Prof TSUI, Kwok Tung    徐國棟 教授
Professor (Practice)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
(852) 2948 7703
(852) 2948 7563
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests

Curriculum Leadership Curriculum Innovations and Change Teacher Effectiveness and Development Teacher Quality and Standards

Teaching Interests
  • Curriculum leadership
  • Curriculum reform and innovation
  • Teacher leadership and effectiveness
  • Teacher professional development
External Appointments

International Consultant, The World Bank, Project on Teacher Quality in Vietnam, March 2008 to March 2009. International Consultant, The World Bank, A project on Quality Assurance on Primary Teacher and Teacher Training Programmes, March 2000. Awarded the Fellowship of Hong Kong Primary Education Research Association, April 2008. External Examiner of Ed.D. Theses, the University of Bristol in 2005 and 2006. Chief Editor, Journal of Quality School Education.

Personal Profile

Prof. TSUI Kwok Tung is currently a Professor (Practice) of Department of Curriculum and Instruction and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Education and Human Development at The Education University of Hong Kong. His research interests include curriculum leadership, teacher leadership, teacher effectiveness and professional development. Prof. Tsui has intensive experience in teacher education, consultancy and training in local and internal contexts. He had been appointed by the World Bank to be an International Consultant for the School Education Quality Assurance Program in Vietnam in 2008-09 and a nation-wide Primary Teacher Project in Vietnam in 2000. Prof. Tsui has been commissioned by the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong Government (EDB) to lead a team to train local primary school curriculum leaders since the inception of this Scheme in 2002. He conducted a large-scale survey on Curriculum Leadership and Management in Primary Schools contracted by the EDB in year 2010. Prof. Tsui finished a consultancy work for the Education Policy and Reform Unit, UNESCO Bangkok on the Education Micro-planning Toolkit project which is published (on-line) in 2014 by UNESCO. Recently he finished another consultancy work for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for A Comparative Review of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Systems across Countries and Regions. He has published a number of academic articles in leading international academic journals, and was co-editor of three edited books on teacher education and development published by the Kluwer Academic Publishers and HKIEd. Prof. Tsui was the external examiner for the University of Bristol on EdD programme.

Research Interests

Curriculum Leadership Curriculum Innovations and Change Teacher Effectiveness and Development Teacher Quality and Standards

Teaching Interests

  • Curriculum leadership
  • Curriculum reform and innovation
  • Teacher leadership and effectiveness
  • Teacher professional development
External Appointments

International Consultant, The World Bank, Project on Teacher Quality in Vietnam, March 2008 to March 2009. International Consultant, The World Bank, A project on Quality Assurance on Primary Teacher and Teacher Training Programmes, March 2000. Awarded the Fellowship of Hong Kong Primary Education Research Association, April 2008. External Examiner of Ed.D. Theses, the University of Bristol in 2005 and 2006. Chief Editor, Journal of Quality School Education.

