Dr NG, Cheuk Wing Margaret    吳卓穎 博士
Senior Lecturer II
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
(852) 2948 6235
(852) 2948 7563
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Research Interests
  • School-Based Curriculum Development, Implementation and Evaluation
  • Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development
  • Inquiry-Based Learning
  • Project-Based Learning
  • External Appointments

    2015 onwards - School Manager, Baptist (Sha Tin Wai) Lui Ming Choi Primary School

    2012 onwards - School Manager, Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School

    2012 onwards - School Manager, Baptist Lui Ming Choi Primary School

    2006 onwards - School Manager, Hong Kong Baptist Convention Primary School

    2006-12 - School Manager, Pooi To Secondary School

    2006-12 - School Manager, Pooi To Primary School

    2006-09 - School Manager, Baptist Rainbow Primary School

    2007 onwards - Lecturer, Parent Education Courses, CCDLE, Shatin Baptist Church

    2007 onwards - Consultant, Children Development Centre, Shatin Baptist Church

    2006 onwards - Elected Member, Primary, Secondary and Continuing Education Committee of Baptist Convention of Hong Kong

    2006 onwards - Elected Member, General Committee of Baptist Convention of Hong Kong

    2006 onwards - Zone Pastor, 400-member Visual-Audio Ministry’s Pastoral Zone of Shatin Baptist Church

    Personal Profile

    Dr NG Cheuk Wing, Margaret received her Doctor of Education degree from the University of Bristol, U.K., following the completion of Master of Education (with Honours) from the University of Western Australia, and Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) from the University of Alberta, Canada. She obtained her teaching qualification from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr NG is currently a Senior Lecturer II in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Before joining the Department, she worked as the Assistant Project Manager (Curriculum Development) of the ‘Centre for Research in Interdisciplinary and Liberal Studies’ at the HKIEd. Dr NG is actively involved in school-based management that she has been a school manager of seven primary and secondary schools and a member of the Primary, Secondary and Continuing Education Committee of the Baptist Convention of Hong Kong since July 2006.

    Research Interests

  • School-Based Curriculum Development, Implementation and Evaluation
  • Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development
  • Inquiry-Based Learning
  • Project-Based Learning
  • External Appointments

    2015 onwards - School Manager, Baptist (Sha Tin Wai) Lui Ming Choi Primary School

    2012 onwards - School Manager, Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School

    2012 onwards - School Manager, Baptist Lui Ming Choi Primary School

    2006 onwards - School Manager, Hong Kong Baptist Convention Primary School

    2006-12 - School Manager, Pooi To Secondary School

    2006-12 - School Manager, Pooi To Primary School

    2006-09 - School Manager, Baptist Rainbow Primary School

    2007 onwards - Lecturer, Parent Education Courses, CCDLE, Shatin Baptist Church

    2007 onwards - Consultant, Children Development Centre, Shatin Baptist Church

    2006 onwards - Elected Member, Primary, Secondary and Continuing Education Committee of Baptist Convention of Hong Kong

    2006 onwards - Elected Member, General Committee of Baptist Convention of Hong Kong

    2006 onwards - Zone Pastor, 400-member Visual-Audio Ministry’s Pastoral Zone of Shatin Baptist Church

    Research Outputs