Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters Research book or monograph (author) Pan, Suyan and Lo, Joe Tin-yau (2018). Higher Education and China’s Global Rise: A Neo-tributary Perspective. London: Routledge Research in International and Comparative Education Series. Pan, S. Y. (2009). University Autonomy, the State, and Social Changes in China. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Chapter in an edited book (author) Pan, Suyan and Lo, Tin-yau Joe (2023). Neo-statism and Comparative Research in Higher Education: Experience from Hong Kong. In A. W. Wiseman (Ed.), Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2022 (International Perspectives on Education and Society) (xxx-xxx). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited. Lo, Tin-yau Joe and Pan, Suyan (2022). Reflecting on Covid-19 and Internationalization of Higher Education: Implications and Complications. In A. W. Wiseman (Ed.), Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2021 (International Perspectives on Education and Society) (119-133). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited. Lo, T.-Y. J., & Pan, S.-Y. (2021). Rethinking the "Chinese Characteristics" in China's Internationalization of Higher Education as Soft Power. In A. W. Wiseman & P. M. Davidson (Eds.), Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2020 (International Perspectives on Education and Society, Volume 40) (pp.59-70). UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Lo, Tin-yau Joe and Pan, Su-yan (2018). Reflecting on the Research into China’s Soft Power in International Education with Comparative Perspective: The Case of Confucius Institutes. In Alexander W. Wiseman (ed.), Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2017 (International Perspectives on Education and Society, Volume 34) (pp. 49-57). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited. Pan, S.-Y. (2016). Competing for Global Talents: China's Brain Gain Strategies. In S. Guo & Y. Guo (Eds.), Spotlight on China: Chinese Education in the Globalized World (341-357). Boston, USA: Sense Publishers. Pan, S.-Y. (2015). Research , Development, and Academic Culture in Chinese Universities: A Historical Reflection. J. N. Hawkins & K. H. Mok, Research, Development and Innovation in Asia Pacific Higher Education (225-244). New York: Palgrave MacMillan Press. Pan, S.-Y. (2014). Multileveled Citizenship Education in Beijing: Liberation with Limitation. Kerry Kennedy, Gregory Fairbrother, Zhenzhou Zhao, Citizenship Education in China: Preparing Citizens for "The Chinese Century" (128-143). New York: Routledge. Pan, S.-Y. (2013). Moral Education in China. In Q. Zha (Ed.), Education in China: Educational History, Models, and Initiatives. (263-269). US, Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group LCC. Cheng, K. M., Wang, Y., & Pan, S. Y. (2008). The Legacy of Planning Higher Education Development in China. In D. Palfreyman, T. Tapper & S. Thomas (Eds.), Structuring Mass Higher Education: The Role of Elite Institutions. UK: Taylor & Francis Group. Cheung, K.-W., & Pan, S.-Y. (2006). From Inspection to Broadening Alliance-Building: The Change of Strategy by Government to Reform Education in Hong Kong. In Committee on Education Science Culture and Public Health of the National People's Congress, Beijing Academy of Educational Science, & Centre of Research on Education in China of The University of Hong Kong (Eds.), Collected Works on Universalizing Compulsory Education in China (372-386). Beijing: China Democracy and Legal Press.
