Prof MASON, Mark Bernard    教授
Guest Lecturer
Department of International Education
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests

I) Comparative and international education & development - International educational development: theory, philosophy, research and policy; - Methodological, axiological and epistemological issues in research in comparative education and in development studies, particularly ethnographic research across cultures; and - Ethics and issues in political philosophy across cultures and international contexts. II) Philosophy, social theory and studies in educational development - Ethics and educational development across cultures in the context of the increasingly globalized and multicultural societies of late modernity; and - Associated questions, informed by complexity theory, about the nature of economic, political, social and cultural change in society, and the consequences for education and development.

Personal Profile

Mark Mason is Professor and Head of the Department of International Education and Lifelong Learning at The Education University of Hong Kong, working in the field of comparative and international education and development, from a disciplinary background in philosophy, social theory, complexity theory, and education studies.

He is a former Editor of the International Journal of Educational Development (Elsevier), the CERC Studies in Comparative Education Series (Springer), the Comparative Education Bulletin, and the CERC Monograph Series in Comparative and International Education and Development; and is an Associate Editor of the Southern African Review of Education. He is a Past President of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong and a former Director of the Comparative Education Research Centre at The University of Hong Kong. He has presented keynote and plenary addresses on invitation from UNESCO, government and other development agencies, from the International Baccalaureate Organization, and from professional societies in philosophy of education, in educational development, in sociology, and in comparative and international education. He has provided consultancy services in educational development in South-East Asia, Southern Africa and more widely, for government, non-government, UNESCO and other development agencies.

He has worked for UNESCO’s International Bureau of Education in Geneva as a senior programme specialist in curriculum and learning development, for the University of Hong Kong, the University of Cape Town, and as a secondary teacher of Mathematics and English.

He has published more than 100 articles, chapters, books and journal special issues in these research areas, and his work has been translated and published in ten languages.

A former Fulbright Scholar, he holds a doctorate from Columbia University in New York.

Research Interests

I) Comparative and international education & development - International educational development: theory, philosophy, research and policy; - Methodological, axiological and epistemological issues in research in comparative education and in development studies, particularly ethnographic research across cultures; and - Ethics and issues in political philosophy across cultures and international contexts. II) Philosophy, social theory and studies in educational development - Ethics and educational development across cultures in the context of the increasingly globalized and multicultural societies of late modernity; and - Associated questions, informed by complexity theory, about the nature of economic, political, social and cultural change in society, and the consequences for education and development.

