Associate Professor |
Department of International Education |
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters Chapter in an edited book (author) Pavlova, Margarita (2023). Indigenous Technologies: What Is There for ‘Green’ Technology Education?. Mishack T. Gumbo & P. John Williams (Eds), Indigenous Technology Knowledge Systems: Decolonizing the Technology Education Curriculum (297-314). Singapore: Springer. Kerry J. KENNEDY, Margarita PAVLOVA, John Chi-Kin LEE (2023). Skills agendas in the 21st century: Understanding the stories. Kerry J. KENNEDY, Margarita PAVLOVA, John Chi-Kin LEE (Eds), Soft skills and hard values: Meeting education's 21st century challenges (3-18). Oxon and New York: Routledge. Pavlova Margarita (2023). Green economies, green values: Story for the times. Kerry J. KENNEDY, Margarita PAVLOVA, John Chi-Kin LEE (Eds), Soft skills and hard values: Meeting education's 21st century challenges (19-36). Oxon and New York: Routledge. Pavlova, M. & Chen, C. S. (2022). Improving the effectiveness of teacher training for the vocational education and training (VET) sector in China: Trends, challenges and approaches. John Chi-Kin Lee & Timo Ehmke (Eds), Quality in teacher education and professional development: Chinese and German perspectives (206-225). Oxon and New York: Routledge. Pavlova, Margarita (2022). Case Study: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, People’s Republic of China. Realities of MSME: What Green Skills Are Included in the RVAs?. Margarita Pavlova & Madhu Singh, Recognizing Green Skills Through Non-formal Learning: A Comparative Study in Asia (101-128). Singapore: Springer. Pavlova, Margarita (2022). Introduction: Unpacking Greening and Skills Recognition in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises. Margarita Pavlova and Madhu Singh (Eds), Recognizing Green Skills Through Non-formal Learning: A Comparative Study in Asia (3-22). Singapore: Springer. Pavlova, Margarita (2022). Overview of the Regional Practices and Challenges on Environmental Protection in Four Industries. Margarita Pavlova and Madhu Singh (Eds), Springer (23-37). Singapore: Springer. Pavlova, Margarita and Singh, Madhu (2022). Recommendations for Supporting Green Skills Inclusion in RVA. Margarita Pavlova & Madhu Singh (Eds), Recognizing Green Skills Through Non-formal Learning: A Comparative Study in Asia (253-269). Singapore: Springer. Pavlova, M. (2020). Bringing TVET Up to Speed: Regional Overview of ICT-Enhanced Practices in TVET. In Panth B., Maclean R. (Eds)., Anticipating and Preparing for Emerging Skills and Jobs. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects (199-206). Singapore: Springer. Pavlova, M. (2019). Greening of the Economy Through Partnerships: Issues and Impacts on Skills Development. McGrath, S., Mulder, M., Papier, J., Suart, R, Handbook of Vocational Education and Training (1-25). Cham: Springer. Pavlova, M. (2019). National Strategies to develop TVET for Sustainable Development. N. Barklem, Commonwealth Education Report 2019 (81-83). London: Commonwealth Business Communication Ltd. Kang, R. and Pavlova, M. (2018). Career Guidance in TVET: challenges of implementation. Kerry J. Kennedy, John Chi-Kin Lee, International Handbook on Schools and Schooling and Asia (661-668). London and New York: Routledge. Pavlova, M. (2018). A framework for success: A regional overview of the ICT-enhanced practices in TVET. Kerry J. Kennedy, John Chi-Kin Lee, International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia (669-680). London and New York: Routledge. Pavlova, M. (2018). TVET as an increasingly important part of schooling in Asia. Kerry J. Kennedy, John Chi-Kin Lee, International Handbook on Schools and Schooling and Asia (645-649). London and New York: Routledge. Pavlova, M. (2018). A Holistic Approach to Greening TVET: A Case Study and Analysis of Bac Thang Long Economic Technical College Practices. In R. Maclean, S. Jagannathan and B. Panth (Eds), Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth, Green Jobs, and the Greening of Economies: Case Study Summaries for India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Viet Nam (99-117). Singapore: Springer. Pavlova, M. and Lomakina, T (2018). Transitions: Conceptualisation of Individual Educational Pathways. M. Pavlova, M., J. C-K. Lee, R. Maclean (Eds.), Transitions to Post-School Life: Responsiveness to Individual, Social and Economic needs (67-79). Singapore: Springer. Pavlova, M., Lee, C-K. J. and Maclean, R. (2018). Stepping into the world: transitions to post-school life. M. Pavlova, J. C-K. Lee and R. Maclean (Eds.), Transitions to Post-School Life: Responsiveness to Individual, Social and Economic Needs (1-10). Singapore: Springer. Pavlova, M. (2017). Sustainability as a transformative factor for teaching and learning in Technology Education. In Marc de Vries (Ed.), Handbook on Technology Education (827-842). Switzerland: Springer. Maclean, R. and Pavlova, M. (2017). What type of pedagogy is required in schools and classrooms to support sustainable green growth? A case study of Hong Kong within the international context. In R. Maclean (Ed.), Life in schools and classrooms: Past, present and future (101-119). Sinagope: Springer. Pavlova, M. (2017). Green Skills as the Agenda for the Competence Movement in Vocational and Professional Education. In M Mulder (Ed.), Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education. Bridging the Worlds of Work and Education (931-951). Switzerland: Springer. Pavlova. M., & Lomakina, T. (2015). Sustainable development as a worldview: Implications for education. C.M. Lam & J. Park (Eds.), Sociological and Philosophical Perspectives on Education in the Asia-Pacific Region (37-50). Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer. Pavlova, M. (2015). Design and Technology Education for Sustainable Futures: In preparation for Global Citizenship. In K. Stable and S. Keirl (Eds), Environment, Ethics and Cultures: Design and Technology Education's contribution to Sustainable Global Futures (87-100). Rotterdam: Sense. Maclean, R and Pavlova, M. (2014). Global and Regional Networks to Promote Education for Sustainable Development in TVET: An Asia Pacific Perspective. In P. B. Corcoran and B. P. Hollingshead (Eds)., Intergenerational Learning and Transformative Leadership for Sustainable Futures (369-375). Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers. Maclean, R., & Pavlova, M. (2013). Vocationalisation of secondary and higher education: pathways to the world of work. In S. Majumdar (Ed.), Revisiting global trends in TVET: Reflections on theory and practice (40-83). Bonn: UNESCO- UNEVOC. Pavlova, M. (2013). Education for Sustainable Development and the Transformation of Self: How the World Can Become a Better Place to Live for All. In H. Middleton, & L.K.J. Baartman (Eds.), Transfer, Transitions and Transformations of Learning (123-132). Rotterdam: Sense Publishes. Pavlova, M. (2013). Vocationalisation of Secondary and Tertiary Education: Challenges and Possible Future Directions. In R. Maclean, S. Jagannathan and J. Sarvi (Eds.), Skills Development for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Developing Asia-Pacific (43-66). Dordrecht: Springer. Pavlova, M., & Huang, C. L. (2013). Advancing Employability and Green Skills Development: Values Education in TVET, the Case of the People's Republic of China. In R. Maclean, S. Jagannathan and J. Sarvi (Eds.), Skills Development for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Developing Asia-Pacific (327-344). Dordrecht: Springer. Edited book (editor) Margarita Pavlova & Madhu Singh (2022). Recognizing Green Skills through Non-formal Learning Settings: A Comparative Study in Asia. Singapore: Springer. Pavlova, M. (2018). (Ed.) Section 12. Vocational education. International Handbook on Schools and Schooling in Asia, 643-680. London and New York: Routledge. M. Pavlova, J.C-K. Lee and R. Maclean (Eds) (2018). Transitions to Post-School Life: Responsiveness to Individual, Social and Economic Needs. Singapore: Springer. R. Maclean, R, Watanabe, L.P Symaco (2014). Book Series on Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects. Dordrecht: Springer. R. Maclean (2014). Book Series on Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects. Dordrecht: Springer. |