Journal Publications Publication in refereed journal Pan, Suyan (2024). Discursive imaginaries and lived realities in the making of an education hub: The case of Hong Kong. International Journal of Educational Development, 105, 102991. Lo, T. Y. J., & Pan, S.-Y. (2021). The internationalisation of China’s higher education: soft power with ‘Chinese characteristics’. Comparative Education; DOI: 10.1080/03050068.2020.1812235, 57(2), 227-246. Pan, S.-Y. (2020). Reconceptualising ‘internationalisation’ in higher education: The case of Hong Kong. Higher Education Quarterly, 75, 487-499. Pan, S.-Y. (2020). COVID-19 and the neo-liberal paradigm in higher education: changing landscape. Asian Education and Development Studies; DOI: 10.1108/AEDS-06-2020-0129, 10(2), 322-335. Pan, Suyan (2019). Identity, civic engagement, and learning about citizenship: university students’ experiences in Hong Kong. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, Online available, Pan, Su-Yan (2017). Reframing Citizenship Education in Beijing: Competing Views and Strategies. Oxford Review of Education, 43 (6), 643-658. Pan, Su-Yan & Lo, Tin Yau Joe (2017). Re-conceptualizing China’s Rise as a Global Power: A Neo-tributary Perspective. The Pacific Review, 30(1), 1-25. Lo, J. T. Y., & Pan, S. Y. (2016). Confucius Institutes and China’s Soft Power: Practices and Paradoxes. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 46(4), 512-532. Pan, S.-Y. (2016). Book Review on "Confucius and Crisis in American Universities" by Amy Stambach. Frontiers of Education in China, 10 (3), 115-117. Pan, Suyan (2016). China through the Lens of Comparative Education: The Selected Works of Ruth Hayhoe by Ruth Hayhoe. Comparative Education Review, 60 (2), 410-412. Ma, Y.-P. and Pan, S.-Y. (2015). Chinese Returnees from Overseas Study: An Understanding of Brain Gain and Brain Circulation in the Age of Globalization. Frontiers of Education in China, 10 (2), 306-329. Pan, S.-Y. (2014). Book Review on "China’s Universities" by Mei Yiqi. Frontiers of Education in China, 9(3), 464-466. Pan, S.-Y. (2013). China's Approach to the International Market for Higher Education Students: Strategies and Implications.. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 35(3), 249-263. Pan, S.-Y. (2013). Confucius Institute project: China's cultural diplomacy and soft power projection.. Asian Education and Development Studies, 2(1), 22-33. Pan, S.-Y. (2011). Education Abroad, Human Capital Development, and National Competitiveness: China's Brain Gain Strategies. Frontiers of Education in China, 6(1), 106-138. Pan, S.-Y. (2011). Multileveled Citizenship and Citizenship Education: Experiences of Students in China's Beijing. Citizenship Studies, 15(4), 283-306. Pan, S. Y. (2010). Changes and Challenges in the Flow of International Human Capital: China's Experience. Journal of Studies in International Education, 14(3), 259-288. Pan, S.-Y. (2010). Exploring How Globalization Shapes Education: Methodology and Theoretical Framework. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 5(2), 315-324. Law, W.-W., & Pan, S.-Y. (2009). Legislation and Equality in Basic Education for All in China. Interchange, 40(4), 337-372. Law, W. W., & Pan, S. Y. (2009). Game Theory and Educational Policy: Private Education Legislation in China. International Journal of Educational Development, 29 (3), 227-240. Pan, S. Y. (2007). Intertwining of Academia and Officialdom and University Autonomy: Experience from Tsinghua University in China. Higher Education Policy, 20 (2), 121-144. Cheung, K. W., & Pan, S. Y. (2006). Transition of Moral Education in China: Towards Regulated Individualism. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 2 (2), 37-50. Pan, S. Y. (2006). Economic Globalisation, Politico-cultural Identity, and University Autonomy: The Struggle of Tsinghua University in China. Journal of Education Policy, 21 (3), 245-266. Pan, S. Y., & Law, W. W. (2006). Legalizing Education: The Role of Law in The Regulation and Deregulation of China's Private Education. Education and the Law, 18 (4), 267-282. Publication in policy or professional journal Pan, S. Y. (2010). University Autonomy, the State, and Social Change: Western and Chinese Perspectives. International and Comparative Education, 2, 1-29.
