Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters Research book or monograph (author) 梁寶華 (2014)。 音乐创作教学:理念、原则和策略。北京: 人民音樂出版社。 梁寶華 (2005)。 《音樂創作教學:新世紀音樂教育新趨勢》。香港: 卓思出版社。 Chapter in an edited book (author) Leung, B.-W. (2023). Transformation of traditional art forms in the evolving contexts: Cantonese opera in Hong Kong as an example. In B. Jörissen, L. Unterberg, & T. Klepacki (Eds.), Cultural sustainability and arts education: International perspectives on the aesthetics of transformation (pp. 53-63). Singapore: Springer. Cheng, L., & Leung, B. W. (2020). Motivational effects of immersive media on adolescents’ engagement in Cantonese opera. In W. W. K. Ma, K.-W. Tong, & W. B. A. Tso (Eds.), Learning environment and design: Current and future impacts (213-226). Singapore: Springer. 梁寶華 (2020)。 現代傳統音樂傳承的趨勢和發展 : 以香港粵劇為例。梁寶華編, 《粵劇與傳統音樂傳承國際論壇2019論文集》 (140-147)。香港: 香港教育大學文化與創意藝術學系及粵劇傳承研究中心。 Whitbread, R. G., & Leung, B. W. (2019). Cultural diversity in Hong Kong arts education: From policy to practice and research. In C.-H. Lum & E. Wagner (Eds.), Arts education and cultural diversity: Policies, research, practices and critical perspectives (37-50). Singapore: Springer. 梁寶華 (2018)。 從創造理論的視角看薛覺先在粵劇的創造和發展:回顧與前瞻。輯於陳守仁、廖妙薇編, 南薛北梅國際學術研討會論文集 (98-109)。香港: 香港粵劇學者協會、中國文化院、東方藝術中心、北京梅蘭芳紀念館、懿津出版企劃公司。。 Leung, B. W. (2018). Coda: Current trends and future development in transmitting traditional music. In B. W. Leung (Ed.), Traditional Musics in the Modern World: Transmission, evolution, and challenges (261-272). Dordrecht: Springer. Leung, B. W., Mok, M. M. C., Kuo, B.-C., Liu, Z.-Y., Lam, S. M., Ng, G. W. T., Cheng, L., Ma, K. H. H., Choi, T. W. (2018). An assessment of learning Cantonese opera movement in Hong Kong: Application of the computerised kinetic chain assessment and learning system. K. J. Kennedy, & J. C. K. Lee (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook on Schools and Schooling in Asia (220-233). UK: Routledge. Leung, B. W. (2018). Teaching Cantonese opera in Hong Kong schools: Interaction and collaboration between music teachers and artists. In C Christophersen & A. Kenny (Eds.), Musician-teacher collaboration: Altering the chord (85-95). New York: Routledge. Leung, B. W. (2017). School music education in Hong Kong after returning to China: Policy, curriculum, and teaching practice. In G. Barton & M. Baguley (Eds.), Palgrave handbook of global arts education (203-217). London: Palgrave Macmillan. Leung, B. W. (2015). Becoming music teachers in Hong Kong: Challenges and opportunities. In S. Figueiredo, J. Soares, & R. F. Schambeck (Eds.), The preparation of music teachers: A global perspective (315-343). Porto Alegre, Brazil: The National Association of Research and Post Graduate Studies in Music. Leung, B. W. (2015). Transmission of Cantonese opera in Hong Kong: Issues of preserving authenticity in teaching traditional art form. In S. Schonmann (Ed.),, The Wisdom of the many - Key issues in arts education, International Yearbook for research in arts education volume 3 (99-103). Munster, Germany: Waxmann. 梁寶華 (2014)。 音樂創作教學的教師培訓:香港經驗。輯於代百生編, 媒體時代的學校音樂教育:第三屆兩岸四地學校音樂教育論壇論文集 (21-30)。廣州: 暨南大學。 梁寶華 (2014)。 香港粵劇的承傳模式倡議:從師徒制和社區訓練到學院制。輯於謝苑玫編, 第四屆兩岸四地學校音樂教育論壇論文集 (317-331)。台南: 國立台南大學。 Leung, B. W. (2013). Transmission and Transformation of Cantonese opera in Hong Kong: From School Education to Professional Training. In S. Leong, & B. W. Leung (Eds.), Creative arts in education and culture: Perspectives from Greater China (145-156). Dordrecht: Springer. Yin, A., Bo, Y., & Leung, B. W. (2013). Transmission of Xibo music culture in northeast China: Development of school-based curriculum. In S. Leong, & B. W. Leung (Eds.), Creative arts in education and culture: Perspectives from Greater China (117-131). Dordrecht: Springer. 