Dr ZHANG, Ling    張凌 博士
Assistant Professor
Department of Chinese Language Studies
(852) 2948 7352
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests

Chinese Linguistics, Cantonese Studies, Phonetics, Phonology, Phonetics-Syntax Interface, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Chinese as a Second Language

Teaching Interests

Chinese Linguistics, Chinese Pedagogy, Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

Personal Profile


2013 Ph.D. in Linguistics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

2008 M.A. in Chinese Linguistics, Sun Yat-sen University

2006 B.A. in Chinese, Beijing Normal University

Working Experience

2017~ Present Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chinese Language Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong

2014~2016 Research Associate, Dept. of Linguistics & Modern Languages, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2014 Research Associate, Dept. of Chinese & Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

2014 Lecturer, Dept. of Chinese Language & Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2013 Lecturer, Dept. of Linguistics & Modern Language Studies, The Hong Kong Institute of Education

2013 Project Assistant, Dept. of Chinese & Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Research Interests

Chinese Linguistics, Cantonese Studies, Phonetics, Phonology, Phonetics-Syntax Interface, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Chinese as a Second Language

Teaching Interests

Chinese Linguistics, Chinese Pedagogy, Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Research book or monograph (author)
Zhang, Ling (2016). Intonation Effects on Cantonese Lexical Tones in Speaking and Singing. München, Germany: Lincom Academic Publishers.
Chapter in an edited book (author)
張凌、石柳 (2024)。 泰國漢語學習者漢語前後鼻音韻母的感知研究。洪煒, 國際漢語 (14-23)。中山大學出版社。
Zhang, Ling, & Wu, Zhe (2023). Teaching Chinese Pinyin in international schools (primary section) in Hong Kong. In Jia-Fei Hong, & Chung-mou Si (Eds.), Teaching Chinese Language in the International School Context (137-159). Singapore: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-6376-8
張凌、高雨茹 (2023)。 從理論到實踐的轉化:語言學知識與華語教學。輯於張連航、謝家浩編, 文化共融:世界華語教學的策略與實踐 (216-225)。紅出版 (青森文化)。 https://www.red-publish.com/book/3050
張凌 (2023)。 古詩文教學策略新探:創意、調整、反思和成效。陳曙光, 何志恒, 施仲謀, 《文言經典與文化教學實踐新探》 (81-93)。香港,中國: 中華書局。
高雨茹、張凌 (2023)。 IB中文文學試卷 (HL)近年來的命題趨勢。梁源、王嬋娟、施仲謀編, 國際文憑課程 (IB) 中文教學研究新探 (188-202)。香港: 三聯書店。
張凌 (2019)。 粵語字調在古詩唱誦中的運用。施仲謀、廖先, 朗誦與朗誦教學新探 (101-116)。香港: 商務印書館。
張凌 (2017)。 普通話聲韻調音系評估問卷設計及個案分析。施仲謀、廖佩莉, 漢語教學與文化新探 (220-238)。香港: 中華書局。