Journal Publications Publication in refereed journal Pavlova, M. and Askerud, P. (2023). A Euro-Asian look at challenges to innovation and the greening of industries: Implications for TVET and strategic policy formulation. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 76(2), 381-405. Chen, Z., Pavlova, M. & Ramos, C. (2021). A systematic approach to adult educators’ professional development in Singapore: Challenges and future developments. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 40(5-6), 455-470. Pavlova, M. & Chen, C.-S. (2019). Enhancing TVET teachers’ capacity to develop students’ generic green skills: a work-based learning model for professional development of teachers. TVET@Asia, 14, 1-23. Pavlova, M., Ng Y.K.R., Sheikh S. R. and Arsat, M. (2019). Preparing TVET Personnel to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals - Objectives, Concepts and Experiences. TVET@Asia, 14, 1-3. Rong, K. & Pavlova, M. (2019). Development of TVET Teachers' Career Identity through Teacher Education and Training Programs for the purposes of including ESD in Classroom Practice. TVET@Asia, 14, 1-11. Pavlova, M. (2019). Emerging environmental industries: Impact on required skills and TVET systems. International Journal of Training Research, 17(Suppl. 1), 144-158. Pavlova, M. and Chen, S. C. (2019). Facilitating the development of students’ generic green skills in TVET: an ESD pedagogical model. TVET@Asia, 12, 1-20. Pavlova, M (2018). Fostering inclusive, sustainable economic growth and “green” skills development in learning cities through partnerships. International Review of Education: Journal of Lifelong learning, 64(3), 339-354. Pavlova, M. (2018). Fostering inclusive, sustainable economic growth and “green” skills development in learning cities through partnerships. International Review of Education: Journal of Lifelong learning, 64 (3), 339-354. Margarita Pavlova (2017). Aspirations of and realities for Hong Kong students: is the “formal” transition system effective?. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 16 (1), 77-93. Pavlova, M., Lee, J.C.K., & Maclean, R. (2017). Complexities of school to work transitions. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 16(1), 1-7. Pavlova, M., & Zhang J.J. (2016). 綠色技能:職業教育課程體系變革的一種綜合方法[Green skills: an integrated approach of the curriculum system reform of vocational education]. 職教論壇雜誌社[Vocational and Technical Education Forum], 15, 87-96. Lee, J.C.K., Pavlova, M. and Maclean, R. (2016). School-to-work Transition in Hong Kong: Suggestions for the Vocationalization of Secondary Education. Curriculum and Teaching, 31(1), 47-66. Pavlova, M. (2016). Regional overview: What is the governments' role in greening TVET?. TVET@Asia, 6, 1-18. Pavlova, M. (2015). Skills for greening economies: requests from industry. Бiлiм-Образование [National education], 73 (2), 94-102. Pavlova, M. (2014). TVET as an important factor in country's economic development. SpringerPlus, 3, 2-3. Pavlova, M. (2013). Economic competitiveness and development of "green" skills. National and Foreign Pedagogy, 6(15), 102-111. Pavlova, M. (2013). Towards using transformative education as a benchmark for clarifying differences and similarities between Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development. Environmental Education Research, 19(5), 656-672. Pavlova, M. (2013). Teaching and learning for sustainable development: ESD research in technology education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 23(3), 733-748. Pavlova, M. (2012). ESD and skills development for employability: curriculum led innovation in Asia with particular reference to teacher education. Curriculum Perspectives, 32(3), 83-85. Maclean, R., & Pavlova, M. (2011). Skills development for employability (TVET) in higher education: issues and challenges. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 4(3), 321-330. Pavlova, M. (2011). ESD through Technology Education: Contextualisation of approaches. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 15(3), 41-55. Pavlova, M. (2009). Conceptualisation of technology education within the paradigm of sustainable development. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 19(2), 109-132. Pavlova, M., & Gurevich, M. (2007). Regional Universities and the Learning Society: roles and influences on educational policy and practice. Universities and Knowledge Society Journal, 4(2), 25-34. Pavlova, M., & Turner, S. (2007). It’s never too early: education for sustainable development. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability: Annual Review, 2(7), 69-76. Publication in non-refereed journal Pavlova, M. (2023). Green Skills Through Non-Formal VET: The Inclusion of Refugees in Sustainable Urban Development. EfVET Magazine, 2023, Issue 3, 17-18. |
Conference Papers Invited conference paper Pavlova, M. (2023, December). Australia’s Transition to a Net Zero Carbon Economy: The Implications for Skills Development [Keynote Address]. The Australian Council of Deans of Education Vocational Education Group (ACDEVEG) Conference 2023 on ‘Shaping VET Teachers for Australia's Future’, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Pavlova, M. (2023, June). Green Skills Development for Inclusion [Paper presentation]. Paper presented at the Conference of the GIVE project: AGORA for Inclusive Vocational Excellence, Como, Italy. Pavlova, M. (2022, December). Resilient TVET in the VUCA world [Keynote address]. The 8th World Conference on TVET (WoCTVET) 2022: Strategic Leadership through Industry- Institutions Partnership in VUCA World., on-line, Malaysia. Pavlova, M. (2022, November). TVET partnerships with industry: Greening Skills in Hong Kong.. The International Symposium 2030 SDGs Agenda: TVET and its contribution to sustainable development, on-line, Chile. Pavlova, M. (2022, October). Adaptation of TVET pedagogies for Greening and Digitalisation [Keynote address]. The International Conference on Digitalising and Greening TVET for Sustainable Development, Bangkok, Thailand. Pavlova, M. (2022, October). Greening the VET sector for sustainability: the role of teachers. [Keynote address]. Teaching and Learning conference 2022 to celebrate the World Teachers Day, online, Australia. Pavlova, M. (2022, September). Green values for 21st century learning [Keynote address].. The International Conference on Education 2022 (ICE2022) on Education for 21st Century Learning, on-line Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Pavlova, Margarita (2022, September). Reskilling and Transition to Green TVET. Paper presented at 2022: East and Southeast Asia UNEVOC Network Consolidation Workshop – Beyond New Normal, Towards the Transition: TVET for Resilience, Seoul, Korea. Pavlova, M. (2022, August). Future Ready VTE: Green Skills for Sustainable Development. The World Vocational and Technical Education Development Conference, on-line, Beijing, China. Pavlova, M. (2022, June). Embedding sustainability into the VET. Expert Meeting with the Education Leaders Network (TAFE CEO’s and executives) of Victoria, Australia. Pavlova, M (2022, May). Greening TVET for Sustainability. Keynote address at TVET Skilling Summit 2022 [online], Organised by the Employers’ Federation of Pakistan and Government Monotechnic Institute, Hala Sindh TEVTA, Karachi, Pakistan. Pavlova, M (2022, April). Greening the VET Sector. Keynote address at The ISS Institute/VDC Illuminate Forum – Sustainability and Innovation in the VET Sector [online], Melbourne, Victoria. Pavlova, M. (2022, February). Green TVET for Sustainable Development. Keynote address at the International TVET, Academic and Research Symposium, Malaysian Technical Doctoral Association and PUSPANITA, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. Pavlova, M. (2021, December). Greening TVET: an international perspective. Address at Expert Meeting with 90 GIZ field officers globally. Going green – skills and jobs for a sustainable transformation [Webinar]. GIZ’s End-of-year Conference on Education, TVET and Labour Markets. GIZ Competence Centre for Education, TVET and Labour Markets, Bonn, Germany. Pavlova, M. (2021, November). 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 4. Presentation at TVET Leadership Development Programme – Sustainable Development Goals: Drive to Change [Online], Malaysia Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (MyRIVET), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, in collaboration with Akademi Kepimpinan Pendidikan Tinggi (AKEPT), Malaysia. Pavlova, M. (2021, November). Government, industry and education: a targeted collaboration for climate change mitigation. Presentation at APEC TVET Forum Bringing us Together [Online], New Zealand. Pavlova, M. (2021, November). Greening TVET for supporting SDGs implementation: focusing on How?. Presentation at Greening TVET [Webinar]. Expert Meeting with UNESCO field office, Cambodia and UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre, Bonn for TVET officials from the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, Cambodia. Pavlova, M. (2021, November). SDG: Greening Economy and TVET. Presentation at Greening TVET [Webinar]. Expert Meeting with UNESCO Apia for senior TVET officials from 6 Pacific island states (Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea and Samoa). [26 participants, 7 from UNESCO, 19 from 6 Pacific countries], Apia, Samoa. Pavlova, M. (2021, October). Technical & Vocational Training and Sustainable Development. Keynote address at The 9th Saudi Technical Conference and Exhibition “Virtual” (STCEX 2021) – The Future of Training: The Knowledge of Economy for Sustainable Development [online], Saudi Arabia. Pavlova, M. (2021, September). Introduction of generic green skills into TVET teacher training program to support implementation of SDGs. Presentation at 2021 East/Southeast Asia UNEVOC Centre Network Workshop – TVET for Tomorrow: Policies & Implementations [Online workshop]. UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre, Bonn and KRIVET (Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training), Seoul, Republic of Korea.. Pavlova, M. (2020, August). Education for sustainable development in the context of technology and vocational education.. Keynote at The 2nd Vocational Education International Conference on Revitalization of Vocational Education in Indonesia, Semarang, Indonesia. Pavlova, M. (2020, June). Measuring and monitoring lifelong learning.. On-line International conference on “Continuing education for sustainable development: new challenges”, 4 June, Nur-Sultan, Kazahstan. Pavlova, M. (2020, June). Participant of the panel discussion on the International Collaboration in Consultation and Research in Post-Pandemic Era.. On-line Forum organised by Malaysia Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training, 18 June, Malaysia. Pavlova, M. (2020, January). Encouraging Green TVET in order to promote green skills and green jobs (strategy III of the RAVTE Research Plan 2019 – 2022). Guest speaker at the RAVTE Annual GAM Meeting held 16 – 18 January 2020, Pathum Thani, Thailand.. Pavlova, M. (2019, December). Green skills and lifelong learning.. International Forum on Development of Lifelong Learning, 2 December 2019, Shanghai Open University, Shanghai, China. Pavlova, M. (2019, December). Ecosystem of IR 4.0 for Socio-Economic Development.. National Seminar on TVET 4.0 – Opportunities and Challenges of IR4.0, 9 December 2019 (on-line), Dhaka, Bangladesh. Pavlova, M. (2019, December). Non-formal learning: museum pedagogy – an international perspective.. International conference on Role of museums in education, Organised by East China Normal University, 6 December, 2019, Shanghai, China. Pavlova, M. (2019, November). Greening TVET towards industry 4.0. A keynote at the International Research Conference on Advancing Scientific and Technological R&D towards Industry 4.0, Iloilo, The Philippines. Pavlova, M. (2019, November). Greening of TVET for Sustainable Development. Seminar for staff of Iloilo Science and Technology University, 28 November, 2019, Iloilo, The Philippines. Pavlova, M. (2019, October). 