Dr DENG, Wenjing    鄧文靖 博士
Associate Professor
Department of Science and Environmental Studies
(852) 2948 8288
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
3 - Good Health and Well-Being
6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
13 - Climate Action
14 - Life Below Water
15 - Life on Land
17 - Partnerships for the Goals
Research Interests
1, Indoor Air Quality and Health
2, Waste Management
3, Persistent Organic Pollutants
Teaching Interests

Environmental Impact Assessment, Research Method, Solid Waste Management

External Appointments

Adjunct Professor of South China Normal University, Outstanding Member of the Youth Working Committee of the Soil Science Society of China, Council Member of the Hong Kong Scholar Association

Research Interests

1, Indoor Air Quality and Health
2, Waste Management
3, Persistent Organic Pollutants
Teaching Interests

Environmental Impact Assessment, Research Method, Solid Waste Management

External Appointments

Adjunct Professor of South China Normal University, Outstanding Member of the Youth Working Committee of the Soil Science Society of China, Council Member of the Hong Kong Scholar Association

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Deng Wen-Jing (2019). E-Waste Management: Challenges and Opportunities. So, Winnie Wing Mui, Chow, Cheuk Fai, Lee, John Chi Kin (Eds.), Springer (15-26). New York City: Nature.
Deng, W.J. (2016). “Turning food waste into biofuel.” In "Recycling of Solid Waste for Biofuels and Bio-chemicals." Eds.. Karthikeyan, O.P., Heimann, K., Muthu, S.S., Springer (357-379). Australia: springer.