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Research book or monograph (author)
Mason, M. (2011). What is complexity theory and what are its implications for educational change?. Hong Kong: The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change, Hong Kong Institute of Education. version (EdUHK Users only),,contains,991016483089703410&vid=EDUHKFind@EdUHK Library
Mason, M. (2011). What is Complexity Theory and What Are Its Implications for Educational Change. Hong Kong: Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change, Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Chapter in an edited book (author)
Szekely, Emilia, & Mason, Mark (2016). Global Agendas Versus Local Needs in Educational Development: The Barefoot College's Solar Night Schools Program in India. M. Robertson, & P.K.E. Tsang, Everyday Knowledge, Education and Sustainable Futures (159-175). Singapore: Springer Singapore.
Mason, Mark (2016). Complexity theory and systemic change in education governance. Burns, Tracey, & Koster, Florian, Governing Education in a Complex World (41-53). Paris, France: OECD.
Mason, M. (2015). Comparações entre culturas. In M. Bray, B. Adamson, & M. Mason, Pesquisa em educação comparada: Abordagens e métodos [Comparative education research: Approaches and methods] (255-292). Brasilia: Liber Livro Editora.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M (2015). Introduction. In M. Bray, B. Adamson & M. Mason (Eds.), Comparative education research approaches and methods. (In Russian) (9-21). Dordrecht, Holland: Springer.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (2015). Introdução. In Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (Eds.), Pesquisa em Educação Comparada: abordagens e métodos (27-42). Brasilia, Brazil: Liber Livro Editora Ltda.
Bray, M., Adamson, B., & Mason, M. (2015). Modelos diferentes, ênfases diferentes, discernimentos diferentes. In Bray, M., Adamson, B., & Mason, M. (Eds.), Pesquisa em Educação Comparada: abordagens e métodos (457-476). Brasilia, Brazil: Liber Livro Editora Ltda.
Mason, M. (2015). Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education. In Mason, M. (Ed.), Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education (in Farsi) (9-37). Tehran, Iran: Institute for Social and Cultural Studies.
Mason, M. (2015). The ‘development turn’ in the Comparative Education Research Centre: 2002-08. In M. Manzon (Ed.), Changing Times, Changing Territories: Reflections on CERC and the Field of Comparative Education (47-56). Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre.
Mason, M. (2015). What is Complexity Theory and What Are Its Implications for Educational Change?. In Mason, M. (Ed.), Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education (in Farsi) (75-102). Tehran, Iran: Institute for Social and Cultural Studies.
Bray, M., Adamson, B., & Mason, M. (2014). Introduction. In M. Bray, B. Adamson & M. Mason, Comparative education research: Approaches and methods (1-16). Dordrecht: Springer.
Mason, M. (2014). Culture in international and comparative education research: conceptual and methodological issues. In A. Reid, P. Hart & M. Peters (Eds.), A companion to research in education (319-331). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Bray, M., Adamson, B., & Mason, M. (2014). Different models, different emphases, different insights. In Bray, M., Adamson, B., & Mason, M. (Eds.), Comparative education research approaches and methods. Second edition (417-436). Hong Kong & Dordrecht, Holland: CERC & Springer.
Bray, M., Adamson, B., & Mason, M. (2014). Introduction.. In Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (Eds.), Comparative education research approaches and methods. Second edition (1-16). Hong Kong & Dordrecht, Holland: CERC & Springer.
Mason, M. (2014). Comparing Cultures. In M. Bray, B. Adamson, & M. Mason (Eds.), Comparative Education Research: Approaches and Methods. Second Edition (221-257). Hong Kong & Dordrecht: CERC & Springer.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (2011). Different models, different emphases, different insights. In M. Bray, B. Adamson & M. Mason, Comparative education research: approaches and methods (In Farsi) (209-221). Tehran, Iran: AEEIZH.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (2011). Introduction. In M. Bray, B. Adamson & M. Mason, Comparative education research: approaches and methods (In Farsi) (1-9). Tehran, Iran: AEEIZH.
Mason, M. (2011). Comparing Cultures. M. Bray, B. Adamson & M. Mason, Comparative Education Research: approaches and methods (183-205). Tehran: AEEIZH.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. and Mason, M. (2011). Different models, different emphases, different insights. In M. Bray, B. Adamson and M. Mason (Eds.), Comparative education research approaches and methods. (In Japanese) (239-257). Tokyo, Japan: Sophia University Press.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. and Mason, M. (2011). Introduction. In M. Bray, B. Adamson and M. Mason (Eds.), Comparative education research approaches and methods (In Japanese) (1-13). Tokyo, Japan: Sophia University Press.