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
張凌、史常力 (2023)。 粵港澳大灣區國際中文師資培訓的調查和反思。 國際中文教育學報,13,51-72。 https://ijcle.eduhk.hk/zh-hk/article/308published version
高雨茹、張凌 (2023)。 《經典詠流傳》對傳統詩詞唱誦的傳承。 國際視聽研究,3,150-158。
鄧思穎、張凌和譚家明 (2023)。 助詞的句法語音特點——以粵語“呢”為例。 中國語文,413,131-138。
張凌 (2022). 越南的漢語二語學習者在不同語境中的漢語聲調. 國際中文教育學報, 11, 29-44.
張凌 (2022). 香港粵語帶語氣詞的易位句之語音實驗初探. 語言學論叢, 1, 120-129.
Zhang, L. (2022). Syllable isochrony and the prosodic features of stop syllables in Cantonese. Language and Linguistics, 23(1), 20-46. https://doi.org/10.1075/lali.00098.zha
王國玉、張凌、陳鈺 (2022)。 淺析軟性新聞的溫情表達。 東南傳播,2022(1),1-5。 https://doi.org/10.13556/j.cnki.dncb.cn35-1274/j.2022.01.021
張凌 (2021)。 香港人學習普通話的聲調偏誤之聲學分析。 中國語文通訊,100,31-39。
Zhang, Ling, & Shi, Liu (2020). Acoustic analysis of Chinese tone production by Thai-speaking learners of L2 Chinese. Journal of Second Language Studies, 3(2), 180-204.
張凌 (2020)。 普通話和台灣國語在語流中國的節奏特征。 中國語音學報,14,125-132。
Cao, Kang Hua, Chi-Keung Woo, Ling Zhang, & Yuxin Zhang (2020). Willingness to pay for a message: personalized licence plate auctions in Hong Kong. Applied Economics Letters, 28 (3), 237-240.
Wong, P.C.M., Ou, J., Pang, C.W.Y., Zhang, L., Tse, C.S., Lam, L.C.W., & Antoniou, M. (2019). Foreign Language Learning as Potential Treatment for Mild Cognitive Impairment. Hong Kong Medical Journal, 25(Suppl 7), 41-43.
Wong, P.C.M., Ou, J., Pang, C.W.Y., Zhang, L., Tse, C.S., Lam, L.C.W., Antoniou, M. (2019). Language Training Leads to Global Cognitive Improvement in Older Adults. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 62, 2411-2424.
Zhang, Ling (2019). Tone features of Chinese and teaching methods for second language learners. International Journal of Chinese Language Education, 5, 45-66.
徐宇航、張凌 (2018)。 潮州方言鼻音聲母——規則、演變、層次。 中國語文,6,705-711。
張凌 (2017)。 粵語聲調與降勢音高。 語言科學,16(2),182-192。
侍建國、張凌 (2016)。 從趙元任的讀音差異看常州話“街談”音百年一致。 語言科學,15(2),212-224。
Zhang, Ling (2015). Tunes of different speech styles in Cantonese. Chinese Language and Discourse, 6(2), 183-204.
Zhang, Ling (2014). Segmentless sentence-final particles in Cantonese: An experimental study. Studies in Chinese Linguistics, 35(2), 47-60.
張凌 (2010)。 廣州話長短元音的語音實驗新探。 方言,2010(2),134-144。
莊初升、張凌 (2010)。 賀州鋪門方言的濁塞音聲母。 暨南學報(哲學社會科學版),144,106-110。
張凌 (2008)。 廣州話入聲音節在語流中的時長特性。 中國語文研究,25,53-62。
Publication in policy or professional journal
張凌 (2015)。 來母三四等字在部分方言中今讀塞音的音變分析。 中國方言學報,4,77-89。
張群顯、張凌 (2010)。 粵語音節延長對韻腹韻尾時長的影響。 中國語言學報,專書系列, 24,145-161。
張群顯、張凌 (2010)。 廣韻逐小韻推導現代粵音初探。 桂林師範高等專科學校學報,1,68-79。
張凌 (2010)。 廣州話複合元音系統的聲學實驗。 南方語言學,2,100-107。
Publication in non-refereed journal
張凌、鄧思穎 (2016)。 香港粵語句末助詞聲調與句調關係的初探。 韻律研究,1,113-127。

