Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters Chapter in an edited book (author) Keung, P. C. C., & Ho, S. C. E. (2019). Social capital and educational expectations: Exploring adolescents’ capabilities to aspire for post-secondary education. In R. D. Bartee., & P. George (Eds.), Contemporary perspectives on social capital in educational contexts (181-200). Charlotte, N. C.: Information Age Publishing. Mak, S. Y. B., Keung, P. C. C., & Cheung, C. K. A. (2018). Analyzing curriculum orientations of kindergarten curriculum. In C. Wyatt-Smith, & L. Adie (Eds.), Innovation and accountability in teacher education: Setting directions for the new cultures in teacher education (135-153). Singapore: Springer.
Journal Publications Publication in refereed journal Keung, P. C. C., & Cheung, C. K. A. (2023). A family-school-community partnership supporting play-based learning: A social capital perspective. Teaching and Teacher Education, 135 Siu, F. Y. A., Keung, P. C. C., & To, H. K. A. (2023). Construction and Validation of a Chinese Translation of the Devereux Early Childhood Assessment, Second Edition (DECA-P2). Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, X, 1-8. Cheung, C. K. A., Keung, P. C. C., & Tam, W. Y. W. (2022). Developing kindergarten teacher capacity for play-based learning curriculum: A mediation analysis. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, X, 1-15. Siu, F. Y. A., & Keung, P. C. C. (2022). Perceptions of Hong Kong mothers on children's play: Differences in socioeconomic status and child's gender. International Journal of Early Childhood, X, 1-17. Yin, H. B., Tam, W. Y. W., Park, M., & Keung, P. C. C. (2022). Emotional labour matters for kindergarten teachers: An examination of the antecedents and consequences. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, X, 1-11 Siu, F. Y. A., & Keung, P. C. C. (2022). Perceptions among Hong Kong parents on play in early childhood: A qualitative study. Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education, 16(1), 77-92. Keung, P. C. C., Cheung, C. K. A, Mak, S. Y. B., & Tam, W. Y. W. (2021). Perceptions of Hong Kong secondary school teachers on effective pedagogical practices for curriculum reform: A multi-group analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, X, 1-13. Cheung, C. K. A., Keung, P. C. C., & Tam, W. Y. W. (2021). Understanding Hong Kong pre-primary school teachers’ curriculum beliefs: A modified
version of the Curriculum Orientation Inventory. Early Childhood Education Journal, X, 1-10. Keung, P. C. C., Cheung, C. K. A., Mak, S. Y. B., & Tam, W. Y. W. (2021). Examining role of professional development initiatives from the perspectives of Key
Learning Area Coordinators and Subject Heads: A mediation analysis. International Journal of Educational Research, X, 1-11. To, H. K., Yin, H. B., Tam, W. Y. W., & Keung, P. C. C. (2021). Principal leadership practices, professional learning communities, and teacher commitment in Hong Kong kindergartens: A multilevel SEM analysis. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, X, 1-23. Siu, F. Y. A., & Keung, P. C. C. (2021). Developing a culturally based play inventory from the perspectives of Hong Kong parents and children: A content analysis method. Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years, X, 1-12. Yin, H. B., Keung, P. C. C., & Tam, W. Y. W. (2021). What facilitates teachers’ intentions to implement play-based learning curriculum in Hong Kong kindergarten. Early Childhood Education Journal, X, 1-12. Keung, P. C. C., & Fung, K. H. C. (2021). Pursuing quality learning experiences for young children through learning in play: How do children perceive play?. Early Child Development and Care, 191(4), 583-597. Keung, P. C. C., Yin, H. B., Tam, W. Y. W., Chai, C. S., & Ng, K. K. C. (2020). Kindergarten teachers' perceptions of whole-child development: The roles of leadership practices and professional learning communities. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 48(5), 875-892. Keung, P. C. C., & Ho, S. C. E. (2020). Structure and agency in adolescents’ expectations of pursuing post-secondary education. Research in Higher Education, 61(2), 270-295. Keung, P. C. C., & Fung, K. H. C. (2020). Exploring kindergarten teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge in the development of play-based learning. Journal of Education for Teaching, 46(2), 244-247. Keung, P. C. C., & Cheung, C. K. A. (2019). Towards holistic supporting of play‐based learning implementation in kindergartens: A mixed method study. Early Childhood Education Journal, 47, 627-640. Yin, H. B., To, H. K., Keung, P. C. C., & Tam, W. Y. W. (2019). Professional learning communities count: Examining the relationship between faculty trust and teacher professional learning in Hong Kong kindergartens. Teaching and Teacher Education, 82, 153-163. Cheung, C. K. A., Keung, P. C. C., & Mak, S. Y. B. (2018). Examining the key stakeholders’ perceptions of student learning: towards a paradigm shift in secondary education in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 39(4), 532-547. Cheung, C. K. A., Keung, P. C. C., Kwan, Y. K. P., & Cheung, Y. S. L. (2018). Teachers’ perceptions of the effect of selected leadership practices on pre-primary children’s learning in Hong Kong. Early Child Development and Care, 189(14), 2265-2283. Ho, S. C. E., Wong, S. K. R., Keung, P. C. C., & Sum, K. W. (2017). Analyzing Hong Kong adolescents' expectations for pursuing higher education from PISA. Educational Journal, 45(1), 47-69. Ho, S. C. E., Keung, P. C. C., Yeung, C. W. W., & Li, M. H. A. (2015). “Business– School” partnership: Equipping underprivileged secondary students in Hong Kong with skills to prepare for further education and employment. Educational Journal, 43(1), 153-177.
Conference Papers Invited conference paper Keung, P. C. C., & Ho, S. C. (2020, December). Structure and Agency in Adolescents’ Expecting for Pursuing Post-secondary Education. Paper presented at the Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference 2019/2020, Hong Kong. Refereed conference paper Chan, Y. O. A., & Keung, P. C. C. (2024, July). Emotional experience of student-teachers in practicum: A symbolic interactionist analysis.. Paper presented at the 33rd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic. Keung, P. C. C., & Chan, Y. O. A. (2024, July). Kindergarten teachers encountering ethical dilemmas at work: A framework of caring ethics. Paper presented at the 33rd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic. Keung, P.C.C. (2024, June). What professional legitimacy do kindergarten teachers emphasise in their profession of teaching? ISA RC52 Interim Meeting, Rome, Italy. Keung, P. C. C., & Chan, Y. O. A. (2024, April). Exploring multi-agency working initiatives in response to the needs for socio-economically disadvantaged children. Paper presented at AERA annual meeting, Philadelphia, USA. Keung, P. C. C., & Chan, Y. O. A. (2024, April). Student-teachers’ emotional encounters during teaching practicum in relation to micropolitical school context. Paper presented at AERA annual meeting, Philadelphia, USA. Keung, P. C. C., & Chan, Y. O. A. (2023, November). Exploring university students’ emotions of teaching in placement schools through a photovoice analysis. Paper presented at AAA/CASCA Annual Meeting, Tornoto, Canada. Chan, Y. O. A., & Keung, P. C. C. (2023, August). Challenges of kindergarten teachers working in collaboration with vulnerable parents. Paper presented at the 33th EECERA conference, Lisbon, Portugal. Keung, P. C. C. (2023, June). Kindergarten teachers’ emotions and ethical dilemmas at work. Paper presented at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, Australia. Keung, P. C. C. (2023, June). Professional ethics for early childhood teaching profession. Paper presented at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, Australia. Keung, P. C. C. (2023, May). Professional accountability for kindergarten teachers in responding to the ethical challenges of the COVID-19 outbreak. Paper presented at AERA annual meeting, Chicago, USA. Wright, E., Bryant, D., Keung, C., & Walker, A. (2023, April). The International Baccalaureate's personal project: Socially classed experiences and outcomes. Paper presented at AERA annual meeting, Chicago, USA. Keung, P. C. C. (2021, September). A holistic support of home learning for