Hershock, P., Mason, M. & Hawkins, J. (2011). Conclusion: Changing education. In P. Hershock, M. Mason & J. Hawkins (Eds.), Changing Education: Leadership, innovation and development in a globalizing Asia Pacific (347-358). Tokyo: Tamagawa University Press.
Hershock, P., Mason, M. & Hawkins, J. (Eds.) (2011). Introduction: Challenges in the leadership of innovation and development in education in a globalizing Asia Pacific. In P. Hershock, M. Mason & J. Hawkins, Changing Education: Leadership, innovation and development in a globalizing Asia Pacific (11-39). Tokyo: Tamagawa University Press.
Mason, M. (2011). Comparing Cultures. In M. Bray, B. Adamson & M. Mason (Eds.), Comparative Education Research: Approaches and methods (179-216). Tokyo: Sophia University Press.
Mason, M. (2011). Multiculturalism, shared values, and an ethical response to globalization. In P. Hershock, M. Mason & J. Hawkins (Eds.), Changing Education: Leadership, innovation and development in a globalizing Asia Pacific (104-123). Tokyo: Tamagawa University Press.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (2010). 不同的模式、不同的重点和不同的洞见. 輯於 M. Bray, B. Adamson & M. Mason (Eds.), 比较教育研究路径与方法 (294-306). 北京,中国: 北京大学出版社.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (2010)。 导论。輯於 M. Bray, B. Adamson & M. Mason (Eds.), 比较教育研究路径与方法 (1-9)。北京,中国: 北京大学出版社。
Mason, M. (2010). Comparing Cultures. In M. Bray, B. Adamson & M. Mason (Eds.), Comparative Education Research: Approaches and methods (137-161). Beijing: Peking University Press.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (2010). Diferentes modelos, diferentes énfasis, diferentes insights. In Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (Eds.), Educación comparada: Enfoques y métodos (435-454). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Granica.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (2010). Introducción. In Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (Eds.), Educación comparada: Enfoques y métodos (25-36). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Granica.
Mason, M. (2010). Comparer des cultures. In Bray, M., Adamson, B., & Mason, M. (Eds.), Recherche comparative en education: Approches et methodes (149-176). Bruxelles, French: De Boeck.
Mason, M. (2010). Critical Theory and Pedagogy. In Penelope, P., Eva, B., & Barry, M. (Eds.), International Encyclopaedia of Education (133-140). Oxford: Elsevier.
Mason, M. (2010). La comparacion de culturas. In Bray, M., Adamson, B., & Mason, M. (Eds), Education Comparada: Enfoques y metodos (207-242). Buenos Aires, Spain: Granica.
Mason, M., & Clarke, M. (2010). Post-Structuralism and Education. In Penelope,P., Eva, B., & Barry, M. (Eds.), International Encyclopaedia of Education (175-182). Oxford: Elsevier.
Mason, M., & Evers, C. (2010). Comparative Education: Philosophical Issues and Concepts. In Penelope, P., Eva, B., & Barry, M. (Eds.), International Encyclopaedia of Education (257-265). Oxford: Elsevier.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (2010). Différents modèles, différentes priorités, différentes visions. In Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (Eds.), Recherche comparative en éducation: Approches et méthodes (335-350). Brussels, Belgium: De Boeck.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (2010). Introduction. In Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (Eds.), Recherche comparative en éducation: Approches et méthodes (15-24). Brussels, Belgium: De Boeck.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (2009). Differenti modelli, differenti emfasi, differenti intuizioni. In Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (Eds.), Educazione Comparata: Approcci e metodi di ricerca (241-256). Milan, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (2009). Introduzione. In Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (Eds.), Educazione Comparata: Approcci e metodi di ricerca (11-20). Milan, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
Mason, M. (2009). Comparare le culture. In Bray, M., Adamson, B., & Mason, M. (Eds), Educazione Comparata: Approcci e metodi di ricerca (168-198). Milan, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
Hershock, P., Mason, M. B., & Hawkins, J. (2009). Challenges in the leadership of innovation and development in education in a globalizing Asia Pacific. In P. Hershock, M. B. Mason, & J. Hawkins (Eds.), Changing Education: Leadership, Innovation and Development in a Globalizing Asia Pacific (pp.1-17). Shanghai, China: East China Normal University Press.
