalism and Religiosity in Chinese State Legitimation Discourse. Paper presented at the Workshop on Citizenship Identity Theory and Practice, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China.. Zhao, Z. (2015, June). Critical citizenship in China and Australia: A comparative study on the curriculum guidelines. Paper presented at the Redesigning Pedagogy: Leaders, Values and Citizenship in 21st Century Education, held in conjunction with 11th International CitizED Conference and the Arts, Humanities and Literature Conference 2015: Redesigning pedagogy: Leaders, values and citizenship in 21st century education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.. Zhao, Z., Li, L., & Kennedy, K. J. (2015, June). Paths to citizenship: An agenda for cross-society investigations.. Paper presented at the joint conference of 11th International CitizED Conference and the Arts, Humanities and Literature Conference 2015: Redesigning pedagogy: Leaders, values and citizenship in 21st century education. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Zhao, Z. (2014, July). Educational Issues in Hong Kong. Invited Speech presented at the teacher-training workshop held by the Chinese State Ministry of Education, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China. Zhao, Z. (2014, June). When religion meets Marxism: How can the Chinese university students reconcile with each other?. Invited speech presented at 'Religious Others, Schooling, and the Negotiation of Civic Identities: Interdisciplinary Symposium', Hannover, Germany. Zhao, Z. (2013, June). Teacher-state relations in China: An exploration of class teachers’ experiences. Paper presented at The Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education Eighth Annual Conference: Learning from Diversity and Commonality: Ways Forward for Moral Education in the Asia-Pacific, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta,, Indonesia.. Zhao, Z. (2013, March). Forging national identity in modern China: A study of political education textbooks. Paper presented at the 57th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society: Educational quality: Global imperatives and contested visions, New Orleans,, the United States.. Zhao, Z. (2011, September). he Trilingual Trap: “Imagined” Empowerment among Ethnic Mongols in China. Paper presented on 'Multicultural Education in China: Integration, Adaptation, and Resistance', La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia.
Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies 張莉莉、张学文、趙振洲等翻譯 (2003)。 教育研究導論 (Introduction to Educational Research, 3rd ed., by C.M. Charles)。北京: 中國輕工業出版社。
All Other Outputs Zhao, Z.Z. (2012)。 國民教育無罪,如何教才關鍵(Pedagogical issues in 'national education')。經濟日報 (Hong Kong Economic Times), July 27, 2012, A23.。 趙振洲 (2011)。 「被想像的」德育及國民教育科('Imagined’ Moral and National Education), 信報財經新聞 (Hong Kong Economic Journal), 8月22日, P16.。 趙振洲 (2011)。 香港建教育樞紐的三項策略(Three Strategies for Hong Kong to Build a Regional Education Hub), 信報財經新聞(Hong Kong Economic Journal), 5月6日, P22.。 趙振洲 (2011)。 推德育及國民教育,獨立開課非最佳方式(To Implement a Separate Subject is Not the Best Way for Moral and National Education), 星島日報(Sing Tao Daily), 4月2日, A19.。 趙振洲 (2010)。 從法國五月風暴看香港的八十后青年運動 ( The French Student Uprising in 1968 and the “Post 80s” Generation in Hong Kong),天大報告(港澳觀察),5月26日。 Zhao, Z.Z. (2010). Chinese Education and Society. 43 (1). 趙振洲 (2009)。 建国以来中国女性地位的变迁——从宣传画看中国妇女形象嬗变 (Changes in Images of Women in China’s Propaganda Posters since 1949),《炎黄纵横》,(5),頁12-14, 24。 趙振洲 (2007)。 尊重理解,有的放矢(Respect Adolescents’ Autonomy in Chasing Stars),中國教育報(China Education Newspaper),10月22日,P7.。