Dr WAN, Zhihong    萬志宏 博士
Associate Professor
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
(852) 2948 8696
(852) 2948 7563
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests

Design-based STEM learning

STEM creativity

Attitude towards STEM

STEM career aspiration

STEM robotics for students with ADHD 

Nature of Science

Critical thinking

Teaching Interests

Design-based STEM learning

Cross-disciplinary teaching and learning

Assessment for learning

Designing school tests and examinations

Personal Profile

WAN Zhihong is an Associate Professor at The Education University of Hong Kong. Dr. Wan obtained his PhD degree from the University of Hong Kong. Before starting his research in science education, he had taught middle school science for 5 years. Cultivating STEM talent is a long-standing research interest of Dr. Wan with an emphasis on interdisciplinary STEM learning. Extensive topics about STEM education have been investigated in his projects, including the relationship between STEM learning and STEM career aspiration, the impacts of designed-based STEM learning, understanding the integration in STEM, and cultivating students with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) through STEM robotics. Recently, he is conducting a PPR (Public Policy Research) project to investigate STEM majors’ intention to work in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. A series of STEM robotics textbooks have been published. He is the EES (Education for Environmental Studies) theme coordinator of the CEES (Centre for Education in Environmental Sustainability). He once served as the Secretary of East-Asian Association for Science Education and is now serving as the Chair of the sub-committee of STEM Education &Thinking of the Association of Teaching for Thinking. His research works have been widely published in top international journals, including Computer & Education, Science Education, Studies in Science Education, International Journal of Science Education, Thinking Skills & Creativity, and etc. 

Research Interests

Design-based STEM learning

STEM creativity

Attitude towards STEM

STEM career aspiration

STEM robotics for students with ADHD 

Nature of Science

Critical thinking

Teaching Interests

Design-based STEM learning

Cross-disciplinary teaching and learning

Assessment for learning

Designing school tests and examinations

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Research book or monograph (author)
So, W.M.W., Wan, Z.H., & Luo, T. (2024). Cross-disciplinary STEM learning for Asian primary students: Design, practices, and outcomes. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003262237
Chapter in an edited book (author)
So, W.M.W., Wan, Z.H., & Luo, T. (2024). Scaffolds for educators for designing STEM activities: A review of the frameworks in STEM education in Asia. Winnie Wing Mui SO, Zhi Hong WAN, Tian LUO, Cross-disciplinary STEM learning for Asian primary students: Design, practices, and outcomes (27-46). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003262237-3
Wan, Z.H., So, W.W.M., Xie, D., & Luo, T. (2023). Policies and Practices of Cross-Disciplinary School STEM Education in Asia: An Overview. In W.W.M. So, Z.H. Wan, & T. Luo (Eds.), Cross-disciplinary STEM learning for Asian Primary Students: Design, Practices, and Outcomes (pp. 12-26). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003262237-2
So, W.W.M., Wan, Z.H., & Chen, Y. (2018). Primary science education in Hong Kong. In Lee, Y-J., & Tan, J. (Eds), Primary Science Education in East Asia (19-48). Switzerland: Springer.
Wan, Z. H. (2018). Intended curriculum of nature of science for prospective school science teachers: scientism in Chinese science teacher educators’ conceptions. In Kennedy, K. J. & Lee, J.C.K., Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia (125-141). Oxford: Routledge.
Cheng, M. H. M. & Wan, Z.H. (2018). Assessment policy in the senior physics curriculum documents of Mainland China and Hong Kong. In Cheng, M. H. M., Jones, A., & Buntting, C. (ed.), Studies in Science Education in the Asia-Pacific Region (167-178). London: Routledge.
Wan, Z.H. (2014). Conflict or integration: The implementation of formative assessmemt within Chinese examination culture. In Hong Kong Teacher Association (ed.), Inheritance and Develoment of the Education in China (23-28). Hong Kong: Author.
Wong, S.L., Wan, Z.H., & Cheng, K.L. (2014). One Country, two systems: Nature of Science education in Mainland China and Hong Kong. In M. R. Matthews (ed.), International Handbook of Research in History, philosophy, and science teaching (2149-2175). Dordrecht: Springer.
Wong, S.L., Wan, Z.H., & Cheng, M.M.W. (2012). Learning Nature of Science through socio-scientific issues. In T. Sadler (ed.), Socio-scientific issues in science classroom: Teaching, learning and research (245-269). London: Springer.