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Tsui, K.-T. (2014). Curriculum leadership developments: lessons learned and achievements made. In C. Marsh, & J. C.-K. Lee (Eds.), Asia’s high performing education systems: The case of Hong Kong (175-194). New York: New York: Routledge.
Chang, G.C., Huong, L.T., Kennedy, K.J., & Tsui, K.T. (2013). Education microplanning toolkit (Electronic version only). Bangkok: UNESCO Office Bangkok; Hong Kong Institute of Education.
徐國棟 (2009)。 校長的課程領導。載於吳迅榮和黃炳文(編), 《廿一世紀的學校領導-持續與創新》 (頁77-96)。香港: 學術專業圖書中心。
Lam, B. H., Tsui, K. T., & Hui, K. F. S. (2007). A "Look" forward: Teaching development for the future. In B. H. Lam, K. T. Tsui, & S. K. F. Hui (Eds.), Reflections on Applying Mass Lecture Plus Tutorial Approach in Teacher Training Programme in Hong Kong (pp.51-56). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Lam, B. H., Tsui, K. T., & Hui, S. K. F. (2007). Reflections on Applying Mass Lecture Plus Tutorial Approach in Preparing Teacher Training Programme in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Tsui, K. T. (2007). The quest for promoting active and engaged learning in a context of change. In B. H. Lam, K. T. Tsui, & K. F. S. Hui (Eds.), Reflections on Applying Mass Lecture Plus Tutorial Approach in Teacher Training Programme in Hong Kong (pp.1-7). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
陳茂釗、孔偉成、李少鶴、余煊、何漢權、胡少偉、胡強輝、徐國棟、許為天、曹啟樂、陳家偉、楊少榮、張家俊、劉兆瑛及蔡國光 (2006)。 《香港教師壓力調查研究:初步資料分析》。香港: 香港初等教育研究學會及教育評議會。
鐘啟泉、羅厚輝(主編)、楊明全及徐國棟(副主編) (2003). 《課程範式轉換──上海與香港的課程改革》. 上海: 上海科技教育.
Cheng, Y.C., Tsui, K.T., & Chow, K.W. (Eds.) (2002). Subject Teaching and Teacher Education in the New Century. Hong Kong & The Netherlands: The Hong Kong Institute of Education & Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Cheng, Y.C., Tsui, K.T., & associates (Eds.) (2002). A Knowledge Base for Teacher Education and Development: Bibliographies 1990-2000 (Volume 1 to 5). Hong Kong & The Netherlands: The Hong Kong Institute of Education & Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Journal Publications
Tsui, K. T., Lee, J.C.K., HUI, S.K.F., Chun, D.W.S., & Chan, K.N.C (2019). Academic and Career Aspiration and Destinations: A Hong Kong Perspective on Adolescent Transition. Education Research International, 2019, 1-14.
Tsui, K.T., Lee, J.C.K., Hui, S.K.F., Chun, D.W.S., & Chan, K.N.C. (2019). Academic and career aspiration and destinations: A Hong Kong perspective on adolescent transition. Education Research International, 2019, 1-14.
Tsui, K.T., Lee, J.C.K., Zhang, Z, & Wong, P.H. (2019). The Relationship Between Teachers’ Perceived Spiritual Leadership And Organizational Commitment: A Multilevel Analysis In The Hong Kong Context. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 8(3), 55-72.
Hui, S.K.F., Tsui, K.T., & Lee, J.C.K. (2019). Adaptation and co-construction: An investigation of Macau’s small class teaching policy. Journal of Education and Human Development, 8(2), xx-xx.
Lam, B.H., & Tsui, K.T. (2016). Curriculum mapping as deliberation – examining the alignment of subject learning outcomes and course curricula. Studies in Higher Education, 41(8), 1371-1388.
Lam, B. H. & Tsui, K. T. (2014). Curriculum mapping as deliberation – examining the alignment of subject learning outcomes and course curricula (DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2014.968539). Studies in Higher Education, Retrieved from, Online publication, 1-18.
Tsui, K.T. (2013)。 編者序:轉變中的教學環境:課程與教學。 優質學校教育學報,8,1-4。 version,,contains,991014380449703410&vid=EDUHKFind@EdUHK Library
Lam, B. H., & Tsui, K. T. (2013). Examining the Alignment of Subject Learning Outcomes and Course Curricula Through Curriculum Mapping. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 38(12), 97-119.
徐國棟、李小娟、胡少偉 (2013)。 一所小學組織架構重整的行動學習。 優質學校教育學報,第8期,55-62。
Tsui, K.T. (2012)。 編者序:持續專業發展:改變教師專業的關鍵。 優質學校教育學報,7,1-4。 version,,contains,991014380449703410&vid=EDUHKFind@EdUHK Library
胡少偉、徐國棟、曹潔芬 (2012)。 優化學校行政的行動學習。 香港教師中心學報,11,229-239。
Tsui, K.T. (2012). Continuous Professional Development: The key to changing the teaching profession. The Journal of Quality School Education, 7, 1-4.
Tsui, K.T. (2010). Curriculum leadership and school development: Review and prospects. New Horizons in Education, 58 (2), 83-92.
Tsui, K.T. (2010). School leadership and school-based management. The Journal of Quality School Education, 6, 1-4.
Tsui, K.T., & Kennedy, K.J. (2009). Evaluating the Chinese Version of the Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale (C-TSE): Translation Adequacy and Factorial Validity. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 18 (2), 245-260.
Tsui, K. T., & Kennedy, K. J. (2009). Evaluating Chinese teacher sense of efficacy scale (C-TSE): Translation adequacy and factor structure. Asia Pacific Educational Researcher, 18(2), 245-260.
Cheng, Y. C., Mok, M. C. M., & Tsui, K.T. (2002). Educational reform and research in Hong Kong: A request for comprehensive knowledge. Educational Research for Policy and Practice: Official Journal of the APERA, 1 (1), 7-21.
Cheng, Y. C., Tam, W. M., & Tsui, K. T. (2002). New conceptions of teacher effectiveness and teacher education in the new century. Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal, Vol. 1, Spring 2002, 1-19.
Tsui, K.T., & Chow, K.W. (2002). Teacher Perspective and Teaching in Hong Kong: Introduction. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education & Development, Special Issue 1, Volume 5, 1-15.
Tsui, K. T., & Cheng, Y. C. (2000). Multi-dimensional teacher performance in the new century: Implications for school management. The Asia-Pacific Educational Researcher, 9 (2), 184-208.