梁寶華 (2013)。 香港中小學粵劇教學研究:教師和藝人之協作和互動。輯於黃兆漢 (主編), 驚艷一百年:2013紀念任劍輝女士百年誕辰粵劇藝術國際研討會論文集 (770-780)。香港: 中華書局。 Colley, B. D., Eidsaa, R. M., Kenny, A., & Leung, B. W. (2012). Creativity in music education partnership: Policies and practice. In G. McPherson, & G. Welch (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of music education (408-425). New York: Oxford University Press. Leong, S., Burnard, P., Jeanneret, N., Leung, B. W., & Waugh, C. (2012). Assessing creativity in music: International perspectives and practices. In G. McPherson, & G. Welch (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of music education (389-407). New York: Oxford University Press. Leung, B. W., & Leung, E. C. K. (2012). Teacher-artist partnership in teaching Cantonese opera in Hong Kong schools: Student transformation. In M. Moore (Ed.), Critical essays in music education (281-306). Surrey, UK: Ashgate. Leung, B. W. (2009). Creativity and issues of continuity and change: counterpoint and interlock. In M. Mans (Ed.), Living in worlds of music: A view of education and values (177-181). Dordrecht: Springer. Leung, B. W. (2007). International commentary: Teaching music composition in Hong Kong. In L. Bresler (Ed.), International Handbook of Research in Arts Education (475-476). Dordrecht: Springer. Leung, B. W. (2007). International commentary: Teaching music composition in Hong Kong: An overview. In L. Bresla (Ed.), International Handbook of Research in Arts Education (1223-1224). Dordrecht: Springer. Leung, B. W. (2004). Equipping in-service music teachers to undertake creative music-making activities in Hong Kong secondary schools: Implications for teacher education.. In P. M. Shand (Ed.), Music education entering the 21st century (117-121). Nedlands: International Society for Music Education. Leung, B. W. (2003). Teaching musicianship in Hong Kong: Current issues and future trends. In S. Leong (Ed.), Musicianship in the 21st-century: Issues, Trends & Possibilities (170-185). Sydney: Australian Music Centre. Leung, B. W. (2000). Review and analysis of the educational purposes of the official music curriculum for Hong Kong primary schools. Y. C. Cheng, K. W. Chow, & K. T. Tsui (Eds.), School curriculum change and development in Hong Kong (425-444). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. Textbook (author) Ma, K. H., Leung, B. W., & Wong, T. O. (2006). Music journal for secondary schools (Books 1-3). Hong Kong: Excellence Pub. Co.. 馬錦興、梁寶華、王德安 (2006)。 初中音樂之旅(一至三冊)。香港: 卓思出版社。 Edited book (editor) 梁寶華 (主編) (2020)。 《香港文學大系 一九五零 - 一九六九 : 粵劇卷》。香港: 商務印書館。 梁寶華(編) (2020)。 《粵劇與傳統音樂傳承國際論壇2019論文集》。香港: 香港教育大學文化與創意藝術學系及粵劇傳承研究中心。 梁寶華 (2019)。 《粵曲梆黃藝術:方文正作品彙編》。香港: 天地圖書。 Leung, B. W. (Ed.) (2018). Traditional Musics in the Modern World: Transmission, evolution, and challenges. Dordrecht: Springer. 阮兆輝著,梁寶華編 (2017)。 生生不息薪火傳:粵劇生行基礎知識。香港: 天地圖書。 Leong, S., & Leung, B. W. (Eds.) (2013). Creative arts in education and culture: Perspectives from Greater China. Dordrecht: Springer. 梁寶華,梁信慕 (編) (2012)。 粵劇藝術之創意:表演,劇本,音樂,傳承。香港: 聯合國教科文組織本土文化及創意教育研究觀測所。 梁寶華 (2010)。 學校音樂創作教材套。香港: 香港教育局。 Moore, M., & Leung, B. W. (Eds.) (2006). School Music and Teacher Education: A Global Perspective in the New Century. 212 pp., Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Mans, M. & Leung, B. W. (Eds.) (2005). Music in Schools for All Children: From Research to Effective Practice. Granada: The University of Granada. 譚祥安、梁寶華(編) (2004). 藝術教育新取向:方法及個案研究. 香港: 香港教育學院.