21st century skills’ challenges to post-secondary TVET institutions. International conference on Trends in development and Integration of STEM into TVET Education Programs: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, 13-15 October, 2019. College of North Atlantic-Qatar, Doha, Qatar. Pavlova, M. (2019, October). Effective green partnerships: Areas for collaboration from the perspective of the hotel industry. 2019 East/Southeast Asia UNEVOC Center Network Workshop on TVET for Tomorrow: Policies & Implementations, Seoul, Korea. Pavlova, M. (2019, October). Greening TVET for Sustainable development. A keynote at the 15th AASVET International Conference (OSAIC 2019) Future TVET Occupational Standards and Qualifications in the Era of the Digital Economy., Putrajaya, Malaysia. Pavlova, M. (2019, October). Participant of the panel discussion on the Role of Digital Workers: Are TVET Curricula still relevant?. At the at the 15th AASVET International Conference (OSAIC 2019) Future TVET Occupational Standards and Qualifications in the Era of the Digital Economy, Putrajaya, Malaysia. Pavlova, M. (2019, May). Challenges for skills development and the promotion of lifelong learning. International Conference on Continuous Education for Sustainable Development: New challenges, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. Pavlova, M. (2019, May). Green skills as a cross-curricula competence: an international experience. Seminar on Innovation in education: Theory and practice, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. Pavlova, M. (2019, May). Greening TVET: curriculum development and pedagogy. International Workshop on Green Skills and New economy for Sustainable Development, Zhejiang, China. Pavlova, M (2019, April). Greening TVET: Issues, challenges and solutions. National Forum on TVET Reform, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Pavlova, M. (2019, March). Inclusion of generic green skills in TVET curriculum. International Workshop on Greening of Job Roles and Curricula, New Delhi, India. Pavlova, M. (2018, November). The role of education in pursuing national energy sustainability and sustainable development.. The International Conference on Renewable, Applied and New Energy Technologies (ICRANET), Islamabad, Pakistan. Pavlova, M. (2018, October). Greening TVET: perspectives from Asia and the Pacific region. Research seminar, hold at Shenzhen Polytechnic, 16 October, Shenzhen, China. Pavlova, M. (2018, September). Skills for Sustainable Development: Curriculum and Pedagogy. The Vocational and Technical Education Forum “New Era, New Skills, New Mission: Towards a Community of Destiny in Vocational Education”, Beijing, China. Pavlova, M. (2018, June). Greening of skills and curriculum development. Panel on Sustainable Technical and Vocational Education at the International Forum UNESCO Mexico-AUDI Mexico, Puebla, Mexico. Pavlova, M. (2018, May). Current Issues and Status of TVET Teacher Training in the Asia Pacific Region. International Experts’ Meeting on TVET Teacher Training programmes And Institutions in the Asia and Pacific region, Chennai, India. Pavlova, M. (2018, April). Education 2030 and the Significance of 21st Century Skills: Implications for TVET. International Experts’ Meeting: TVET for Sustainable and Inclusive Development: A Research Agenda for the 21st Century, Doha, Qatar. Pavlova, M. (2018, March). Introduction to the theme of partnerships: What we can learn from two studies in Hong Kong?. International Symposium: Promoting Community Engagement for Vocational and Professional Education and Training, 15 March 2018, The EdUHK., Hong Kong. Pavlova, M. (2018, January). Greening Economies: How TVET Can Accommodate 21st Century Skills.. UNESCO–UNEVOC Centre Qatar Seminar Series, Doha, Qatar. Pavlova, M. (2017, November). Greening of TVET: Knowledge sharing on results of two projects.. 4th EAS TVET Providers’ Network Conference 2017 and KRIVET-UNEVOC-OVEC Capacity Building Workshop, Bangkok, Thailand. Pavlova, M. (2017, September). Expert participation. Experts Meeting for the Corporate Plan 2018-2023: CPSC as a Catalyst of Change, Manila, The Philippines. Pavlova, M. (2017, September). Green skills: The need for environmentally friendly practices in four industry sectors: Insights from the comparative research in seven countries and one territory. Symposium on ‘Green Skills in Non-Formal Learning Settings: A Comparative Study in Asia’, Manila, The Philippines. Pavlova, M. (2017, September). TVET for Economic and Social Development in ASEAN Economic Community. Keynote address presented at the International Conference on Technology and Vocational Teacher (ICTVT), Jogjakarta, Indonesia. Pavlova, M. and Singh M. (2017, September). The model of green skills inclusion in the RVA of non-formal and informal learning: The principles and core factors obtained from the eight case studies. International Symposium on ‘Green Skills in Non-Formal Learning Settings: A Comparative Study in Asia’, Manila, The Philippines. Pavlova, M. (2017, June). Climate change as a len for analysis of issues and challenges in TVET. VPET International Conference 2017: Partnership, Enterprise and Innovation, Presented at the VPET International Conference 2017,16-17 June 2017, Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong. Pavlova, M. (2017, June). Partnerships as a strategy to support greening of economies and skills development in the context of lifelong learning.. A keynote address to be presented at The 15th International Conference on Lifelong Learning: Continuous Education for Sustainable Development, 2 – 4 June, 2017, Astana, Kazakhstan. Pavlova, M. (2017, February). Expert participation. The Sub-Regional Meeting “Education 2030: Implementing the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) in Central Asia”, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Pavlova, M. (2016, November). Benchmarking VET/VPET institutions’ engagement with their local region and communities.. The International Symposium on UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities,12 November, 2016, EdUHK, Hong Kong. Pavlova, M. (2016, November). Institutional Practices in greening curriculum and training: methods and impact.. Presented at the International Forum COP22: Greening technical and vocational education curriculum and training: institutional approaches for climate change action, Marrakech, Morocco. Pavlova, M. (2016, November). Leadership, green mindsets and technological competencies: Heading to a better and greener future.. The Technical and Vocational Education & Training International Conference 2016 (TVETIC2016), 17 – 20 November 2016, KSL, Malaysia. Pavlova, M (2016, October). Greening skills: Research and Practices from Asia and the Pacific region. A keynote at the Annual conference of the Southern African Association of Environmental Education (EEASA), Johannesburg, South Africa, 3 – 6 October 2016. Pavlova, M. (2016, August). Key issues and challenges: results of the research study on Recognising Green skills in non-formal Learning settings – A comparative study in Asia.. Symposium jointly organised by UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning and UNEVOC Centre (Hong Kong), Hamburg, 30 – 31 August 2016. Pavlova, M. (2016, May). Greening of skills and economies for a successful transition to environemtnally friendly, low-carbon development: What are the implication for TVET?. UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre Qatar Seminar Series, 30 May, Doha, Qatar. Pavlova, M., Lee, C-K.J. and Maclean, R. (2016, April). Transition to life beyond school: what is the role of the 21st century skills?. Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong Annual Conference 2016: Learning to Live together and Comparative Education, EdUHK, Hong Kong. Pavlova, M. (2015, December). Global megatrends, greening restructuring and TVET: issues of competitiveness and sustainability. Keynote address presented at the International Conference on Enginerring Technology, Vocational Education and Social Sciences (ICETVESS) held at Sultan Idris Education University, 1-2 December 2015, Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia. Pavlova, M. (2015, December). Innovative ways of using ICT in TVET. Presentation at the ADB International Forum on Current Priorities in Technical and Vocational Education and Training, December 1-2, Manila. Pavlova, M. (2015, November). Green skills in construction. Expert meeing on APEC project, 26-27 November, Sydney, Australia. Pavlova, M. (2015, November). Green skills vs. greeing skills: TVET practices in the region. Expert Consulation Meeting on greening TVET in Mongolia organized by UNESCO Beijing Office, 3 November, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Pavlova, M. (2015, November). How to unleash a potential of the UNEVOC centres in Asia and the Pacific?. Expert workshop on TVET leadersip capacity development, UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre, 17-19 November, Bonn, Germany. Pavlova, M. (2015, August). Green skills: defining and reorienting competencies for environmentally friendly practices. Presentation at the International symposium on the inclusion of green competences in the Recognition of Prior Learning: a comparative study of seven countries in Asia and the Pacific region, EdUHK, 26-27 August, Hong Kong. Pavlova, M. (2015, August). Regional study cross-regional analysis & recommendations and a Prototype Curriculum for top-up skills.. Presented at the Asia-Pacific Conference on Education and Training, 2-5 August, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Pavlova, M. (2015, May). Greening of economies: environmental industries in Hong Kong. Keynote address at the Inception Workshop of the APEC project on 'Systematic Design of Green Skills Development in TVET', May 28-29, Beijing. Pavlova, M. (2015, March). Empowering people to participate in greening economies. Invited conference presentation at the 2015 Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Imagining a Humanist Education Globally. 8-13 March 2015, Washington, DC. Pavlova, M. (2014, December). Skills development for Green jobs: a perspective from TVET institutions.. Invited conference presentation at the Fourth Annual International Skills Development Forum, ADB: Skills Development in Asia and Pacific: Planting seed one step ahead, 10-11 December, Manila. Pavlova, M. (2014, December). TVET as an important factor in country's economic development: challenges of green economic restructuring.. Presented keynote address at Practical Social and Industrial Research (PSIR) Symposium., Vocational Training Council, 5 December, 2014, VTC, Hong Kong. Pavlova, M. (2014, November). Establishing sustainable lifelong learning: learning opportunities for everyone.. Presented keynote addresses at the 4th World Congress on TVET, 5-6 November, 2014, Malacca, Malaysia. Pavlova, M. (2014, October). Competency-based training and challenges of flexibility.. In Zh. O. Zhilbaev, N. A Lobanov, V. N. Sokolov (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second Stage of sustainable development, 9-12 October, Astana, Kazakhstan, Astana-St. Petersburg. Pavlova, M. (2014, October). Skills for Inclusive Societies - a discussant.. Presented at Global Forum on Skills for Work and Life post-2015, 14-16 October 2014, UNESCO-UNEVOC, Bonn. Pavlova, M (2014, May). Climate Change and Greening of Jobs in Hong Kong - a discussant. Presented at UNESCO Public Seminar series hold at the HKIED to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Institute, Hong Kong. Pavlova, M. (2014, May). Developing Curriculum and Strategic VET Responses to Meet Environmental, Natural and Socio-cultural changes. Keynote speech presented at the 3rd International Conference on Vocational Education and Training (ICVET), May 14th, 2014, Yogyakarta State University. Pavlova, M. (2014, May). Greening of skills in Asia: agenda for green growth and challenges of skill gaps. Presented at The 12th International Conference on Lifelong Learning: Continuous Education for Sustainable Development, St Petersburg. Pavlova, M. (2014, May). How to make TVET greener: Reflections on a comparative study in Asia. Presented at the research seminar on Green skills, Shenzhen Polytechnic. Pavlova, M. (2014, February). Innovation and Green Skills: Enhancing Global Competitiveness in Support of the Aspirations of the DESD. Presented at the Annual International Conference of Hong Kong Educational Research Association, Managing Global Cities: Enhancing Hub Status and Implications for Education and Development, Hong Kong. Pavlova, Margarita (2014, February). Skills development initiatives in Asia in the Context of Regional Development. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong, Policy and Educational Development in a Global Context, Hong Kong. Pavlova, M. (2013, December). Green skills in the context of lifelong learning. Presentation at the Meeting of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy, Moscow. Refereed conference paper Pavlova, M. (2024, April). How Education can Contribute to Sustainable Urban Development? [Panelist presentation]. International Congress on Educational Futures 2024, Hong Kong. Pavlova, M., & Saral, A. (2023, July). Building Generic Green Skills for Refugees and Asylum Seekers for an Inclusive Sustainable Development [Paper presentation]. The Journal of Vocational Education and Training (JVET) Conference 2023: The Context and Purpose of TVET, UK, Oxford. Pavlova, M., Akeredoul, I., Afamah, F., & Rugus, A. (2023, July). Challenges in Supporting Sustainability: Teacher Professional Development in Nigeria [Paper presentation]. The Journal of Vocational Education and Training (JVET) Conference 2023: The context and purpose of TVET, UK, Oxford. Pavlova, M. (2023, May). Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development Goals Agenda. 24th Annual CiCea International Conference 2023 and 2nd Joint Conference with CitEdEV & 2-day Student Research Conference, Madrid, Spain. Pavlova, M. (2023, May). Global citizenship and the sustainable development goals agenda. Paper presented at The 24th Annual CiCea International Conference 2023 and 2nd Joint Conference with CitEdEV & Student Research Conference, Madrid, Spain. Saral, A.T. and Pavlova, M. (2023, February). Improving the wellbeing of refugees through the development of generic green skills. CIES 2023: Improving Education for more equitable world, on-line, Washington, DC, USA. Saral, A. T. and Pavlova, M. (2022, December). Can Generic Green Skills Development for Refugees be a Solution for Sustainable Urban Development?. International Conference Proceedings IICAST -22, TCBEM-22, ALHSS-22 & TBEEL-22, Istanbul, Turkiye. Pavlova, M. (2021, June). Addressing 21st century skills in TVET: Recommendations for sector development in Qatar.. International webinar on Improving and Enriching the Human Capital of Qatar through the Identification and Development of 21st Century Skills for Sustainability and Employability, Doha, Qatar. Pavlova, M. (2021, June). Greening Human Capital in Qatar: conceptualisation of green skills. International webinar on Improving and Enriching the Human Capital of Qatar through the Identification and Development of 21st Century Skills for Sustainability and Employability, Doha, Qatar. Said, Z. Pavlova, M. and Wheeler, L. (2020, March). 21st century skills challenges to postsecondary TVET institutions in Qatar.. Proceedings of INTED2020 Conference, Valencia, Spain. Kennedy, K.J., Zhu, J. & Pavlova, M. (2019, July). Immigrant Status and Students’ Civic Achievement in the Russian Federation Are Immigrant Students Disadvantaged?. The XV1th Conference of the European Congress of Psychology, Moscow, Russia. Pavlova, M. (2018, July). Effective green partnership for the hotel industry: A perspective from Hong Kong case studies.. The European Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment (ECSEE2018), Brighton, UK. Pavlova, M. (2016, August). 21st century skills: How to identify and address them in Technology Education. In M. De Vries (Ed). Proceedings of The International Conference PATT 32 Technology Education for 21st Century skills, 23 – 26 August 2016, Utrecht. Pavlova, M. (2016, June). Effective partnerships between vocational education, government and industry for green skills development within the paradigm of lifelong learning. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Lifelong Learning: Continuous Education for Sustainable Development, 3-5 June, 2016, St. Petersburg. Pavlova, M. (2015, September). Pursuing green innovation: What competencies are required?. Lifelong learning: Continuous education for sustainable development. Proceedings of the 2nd stage of the 13th International Conference, 9-12 September., Ulan-Ude. Pavlova, M. (2014, December). Skills development for Green jobs: Country study Sri Lanka. Invited conference presentation at the fourth annual International Skills Development Forum, ADB: Skills Development in Asia and Pacific: Planting seed on step ahead, 10-11 December, Manila, Manila. Pavlova, M. (2014, October). Greens skills in formal TVET: a reflection on international studies. Presented at the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics Congress 2014, 24-26 October, Beijing, China. Other conference paper Pavlova, M., & Saral, A. (2024, February). Green Skills for Green Transition: How Can Collaborative Work across Stakeholders Support Green Skills Development? [Paper presentation]. UNESCO and UNEVOC (Hong Kong) Symposium on Green Transition - Empowering Youth: Skills for green innovation: fostering green transition to a Sustainable Future, Hong Kong. Pavlova, M. (2024, January). Exploring the Future: How AI is Transforming Higher Education [Paper presentation]. Conference on AI and Education: Leveraging AI for a Change in Education, Hong Kong. Pavlova, M. (2023, December). Digital and Green Transformation: Empowering Pakistan's Workforce for the Future [Presentation]. Pakistan Skilling Symposium 2023, online. Pavlova, M. (2023, August). Research as an Effective Tool in Support of Sustainable Development [Keynote speech presentation]. The 8th Asian Education Symposium (AES 2023) - Green Research in Higher Education for Sustainable Development, online. Chen, S. C. and Pavlova, M. (2019, May). Enhancing educators’ capacity to incorporate generic green skills in pedagogical practices. International conference on Continuous Education for Sustainable Development: New challenges, 23- 24 May 2019, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. Pavlova, M. (2018, October). Greening TVET: Urgent priorities in Asia and the Pacific region. East and Southeast Asia Cluster Network Consolidation Workshop, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Pavlova, M. (2018, May). Greening Finance Industry in Hong Kong: The role of partnerships.. 36th International Academic Conference, London, UK. Pavlova, M., Lee, C-K. J., & Maclean, R. (2016, April). Transition to Life Beyond School: What is the Role of the 21st Century Skills?. Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong Annual Conference 2016: Learning to Live Together and Comparative Education, 15-16 April, EdUHK, Hong Kong. |
Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies Consulting or contract research report Pavlova, M. (2022). Capacity Building for Addressing SDGs through Curriculum and Pedagogy Innovation in TVET ([Report]). Bonn, Germany: UNESCO-UNEVOC International Center. Wheeler, L., Pavlova, M., Said, Z. (2021). A case study on the preparedness of Applied Learning/TVET post-secondary educational institutions to meet changing labour market needs in Qatar.. Doha, Qatar Pavlova, M. (2018). Gap analysis report submitted to the World bank for the project Capacity Building for Lead Teacher Training Universities (LTTUs) in Viet Nam. Hong Kong Pavlova, M. (2015). Report on Green skills- top-up approaches: How TVET insitutions are responding in Asia and the Pacific region.. Bonn, Germany: Project report prepared for UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre, Bonn. Pavlova, M. (2014). Case Study: Bac Thang Long Economic-Technical College, Viet Nam. Consulting report submitted to HKIEd/Asian Development Bank research project, Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth and Green Jobs. Hong Kong: Hong Kong. Pavlova, M. (2014). Report on Indonesia. Consulting report submitted to HKIEd/Asian Development Bank research project, Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth and Green Jobs. HKIEd: Hong Kong. Pavlova, M. (2014). ). Report on Sri Lanka. Consulting report submitted to HKIEd/Asian Development Bank research project, Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth and Green Jobs. HKIEd: Hong Kong. Pavlova, M. (2014). Report on India. Consulting report submitted to HKIEd/Asian Development Bank research project, Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth and Green Jobs.. Hong Kong Pavlova, M. (2013). Report on Viet Nam. Consulting report submitted to HKIEd/Asian Development Bank research project, Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth and Green Jobs. HKIEd: Hong Kong. |
All Other Outputs Journal editor ('editorial membership' should be excluded) Pavlova, M., Ng Y.K.R., Sheikh S. R. and Arsat, M. (Eds) (2020). Preparing TVET Personnel to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals - Objectives, Concepts and Experiences. Dortmund: TVET@Asia. R. Maclean, R. Hilal, and M. Pavlova (Eds) (2018). Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the Middle East – Issues, Concerns and Prospects. Taylor & Francis. M. Pavlova, J. Lee and R. Maclean (2017). Special issue of the journal: School to work transitions: Preparing students for the future. Springer. Schröder, T., Pavlova, M., Numyoot, S., & Zhiqun, Z. - editors of the Special Issue (2016). Special Issue 6: The Greening of Technical and Vocational Education and Training. RAVTE, UNESCO Bangkok, SEMEO VOCTECH. Postgraduate research theses Kang, R. (2018). A model to predict Chinese Undergraduates' engagement into online career exploration. A PhD thesis. Hong Kong: The EdUHK. Other outputs Coulter, S., Goodwin, B., Goto, M., Loh, C., Pavlova, M., Ramsarup, P., Rosenberg, E., Schmid, S., & Strietska-Ilina, O. (2023). [Advisory Board] The Economist Impact - Green Skills: Driving the Transition to a More Sustainable Future. Pavlova (2023, 6). An invited member of Task Force V on “Skill Development: Role and Responsibilities of Stakeholders” at L20 Labour Summit (a part of G20 events). Patna, India Pavlova, M. (2023, 6). SDGs and Education: Sustainability & VET. Advisory Board, VET Development Center, Government of Victoria, Australia, on-line Pavlova, M. (2022). From Belief to Behaviour: Green values and green skills for shaping economies of future. OECD. Pavlova, M. (2022,10). Invited participant: Launch of the new UNESCO Strategy for TVET “International Conference following the official approval of the new UNESCO Strategy for TVET (2022-2029) and UNESCO-UNEVOC network meeting:. Bonn, Germany: UNESCO Pavlova, M. (2020). UNESCO-UNEVOC Resource Guide for Teachers: Embedding green skills in classroom Instruction.. Bonn, Germany Pavlova, M. and Akoojee, S. (Eds) (2019). Section 1. The changing world of work.The International Handbook of Education for the Changing World of Work. Springer. Pavlova, M. (2017). Expert input into the meeting. Almaty, Kazakhstan, 22-24 February 2017 Pavlova, M. (2016). Developing Skills and Talent for a More Inclusive Future. Manila, the Philippines, 12-14 September, 2016: ADB. Schröder, T., Pavlova, M., Numyoot, S., & Zhiqun, Z. (2016). Editorial TVET@Asia Issue 6: The Greening of Technical and Vocational Education and Training. RAVTE, UNESCO Bangkok, SEMEO VOCTECH. |
Greening Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) across SEAMEO countries: Supporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) via Knowledge Transfer from the EdUHK This project is designed to support the efforts of the SEAMEO countries in achieving a green and just transition. SEAMEO, as the organization of South East Asia Ministers of Education, has been closely collaborating with the governments of 11 countries (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam), and it expressed a strong commitment to work with the EdUHK in supporting green transition in the region via education. The recently formulated research agenda for SEAMEO has education for sustainable development as one of its focuses. The overall approach is to support evidence-based policymaking among SEAMEO countries. Therefore, this project has a number of objectives: 1. To collect baseline data among 11 countries on the capacity of TVET educators and leaders to green TVET; use it for planning projects in the region; deliver results at the SEAMEO Centres Policy Research Network (CPRN) Summit 2025, a research conference of the SEAMEO and share policy recommendations. 2. To deliver capacity-building programs in three selected countries: Indonesia, Brunei, and Timor- Leste. 3. To develop implementation plans on Greening TVET for several TVET institutions in each country. Therefore, expertise and skills developed by the team leader through the projects run by the UNEVOC Center (Hong Kong) at the EdUHK will be transferred to the countries in the region to ensure that their societies and economies are better prepared for the challenges of SDG implementation. Project Start Year: 2024, Principal Investigator(s): PAVLOVA, Margarita SDGs Information: 4 - Quality Education, 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation, 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy, 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production, 13 - Climate Action, 17 - Partnerships for the Goals |
Empowering Youth Skills for Green Innovation: Fostering Green Transition to a Sustainable Future The aim of this project was to explore the relationships between green innovation, green transition, and skills requirements to address the implementation of SDGs, UNESCO TVET strategy, and the Green-net initiative that emphasized skills for individuals, economies, and societies to ensure a green transition towards a sustainable future. Green innovation provides the tools and solutions needed for a sustainable future, while the green transition sets the stage for the widespread adoption of these innovations, fostering holistic and transformative change across societies and industries. This project brings together different stakeholders, including industry, youth organizations, educators, and students, to discuss issues of the green transition and the role of education in it. It achieved the following outcomes: • Established understanding of the linkages between green innovation, entrepreneurship, youth, and skills required. • Raised awareness in relation to green innovation and entrepreneurship through the Social Enterprise Pitching Competition • Raised students and academic awareness on how to make the campus more sustainable by identifying sustainability issues and proposing solutions based on photo competition. • Formulated ideas for joint projects for youth empowerment. • Developed practical green skills on how to transform used cooking oil into candles. Project Start Year: 2024, Principal Investigator(s): PAVLOVA, Margarita |
Education on green urban development and social entrepreneurship as a tool for developing life and positive values among ethnic minorities in Hong Kong with an impact on EdUHK students This project aims to explore ethnic minority’s (EM) understanding of sustainable urban development issues and advance their green and entrepreneurial skills to enhance their potential to contribute to locally generated solutions for environmental issues and better integrate them into Hong Kong (HK) society. In addition, it examines how appropriate this approach is for working with local university students. The project intervention exposed participants to non-formal learning to develop generic green skills that are related to awareness, ethics, and sensitive behavior toward the natural environment and resources. The development of entrepreneurial competencies allowed participants to formulate ideas for green social enterprises. Thus, this project addresses life and positive values education through the context of sustainability and contributes towards the achievement of SDG11 – Sustainable cities and communities; SDG12 – Sustainable consumption and production; SDG4 – Quality education. The outcomes provide baseline data for understanding how to adapt suggested approaches so they could potentially be taken up by a broader base of HK residents. Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): PAVLOVA, Margarita |