Journal Publications
Deng, W.J., Yi, Z.Y. & Lee, J.C.K. (2023). The demographic variation in nutrition knowledge and relationship with eating attitudes among Chinese university students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(2) https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph21020159
Li, W.T., Xin, S.H., Deng, W.J., Wang, S.L. (2023). Occurrence, spatiotemporal distribution patterns, partitioning and risk assessments of multiple pesticide residues in typical estuarine water environments in eastern China. Water Research, 245 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2023.120570
Cao, Y.X., Shao, L.Y., Jones, T.P. & Deng, W.J. (2023). Anthropocene airborne microfibers: Physicochemical characteristics, identification methods and health impacts. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 170 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trac.2023.117442
Li N., Liu J., Ying G.G., Lee JCK, Leung TF, Covaci A., DengW.J. (2023). Endocrine disrupting chemicals in children’s and their parents’ urine: Is the exposure related to the Chinese and Western lifestyle?. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 259, 114383. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheh.2024.114383 Received 30 December 2023; Received in revised
Zhang, J.Z., Ye, D., Fu, Q.Y., Chen, M.J., Lin, H.J., Zhou, X.L., Deng, W.J., Hong, H.C. (2023). The combination of multiple linear regression and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system can accurately predict trihalomethane levels in tap water with fewer water quality parameters. Science of the Total Environment, 896 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165269
He Q, Zhang X, Kuang L, Xu H, Hou Y, Huang F, Xu Z, Sun H, Deng W, Lin H & Hong H (2023). Residues of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Breast Milk Collected from Jinhua (China) and the Infuence of Exercise Habit: Levels and the Potential Health Effects. Exposure and Health, 15(3), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12403-023-00560-1
Liu J., Deng W.J., Ying G.G., Tsang E.P.K., & Hong H.C. (2022). Occurrence and Distribution of Antibiotics in Surface Water. Ecotoxicology, 31, 1111-1119.. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10646-022-02567-x
Liu, J., Hu, L.-X., Deng, W.-J., Ying, G.-G., Hong, H., Tsang, E. P. K., & Barceló, D. (2022). DBPs in natural water in Hong Kong after COVID-19 pilot study of pollution characteristics and ecological risk of disinfection by-products in natural waters in Hong Kong. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 41(10), 2613-2621. https://doi.org/10.1002/etc.5449
Weng Hao, Wang Chuantian, Ye Ting, Xu Zeqiong, Sun Hongjie, Lin Hongjun, Deng Wen-Jing, Wu Fuyong, Hong Huachang (2022). Precursor characteristics of mono-HAAs during chlorination and cytotoxicity of mono-HAAs on HEK-293T cells. Chemosphere https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.134689
刘婧,赵佳慧,熊倩,邓文靖,刘芳*,胡立新 (2022). 基于生物光谱技术结合多元统计分析的消毒效果快速评价方法研究. 華南師範大學自然科學版, 58, 1-8.
Xu ZQ, Shen J, Qu YQ, Chen HF, Zhou XL, Hong HC, Sun HJ, Lin HJ, Deng WJ, Wu FY (2021). Using simple and easy water quality parameters to predict trihalomethane occurrence in tap water. Chemosphere, 286(Part 1) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.131586
Chen Bo, Shi Lei, Deng Wen-Jing (2021)。 工業園區綠色低碳發展國際經驗及其對中國的啟示。 中國環境管理,2021(6),40-49。 https://doi.org/10.16868/j.cnki.1674-6252.2021.06.040
Hu, L., Deng, W.-J., Ying, G.-G., & Hong, H. (2021). Environmental perspective of COVID-19: Atmospheric and wastewater environment in relation to pandemic. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 219, 112297-112306.
Li, N., Ying, G.-G., Hong, H., & Deng, W.-J. (2020). Perfluoroalkyl substances in the urine and hair of preschool children, airborne particles in kindergartens, and drinking water in Hong Kong. Environmental Pollution, 270, 116219-116227.
Li, N., Ying, G.-G., Hong, H., Tsang, E. P. K., & Deng, W.-J. (2020). Plasticizer contamination in the urine and hair of preschool children, airborne particles in kindergartens, and drinking water in Hong Kong. Environmental Pollution, 271, 116394.
Kuang, L., Hou, Y., Huang, F., Guo, A., Deng, W., Sun, H., . . . Hong, H. (2020). Pesticides in human milk collected from Jinhua, China: Levels, influencing factors and health risk assessment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 205, 111331-111339.
Kuang LH, Hou YZ, Huang FQ, Hong HC*, Sun HJ*, Deng WJ, Lin HJ (2020). Pesticide residues in breast milk and the associated risk assessment: A review focused on China. Science of the Total Environment, 727, 138412.
Lin Hongjun, Dai Qunyun, Zheng Lili, Hong Huachang*, Deng Wenjing*, Wu Fuyong (2020). Radial basis function artificial neural network able to accurately predict disinfection by-product levels in tap water: Taking haloacetic acids as a case study. Chemosphere, 248, 125999.
Li, N., Ho, W.K., Wu, R.S.S., Tsang, E.P.K., Ying, G.-G., & Deng, W.-J. (2019). Ultra Violet Filters in the Urine of Preschool Children and Drinking Water. Environment International, 133, 105246.
Li, N., Ho, W.-K., Wu, R.S.S., Ying, G.-G., Wang, Z., Jones, K., & Deng, W.-J. (2019). Organophosphate Flame Retardants and Bisphenol A in Children's Urine in Hong Kong: Has the Burden Been Underestimated?. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 183, 109502.
Li Na, Chai YM, Jones Kevin C, Ying Guang-Guo, Deng Wen-Jing* (2019). Airborne antibiotic resistance genes in Hong Kong kindergarten. Environmental Pollution, 260, 114009.
Chen, J., Ying, G.G., & Deng, W.J (2019). Antibiotic Residues in Food: Extraction, Analysis, and Human Health Concerns. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67, 7569-7586.
Chen Jun, Liu You-Sheng, Deng Wen-Jing*, Ying Guang-Guo* (2019). Removal of steroid hormones and biocides from rural wastewater by an integrated constructed wetland. Science of the Total Environment, 660, 358-365.
Chen Jun, Deng Wen-Jing, Liu You-Sheng, Hu Li-Xin, He Liang-Ying, Zhao Jian-Liang, Wang Tuan-Tuan, Ying Guang-Guo* (2019). Fate and removal of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in hybrid constructed wetlands. Environmental Pollution, 249, 894-903.
Wong JTF, Chen XW, Deng WJ, Chai YM, Ng CWW, Wong MH (2018). Effects of biochar on bacterial communities in a newly established landfill cover topsoil. Journal of Environmental Management, 236, 667-673.
Deng, W., Li, N., & Ying, G.-G. (2018). Antibiotic Distribution, Risk Assessment, and Microbial Diversity in River Water and Sediment in Hong Kong. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10653-018-0092-1. Environmental Geochemistry and Health (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10653-018-0092-1), online, 1-13.
Li N., Chen X.W., Deng W.J.*, Giesy J. P., Zheng H.L. (2018). PBDEs and Dechlorane Plus in the Environment of Guiyu, Southeast China: A Historical Location for E-waste Recycling (2004, 2014).. Chemosphere, 199, 603-611.
Deng, Wen-Jing, Li Na, Wu Rudolf, Wong K.S. Richard , Wang Zijian, Ho Wingkei (2018). Phosphorus flame retardants and Bisphenol A in indoor dust and PM2.5 in kindergartens and primary schools in Hong Kong. Environmental Pollution, 235, 365-371.
Li Na, Ho W.K. Keith, Ying Guang-Guo, Deng Wen-Jing* (2017). Veterinary antibiotics in food, drinking water, and the urine of preschool children in Hong Kong. Environment International, 108, 246-252.
Deng Wen-Jing*, Giesy John P., So C.S., Zheng Hai-Long (2017). End-of-life (EoL) mobile phone management in Hong Kong households. Journal of Environmental Management, 200, 22-28.