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
Zhan, Y., Wan, Z. H., & Khon, M. (2023). What predicts undergraduates’ student feedback literacy? Impacts of epistemic beliefs and mediation of critical thinking. Teaching in Higher Education https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2023.2280268
Wan, Z.H., English, L., So, W.W.M., & Skilling, K. (2023). STEM Integration in Primary Schools: Theory, Implementation and Impact. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 21(6), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-023-10401-x
Zhan, Y., Yan, Z., Wan, Z. H., Wang, X. Zeng, Y., Yang, M., & Yang, L. (2023). Effects of online peer assessment on higher-order thinking: A meta-analysis. British Journal of Educational Technology https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.13310
Wan, Z.H., Wan, S.L., & Zhan, Y. (2022). For harmony and democracy: Secondary students’ views on the value of developing critical thinking in a Confucian heritage context. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 44 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2022.101031
Zhan, Y. , Lee, C.-K. J., & Wan, Z.H. (2022). Who perceives more value of teacher feedback? Exploring the roles of college students’ possible second language selves and language learning strategies. Language Testing in Asia, 12 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40468-022-00212-2
Wan, Z.H. (2022). What predicts students’ critical thinking disposition? A comparison of the roles of classroom and family environments. Learning Environments Research, 25(2), 565–580. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10984-021-09381-y
31. Zhan, Y., Wan, Z.H.,& Sun, D (2022). Online formative peer feedback in Chinese contexts at the tertiary Level: A critical review on its design, impacts and influencing factors. Computers & Education, 176, 0-0. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2021.104341
Wan, Z. H., Jiang, Y., & Zhan, Y. (2021). STEM education in early childhood: A review of empirical studies. Early Education and Development, 32(7), 940-962. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2020.1814986
萬志宏 (2021)。 概念轉變理論:本體論、元認知和動機的視角。 教育與教學研究,35(10),7-17。 https://doi.org/10.13627/j.cnki.cdjy.2021.10.001
Wan, Z. H., So, W. M. W., & Zhan, Y. (2021). Developing and validating a scale of STEM project-based learning experience. Research in Science Education, 32(7), 940-962.
Luo, T., So, W. W. M., Wan, Z. H., & Li, W. C. (2021). STEM stereotypes predict students’ STEM career interest via self-efficacy and outcome expectations. International Journal of STEM Education, online first, 1-13.
Wan, Z. H., So, W. M. W.*, & Hu, W. (2021). Necessary or sufficient? The impacts of epistemic beliefs on STEM creativity and the mediation of intellectual risk-taking. International Journal of Science Education, online first, 1-18.
Wan, Z.H. (2021). Exploring the Effects of Intrinsic Motive, Utilitarian Motive, and Self-Efficacy on Students’ Science Learning in the Classroom Using the Expectancy-Value Theory. Research in Science Education, 51, 647-659.
Wan, Z. H., Lee, J. C. K., & Hu, W. (2021). How should undergraduate students perceive knowledge as a product of human creation? Insights from a study on epistemic beliefs, intellectual risk-taking, and creativity. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 39, 100786.
Zhan, Y., Jiang, Y., Wan, Z. H., & Guo, J. J. (2021). Is there an “Expectancy × Value” effect? Investigating the impact of self-efficacy and learning motives on Chinese undergraduates’ use of deep language learning strategies. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 30(1), 83–94.
29. Zhan, X., Sun, D*., Wan, Z., Hua, Y., & Xu, R. (2021). Investigating Teacher Perceptions of Integrating Engineering into Science Education in Mainland China. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 19, 1397-1420. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-020-10117-2
Wan, Z. H., Lee, J. C. K., Yan, Z., & Ko, P. Y. (2021). Self-regulatory school climate, group regulation and individual regulatory ability: towards a model integrating three domains of self-regulated learning. Educational Studies, n.a., 1-16.
Jiang, Y., Lee, J.C.K., Wan, Z., & Chen, J. (2021). Stricter teacher, more motivated students? Comparing the associations between teacher behaviors and motivational beliefs of Western and East Asian learners. Frontiers in Psychology (Educational Psychology), 11, 564327.
23. Luo, M., Wang, Z, Sun, D*., Wan, Z.H., Zhu, L (2020). Evaluating Scientific Reasoning Ability: the Design and Validation of an Assessment with a focus on Reasoning and the use of Evidence. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 19(2), 261-275. https://doi.org/10.33225/jbse/20.19.261
22. Zhan, X., Sun, D*., Qiang,C., Song,R., Wan, Z.H. (2019). Propensity score analysis of the impacts of junior secondary students' participation in engineering practices on their attitudes toward engineering.. Eurasia Jorunal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 15(11), em1765. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejmste/106761