University for green and inclusive society: action-based campus for a sustainable future The project was designed to allow students to learn about and engage in a design-based approach for project development and implementation, work with different stakeholders, and organize on-campus events to raise awareness about sustainable development and green transition. In terms of research, students designed a survey and collected data on the EdUHK students’ awareness of sustainability issues and their pro-environmental behaviour. With more than 200 responses, the analysis provides a baseline for understanding what can be improved in terms of teaching and learning, students’ engagement, and greening activities on campus so SDGs can be more effectively addressed. A number of ideas were generated on how to stimulate demand for greening initiatives and supply of these greening activities. Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): PAVLOVA, Margarita |
Capacity Building for Addressing SDGs through Curriculum and Pedagogy Innovation in TVET Dr Margarita Pavlova, Director of the UNEVOC Center (Hong Kong), won a competitive grant under a new UNEVOC Network Coaction Initiative by the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Center, Bonn for the purposes of knowledge transfer. The project aims to build the capacity of TVET practitioners and TVET leaders (including government officials) about the issue of greening TVET and, in particular, the curriculum. The team led by Dr Pavlova will provide training to TVET educators from Shenzhen and Hangzhou, China, Mongolia, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia and Nigeria using online resources that support problem-oriented, project-based pedagogy that is learner-centered. Resources were developed through the GRF and subsequent CRAC projects. These resources have been successfully used in pilot initiatives with different groups of TVET leaders and practitioners across the Asia-Pacific region, including Hong Kong. Participants will engage in active learning and develop local case studies to contextualize resources that can be used for future training and teaching on green economic restructuring and greening societies in their countries. Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): PAVLOVA, Margarita null |
Improving and Enriching the human Capital of Qatar through the Identification and Development of 21st Century Skills for Sustainability and Employability The project focuses on development of strategies through which the post-secondary education in Qatar can optimise the role of human capital in sustainable development of the country. It focuses on the energy, construction, financial services and educations sectors. To achieve this the study aims to 1) identify 21st century skills from the perspective of government, industry and training sectors in Qatar; 2) assess how well they are being addressed; 3) identify and assess potential reforms; and 4) recommend policies and strategies through which 21st Century skills and current views of human capital may be developed further. Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): SAID, Ziad, PAVLOVA, Margarita, MACLEAN RUPERT DONALD IAIN 馬敬言 |
Capacity Building for Lead Teacher Training Universities (LTTUs) in Vietnam This project was designed to improve capacity of Lead Teacher Training Universities (LTTUs) and central teacher management unit in Viet Nam to improve effectiveness of teachers' and principals' education and training to meet the demands of educational reform in Viet Nam. Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Chi Kin John 李子建 (PAVLOVA, Margarita as Co-Investigator) |
Creating an Impact: Setting up a Green Skills Hub at the EdUHK The purpose of this project is to support the Hong Kong government’s resolution to green Hong Kong (in order to decrease carbon emissions) by developing human resources that possess the necessary green skills. The project will thoroughly research the current curriculum greening practices among vocational and professional education and training (VPET) providers in Hong Kong and will simultaneously investigate PVE teacher training practices at the EdUHK, and other universities in the region, with the aim to formulate recommendations for VTC and PVE programs at our university. The results of the research will be disseminated well beyond Hong Kong to enable knowledge transfer by training TVET leaders in the region. The greening of VPET is defined as the development of green skills and the provision of knowledge that eases the transition to green economies and societies (UNESCO, 2016). Greening VPET has been recognized as a means to achieving sustainable development, since professional and vocational education and training underpins many sustainable development goals (SDG) such as UNESCO’s SDGs 4, 6 and 8 that target poverty reduction, job creation and decent work provision. Our proposal is closely aligned with the strategic development of the University (EdUHK’s Strategic Plan 2016-2025 – Nov 2016 draft), which is to emphasize local and regional knowledge transfer, to strengthen the provision of education leadership training, and also to advance digital tools in order to maximize their significant potential for learning, professional development and teaching. The proposed project contributes directly to the university’s internationalization policy and supports the internationalization initiatives of the Faculty of Education and Human Development. It is designed to have a visible impact on the Hong Kong VPET community and in the region (particularly through two networks – UNESCO-UNEVOC centers and RAVTE – Regional Association for Vocational Teacher Education in East and South East Asia) in terms of improving the quality of PVE teacher training and helping VPET institutions in Hong Kong to develop an holistic approach towards greening their curriculum and operations, thereby having a positive impact on the lowering of carbon emissions. All programs at the EdUHK can access the materials developed throughout the project, as generic green skills are an essential part of 21st century skills that are targeted by all teacher-training programs at our university. The area of greening skills is gaining momentum throughout the globe. Green skills projects that have been established in different parts of the world highlight an increased interest in researching this area for the purposes of both knowledge generation and its application to policy and practice. The Third International Congress on TVET in 2012 (Shanghai Consensus) made an explicit recommendation to “include education for ‘green’ economies and ‘green’ societies as a part of TVET qualifications and programs, and advance the ‘greening TVET’ agenda towards low carbon and climate-resilient growth and development”. This project will set up a green skills hub at the UNEVOC Centre (Hong Kong) that will be hosted by EdUHK in order to further advance green skills research and development in Hong Kong and the wider region. Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): PAVLOVA, Margarita |
Training and Adult Education Landscape in Singapore – Characteristics, Challenges and Policies This multistage project investigates the landscape of the training and adult education (TAE) sector in Singapore. TAE is critical to Singapore as it helps to improve workforce productivity, competency and resilience through the culture of lifelong learning to meet major economic and social challenges caused by global economic competition. However, to ensure the sector’s development in a systematic, integrated and holistic manner, it is important to gain a deeper understanding of its current status. Therefore, this study aims to provide baseline information about the TAE sector and identify TAE providers’ characteristics and business models, profiles of TAE professionals, their beliefs and practices as well as challenges they face and impact of government policies and initiatives on TAE practices and development. Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): Dr Chen Zan (PAVLOVA, Margarita as Collaborator) |
Benchmarking VET institutions’ engagement with their local region and communities This project is aimed at evaluating and fine-tuning a benchmarking instrument that can help to evaluate the ways VET institutions engage with their local region and communities. Regional engagement refers to these diverse ways in which institutions and their staff and students connect and share their knowledge, skills and experience with a whole variety of interests within the region in which they are located, including public policy and service delivery agencies, the business community, not-for-profit organisations and community groups, in order to enhance not only the learning of their students but also the social, economic and cultural development of the region, the quality of life and opportunities it offers, and the well-being of those living in the area. Benchmarking is now a well established element in processes of continuous improvement in businesses and in public sector organisational performance. The suggested instrument consists of several domains including Developing human capital; Developing regional learning processes and social capital; Cultural development. Significance of the project is related to the assumption that systematically collected data from different organisations or parts of organisations can be used comparatively to understand organisational strengths and weaknesses, and to identify aspects of performance in which change should be a priority. This research will serve as a pilot that can be then promoted to the HK government as one of the instruments to assess quality of TVET. Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): PAVLOVA, Margarita |