Journal Publications Publication in refereed journal Zhang, L., & Leung, B. W. (2023). Context matters: adaptation of student-centred education in China school music classrooms. Music Education Research, 1–17. Luo, Y., & Leung, B. W. (2023). Proposing and piloting a criterion- and standard-based assessment framework in teaching Cantonese operatic singing in Guangdong, China. British Journal of Music Education, 1–24. Zhang, C., & Leung, B. W. (2023). Music majors’ self-regulated learning (SRL) of music practice in China: Two case studies based on the SRL microanalysis. International Journal of Music Education. Zhang, Lexuan; Leung, Bo-Wah; Yang, Yang (2023). From theory to practice: Student-centered pedagogical implementation in primary music demonstration lessons in Guangdong, China. International Journal of Music Education, 41(2), 271–287. Zhang, C., Kwan, J. L. Y., & Leung, B. W. (2023). Adaptation of a Self-Regulated Practice Behavior scale for Chinese music majors. Journal of Research in Music Education Lee, S. W-y., & Leung, B.-W. (2022). Facilitating young children’ social and emotional learning experience in Hong Kong Protestant churches: Perspectives of song leaders. Australian Journal of Music Education, 54(2), 72-82. Luo, Y., & Leung, B. W. (2022). Proposing an assessment framework for Cantonese operatic singing after reviewing the current practices in Hong Kong and Guangdong, China. Music Education Research, 25(1), 102–117. Pang, W. Y. J., Leung, B. W., & Cheng, L. (2022). The motivational effects and educational affordance of serious games on the learning of Cantonese opera movements. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/10447318.2022.2112567 Leung, B. W., & Fung, C. V. (2022). Perception surrounding the developing of personal style in Cantonese opera amongst artists, connoisseurs and beginner audience in Hong Kong. Psychology of Music, Online First, 1-15. Du, J., & Leung, B. W. (2022). The sustainability of multicultural music education in Guizhou Province, China. International Journal of Music Education, 40(1), 131-148. Lee, K. C. C., & Leung, B. W. (2022). Instrumental teaching as ‘the noblest and the most under-praised job’: multiple case studies of three Hong Kong instrumental teachers. Music Education Research, 24(1), 42-55. Lee, H. C., & Leung, B. W. (2021). Instrumental teaching as ‘the noblest and the most under-praised job’: multiple case studies of three Hong Kong instrumental teachers. Music Education Research, 24(1), 42–55. Leung, B. W. (2021). Transmission of Cantonese opera in school music education: A survey of Hong Kong and Guangdong music teachers for policy review. Arts Education Policy Review, Latest article, 1-16. Zheng, Y. F., & Leung, B. W. (2021). Cultivating music students’ creativity in piano performance: a multiple-case study in China. Music Education Research, 23(5), 594–608. Zheng, Y., & Leung, B. W. (2021). Perception of developing creativity in piano performance and pedagogy: An interview study from Chinese perspective. Research Studies in Music Education, E-pub, 1-16. Leung, B.-W. (2021). Informal learning of Cantonese operatic singing in Hong Kong: an autoethnographic study. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, Latest article, 1-17. Lee, C. K. C., & Leung, B. W. (2020). Factors in the motivations of studio-based musical instrument learners in Hong Kong: An in-depth interview study. International Journal of Music Education, 38(3), 404-414. Leung, B. W. (2020). A proposed model of transmission of Cantonese opera for Hong Kong higher education: From oral tradition to conservatoire. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 19(2), 144-166. Leung, B.W. (2019). Conception of creativity as personal style of Cantonese opera artists in Hong Kong: A socio-cultural perspective. Journal of Artistic and Creative Education, 13(1), 1-13. Yu, Z., & Leung, B. W. (2019). Music teachers and their implementation of the new Music Curriculum Standards in China. International Journal of Music Education, 37(2), 178-197. Leung, B. W. (2018). Creativity in Cantonese Operatic singing: Analysis of excerpts from Hu Bu Gui by three artists. International Journal of Community Music, 11(3), 265-288. Han, R. & Leung, B. W. (2017). A survey on Weifang teachers’ attitudes toward teaching Chinese folk music. International Journal of Music Education, 35(2), 202-215. 梁寶華著,劉沛(譯) (2017)。 香港小學生音樂動機的影響因素研究。 中國音樂,2,157-167。 梁寶華 (2016)。 學習音樂以培養創意:理論,實踐與挑戰。 中國音樂教育,259,28-32。 Leung, B.W. (2015). Transmission of Cantonese opera in the conservatory tradition: two case studies in South China and Hong Kong. Music Education Research, 17(4), 480-498. 梁寶華 (2015)。 傳統音樂在學校的傳承:國際議題和挑戰。 教師教育論壇,28(5),8-12。 梁寶華 (2015)。 創造力與音樂教育:國際趨勢和發展。 中國音樂教育,247,23-25。 Sun, Z., & Leung, B. W. (2014). A survey on the quality of rural primary school music teachers in northeast China (doi:10.1177/0255761413491197). International Journal of Music Education, 32(4), 437-461. Leung, B. W. (2014). Utopia in arts education: The transmission of Cantonese opera with oral tradition in Hong Kong. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, online, 1-20. Leung, B. W. (2014). Teachers’ transformation as learning: Teaching Cantonese opera in Hong Kong schools with a teacher-artist partnership. International Journal of Music Education, 32(1), 119-131. Tang, C. L. & Leung, B. W. (2012). Applying the Variation Theory in teaching Cantonese opera (Yueju) to improve learning effectiveness. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 1(3), 261-275. Xie, J., & Leung, B. W. (2011). Students’ motivation to study music: The mainland China context. Research Studies in Music Education, 33 (1), 283-296. Leung, B. W. & McPherson, G. E. (2011). Case studies of factors affecting the motivation of high music achievers in Hong Kong to learn music. Music Education Research, 13 (1), 69-91. Leung, B. W. & McPherson, G. E. (2010). Students’ motivation in studying music: The Hong Kong context. Research Studies in Music Education, 32(2), 155-168. Leung, B.W, & Leung, E.C.K. (2010). Teacher-Artist Partnership in Teaching Cantonese Opera in Hong Kong Schools: Student Transformation.. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 11(5), 1-26. Leung, B. W. (2008). The effects of composition assignments and teacher presentation on student motivation in secondary schools. Music Education Research International, 2, 21-34. Leung, B. W. (2008). Factors affecting the motivation of Hong Kong primary school students in composing music. International Journal of Music Education: Research, 26 (1), 47-62. Leung, B. W. (2007). Changes in self-reported motivation and attitudes of secondary students following music compositional activities. Research in Arts Education, 13, 1-27. Leung, B. W., & Wong, W. Y. P. (2005). Matching music teacher's self conception with students' perception on teaching effectiveness in an unfavourable secondary classroom context. Complutense Electronic Journal of Research in Music Education, 2, 1-18. Leung, B. W. (2004). A framework for undertaking creative music-making activities in Hong Kong secondary schools. Research Studies in Music Education, 23, 59-75. Leung, B. W. & McPherson, G. E. (2002). Professional composers and curriculum planners perceptions about creativity in Hong Kong school music programs. Music Education International, 1, 67-77. Leung, B. W. (2000). Factors affecting Hong Kong secondary music teachers’ application of creative music-making activities in teaching. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education and Development, 3(1), 245-263. Publication in policy or professional journal Leung, B. W. (2005). Resources for music education advocacy. International Journal of Music Education, 23 (2), 167-174.