Conference Papers Invited conference paper Pan, Suyan (2018, March). Higher Education and China’s Global Rise: A Neo-Tributary Perspective. A public lecture at the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge, Cambridge. Pan, S.-Y. (2015, May). Project on “Rethinking Higher Education and Citizenship in a Global Age: Students’ Experience in Hong Kong”. Symposium on "Nurturing Students' Democratic Culture: Civic Mission of School in the Post Occupying Movement Era", Hong Kong. Pan, S.-Y. (2014, May). Identity and Citizenship Education in Universities: Students' Experience in Hong Kong. WUN (Worldwide Universities Network)Virtual Seminars 2014: Ideas and Universities, Hong Kong. Pan, S.-Y. (2013, September). Research, Development, and Academic Culture in Chinese Universities: A Historical Reflection. Asia Pacific Higher Education Research Partnership (APHERP) Senior Seminar on Research, Development and Innovation in Asia Pacific Higher Education, Hong Kong. Pan, Su-Yan (2012, April). International Academic Mobility, National Development, and the World Knowledge System: Experience from China. WUN (Worldwide Universities Network) Virtual Seminar 2012, Hong Kong. Refereed conference paper Pan, Suyan (2024, June). Paradoxes in the Making of an Education Hub: Policy Rationales and Students’ Experiences. Critical University Studies Conference 2024, Hong Kong. Pan, Suyan (2023, February). Shifting Meaning of Equity in Higher Education: The Case of Hong Kong. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2023, Washington DC. PAN, Suyan (2021, December). The challenges of COVID-19 to the internationalization of higher education: neo-liberal paradigm in question. Presentation in the HKERA-APERA International Conference 2021: Connectivity, Inclusivity and Sustainability: Generating Changes and Creating Impacts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Pan, Suyan (2021, April). The Changing Geopolitics of International Higher Education and Competitive Development Pathways: Experience from Hong Kong. 65th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES): Social Responsibility within Changing Contexts, Virtually at vCIES-2021. Pan, Suyan (2019, April). Citizenship discourse in Hong Kong higher education: encounter between Western and Chinese academic traditions. Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2019, Education for Sustainability, San Francisco, US. Pan, Suyan (2019, February). Research into International Students Mobility:Discourses and Analytical Utility. Symposium on Internationalization and Quality Management in Higher Education, Hong Kong. Pan, Suyan (2016, December). Higher education and citizenship learning for multiple identities: Experience from Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Hong Kong & Macao SAR Youth: Identity, Hong Kong. Pan, S.-Y. (2015, April). Multileveled Citizenship and Higher Education: Theoretical Debates and Young People's Perspective. Australasian Conference on Business and Social Sciences, Australia. Law, W.-W. and Pan, S.-Y. (2015, March). Politics, Academic Freedom and Civic Engagement: Challenges to Academics in Hong Kong under Chinese Sovereignty since 1997. 59th Annual Comparative and International Education Society, USA. Pan, S.-Y. (2014, December). Higher Education and Citizenship Education: Experience from Hong Kong. Tokyo International Conference on Social Sciences, Tokyo, Japan. Law, W.-W. and Pan, S.-Y. (2014, November). Civic Engagement and Academic Freedom of Academics in Post-1997 Hong Kong. Asia-Pacific Social Science Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Pan, S.-Y. (2014, October). Making China a New Study-abroad Destination: Neo-liberal Ideology or State-directed Effort?. Paper presented at Higher Education Graduate Students Seminar, Canada. Pan, S.-Y. (2014, October). University Students’ Perception of Citizenship in a Multileveled World: Experience from Hong Kong and Beijing. Paper presented at Comparative, International & Development Education (CIDE) Seminar, Canada. Pan, S.-Y. (2014, March). Citizenship education at a crossroads: varying interests and competing approaches. The 58th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society: Revisioning Education for All, Toronto. Pan, S.-Y. (2011, May). Multileveled Citizenship Education in Beijing: Liberation with Limitation. Paper presented at The 55th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, Montreal, Canada. Pan, S.-Y. (2011, May). The State, Cross-border Higher Education, and the Mission of Chinese Universities in A Global Age. Paper presented at the Education and Global Cultural Dialogue Conference: A Tribute to Ruth Hayhoe, Toronto, Canada. Pan, S.-Y. (2011, February). University Ranking, National Competitiveness and Brain Gain Strategies in a Global Age: Experience from China. Paper presented at the International Conference on Missions and Visions of Comparative Education, hosted by the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. Pan, S. Y. (2009, July). Citizenship and Multiple Identities in a Multileveled Polity: The Perspectives of Students in Beijing, China. Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Learning, Spain. Pan, S. Y. (2008, February). The Quest for World-Class Universities in China: Strategies and Measures. Paper presented at the International Conference on Missions and Visions of Comparative Education, Hong Kong. Pan, S. Y. (2007, September). Social Transition and International Flow of Human Capital: China's Experience. The XIII World Congress of Comparative Education Societies Conference on Living Together: Education and Intercultural Dialogue, Sarajevo. Other conference paper Pan, Suyan & Li, Boya (2021, May). Studying in Hong Kong: Encounter of Habitus across Fields. Department of Social Sciences Regular Seminar Series 2020-2021 – May Session, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Pan, Suyan (2018, December). Civic Engagement, Higher Education, and Learning for Citizenship: The Experience of University Students in Hong Kong. FLASS Dean's Research Fund Seminar, Hong Kong.