Conference Papers
Yang, M., Song, B. R., Tsui, K. T., Yang, L., & Tam, C. H. (2018, December). How does friendship influence intercultural adaptation among Mainland Chinese students studying in Hong Kong?. HKERA International Conference, Hong Kong SAR, PRC.
Yang, M., Tam, C. H., Tsui, K. T., Yang, L., & Song, B. R. (2018, December). The acculturation experiences and intercultural communication competence among non-local university students in Hong Kong. HKERA International Conference, Hong Kong SAR, PRC.
Yang, M., Tsui, Kwok Tung, Yang, L. Song, B.R, and Chen, S.S, (2018, December). Peer assessment in higher education classrooms: Comparing students’ and teachers’ perspectives. International Conference 2018: Equity, Access and Diversity in Education: Theory, Practice and Research, Hong Kong.
Tsui, K.-T. (2014, September). Curriculum leadership for curriculum change and sustainable development: what can we learn from the case of Hong Kong primary schools?. Keynote speech presented at The 7th International Conference on Educational Research (ICER 2014): Challenging Education for Future Change, Khon Kaen, Thailand.
Kennedy, K., Tsui, K.T., Huong, LT, Chang, G.C. (2012, November). Working together for educational change: a new approach to educational planning at the local level. Paper presented at the 16th UNESCO-APEID International Conference, Bangkok.
Tsui, K.T. (2012, June). Intention, Practice, Achievements and Issues in Curriculum Reform: Hong Kong Experiences. Paper presented at the Departmental Conference of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Hong Kong.
Lam, B. H., & Tsui, K. T. (2012, May). Developing C&I Subject Outcomes through Whole Department Participation. Poster displayed at OBL Dissimination Series: E-poster Session, Hong Kong.
Lam, B. H., & Tsui, K. T. (2012, February). Studying Subject Learning Outcomes and Methods to Ensure Effective OBL Implementation. Paper presented at the OBL Dissemination Series: Seminar, Hong Kong.
Lam, B. H., Tsui, K. T., Brown, G., & Deneen, C. (2011, June). A Mapping of the espoused outcomes and enacted course delivery of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.. Paper presented at the Departmental Conference of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction., Hong Kong.
Deneen, C. C., Brown, G. T. L., Lam, B. H., & Tsui, K. T. (2010, December). Student Perspectives on Outcomes: Insights for Course Development within OBL and 335 Frameworks. Paper presented at the 2nd East Asian International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong.
Lam, B. H., Brown, G. T. L., Tsui, K. T., & Deneen, C. C. (2010, December). Student and Teacher Participation in Subject Outcomes Development. Paper presented at the 2nd East Asian International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong.
Deneen, C.; Lam, B.H.; Tsui, K.T.; Brown, G. (2010, June). Student perspectives on course outcomes: Insights for course development within OBL and 335 frameworks. Paper presented at HKIEd Curriculum and Instruction Department Annual Conference, Macau, SAR.
Lam, B. H., Tsui, K. T., Brown, G., Deneen, C., & Yan, H. F. (2010, June). Developing C&I Subject Outcomes through Whole Department Participation. Paper presented at the Departmental Conference of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Macau.
Tsui, K. T. (2008, December). Curriculum leadership in Hong Kong schools: Creating teacher leaders. Paper presented at the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association Conference 2008, Singapore.
Kennedy K. J., Hue M. T., & Tsui, K. T. (2008, February). Comparing Hong Kong teachers' sense of efficacy for teaching chinese and non-chinese students. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
徐國棟 (2006,3). 課程改革:由理念到課堂學習。主題演講於「2006年度課程改革與教學實踐教育會議」,香港。

Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies
Tsui, K.T., Hui, K.F., Leung, W.L., Yu, W.M., & Kennedy, K.J. (2013). Evaluation report: A study on curriculum leadership and management in primary schools 2010. Hong Kong
Tsui, K.T., Hui, K.F., Yu, W.M., Leung, W.L., & Kennedy, K.J. (2013). Technical Report: A study on curriculum leadership and management in primary schools 2010. Hong Kong
Bagnall, R. G., & Tsui, K. T. (2008). Report on a review of literature on learning and teaching in applied learning and related curricula. Hong Kong
Tsui, K. T., Li, W. S., Au, M. L., Tse, H. K. H., & Chan, S. Y. (2007). Classroom Management: Case Studies I-V (Video). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Wong, P. M., Tsui K. T., Wu, S. W., Yu, H., Pang, I. W., Cheung, C. K. A., & Lam, B. H. (2006). Comprehensive Review Report of Matteo Ricco College, Kowloon.
徐國棟、謝宗義、余煊、冼權鋒、黃婉冰及容家駒 (2006)。 《「融合教育在香港小學推行的情況」研究報告》。香港: 香港初等教育研究學會、香港特殊教育學會。
徐國棟、黃炳文、龐憶華、林碧霞、胡少偉、張志強及余煊 (2006)。 (2006)全面評鑑報告(九龍利瑪竇書院)。香港: 香港教育學院。
胡少偉、李少鶴、李傑江、王雲珠、余煊、張志鴻、陳茂釗、徐國棟、梁贊榮、顏明仁及蘇碧婷 (2005)。 《小學中層人員專業培訓資料冊》。香港: 香港初等教育研究學會。

All Other Outputs
Tsui, K.T. (2013). The Journal of Quality School Education. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Primary Education Research Association and Faculty of Education and Human Development of the Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Tsui, K.T. (2012). The Journal of Quality School Education. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Primary Education Research Association and Faculty of Education Studies of the Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Tsui, K.T. (2010). The Journal of Quality School Education. The Hong Kong Primary Education Research Association and Faculty of Education Studies of the Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Tsui, K. T. (2009). Reviewer of a journal article, Examining the relationship between teacher organizational commitment and school health in Turkish primary schools, Educational Research & Evaluation, 15(2).
Tsui, K. T. (2006). External Examiner of EdD Thesis: The Curriculum of Associate degree - From the Perspectives of Practioners, Hong Kong, The University of Bristol.
Tsui, K. T. (2005). External Examiner of EdD Thesis: An Investigation of the key stakeholders' preferences into the curriculum of the Associate Degree in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, The University of Bristol.


The next normal: Blending synchronistic and asynchronistic e-pedagogies to improve and sustain online teaching and learning
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, universities and schools internationally shifted from face-to-face to online learning. Despite these efforts, EdUHK data indicated that more could be done to enhance the quality of online learning. Teachers still grappled with how to design high-quality online learning experiences for their students.

Moving into a new academic year, these issues and challenges faced by students and teachers must be addressed at both the meta- and micro-level of the learning and teaching environment. EdUHK must lead the way in enhancing the quality of online learning and teaching by investigating, developing, implementing and disseminating high quality e-pedagogies that can be sustained into the “next normal” (Bryant, Chen, Dorn, and Hall, April 2020).

This project proposes to create “virtual classrooms” marked by features of quality learning: interaction among teachers and students, differentiation of instructional practices, creativity, mobility, and mastery. It conceptualizes blended learning (combining online and face-to-face learning) as a blend of synchronistic and asynchronistic online e-pedagogies. It accounts for diverse needs of colleagues and students with regard to disciplinary requirements, their readiness as users of online technologies and mastery of e-pedagogies, and location of delivery.

Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): TSUI, Kwok Tung 徐國棟

Early Childhood Education STEM and Maker Education
This pilot project aims at promoting age-appropriate and authentic STEM learning experiences in early childhood settings through co-developing 24 sets of STEM teaching packages with early childhood teachers. This project aim at building up children’s STEM awareness, knowledge and skills through STEM-rich maker learning experience. 12 pilot project schools will be invited to join this project, including kindergartens and child care centres (both half-day & whole-day service). Children in the project schools are able to learn science and mathematics through the application of technology and engineering in a realistic and integrated learning experience. This project will align with the core education concepts of ECE including observation, awareness and motivation in designing STEM activities. Additionally, fundamental concepts of physical science, life science and earth science will be included in the content of teaching packages.Early childhood professionals have an essential role in supporting young children’s motivation and engagement in STEM education. The co-development process with early childhood teachers provides practical professional development opportunities to enhance knowledge and skills of designing quality STEM learning activities. Additionally, teachers’ needs, difficulties and challenges in applying STEM teaching packages will be examined. Teachers will participate in pre and post-project interviews before and after the training and implementation stage to reflect on their pedagogical needs, school-level conditions, challenges in implementing STEM activities at schools.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Chi Kin, John (TSUI, Kwok Tung as Collaborator)