Hong Kong kindergarten children in the time of COVID-19 outbreak. Paper presented at the 30th EECERA conference, Zagreb, Croatia. Keung, P. C. C., & Cheung, C. K. A. (2020, April). Partnership matter: Exploring the model of "family-school-community" in play-based learning implementation in Hong Kong kindergartens. Paper presented at AERA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA. Keung, P. C. C., Tam, W. Y. W., & Yin, H. B. (2020, April). Teachers' behavioral intentions to implement play-based learning in Hong Kong kindergartens. Paper presented at AERA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA. To, H. K., Yin, H. B., Keung, P. C. C., & Tam, W. Y. W. (2020, April). Leadership practices, professional learning communities, and teacher commitment in Hong Kong kindergartens: A multilevel analysis. Paper presented at AERA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA. Keung, P. C. C., Yin, H. B., & Tam, W. Y. W. (2019, April). Effects of leadership practices and PLCs on teachers’ self-efficacy and perceived whole-child development in Hong Kong kindergartens. Paper presented at AERA Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada. Yin, H. B., To, H. K., Keung, P. C. C., & Tam, W. Y. W. (2019, April). Promoting teacher learning in trustful kindergartens: The mediation of professional learning communities. Paper presented at AERA Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada. Keung, P. C. C., & Fung, K. H. C. (2018, August). Exploring teachers’ pedagogy knowledge in practicing play-based curriculum: A study of kindergarten teachers in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 28th EECERA conference, Budapest, Hungary. Keung, P. C. C., & Fung, K. H. C. (2018, April). Teachers’ perceptions of parental influences on implementation of play-based curriculum in kindergartens. Paper presented at plenary session of the 19th round table of the INET, New York, USA. Keung, P. C. C., & Cheung, C. K. A. (2017, November). Observing and assessing children’s development: Using Play-Learn-Grow Framework. Paper presented at WERA Focal Meeting & HKERA International Conference, Hong Kong. Keung, P. C. C., & Fung, K. H. C. (2017, November). Developing child-centred play pedagogy from children’s perspectives. Paper presented at WERA Focal Meeting & HKERA International Conference, Hong Kong. Ho, S. C. E., & Keung, P. C. C. (2017, April). Structure and agency in adolescents’ educational transitions: Capability to aspire for pursuing post-secondary education. Paper presented at AERA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA. Ho, S. C. E,, & Keung, P. C. C. (2015, August). Parent’s socioeconomic background, family resources and parental involvement influencing student’s post-secondary education expectation. Paper presented at the 10th ERNAPE conference, Tromso, Norway. Keung, P. C. C., & Ho, S. C. E. (2015, August). Parental involvement on their children’s education and career decision making: Impact on educational expectation. Paper presented at the 10th ERNAPE conference, Tromso, Norway. Keung, P. C. C., & Ho, S. C. E. (2014, August). A sociological perspective on Hong Kong adolescents’ higher education expectation. Paper presented at the HERDSA conference, Hong Kong. Ho, S. C. E., & Keung, P. C. C. (2014, April). Adolescents’ educational expectation: Discrepancy and consistency with parental expectations.. Paper presented at plenary session of the 17th round table of INET, Philadelphia, USA.
Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies Consulting or contract research report Wright, E., Bryant, D. A., Keung, C., & Walker, A. (2023). Personal Project (Final Report): How does the IB Middle Years Programme’s capstone experience impact students, educators, and school communities? Research Report submitted to the International Baccalaureate. Bethesda, MD.: International Baccalaureate. Bryant, D. A., Wright, E., Keung, C., Walker, A., & Hassan, K. (2021). Personal Project (Interim Report): How does the IB Middle Years Programme’s capstone experience impact students, educators, and school communities? Research Report submitted to the International Baccalaureate.. Bethesda, MD.: International Baccalaureate.