Dr LIANG, Yuan    梁源 博士
Associate Professor
Department of Chinese Language Studies
(852) 2948 7483
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests
  • Chinese Linguistics
  • Language contact and change
  • Chinese as a Second Language

Teaching Interests

1.漢語專題研究(Special Topics in Chinese Language)

2.漢語語言學研究(Issues in Chinese Language Studies)

3.現代漢語(Modern Chinese Language)

4.漢字學(Chinese Etymology)

5.漢語音韻學(Chinese Historical Phonology) 

6.普通話語音研習及理論應用(Putonghua Phonetic Study and its Theoretical Applications)

7.語篇分析(Discourse Analysis)

8.第二語言教學研究方法(Research Methods in L2 Teaching)

Personal Profile

Academic Qualifications

  • 2003 Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • 1999 MPhil. in Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University, Beijing, China
  • 1996 Minor Degree in Juridical Science, Peking University, Beijing, China
  • 1996 B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University, Beijing, China

Academic/Teaching Appointments

The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  • 2022-Prsent Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Language Studies
  • 2013-2022 Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Language Studies

Shenzhen University, China

  • 2006-2013 Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature
  • 2005-2006 Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature

Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  • 2005-2006 Instructor I, School of Continuing Studies

City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  • 2003-2004 Research Fellow. Department of Electronic Engineering
  • 2002-2003 Senior Research Associate, Institute of Chinese Linguistics
Research Interests

  • Chinese Linguistics
  • Language contact and change
  • Chinese as a Second Language

Teaching Interests

1.漢語專題研究(Special Topics in Chinese Language)

2.漢語語言學研究(Issues in Chinese Language Studies)

3.現代漢語(Modern Chinese Language)

4.漢字學(Chinese Etymology)

5.漢語音韻學(Chinese Historical Phonology) 

6.普通話語音研習及理論應用(Putonghua Phonetic Study and its Theoretical Applications)

7.語篇分析(Discourse Analysis)

8.第二語言教學研究方法(Research Methods in L2 Teaching)

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
梁源 (2020)。 漢字研究與二語漢字教學:以書寫為例。梁源、阮黃英主編, 《第二語言的漢字教與學:理論與實踐》 (24-36頁)。越南: 河內國家大學出版社。
梁源、阮黃英 (2020)。 《第二語言的漢字教與學:理論與實踐》。越南: 河內國家大學出版社。
梁源、葉麗靜 (2019)。 傳承語學習者漢語學習策略初探——以意大利為例,施仲謀、何志恒主編,《中國語文教學新探》,(311-326頁)。香港: 商務印書館。
梁源 (2017)。 IB學校在中國——基於敘事模式的研究。施仲謀、廖佩莉主編, 《漢語教學與文化新探》 (161-172頁)。香港: 中華書局。
梁源 (2016)。 多重語體下的母語方言不完全習得與變異——以深圳為例。施仲謀主編, 《漢語教學與研究新探》 (247-271頁)。香港: 中華書局。
梁源、黃良喜 (2016)。 语言调查中发音人的选择与代表性问题。甘于恩主編, 《從北方到南方——第三屆中國地理語言學國際學術研討會論文集》 (103-110頁)。中國: 科學出版社。
梁源、陳明君 (2013)。 對外漢語課堂量化觀察與分析。深圳大學文學院編, 《荔園論學集•語言學卷》 (220-235頁)。中國: 北京大學出版社。
梁源、黃良喜 (2013)。 語音系統的認知與執行配對——語音學與音系學的研究層面。深圳大學文學院 編, 《荔園論學集•語言學卷》 (210-219頁)。中國: 北京大學出版社。
梁源、吳育珊 (2012)。 田野語言學與漢語方言調查。劉新中主編, 《廣東漢語方言研究的理論與實踐》 (400-406頁)。中國: 世界圖書出版社。
Liang, Yuan & Deng, Junqing (2011)。 Constructing an user-oriented evaluation system for TCSL web-based teaching platforms。Zhang, Jianping & Chan, Tak-Wai (Ed.), 《第十五屆全球華人電腦教育應用大會論文集》(IEEE GCSCE 2011, IEEE Catalog No.: CFP1116M-PRT) (1300-1304頁)。中國: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.。
張倡瑋、梁源 (2010)。 漢語網絡多媒體學習遊戲的"3D"視角。張普、宋繼華、徐娟主編, 《數位化對外漢語教學實踐與反思》 (279-285頁)。中國: 清華大學出版社。
梁源、曾斯楷 (2010)。 從對外漢語教學網站看網路教學。許嘉璐主編, 《第九屆國際漢語教學研討會論文選》 (409-415頁)。北京: 高等教育出版社。
梁源、歐靜樺 (2010)。 深圳粵語聲調的識別實驗。义祥輝、劉村漢主編, 《第十四屆國際粵方言研討會論文集》 (54-57頁)。中國: 桂林師範高等專科學校學報。
梁源 (2009)。 非漢語環境下的漢語聽力訓練,張普、徐娟、宋繼華主編,《數字化漢語教學專題研究——新模式、新方法、新技術、新產品》,(179-185頁)。中國: 清華大學出版社。
梁源、呂子德 (2008)。 面向中小學的對外漢語網路教學——耀中I-School的構建與應用。張普、徐娟、甘瑞瑗主編, 《數位化漢語教學——進展與深化》 (248-252)。北京: 清華大學出版社。
梁源 (2003)。 粵語易位句的篇章結構。詹伯慧主編, 《第八屆國際粵方言研討會論文集》 (609-615頁)。北京: 中國社會科學出版社。