So, W. M. W.*, Chen, Y., Wan, P. (2019). Multimedia e-learning and self-regulated science learning: A study of primary school learners’ experiences and perceptions. Journal of Science Education and Technology, online, 1-1.
Lee, J.C.K., Wan, Z.H., Hui, S.K.F., & Ko, P.Y. (2019). More student trust, more self-regulation strategy? Exploring the effects of self-regulatory climate on self-regulated learning. The Journal of Educational Research, 112(4), 463-472.
So, W. W. M., Kong, S. K., Wan, Z.H., & Chen, Y. (2018). An Analysis of Approaches to Inquiry in a Multimedia Learning Environment of E-Textbooks. Curriculum and Teaching, 33(2), 67-89.
Wan, Z. H., & Cheng, M. H. M. (2018). Classroom learning environment, critical thinking, and achievement in an interdisciplinary subject: A study of Hong Kong secondary school graduates. Educational Studies, 45(3), 285-304.
Wan, Z. H., & Lee, J. C. K. (2017). Hong Kong secondary school students’ attitudes towards science: A study of structural models and gender differences. International Journal of Science Education, 39(5), 507-527.
Cheng, M.M.H., & Wan, Z.H.* (2017). Exploring the Effects of Classroom Learning Environment on Critical Thinking Skills and Disposition: A Study of Hong Kong 12th Graders in Liberal Studies. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 24, 152-163.
Wan, Z. H., & Wong, S. L. (2017). Views from the chalkface: Values of teaching Nature of Science in Hong Kong. Science & Education., 25, 1089-1114.
Zhan Y., & Wan Z. H. (2016). Test takers’ beliefs and experiences of a high-stakes computer-based English listening and speaking test. RELC Journal, 47 (3), 363-376.
Zhan, Y. & Wan, Z.H. (2016). Appreciated but constrained: reflective practice of student teachers in learning communities in a Confucian heritage culture. Teaching in Higher Education, 21(6), 669-685.
Zhan, Y., & Wan, Z. H. (2016). Appreciated but constrained: reflective practice of student teachers in learning communities in a Confucian heritage culture. Teaching in Higher Education, 21(6), 669-685.
Cheng, M.H.M. & Wan, Z.H. (2016). Unpacking the paradox of Chinese science learners: insights from research into Asian Chinese school students’attitudes towards learning science, science learning strategies, and scientific epistemological views. Studies in Science Education, 52(1), 29-62.
Zhan, Y. & Wan, Z. H. (2016). College students’ possible L2 self development in an EFL context during the transition year. English Language Teaching Journal, 9(1), 41-50.
Cheng E. C. K., Chan, S., Wan, Z. H., Hung, V., Lim, C.P., Lai, Y.C.,Chan, T.M., Tam, C.M. (2015). Towards a curriculum framework for development teachers'personal knowledge management competencies. International E-Journal of Advances in Education, 1(2), 105-111.
Wan, Z.H., & Wong, S.L. (2013). Is consensus generalizable? A study of Chinese science teacher educators’ views of nature of science content to be taught. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 14, 1-20.
Wan, Z.H., Wong, S.L., Wei, B., & Zhan, Y. (2013). Focusing on the classical or contemporary? Chinese science teacher educators’ conceptions of Nature of Science content to be taught to pre-service science teachers. Research in Science Education, 43, 2541-2566.
Wan, Z.H., Wong, S.L., & Zhan, Y. (2013). Teaching Nature of Science to student science teachers: A phenomenographic study of Chinese teacher educators’ conceptions.. Science & Education, 22, 2593-3619.
Wan, Z.H., Wong, S.L., & Zhan, Y. (2013). When Nature of Science meets Marxism: Aspects of Nature of Science taught by Chinese science teacher educators to prospective science teachers. Science & Education, 22, 1115-1140.
Wan, Z.H., & Wong, S.L. (2013). As an infused or a separated theme? Chinese science teacher educators’ conceptions of incorporating Nature of Science instruction in the courses of training pre-service science teachers.. Science Education International, 24(1), 33-62.
Zhan, Y. & Wan, Z.H. (2012). Bridging summative and formative assessment: practice and experience of school-based assessment in Hong Kong. Shanghai Research on Education, 11, 37-40.
Wan, Z.H., Wong, S.L. & Yung, B.H.W. (2011). Common interest, common visions? Chinese science teacher educators’ views about the values of teaching Nature of Science to prospective science teachers.. Science Education, 95(6), 1101-1123.
Zhan, Y. & Wan, Z. H. (2010). Perspectives on the cultural appropriacy of assessment for learning in Chinese context. Educate~, 10(2), 9-16.
Zhan, Y., & Wan, Z.H. (2008). Tensions between formative assessment and Chinese examination culture. China Examination, 11, 12-15.
Wan, Z.H. (2003). Applying Balanced Score Card (BSC) in human resource management. Human Resource Management, 6, 28-29.
Wan, Z.H. (2003). Challenges of human resource training in the new century. Human Resource Management, 8, 30-31.
Zhan, Y., & Wan, Z.H. (2002). Perspectives on the ownership innovation in state-owned schools. Journal of Educational Inquiry, 10, 105-106.

