Dr KWAN, Yuet Ling Linda    關月玲 博士
Senior Lecturer II
Department of Psychology
(852) 2948 8099
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Research Interests

Teaching and Learning

Teaching Interests

Teaching Practice Supervision

Educational Psychology

Human development

Learning theories

External Appointments

Hong Kong Hair & Beauty Merchants Association, Honorary Advisor (Academic Advisor).

 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications, Specialist.

Personal Profile

Dr. Linda Kwan earned a Bachelor of Education Honours Degree in Information Technology and Mathematics, a Master of Education Degree in Teacher Education and Professional Development and obtained her doctorate in the field of Science, Mathematics and Computing, all from the University of Hong Kong.

Dr. Linda Kwan joined the teacher education profession in 1990. Since then she has taught for many years in primary and secondary school contexts.  Prior to her service at the Education University of Hong Kong, she had taught at tertiary education institute and Universities, teaching education courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.  As a teacher educator and researcher, she worked together with teachers to improve students’ and teachers’ educational practice and career learning processes. She has conducted professional development workshops or programmes for in-service teachers in Hong Kong.  

Dr. Linda Kwan has been with the Education University of Hong Kong since 2010. Her research work investigates how to improve students’ understanding and ability in solving the mathematics word problems among school students in Hong Kong. She is currently managing various projects relating to enhancing teaching practice. Dr Kwan is also particularly interested in taking part in collaborating learning in mathematics, assessing the mathematics learning difficulties and children’s mathematical concepts, inter-relationship between procedural and conceptual knowledge in mathematics education.

Research Interests

Teaching and Learning

Teaching Interests

Teaching Practice Supervision

Educational Psychology

Human development

Learning theories

External Appointments

Hong Kong Hair & Beauty Merchants Association, Honorary Advisor (Academic Advisor).

 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications, Specialist.

Research Outputs

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
Kwan Y.L. (2023). Evaluating the integration of word problems, world experience, and mathematical knowledge in young children. International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning, 7(1), 57-78, Article 1. https://doi.org/10.20319/pijtel.2023.71.5778
Kwan Y.L. (2022). The Use of Drawings as Problem-Solving Tools in Simple Addition Problems and Missing Addend Problems. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 14(6), 1767-1771. https://doi.org/DOI:10.9756/INTJECSE/V14I6.213
Kwan Y.L. (2022). Exploring Experiential Learning Practices to improve students’ understanding. International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning, 6(1), 72–89.
Kwan Y.L. (2018). The interplay between Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge in the Learning of Mathematics: A Symbiotic Relationship between Theory and Practice.. Journal of Teaching and Education, 8(2), 1-12.
Kwan Y.L. (2017). Assessment of difficulties of low achievers in solving combine problems involving subset equivalents and the part-whole relationship. Journal of Teaching and Education, 7(1), 435-444. http://www.universitypublications.net/jte/0701/html/V7NA184.xmlpublished version
Kwan Y.L. (2016). Assessment of Learning Difficulties with Arithmetic Word Problems in a Primary school: use of the Observation Method employing Video-recording.. International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 9 (2), 385,389-394..

Conference Papers
Invited conference paper
Kwan Y.L. (2022, July). Evaluating the integration of word problems, world experience, and mathematical knowledge in young children.. The International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning, Singapore, Singapore.
Kwan Y.L. (2022, June). Innovating with E-cards for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.. International Conference on Advance Education, London.
Kwan Yuet Ling, Linda (2021, June). Enhancing students’ learning with Game-Based Approaches. Globalet, Vienna, Austria..
Kwan Yuet Ling, Linda (2021, June). Exploring Experiential Learning Practices to Improve Students’ Understanding. International Conference on Teaching, Education & Learning, Czech Technical University,Prague,Czech Republic.
Kwan Y.L. (2019, June). Assessing Understanding through the Language of Mathematics.. International Conference on Language Education and Culture, Istanbul, Turkey..
Kwan Y.L. (2018, February). A Study on the Impact of Using Text-Mining Software to Improve the Quality of Teaching and Learning. Technology Enhanced Assessment (TEA) Conference, Hong Kong.
Kwan Y.L. (2018, February). Using Virtual Technology to enhance Pre-service teachers’ confidence in managing classroom problems.. Technology Enhanced Assessment (TEA) Conference, Hong Kong.
Kwan Y.L. (2017, July). A study of difficulties with simple arithmetic word problems.. International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Singapore..
Kwan Y.L. (2016). An exploratory study of the difficulties with simple arithmetic word problems among primary school academically low achievers. , USA.
Refereed conference paper
Kwan Y.L. (2018, January). Investigating the Reason for Low Achievement amongst Early Learners of Mathematics: Counting Assessment.. International Journal of Research in Teaching, Learning, Creativity & Technology (IJRTL), Switzerland.
Kwan, Y.L. (2017). Assessment of Difficulties of Low Achievers in Solving Combine Problems Involving Subset Equivalents and the Part-whole Relationship.. Journal of Teaching and Education, 7(1), USA.
Kwan, L.Y.L. (2017, June). Assessment of Difficulties of Low Achievers in Solving Combine Problems Involving Subset Equivalents and the Part-whole Relationship. Paper presented at the IJAS International Conference for Education, Vienna, Austria.
Linda Kwan (2015, June). Teacher professional development in the uses ofinformation technology. International Conference for Academic Disciplines, Barcelona.


