Prof HUNG, Keung    洪強 教授
Department of Cultural and Creative Arts
(852) 2948 7068
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests

Keywords : Motion & Information Graphic  // Interactive & Digital Moving Images // Visualisation Skill & Information Graphic // New Media Art Research, Theory & Practice

Dr. HUNG’s creative practice involves working and researching across a range of media, including interactive performance, moving images, photography, experimental ink painting, installation and writing, etc. Alongside his individual practice and research he also leads a research lab ‘ imhk lab’ focus on new media art and design practice in research relation to Chinese philosophy and interactivity, which began in 2005.
 洪 強 博士從1995年起,一直熱情於實驗短片及錄像創作、新媒體藝術和中國哲學及美學方面的研究。2005年,他成立了「燕老米的雅實驗室」(imhk lab),從事新媒體藝術研究及有關互動軟件藝術研發與應用工作。近年作品多集中討論以哲學,山,水,墨,時,空的概念切入錄像及互動藝術所呈現之可能性。


Teaching Interests

Keywords : Experimental Drawing & Sketches //  Visualisation Skill & Information Graphic // New Media Art Research,  Theory & Practice // Digital Media & Technology Production // Time Based Media ( Interactive & Moving images ) Application // 



External Appointments

2017 Chairperson
College Internal Validation Panel (CPVP)
The Hong Kong College of Technology

2015 Adjudicator
2016年澳門視覺藝術年展, 澳門 文化局
2016 Macau Annual Art Exhibition

2015-2016 Advisor
顧問: 香港短片新里程
Short Film Festival Participation Subsidy
Hong Kong Art Centre, Create HK

2015 External Program Advisor
Higher Diploma: Apply and Media Art
Hong Kong Art School

2016 Assessor
2016 “文化活動/項目資助計劃”
澳門 文化局 – 文化活動廳

2015-16 Curator
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Culture Promotion Committee

2015 Supervisor/ Advisor
Supervision of MA Graduation Project CUHK
Master of Arts (Studio) , The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

2014 – 2016 Expert Advisor
專家顧問: 香港藝術館
Hong Kong Museum of Art, HKSAR

2014 – now       Advisory  Committee
委員: 優秀人才入境計劃
Advisory Committee of the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS)
入境事務處, 香港特別行政區 Immigration Department, HKSAR
([行政長官委任] By Chief Executive of Hong Kong invitation and appointment)

2014/15 Advisor
香港美術教育協會 Hong Kong Society for Education in Art (HKSEA)

2014 – now       Committee Member
委員: 香港理工大學文化推廣委員會
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Culture Promotion Committee

2014 Adviser
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Hong Kong

2014 評審
xinyidai! an international university students exchange exhibition
Hong Kong Open Printshop

2013/14 評審
亞洲文化協會, 香港
Asian Cultural Council, Hong Kong

2014 – 2016 Committee Member
大會執行委員: 香港藝術發展局
Hong Kong Art Development Council, HKSAR
([行政長官委任] By Chief Executive of Hong Kong invitation and appointment)

2012 – 2014 Expert Advisor
專家顧問: 香港藝術館
Hong Kong Museum of Art, HKSAR

2014-16 Chair of the panel
評審主席: 多項計劃資助
Multiple Project Grand
香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Art Development Council, HKSAR

2011-2012 Chair of the panel
評審主席: 年度最佳藝術家獎 (媒體藝術)
Award for Best Artist (Media Arts)
香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Art Development Council, HKSAR

2011-2012 Chair of the panel
評審主席: 傑出青年藝術獎 (媒體藝術)
Chair of the panel: Award for Outstanding Young Artist(Media Arts)
香港藝術發展獎 Hong Kong Arts Development Awards

2014 External Advisor
澳門理工學院 Macao Polytechnic Institute

2013/2014 Guest
校園藝大使, 校園藝術計劃大使, 香港藝術發展局
Hong Kong Art Development Council

2014 Guest Speaker
The Master of Visual Arts (MVA) programme
The Academy of Visual Arts (AVA), Hong Kong Baptist University
藝術碩士課程,視覺藝術院, 香港浸會大學

2012-2013 Expert Adviser
The Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme
顧問: 藝能發展資助計劃: 民政事務局
Home Affairs Bureau, HKSAR

2011-2013 Advisor
顧問: 香港短片新里程
Short Film Festival Participation Subsidy
Hong Kong Art Centre, Create HK

2011-2013 Member of Consultation Panel
諮詢會成員: 西九文化區管理局
Board of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, HKSAR
([行政長官委任] By Chief Executive of Hong Kong invitation and appointment)

2011-2013 Member of  ICT Strategic Subcommittee
資訊科技策略會成員: 西九文化區管理局
Board of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, HKSAR
([行政長官委任] By Chief Executive of Hong Kong invitation and appointment)

2008 – 2014 HKCAAVQ Specialist
評審局專家: 香港學術及職業資歷評審局
Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), HKSAR

2010 評審
亞洲文化協會, 香港
Asian Cultural Council, Hong Kong

2013 Guest Speaker
The Master of Visual Arts (MVA) programme
The Academy of Visual Arts (AVA), Hong Kong Baptist University

2010-2012 Committee Member
大會執行委員: 香港設計師協會
Hong Kong Designers Association, H.K.

2010 – 2013 Committee Member
大會執行委員: 香港藝術發展局
Hong Kong Art Development Council, HKSAR
([行政長官委任] By Chief Executive of Hong Kong invitation and appointment)

2010 – 2013 Committee Member of Strategy Committee
大會委員: 策略委員會: 香港藝術發展局
Hong Kong Art Development Council, HKSAR

2010 – 2013 Vice-Chairman of Film & Media Arts Group
副主席: 電影及媒體藝術組: 香港藝術發展局
Hong Kong Art Development Council, HKSAR

2006-2010 Arts Advisor of Film & Media Arts
藝術界別顧問: 電影及媒體藝術: 香港藝術發展局
Hong Kong Art Development Council, HKSAR

2009-2011 Setter (Exam Paper)
Hong Kong A’Level Examinations (Visual Arts Paper 5)
Hong Kong Examination of Authority, HKSAR

2006-2010 Assessor and Moderator
Hong Kong HKCEE & A’Level Examinations
Hong Kong Examination of Authority, HKSAR

2005-2009 Committee Member
委員: 香港理工大學文化推廣委員會
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Culture Promotion Committee

2005-2010 External Examiner
1. School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong
2. The Department of Fine Arts, The Hong Kong Chinese University
3. Department of Design, Macau Polytechnic
4. Department of Art and Technology Studies, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

2005-2006 External Advisor
Higher Diploma in Commercial Design of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies (CUSCS), The Hong Kong Chinese University, H.K.

1999-2001 Vice Chairman of Videotage, H.K.