Conference Papers
Invited conference paper
Cheng, M.H., & Wan, Z.H. (2013, September). One country, two systems: assessment policy in the current senior physics curriculum documents of Mainland China and Hong Kong. the 10th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (Nicosia, Cyprus), 2nd – 7th September, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Refereed conference paper
Wan, Z.H., Lee, J. C. K, & Hu, W. (2021, December). How should undergraduate students perceive knowledge as a product of human creation? Insights from a study on epistemic beliefs, intellectual risk-taking, and creativity. Paper presented at The International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2020 (ICLT2020)
Cheng, M. H. M. & Wan, Z.H. (2017, August). Exploring the effects of classroom learning environment on critical thinking skills and disposition: A study of Hong Kong 12th graders in liberal studies. Paper presented at the ECER 2017: Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change: Ambivalent roles of policy and educational research
Wan, Z.H. (2017, May). What Nature of Science should be Taught to Student Science Teachers? -Scientism in Chinese Science Teacher Educators’ Conceptions. The 2017 International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science & Technology (ICEMST), Ephesus Kusadasi, Turkey.
Wan, Z. H. (2016, August). Exploring the structure of attitudes towards science: A study of Hong Kong secondary students. Paper presented at the 2016 International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education (EASE 2016): Innovations in Science Education Research & Practice: Strengthening International Collaboration
Wan. Z.H. (2016, August). Attitudes towards Science: Structure and gender differences. EASE (East-Asian Association for Science Education) 2016 International Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Wan, Z.H. & Wong, S.L. (2016, April). Hong Kong In-service Science Teachers' Views on the Values of Teaching Nature of Science. NARST (National Association for Research in Science Teaching) 2016 Annual International Conference, Baltimore/USA.
鄭美紅 & 萬志宏 (2015,12). 發展學生批判思考的通識課教學設計分享。《通識教育研討會2014文集》 https://julac.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo-explore/search?query=any,contains,991005609439703410&vid=EDUHKFind@EdUHK Library
Cheng, E. C. K., Chan, K. Y., Wan Z. H.,Hung V., Lim C. P., Lai, Y. C., Chan T. M. Tam, C. M. (2015, June). Toward a Curriculum Framework for Developing Teachers’ Personal Knowledge Management Competencies. 2nd International Conference on Education, Social Science and Humanities, Istanbul.
Cheng, M.H. & Wan, Z.H. (2015, April). Understanding the Paradox of Chinese Learners: Insights from Research into Asian Chinese Science Learners. Paper presented at NARST (National Association for Research in Science Teaching) 2015 Annual International Conference (April 11-14, 2015), Chicago.
Cheng, M.H.M. & Wan, Z.H. (2013, September). One country, two systems: Assessment policy in new senior physics curriculum documents Hong Kong and Mainland China. Paper presented at the 10th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association
Wan, Z. H. (2013, July). From the chalkface: Hong Kong in-service science teachers’ views of the values of teaching nature of science to senior secondary students. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education
Yeung Y.Y. & Wan Z.H. (2011, October). School-based support for immersing digital technology into the inquiry-based project learning of science in a primary school. iry-based project learning of science in a primary school”. Paper presented in the East-Asia Association of Science Education 2011 International Conference, Gwangju, South Korea.