Journal Publications
Ye, L., & Liang, Y. (2023). Learning Strategies for Chinese Character Handwriting by CSL Students in International Schools. International Journal of Chinese Language Education, 14, 28-57. https://ijcle.eduhk.hk/articles/396
Lau, Dustin Kai-Yan, Yuan Liang, & Hoang-Anh Nguyen (2022). Measuring orthographic knowledge of L2 Chinese learners in Vietnam using a handwriting task: A preliminary report. Frontiers in Psychology, 13 https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.784019
Liang, Yuan & Lian-Hee Wee (2022). Melodic-prosodic duality of the syllable: An application to Chinese. Language and Linguistics, 23(1), 82-115. https://doi.org/10.1075/lali.00100.lia
梁源 (2021)。 語言接觸誘導的疊加演變——深圳新粵語語氣詞“吧”的來龍去脈。 語言學論叢,64,33-44。
梁源 (2019)。 從書寫偏誤看漢語二語學習者的漢字習得。 語言教學與研究,4,33-44。
Liang, Yuan & Zhengliang Sun (2019). Phonological Strategies in Writing Chinese Ideographs by L2 Learners: A Preliminary Study. International Journal of Chinese Language Education, 5, 29-43.
Liang, Yuan (2018). Merger and transfer: tone variation and change of Dongguan Cantonese. Lingua, 208, 19-30.
梁源 (2018)。 再探討香港粵語聲母/n-/、/l-/不分。 中國語文通訊,97,101-110。
梁源 (2017)。 聲調變異中的發音與感知機制——以香港粵語為例。 中國語文,6,723-732。
Lau, Dustin Kai-Yan, Yuan Liang & Man Tak Leung (2017). Relations between awareness of morphosyntactic structures in Chinese compound words and reading abilities: A short report. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 31, 631-641.
梁源、李英菊、劉珂、俞頔 (2017)。 漢語讀寫困難學童的行為分析。 現代語言學,5(1),21-28。
黃良喜、梁源 (2016)。 從粵英基頻比較看港式英語聲調的性質。 語言學論叢,54輯,257-276。
梁源、黃良喜 (2016)。 代表屬性:發音人的選擇和語料有效性。 國際中國語言學報( International Journal of Chinese Linguistics),Issue 3,160-174。
梁源、劉啟欣、梁文德 (2015)。 拼音知識與漢字命名的關係。 語言學論叢,52輯,73-86。
Lau, D.K-Y., Leung, M-T., Liang, Yuan & Lo, J. C-M (2015). Predicting the naming of regular, irregular-, and non-phonetic compounds in Chinese. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, Vol.29, 776-792.
梁源 (2015)。 粵語聲調演變機制初探——香港話與廣州話聲調混同的比較。 南方語言學,8輯,36-44。
Liang, Yuan, Deng, Junqing and Au, D.W-M. (2013). 漢語二語教學網絡平臺的交互評價(Evaluation of Interaction with e-Learning platforms for teaching Chinese as second language). Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, Vol.4, 239-247.
梁源、陳柏樺 (2013)。 雷話/b-/聲母的變異。 中國語文,4期,頁341-348。
梁源、歐靜樺 (2013)。 基於知覺實驗的深圳新粵語聲調格局研究。 語言學論叢,47輯,頁159-173。
梁源、黃良喜 (2012)。 再探討漢語實詞的句法類別不定。 語言學論叢,46輯,頁127-143。
梁源 (2011)。 二語課外讀物編寫原則初探。 漢語教學學刊,7輯,頁292-300。
梁源、吳育珊 (2011)。 從語言格局看深圳新粵語音系。 暨南學報 (哲學社會科學版),33期,頁132-137。
梁源 (2011)。 深圳粵語語料庫與相關研究。 南方語言學,3輯,頁149-154。
梁源、曾斯楷 (2009)。 漢語網路教學的優勢與不足。 漢語教學學刊,5輯,頁292-300。
梁源、黃良喜 (2006)。 北京話的連上變調。 中國語文,2期,頁151-163。
梁源 (2005)。 信息結構和語序——對粵語易位句的語用分析。 中國語文,3期,頁239-253。
梁源 (2000)。 二字結構凝固度分級研究。 語言文字應用,2期,頁21-33。