Hershock, P., Mason, M. B., & Hawkins, J. (2009). Changing education. In P. Hershock, M. B. Mason, & J. Hawkins (Eds.), Changing Education: Leadership, Innovation and Development in a Globalizing Asia Pacific (pp.231-238). Shanghai, China: East China Normal University Press.
Mason, M. B. (2009). Multiculturalism, shared values, and an ethical response to globalization. In P. Hershock, M. B. Mason, & J. Hawkins (Eds.), Changing Education: Leadership, Innovation and Development in a Globalizing Asia Pacific (pp.68-81). Shanghai, China: East China Normal University Press.
Mason, M. B. (2008). Complexity theory and the philosophy of education. In M. B. Mason (Ed.), Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education (pp.1-15). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Mason, M. B. (2008). Ethics and educational development across national and cultural contexts. In Y. Tschong, & D. Kwak(Eds.), Globalization, Multicultural Society and Education: Education in Asia (pp.47-60). Seoul, Korea: Korean Philosophy of Education Society.
Mason, M. B. (2008). What is complexity theory and what are its implications for educational change?. In M. B. Mason (Ed.), Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education (pp.32-45). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Mason, M. (2008). Critical thinking and learning. In M. Mason (Ed.), Critical Thinking and Learning (Reprinted) (1-11). Oxford: Blackwell.
Mason, M. (2008). What is complexity theory and what are its implications for educational change?. In M. Mason (Ed.), Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education (Reprinted) (32-45). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Mason, M. (2005). Critical theory and critical pedagogy after postmodernism: From the South African experience, a defence of reason and rationality. In I. Gur-Ze’ev (Ed.), Critical Theory and Critical Pedagogy Today: Toward a New Critical Language in Education (300-316). University of Haifa.
Edited book (editor)
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (Eds.) (2015). Comparative education research approaches and methods (In Russian). Dordrecht, Holland: Springer.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason. M. (2015). Pesquisa em Educação Comparada: abordagens e métodos. Brasilia, Brazil: Liber Livro Editora Ltda.
In Mason, M. (Ed.) (2015). Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education (in Farsi). Tehran, Iran: Institute for Social and Cultural Studies.
Bray, M., Adamson, B., & Mason, M. (Eds.) (2014). Comparative education research: approaches and methods. Second edition. Hong Kong & Dordrecht, Holland: CERC & Springer.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (2011). Comparative education research: approaches and methods (in Farsi). Tehran, Iran: AEEIZH.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (Eds.) (2011). Comparative education research approach and methods. (In Japanese). Tokyo, Japan: Sophia University Press.
P. Hershock, M. Mason & J. Hawkins (Eds.) (2011). Changing Education: Leadership, Innovation and Development in a Globalizing Asia Pacific. Tokyo: Tamagawa University Press.
M. Bray, B. Adamson, & M. Mason (2010)。 《比較教育研究:路徑與方法》。Beijing: 北京大學出版社。,contains,991011772149703410&vid=EDUHKFind@EdUHK Library
輯於 M. Bray, B. Adamson & M. Mason (Eds.) (2010)。 比较教育研究路径与方法。北京,中国: 北京大学出版社。
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (Eds.) (2010). Educación comparada: Enfoques y métodos. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Granica.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (Eds.) (2010). Recherche comparative en éducation: Approches et méthodes.. Brussels, Belgium: De Boeck.
Bray, M., Adamson, B. & Mason, M. (Eds.) (2009). Educazione Comparata: Approcci e metodi ricerca. Milan, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
Hershock, P., Mason, M. B., & Hawkins, J. (Eds.) (2009). Changing Education: Leadership, Innovation and Development in a Globalizing Asia Pacific. Shanghai, China: East China Normal University Press.
Mason, M. B. (Ed.) (2008). Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
Mason, M. (2022). Complexity theory and the enhancement of learning in higher education: The case of the University of Cape Town. Educational Philosophy and Theory
Mason, M. (2021). Education, Inclusion, and the Crisis in Liberal Democracy: Insights from South Africa's recent history. Dewey Studies, 5(2), 493-503.
Mulvey, B., & Mason, M. (2021). ‘It’s kind of becoming a culture’: How habitus influences the migration trajectories of African students in China (doi: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, retrieved from, online publication, online.
Rizvi, F., Peters, M. A., Zembylas, M., Tukdeo, S., Mason, M., de Souza, L. M. T. M., . . . Rud, A. G. (2020). The Long Read: On the Global Relevance of the US Elections. What Chances for the Realization of the Sustainable Development Goals? (doi: Educational Philosophy and Theory, retrieved from, online publication, online.