Capacity Building for Lead Teacher Training Universities (LTTUs) in Vietnam
This project was designed to improve capacity of Lead Teacher Training Universities (LTTUs) and central teacher management unit in Viet Nam to improve effectiveness of teachers' and principals' education and training to meet the demands of educational reform in Viet Nam.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Chi Kin John 李子建 (TSUI, Kwok Tung 徐國棟 as Co-Investigator)

Supporting New Non-local Students' Academic and Social-cultural Integration into the FEHD and HKIEd Communities: An Evidence-based Approach
This project seeks to build a research evidence base on how new non-local students (NLS) and their senior peers at a Faculty of Education experience academic and social-cultural integration into the Faculty and the Institution. The research evidence will be drawn upon in formulating practices and strategies for the Faculty NLS Support initiative. Compared with their local peers who also face academic and social integration challenges as they move into the new learning environment (Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005; Yang, Webster, & Prosser, 2011a), the NLS face greater challenges because of the need to adjust to the cultural environment in Hong Kong (Yang & Chau, 2012; Zeng & Watkins, 2011). Learning in a language other than their mother tongue poses further potential difficulties for NLS (Rienties & Tempelaar, 2013). By undertaking this project, the Investigators will be better equipped with such understanding in supporting the NLS to build an identity as active members of the Faculty and Institutional families. The Investigators will employ both quantitative and qualitative methods, specifically questionnaire surveys and interviews, which will be informed by the research literature in the areas of: first year experience, and intercultural learning experience. Ethical review approval will be sought, and ethical procedures will be followed when collecting data with the non-local students.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): YANG, Min 楊敏 (TSUI, Kwok Tung 徐國棟 as Co-Investigator)

CoPs-Field Experience Supervision in Teacher Education
This CoP project aims to facilitate the professional learning and sharing of knowledge about FE and to improve FE supervision and hence promote learning outcomes for our student-teachers;

Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG, Chi Keung Eric 鄭志強 (TSUI, Kwok Tung 徐國棟 as Co-Investigator)

Student Perspectives on Outcomes: Insights for Course Development within OBL and 335 Frameworks
This study approaches the questions, to what degree can the intended outcomes in a course be identified by students? Further, are there differences between instructors’ and students’ perceptions of the appropriateness and utility of the course outcomes? Research is conducted through a complementary methodology using ANOVA, qualitative coding, and cluster analysis.
This project aims to produce findings that may inform course outcomes construction across the institute, enrich the research and knowledge about OBL and student-centered learning in professional practice, and contribute to the Hong Kong and international context of outcomes-based higher education.

Project Start Year: 2010, Principal Investigator(s): DENEEN, Christopher Charles (TSUI, Kwok Tung 徐國棟 as Co-Investigator)

A Study on Curriculum Leadership and Management in Primary Schools 2010
The purpose of the Study is to solicit views from primary school heads/deputy heads, Primary School Curriculum Leaders (PSCLs) and KLA/subject heads on the implementation of the PSCL Scheme and its impact on curriculum leadership and management in primary schools in order to inform further development.
Project Start Year: 2010, Principal Investigator(s): TSUI Kwok Tung 徐國棟, KENNEDY, Kerry John 甘國臻

Developing C&I Subject Outcomes through Whole Department Participation
This project serves to collaboratively develop a set of anticipated subject-level outcomes for the Department of Curriculum and InstructionThe project encourages synergy to be built among the OBL pilot project teams and it mobilizes the whole C&I department to engage in the process of development.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): LAM, Bick Har 林碧霞, TSUI, Kwok Tung 徐國棟

EDB: Provision of Services for Training Programme on Two Different Components Respectively of (i) 60 Contact Hours and / or (ii) 20 Contact Hours in the 2008-09 School Year for Primary School Curriculum Leaders
The project aims to provide training to the Primary School Masters (Curriculum Development) to enable them to carry of the role of curriculum leaders for enhancing curriculum development in local primary schools.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): TSUI, Kwok Tung 徐國棟