Conference Papers
Invited conference paper
張凌 (2023,2). 粵語字調及相關應用 [Cantonese tones and their related applications]。Public Lecture Series by UOW College Hong Kong,香港,中國。
Zhang, Ling (2022, July). Long ago, up to now: Classical Chinese poem learning with a mobile APP. 5th Annual e-Resources Roundtable/Poster Conference (Online and Blended Teaching and Learning: Lessons Learned – Looking Ahead), Hong Kong.
張凌 (2022,7). 資訊科技與中文二語教學的融合[The Integration of Information Technology and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language]。Invited speech at Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education,香港,中國。
張凌 (2022,6). 香港教育大學漢語作為第二語言教學榮譽文學士課程簡介與展望。粵港澳大灣區國際中文教學論壇 [Symposium on International Chinese Language Teaching and Learning in Greater Bay Area],香港,中國。
張凌 (2022, January). 國際漢語聲調研究與教學應用. 主講論文發表於北京語言大學-香港教育大學國際中文教育名家學者聯合講座, 香港,中國.
鄧思穎、張凌、譚家明 (2021, November). 有多少個“呢”呢?以香港粵語為例. 第九屆形式語言學國際研討會, 上海, 中國.
Tang, S. W., Zhang, L. & Tam K. M. (2021, October). A cartographic approach to the interface properties of the sentence-final particles in Cantonese. Keynote speech presented at the Joint Conference “The Fourth International Workshop on Syntactic Cartography (IWSC2021)” & “The First International Forum on Language and Brain (IFOLAB2021)”, Beijing, China.
鄧思穎、張凌、譚家明 (2021,10). 句末與句中的“呢”: 以香港粵語為例。主講論文發表於中國社會科學論壇(2021語言學),浙江,中國。
Zhang, Ling (2021, May). An introduction to the mobile APP “Classical Chinese Poems Sing Along [古詩粵唱粵啱Key]". School of Cantonese Studies, Hong Kong.
張凌 (2019,12). 字調與旋律的配合及應用——以普通話和粵語為例。音樂與語言對話,廣州,中國。
ZHANG, Ling (2019, June). Syllable isochrony and the prosodic features of stop syllables in Cantonese. The 2nd Forum of Cantonese Linguistics, Hong Kong.
張凌 (2018,11). 普通話兒童語音習得評估工具的音系分析。中國醫學語言研究及兒童語言發展論壇,濟南,中國。
Refereed conference paper
Zhang, Ling (2023, December). A Phonological Analysis on the Misheard Pop Song Lyrics in Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese. The 27th International Conference on Yue Dialects, U.S.A..
徐淨徑、張凌 (2023,11). ChatGPT與漢語二語教師的書面糾正反饋。第十四屆亞太地區國際漢語教學學會年會 (APC-TCIL14),香港,中國。
石柳、張凌 (2023,8). 泰國漢語學習者感知與產出漢語前後鼻音韻母的實證研究 [Empirical studies on the perception and production of the dental and velar nasal codas by Chinese as a second language learners from Thailand]。第七屆漢語作為第二語言研究國際研討會 [CASLAR-7],北京,中國。
張凌、徐淨徑 (2023,7). 漢語作為第二語言的學生作文批改:凖教師、資深老師與ChatGPT [Written corrective feedback on essays by second language learners: Preservice teachers, senior teachers and ChatGPT]。第三屆國際漢語節中文教師研討會 [The Third International Chinese Language Festival Seminars for Teachers of Chinese Language],香港,中國。
徐淨徑、張凌 (2023,7). ChatGPT與漢語二語教師的書面糾正反饋 [Written corrective feedback on essays by second language learners: Comparison between ChatGPT and human teachers]。第19屆國際中文教育學術研討會(ICCSL-19),北京,中國。
張凌、徐淨徑 (2023,6). 漢語作為第二語言的書面糾正反饋:准教師與資深教師的比較 [Written corrective feedback on Chinese essays by second language learners: A comparison between pre-service teachers and experienced teachers]。第四屆語言教學與研究國際學術研討會[The Fourth International Conference on Language Teaching and Research],廈門,中國。
Gao, Yuru, & Zhang, Ling (2022, December). Face-to-face versus virtual communication: A comparison of Chinese language usage among non-native Chinese speakers.. The 7th International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Hong Kong, China.
張凌、阮黃英、徐淨徑 (2022,12). 漢語作為二語的越南學生作文批改:準教師與資深教師的比較 [Written corrective feedback on Chinese essays by second language learners from Vietnam: A comparison between pre-service teachers and experienced teachers]。The 7th International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language,香港,中國。
張凌 (2022,10). 漢語語法結構對語調音高運動的影響:聲學實驗初探 [Effects of syntactical structures on intonational pitch movements in Chinese: Preliminary acoustic studies]。第八屆韻律語法研究國際研討會[The 8th International Conference on Prosodic Grammar (ICPG-8)],上海,中國。
武大真、張凌 (2022,10). 山東榮成方言“(是)Neg-VP”型反復問句及其語調問題 [“(Shi-) Neg-VP” type of A-not-A interrogatives and their intonation in Shandong Rongcheng dialect]。第八屆韻律語法研究國際研討會 [The 8th International Conference on Prosodic Grammar (ICPG-8)],上海,中國。
張凌、鄧思穎 (2022,8). 是非問句“嗎”的語調初探:以粵語為例 [A preliminary investigation into the intonation of the yes-no interrogative “ma”: Cantonese as an example]。第八屆方言語法博學論壇 [The 8th Inter-Regional Forum on Dialectal Grammar],廣州,中國。
Zhang, Ling, & Law, Ching Ching (2022, May). Face-to-face versus virtual communication: A comparison of occurrences of Cantonese SFPs. The 6th Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL-6), Ohio, USA.
Zhang, Ling & Fung, Yik Yiu (2021, December). Preliminary investigation into the interrogative and declarative intonations in Hong Kong Cantonese: Question words versus negative polarity item, and sentence-final particles versus sentence-final intonation. Paper presented at the 2021 Annual Research Forum of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
張凌、高雨茹 (2021, December). 從理論到實踐的轉化: 語言學知識與華語教學. 論文發表於第十屆華文教學國際論壇, 香港,中國.
鄧思穎、張凌、譚家明 (2021, December). 香港粵語句末的上升調——聲調、語調與句末助詞的互動關係. 第二十五屆國際粵方言研討會, 香港,中國.