Personal Profile

洪 強 博士 先後獲香港理工太古設計學院設計文憑、香港中文大學藝術系學士、英國倫敦中央聖馬丁藝術及設計研究院碩士(主修: 錄像及電影藝術)、瑞士蘇黎世藝術大學哲學 暨 英國普利茅斯大學 哲學博士。曾任德國新媒體重鎮卡爾斯魯厄 (Karlsruhe) 藝術與媒體研究中心 ZKM (Center for Art and Media ) 訪問學人(01-02) 。自1995年起,一直熱衷於實驗短片及錄像創作、新媒體藝術和中國哲學及美學方面的研究。洪博士亦為 '德國學術交流獎學金'  [DAAD Scholarship] 及 '亞洲文化協會' 捷成漢伉儷獎助金 [Desiree and Hans Michael Jebsen Fellowship, Asian Cultural Council (ACC)] 得主。2005年,成立「燕老米的雅實驗室」(imhk lab),從事新媒體藝術研究及有關互動軟件藝術研發與應用工作。近年作品多集中討論以哲學、山、水、墨、時、空的概念切入錄像及互動藝術所呈現之可能性。

Dr. HUNG Keung is an internationally renowned digital media artist, researcher, scholar and designer, who has been involved in the creative and research aspects of film, video and digital new media art around the world since 1995. HUNG graduated from the Swire School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (92); Chinese University of Hong Kong (95) and Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design, London, the United Kingdom (98) with an MA in Film and Video, and finished his Ph.D. from the Planetary Collegium [1], Zurich University of the Arts, Zurich, Switzerland and University of Plymouth, the United Kingdom (14) respectively in the areas of experiential and theoretical research to explore the digital media, design and interactive art at the turn of the century, and proceeded to develop the technological and conceptual aspects of his series of creative practices, as well as creativity education for design and artistic disciplines.

HUNG’s earlier creative research projects focus on exploring human limitations. Through interactive and moving digital images, the artist ventures into extending these limitations with the use of digital media technology. In his latest creative research projects, he further re-appropriates and enquires on the intricate relationships among Chinese philosophy of Dao, the concept of ‘Yellow Box’, viewers and digital moving images. On the academic front, he has always been interested in applying innovative concepts on learning & teaching as well as academic researches.

In the area of scholarly and innovative activities, HUNG’s PhD research focuses on re-appropriating Chinese art in the context of digital media through theoretical development and creative practice. He has published and exhibited a number of significant academic research papers, posters and creative and experimental research projects in various significant international refereed journals, exhibitions, biennial and international conferences for the aforesaid knowledge domains.

HUNG is regarded as the first Chinese artist and director to win these two international awards and four of his video works were selected to take part in the BBC Short Film Festival at the same year. Last but not least, HUNG Keung was the second-prize winner at Computer Graphics International 2001, and the first Chinese artist to receive the ‘Special Mention Interactive CD-ROM Award’, presented by the International New Media Arts Festival in Greece (01) and ‘Special Award for New Media’ in Croatia (02). In Hong Kong, regarding his earlier experimental film and video works, the Hong Kong Independent Short Film & Video Awards between 1998 and 1999 presented him with the Gold Award, the Special Award (in the category of video), and the Distinguished Award, among others. In addition, in recognition of his outstanding creative achievements in new media art, Hong Kong Art Development Council (HKADC) presented HUNG with the 2010 Award for Best Artist (Media Arts), HKADC presented him with the 2008 Award for Outstanding Young Artist (Media Arts), the Hong Kong Museum of Art presented him with the 2009 Achievement Award (2009), and the Hong Kong Museum of Art’s 2001 Hong Kong Art Biennial presented HUNG with the Prize of Excellence.

[1] The Collegium was awarded The World Universities Forum Award for Best Practice in Higher Education 2011. Within a transcultural, transdisciplinary perspective, the Planetary Collegium is concerned with the advancement of emergent forms of art and architecture, in the context of telematic, interactive and technoetic media, and their integration with science, technology, and consciousness research. The Collegium’s hub (CAiiA-Hub) is located in the School of Art and Media, with nodes in Kefalonia, Lucerne, Trento, and Zurich. Founded by Professor Roy Ascott.

Research Interests

Keywords : Motion & Information Graphic  // Interactive & Digital Moving Images // Visualisation Skill & Information Graphic // New Media Art Research, Theory & Practice

Dr. HUNG’s creative practice involves working and researching across a range of media, including interactive performance, moving images, photography, experimental ink painting, installation and writing, etc. Alongside his individual practice and research he also leads a research lab ‘ imhk lab’ focus on new media art and design practice in research relation to Chinese philosophy and interactivity, which began in 2005.
 洪 強 博士從1995年起,一直熱情於實驗短片及錄像創作、新媒體藝術和中國哲學及美學方面的研究。2005年,他成立了「燕老米的雅實驗室」(imhk lab),從事新媒體藝術研究及有關互動軟件藝術研發與應用工作。近年作品多集中討論以哲學,山,水,墨,時,空的概念切入錄像及互動藝術所呈現之可能性。


Teaching Interests

Keywords : Experimental Drawing & Sketches //  Visualisation Skill & Information Graphic // New Media Art Research,  Theory & Practice // Digital Media & Technology Production // Time Based Media ( Interactive & Moving images ) Application // 



External Appointments

2017 Chairperson
College Internal Validation Panel (CPVP)
The Hong Kong College of Technology

2015 Adjudicator
2016年澳門視覺藝術年展, 澳門 文化局
2016 Macau Annual Art Exhibition

2015-2016 Advisor
顧問: 香港短片新里程
Short Film Festival Participation Subsidy
Hong Kong Art Centre, Create HK

2015 External Program Advisor
Higher Diploma: Apply and Media Art
Hong Kong Art School

2016 Assessor
2016 “文化活動/項目資助計劃”
澳門 文化局 – 文化活動廳

2015-16 Curator
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Culture Promotion Committee

2015 Supervisor/ Advisor
Supervision of MA Graduation Project CUHK
Master of Arts (Studio) , The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

2014 – 2016 Expert Advisor
專家顧問: 香港藝術館
Hong Kong Museum of Art, HKSAR

2014 – now       Advisory  Committee
委員: 優秀人才入境計劃
Advisory Committee of the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS)
入境事務處, 香港特別行政區 Immigration Department, HKSAR
([行政長官委任] By Chief Executive of Hong Kong invitation and appointment)

2014/15 Advisor
香港美術教育協會 Hong Kong Society for Education in Art (HKSEA)

2014 – now       Committee Member
委員: 香港理工大學文化推廣委員會
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Culture Promotion Committee

2014 Adviser
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Hong Kong

2014 評審
xinyidai! an international university students exchange exhibition
Hong Kong Open Printshop

2013/14 評審
亞洲文化協會, 香港
Asian Cultural Council, Hong Kong

2014 – 2016 Committee Member
大會執行委員: 香港藝術發展局
Hong Kong Art Development Council, HKSAR
([行政長官委任] By Chief Executive of Hong Kong invitation and appointment)

2012 – 2014 Expert Advisor
專家顧問: 香港藝術館
Hong Kong Museum of Art, HKSAR

2014-16 Chair of the panel
評審主席: 多項計劃資助
Multiple Project Grand
香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Art Development Council, HKSAR

2011-2012 Chair of the panel
評審主席: 年度最佳藝術家獎 (媒體藝術)
Award for Best Artist (Media Arts)
香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Art Development Council, HKSAR

2011-2012 Chair of the panel
評審主席: 傑出青年藝術獎 (媒體藝術)
Chair of the panel: Award for Outstanding Young Artist(Media Arts)
香港藝術發展獎 Hong Kong Arts Development Awards

2014 External Advisor
澳門理工學院 Macao Polytechnic Institute

2013/2014 Guest
校園藝大使, 校園藝術計劃大使, 香港藝術發展局
Hong Kong Art Development Council

2014 Guest Speaker
The Master of Visual Arts (MVA) programme
The Academy of Visual Arts (AVA), Hong Kong Baptist University
藝術碩士課程,視覺藝術院, 香港浸會大學