A Review of Literature on Learning and Teaching in Applied Learning and Related Curricula
The focus of this review is on Applied Learning and related programme initiatives as an educational intervention involving alternative approaches to and strategies for teaching, learning, and learning assessment in secondary schooling, on the factors impacting on such interventions, and on their outcomes and impacts.
Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): BAGNALL RICHARD GORDON , TSUI, Kwok Tung 徐國棟

Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): WU Siu Wai, 李少鶴 (TSUI Kwok Tung as Co-Investigator)

Provision of Training Programmes on Two Different Components Respectively of (i) 50 Contact Hours and/or (ii) 30 Contact Hours in the 2006/07 School Year for Primary School Curriculum Leaders
The project aims to provide training to the Primary School Masters (Curriculum Development) to enable them to enhance curriculum development in schools.
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): TSUI, Kwok Tung 徐國棟

Assessment for Learning in Personal, Social and Humanities Education for Secondary School Teachers
The purpose of this project was to provide professional development activities fro secondary school teachers teaching the subjects in the PSHE domain.
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): LO Yiu Chun (TSUI Kwok Tung as Co-Investigator)

Enhancing the Effective Delivery of Mass Lecture/Tutorial Approach for Three Core Modules of the C&I Department
This project is to support the effective delivery of mass lecture and tutorial approach based on the trial of three core modules in the first semester of the academic year 2006-2007. It aims at providing exemplars of effective lecture-tutorial practices, in particular in the collection of teaching techniques, support to students, to help lecturers to create sufficient conditions to conduct well received ML-T patterns to cater for different purposes and needs to involve students in active and engaged learning.
Project Start Year: 2006, Principal Investigator(s): LAM, Bick Har 林碧霞, TSUI, Kwok Tung 徐國棟

小學校長實踐學習網絡 Action Learning Network for Primary School Principals
Project Start Year: 2006, Principal Investigator(s): 李少鶴, WU Siu Wai (TSUI Kwok Tung as Co-Investigator)

A Website with an E-learning Platform for Enhancing the Learning and Practice of Classroom Management
The purpose of the project is to provide a website and e-learning platform for all students of HKIEd to enhance their learning and practice of classroom management skills. Specifically, the website with the e-learning platform is constructed to enhance the teaching and learning of the module "Classroom Management Strategies for Effective Instruction". The project aims at providing a kind of self-learning package as well as an additional source for the learning of the module.
Project Start Year: 2006, Principal Investigator(s): TSUI, Kwok Tung 徐國棟, LI Wai Shing

Continuing Professional Development: Factors Affecting Primary School Teachers' Participation and their Perception to a Proposed CPD Framework
The purpose of this project is to investigate the readiness and perception of local primary school principals and teachers towards the CPD framework proposed by the Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications (ACTEQ) in November, 2003. It will also explore to what extent the framework has been adopted by the schools and individual teachers in their current practice of CPD. In addition, the research will explore challenges the schools will come across in the implementation of the proposed CPD framework. Results will be used for formulating proposals for refining the proposed CDP framework.
Project Start Year: 2005, Principal Investigator(s): TSUI Kwok Tung

School-based Curriculum Development in Action
This project aims to facilitate the practice of school-based curriculum development in Hong Kong primary school context through working in partnership with Primary School Masters/Mistresses (Curriculum Development), hereafter PSM(CD)s, based on an action model.
Project Start Year: 2005, Principal Investigator(s): TSUI Kwok Tung

Project Start Year: 2004, Principal Investigator(s): TSUI Kwok Tung

School-based Management as Related to Globalization, Localization and Individualization in Education
This project is based on the strengths of two previous CERG projects entitled "School-based Management: Research and Development (a Pilot Study)" and "School-based Management: Multi-level Self-management and Education Quality in Hong Kong Primary Schools", with a new research focus on school-based management as related to the paradigm shift of education in current educational reforms.Through both qualitative and quantitative analysis of case study and sample survey, the results of this project will provide the necessary theoretical and empirical support to the further development of school-based management for paradigm shift in education in Hong Kong schools and will make contribution to research, policy formulation, and practice of ongoing reforms in the local and international contexts.
Project Start Year: 2003, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG, Yin Cheong 鄭燕祥 (TSUI, Kwok Tung 徐國棟 as Co-Investigator)