Mason, M., Crossley, M., & Bond, T. (2019). Changing Modalities in International Development and Research in Education: Conceptual and Ethical Issues. International Journal of Educational Development, 70 (102080), 1-10.
Szekely, E., & Mason, M. (2019). Complexity theory, the capability approach, and the sustainability of development initiatives in education. Journal of Education Policy (DOI: 10.1080/02680939.2018.1465999), 34(5), 669-685.
Mason, M. (2018). After postmodernism, a renewed critical realism—and the implications for education. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50(14), 1344-1345.
Mason, Mark (2016). Is thorough implementation of policy change in education actually possible? What Complexity Theory tells us about initiating and sustaining change.. European Journal of Education, 51(4), 437-440.
Mason, M. (2014). A new editorial ‘vision’ for the International Journal of Educational Development?. International Journal of Educational Development, 33(4), 303-304.
Mason, M. (2014). Culture et performances éducatives dans les sociétés imprégnées de l’héritage confucéen en Asie. Colloque: L’éducation en Asie en 2014: Quels enjeux mondiaux?, 2014(66), 1-5.
Mason, M. (2014). Culture and educational outcomes in ‘Confucian heritage’ societies in Asia. Colloque: L’éducation en Asie en 2014: Quels enjeux mondiaux?, 2014(66), 1-5.
Mason, M. (2014). Two key issues in educational development: Private schooling for the poor, and sustaining education amidst armed conflict. International Journal of Educational Development, 35, 1-2.
Mason, M. (2014). Educational inequality and educational quality. International Journal of Educational Development, 34, 1-2.
Mason, M. (2013). Educational development agendas post-2015, and a continuing focus on Africa. International Journal of Educational Development, 33(5), 407-408.
Mason, M. (2013). A new editorial ‘vision’ for the International Journal of Educational Development?. International Journal of Educational Development, 33(4), 303-304.
Chung, C. & Mason, M. (2012). Why do primary school students drop out in poor, rural China? A portrait sketched in a remote mountain village. International Journal of Educational Development, 32(4), 537-545.
Mason, M. (2012). Education, policy and poverty reduction. Special Issue of the International Journal of Educational Development, 32(4), 494-498.
Mason, M. (2012). A ‘Value for Money’ Approach to International Education Development: moral and other difficulties in assessing social policy outcomes. NORRAG News (Special Issue: Value for Money in International Education), 47, 9-12.
Mason, M. (2011). What underlies the shift to a modality of partnership in educational development cooperation?. International Review of Education, 57(3), 443-455.
Evers, C.W. & Mason, M. (2011). Context based inferences in research methodology: the role of culture in justifying knowledge claims. Comparative Education, 47(3), 301-314.
McGrath, S. & Mason, M. (2010). The Pragmatics of Education Journals: the case of the International Journal of Educational Development. Southern African Review of Education, 16(2), 45-60.
Mason, M. (2010). Problems of Comparability, Political Interest, and Perspective in ‘A World of Reports’ on Educational Progress and Development. NORRAG News (Special Issue: A World of Reports), 43, 21-23.
Mason, M. (2009). Editorial. Comparative Education Bulletin, 12, 1-2.
Mason, M. B. (2009). Making educational development and change sustainable: Insights from complexity theory. International Journal of Educational Development, 29 (2), 117-124.
Mason, M. B. (2008). Education and development in post-colonial societies. Comparative Education Bulletin, 11 (1), 1-2.
Mason, M. (2007). Critical Thinking and Learning. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 39 (4), 339-49.
Mason, M. & Katyal, K.R. (2007). Comparative Education and International Educational Development. Comparative Education Bulletin, 10, 1-4.
Mason, M. (2006). Ethical Responsibility in Comparative Education Research. Comparative Education Bulletin, 9, 23-27.
Mason, M. (2005). A justification, after the postmodern turn, of universal ethical principles and educational ideals,. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 37 (6), 799-815.
Todd, A. & Mason, M. (2005). Enhancing learning in South African schools: Strategies beyond outcomes-based education. International Journal of Educational Development, 25 (3), 221-35.
Publication in policy or professional journal
Mason, M. (2014). The 2013/14 Global Monitoring Report: Putting teaching and learning at the centre of the post-2015 education and development agenda. NORRAG News (Special Issue: The Global Politics of Teaching and Learning), 50, 31-33.
Mason, M. B. (2008). The philosophy and politics of partnership. The Politics of Partnership: Peril or Promise? Special Issue of NORRAG News, 41, 15-19.