Conference Papers Refereed conference paper 梁寶華 (2017,12). 從創造理論看薛覺先粵劇的創造和發展:回顧與前瞻。南薛北梅國際學術研討會,Hong Kong。 Cheng, L., & Leung, B. W. (2017, July). Engagement in the appreciation of Cantonese opera through virtual reality (VR). Paper presented at the 11th Asia Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research, Melaka, Malaysia. Leung, B.W., Mok, M. M. C., Kuo, B.-C., Liu, Z. Y., Lam, S. M., Ng. C. W., & Choi, T. W. (2017, July). Validation of The Kinetic Chain Assessment and Learning Computerised System for Cantonese Opera Movement. Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research 2017, Melaka, Malaysia. Mok, M. M. C., Leung, B.W., Kuo, B.-C., Liu, Z. Y., Lam, S. M., Ng. C. W., & Choi, T. W. (2017, May). Kinetic Chain Assessment and Learning Computerized System for Cantonese opera: The development, validation and application. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Sapporo, Japan. Mok, M. M. C., Lam, S. M., Liu, Z. Y., Leung, B. W., Kuo, B. C., Tao, K. Y., & Kwok, K. W. (2016, May). Performing Arts of the “SANG" role in Cantonese Opera: Computerised Kinetic Chain Assessment and Learning System in Cantonese Opera Movement. 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Hong Kong. 梁寶華 (2014,4). 香港粵劇的承傳模式倡議:從師徒制和社區訓練到學院制。第四屆兩岸四地學校音樂教育論壇:變動時代學校音樂教育的挑戰與對策,臺南。 梁寶華 (2013,1). 香港中小學粵劇教學研究:教師與藝人之協作和互動。2013紀念任劍輝女士百年誕辰粵劇藝術國際研討會,香港。 Leung, B. W. (2012, November). Utopia in Arts Education: The transmission of Cantonese opera with Chinese Oral Tradition. World Alliance of Arts Education (WAAE) Summit 2012, Roveniemi. Leung, B. W. (2012, July). Oral tradition and conservatory tradition in transmitting Cantonese opera. The 30th International Society for Music Education World Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece. Leung, B. W. (2012, July). Preparing student teachers in teaching creative music making in schools: A case study in Hong Kong. The 30th International Society for Music Education World Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece. Leung, B. W. (2012, May). Conservatory Tradition and Oral Tradition in transmitting the Cantonese opera. Paper presented at the 8th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign, USA. Leung, B. W. (2011, April). Misconception of teaching ethnic music: Employing a teacher-artists partnership approach in teaching Cantonese opera in Hong Kong schools. The 7th International Conference for Research in Music Education, Exeter, UK. Leung, B. W. (2010, July). Teacher-artist partnership in teaching Cantonese opera in Hong Kong schools: Teacher transformation. Proceedings of the 23rd International Seminar on Research in Music Education, Changchun, China. Leung, B. W., & Leung, C. K. E. (2009, June). Teacher-artist partnership in teaching Cantonese opera in Hong Kong schools: Student transformation. Paper presented at the 7th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research of International Society for Music Education Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2009, Shanghai, China. Leung, B. W., & McPherson, G. E. (2009, April). Factor affecting 24 high music achievers' motivation in learning music: A multiple case study in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference for Research in Music Education, Exeter, UK. Leung, B. W. (2007, February). Effects on introducing composition to secondary music classes: Motivational changes and pedagogical issues. Paper presented at the Suncoast Music Education Research Symposium, Tampa. Leung, B. W. (2005, July). An investigation on motivation changes of secondary students on composing activities in Hong Kong. Proceedings to the 5th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research (CD ROM), Seattle.
Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies Performance and participation in exhibits Leung, B.W. (2011). HKIEd Symphonic Band & CUHK Wind Orchestra Joint Band Concert (Tsuen Wan Town Hall). Hong Kong Leung, B. W. (2010). HKIEd Symphonic Band Annual Concert (Conductor & Music Director). Hong Kong Wong, W. Y. P., So, M. C. A., & Leung, B. W. (2008). Choral festival closing ceremony and new year concert. China: Northeast Normal University. Translation of other's work Leung, B. W. (2011). Translation of six abstracts, International Journal of Music Education, 29(1). Perth: SAGE Pub..
All Other Outputs Journal editor ('editorial membership' should be excluded) Leung, B. W. & Tam, C. O. (Eds.) (2010). Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, 8. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. Leung, B. W. & Tam, C. O. (Eds.) (2009). Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, 7. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. (2008). Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education. Hong Kong: HKIEd. (2007). Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. (2007). Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, 5 (1), 82 pp., The Hong Kong Institute of Education. (2006). Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, 4(2), 92 pp., The Hong Kong Institute of Education. (2006). Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, 4 (1), 102pp.. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education. (2005). Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, 3 (2), 137pp.. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Review of books or of software Leung, B. W. (2010). Reviewer of a book chapter titled "Cognition and Musical Improvisation in Individual and Group Contexts". Musical Creativity: Insights from Music Education Research. Ashgate. Other outputs 梁寶華 (2015)。 回顧香港中小學粵劇教學。信報,4月3日。 梁寶華 (2014)。 從學院訓練到粵劇傳承,信報,8月29日。 Leung, B. W. (2011). Review of a journal article "The Role of Articulation and Performer Expertise on Instrument Identification". Leung, B. W. (2011). Reviewer of a journal article "A Chorus Learning Support System using the Chorus Leader's Expertise". Leung, B. W. (2011). Review of a journal article titled "For a new culture of music education in Macau". Leung, B. W. (2011). Reviewer of a journal article titled "Composition Instruction Enhances Arithmetic Performance". Leung, B. W. (2011). Reviewer of a journal article titled "Lessons for teachers: what lower secondary school students tell us about learning a musical instrument". Leung, B. W. (2010). Reviewer of a journal article titled "Assessment for Learning a decade on: Self-reported assessment practices of secondary school music teachers in Hong Kong". Leung, B. W. (2010). Reviewer of the 8th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research, July 2011. Taipei Leung, B. W. (2010). Reviewer of a journal article titled "Piano Studios in Jamaica: an understanding of what constitute teaching philosophies and teaching and students’ assessment methods". Leung, B. W. (2010). Reviewer of a journal article titled "An Analysis of the Musical Training Students’ Ability to Solve Problem". Leung, B. W. (2010). Reviewer of a journal article titled "Engineering change in the perception of music education in Nigeria: The relevance of Islamic concept". Leung, B. W. (2010). Reviewer of The Third International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education, March 2011, Bremen, Germany. Leung, B. W. (2010). Reviewer of a journal article titled "Reflections and perspectives on formal and informal music learning".