鄧思穎、張凌、譚家明 (2021,9). 香港粵語句末助詞“呢”的語法分析。論文發表於「第七屆方言語法博學論壇」 https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/clrc/irf/2021/program.htmlpublished version
張凌、張鈞琳 (2021, July). 漢語語音的地區差異及對國際漢語語音教學的思考. 第六屆國際漢語教學研討會暨工作坊, 台灣.
石柳、張凌 (2021, July). 泰國留學生漢語鼻音韻母in和ing的產出研究. 第六屆國際漢語教學研討會暨工作坊, 台灣.
Yang, L.*, Zhang, L., Liang, Y., Zhang, Q. P., Sin K. F., Ye, T. F., Gao, F. Z, Gao, J., & Wu, Y. Q. (2021, June). Making the most out of TEA and SPA time: A symposium on introducing two innovative technology-enhanced assessment platforms to enhance students’ assessment literacy and learning outcomes. Four papers presented at The 2nd International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning 2021 (Online) Conference, 19-20 June, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.
Zhang, Ling (2021, March). Long ago, up to now: Reviving classical Chinese poems in an oral form of Cantonese singing style.. 2021 CHINOPERL(Chinese Oroal And Performing Literature) conference, Ohio, USA.
Shi, Liu, & Zhang, Ling (2020, December). Acoustic-data-based pronunciation learning and teaching: New methodology for Chinese as a second language in the 21st century.. International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2020, Hong Kong.
Zhang, Ling, & Wu, Zhe (2020, December). Chinese Pinyin teaching at international schools (primary section) in Hong Kong. The Conference on International Chinese Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong.
Zhang, Ling, & Zhuang, Zibei (2020, December). Gender difference in the occurrence of Cantonese sentence-final particles across lifespan.. International Conference on Gender, Language and Education, Hong Kong.
張凌 (2020, December). 越南二語學習者在不同語境中的漢語聲調. 第19屆台灣華語文教學學會年會暨國際學術研討會, 台灣.
Zhang, Ling, & Zhuang, Zibei (2020, November). A sociolinguistic study of sentence-final particles in Hong Kong Cantonese based on diachronic recordings. The 24th International Conference on Yue Dialects, Macau.
ZHANG, Ling, SHI, Liu, & XU, Xinyu (2019, July). Acoustic analysis of Chinese tone errors by Thai learners. ACBM2019: Acquisition of Chinese: Bilingualism and Multilingualism, London, UK.
張凌、石柳 (2019,7). 泰國二語學習者漢語聲調偏誤之聲學分析。第五屆國際漢語教學研討會,香港,中國。
Zhuang, Zibei, & Zhang, Ling (2019, April). A sociolinguistic study of sentence-final particles in Hong Kong Cantonese. The 19th Workshop on Cantonese (WOC-19), Hong Kong.
Zhang, Ling (2018, December). A preliminary acoustic experiment on tone production by a Cantonese post-stroke aphasic speaker. The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Annual Research Forum, Hong Kong.
張凌 (2018,12). 香港人學習普通話的聲調偏誤之聲學分析。第十一屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題學術研討會,香港,中國。
石柳、張翔、張凌 (2018,12). 漢語語音二語習得動機研究──以鄭州大學東南亞留學生為例。第十一屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題學術研討會,香港,中國。
張凌 (2018,11). 粵語字調在唱誦中的運用。第三屆語文教育國際研討會,香港,中國。
張凌 (2018,6). 漢語語法和韻律交互作用的聲學實驗初探。第一屆漢語語言學前沿問題國際論壇,香港。
張凌 (2018,5). 漢語聲調的特點與對外漢語教學的方法。第四屆國際漢語教學研討會,台北。
張凌 (2017,12). 帶有句末語氣詞的粵語易位句之韻律特點。第二十二屆國際粵方言研討會,香港。
張凌 (2017,12). 普通話聲韻調音系評估及粵式普通話個案分析。普通話培訓測試中心二十周年慶典暨第二屆語文教育國際研討會,香港。
Zhang, L., Li, A. Y. H., Leung, C. W., & Wong, P. C. M. (2017, March). Processing Chinese Relative Clauses with Different Lengths of Adverbials. The First International Conference on Theoretical East Asian Psycholinguistics (ICTEAP-1), Hong Kong.
張凌 (2016,3). 粵語句末語氣詞上升調的句調來源。第二屆方言語法博學論壇,廣州。
張凌 (2015,12). 粵語句末語氣詞的兩個上升聲調。第二十屆國際粵方言研討會,香港。
鄧思穎, 張凌 (2015,11). 粵語助詞聲調與句調關係的初探。第二屆漢語韻律語法研究國際研討會,香港。
張凌 (2014,12). 普通話聲韻調測試設計與個案分析。“動態普通話:變異與規範”學術研討會,澳門。
徐宇航、張凌 (2014,8). 粵東閩語止遇二攝ɯ母音分佈及相關問題研究。第三屆中國地理語言學國際學術研討會,佛山。
Zhang, Ling (2013, December). Utterance-final intonation and sentence-final particles in Cantonese. The 18th International Conference on Cantonese and Yue Dialects., Hong Kong.
張凌 (2013,8). 跨方言實驗研究:入聲音節的舒化與漢語音節等長的節奏特性。第五屆演化語言學國際研討會,香港。
Zhang, Ling (2011, December). Phonetic changes of Hong Kong Cantonese since the mid 20th century through the study of historical audio materials. The 16th International Conference on Cantonese and Yue Dialects, Hong Kong.
Zhang, Ling, & Cheung, Kwan-hin (2011, December). Experimental studies on Cantonese lexical tones in speaking and singing. The 16th International Conference on Cantonese and Yue Dialects, Hong Kong.
Ling Zhang, Kwan-hin Cheung (2011, August). Cantonese lexical tones in speaking and singing. Proceedings of the Psycholinguistic Representation of Tone (PLRT), Hong Kong.
Zhang, Ling (2011, August). Vowel length perception in Cantonese. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Hong Kong.
Zhang, Ling (2010, May). Downdrift and non-downdrift: Cantonese lexical tones in speaking and singing. IACL-18 & NACCL-22, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
張凌 (2010,3). 姓名與地域文化差異——京、穗、港、台姓名比較分析。第三屆研究生學術論壇: 珠江三角洲的語言與文化研究,香港。
張凌 (2009,12). 來母三四等字在部分方言中今讀塞音的音變分析。第十五屆全國方言年會,澳門。
張群顯、張凌 (2009,12). 廣韻逐小韻推導現代粵音初探。第十四屆國際粵方言研討會,桂林。
莊初升, 張凌 (2009,11). 賀州鋪門方言的濁塞音聲母。漢語瀕危方言研討會,廣州。
張凌 (2008,12). 廣州話中兩組複合元音的實驗研究。第十三屆國際粵方言研討會,香港。
張群顯, 張凌 (2008,12). 粵語音節延長對韻腹韻尾時長的影響。中國東南方言國際研討會,香港。
張凌、陶建華、許小穎 (2006,10). 廣州話入聲字時長特性分析。第七屆中國語音學學術會議暨語音學前沿問題國際論壇,北京。