Greening Skills in Hong Kong: Effective Partnerships between Vocational Education, Government and Industry to Support the Greening of the Economy The importance of transitioning towards a greener economy has been recognised globally by different regions and countries (e.g., The European Comission, 2010; The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China, 2011). Challenges associated with the current and future shortage of resources, their inflating prices, technological development and innovation, new markets, and changes in industrial practices and consumer demands (OECD, 2011; UNEP, 2011) have led to structural economic changes, towards ‘greening’ in business and industry. Issues of climate change, health, and other aspects of personal and social well-being that are closely related to the quality of environment, have become a primary concern for governments globally, including the government of Hong Kong. The purpose of this project is to examine governments’ influences on new skills requirements, employers’ needs, and the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector’s responses, with the aim of supporting skills development towards greening economy in Hong Kong. Its focus is on the improvements of collaboration between government, TVET and industry. The project employs a theoretical base developed from the Triple Helix models of Academe-Industry-Government relations (Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff, 2000) that illustrate a diversity of relationships between the entities that can range from a strong separation, to overlapping of institutional spheres. This will guide the analysis of data and development of new frameworks. Outcomes of the project, which contribute to both theory and improved policy and practice include a conceptualisation of current practices in Hong Kong that enable skills training to adapt to changing economic needs and policy initiatives towards greening; models that consolidate current partnerships pertaining to the greening of skills development; new, forward looking and innovative frameworks which seek to improve collaboration between government, industry and TVET providers towards strengthening and upgrading greening skills; and identification of patterns of TVET greening for countries at different stages of economic development. Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): PAVLOVA, Margarita |
Inclusion of Green Competencies in the Recognition of Prior Learning: A Comparative Study of Eight Countries in the Asia and Pacific Region (UIL) This study examines the issue of skills recognition and is aimed at improving environmental and sustainable development in four industries (Service sector: catering, automotive and waste management; and Manufacturing sector: PVC production) in the formal and informal settings. The objectives of the study are:To map the situation in eight countries and territories (Hong Kong SAR China, China, India, Thailand, Philippines, Kazakhstan, Nepal and Bangladesh) in order to (a) identify environmental friendly practices in respective industries; (b) identify mechanisms in use to recognize/assess existing skill. “Skills” are interpreted broadly and include knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and behaviours. To evaluate a potential for green skills inclusion in recognition of prior learning (RPL) based on comparison against countries with a higher standard of green skills inclusion (e.g. Australia); To identify factors contributing to models development for effective green skills inclusion in RPL and set-up at least one pilot to evaluate a model. Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): PAVLOVA, Margarita |
Visiting Researcher at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia One of the aims of this project was to develop bilateral collaboration between the Faculty of Education of the UTM Johor Bahru and the UNEVOC Centre (Hong Kong). During this appointment UTM became a partner for the regional project "The inclusion of green competencies in the recognition of prior learning" and submitted an article in the Special issue of TVET@Asia journal co-edited by M. Pavlova Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): PAVLOVA, Margarita |
Systematic Design of Green Skills Development in TVET Within the framework of sustainable development, this project reviews the current status of green skills in TVET in APEC economies. Based on job analysis conducted by several research groups it formulates the composition of green skills (‘general contents of green skills’) in TVET for several economy sectors, and comes up with suggestions on how to reform programs offered by TVET institutions. In addition, the project focuses on curriculum reform required to enable adoptation of green skills. To facilitate knowledge transfer, the project aims to establish a green skills development network across several APEC economies. Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): Liu, Yufeng (PAVLOVA, Margarita as Co-Investigator) |
Developing Life and Employment Skills This project aims to develop specialized courses and coherent programmes in Life and Employment Skills, drawing upon the multi-disciplinary specialists and the UNESCO connections within HKIEd. Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): ADAMSON, Robert Damian 鮑勃 (PAVLOVA, Margarita as Co-Investigator) |
Transition to green economies The proposed project is aimed at exploring the links between government policies in Denmark within the broader framework of greening of economies. Denmark is considered among the most progressive states in terms of the global green innovation index. The research analyses various governments’ approaches and investment strategies towards greening of economies, including entrepreneurship initiatives and skills development policies. The project results in a theoretical framework formulated as a set of policy options for ensuring effective preparation of students for greening of economies. Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): PAVLOVA, Margarita |
Greening Skills: How TVET Institutions are responding in the Asia-Pacific region The project is funded by UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre (Bonn) and is an important step in contributing towards an understanding of the ways TVET institutions are responding to greening of economies. It is broadly aimed at drawing an overview of patterns in greening jobs in the Asia-Pacific region, teaching/training the skills required to meet the demands of these jobs and analysing skills’ bottlenecks. This study brings qualitative and quantitative information on the skills that TVET students acquire during their studies as perceived by teachers and students themselves. China, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines and Sri Lanka are involved in this study. Data collected through survey seeks to explore how greening through topping up skills in two sectors, namely construction and agriculture, is embedded in TVET programs and how this is related to the government’s agenda on the greening of societies and economies. With a view that there is a need to re-orient education and training to integrate new skill requirements to meet the demands of low-carbon transitions, the study aims to facilitate understanding on how skills can effectively support transitions and how education and training can further improve, through including green skills into their programs to support implementation of government policies and empowering the youth for greater skills mobility and employability. Policy options for Asia and the Pacific region will be formulated. Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): PAVLOVA, Margarita |
Inclusion of Green Competencies in the Recognition of Prior Learning: A Comparative Study of Eight Countries in the Asia and Pacific Region (EdUHK Faculty Fund) This study examines the issue of skills recognition and is aimed at improving environmental and sustainable development in four industries (Service sector: catering, automotive and waste management; and Manufacturing sector: PVC production) in the formal and informal settings. The objectives of the study are: • To map the situation in eight countries and territories (Hong Kong SAR China, China, India, Thailand, Philippines, Kazakhstan, Nepal and Bangladesh) in order to (a) identify environmental friendly practices in respective industries; (b) identify mechanisms in use to recognize/assess existing skill. “Skills” are interpreted broadly and include knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and behaviours. • To evaluate a potential for green skills inclusion in recognition of prior learning (RPL) based on comparison against countries with a higher standard of green skills inclusion (e.g. Australia); • To identify factors contributing to models development for effective green skills inclusion in RPL and set-up at least one pilot to evaluate a model. Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): PAVLOVA, Margarita |