Deng Wen-Jing*, Zheng Hai-Long, Tsui Anita K.Y., Chen Xun-Wen (2016). Measurement and Health Risk Assessment of PM2.5, Flame Retardants, Carbonyls and Black Carbon in Indoor and Outdoor Air in Kindergartens in Hong Kong. Environment International, 96, 65-74.
Chai Yemao, Deng Wen-jing*, Qin Xing, Xu Xiangrong (2016). Occurrence of four species of algae in the marine water of Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 180, 1-7.
Ho, S.S.H., Cheng, Y., Bai, Y., Ho, K., Dai, W., Cao, J., Lee, S., Huang, Y., Ip, H.S.S., Deng, W. & Guo,W. (2016). Risk assessment of indoor formaldehyde and other carbonyls in campus environments in Northwestern China (DOI: 10.4209/aaqr.2015.05.0312). Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16(8), 1967-1980.
Zheng, Hai-Long, Deng, Wen-Jing*, Cheng, Yan, Guo, Wei (2016). Characteristics of PM2.5, CO2 and Particle-Number Concentration in Mass Transit Railway Carriages in Hong Kong. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, DOI 10.1007/s10653-016-9844-y, 1, 1-11.
Deng, Wenjing*, Chai Yemao, Lin, Huiying, So, Winnie WM, Ho, KWK, Tsui, AKY, Wong, RKS (2015). Distribution of bacteria in inhalable particles and its implications for health risks in kindergarten children in Hong Kong.. Atmospheric Environment, 128, 268-275.
Deng, Wenjing*, Li, Na, Zheng, Hailong, Lin, Huiying (2015). Occurrence and risk assessment of antibiotics in river water in Hong Kong. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 125, 121-127.
Tian, Kang, Zhao, Yongcun*, Xu, Xianghua, Hai, Nan, Huang, Biao, Deng, Wenjing (2015). Effects of long-term fertilization and residue management on soil organic carbon changes in paddy soils of China: A meta-analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 204, 40-50.
Zhao, Yongcun, Xu, Xianghua, Hai, Nan, Huang, Biao, Zheng, Hailong, Deng, Wenjing (2015). Uncertainty assessment for mapping changes in soil organic matter using sparse legacy soil data and dense new-measured data in a typical black soil region of China. Environmental earth sciences, 73, 197-207.
Tian K, Zhao YC, Xu XH, Huang B, Sun WX, Shi XZ, Deng WJ (2014)。 A Meta-analysis of field experiment data for characterizing the topsoil organic carbon changes under different fertilization treatments in uplands of China。 Acta Ecologica Sinica,34(13),3735-3743。 https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201211201634
Cheng, Yan, Lee, Shun Cheng, Gao, Yuan, Cui, Long, Deng, Wenjing, Cao, Junji, Shen, Zhenxing, Sun, Jian (2014). Real-time measurements of PM2.5, PM10-2.5, and BC in an urban street canyon. Particuology, 1, 1-7.
Ho, K.F.*, Ho, Steven S.H., Huang, R.J., Dai, W.T., Cao, J.J., Tian, L.W., Deng, W.J. (2014). Spatiotemporal distribution of carbonyl compounds in China. Environmental Pollution, 197, 316-324.
Xu, Xianghua*, Liu, Cuiying, Zhao, Yongcun, Li, Renying., Deng, Wenjing (2014). Involvement of an Antioxidant Defense System in the Adaptive Response to Cadmium in Maize Seedlings (Zea mays L.). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 93, 618-624.
Cao, Xuezhi, Shao, Yan, Deng, Wenjing, Wang, Hui, Wang, Shiliang (2014). Spatial distribution and potential ecologic risk assessment of heavy metals in the sediments of the Nansi Lake in China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186, 8845-8856.
Xu, Xianghua, Zhao, Yongcun, Zhao, Xiaoyan, Wang,Yudong, Deng, Wenjing (2014). Sources of heavy metal pollution in agricultural soils of a rapidly industrializing area in the Yangtze Delta of China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 108, 161-167.
Zhao, Yan, Deng, Wenjing* (2014). Environmental impacts of different food waste resource technologies and the effects of energy mix. Resources Conservation and Recycling, 92, 214-221.
Ho, K.F., Ho, S.S., Dai, W.T., Cao, J.J., Huang, R.J., Tian, L.W., Deng, W.J. (2014). Seasonal variations of monocarbonyl and dicarbonyl in urban and sub-urban sites of Xi'an, China. Environmental and Monitoring Assessment, 186(5), 2835-2849.
Tian, K., Zhao, Y.C., Xu, X.H., Huang, B., Sun, W.X., Shi, X.Z., Deng, W.J. (2014). A Meta-analysis of Field Experiment Data for Characterizing the Topsoil Organic Carbon Changes under Different Fertilization Treatments in Uplands of China. Acta Ecologica Sinica, DOI:10.5846/stxb201211201634, 1-15.
Deng, W.J. (2013). Atmospheric PCDD/Fs in Southeastern China. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, A(2), 651-663.
Deng, W.J., So, W.M.W. (2013). Knowledge of composting as a way of food waste management and the willingness to pay for it: perceptions of secondary school teachers. The Newsletter of the East-Asian Association for Science Education, 6 (4), 9-10.
Ho, K.F., Ho, S.H.S., Lee, S.C., Louie, P.K.K., Cao, J.J., Deng, W.J. (2013). Volatile organic compounds in roadside environment of Hong Kong. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 13, 1331-1347.
Xing, W., Lu, W.J., Zhao, Y., Zhang, X., Deng, W.J., Christensen, T.H. (2013). Environmental impact assessment of leachate recirculation in landfill of municipal solid waste by comparing with evaporation and discharge (EASEWASTE). Waste Management, 33(2), 382-389.
Wang, S.L., Wang, H., Deng, W.J. (2012). Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) distribution and effect factors in the water and sediment of the Yellow River Estuary, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185(10), 8517-8524.
Deng, W. J., & So, W. M. W. (2012). Study of Dry and Wet Waste Separation Pilot Program in Hong Kong Institute of Education. The Newsletter of the East-Asian Association for Science Education, 5(3), 0019, 15-16.
Zhang, R.C., Liu X., Deng, W.J., Zhou, L.X., Fang, D. (2012). Removal of contaminating metals from soil by sulfur-based bioleaching and biogenic sulfide-based precipitation. Geomicrobiology Journal, 30, 473-478.
Zhou, J., Zhou, L., Liu, F., Zheng, C., & Deng, W. (2012). Transformation of heavy metals and the formation of secondary iron minerals during pig manure bioleaching by the co-inoculation acidophilic thiobacillus.. Environmental Technology, 33, 1-8.
Fang, D., Zhang, R., Deng, W., & Li, J. (2011). Highly efficient removal of Cu(II), Zn(II), Ni(II) and Fe(II) from electroplating wastewater by using sulfide from sulfidogenic bioreactor effluent. Environmental Technology, 1, 1-7.
Niu, Hongyi, Deng Wenjing, Wu, Qunhe, Chen, Xingeng (2009). Potential Toxicity of Heavy Metals from Sediment of the Pearl River in South China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21, 1053-1058.
Deng, W.J., Zheng, J.S., Bi, X.H., Fu, J.M., Wong, M.H. (2007). Distribution of PBDEs in air particles from an electronic waste recycling site comparing with five urban sites in South China. Environment International, 33, 1063-1069.
Wong, M.H., Wu , S.C., Deng, W.J., Yu, X.Z., Luo, Q., Leung, A.O.W., Wong, C.S.C., Luksemburg, W.J., Wong, A.S. (2007). Export of toxic chemicals - A review of the case of uncontrolled electronic-waste recycling. Environmental Pollution, 149, 131-140.
Duan, J.C., Tan, J.H., Cheng, D.X., Bi, X.H., Deng, W.J., Sheng, G.Y., Fu, J.M., Wong, M.H. (2007). Sources and characteristics of carbonaceous aerosol in two largest cities in Pearl River Delta Region, China. Atmospheric Environment, 41, 2895-2903.
Deng, W.J., Louie, P.K.K., Liu, W.K., Bi, X.H., Fu, J.M., Wong, M.H. (2006). Atmospheric levels and cytotoxicity of PAHs and heavy metals in TSP and PM2.5 at an electronic waste recycling site in southeast China. Atmospheric Environment, 40, 6945-6955.
邓文靖,周立祥 (2003)。 植物多酚物质原位钝化污染土壤重金属的研究I. 对土壤Cu 吸持与溶出的影响。 环境科学学报,23(4),458-462。
邓文靖,周立祥,占新华 (2003)。 植物多酚物质原位钝化污染土壤重金属的研究 Ⅱ. 对土壤Cu 环境行为和生物活性的影响动态。 环境科学学报,23(5),608-613。