Conference Papers
Invited conference paper
Mason, Mark & Szekely, Emilia (2021, April). A systems approach to enhancing capacity in promoting sustainable development: development organizations designing their own self-sustainability strategies. Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society., Seattle.
Mason, Mark & Splitter, Laurance (2017, May). Reason, argument and technique in academic/research writing for international journals. The 5th International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017), Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
MASON, Mark (2015, July). Education as an enabling right in holistic development: the Capability Approach. Children’s Rights Erasmus Academic Network (CREAN) Conference. Centre for Children’s Rights Studies, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.
Mason, M. (2015, June). The right to education and development: a defence across cultural contexts. Invited paper presented at a seminar, Educazione e Sviluppo Internazionale, Turin.
Lee, W. O., Bray, M., Adamson, B., Mason, M., & Yang, R. (2015, February). Changing times, changing territories: Comparative education in and from Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) Annual Conference 2015: Developing scholarship in comparative education, Hong Kong.
Mason, M. (2015, February). The ‘development turn’ in the Comparative Education Research Centre. Invited plenary address presented at the annual conference of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong., Hong Kong.
Mason, M. (2014, June). Culture and educational outcomes in 'Confucian heritage' societies in Asia. International conference, "Education in Asia in 2014: What global issues?", Paris.
Mason, M. (2014, February). Complexity theory in education governance: initiating and sustaining systemic change. Opening Keynote address, Understanding Complexity: The Future of Education Governance, Oslo.
Mason, M. (2013, November). Curriculum across cultures: the preparation of a curricular resource, 'Common European and Arab values'. Invited paper, Conference on Euro-Arab Dialogue: "Our commonly shared values", Portimao.
Mason, M. (2013, September). The assessment of basic education through learning outcomes. Invited paper, Conference of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC): Policy Dialogue for Quality Education for All, Morges.
Mason, M. (2011, December). Enhancing student learning achievement: what works most effectively?. UNESCO Regional Centre for Educational Planning Seminar: The Role of Research in Development Education., Sharjah.
Mason, M. & Maclean, R. (2011, September). Getting girls from poor and remote rural communities into school: A proposal for and justification of a cooperative endeavour between UNESCO and the Barefoot College: UNESCO Learning Centres for Sustainable Community Development.. Paper presented at UNESCO Regional Conference on Community Learning Centres., Bangkok.
Mason, M. B. (2008, October). Ethics and educational development across national and cultural contexts. Paper presented at the International Conference of Korean Philosophy of Education Society 2008, Seoul, Korea.
Refereed conference paper
Mason, M., Crossley, M. & Bond, T. (2019, September). Changing modalities in international education development: conceptual, practical and ethical issues associated with ‘partnerships’ and ‘best practice’. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, Manchester.
Szekely, E., & Mason, M. (2018, April). How can we strengthen the capacity of development initiatives to promote sustainable development? The design of self-sustainability strategies.. Annual Conference of the Association of Educational Development in Africa, Cape Town.
Mason, M. (2013, September). ‘Best practice’ in local development contexts: myths in need of re-conceptualization. 12th UK Forum for International Education and Training (UKFIET) Conference, “Education and Development Post 2015”, United Kingdom.
Mason, M. & Maclean, R. (2011, September). Education for Sustainable Development. UKFIET (UK Forum for International Education and Training) International Conference on Education and Development, Oxford, UK.
Mason, M. (2010, June). Partnerships in Development Cooperation: What underlies this shift in the light of claims of "Dead Aid” ?. Paper presented at the World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, Istanbul, Turkey.
Mason, M. (2009, November). Can and should ‘established best practice’ be implemented in local development contexts?. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Southern African Comparative and History of Education Society, Stellenbosch.
Chung, C., & Mason, M. (2009, September). Child labour and education: Why do children in China drop out of school to become child workers? “Education, Policy and Poverty Reduction” Symposium. Paper presented at the 10th UK Forum for International Education and Training (UKFIET) Conference, United Kingdom.
Other conference paper
Mason, M. (2011, December). Understanding, initiating and sustaining educational change: insights from Complexity Theory. Paper presented at Salzburg Seminar: Optimizing Talent: Closing Educational and Social Mobility Gaps Worldwide, Salzburg.

Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies
Consulting or contract research report
Maclean, R., Mason, M. & Szekely, E. (2013). The Barefoot College’s Solar Night Schools: Financial self-sustainability for scalability. Hong Kong: Centre for Lifelong Learning Research and Development, The Education University of Hong Kong.

All Other Outputs
Journal editor ('editorial membership' should be excluded)
(2013). Associate Editor, Southern African Review of Education. Southern African Comparative and History of Education Society.
(2013). Editor,International Journal of Educational Development. Elsevier.
(2012). Associate Editor, Southern African Review of Education. Sabinet.
(2012). Editor, International Journal of Educational Development. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier.
(2012). Editorial Board Member, Bristol Papers in Education: Comparative and International Studies. Symposium Books.
(2012). Editorial Board Member, Educational Philosophy and Theory. Wiley-Blackwell.
(2012). Editorial Board Member, Ethics and Education. Routledge.
(2012). Editorial Board Member, Spanish Journal of Comparative Education. 0.
(2012). Education, Policy and Poverty Reduction: Special Issue of the International Journal of Educational Development. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier.
(2011). International Journal of Educational Develoment. Elsevier.
(2011). Southern African Review of Education. Southern African Comparative and History of Education Society.
(2010). International Journal of Educational Development. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Mason, M. (2010). Southern African Review of Education. Stellenbosch: Southern African Comparative and History of Education Society.
Mason, M. (Ed.) (2009). Special issue of the Comparative Education Bulletin. Hong Kong: Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong.
Mason, M. (2009). Associate Editor. Stellenbosch, South Africa: Southern African Review of Education.
(2009). Editor. CERC Studies in Comparative Education Series (CERC & Springer).
Mason, M. (2009). Editor. Hong Kong: Comparative Education Bulletin.
Mason, M. (2009). Editor. Hong Kong: CERC Monograph Series in Comparative and International Education and Development.
Mason, M. (2009). Regional Editor. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: International Journal of Educational Development (Elsevier).
(2008). Special issue: Education and development in post-colonial societies.
(2008). CERC Monograph Series in Comparative and International Education and Development. Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong.
(2008). CERC Studies in Comparative Education Series. Comparative Education Research Centre, Springer.
(2008). Comparative Education Bulletin.
(2008). International Journal of Educational Development. Elsevier.
(2008). Southern African Review of Education. Southern African Comparative & History of Education Society.
Review of books or of software
Mason, M. B. (2008). Reviewer of book, Bristol Papers in Education: Comparative and International Studies. Symposium Books.
Other outputs
MASON, Mark (2015). Advisory Editor, International Journal of Educational Development. Elsevier..
MASON, Mark (2015). Associate Editor, Southern African Review of Education. Southern African Comparative and History of Education Society.
Mason, M. (2014). Education and human development. Geneva: The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.
Mason, M. (2013). Guiding principles for learning in the 21st century: critical thinking. Geneva, Switzerland: International School of Geneva.
Mason, M. (2013). The right to education and development. Fribourg, Switzerland: University of Fribourg.
Mason, M. (2013). Thematic Section Convener (Conference Planning Committee). UKFIET (UK Forum for International Education and Training) International Conference on Education and Development (Oxford).
Mason, M. (2010). International Journal of Educational Development. Elsevier.
Mason, M. (2009). Executive Committee, Hong Kong Committee on Children’s Rights.
Mason, M. (2009). Past President, Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong.
Mason, M. (2009). Reviewer of Manuscript, Bristol Papers in Education: Comparative and International Studies.
Mason, M. (2009). Reviewer of a journal article, Educational Philosophy and Theory.
Mason, M. (2009). Reviewer of a journal article, Ethics and Education.
Mason, M. (2009). Reviewer of a journal article, International Journal of Educational Development.
Mason, M. (2009). Reviewer of a journal article, Southern African Review of Education.
Mason, M. (2009). Reviewer of a journal article, Spanish Journal of Comparative Education.
Mason, M. B. (2008). Reviewer of a journal article, Educational Philosophy and Theory.
Mason, M. B. (2008). Reviewer of a journal article, Ethics and Education.
Mason, M. B. (2008). Reviewer of a journal article, Spanish Journal of Comparative Education.