Unpacking the Dynamics of the Agency of Young STEM Makers: A Cross-sequential Study Combined with Mixed-methods Design
Student agency has received increasing attention in recent research (Raffo et al., 2021) since human beings are facing unprecedented social, economic, and environmental challenges and students as our future citizens are expected to develop their potential to conquer challenges and constraints during their school years (OECD, 2019). This project will adopt a cross-sequential approach combined with mixed-methods design to reveal the complexity of student agency in maker-centred STEM learning. To capture the developmental trajectory of the agency of young STEM makers and reveal the relationship among its six dimensions, pre-and-post surveys will be issued to approximately 720 students from four cohorts (grades 3, 4, 5, and 6) in schools that have actively implemented STEM maker activities. Following the post-survey, qualitative data (including audio-diaries and artefact-based interviews) will be collected from 72 school children to scrutinise cross-dimensional interaction and identify the factors mediating their agency development. An innovative aspect of this project is to adopt a cross-sequential design to unveil the longitudinal change of student agency. Its unique research context will make the investigation into the development of student agency more effective.
Project Start Year: 2024, Principal Investigator(s): WAN, Zhihong

Developing e-Content for Robotics Education: Using Learning Management System to Promote Blended Learning Model and Content Sharing 開發機器人教育學習教材: 以學習管理平台促進混合式學習及教材分享

Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): WAN, Zhihong

Development and Validation of a Scale of Integrative STEM Teaching Practice in Primary School
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): WAN, Zhihong