Conference Papers
Qin Xing, Ho Wingkei, Deng Wen-Jing (2019, June). Occurrence of four algae toxins in the marine water of Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 9th International Conferences on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology (ICMPE-9)
Deng, W. J. (2016, June). Occurrence and risk assessment of algal toxins in marine water of Hong Kong. Paper presented at The 8th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, Hong Kong.
Deng Wen-Jing (2014, December). Analysis of food waste management options in the perspective of global warming in HK. Paper presented at the International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource
Deng Wen-Jing (2014, January). The impact of meteorological factors on air quality in Xi’an. Paper presented at The 4th International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions
Deng, W.J., Zheng, H.L., Fu, l.C.Y. (2011, May). How to develop an effective and safety food waste source separation and collection arrangement. International Conference on Solid Waste 2011, Moving Towards Sustainable Resource Management (ICSWHK2011), Hong Kong.
Deng, W.J., Louie, P.K.K., Liu, W.K., Bi, X.H., Fu, J.M., Wong, M.H. (2006, June). Concentrations and cytotoxicity of pollutants in TSP and PM2.5 of ambient air from an electronic waste recycling site. Air & Waste Management Association`s 99th Annual Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Choi, M.P.K., Deng, W.J., So, B.K.L., Cai, Z.W., Lau, A.K.H., Wong, M.H. (2005, May). Dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in Hong Kong and South China air. Conference on Persistent Organic Pollutants, Beijing, China.