2012-2013 Expert Adviser
The Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme
顧問: 藝能發展資助計劃: 民政事務局
Home Affairs Bureau, HKSAR

2011-2013 Advisor
顧問: 香港短片新里程
Short Film Festival Participation Subsidy
Hong Kong Art Centre, Create HK

2011-2013 Member of Consultation Panel
諮詢會成員: 西九文化區管理局
Board of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, HKSAR
([行政長官委任] By Chief Executive of Hong Kong invitation and appointment)

2011-2013 Member of  ICT Strategic Subcommittee
資訊科技策略會成員: 西九文化區管理局
Board of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, HKSAR
([行政長官委任] By Chief Executive of Hong Kong invitation and appointment)

2008 – 2014 HKCAAVQ Specialist
評審局專家: 香港學術及職業資歷評審局
Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), HKSAR

2010 評審
亞洲文化協會, 香港
Asian Cultural Council, Hong Kong

2013 Guest Speaker
The Master of Visual Arts (MVA) programme
The Academy of Visual Arts (AVA), Hong Kong Baptist University

2010-2012 Committee Member
大會執行委員: 香港設計師協會
Hong Kong Designers Association, H.K.

2010 – 2013 Committee Member
大會執行委員: 香港藝術發展局
Hong Kong Art Development Council, HKSAR
([行政長官委任] By Chief Executive of Hong Kong invitation and appointment)

2010 – 2013 Committee Member of Strategy Committee
大會委員: 策略委員會: 香港藝術發展局
Hong Kong Art Development Council, HKSAR

2010 – 2013 Vice-Chairman of Film & Media Arts Group
副主席: 電影及媒體藝術組: 香港藝術發展局
Hong Kong Art Development Council, HKSAR

2006-2010 Arts Advisor of Film & Media Arts
藝術界別顧問: 電影及媒體藝術: 香港藝術發展局
Hong Kong Art Development Council, HKSAR

2009-2011 Setter (Exam Paper)
Hong Kong A’Level Examinations (Visual Arts Paper 5)
Hong Kong Examination of Authority, HKSAR

2006-2010 Assessor and Moderator
Hong Kong HKCEE & A’Level Examinations
Hong Kong Examination of Authority, HKSAR

2005-2009 Committee Member
委員: 香港理工大學文化推廣委員會
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Culture Promotion Committee

2005-2010 External Examiner
1. School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong
2. The Department of Fine Arts, The Hong Kong Chinese University
3. Department of Design, Macau Polytechnic
4. Department of Art and Technology Studies, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

2005-2006 External Advisor
Higher Diploma in Commercial Design of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies (CUSCS), The Hong Kong Chinese University, H.K.

1999-2001 Vice Chairman of Videotage, H.K.

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Research book or monograph (author)
HUNG. K. (2022). 《虛移中:見太極 從科技看新太極合體字之研究》, 香港教育大學
HUNG KEUNG (2021). A Series of Novel Tai Chi Learning Research Highlights. Hong Kong: HKEDU.
Chapter in an edited book (author)
Hung, K. (2020). Beginning But Not Ending. In Y.O. Tse (Ed.), Wonderful World of Color by Tse Yim On (12-19). Hong Kong: Sun Effort Limited.

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
HUNG KEUNG (2021). Portable interactive meditation mirror: A novel approach to mindfulness practice through art and technology. ARTECH 2021: 10th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts, Article 49., Article 49, 1-9.
Keung, H ( first author ) & Jean M. Ippolito ( second author ) (2017). Time-Space Alterations: A New Media Abstraction of Traditional Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Aesthetics. Leonardo Journal, NIL, 1-10.

Conference Papers
Invited conference paper
HUNG Keung (2024, November). Digital Puppetry: Novel Approach to Inspire and Educate Future Generations. The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2024), Japan.
HUNG Keung (2024, July). Enhancing Community Participation and Engagement Through an Artistic and Technological Integration. The European Conference on Arts & Humanities (ECAH2024), UK.
HUNG KEUNG (2022, June). Novel interactive + tactile + audible 3D Chinese characters for people with special needs: “An inclusive design and educational workshop. EDTECH Conference 2022-Inspiring & Emerging EDTECH in Special Education, Hong Kong.
HUNG KEUNG (2021, December). Future classrooms EdUHK2021. Future classrooms EdUHK2021 [Conference session]. International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2021, Hong Kong.
Kong, S.C, Hu, X, Hung, K., & Wong W. Y. P. (2021, December). Future Classrooms@EdUHK2021. International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2021, Hong Kong.
HUNG KEUNG (2021, October). Portable interactive meditation mirror: a novel approach to mindfulness practice through art and technology ARTECH 2021: 10th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts. Association for Computing Machinery New York, NY, United States, USA.
Hung, K. (2019, June). A New Learning Method for Inclusive Art: “Yellow Box” Theory for Contemporary Digital Media. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on the Arts in Society, Lisbon, Portugal.
Hung, K. (2019, May). The Transformation from Traditional Chinese Art Theory to Inclusive & Digital Media Art Education: Interactive Chinese Characters as a New Learning Method. Paper presented at the 2019 4th International Conference on Humanities Science and Society Development (ICHSSD 2019), Xiamen, China.
Hung, K. (2019, March). Machine Drives Creativity: Magnetic Pendulum Calligraphy Experiencing the loss of control and the chaos in the motion of Chinese Character ‘writing’. Paper presented at the Typography Day 2019, IDC School of Design, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India.
Hung, K. (2019, February). An Interactive & Animated Chinese Character Project as a New Learning Method for Inclusive Art Education. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (ICEASS) 2019, Singapore.
Hung, K. (2018, September). 'Control Freak': The Physical Act of Robotic Chinese Writing with the Emotional Acts Connected with Human 'Love'. Paper presented at the 1st International Media Conference (IMC) 2018, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Hung, K. (2018, September). From Tradition to New Media Practice in Research. Paper presented at the 1st International Media Conference (IMC) 2018, Surabaya, Indonesia.

Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies
Painting, sculpture, drawing, photograph
HUNG Keung (2022). Buddhas Series. Remaking History | ACC @ Art Basel Hong Kong 2022, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition, HK. Hong Kong: Art Basel Hong Kong.
HUNG, K. (2022). Bodhisattva Series 01, ACC 60th Anniversary Exhibition@Art Basel Hong Kong
HUNG Keung (2022). HUNG Keung Art. 2022 Asia Art Dialogue - China and South Korea Establish Diplomatic Relations 30th Anniversary: Special Projects: China15+Korea15: Nature and the Human, Busan, South Korea; Xiamen, China. South Korea and China
HUNG KEUNG (2021). Interactive Meditation Mirror. InnoCarnival 2021, Hong Kong Science Park, Hong Kong. Hong Kong: InnoCarnival 2021.
Hung, K. (2020). Portable Interactive Meditation Mirror [Experiential and Participatory Interactive Installation]. Exhibited at the 2020 International Innovation and Invention Competition (Taiwan), 2021 Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days (Switzerland) and The Education University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong). Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong.
Hung, K. (2020). The Moment [Novel Interactive Sculpture Art (Guard Booth) + Digital & Interactive Animation Display Panel x 5 sets]. Installed in the Clock Tower cum Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza. Hong Kong: Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong SAR.
Hung, K. (2020). Buddhas x 5 [Ink Painting]. Exhibited at disCONNECT LDN - Wall of Fame. Retrieved from London and Hong Kong: Schoeni Projects and HKwalls.
HUNG KEUNG (2019). “Bodhisattva” series. HUNG KEUNG, Alumni Art Exhibition of Fine Arts Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2019. Hong Kong: The Alumni Association of Fine Arts Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Hung, K. (2019). Bodhisattva Series [Ink Painting]. Alumni Art Exhibition of the Fine Arts Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2019. Hong Kong
Hung, K. (2019). Dao Give Birth To One [Relief Print: Woodcut]. Hong Kong Fine Print. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Open Printshop.
Hung, K. (2018). Bodhisattva Series [Ink Painting]. Alumni Art Exhibition of the Fine Arts Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2018. Hong Kong
Hung, K. (2018). Conciliation with Buddha in 6 minutes [Digital Print (Digital Clips from 6 min HD Video, Water on Rice Paper)]. The 2018 Sovereign Asian Art Prize Exhibition. Hong Kong: Sovereign Art Foundation.
Hung, K. (2017). Empty Envelope [Installation]. "Art as Cultural Observatory", Feature Exhibition Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong
Hung, K. (2017). Catharsis Series I-VI [Ink Painting]. Luminous Shadows. Beijing, China: Ink Studio.
Hung, K. (2017). Only Observation Market Observation: Envelope Observation: Audience Observation. Sparkle! Temperature of Communication. Hong Kong: Oi! and Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
Film, video
HUNG, K. (2024). Grain Rain 01 (Silkscreen printed in 7 colours on Somerset paper) & Grain Rain Series-Flower with Flying Text 01 (Digital video), Themes and Variations
, Alisan Fine Arts New York, USA.
HUNG, K. (2023). Heart Sutra × Grain Rain (Digital Installation with Moving Image and Sound), Lingnan Arts Biennale 2023: DIGITAL MATTER, Hong Kong
HUNG, K. (2023). Digital Puppet (Installation and Exhibition), detour: New Know How – Crafting Design Future, PMQ, Hong Kong
HUNG, K. (2023). Four Seasons: Extended Time Series (V.3), Hung Keung: Digital Media Art Installation (Solo Exhibition), Alisan Fine Arts, Hong Kong
HUNG, K. (2023). Four Seasons: Extended Time Series (2023), Light Play (Ink: 3D & New Media Art): INK ASIA 2023, Hong Kong
HUNG, K. (2023). Streetscapes 24360 Hong Kong : DAY & NIGHT (2023), Light Play (Ink: 3D & New Media Art): INK ASIA 2023, Hong Kong
HUNG, K., Chi Wing, LEE & Kennifstudio (2023). WORDS (Digital Video Installation), CREATIVE MOSAIC Exhibition, “Think Business, Think Hong Kong”@ Le Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France
HUNG, K (2023). Tranquility & Contemplation (video installation), The “Desire to Fly” Exhibition, AIRSIDE, Hong Kong
HUNG, K. (2023). Four Seasons: Falling Flowers+Drifting Clouds (V.2), Alisan Fine Arts, Art Basel, Hong Kong
HUNG, K. (2023). Grain Rain (Printmaking + NFT), Alisan Fine Arts, Art Basel, Hong Kong
HUNG, K. (2023). Grain Rain Series-Flower with Flying Text 01-03 (Digital video), HONG KONG POWER UP: Digital Art & Creatives Exhibition, Shenzhen Nanshan Museum, China
HUNG, K. (2023). It All Begins with a Word ( 2022 version), CCA Research Impact Enhancement Initiative, EdUHK, National Institute of Education (NTU) Singapore, Arts University Bournemouth, Royal College of Art , Homerton College(University of Cambridge), and University College London @ National Institute of Education (NIE) Art Gallery, Singapore.
HUNG, K. (2023). Grain Rain Series-Flower with Flying Text 01-03 (Digital video), A Culture and Arts Exhibition of HONG KONG POWER UP: 25 x 3: Art +Design +IP (Celebration Events for the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of HKSAR), Zhuhai Grand Theater, China
HUNG, K. (2022). Grain Rain (Printmaking + NFT), Digital Art Fair, Hong Kong
HUNG, K. (2023). It All Begins With a Word (Multi-screens Installation), Fine Art Asia, Hong Kong
HUNG, K. (2022). Dao Gives Birth to One: Interactive 3D digital art installation, Mookini Library, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, USA
HUNG, K. (2022). Streetscapes 24360 Hong Kong, Homeland in Transit, Switzerland
HUNG, K. (2022). Grain Rain 01-05 ( (NFT Video x 5). New Order – Age of Consent, SHOUT Contemporary, Hong Kong.
HUNG Keung (2022). Four Seasons ( 2022 Version ). Hong Kong
HUNG Keung (2022). Frog King Animation. Hong Kong: Fringe Club, Hong Kong.
HUNG Keung (2022). Han Art Animation. Hong Kong: Art Basel Hong Kong.
HUNG KEUNG (2022). Four Seasons. Macau: Macau Museum of Art, Macau.
HUNG Keung (2022). See the words as Tathagata. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Design Institute, Hong Kong.
HUNG KEUNG (2021). It All Begins With a Word ( 2021 version ) Installation. Hong Kong: LCSD.
HUNG KEUNG (2021). Everywhere (2021). Hong Kong: Alisan Fine Arts.
HUNG KEUNG (2019). To Where You Go (v0.4). Denver, USA Supernova Digital Animation Festival: Supernova Digital Animation Festival.
HUNG KEUNG (2019). Dao Series. Rome, Bishkek, Beijing: Zhongguancan Digital Culture Industry Alliance, Beijing Municipal Culture and Art Fund, the Art Development Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the Italian Cultural Association.
HUNG KEUNG (2019). Dao Series Video Installation. Beijing, China: Zhongguancan Digital Culture Industry Alliance.