Provision of Enhanced Support to Senior Year (SY) and New First-year- first-degree (FYFD) Education-plus Programmes
This project aims to address the specific needs of students of Senior Year (SY) programmes and provide them with enhanced support and learning opportunities during their stay on the programme. Surveys will be conducted to gauge the effectiveness of the provision of support to the respective programmes in different aspects, such as publicity/ programme promotion, faculty/programme-based induction, academic advising, career support, language enhancement, entrepreneurial skills and internship experience.
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Chi Kin, John, CHENG, May Hung, May, YU, Kwan Wai, Eric, YEUNG, Siu Sze, HUI, King Fai, Sammy, TANG, Yee Fan, Sylvia, CHENG, Wing Yi, Rebecca, LEE, Fung King, Jackie, TSANG, Po Keung, Eric, JIN, Jing, CHEN, Hsueh Chu, LAU, Leung Kwok, Prudence, CHENG, Po Ying, Sidney, CHENG, Chi Keung, Eric, KAM, Wai Keung, Kevin, CHANG, Tsung-chi, Hawk (ZHANG, Ling as Co-Investigator)

Age-related Variations in the Usage of Sentence-final Particles (SFPs) in Cantonese and Chinese Mandarin
This project proposes an analytical framework of sentence-final particles (SFPs) in cognitive and functional approaches and applies the framework to the studies of Cantonese and Chinese Mandarin SFPs. A series of experimental tasks are designed to elicit natural speech data and analyze the usage of SFP and the influential factors, such as formalness and emotion. The variations in the usage of SFPs by young and old people will be analyzed.

Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): ZHANG, Ling 張凌

Symposium on International Chinese Language Teaching and Learning in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau
In recent years, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has been developing rapidly with frequent international exchanges. International Chinese language education has become more and more important in this context. With the theme of “International Chinese Language Teacher Training and Education in the Greater Bay Area”, this symposium invited experts and scholars from the Greater Bay Area to share their research findings and teaching experience and explore new directions for research on international Chinese language education. Furthermore, to enhance the theme of teacher education, preservice international Chinese language teachers were warmly encouraged to participate in the symposium, and there was a special session of Student Paper Award competition.
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): ZHANG, Ling 張凌

Study on Transition of Chinese Language Learning and Teaching of Non-Chinese Speaking Children from Kindergarten Education to Primary Education
This project investigate how kindergartens, primary schools and student parents assist non-Chinese speaking (NCS) children to develop their Chinese abilities from the perspective of transitioning from kindergarten education to primary education.
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): LIANG, Yuan 梁源 (ZHANG, Ling 張凌 as Co-Investigator)

Harnessing the Power of Assessment to Support Pre-service Teachers' Learning and Professional Development Through an Innovative Blended Learning Approach (A+BLe)
Educators in higher education encounter lots of difficulties in maintaining high academic standards and high quality attributes in today's classes with a large number of students with diverse needs. It remains a challenging task for teachers to, on one side, well organize the teaching/learning content so that all students are more likely to actively participate in the learning process, and on the other side, to well assess students’ use of their higher-order/self-directed learning processes (e.g., self-assessment, peer-assessment, use of formative feedback from teachers) to achieve academic success and high quality attributes upon graduation. There is a compelling need to provide a rigorous blended learning approach that can link teaching, both online and offline learning and assessment practices (self-assessment, peer-assessment, and teacher-assessment) in a visible, achievable and sustainable way. The A+BLe approach is expected to also encourage students to not only undertake the learning activities actively, but also tell students and teachers how well the objectives of teaching and learning have been achieved. Based on these concerns, this project aims to provide an innovative and creative blended learning approach (A+BLe) to link teaching, learning, and assessment practices in a visible and systematic way to promote EdUHK students’ multiple learning outcomes that are essential for their professional development.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): YANG, Lan 楊蘭 (ZHANG, Ling 張凌 as Co-Investigator)