Characterization of Indoor Airborne Plastic Particles

Project Start Year: 2024, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing

Characterization of Indoor Airborne Plastic Particles

Project Start Year: 2024, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing

Disinfection By-products in Natural Aquatic Environment and Drinking Water
With the aggravation of environmental pollution, many pollutants detected in large quantities in source waters have been confirmed to be precursors of DBPs, e.g. medicines and personal care products (PPCPs), pesticides and plasticizers, leading to the widely distribution of DBPs (more than 800) in tap water and human matrix. Epidemiological studies have consistently associated the consumption of chlorinated drinking water with an enhanced risk of bladder cancer, endocrine disrupting effects or other adverse health effects. Latest epidemiological studies revealed that known DBPs cannot fully account for the reported adverse health effects induced by consumption of DBPs in the drinking water, suggesting that many DBPs need to be identified and regulated. Of the emerging DBPs, the aromatic DBPs, especially phenolic halogenated DBPs, have been attracting a growing concern due to their low-level effect, higher endocrine disrupting and developmental toxicity compared with commonly known aliphatic DBPs. The concern is that many precursors of halogenated phenol DBPs have been widely found in the source water of Hong Kong (mainly from the Dong River in Guangdong province China). Knowing the occurrence of individual phenolic halogenated DBPs could help to make the guidelines. Therefore, we will sample source waters in Dong River, Llobregat River, different treatment processes of tap water and sewage treatment plants (STPs), and downstream of STPs in Hong Kong. Considering there are limited studies about occurrence of phenolic halogenated DBPs, the massive information obtained in this research will be compared together, which can reflex the contaminated level of these new emerging DBPs in Hong Kong and be facilitate to find the precursors and improve the treatment processes by comparing the differentiation of inlet water and different efficiencies of STPs in Hong Kong.After that, on the bases of massive information of DBPs analyzed in this research and the identification of key phenolic halogenated DBPs, we will develop models to estimate the levels of key DBPs using machine learning method on account of controlling DBPs requires pre-knowledge of their levels in water, which is expensive and time-consuming. The prediction model will facilitate the formulation and implementation of regulations of DBPs and may be a good alternative for monitoring of DBPs in the field.
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing

UV-Filters and Plasticizers Contamination in the Urine and Hair of Preschool Children, Airborne Particles in Kindergartens, and Drinking Water in Hong Kong
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖

Effect of Dietary Intake of Veterinary Antibiotics on Intestinal Microflora
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖

Children's Non-dietary Exposure to Emerging Flame Retardants Via School and Household Indoor Dust Intake
Risks to human health by emerging flame retardants (FRs), which are incorporated in about 1-30% of the weight of plastic or foam found in products such as furniture, electronics, baby products, textiles and building wire and cable, have become a global environmental health issue for years. Recently, the environmental and human health effect by increasing volume use of other halogenated flame retardants (FRs) such as organophosphate FRs (OPFRs), as a replacement for PBDEs is of concern. More research on sources and levels of human exposure to these two emerging FRs is needed. To evaluate the levels of OPFRs in kindergarten schools and household indoor environment, and predict children’s health risk due to non-dietary exposure (inhalation, non-dietary ingestion and dermal contact), dust will be collected from 18 kindergarten schools and 108 students’ households. Exposure dosage will be conducted based on FRs levels in indoor dust in Hong Kong. Emerging FRs (OPFRs) bound in dust samples will be analyzed. This proposed study will investigate emerging FRs in the indoor environment in Hong Kong and assess the kindergarten children’s non-dietary exposure to levels of FRs. The data will be helpful to develop feasible regulations on FRs and their management in an indoor environment.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖

Promoting STEM Education: Inquiry-based Learning in Environmental Conservation Based on the Internet of Things (IOT) System
This project aimed at enhancing teaching and learning process about IAQ in primary and secondary school. To achieve this goal, a learning package as well as a set of trials were made. The learning package, which was developed by our research group, included a monitoring instrument, a website and a set of teaching and learning materials. (1) The monitoring instrument was designed and assembled independently in our project. The monitoring instrument was portable and easy to operate to students. (2) The website was designed to visualize the monitoring instrument, provide teaching materials as well as integrate different components of our project. It provided an online platform for students to conduct self-study by following the learning procedures on website. (3) To actually test the effect of our product and designed materials, sharing sessions and relevant workshops were carried out in the project. During the activities, students could try to use our products and monitor the concentrations of several contaminants. From several students’ trails, we further promoted our instrument (e.g. increasing the strength of the shell) and improving our lesson plan design. This project promoted the develop of STEM education and delivering IAQ knowledge in school. For instance, our sharing session in in Lok Sin Tong Wong Chung Ming Secondary School achieved huge success. Many science teachers and students were attracted by the monitoring product and IAQ knowledge. The result comparison of pre-test and post-test also revealed that our design could enhance teaching and learning process in STEM education.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖

GRF 18300919 "Estimating the Key Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) by Effect Directed Analysis (EDA) in Children's Urine in Hong Kong and Belgium"
To study exposure to EDCs in the child population of Hong Kong and Belgium, the proposed study will combine in vitro bioassay, target/non-target chemical analysis, population survey, and risk assessment.. Eventually, the investigation will provide a reference for setting guidelines for usage of EDCs in Hong Kong and Belgium to safeguard the population.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing

Solar Photocatalytic Biomass Reforming for Energy Generation
This project aims at developing functional materials for environmental and energy applications. We propose to develop a series of composite photocatalysts for the generation of fuels. It is believed the proposed technology will be a promising approach to partly circumvent the global issues of fossil fuel depletion.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Wing Kei (DENG, Wenjing as Co-Investigator)

Environmental Education and Policy Implications on Veterinary Antibiotics in Food of Hong Kong
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖

Developing a Science Education on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) for Primary and Secondary Schools Based on a Pilot Case Study in EdUHK
Microorganisms are ubiquitous in the environment, not only do they cover virtually all surfaces we contact, they also cover our skin and are abundant in the air we breathe. Hong Kong’s worsening indoor air quality (IAQ) has attracted increased attention in the global press. Various studies have been conducted to assess the impacts on human health due to excessive exposure to bacteria polluted indoor air and these data provided evidence that rates of respiratory illnesses and symptoms could be elevated with high bacteria pollution. Most people in Hong Kong spend 80% of time in indoor environment, which presents a major health risk to city residents. The main aim of this proposal is to analyze the IAQ including airborne bacteria at the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). A seminar will be organized to introduce our findings and knowledge of IAQ. After that, we will convert our professional data to an educational kit which is easy to be used for general studies or science teachers to use in the primary and secondary schools. The teaching kit includes (1) one cartoon video introducing IAQ and bacteria; (2) some brochure about IAQ and the bacteria in the air we lived; (3) some compare experiments designed under the different condition (temperature, humidity, air flow, and so on) for science student teachers to cultivate the bacteria aimed to teach them what kind of environment is conductive to bacterial growth; (4) how to improve the air quality in where we lived; (5) related STEM and environmental education, such as the air flow calculation, design of an experiment to count the airborne bacterial, etc. The proposed initiative can support the strategic development of EdUHK. Our vision is to build our core capability in this important strategic research area through incorporating our existing strength expertise in analytical chemistry, toxicology, molecular biology, environmental engineering, and education,, with a view to establish EdUHK as the opinion leaders in environmental issues and education in the local community.
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖

Cultivating Students’ Critical Thinking and Creativity through Web-based and Classroom-based Inquiry
Critical thinking and creativity are long-standing objectives in EdUHK strategic plans and within her generic intended learning outcomes (GILOs). Given considerable uncertainty existing in the process of conducting inquiry, students are required to make their own decisions in every stage of doing it, which intrinsically involves the application and development of both creative and critical thinking that are described as the “heartbeat” of inquiry. Inquiry learning was originally adopted in the school classrooms, and recent years witness increasing advocation of it at the university level. This project intends to make use of both Web-based and classroom-based inquiry to facilitate EdUHK students’ development in high-order thinking. 9 sets of Web-based or classroom-based inquiry activities will be developed, with each for an experimental course. The project will follow the paradigm of practitioner research, including two cycles of implementation. The development of students’ critical thinking and creativity will be assessed through matured instruments in the pre and post-tests, interviews with students, and process data generated in the learning process. This project will be a pioneering effort to systematically implement inquiry learning at the university level in the Eastern world. Its innovation is also reflected in the inclusion of both Web-based and classroom-based inquiry.
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): WAN, Zhihong 萬志宏, LEE, Chi Kin John 李子建 (DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖 as Co-Investigator)