HUNG KEUNG (2019). Four Seasons: Falling Flowers + Drifting Clouds. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong.
Hung, K. (2018). Four Season Series (In Time) [Video]. Screening at Hanzi Exhibition. Hong Kong: PMQ.
Hung, K. (2018). Eating Noodle [Video]. Screening at Screaming Books. Hong Kong: Galerie Ora-Ora.
Hung, K. (2018). I Love My Country's Sky [Video]. Screening at Screaming Books. Hong Kong: Galerie Ora-Ora.
Hung, K. (2018). Interactive Mouth [Video]. Screening at Screaming Books. Hong Kong: Galerie Ora-Ora.
Hung, K. (2018). LOVE II [Video]. Screening at Screaming Books. Hong Kong: Galerie Ora-Ora.
Hung, K. (2018). The New Camden Town (Ha Ha) [Video]. Screening at Screaming Books. Hong Kong: Galerie Ora-Ora.
Hung, K. (2018). Transmigration [Video]. Screening at Screaming Books. Hong Kong: Galerie Ora-Ora.
Hung, K. (2017). Upstairs / Downstairs [Video]. Screening at "Art as Cultural Observatory", Feature Exhibition Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong
Hung, K. (2017). Catharsis [Video]. Screening at Luminous Shadows. Beijing, China: Ink Studio.
Hung, K. (2017). Instant of Time [Video Installation]. Screening at Crossing Border | Border Crossing — International Festival of Intermedia 2017. Hong Kong: MOST (Museum Of Site).
Performance and participation in exhibits
HUNG, K. (2022). Control Freak ( V.02). By the People: Creative Chinese Characters, Hong Kong Museum of Art.
HUNG, K. (2022). Grain Rain 01-03 (Printmaking). New Order – Age of Consent, SHOUT Contemporary, Hong Kong.
HUNG Keung (2022). Visualizing The Universe Through Thousand Things. Grand Opening Exhibition: No Boundaries: Reinterpreting Palace Museum Culture, Hong Kong Palace Museum, Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Palace Museum, Hong Kong.
HUNG KEUNG (2021). On-site performances: Rosy view of words. New Vision Arts Festival 2021, Hong Kong Central Library, Hong Kong. Hong Kong: LCSD.
HUNG KEUNG (2021). On-site performances: Slow. New Vision Arts Festival 2021, Hong Kong Central Library, Hong Kong. Hong Kong: LCSD.
HUNG KEUNG (2021). On-site performances: Walk. New Vision Arts Festival 2021, Hong Kong Central Library, Hong Kong. Hong Kong: LCSD.
HUNG KEUNG (2021). Radicals: Interactive On-line Art Project. SPARK 2021, British Council, U.K. & HK: Online. UK & Hong Kong: British Council.
HUNG KEUNG (2021). Dream Our Rainbow. Nature Therapy, Wan Chai Pierside HarbourChill, Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Design Centre.
Hung, K. (2021). Cyber Dao: Dao Cyber [Video Art Installation]. Featured in HKSTP Experience Centre Art Tech Project Debut “MAN-MADE: The Convergence of Chinese Culture and Modern Technology". Hong Kong: Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation.
Hung, K. (2021). We are from NO where: We are to NO where (2021 version) [Video Installation: 30 mins loop]. Exhibited at Video Ensemble [2]021: A Room with A View (from Isolation). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
Hung, K. (2021). Human Being & Moving Images (2021 version) [Online Interactive Art Project]. Exhibited at Connecting the Dots. Retrieved from Hong Kong: Microwave International New Media Arts Festival.
Hung, K. (2021). Where To Go? Where To Come From? (V.4.0) [Video Installation]. Screening at the 7th edition of the Short Movie Club Film Festival "NEFILTRAVANAE KINO". Minsk, Belarus: The Short Movie Club.
Hung, K. (2020). Four Seasons: Falling Flowers + Drifting Clouds (6 screens version) [Video Art Installation]. Screening at Wild Imagination - Contemporary Ink Art in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao from 2000 to 2020. Guangdong, China: Guangdong Museum of Art.
Hung, K. (2020). Four Seasons: Falling Flowers + Drifting Clouds (6 screens version) [Video Art Installation]. Screening at the Tengyun Summit 2020 - Fluid Boundaries. Beijing, China: Tencent Social Research Centre, Tencent.
Hung, K. (2020). Upstairs & Downstairs [Large Scale Outdoor Poster]. Exhibited at Crossing Border | Border Crossing | International Festival of Intermedia 2020. Hong Kong: Museum of Site (MOST).
Hung, K. (2020). Bodhisattva - / Bodhisattva + / Bodhisattva Video Installation (2020 version). Exhibited at Drawing as the Core. Retrieved from Hong Kong: Hong Kong Arts Development Council and Hong Kong Baptist University.
Hung, K. (2020). It All Begins with a Word (Version I) [Interactive Multimedia Artwork]. Showcased at the ReNew Vision - New Vision Arts Festival. Retrieved from Hong Kong: Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong SAR.
Hung, K. (2020). We are from Nowhere (2020 version) [Video Installation: 15s loop]. Exhibited at "Another Day". Hong Kong: Contemporary by Angela Li.
Hung, K. (2019). Dao Gives Birth to One [Video Art]. Screening at the 2019 Contemporary China International Digital Art Exhibition. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: Zhongguancun Digital Cultural Industry Alliance and Union of Artists of Kyrgyzstan.
Hung, K. (2019). Dao Gives Birth to One [Video Art]. Screening at the 2019 Contemporary China International Digital Art Exhibition. Rome, Italy: Zhongguancun Digital Cultural Industry Alliance and ROMEXPO.
Hung, K. (2019). Four Seasons: Falling Flowers + Drifting Clouds [Video Art Installation] . Screening at the "Hong Kong Experience • Hong Kong Experiment" Exhibition. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of Art.
Hung, K. (2019). Dao Gives Birth to One [Video Art]. Screening at the 2019 Contemporary China International Digital Art Exhibition. Beijing, China: Zhongguancun Digital Cultural Industry Alliance.
Hung, K. (2019). Magic Behind The Moon [Interactive Lighting Installation]. The Mid-Autumn Lantern Carnivals 2019. Hong Kong: Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong SAR.
Hung, K. (2019). Dao [Video Art Installation]. Screening at Art West Lake The 2nd International Ink Wash Fair 2019. Hangzhou, China: Chinese Culture Promotion Society and Zhejiang Association of Cultural Industry.
Hung, K. (2018). XX Twin Cities [Digital Animation]. Screening at the 2018 Hong Kong-Shenzhen Design Twin-Cities Exhibition (The 3rd HK-SZ Design Biennale). Shenzhen, China: Shenzhen City of Design Promotion Association and Hong Kong Federation of Design Association.
洪強 (2018)。 道生一(系列三)[錄像裝置]。 虛異.京港澳#水墨新媒體@2018展覽。北京,中國: 炎黃藝術館。
Hung, K. (2018). Control Freak (ver.01) [Interactive Installation]. LOVE Long: Robert Indiana and Asia. Hong Kong
Hung, K. (2017). Circular Reflection [Participatory Installation and Experiential Performance]. Hong Kong: Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong SAR.
Hung, K. (2017). The Void. The Fulfilment. The Dream. [Multimedia Installation and Performance]. Lumieres Hong Kong's Festival. Hong Kong
Hung, K., Jiang, S.X., & Wong, S. (Anothermountainman) (2017). Junichi Arai Textile Anthology Exhibition. Hong Kong