Conference Papers
梁源 (2024,6). 大灣區的語言生態:以深圳為例 [論文發表]。2024年國際中文教育海外高校協作機制研討會暨第二屆粵港澳高校漢語言教育研討會,深圳,中國。
梁源 (2024,6). 學習環境與個別差異對漢字學習的影響:來自越南漢語二語學習者的證據 [主題演講]。多元世界的華語言傳承國際研討會,香港。
梁源 (2023,12). 香港與越南的國際中文教育概況及人才培養 [論文發表]。第四屆世界華文教育機構交流大會暨一帶一路沿線地區推進國際中文教育研討會,香港。
梁源 (2023,9). 基於超語實踐理論的國際中文教學資源研究 [論文發表]。第二屆國際教育論壇 - 國際化與信息化時代的教師教育改革發展,廣州,中國。
梁源、武大真 (2023,9). 香港書面語語料庫的構建及應用 [論文發表]。粵港澳高校漢語言教育聯盟成立典禮暨第一屆粵港澳高校漢語教育論壇,香港。
梁源 (2023,7). 從超語角度探討教學媒介語與課堂師生互動的相互影響。第三屆國際漢語節教師研討會暨教育領導峰會,香港。
梁源 (2023,6). 香港非華語學生的語言接觸、學業自我概念與漢字書寫能力 [論文發表]。第八屆國際漢語教學研討會,美國。 https://tcsl8th.swarthmore.edu/#primary
梁源 (2023, March). 接觸誘導的語言新變體——以「深圳新粵語」為例 [論文發表]. 漢語語言接觸與類型研究國際會議, 香港. https://www.eduhk.hk/fhm/event/320
李尚妍、梁源和李欣欣 (2022,12). 漢語二語初學者漢字書寫策略初探:以越南某大學二年級學生為例 [論文發表]。首屆漢字教學與研究學術研討會,北京,中國。
梁源 (2022,12). 二語學習者的漢字筆順錯誤及影響。第七屆國際漢語教學研討會,香港。 https://www.eduhk.hk/tcsl_7/index.php
梁源、楊蘭和李欣欣 (2022,12). 評估香港非華語學生的中文學習需求:個體差異與漢字書寫表現 [論文發表]。第七屆國際漢語教學研討會,香港。 https://www.eduhk.hk/tcsl_7/view.php?secid=54526&u=u
梁源、楊若曉和李欣欣 (2022,10). 漢語一語和二語漢字初學者的書寫偏誤比較 [論文發表]。第十三屆亞太地區國際漢語教學學會年會,越南。
Han, Aiding & Yuan Liang (2021, July). Effects of Pinyin Orthography on Chinese sound Acquisition among CSL learners。. The Sixth International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language., National Kaosiung Normal University, Kaosiung, Tai.
梁源 (2021,5). 漢字在漢語教學中的地位——理論、實踐與示例。國際中文教育名家學者聯合講座/國際中文教育公益大講堂系列講座,北京語言大學漢語國際教育研究院,中國。
Ye, Lijing, Lan Yang, & Yuan Liang (2020, December). Gender differences in Vietnamese university students’ motivation and strategies of Chinese character writing. Paper presented at International Conference on Gender
梁源 (2020,6). 漢字學與漢字教學,6月11日。中國語言學系、中國語言及中文教育研究中心,香港教育大學,Hong Kong。
Ye, Lijing & Yuan Liang (2019, December). Learning strategies for writing Chinese characters by CSL students in international schools.. The 7th International School Chinese Language Education Conference and Workshop (ISCLE 7). 16-18 December, Melbourne: Wesley College.
梁源 (2019,11). 語音關聯對漢字書寫的作用——對漢語二语学习者书写偏误及學習策略的分析,11月7日。Centre for Chinese Linguistics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.,Hong Kong。
葉麗靜,梁源 (2019,7). 傳承語學習者漢語學習策略初探——以意大利為例。第五屆國際漢語教學研討會,7月26-27日,香港教育大學,香港。
梁源 (2019,5). 學童語音意識的發展與漢語拼音教學。語言學與閱讀工作坊,5月25-28日,北京大學,北京。