Exploring the Impacts of Design-based STEM Learning on Young Students

Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): WAN, Zhihong

Working in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: Hong Kong Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Undergraduates' Intention and Concerns
The Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme (YES) was announced in the Chief Executive’s 2020 Policy Address, which aims to support the cross-border companies recruiting fresh local graduates to work in other cities of the Greater Bay Area (GBA). Different from other schemes, the YES spares the considerable quotation for Innovation & Technology (I&T) talent and sets up a specific higher salary standard. To date, the major strategy adopted in this scheme is to provide subsidy to companies. The intention of Hong Kong STEM graduates will be a crucial condition for the success of this scheme and other similar schemes in the future. Therefore, it is compelling to investigate their intention to work in I&T companies in the GBA and the influencing factors.
Based on the well-established Theory of Planned Behaviour, this project will conduct in-depth interviews and a large-scale survey to explore the intention of STEM undergraduates to work in I&T companies in the GBA and the major factors influencing their intention. The interviews will be conducted with STEM undergraduates, university career consultants, STEM academics, and Hong Kong I&T professionals working in GBA. Stratified sampling will be adopted to identify approximately 700 STEM undergraduates to complete the survey. This study will systematically reveal the following: (i) the status of STEM undergraduates’ intention to work in the GBA; (ii) the major factors that influence the undergraduates’ intentions; (iii) the differences in their intention and influencing factors in terms of STEM majors, universities, and social-economic backgrounds of their families. All these findings will be of value to provide the government and the public a useful reference for designing policies and strategies to facilitate the implementation of the YES and strengthen the bilateral flow of I&T talent in GBA.

Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): WAN, Zhihong

Exploring the impacts of STEM maker activities on mental rotation: a fNIRS (functional near-infrared spectroscopy) study
跨學科STEM教育是近年來的一個研究熱點,而STEM創客活動是實現STEM跨學科統整的重要手段。STEM創客活動中人腦與物質世界需要進行複雜的交互活動,從而從成為STEM學習的區別其他學習方式的一個重要特徵。近期大量研究發現創客活動對學生的思維有深遠的影響(Marunić & Glažar,2014),尤其是以積木搭建為核心的工程類創客活動能夠為學生的空間能力帶來積極作用 (Newman, Hansen,& Gutierrez,2016)。然而,目前的研究結果大多數建立在行為研究上,對空間思維的腦啟動情況的研究仍存在空白。因此,本研究旨在探索以智慧積木為基礎的STEM創客活動對小學生空間旋轉能力的影響,並通過使用功能性近紅外技術對比創客活動前後小學生進行空間旋轉任務時的腦啟動情況,從而夯實推行STEM創客活動的理論和實證基礎。
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): WAN, Zhihong 萬志宏

Concentrating on an Edge-cutting Area: Establishing a Research Hub for STEM Integration in Primary Schools
In recent ten years, there is an increasing emphasis in governments’ policies worldwide to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. Although the significance of promoting STEM education has been widely recognized and considerable numbers of studies have been conducted in recent years, the research on the integration in STEM education as a distinct field of study is still in its embryonic stages. This cluster will target at this significant but under-investigated area, which entails three-folded objectives: (i) building strategic alliance and leverage synergy among researchers of STEM education to develop a new area of research strength; (ii) elevating our university’s international reputation as a research hub of STEM education; and (iii) informing practitioners of STEM education. This cluster will sever to fill current research gaps concerning STEM integration in primary schools and plant the seed of STEM talents for the sustainable development of Hong Kong.
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): WAN, Zhihong 萬志宏

Cross Disciplinary Boundaries: Teachers' Focal Awareness, Classroom Practice and Learning Outcomes of STEM Integration
As a timely response to the recent policy emphasis, this study will trace the development of primary students in creativity through STEM-PBL, which are closely related to achieving the ultimate vision of STEM education, i.e., cultivating competent STEM workforces to strengthen nations’ or regions’ international competiveness through innovation. In addition, it looks into the relationship between student development and the facilitating roles played by their teachers. A model for facilitating students’ development in creativity and attitudes through STEM-PBL will be generated by crystalizing the findings from students and teachers as well as the reflections of researchers.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): WAN, Zhihong 萬志宏

Understanding the Extent of the Integration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Students' Inquiry Activities
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): SO, Wing Mui Winnie 蘇詠梅 (WAN, Zhihong 萬志宏 as Co-Investigator)

