Development of digital lectures in the Department of Chinese Language Studies This proposed project aims to cultivate staff pedagogical thoughtfulness as a learning community through establishing a technology-enhanced environment in the Department of Chinese Language Studies (CHL). The idea is consistent with the Institute‟s commitment to provide a „total learning experience‟ for students.
Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 (TSE, Ka Ho 謝家浩 as Co-Investigator)
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) for Reflective Engagement of Learners in Digital Classroom The project aims to enhance the competency of HKIEd academic/teaching staff in promoting learners’ reflective engagement in line with HKIEd e-learning strategies. The project has the objectives to enhance the reflective engagement of learners in course learning in HKIEd; to enhance the reflective engagement of lecturers in course teaching in HKIEd; to enhance the sustainability of e-learning implementation in course learning and teaching in HKIEd; and to enhance the scalability of e-learning implementation in course learning and teaching in HKIEd.
Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥, CHUNG, Wai Yee Joanne 鍾慧儀, SONG, Yanjie 宋燕捷 (TSE, Ka Ho 謝家浩 as Co-Investigator)
語文教師教學知識的發展:協同評課的反思與研究 通過啟導計劃,探究新手、經驗及專家等不同階段的語文教師的教學知識的特點,以提升在職教師及職前學員教學實踐效能。學院導師與地區學校已受訓及仍未受訓的啟導老師組成一個深度協作、互動的觀課視導團隊,藉課前指導、觀課前及後會談、觀課及評課,協助實習學員提升教學規畫及教學實踐的能力,以此進一步培訓啟導老師觀課及評課技巧。
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): YU, Yuen Yee, Frankie 余婉兒 (TSE, Ka Ho 謝家浩 as Co-Investigator)
An Empirical Study of the Impact of a Schema Approach to the Teaching and Learning of Literature文學教學圖式對優化文學教與學的成效 本研究綜合研究小組兩個由優質教育基金資助的研究(「課堂教學過程的取向與策略:語文和文學」;「優化語文學習的評估:從文學教學出發」)的成果,持續探討優化文學教學與學習的核心問題:促進文學學習的重點在強化教師的文學教學圖式。研究內容包括主要建構文學教學圖式,利用文學教學圖式加強教師的文學教學意識,並通過試驗教學驗證其在文學教學與學習上的實效。
Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): TONG SHAU LING 唐唐秀玲 (TSE, Ka Ho 謝家浩 as Co-Investigator)
由字到詞:優化「縱橫碼在線中文字典」以配合非華語學生教學與國際漢語教學的發展 優化原有縱橫字典網頁,還會增添筆順動畫、「詞」的音(粵、普)與義。此外,會增添南亞「烏以都語」的資料,以配合香港南亞裔學生的學習,這既是香港教育的另一方向,亦希望幫助他們更容易融入社會。
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): CHAN Shuk Ching Esther (TSE Ka Ho as Co-Investigator)
童書教學法---創意教學模式的建構與實踐 《中國語文教育法學習領域課程指引》中強調「文學學習是語文運用的重要組成部分」,為配合新語文課程上述精神,本計劃以全語言學習和創意教學的理念,以繪本故事書等兒童文學作品為教材,發展富文學情趣和新意的教學法。
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): LEE How Chung (TSE Ka Ho as Co-Investigator)
觀課及評課:提升本科教學效能計畫 本研究計劃是中文學系為提升學員在教學實踐的學習素質,優化觀課及評課效能的計劃。主要是透過學院導師與學校啟導老師組成一個充分合作、互動的觀課視導團隊,藉課前指導、觀課及評課,以協助實習學員提升教學設計及教學實踐的能力;並以此進一步培訓啟導老師觀課及評課技巧,主要是透過此一系列活動,優化中文科觀課評估的標準,盡量發揮促進學習評估的果效,豐富及強化師資培訓的專業。
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): YU, Yuen Yee Frankie 余婉兒 (TSE, Ka Ho 謝家浩 as Co-Investigator)
Assessment for Learning in Chinese Language Teaching 優化語文學習的評估:從文學教學出發 The project aimed at developing a pellucid and efficient assessment system for Chinese Language and Chinese Literature in the light of the curriculum reform and practical needs teachers. The project is based on the research findings of 2000/3089 “The Approach and Strategy of Classroom Teaching Process in Chinese Language and Chinese Literature”.
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): TONG SHAU LING 唐唐秀玲 (TSE, Ka Ho 謝家浩 as Co-Investigator)
Project for Assisting Primary Language Teachers in Prosecution of the New Senior Secondary Reform 支援小學語文教師實踐新課程改革計劃 為配合本系將來之發展取向,計劃的主要目的有五:1. 落實校本語文課程的課改精神,深化語文課程改革;2. 落實語常會語文教育檢討總結報告所說,協助學校「建立一支專業語文教師隊伍」;3. 建立我系與本港小學之間的伙伴協作網絡關係;4. 推廣有關「中國語文教育」的伙伴協作計劃;5. 建立本院及本系在香港語文教育的地位。
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Man Sing 何文勝 (TSE, Ka Ho 謝家浩 as Co-Investigator)
The Approach and Strategy of Classroom Teaching Process in Chinese Language and Chinese Literature 課堂教學過程的取向與策略:語文和文學 (第四學習階段) Enhancing the effectiveness of teaching and learning of Chinese Language and Chinese Literature by promoting the current approach and strategy of classroom teaching process in tandem with the curriculum reform in the subject.
Project Start Year: 2006, Principal Investigator(s): TONG SHAU LING 唐唐秀玲 (TSE, Ka Ho 謝家浩 as Co-Investigator)
Collaborative Projects to Improve Chinese Teaching and Learning (Expenses for Institute Level TDG Projects) The Chinese department will enhance its teaching and learning in four ways: guidance for students' field experiences, collaboration in lectures and tutorials, a drama festival, and the establishment of a department website.
Project Start Year: 2006, Principal Investigator(s): WU Rosalind Jane (TSE Ka Ho as Co-Investigator)
Blackboard Assisted the Online Learnng Modules of Chinese Learnng and Teaching 以「黑板」系統輔助網上中文的學與教 The Blackboard system established on campus since August 2003, some of the colleagues in the Chinese Department have already applied it to their module teaching of Chinese for both in-service and pre-service programmes. According to our colleagues, the Blackboard system provided a great variety of learning opportunities beyond the normal and regular lectures. In-service teachers, in particular, found the Blackboard e-learn platform is a wonder place for them to exchange teaching ideas and share the resources. Overall, those enjoyed the privilege of learning at the platform demanded that more modules should make use of it. Therefore, this project aims to: 1) enhancing the design and extend the use of the current online module; and 2) enrich the existing modules with an online mode of delivery.We hoped that more colleagues in our Department can become familiar with this tools, and make innovative use of it to maximize the impact of learning and teaching and make an effective online mode environment on Chinese subject basis.
Project Start Year: 2006, Principal Investigator(s): TONG Ho Kin, TSE Ka Ho