Patents, Agreements, Assignments and Companies
Patents granted
Hung, Keung (2022). A Method for Facilitating Language Learning Using a Tactile-based Language Learning System [Patent Granted]. Hong Kong: Intellectual Property Department, HKSAR Government.
Hung, Keung (2022). An Interactive System and a Method for Assisting a User to Meditate Using the Interactive System [Patent Granted]. Hong Kong: Intellectual Property Department, HKSAR Government.

All Other Outputs
Other outputs
Hung, K. (2021). Online Presentation of Artworks and Discussion at ST[ART] AGAIN – Night of Ideas 2021 in Hong Kong. Hong Kong and France: Co-organized by Consulate General of France in Hong Kong & Macau and Hong Kong Museum of Art.
Hung, K. (2020). Opening Speech Delivered at Perceptual Intellectual: 2020 Virtual Forum of Hong Kong-Macao Visual Art Biennale. Macau: Jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China, Home Affairs Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and Secretariat for Social Affairs and Culture of the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region.
Hung, K. (2020). Conversation with Digital Art Master - Professor Jeffrey Shaw [8 episodes] Screening at Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao Digital Creative Design Exhibition. Retrieved from Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao: Shenzhen Innovation and Creative Design Development Office.


Novel Interactive and Audible 3D Chinese Characters for People with Special Needs: "An Inclusive Design and Educational Workshop"

Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): HUNG, Keung 洪強

A Novel and Playful Learning Toolkit: Tactile and Digital Interactive Platform for Mindfulness Practice

Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): HUNG, Keung 洪強

Designing a Novel Taichi Practice Experience by Integrating New Digital Typefaces Design and AR Technology
To transfer previous research results to a real learning and teaching platform through technology
advancement including: (i) animated 3D Chinese typeface, (ii) AR (augmented reality) 3D Chinese typeface;
and (iii) interactive vocal navigation (Chinese typeface);
• To further develop a brand new user-friendly and easy-to-memorize Chinese visual typeface system for Tai
Chi practitioners;
• To explore new design possibilities and varieties of formation in the new Chinese Tai Chi typeface system;
• To create novel interactive and immersive learning and teaching tool kits;
• To cultivate traditional Tai Chi values closer to youngsters (who may have already lost interest in and
connection to Tai Chi tradition) through up-to-date digital media technology; and
• To provide a win-win solution to: (i) narrow down barriers between the elderly and technological
development; and (ii) build connections between youngers and Tai Chi tradition through technology.

Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): HUNG, Keung 洪強

Tactile Calligraphy: Bringing Calligraphic Art to the Visually Impaired through Technology
This ‘Movable, Tactile and Vocal Chinese Characters System’ is a novel idea with 3D product based design which aim: to explore and expand the role of 3D Chinese characters as an art form and accessible communicative tool for the local visually impaired community through (1) touch & (2) sound.
to develop a set of new interactive and modular 3D character models with tactile sensors that can be assembled and played with, and by combining these with artificial intelligence assistive tools (in active discussion with Knowledge Transfer Office (EdUHK) on a potential patent filing);
to provide dynamic self- learning experiences not unlike that in museum self-guided audio tours, in which participants could learn at their own pace and explore content through touch, movement, and sound.

Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): HUNG, Keung 洪強

A New Tai Chi Chinese Typography System Handbook Practice: Printed and Digital Version
To create a new visual experience as a new learning and teaching platform through printed materials, for example, a user-friendly leaflet and post cards, as a learning toolkit, which allow Tai Chi practitioners (e.g. elderly) easily memorize visual Chinese typo system through animation and AR technology, in prints and apps application.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): HUNG, Keung 洪強

An Interactive Chinese Characters Learning Toolkit: 3D Design and Software Development
This KT project focuses on further transforming and developing the new knowledge generated from our
current research projects to the people with Visual Impairments (PVI) to general public. We attempt to
design a novel 3D Chinese Character Learning Models Toolkit including: (i) produce 20 set (40 pieces)
of 3D characters; (ii) 4 set of software-based interactive 3D characters system. New learning and
teaching toolkit development is one of the main factors of education progress in building the pedagogy

Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): HUNG, Keung 洪強

Portable Meditation with Novel Technology for New Practice
This research project targets to produce a novel portable meditation machine, allowing the public to have no difficult to encounter the value and the experience of learning meditation with no boundary. The result of this innovative product could be generated as new knowledge which could further transfer to certain solution as new teaching and learning methods to solve the difficulties regarding mediation learning and arise the learning interests in meditation for next generation. We suggest bringing a novel approach in experiencing mindfulness through mediation in the most easy and user-friendly way assists with art and innovative technology for the public in this digital era.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): HUNG, Keung 洪強

賽馬會與「文」同樂學習計劃: 探討「初小學童結合『實體教材』與『多媒體教材』學習中國語文,並由此帶動認識中華文化和培養品德情意」學習模式的發展歷程,其可行性和成效
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): FUNG, Chi Wang 馮志弘 (HUNG, Keung 洪強 as Co-Investigator)

"New Tai Chi Chinese Typography System" Through Digital Media Technology
This is a new research direction, aiming to create and execute a new Chinese typography reading & learning system in order to facilitate the memorisation process (learning & teaching) in Tai Chi (1) practice, (2) teaching & (3) learning, entitled “New Tai Chi Chinese Typography System” through digital media & technologies.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): HUNG, Keung 洪強