Cultivating Students’ Critical Thinking and Creativity through Web-based and Classroom-based Inquiry
Critical thinking and creativity are long-standing objectives in EdUHK strategic plans and within her generic intended learning outcomes (GILOs). Given considerable uncertainty existing in the process of conducting inquiry, students are required to make their own decisions in every stage of doing it, which intrinsically involves the application and development of both creative and critical thinking that are described as the “heartbeat” of inquiry. Inquiry learning was originally adopted in the school classrooms, and recent years witness increasing advocation of it at the university level. This project intends to make use of both Web-based and classroom-based inquiry to facilitate EdUHK students’ development in high-order thinking. 9 sets of Web-based or classroom-based inquiry activities will be developed, with each for an experimental course. The project will follow the paradigm of practitioner research, including two cycles of implementation. The development of students’ critical thinking and creativity will be assessed through matured instruments in the pre and post-tests, interviews with students, and process data generated in the learning process. This project will be a pioneering effort to systematically implement inquiry learning at the university level in the Eastern world. Its innovation is also reflected in the inclusion of both Web-based and classroom-based inquiry.
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): WAN, Zhihong 萬志宏, LEE, Chi Kin John 李子建

The Effects of STEM Project Based Learning on Primary Students' Epistemological Beliefs and STEM Creativity
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): WAN, Zhihong 萬志宏

Secondary School Students’ Views on Nature of Science: Sources, Progression and Effects
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): WAN, Zhihong 萬志宏

Developing Peer- and Self-assessment Strategies for the Enhancement of Student Learning Outcomes
This project will seek to enhance student learning outcomes by developing peer-and self-assessment (PASA) strategies and training resources. PASA are student-led assessment practices in which students provide peer- and self-feedback to enhance learning (Harris, Brown, & Harnett, 2015). Hattie and Timperley’s (2007) Model of Feedback Levels will inform the development of PASA strategies and training resources. The PASA strategies will involve the use of feedback prompts for training students in giving peer- and self-feedback, and the engagement of students in recurring cycles of PASA practices, which will be facilitated by the use of learning technologies. Outcomes from the project will encompass pedagogical and scholarship of learning and teaching outcomes.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): YANG, Min 楊敏 (WAN, Zhihong 萬志宏 as Team Member)

Case-based Blended Learning Pedagogies for Pre-service Teachers: Building a Community of Practice in Higher Education Settings
This project aims to (a) explore and examine innovative blended learning (BL) pedagogies that effectively integrate case-based learning (CBL) to enhance student engagement and learning of pre-service teachers, and (b) build professional capacity of BL in higher education settings. This project is grounded in a continuous endeavor to address wide-ranging needs and issues related to teaching and learning of the Education Studies (ES) Core Courses of pre-service programmes. Initial effort has been made to develop contextualized case materials to facilitate course delivery. The next stage of inquiry is to investigate the use of these materials along with pedagogically sound BL strategies. Research on BL focuses mostly on student learning, having limited understanding of pedagogical practices for professional development. The proposed project contributes to this aspect of scholarship by bringing together faculty members to try out case-based BL pedagogies. The collegial process of investigation enables the cultivation of a community of practice that is more open to the pedagogical possibilities brought forth by BL to strengthen the professional component of pre-service teacher education. The project will produce a training package with an online library of exemplars and resources that guides faculty members to formulate their own desired path of BL.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Tai Hoi Theodore 李泰開, YUEN, Wai Kwan Gail 袁慧筠 (WAN, Zhihong 萬志宏 as Co-Investigator)

Boundary Interaction: Developing a Science Curriculum to Integrate Learning in the Informal Spaces
The project will be a part of a two-year project focusing on the conceptualization of boundary activity for connecting the merits of learning in informal spaces with formal learning, as relates to inquiry-based science curriculum development. An iterative design and refinement of the boundary activity based on the design-based approach will be conducted together with teacher professional development. With an aim to evaluating the efficiency of the intervention, student and teacher performance will be examined. A lesson package will be shared across schools with the purpose of scaling the innovation at the final stage. In this project, the participants are 16 science teachers and 300 students from 4 junior secondary schools in Hong Kong. The subject domain will be the secondary 1 integrated science in Hong Kong. Mixed research methods will be employed to conduct qualitative data analysis on teaching and learning behaviors in and out of the classroom, and quantitative data analysis on achievement test results, survey results and the relationship among the activity performance, learning artefacts and test achievement. Case study methods will be used to interpret the teacher changes. The research findings will inform science curriculum design and development, science syllabus improvement, science teacher education as well as inspire the pedagogical design of mobile learning.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): SUN, Daner 孫丹兒 (WAN, Zhihong 萬志宏 as Collaborator)