梁源 (2019,4). 語音關聯對漢字書寫的作用——試比較一語與二語學習者。The 27th Conference on Chinese Language Instruction. Princeton University. 26-27 April.,美國。
Liang, Yuan & Lian Hee Wee (2018, June). Melodic-Prosodic Duality of the Syllable: an Application to Chinese. The 1st International Symposium on Frontiers of Chinese Linguistics (SFCL-1). 8-9 June, Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong.
梁源、孫正樑 (2018,5). 二語學習者漢字書寫發展的語音效應與學習策略。第四屆國際漢語教學研討會,5月31日,台北:國立台灣師範大學。
梁源 (2018,1). 漢字書寫發展中的字音作用——對漢語二語學習者的探討。第八届汉字与汉字教育国际研讨会, 1月 16-19日,日本:草津。
梁源 (2017,12). 新語言生態下的東莞粵語陰平調。第二十二屆國際粵方言研討會,12月8-9日,香港教育大學,香港。
梁源、余飛霞、方玫 (2017, October). The Development of Chinese Writing: An Analysis on Writing Error and Orthographic Awareness of non-native speakers (漢字書寫的習得發展——對漢語二語學習者書寫偏誤與正字法意識的分析). The Third International Forum on Linguistics and Chinese Education (IFOLACE-3). 14-16 Oct. 2017. Princeton University and the University of Notre Dame, USA.
梁源 (2017,6). 漢語二語學習者的漢字書寫偏誤。第三屆國際漢語教學研討會,6月24日,香港:香港教育大學。
梁源 (2017,5). 從書寫偏誤看漢語二語學習者的漢字習得。特邀演講,5月21日,廣州:暨南大學。
梁源 (2016,12). 漢字習得順序探析——對比二語學生與一語學生的書寫錯誤,主題演講。2016年僑生教育國際研討會,12月9日,台灣:台灣師範大學。
梁源 (2016,11). 漢語二語學習者的漢字發展。漢語兒童讀寫能力發展專題研討會,11月25-27日,深圳:深圳大學。
Lau, D.K-Y., Leung, M-T. & Liang, Yuan. (2016, June). Developmental Dyslexia without Dysgraphia in Chinse: A case study. ICPLA conference 2016. June 15-18, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada..
Lau, D.K-Y., Liang, Yuan, & Leung, M-T. (2016, June). Awareness of morph-syntactic structure in Chinese compound words among school-aged children. ICPLA conference 2016. June 15-18., Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.
梁源 (2016,5). 漢語二語教學詞表與主題課程初探。第二屆國際漢語教學研討會——國際文憑課程(IB)理念與語言教學,5月28日,香港:香港教育大學。
梁源 (2015,12). 再探討廣州話聲母n-/l-不分。第二十屆國際粵方言研討會,12月11-12日,香港:香港中文大學。
陳明君、梁源、葛曉琳 (2015,12). 漢語非母語教學詞表的研製與應用。第三屆國際學校華語教學研討會暨工作坊. 12月3-5日,香港:香港大學。
梁源 (2015,10). 粵語聲調演變的心理機制。第三屆中國語文青年學者沙龍. 10月20-23日,中國長沙:湖南師範大學。
Lau, D.K-Y. & Liang, Yuan (2015, August). Awareness of morph-syntactic structures in Chinese compound words among school-aged children. The 23th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL23). August 26-28., Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea.
梁源、胡建慧 (2015,5). 多重語體下的母語方言不完全習得與語音變異——以深圳為例。中國語言研究與教學學術研討會,5月9日,香港:香港教育學院。
梁源 (2014,11). 粵語聲調演變機制初探——香港話與廣州話聲調混同的對比。海外漢語方言暨世界漢語教育史國際學術研討會,11月14日-18日, 深圳大學,中國。