Challenges and Opportunities in Skills Building for Innovation: Human Resource Dimensions of Hong Kong's Green Innovation The research project focuses on the processes of innovation diffusion and on the role of human capital in facilitating these dissemination processes. The aim of the project is to contribute to increased efficiency of government spending on R&D by examining the role of skills in the implementation of the results of R&D programmes in the delivery of public services. The overall question that is answered by the project is how to improve diffusion by addressing needs in a broad range of skills that are essential to facilitate effective change and ensure an active involvement of people at the work place in the innovation processes? The case studies developed by the project examine how innovation, and green innovation in particular, is related to on-job skills development and training programs of vocational institutions. Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): PAVLOVA, Margarita |
Demand for Continuing Education: Addressing Green Skills Requirements This project explores policies and practices of green skills development in TVET in three major cities in Russia. It employs a survey instrument previously developed by the author and validated through a big scale study supported by the Asian Development Bank Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth and Green Jobs in Asia (2012-2014) that involved four countries India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Viet Nam. Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): PAVLOVA, Margarita |
Preparing Urban Youth for Further Study and Careers: An International Study Involving Hong Kong How well are schools preparing young people for higher education and careers? Hong Kong introduced changes to the education system to better prepare young people for a positive future. This project examines how effective these changes are, and how Hong Kong’s education system compares internationally. This project will track a sample of young people from the beginning of senior secondary schooling through to higher education or employment. The sample will include young people from different backgrounds. Teams of researchers (independently funded) will conduct the same study in cities in Europe, North America and Australia. By studying Hong Kong within this context, we will assess differences and similarities in student transitions and the factors that influence them. The research aims to identify a cohort of young people at the beginning of senior secondary school to provide baseline data on HK students in terms of engagement in schools and learning; 21st century skills; plans for the future; home and family contexts; to identify a representative sample of S6 students to compare intentional destinations and the real destinations for students from different types of schools; to examine how young people’s perceptions and outlooks vary according to the type of school they take in the senior years of secondary schooling and according to their backgrounds; to investigate the range of support structures, programs and activities which schools operate to assist different learners to complete school successfully or to undertake alternative courses, and the ways in which strong learners are challenged and extended in their transition through to the end of school; to compare institutional arrangements in Hong Kong with arrangements in other cities; and to identify the differential impact of these arrangements on destinations for young people in HK and to identify the strategies used by schools to ensure valuable transitions for all their students. Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Chi Kin John 李子建 (PAVLOVA, Margarita as Co-Investigator) |
TA 7879 REG: Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth and Green Jobs The growing prominence of Asian economies, together with globalization and technological innovation, are leading to long term changes in trade, business and labor markets. Countries in Asia need to align skills and training policies with economic and industrial policies to sustain growth, productivity and competitiveness, and address problems of unemployment and underemployment, particularly among the youth. A re-engineered, modernized and innovative skills development system, contributing to employability and sustainable livelihoods, is called for.The Asian Development Bank has a significant and potentially increasing engagement with its developing member countries (DMCs) in the skills sector. Appropriate investments and forward looking strategies are needed in the light of Asia’s ongoing structural transformation. This regional research and development project aims to strengthen link between research, policy and practice to enhance the quality and relevance of skills development systems in four countries(India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Indonesia) participating in the project. The details of the project and its expected outputs can be found in the document: ADB Research and Development Technical Assistance, Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth and Green Jobs, October 2011. The TA will help the DMCs put in place timely and effective policies and strategies for skills development. It will facilitate dialogue and networking between the public sector, business and sector councils, industry and occupational associations to assess gaps in policy and practice for the development of skills and to anticipate future needs. The TA will address both technology-oriented high-end skills as well as middle and lower-end skills. The TA will lead to improved knowledge and enhanced capacity in the DMCs to create an adequate skills base to support growth and employment, and serve green jobs in key industries. Education and training institutions will become aware of best and innovative practices for curricula and training approaches to respond to skill needs in key industries. The TA will address industries with potential for high employment, growth, and greening (e.g., building and construction, transport, waste management, energy, and hospitality). Four countries - India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Viet Nam will be the main participating countries in the TA, although the findings and recommendations arising from this research study will have relevance beyond these four countries. National consultants will be drawn three from each country from India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam for which in-depth country reports will be prepared. Three International consultants will also be recruited. The TA will address appropriate skills for middle-income economies and strategies for increasing competitiveness, including for new demands such as through green economy initiatives. While a common methodology and approach will be used for the four countries, the in-depth country reports will respond to the specific context of each country and take into account economic growth, structural transformation, and transitions to green economy policy priorities as articulated by the countries.The Asian Development Bank (ADB) recruits 15 consultants through HKIEd, in accordance with the ADB Guidelines on the Use of Consultants. The work assignment is for 2 years, from April 2012 to April 2014. Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): MACLEAN RUPERT DONALD IAIN 馬敬言 (PAVLOVA, Margarita as Co-Investigator) |
TA-7879 REG: Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth and Green Jobs T1 (45103-001) The key objective of this research project is to increase the knowledge and capacity of the four DMCs being examined (India, Indonesia, Viet Nam and Sri Lanka) to match education and skills training to jobs, including for green occupations. The project aims to assist these four DMCs put in place timely and effective policies and strategies for skills development. It seeks to facilitate dialogue and networking between the public sector, business and sector councils, industry and occupational associations, and employee associations to assess gaps in policy and practice for the development of skills and to anticipate future needs. The research project addresses both technology-oriented high-end skills as well as middle and lower-end skills to ensure that issues of inclusiveness are addressed in the context of rapidly growing economic sectors, including greening sectors. Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): MACLEAN RUPERT DONALD IAIN 馬敬言 (PAVLOVA, Margarita as Co-Investigator) |
The President’s Awards for Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer 2021/22 The President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer was established to recognize, encourage and reward individual academic and teaching staff members and teams who demonstrate the translation of University-owned knowledge, expertise, and innovation and technology to practical use by society through outstanding knowledge transfer (KT) activities. These activities have led to the fulfilment of social responsibility, profitability, or economic or social improvements. The impact of the activities may be academic, professional, social or policy-related on education or other sectors at the local, national or international levels. The Award committee considers evidence of excellence in KT in a variety of contexts. The aim of the Award is to honour established individual academic staff members or teams who demonstrated excellence in KT in the two years preceding the Award. Date of receipt: /7/2022, Conferred by: EdUHK |
Faculty Knowledge Transfer Award Date of receipt: 22/6/2021, Conferred by: The Education University of Hong Kong |