Prizes and awards

Gold Medal
Research Project title: Puppetry System: Connecting Young Generation and Cultural Heritage with Novel Technology SVIIF works to publicize state-of-the-art inventions around the world and provides a unique opportunity for inventors to not only commercialize their inventions but also the American market in the heart of the Silicon Valley.
Date of receipt: /7/2024, Conferred by: SVIIF 2024 (USA) Silicon Valley International Inventions Festival
Bronze Medal
The 49th International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva is a prestigious event that showcases groundbreaking inventions and innovative ideas. It provides a global platform for inventors and innovators to present their creations and connect with industry professionals and potential investors. Dr. HUNG Keung's digital puppet award project is a testament to the power of blending traditional art forms with modern technology. It showcases the potential for innovation and creativity within the realm of puppetry, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and inspiring future generations of artists and inventors. It showcases the artist's innovative approach to revitalizing an ancient art form, creating a mesmerizing and immersive experience for audiences. With its potential for applications in various fields, this project represents a significant step forward in the evolution of puppetry and has earned its place at the prestigious 49th International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva.
Date of receipt: /3/2024, Conferred by: The 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva
deTour 2023 Exhibition Project Grant
deTour is an annual design festival that celebrates creativity and demonstrates how the creative process can bring value to the design industry. Presented by PMQ and sponsored by the Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the event presents a variety of programs by engaging designers and creative communities in the city and overseas. deTour is a unique platform that seeks to inspire by featuring the latest creative expressions and innovative design, whilst fostering the exchange of ideas between emerging talents and established creative professionals. Dr. HUNG Keung's digital puppet project showcased at the deTour 2023 exhibition is a remarkable fusion of traditional puppetry and cutting-edge digital technology. It exemplifies Dr. HUNG's innovative approach to revitalize a time-honored art form and demonstrates the transformative power of technology in the world of creativity.
Date of receipt: /11/2023, Conferred by: deTour
Bronze Medal
The 2023 iENA International Trade Fair in Nuremberg, Germany showcased groundbreaking inventions and new products. Established in 1948, iENA has become a prestigious global platform for inventors and innovators to present their groundbreaking ideas and innovations. 500 inventions by universities, research institutions, and commercial enterprises from 30 countries and regions were showcased in the 2023 trade fair held between 28 and 30 October 2023. The award project entitled: Audio-Tactile Chinese Characters: Bringing Multisensory & Novel Learning Experience to People with Visual Impairment and Special Needs, suggests novel Chinese radicals in several 3D tactile character models allow students to experience the structural formation of Chinese characters through touch and sound. This multi-sensory learning kit is designed to break visual and social learning barriers, especially for people with visual impairment or special needs, through a high standard of innovation and creativity.
Date of receipt: /10/2023, Conferred by: The International Trade Fair: Ideas Innovations New Product in Germany (iENA)
President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer
The President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer was established to recognize, encourage and reward academic or teaching staff, either individuals or teams, who demonstrate the translation of University-owned knowledge, expertise, innovation or technology into practice for use by society through outstanding knowledge transfer (KT) activities that have led to the fulfillment of social responsibility or profitability goals, or economic or social improvements. T
Date of receipt: 1/5/2023, Conferred by: The Education University of Hong Kong
Bronze Medal
he Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions, commonly known as Geneva Inventions, is one of the most important and prestigious events in the world of innovation and invention. It is an annual exhibition that brings together inventors, entrepreneurs, investors, and representatives from various industries to showcase their groundbreaking ideas, prototypes, and products to the public and potential buyers. One of the key importance of the Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions is that it provides a platform for inventors to showcase their innovative ideas and products to a global audience. This gives them the opportunity to connect with potential partners, buyers, investors, and customers, amass feedback and take their innovations to the next level. This can ultimately lead to their ideas generating revenue, creating jobs, and contributing to the growth of the economy.
Date of receipt: 30/4/2023, Conferred by: The Invention Geneva Evaluation Days Special Edition 2023 Switzerland
Gold Medal
The International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIIC) Taiwan is a prestigious event that aims to promote innovation and creativity among the younger generation. This annual competition attracts young innovators and inventors from different parts of the world who are eager to showcase their inventions and compete for various awards and recognition. The IIIC Taiwan provides a platform for participants to present their ideas and inventions to a group of judges who are experts in various fields of science, technology, and engineering. This competition focuses on identifying and supporting innovators who are committed to making a positive impact on society through their inventions. The competition is divided into different categories, including Technology and Invention, Innovative Design, Environmental Innovation, Creative Engineering, and Agricultural Innovation. Participants are encouraged to develop and present their inventions in these categories, and solutions that address pr
Date of receipt: 30/10/2022, Conferred by: The 13th International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIIC), Taiwan
Excellence in Innovation Award
The main purpose of iCAN is to build a special platform to unite creativity and innovation initiatives of Canadian inventors with the rest of the world by providing everyone with the golden opportunity to expand their international network, business activities, promote their inventions, new products and research projects while achieving a new milestone of success of winning iCAN Awards from Canada. iCAN is a colossal confluence of many favourable programs: invention competition, keynote speakers’ educational presentations, the Finals Movie and the iCAN Awards Nominations. Inventors, innovators, students, professors, researchers, scientists, designers, entrepreneurs, and anyone with spectacular ideas are eligible to apply to iCAN 2022 and take advantage of all programs.
Date of receipt: 30/8/2022, Conferred by: The 7th International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada (iCAN), Canada
Gold Medal
International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada 2022
Date of receipt: 30/8/2022, Conferred by: The 7th International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada (iCAN), Canada
Hong Kong Best Award, Global Design Awards 2021
Online Winning Entry Showcase: Virtual Exhibition: A Virtual Exhibition from 8 Categories: Graphics, Digital, Product, Spatial, Design Clientele, Experience, Impact, Rising Creative, along with winner’s video sharing, to be showcased from 24 June to 23 Sept 2022.
Date of receipt: 24/6/2022, Conferred by: The Hong Kong Designers Association
Silver Award, Global Design Awards 2021
Online Winning Entry Showcase: Virtual Exhibition: A Virtual Exhibition from 8 Categories: Graphics, Digital, Product, Spatial, Design Clientele, Experience, Impact, Rising Creative, along with winner’s video sharing, to be showcased from 24 June to 23 Sept 2022.
Date of receipt: 24/6/2022, Conferred by: The Hong Kong Designers Association
Judges Choice (Oscar de la Hera Gomez) Award, Global Design Awards 2021
Online Winning Entry Showcase: Virtual Exhibition: A Virtual Exhibition from 8 Categories: Graphics, Digital, Product, Spatial, Design Clientele, Experience, Impact, Rising Creative, along with winner’s video sharing, to be showcased from 24 June to 23 Sept 2022.
Date of receipt: 23/6/2022, Conferred by: The Hong Kong Designers Association
Best 10 Invention Designs Award, The International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada (iCAN)
The past 5 editions of iCAN from 2016~2020 featured participants from 81 different countries around the world which redefined the event to be the true global stage for worldwide inventors in Toronto, Canada.
Date of receipt: 31/8/2021, Conferred by: The International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada (iCAN), Canada
Gold Medal
The past 5 editions of iCAN from 2016~2020 featured participants from 81 different countries around the world which redefined the event to be the true global stage for worldwide inventors in Toronto, Canada.
Date of receipt: 31/8/2021, Conferred by: The International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada (iCAN), Canada
The 15th Hong Kong Arts Development Awards - Artist of the Year (Media Arts)
Organised by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC), the 15th Hong Kong Arts Development Awards is now open for nominations. Individuals / groups / schools / organisations are welcome to participate in competing for various prestigious awards. In order to better highlight the recognition objectives and targets of the Award for Arts Education and the Award for Arts Promotion, the Award for Arts Education is renamed as the Award for Arts Education in Schools, and not more than five awards will be presented for each of these two awards. The Hong Kong Arts Development Awards is an annual flagship event in the local arts scene. It aims to give professional recognition to distinguished arts practitioners, groups and organisations that have made significant contributions to the arts development in Hong Kong. Available at:
Date of receipt: /5/2021, Conferred by: Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Gold Medal [Name of Invention: Portable Interactive Meditation Mirror]
The International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva benefits from the most extensive support and privileges that can be granted to an exhibition. It is under the patronage of the Swiss Federal Government, the State, the City of Geneva and of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and International Federation of Inventors Associations (IFIA). This support testifies to the usefulness and quality of the event, now acknowledged as the most important exhibition of inventions anywhere today. It is also the most international, with the participation of more than 45 countries. Publicize the fruits of your research to professional business visitors, journalists and the public at large in order to hasten their acceptance on the marketplace. Grasp every opportunity that the biggest specialized event devoted entirely to inventions can offer. Available at:
Date of receipt: /3/2021, Conferred by: Special Edition 2021 Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days, Switzerland
Excellent Work
The Tokyo Type Directors Club (Tokyo TDC) was founded in 1987 to pursue the possibilities of visual expression of letters and/or words. We invite entries from all around the world for “Tokyo Type Directors Club Annual Awards 2022” .
Date of receipt: 6/3/2021, Conferred by: Tokyo YDC Annual Awards 2021
Gold Medal [Name of Invention: Portable Interactive Meditation Mirror]
Chinese Innovation and Invention Society was founded in July 16, 2009, The members of the Society were amongst the leaders in academic, industrial, and invention fields. The Society is academy-led which provides assistance to potential inventors. It is a non-profit organization devoting to innovative inventions, and the most active one participating in international affairs. In order to efficiently and effectively expand the competitiveness of Taiwan's innovative invention, CIIS annually selected domestic potential and representative innovations and inventions, and form a delegation on behalf of Taiwan's participation in international invention exhibitions and competitions. CIIS hopes to generate a culture of innovation and invention in Taiwan, and to raise Taiwanese patented inventions to international standards in order to strengthen internal patent research and increase Taiwan’s international exposure. Available at:
Date of receipt: /11/2020, Conferred by: 2020 11th International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIIC), Taiwan
Merit Award: Event, Exhibition & Stage Design [Name of Output: Circular Reflection]
DFA Design for Asia Awards has been a stage upon which design talents and corporations can showcase their design projects internationally. The programme is comprised of five major awards: Grand Award, Grand Award for Culture, Grand Award for Sustainability, Grand Award for Technology and Category Award. Entries to the Category Award are recruited by open submission, while entries to the other four are by nomination. Submissions are judged on overall excellence and considering factors like creativity & human centric innovation, usability, aesthetic, sustainability, impact in Asia as well as commercial and societal success. The judges are design professionals and experts attuned to design developments in Asia and experienced in serving as judges for Hong Kong and international design awards. Available at:
Date of receipt: /10/2020, Conferred by: DFA Design for Asia Awards 2020
Merit Award: Digital Media [Name of Output: Where To Go? Where To Come From? (V.4.0)]
DFA Design for Asia Awards has been a stage upon which design talents and corporations can showcase their design projects internationally.The programme is comprised of five major awards: Grand Award, Grand Award for Culture, Grand Award for Sustainability, Grand Award for Technology and Category Award. Entries to the Category Award are recruited by open submission, while entries to the other four are by nomination. Submissions are judged on overall excellence and considering factors like creativity & human centric innovation, usability, aesthetic, sustainability, impact in Asia as well as commercial and societal success. The judges are design professionals and experts attuned to design developments in Asia and experienced in serving as judges for Hong Kong and international design awards. Available at:
Date of receipt: /10/2020, Conferred by: DFA Design for Asia Awards 2020
Best Experimental [Name of Output: Where To Go? Where To Come From?]
The primary objective of the Los Angeles Film and Script Festival is to provide a platform for talented independent filmmakers and writers from around the world who are trying to increase their distribution and production opportunities. The LAFSF’s numerous award possibilities gives independents the chance to receive the accolades they deserve.The Los Angeles Film and Script Festival was founded on the principles of independent artistic expression. Therefore, we pride ourselves on providing a showcase stage for  independent producers, directors and writers from around the globe trying to increase their distribution and production possibilities. Available at:
Date of receipt: /4/2020, Conferred by: Los Angeles Film and Script Festival Award
Special Festival Mention ( Short Film )
Indian World Film Festival is latest addition to Miniboxoffice film festivals family.Indian World Film Festival objective is to showcase best of world cinema which boost growth of industry, emerging & experienced talent.The Indian World Film Festival marks the milestone in cinematic history of Hyderabad, India. The Hyderabad- a culturally rich & heritage city is the hub of Telugu cinema & the destination of many budding filmmakers since past century. The festival is the tribute towards contribution of the Telugu film industry in the development of cinema in India. 4th Indian World Film Festival -20 will provide professional networking & film marketing opportunities to the filmmakers and also introduced them with current trends of cinema. The festival goal is to empower independent filmmakers and dedicated to become world’s finest festival which fosters the growth of independent filmmakers.
Date of receipt: /3/2020, Conferred by: 4th India World Film Festival 2020
Honorable Mentions