Teachers' Conceptual Change in Their Pedagogical Practices with E-Textbook: From Conception to Realization
General Research Fund (GRF) project funded by University Grant Council (UGC)
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): SO, Wing Mui Winnie 蘇詠梅 (WAN, Zhihong 萬志宏 as Co-Investigator)

Hong Kong High School Students' Views on Nature of Science in Relation to Science Learning Motives and Strategies
The objective of developing students’ understanding of Nature of Science (NOS) has been long advocated in science education. Recently, it is beginning to take root in Hong Kong science curricula. The most frequently suggested argument for the inclusion of NOS into school curricula is its relationships with the strategies and motives for learning science. Although a few recent quantitative studies have provided preliminary evidence for these relationships, considerable inconsistency can be still observed among the conclusions drawn in these studies. The proposed project plans to investigate the effects of the NOS views of Hong Kong high school students on their science learning motives and strategies. High school is chosen as the context of study because the rationales for learning NOS are typically argued in this context but the quantitative research on the relationships among school students’ NOS views, science learning motives and strategies is particularly rare. A 30-minute survey will be conducted on 500 - 600 Hong Kong high school students to investigate their NOS views, science learning motives, and science learning strategies. Statistical analyses will be first performed to establish the validity and reliability of the survey instruments. The relationships among NOS views, science learning motives, and science learning strategies will be explored through correlational and structural equation modeling analyses. The investigation into the mediating effect of science learning motives on the relationship between NOS views and science learning strategies will fill a major gap in the literature. This study will also contribute to the design and validation of a new survey instrument for assessing high school students’ science learning strategies. The evidence for the influence of NOS views on science learning will support the argument to include NOS as a crucial component of school science curricula and motivate science teachers to develop sufficient intentions to teach NOS in their classrooms.
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): WAN, Zhihong 萬志宏

Assessing senior high school students' attitudes toward science in Hong Kong
Although there has been extensive research investigating students' attitudes towards science in the last four decades, little has been done to probe the internal structure of attitudes towards science itself. In this proposed study, the Structural Equation Modeling method will be adopted to compare five hypothetical models of attitudes towards science. Since teachers’ practice of teaching science is a crucial factor influencing students’ attitudes towards science, their relationship will be also explored in this study. The participants will be about 500 secondary students in local schools. Two instruments will be used in the study. The first is related to teachers’ practice of teaching science, and the second is used to assess students’ attitudes towards science. In both instruments, students will be asked to respond to questions rated on a four-point Likert scale (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree). The results generated in this study will contribute to the theory of the structure of attitudes. Suggestions will be also made on how to develop students’ attitudes towards science in Hong Kong.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): WAN, Zhihong 萬志宏

In-service Science Teachers’ Views of the Values of Teaching Nature of Science in Hong Kong
Teaching nature of science (NOS) has taken root in science education in Hong Kong. This study aims to investigate Hong Kong in-service teachers’ views of the values of teaching NOS through a semi-structured interview. Suggestions will be made on designing programs to prepare teachers for teaching NOS.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): WAN, Zhihong 萬志宏

Developing Macau Benchmarks for Senior Secondary Science
This is a project funded by Educational Bureau of Macau SAR Government
Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): Wei, Bing (WAN, Zhihong 萬志宏 as Co-Investigator)

Developing Macau Benchmarks for Junior Secondary Science
This is a project funded by Educational Bureau of Macau SAR Government to develop a benchmark for junior secondary science teaching and learning in Macau
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): Wei, Bing (WAN, Zhihong 萬志宏 as Co-Investigator)

Prizes and awards

Young Scholar Award

Date of receipt: 6/7/2013, Conferred by: East-Asia Association of Science Education