Dr WANG, Chanjuan    王嬋娟 博士
Lecturer I
Department of Chinese Language Studies
(852) 2948 7363
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Research Interests
  • Chinese Language History 漢語史 
  • Teaching Chinese as Second Language 漢語作為第二語言教學
  • Classical Chinese Teaching 文言文教學
Teaching Interests
  • Classical Chinese 古代漢語
  • Teaching Chinese as Second Language 漢語作為第二語言教學
  • Putonghua Teaching 普通話教學
Research Interests

  • Chinese Language History 漢語史 
  • Teaching Chinese as Second Language 漢語作為第二語言教學
  • Classical Chinese Teaching 文言文教學
Teaching Interests

  • Classical Chinese 古代漢語
  • Teaching Chinese as Second Language 漢語作為第二語言教學
  • Putonghua Teaching 普通話教學
Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
王嬋娟、朱慶之 (2020)。 綜述:漢譯佛經與中古漢語人稱代詞的研究。朱慶之、董秀芳, 《佛典與中古漢語代詞研究》 (672-698)。上海,中國: 中西書局。
施仲謀、王嬋娟 (2019)。 漢語國際教育的IB師資培養:以香港教育大學爲例。許嘉璐、馬箭飛主編, 第十三届國際漢語教學研討會論文選 (119-127)。北京: 北京:商務印書館。
朱慶之、王嬋娟、邱冰、皇甫偉、鄧佩玲和張連航 (2019)。 基於語料庫語言學的「古代漢語」科目教學內容研究。施仲謀、何志恆主編, 《中國語文教學初探》 (頁1-20)。香港: 商務印書局。
王嬋娟 (2017)。 從語體視角看普通話命題說話。施仲謀和廖佩莉(主編), 《漢語教學與文化新探》 (頁 193-204)。香港: 中華(香港)書局。

Conference Papers
葉芷莜、王嬋娟 (2024,6). 語料庫在提升古代漢語教學效果中的角色——以賓語前置教學為例。多元世界的華語言傳承國際研討會,香港。
王嬋娟、林澤康 (2023,6). 語料庫數據驅動學習在古代漢語雙賓語結構教學中的應用。論文發表於「第八屆國際漢語教學研討會」,Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, USA。
王嬋娟、林澤康 (2023,6). 語料庫數據驅動學習在古代漢語雙賓語結構教學中的應用 [論文發表]。第八屆國際漢語教學研討會,美國。 https://tcsl8th.swarthmore.edu/conference-schedule/
王嬋娟 (2022,12). 數字人文項目在漢語二語教學法培訓中的應用 [論文發表]。第七屆國際漢語教學研討會,香港。 https://www.eduhk.hk/tcsl_7/
王嬋娟 (2018,12). 第一人稱代詞研究綜述。論文發表於「漢譯佛經與漢語代詞研究」工作坊,香港。
施仲謀、王嬋娟 (2018,11). 汉语国际教学的IB师资培养 ——以香港教育大学为例。世界汉语论坛暨第十三届国际汉语教学研讨会,北京。
王嬋娟 (2013,8). 《關於編寫對外古代漢語讀本的一些思考》。《第五屆亞太地區國際漢語教學學會2013年年會論文集》,Melbourne, Australia。

All Other Outputs
Leung P.W.P., Man Y.L., Wang, C.J., Ho, C.H. & Kwong, Y. K. (2014). 數碼中文課堂巡禮:實踐與反思 (Reflecting on the development of digital lectures in the Department of Chinese Language Studies). Hong Kong: HKIEd.


Integrating Digital Humanities into Language Teaching: Exploration and Innovation of Classical Chinese Language Teaching 數字人文在語言教學的應用:古代語言教學的探索創新
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): WANG, Chanjuan

賽馬會與「文」同樂學習計劃: 探討「初小學童結合『實體教材』與『多媒體教材』學習中國語文,並由此帶動認識中華文化和培養品德情意」學習模式的發展歷程,其可行性和成效
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): FUNG, Chi Wang 馮志弘 (WANG, Chanjuan 王嬋娟 as Co-Investigator)

Curriculum Design and the Teaching of Classical Chinese Texts in Secondary Schools in Hong Kong
Through a general overview of the existing curricula, this project aims to provide suggestions and recommendations on the subject knowledge and competence structures of classical Chinese for local secondary schools, thereby proceeding to design and develop a feasible and efficient classical Chinese school-based curriculum and e-learning platform for frontline teachers to share their teaching materials, lesson plans and videos.
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, Lin Hong 張連航 (WANG, Chanjuan 王嬋娟 as Co-Investigator)

Using Digital Lectures to Enhance Students' Competences in Conducting Chinese Language Education Research
This project aims to enhance students’ competences in conducting language education research through the production of a series of digital lectures; and to strengthen staff pedagogical thoughtfulness as a learning community through establishing a technology-enhanced environment in the Department of CHL.
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Chi Hang 何志恒 (WANG, Chanjuan 王嬋娟 as Co-Investigator)

Teaching and Learning of Chinese Philology: Research on Evaluating Chinese Major Students' Knowledge and Competence of Classical Chinese (Phase I)
By evaluating the Chinese programs offered by local universities, together with those offered by Mainland China and Taiwan, this project aims to provide suggestions and recommendations on the competence structures of classical Chinese for Chinese major students to design and develop a feasible and efficient classical Chinese benchmark test. To present the latest research findings and to seek advice and gather the latest outputs from overseas experts, the project team also plans to organize a workshop and 2 consultant meetings to address the issues in classical Chinese teaching and learning.
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, Lin Hong 張連航 (WANG, Chanjuan 王嬋娟 as Co-Investigator)

從實踐中學習:探索數碼課堂的教學潛能(Learning by doing: Exploring the teaching potentials of digital lectures)
Following the successful experience of a Teaching Development Grant project on the development of digital lectures in the Department of Chinese Language Studies (CHL)in 2013/14, this project attempts to further promote the production of digital lectures within CHL incorporating both students’ and teachers’ reflections and suggestions.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 (WANG, Chanjuan 王嬋娟 as Co-Investigator)

Development of digital lectures in the Department of Chinese Language Studies
This proposed project aims to cultivate staff pedagogical thoughtfulness as a learning community through establishing a technology-enhanced environment in the Department of Chinese Language Studies (CHL). The idea is consistent with the Institute‟s commitment to provide a „total learning experience‟ for students.
Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 (WANG, Chanjuan 王嬋娟 as Co-Investigator)