Date of receipt: /11/2019, Conferred by: Canada Shorts: Canadian and International Short Film Festival, Canada
Official Selection
he most profound development within Supernova’s four-year trajectory is the launch of, the curated streaming App at the new intersection of Art & Entertainment. Supernova boldly goes where no festival has ventured before, with a media channel that brings the most exciting forms of digital animation and motion-art being created today out to the entire world through a low-price, subscription based service. Launching on September 5th, 2019, anyone will be able to watch and enjoy Supernova’s carefully curated and cataloged digital animations anywhere and at anytime on their mobile devices, home entertainment systems or desktop computers. Supernova takes an alternate route into this universe, becoming the world’s first reputable arts-based platform to initiate an advanced, comprehensive niche service.
Date of receipt: /10/2019, Conferred by: 2019 Festival
Best Video Art [Name of Output: Where To Go ? Where To Come From?]
FIVE CONTINENTS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL is an online festival, with LIVE SCREENING of the winning films; is a monthly festival of world cinematography, where feature films, short films, videoclips and webseries from all over the world come together to compete for the various prizes of the festival, but In addition they obtain the greater satisfaction of a filmmaker: that his work is seen by the public. Therefore, there is a prize that is granted by our subscribers, when viewing the film. Available at:
Date of receipt: /9/2019, Conferred by: Five Continents International Film Festival - FICOCC #31, Venezuela
Bronze Award
LAIFFA is a quarterly film festival which celebrates Short and Features from around the world. Best of the Fest "Best Picture Winner' of every quarterly festival wins the specially curated LAIFFA trophy.Films for the screening during the festival will be selected by our programming Dept. from the pool of winning films. Not all winning films will be selected for the screening, but all winning filmmakers will be invited to the award ceremony.
Date of receipt: /9/2019, Conferred by: International Independent Film Awards Los Angeles, California, USA
Best Experimental Film [Name of output: Where To Go? Where To Come From?]
Los Angeles Film Awards (LAFA) is a monthly film and screenplay competition for filmmakers worldwide. LAFA is the first festival to receive 400+ five-star reviews on FilmFreeway, out of over 8,000 film festivals. Their mission is to promote films, and be another step up in the filmmakers' careers. Each month, our Jury will award the best films through private screenings, and make a special interview with the winner of the Best Picture award. Available at:
Date of receipt: /8/2019, Conferred by: Los Angeles Film Awards, USA
Experimental Film (Outstanding Achievement Award)
For the first time L’Age d’Or International Art-house Film Festival, will have its own sector of awards for artistic activism. Artistic activism is a creative force that educate us, influences our notions about human relationships, and brings about social change. We will celebrate artists that have used their passion for activism by paying tribute to them and publicizing their art. Furthermore, we will be giving lifetime awards to artists who have contributed to social justice and activism. We’ll select the Best of the Best (From the pool of all award winners from all Seasons) and the FINAL WINNERS will receive the prestigious PIGEON D’OR AWARDS and they’ll be screened in the theatre at Kolkata in front of live audience. Available at:
Date of receipt: /8/2019, Conferred by: L’Age d’Or International Arthouse Film Festival (LIAFF), India
HKDA Global Design Awards 2018 Excellence Award (Digital Media)
The HKDA Awards has been one of the most established cross-disciplinary design competitions in the Asia-Pacific region organised by HKDA since 1975. To embrace the development of the design industry and the best designs worldwide, HKDA Awards was revamped to become HKDA Global Design Awards (HKDA GDA) in 2011 and welcome entries from all over the world. It is not simply a design competition to honour global design excellence, but also acts as an engine to energise a series of events as a yearlong campaign that aims to promote Hong Kong designs internationally and to enhance Hong Kong as one of the major creative hubs in Asia-Pacific.
Date of receipt: /4/2019, Conferred by: Hong Kong Designers Association (HKDA)
Silver Medal
iENA is the top-class competition and programme that emerges investors, companies, inventors, and research institutes from all over the world. In this year, there are record-breaking 30 countries to showcase more than 800 inventions in the exhibition. Only the most promising ideas, inventions, and new products were honoured the award of the iENA medals. The iENA Nuremberg – International Trade Fair Ideas – Inventions – New Products – is the professional marketplace for ideas and inventions and the leading trade fair of contacts and excellent opportunities for inventors and representatives of trade and industry.
Date of receipt: /11/2018, Conferred by: The International Trade Fair: Ideas Innovations New Product in Germany (iENA)
Finalists of The Sovereign Asian Art Prize
I was selected as one of the 30 finalists in the 2018 Sovereign Asian Art Prize by Sovereign Art Foundation. Significance: This art prize is regarded as the most Asia’s most prestigious prize for contemporary artists, among 328 artists and 530 artworks across the Asia Pacific (2018). Official Website:
Date of receipt: /3/2018, Conferred by: The Sovereign Asian Art Prize 亞洲藝術獎

Digital Puppet for Generative Art
The present invention generally relates to digital and interactive puppet. More specifically the present invention relates to digital and interactive puppet system for generative art. - A/B44
The invention relates to a system and a method for facilitating language learning for language learners, and particularly, although not exclusively, to a tactile-based language learning system for visually impaired persons. - A/B44
The invention relates to a system and a method for facilitating language learning for language learners, and particularly, although not exclusively, to a tactile-based language learning system for visually impaired persons. - G/B44
The invention relates to a system and a method for facilitating language learning for language learners, and particularly, although not exclusively, to a tactile-based language learning system for visually impaired persons. - A/B44
An Interactive System and a Method for Assisting a User to Meditate Using the Interactive System - G/G16