梁源 (2014,11). 釋粵語聲調演變機制初探。論文發表於「“海外漢語方言暨世界漢語教育史”國際學術研討會」
D.K-Y. Lau, M.T. Leung, & Y. Liang (2014, October). The use of sub-character units in writing Chinese characters. The 15th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL 2014). October 24-26 2014. Korea University, Seoul, Korea.
梁源、黃良喜 (2014,8). 語言調查中發音人的選擇與代表性問題。第三屆中國地理語言學國際學術研討會,8月7日-10日,暨南大學,中國。
Lau, D.K-Y., Leung, M-T., & Liang Yuan (2014, June). Can Pinyin knowledge facilitate Chinese literacy development?. 15th ICPLA Conference. June 11-13, 2014. Stockholms University., Sweden.
Leung, M-T, Lau, D.K-Y., Liang Yuan, Li Zhou & Wen, Huiying (2014, June). A study of writing development: from the perspective of orthographic units of different grain sizes. 15th ICPLA Conference. June 11-13, 2014. Stockholms University, Sweden.
梁源 (2014,6). 漢字結構與學童早期書寫發展對語文教育的啟示。「中國及國際華語文的教育研究發展趨勢與學術研究學刊的創刊」圓桌會議,6月21日,香港教育學院,香港。
梁源 (2014,5). 漢字結構對學童早期書寫發展的影響。2013-14年度香港教育學院中國語言學系語言組學術研討會,2014年5月30日,香港教育學院,香港。
梁源 (2013,11). 拼音知識與漢字識別的關係。現代漢語研究之回顧與展望工作坊,2013年11月23日,香港教育學院,香港。
Lau, D.K-Y., Leung, M-T., & Liang, Y. (2013, July). Does Pinyin knowledge promote Chinese reading development. Paper presented in 50th Anniversary of Chinese University of Hong Kong & 20th Anniversary of SSSR. 10-13 July 2013. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Liang, Y., Leung, M-T., & Lau, D.K-Y. (2013, January). The Shenzhen Test of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing. 漢語兒童讀寫能力及相關認知發展工作坊. 1-2 January 2013. Shenzhen University, China, 中國.
梁源、吳育珊 (2012,11). 語言演化中的語音變異與詞項借用——以深圳新粵語為例。2012演化語言學國際研討會,2012年11月9日至11日,北京大學,中國。
梁源、鄧俊清、歐偉民 (2012,5). 漢語二語教學網路平臺的交互評價。第七屆國際漢語電腦教學研討會,2012年5月25日至27日,夏威夷大學,美國。
梁源、鄧俊清 (2012,3). 網路教育的關鍵:交互與評價。國際教育聯盟2012中國分會會議,2012年3月2日至4日,深圳,中國。
梁源、鄧俊清 (2011,5). 漢語二語網路教學平臺評價體系的構建方法。第十五屆全球華人電腦教育應用大會 (GCCCE 2011),2011年5月29日至31日,浙江大學,中國。
梁源、黃良喜 (2011,3). 再探討漢語實詞的句法類別不定。高名凱先生學術思想研討會,2011年3月26日至27日,北京大學,中國。
梁源、吳育珊 (2010,12). 從語言格局看深圳粵語音系。第十五屆國際粵方言學術研討會,2010年12月13日至15日,澳門理工學院,澳門。
梁源、陳明君 (2010,12). 對外漢語課堂教學互動分析。第三屆中青年學者漢語教學國際學術研討會,2010年12月28日至29日,北京大學,中國。
梁源、陳明君 (2009,12). 漢語同步聽力訓練的設計。第九屆世界華語文教學研討會,2009年12月25日至28日,台灣。
梁源、黃素雯 (2009,10). 中小學生對外漢語課外讀物探究。漢語國際教育“三教”問題學術研討會,2009年10月23日至26日,杭州師範大學、北京語言大學,中國。
梁源 (2009,7). 非漢語環境下的漢語聽力訓練。中文電化教學專題研討會,2009年7月9日至10日,Université de La Rochelle,France。