Language Enhancement at EdUHK and Beyond: Fostering a Community of Practice on Technology-enhanced Language Learning and Teaching
This project intends to achieve the following objectives: 1). Identify creative and effective use of technologies in language learning and teaching (English / Cantonese / Putonghua / other modern languages); 2). Investigate how such technologies help to enhance students’ language learning and teachers’ language teaching through guided self-reflection and critical evaluations of their technology-enhanced language learning/teaching practices; 3). Build a Community of Practice on technology-enhanced language learning and teaching among tertiary students and academic/teaching staff and motivate them to use technologies in language learning and teaching; 4). Discuss language learning related issues (e.g., English/Chinese academic writing, corpus-based language learning, etc.) and offer pedagogical suggestions on technology-enhanced language learning and teaching for both students and teachers; 5). Sustain the community members’ interests in using technologies in language learning and teaching through regular sharing of members’ successful experiences and invited talks given by local and overseas experts in the field of technology enhanced language learning and teaching, and through the organization of an international conference on technology-enhanced language learning and teaching.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): WANG, Lixun (ZHANG, Ling as Co-Investigator)

Sentence-Final Particles in Cantonese Interrogatives: An Interface Study
This project put forth a unified research framework for both SFPs and sentence-final intonation, i.e., to link up a syntactic analysis and prosodic feature identification. To limit the domain of research into a more manageable size, the scope of our study is restricted to the SFPs in Cantonese interrogatives, which will be put into a pool as the "core" data of this project. Both the controlled phonetic experiment and the natural speech collection will be conducted in this research project to investigate the prosodic features of SFPs and the interactions between SFPs and sentence-final intonation.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): Tang, Sze Wing (ZHANG, Ling 張凌 as Co-Investigator)

Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Chinese-Speaking Areas versus Overseas: A Dialogue between Hong Kong and Vietnam
Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL, henceforth) has been more and more prosperous in recent years, which is conducted simultaneously both in Chinese-speaking areas (including Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau) and overseas. The current project aims to call for a dialogue between these two sides, with Hong Kong as a representative of Chinese-speaking areas and Vietnam as a representative of overseas countries. We propose to invite TCSL teachers at Vietnam to join the annual International Seminar on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language at our EdUHK. We will invite them to provide lectures at a workshop as well as experience sharing sessions with us. They can help us to know more about the needs of L2 learners overseas, and more specifically, the needs of Vietnam students, which may also be expanded to L2 students at Southeast Asia. Meanwhile, through joining our seminar, these guest Vietnam teachers can get informed of more about TCSL in Hong Kong and China, which will bring new perspectives of insight to them for their future teaching.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): ZHANG, Ling 張凌

Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): Huang, Shiquan (ZHANG, Ling 張凌 as Co-Investigator)

Improving and Enriching the Practice of Teaching Chinese Characters for CSL Teachers in Vietnam
This project proposes a framework of integrating orthographic knowledge with the culture embodied in the formation of Chinese characters to improve and enrich the practice of teaching Chinese characters for CSL teachers in Vietnam, informing Chinese textbook writers as an aid in the creation of a fuller curriculum.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): LIANG, Yuan 梁源 (ZHANG, Ling 張凌 as Co-Investigator)

Speech Sound Production and Perception of Putonghua by Cantonese-speaking Children in Primary Schools
In this project, we propose to carry out a cross-sectional study among Cantonese-speaking children from Primary 1, Primary 3, and Primary 5 in Hong Kong. Acoustic measurement will be conducted to identify Putonghua production errors more accurately. Our pilot studies suggest this new technique can help to find out hidden problems that cannot be revealed by traditional impressionistic methods. Thus, in addition to a general assessment of the language production of Putonghua by Cantonese-speaking children, acoustic measurement will be conducted on those problematic phonemes in order to obtain a more accurate analysis.

Perception studies will also be conducted within the framework of the Perception Assimilation Model (Best, 1995). Discrimination tasks and identification tasks will be carried out and analyzed to investigate whether perception affects production error patterns. We will also try to propose an integrated assimilation model of perception and production according to the experimental data.

Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): ZHANG, Ling 張凌

Tone and Intonation Studies in Cantonese Post-stroke Aphasic Patients
This project will investigate tone and intonation production among aphasic patients and healthy controls, who are all native speakers of Cantonese. Acoustic analysis will be conducted to quantitively identify the production deficits. In addition to tones in isolated citation form (such as in naming tasks), tones in continuous speech (such as in narrative discourses) will also be analyzed. Different types of intonations will be explored, including linguistic intonations to differentiate a declarative sentence and an interrogative sentence, and paralinguistic intonations to differentiate different emotions.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): ZHANG, Ling 張凌

Experimental Studies on Prosodic Grammar of Chinese
This project is to conduct studies of the phonetics-syntax interface in Chinese (including both Mandarin and Cantonese), with a focus on prosodic features and their correlations with Chinese grammar.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): ZHANG, Ling 張凌

Prizes and awards

Dean’s Writers’ Circle Award
This new scheme provides recipients an opportunity to participate in a 7-day intensive writing retreat away from campus in a focused and supportive environment to work towards a publication.
Date of receipt: 27/6/2024, Conferred by: Faculty of Humanities, EdUHK
Young Scholar Paper Award, Second Prize
The paper entitled "ChatGPT與漢語二語教師的書面糾正反饋 [Written corrective feedback on essays by second language learners: Comparison between ChatGPT and human teachers]" received this award.
Date of receipt: 7/7/2023, Conferred by: The 19th International Conference of Chinese as a Second Language (ICCSL19)
Award for Excellent FE Supervision

Date of receipt: 12/6/2023, Conferred by: SPFEO and LTTC of EdUHK
Young Scholar Paper Award, Third Prize
Dr ZHANG, Ling was awarded the Third Prize of Young Scholar Paper Award for her paper entitled "漢語語法結構對語調音高運動的影響:聲學實驗初探 [Effects of syntactical structures on intonational pitch movements in Chinese: Preliminary acoustic studies]" at The 8th International Conference on Prosodic Grammar (ICPG-8), Shanghai University, China.
Date of receipt: 23/10/2022, Conferred by: The 8th International Conference on Prosodic Grammar (ICPG-8), Shanghai University, China
President’s Awards for Outstanding Performance in Teaching 2021/22
Since its launch in 2011/12, the President’s Awards have been recognising colleagues’ outstanding performance in respective domains on an annual basis. This year (2021/22), a total of 27 nominations, consisting of 9 nominations for the Teaching domain, 8 nominations for the Research domain, 5 nominations for the Knowledge Transfer domain, and 5 nominations for the Administrative Services domain, have been received. All the nominations have gone through stringent selection by respective Selection Panels comprising lay Council Members, colleagues from sister universities, staff and student representatives, as well as past Award Recipients, according to a set of comprehensive assessment criteria.
Date of receipt: 12/7/2022, Conferred by: The Education University of Hong Kong
Award for Excellent FE Supervision
“FE Supervision Appreciation Scheme - Award for Excellent FE Supervision” is a scheme to acknowledge the contribution of FE supervisors to the students’ teaching practices and develop a good FE ePortfolio for reflective learning. In Semester II of 2020/21, a total of 9 nominations have been received. All the nominations have gone through stringent selection by a Judging Panel comprising Director of SPFE, Director of LTTC and School Partnership Advisors according to a set of comprehensive assessment criteria.
Date of receipt: 10/12/2021, Conferred by: SPFEO and LTTC of EdUHK
Faculty Teaching Award
Dr Zhang is an enthusiastic teacher of Chinese language education. She has an innovative teaching philosophy “CARE” - “Creative”, “Adaptive”, “Reflective” and “Effective”. Her great efforts in teaching have made a very positive impact on students’ learning. Currently, Dr Zhang is the Programme Leader of the BA(TCSL) programme, steering the curriculum review and development of the programme. Apart from teaching, Dr Zhang actively involves in many learning and teaching related projects. She has been making good use of e-learning resources to enhance blended learning. The educational mobile app “Classical Chinese Poems Sing Along” developed by Dr Zhang received lots of positive social responses. To promote academic exchange, Dr Zhang also took up the role of the key organiser of three teaching-related symposium/workshop/conference in 2019. Details can be found at: https://www.eduhk.hk/fhm/faculty-teaching-awards
Date of receipt: 12/8/2021, Conferred by: Faculty of Humanities, The Education University of Hong Kong
Young Scholar Paper Award

Date of receipt: /12/2020, Conferred by: 2020 International Annual Conference of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language