School Children's Exposure to Veterinary Antibiotics from Food and Drinking Water and Risk of Obesity in Hong Kong
As one group of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), there’s growing evidence of the long-term health problems linked to too much exposure to antibiotics. Not only does the development and spread of ARGs (antibiotic resistant genes) make the drugs becoming less effective as bacteria becoming resistant to existing medicines, but also antibiotics are changing our bodies, particular those of young children, linking to Type-2 Diabetes and obesity. Driven by increasing use in animal industry, the production and usage of antibiotics has grown up rapidly. A part of antibiotics are left in meat, especially in chicken, pork, cultured fish and milk, which heavily consumed by Hong Kong population, even in drinking water. Results of our previous work and recent monitoring studies suggested widespread occurrence of antibiotics in river water of Hong Kong. Although antibiotics can pose potential threats to human health, most work has been focused on investigating the occurrence and fate of antibiotics in sewage and aquatic environment. The current human health associated with antibiotics may be substantially underestimated. Very limited researches were on the antibiotic residues in food and drinking water, as well as the long-term low-dose exposure to antibiotics with human health, especially with children who are more sensitive to antibiotics. In view of that human exposed to antibiotics mainly from food an drinking water besides medicine therapy, the present study is therefore proposed to develop methods for identifying and quantifying of veterinary antibiotics residues in food (chicken, pork, cultured fish and milk) and drinking water in Hong Kong, and to explore the association between the contaminants with children’s risk of obesity.
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖

Joint University Collaboration to Develop Students’ Competence and Leadership in Promoting Integrated STEM Education
This project facilitates STEM undergraduates and pre-service teachers to cross programme and subject boundaries between different majors of the university partners so that students in different universities could collaborate with each other in undertaking problem solving projects characteristic of STEM. The project involves two stages. The first stage is to provide the necessary inputs of a wide range of content knowledge from different STEM disciplines to further the students’ understanding of STEM. This is achieved by requiring students to attend joint-university lectures/workshops outside their majors. The second stage involves the formation of joint-university multi-disciplinary U-STEMist groups by different STEM majors from different universities. These groups will undertake experiential learning projects to solve problems through engineering designs. Each group will either partner with a social service providers to provide service to the needy or with a school to design STEM activities for school students.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Yeung Chung 李揚津, YEUNG, Chi Ho 楊志豪 (DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖 as Co-Investigator)

Occurrence and Risk Assessment of Antibiotics and Antibiotics Resistant Genes (ARGs) in River Water and Sediment in Hong Kong
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖

Occurrence and Risk Assessment of Algal Toxins in Marine Water of Hong Kong
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖

Health risk Assessment of kindergarten children non-dietary exposure to Dechlorane Plus (DR, a flame retardant) via school and household indoor PM2.5 and dust intake, and the implications from children hair in Hong Kong
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖

Material Flow Analysis of End-of-Use Cell Phones Generated in Households of Hong Kong
Material flow analysis (MFA) recognizes whether the flow of materials is sustainable in terms of the environmental burden it creates. Numerous pollutants, including persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals, are released into the environment (air, water, and soil) during the crude recycling of end-of-life (EOL) cell phones, which cause serious human health risks to local workers and surrounding residents. The current research analyzes the flow of cell phones after the end of their useful phase in households Hong Kong.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖

Human Toxicity Potential of Municipal Solid Waste Management Systems in Hong Kong – Landfilling
This research will analyze the potential impacts of MSW systems in Hong Kong, which is facing an urgent situation on MSW management and its technical alternatives, by tracking the progress over time (2015-2020). All the related data on waste composition, material and energy consumption, generation, especially pollutant emission will be investigated. Scenario of the current system with landfills will be constructed and modeled using a novel LCA-based software. Results on the potential impacts of the alternative strategies to global warming, human toxicity via air, water, and soil will be obtained by characterization and normalization.
Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) Analysis of Food Waste Management Options in the Perspective of Global Warming in Hong Kong
This project has been awarded Early Career Scheme/GRF 2013/2014. In this study, the environmental impacts and costs associated with four food waste management options in Hong Kong, landfilling, incineration, anaerobic digestion and food waste mechanical composter system will be assessed in the perspective of global warming which has become the most serious global environmental problem. Study results will provide scientific evidence to support the decision-making of the low-carbon food waste management system in the future in Hong Kong and China.
Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖

Provision of Services for Developing Teaching Resources on Indoor Air Quality for Primary and Secondary Schools
We spend over 70% of our time indoors and the quality of air in the indoor environment has a significant impact on our health and performance. Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) can lead to discomfort and ill health; and absenteeism and lower productivity in the workplace, especially for youngsters. Good IAQ, on the other hand, safeguards the health of the building occupants and contributes to their comfort and well-being. The Government is dedicated to promote good IAQ and public understanding of its importance.Aimed at further enhancement of promotion of IAQ awareness in schools, this project develops a total of three sets of teaching resources, which are for the “General Studies” subject of Primary 4 - 6, the “Science Education” subject of Secondary 1 - 3, and the “Liberal Studies” subject of Secondary 4 – 6, respectively. School teachers can use this teaching resource to enrich their class contents and students can get better understanding of IAQ. Most importantly, students are able to learn some simple but handy practices from this teaching resource and apply them to daily life to improve the IAQ of their surroundings.This is the first teaching resources on indoor air quality for Primary and Secondary Schools in Hong Kong.
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖

Understanding prospective teachers' view on creativity, sustainability and their education
this project studies the views of students in B.Ed. courses of HKIEd on creativity, sustainability and their education.
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG, Mo Yin Vivian 鄭慕賢 (DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖 as Co-Investigator)

Improve students’ awareness of dry and wet waste separation
This project aims to (1) investigate how much dry and wet waste generated at Canteens and residential halls in HKIEd;
(2) find out the obstacles of separation of dry and wet waste in HKIEd;
(3) improve students’ awareness to separate dry and wet waste;
(4) help to set up guidelines for students or property management section to follow up;
(5) draw implications of waste management in the institute;

Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖

Theoretical Implication from a Survey of Food Waste Treatment
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a tool for evaluating environmental effects of a product, process, or activity throughout its life cycle or lifetime. The methodology of LCA has recently been investigated and proven to be suited for the environmental impact assessment of municipal solid waste (MSW) system. However, seldom LCA studies have been focused on food waste management system. The Hong Kong government will need to adopt a life cycle perspective into the decision-making framework regarding the recent encouraging institutes or housing estates to set up mechanical composters, instead of landfilling. In this pilot study, two management options for food waste generated at HKIEd will be evaluated by LCA method, which is the first attempt in Hong Kong.
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖

Primary and Secondary Schools’ Willingness to Pay for Food Waste Mechanical Composting in Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Government considers to support Primary and Secondary Schools to buy food waste mechanical composting systems in order to turn the waste into fertilizer.This project aims to investigat Primary and Secondary Schools' willingness to pay for this composting system and its implication in Hong Kong
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): DENG, Wenjing 鄧文靖

Prizes and awards

the Outstanding Member of the Youth Working Committee of the Soil Science Society of China
Dr Deng has been the executive board committee member of SSSC since 2019. The award acknowledges young researchers who have made significant international research impact and have shown the drive and potential to attain world-leading status in the field of Environmental and Soil Science. The SSSC founded in 1945, is an academic society dedicated to bringing together and organizing professionals in soil science and technology workers nationwide. Its primary objectives include facilitating diverse academic activities, promoting the dissemination of soil science knowledge, enhancing soil quality, and protecting food safety and human health.
Date of receipt: /8/2023, Conferred by: the Soil Science Society of China (SSSC, 中國土壤學會)
FLASS Dean's Impact Case Study 2020-21

Date of receipt: 1/6/2021, Conferred by: FLASS, EdUHK
Silver medal from 2021 Special Edition – Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days

Date of receipt: /1/2021, Conferred by: Inventions Geneva
FLASS Dean's Impact Prize 2019-20

Date of receipt: 1/5/2020, Conferred by: FLASS, EdUHK
Research Output Prize of Dean’s Research Fund 2018-19

Date of receipt: /5/2019, Conferred by: FLASS/EdUHK
Research Output Prize of Dean’s Research Fund 2017-18
The rising generation amount of electronic waste in the world has been a hotspot. This output showed that the average lifespan of a mobile phone in Hong Kong was almost 23 months. Most EoL mobile phones were transferred to Mainland China for not environmentally sound or sustainable recycling. This work was published in the international standing of SCI journal. The output has showed my internationally excellence in e-waste management in terms of originality and significance. Deng, Wenjing*, Giesy, John P., So, CS, Zheng, Hai-Long, 2017. End-of-life (EoL) mobile phone management in Hong Kong households. Journal of Environmental Management 200: 22-28.
Date of receipt: /4/2018, Conferred by: EdUHK
Research Impact Prize of Dean’s Research Fund 2017-18
(a) Indoor air quality including airborne bacterial in kindergartens and children health risk; (b) Veterinary antibiotics in different environmental elements and children urine in Hong Kong; (c) E-waste and food waste management. The above 3 streams, talking about updated Hong Kong environmental issues, have been published in Environment International, Journal of Environmental Management, Atmospheric Environment, and Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, respectively. These journals have high SCI impact factors, being ranked A* or A, and classified to 1st quarter of Environmental Journals. All of these six outputs have received regional attention and are international recognized. These outputs of mine have provided the data reference of different stakeholders, such as academics, public concern, media, the government, NGO, etc.
Date of receipt: /4/2018, Conferred by: EdUHK
中國土壤學會青年工作委員會委員 Member of Chinese Soil Research Committee

Date of receipt: /1/2018, Conferred by: 中國土壤學會 Chinese Soil Research Committee
Grand Award, Knowledge Transfer Awards Scheme (as Team member)

Date of receipt: 13/1/2016, Conferred by: RDO
Early Career Award

Date of receipt: 1/1/2013, Conferred by: UGC