Unpacking the Mutual Influence of Bai and Putonghua among Dali Bilinguals

Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): LIANG, Yuan

Multilingualism/multiglossia in GBA: From Theory to Practice
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) has a long history of using various languages and dialects. The well-known language policy of “biliterate trilingualism” (in Hong Kong) and “three written languages and four spoken languages” (in Macau) shows the tip of the iceberg of the complexity of language and culture fusing and blending here. Following China economic reforms in the 1980s in tandem with the increase of population mobility, more and more regions in GBA have become multilingual/multiglossia communities in which the prominent linguistic hierarchy influences language society and education in all aspects. GBA thus provides an ideal research data culture dish on the research topic of multilingualism/multiglossia and its impact.This proposed project is built upon EdUHK’s longstanding conviction in a holistic approach and collaboration in GBA. A number of initiatives and projects at the University testify to this conviction, such as introducing the GBA curriculum to deepen students’ understanding of GBA through language tours and establishing the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau University Alliance for Chinese Language Education. Centring on studies of multilingualism/multiglossia in GBA, this project will further develop and consolidate the leading role of the Department of Chinese Language Studies (CHL) in Chinese linguistics and Chinese language education by initialising a program of research (including a large-scale survey, symposium and journal special issues, etc.), training workshops, new academic course and programme, and international networking. From a theoretical perspective, by taking the GBA as the entry point, it aims to promote theoretical development and innovation in multilingualism/multiglossia research and seek high-level collaboration with researchers in GBA and beyond. From a practical point of view, it will apply the theoretical findings of multilingualism/multiglossia research to language education so as to promote educational innovation and reform.
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): LIANG, Yuan, ERNI, John N,, LEE, Chi Kin, John

Uncovering Relationship between Strategy Use and Chinese Character Writing Performance among L2 Learners in Local and Foreign Contexts: A Cross-lagged panel Analysis
Using a cross-lagged panel design, this study investigates the concurrent and prospective effect of strategy use on Chinese character handwriting performance through two groups of adolescent L2 beginners: non-Chinese ethnic students from local schools in Hong Kong (CSL learners) and students from Vietnam (CFL learners). Quantitative and qualitative analyses are conducted on two sets of longitudinal data, in order to: (i) evaluate the significant effectiveness of strategy use on CCW performance among CSL and CFL students concurrently and overtime; (ii) examine whether the bidirectional relationship of strategy use and CCW performance vary between CSL and CFL; and (iii) depict how context affects the relationship of learning strategies and CCW development among L2 learners.
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): LIANG, Yuan 梁源

Constructing a CSL Learner Corpus for Character-writing Error
This project aims to construct a CSL learner corpus for character-writing errors which will be made reachable as an online resource for researchers and educators in the field of teaching Chinese as a second language (TCSL). Based on this corpus, five sets of teaching materials for CSL students learning Chinese character handwriting (CCW) will be developed.
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): LIANG, Yuan 梁源

Study on Transition of Chinese Language Learning and Teaching of Non-Chinese Speaking Children from Kindergarten Education to Primary Education
This project investigate how kindergartens, primary schools and student parents assist non-Chinese speaking (NCS) children to develop their Chinese abilities from the perspective of transitioning from kindergarten education to primary education.
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): LIANG, Yuan 梁源