Hong Kong Torn Asunder: Values, Ethics and Education Out of the Impasse

Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): MASON, Mark null

Development initiatives’ strategies for self-sustainability
The project seeks (a) to identify cases where education development organizations across the world have successfully implemented and sustained change in the domains in which they work; (b) to understand those changes in terms of complexity theory and integrated service delivery; (c) to disseminate emerging best strategies and practices to other organizations in the field through the project website; and (d) to theorize those changes and cases for publication.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): MASON, Mark null

Complexity Theory, the Capability Approach, and the Sustainability of Educational Development Initiatives
This project considers the importance and implications of redistributing power in the field of education development by enhancing the self-sustainability of education initiatives and minimizing their roots in dependency – these as pre-requisites for improving their sustainable development outcomes. The project is based in an education development initiative run by the Barefoot College in India, from which is developed an explanatory model based in complexity theory and in the capability approach. The project’s outcomes are intended to ensure that education is better connected to its development context, more relevant to the interests and needs of the community it serves, and its quality enhanced.
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): MASON, Mark

How Should We Assess the Quality of Education? Its Contribution to Sustainability – With Regard to Its Relevance, Integration and Ownership
This project develops new ways to assess the quality of education, principally with regard to its contribution to sustainability.
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): Szekely, Emilia (MASON, Mark as Co-Principal Investigator)

International Education Development: Changing Modalities
This project examines the nature of changing modalities in international development and related research in education. The consequences of contemporary trends and trajectories in these domains are considered with particular reference to their conceptual and ethical implications. Drawing on contemporary social theory, comparative and international research in education, and research ethics, the analysis focuses on North-South research and development partnerships, conceptions of ‘best practice’ in the arenas of education and development, the emergence of large-scale social and educational research modalities, and the potential and limitations of ‘one size fits all’ ethical frameworks in the field.
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): MASON, Mark

Strengthening the Capacity of Development Initiatives to Promote Sustainable Development: The Design of Self-Sustainability Strategies
This project seeks to identify strategies to strengthen the capacity of development initiatives so as to promote sustainable development: these include (1) planning self-sustainability; (2) creating and promoting integrated responses; (3) enhancing trust and solidarity; (4) rethinking funding strategies; and (5) motivating local ownership. These are generated from a comparative study of a number of development initiatives in different parts of the world – notably in India, Mexico and on the Amazon River – in which we identify strategies to do with their social objectives, local conditions, resourcing, organizational structure, financial sustainability, and scalability.
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): Szekely, Emilia (MASON, Mark as Co-Principal Investigator)

Changing Modalities in International Development and Research in Education: Conceptual and Ethical Issues
Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): CROSSLEY, Michael (MASON, Mark as Co-Investigator)

Education, Policy and Poverty Reduction

Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): MASON Mark Bernard

International Educational Development: Theory, Research, Policy and Practice

Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): MASON Mark Bernard