Field Experience Best practices: Fostering Student Engagement and Creating a Positive Learning Environment
This new project asks students to reflect on the best aspects on their teaching experiences to incorporate interactive teaching methods, fostering a sense of belonging and cultivate an inclusive classroom environment where every student feels valued, respected and accepted. Stories are encouraged to write and share with others so that other students can learn from them and appreciate the joy of teaching and take satisfaction in their professional growth.
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): KWAN, Yuet Ling, Linda

Designing a Communication Soft Skills Resource Pack to Support Students in Learning
This project enhances students oral communication skills, students will feel more confident and less anxious in social situations. This can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. The project leads to the development of educational materials to enhance oral communication skills, collaborate with the SEGi University, and equip students to understand global perspectives in local and international contexts. It addressed the needs of students by making a resource pack, booklets, and cards, embedded to enhance a workshop or lesson focused on oral communication skills, and create a dynamic and engaging experience that helps students develop their communication skills in a supportive environment.
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): KWAN, Yuet Ling, Linda

Using the power of effective communication to enhance teacher competencies and build a successful teaching career
This project encourages students to focus more thoroughly on their field experiences on how good relationships between teachers and students with effective communication help students feel less stressed and more satisfied throughout their teaching careers. Teachers' verbal and nonverbal communication plays an important role in promoting educational success. Student teachers who understand the significance of this communication will be able to become qualified educators and create meaningful teaching and learning.
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): KWAN, Yuet Ling Linda 關月玲

Field experience – Making Teaching Practice a Fantastic and Enjoyable Experience with Stress-busting Wisdom
This project encourages students reflect deeply on their experiences whilst undertaking field experience. When making the transition from student to teacher, student teachers may face new challenges or pressures that they have never experienced before. To encourage students to write and share the teaching experience with the pressure they encountered and the way of managing the stress. A writing contest will be established. For the benefit of other students, so that they can learn from them, be well prepared to become student teachers, and improve the quality of their own field experience, as well as pass on to new students.
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): KWAN, Yuet Ling Linda 關月玲

MATHero's Journey App
Enhancing learning and teaching of Mathematics, promoting e-learning and self-directed learning as well as catering to learner diversity through developing an application.
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): KWAN, Yuet Ling Linda 關月玲

Developing a Stress management and Mindfulness Skills Resources Kit to Enhance Students Learning
The project is to develop a Stress management and Mindfulness Skills resources kit to enhance student learning on the related topics, and equip students to understand the global perspectives in local and international contexts.
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): KWAN, Yuet Ling Linda 關月玲

Field Experience Best Practices: Promoting and Accelerating Teacher Professional Growth
This project asks students to reflect on the best practices in their teaching experiences with practical examples that promote successful implementation of creative, innovative and effective teaching
strategies in order to meet student's individual needs within the virtual or real classroom. It also
allows students to be more aware of changing trends and directions in the teaching profession.

Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): KWAN, Yuet Ling Linda 關月玲

Top tips to make your Field Experience a wonderful and enriching experience
This project asks students to go further to reflect on the best aspects of their teaching experiences to appreciate the joy of teaching and take satisfaction in their professional growth. Stories are encouraged to write and share with others so that other students can learn from them and they may understand how to avoid mistakes and enhance the quality of their own field experience.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): KWAN, Yuet Ling Linda 關月玲

Constructing an Interactive Journey for Students' Field Experience Reflection
This is designed to help students, on an ongoing basis, to enhance and learn from their field experience thereby making it easier to prepare their reflection.
Each supervisor will be responsible for a specified number of students. The supervisor will have access to the students’ progress in using the app. The information will remain available to any later supervisor and so will represent an entire picture throughout the student’s teaching practice.

Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): KWAN, Yuet Ling Linda 關月玲

Prizes and awards

Certificate of Merit under Faculty Teaching Award Scheme

Date of receipt: 1/10/2022, Conferred by: Faculty of Education and Human Development,The Education University of Hong Kong (2021-2022)
Field Experience Coordinator Appreciation Award (2014-2019)

Date of receipt: 1/1/2019, Conferred by: School Partnership and Field Experience Office
Certificate of Merit under Faculty Teaching Award

Date of receipt: 1/1/2019, Conferred by: Faculty of Education and Human Development,The Education University of Hong Kong (2018-2019)