Towards a Sustainable Research Network by Strengthening Inter-institutional Collaborations with Renowned Regional Academia
This project aims to contribute to the sustainable reinforcement and expansion of the strategic research network of the Center for Research on Chinese Language and Education.
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): LIANG, Yuan 梁源, ZHU, Qingzhi 朱慶之

Impact of Phonological Correlations on Writing of Chinese Ideographs by L2 Learners
This project aims to explore the phonological correlations as an impact on Chinese-character writing by students who learn Chinese as a second language.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): LIANG, Yuan 梁源

Improving and Enriching the Practice of Teaching Chinese Characters for CSL Teachers in Vietnam
This project proposes a framework of integrating orthographic knowledge with the culture embodied in the formation of Chinese characters to improve and enrich the practice of teaching Chinese characters for CSL teachers in Vietnam, informing Chinese textbook writers as an aid in the creation of a fuller curriculum.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): LIANG, Yuan 梁源

Building an International Hub for Chinese Language Learning: Incorporating IB Philosophy and Pedagogy into L1 and L2
This project aims at investigating the incorporation of IB philosophy and pedagogy into the Chinese language learning (L1 and L2). There are generally two purposes of this project: to enrich and improve the overall research quality in Chinese L1 and L2 learning and develop CHL into an international teaching and research hub in Asi; and to establish collaboration with world well-known researchers and research centers in order to play a role in the global research arena.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): SI, Chung Mou 施仲謀 (LIANG, Yuan 梁源 as Co-Principal Investigator)

The Writing Development among Nonnative Learners of Chinese
This project explores the developmental sequence of Chinese writing through error analysis of different level students from various foreign countries, and testifies the Grain Size Theory of Chinese character.
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): LIANG, Yuan 梁源

Curriculum Design and the Teaching of Classical Chinese Texts in Secondary Schools in Hong Kong
Through a general overview of the existing curricula, this project aims to provide suggestions and recommendations on the subject knowledge and competence structures of classical Chinese for local secondary schools, thereby proceeding to design and develop a feasible and efficient classical Chinese school-based curriculum and e-learning platform for frontline teachers to share their teaching materials, lesson plans and videos.
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, Lin Hong 張連航 (LIANG, Yuan 梁源 as Co-Investigator)

Yue-Putonghua Tone Database in Five Guangdong Localities: Inter- and Intra-dialectal Variation
This project is the pilot study of the proposed GRF application in 2015/16 with the aim to construct a tonal corpus through the collection of recording of Cantonese spoken by speakers of Dongguan dialect in Guangdong as well as Putonghua tones corresponding to these speakers. Result of this research explicate the implication of how the language ecology impacts on the development of linguisitc properties of a lingua franca (such as Putonghua).
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): LIANG, Yuan 梁源

The patterns of tone merging in Hong Kong Cantonese
This project aims to conduct a comprehensive and exhaustive examination in both production and perception of tone merging in Hong Kong Cantonese, and further to figure out the patterns of such change.
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): LIANG, Yuan 梁源

多重語體格局下的母語習得與變異——以深圳為例 (Acquisiton and Variation of Dialects in multiglossic environment--Case study of Shenzhen)
The project attempts to figure out factors that affect language acquisition and variation by investigating language performance of teenagers in nine aboriginal families and nine migrant familied in Shenzhen.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): LIANG, Yuan 梁源

Study of tone merging in Guangzhou Cantonese
This project aims to examine both production and perception of tone mergers in Guangzhou Cantonese through a careful construction of fundamental frequency of all tone types in this language.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): LIANG, Yuan 梁源

Illuminating the Structure of Syllable through Experimentation Using the Play Language (Verlan)
This project studies the internal structure of syllable with particular reference to Cantonese speakers of English to explore how extra elements are represented in the Cantonese speakers’ mental phonological system when their pronunciations are not transliterations through experiments using a specific play language knows as Verlan.
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): WEE, Lian Hee (LIANG, Yuan 梁源 as Co-Investigator)