Professor (Practice) |
Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies |
Language and gender, English grammar, English language teaching, experiential learning
Websites developed:
Gender and Children’s Literature
E-books on Positive Values and Cultural Awareness
Grammar and Readers
Professor Lee is dedicated to education and has been engaged in varous knowledge transfer projects. Her contributions to corpus-based teaching have resulted in the winning of the 2020 Esperanto ‘Access to Language Education’ Award and the Silver Award at the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva 2019. She has also served on various committees and panels of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, the Education Bureau and the Quality Assurance Council.
Professor Jackie Lee obtained her MEd, MA and PhD in Linguistics at The University of New South Wales, Australia. Her research interests include language and gender, corpus studies, English grammar, experiential learning and learning studies. She has extensive experience in the planning, implementation and evaluation of English courses in the tertiary sector. She is currently working at the Education University of Hong Kong, teaching various language system courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students. Her active engagement in research projects has contributed to her numerous quality publications in prestigious international journals such as World Englishes, Sex Roles, Gender and Education, and Teaching and Teacher Education.
Language and gender, English grammar, English language teaching, experiential learning
Websites developed:
Gender and Children’s Literature
E-books on Positive Values and Cultural Awareness
Grammar and Readers
Professor Lee is dedicated to education and has been engaged in varous knowledge transfer projects. Her contributions to corpus-based teaching have resulted in the winning of the 2020 Esperanto ‘Access to Language Education’ Award and the Silver Award at the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva 2019. She has also served on various committees and panels of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, the Education Bureau and the Quality Assurance Council.
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters Chapter in an edited book (author) Lee, J. F. K., & Collins, P. (2015). Gender representation in Hong Kong primary English-language textbooks: A corpus study. In A. S. Mustapha, & S. Mills (Eds.), Gender representation in learning materials: International perspectives (37-51). New York: Routledge. Lee, F. K. (2012). Gender study of Hong Kong secondary English language textbooks (香港中學英語教科書之性別研究). P. K. Choi, & K. W. Chan, Empirical research on gender equity education in Hong Kong (in Chinese) (教育的性別視角 – 課室與教學實證研究) (3-23). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press. Lee, J. F. K. (2003). Teaching and testing grammar in context. Poedjosoedarmo, G., Teaching and assessing language proficiency. Anthology Series 45 (215–229). Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre. |
Journal Publications Publication in refereed journal Lee, J. F. K., & Chin, A. C .O. (2021). Constructing gender using visual imagery – A study of early readers. Language and Communication, 78, 1-18. Lee, J. F. K., & Li, X. (2020). Cultural representation in English language textbooks: A comparison of textbooks used in mainland China and Hong Kong. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 28(4), 605-623. Lee, J. F. K. (2020). Gender portrayal in a popular Hong Kong reading programme for children: Are there equalities?. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, DOI: 10.1080/02568543.2020.17, 1-17. Lee, J. F. K., & Mahmoudi‑Gahrouei, V. (2020). A study of gender representation in Iranian English language textbooks and teachers’ voices. Sexuality & Culture, 24, 1107-1127. Lee, J. F. K. (2019). Enhancing preservice teachers’ professional competence through experiential learning. Journal of Education for Teaching, 45(3), 353-357. Lee, J. F. K. (2019). Experiential teacher education – Preparing preservice teachers to teach grammar through an experiential learning project. The Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 44(1), 1-20. Lee, J. F. K. (2019). In the pursuit of a gender-equal society: Do Japanese EFL textbooks play a role?. Journal of Gender Studies, 28(2), 204-217. Lee, J.F.K., & Chin, A.C.O. (2019). Are females and males equitably represented? A study of early readers. Linguistics and Education, 49, 52-61. Lee, J. F. K. (2018). Gender representation in Japanese EFL textbooks – A corpus Study. Gender and Education, 30(3), 379-395. Lee, J. F. K. (2016). ‘*Why you can’t ask a proper question?’ – The learning difficulties of Hong Kong ESL students. RELC Journal, 47(3), 295-311. Gan, Z. & Lee, J. F. K. (2016). Understanding ESL student teachers’ learning of classroom practices in the practicum: A case study in Hong Kong. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 25(2), 251-266. Lee, Jackie F. K. (2016). Enriching short stories through processes – A functional approach. System, 58, 112-126. Lee, J. F. K. (2015). Chairperson or Chairman? – A study of Chinese EFL teachers’ gender-inclusivity. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 38(1), 22-47. Lee, J. F. K. (2015). Chinese proverbs: How are women and men represented?. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 4(1), 559-585. Lee, J. F. K. (2014). A hidden curriculum in Japanese EFL textbooks: Gender representation. Linguistics and Education, 27, 39-53. Lee, J. F. K. (2014). Gender representation in Hong Kong primary school ELT textbooks – A comparative study. Gender and Education, 26, 356-376. Lee, J.F.K. (2012). Teaching Hong Kong L2 learners wh-questions – Using a Learning Study approach. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 9 (1), 171-197. Lee, J. F. K. (2011). International field experience – What do student teachers learn?. The Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 36 (10), Article-1. Lee, Jackie F. K. (2011). Gender representation – An exploration of standardized evaluation methods. Sex Roles, 64 (1), 148-150. Lee, J. F. K., & Collins, P. (2010). Construction of gender: A comparison of Australian and Hong Kong English language textbooks. Journal of Gender Studies, 19(2), 121-137. Lee, J. F. K. (2009). Perceptions of ELT among English language teachers in China. Education Journal, 37(1-2), 137-154. Lee, J. F. K. (2009). ESL student teachers’ perceptions of a short-term overseas immersion programme. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25(8), 1095-1104. Lee, J. F. K., & Collins, P. (2009). Australian English-language textbooks: The gender issues. Gender and Education, 21(4), 353-370. Lee, J. F. K., & Collins, P. (2009). English grammar: An investigation of Hong Kong ESL Books. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics, 11 (2), 51-70. Lee, J. F. K. (2008). "Correct" Usages - Views of Australian teachers and students. Asian Englishes, 11 (1), 24-35. Lee, J. F. K. (2008). A Hong Kong case of lesson study - Benefits and concerns. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24 (5), 1115-1124. Lee, J. F. K., & Collins, P. (2008). Gender voices in Hong Kong English textbooks - Some past and current practices. Sex Roles, 59 (1/2), 127-137. Lee, F. K. J. (2007). Implementation of new English curriculum in China: Using big books and shared reading. TESL Reporter, 40 (2), 14-26. Lee, J. F. K. (2007). Acceptability of sexist language among young people in Hong Kong. Sex Roles, 56 (5/6), 285-295. Lee, J. F. K., & Collins, P. (2006). Linguistic acceptability in Hong Kong English. Asian Englishes, 9 (1), 24-40. Lee, J. F. K. (2006). Playing with words: Using grammar games in the classroom. Modern English Teacher, 15 (2), 27-36. Lee, J. F. K. (2006). Subjunctive were and indicative was: A corpus analysis for English language teachers and textbook writers. Language Teaching Research, 10 (1), 80-93. Collins, P., & Lee, J. F. K. (2005). English grammar in current Hong Kong textbooks: A critical appraisal. TESL Reporter, 38 (2), 37-49. Lee, J. F. K., & Collins, P. (2004). On the usage of 'have', 'dare', 'need', 'ought' and 'used to' in Australian English and Hong Kong English. World Englishes, 23(4), 501-513. Lee, J. F. K. (2003). Use of corpora in language learning. TESL Reporter, 36(1), 23-29. Lee, J. F. K. (2003). Use of learner authentic materials in the classroom. The English Teacher: An International Journal, 6(3), 370-372. Lee, J. F. K. (2002). Attitudes towards disputable usages among Australian teachers and students. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 25(1), 109-129. Lee, J. F. K. (2001). Attitudes towards debatable usages among English language teachers and students. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics, 6(2), 1-21. Lee, J. F. K. (2001). Functions of 'need' in Australian English and Hong Kong English. World Englishes, 20(2), 133-144. Lee, J. F. K. (2001). Teachers’ attitudes towards disputable usages. TESL Reporter, 32(2), 1-15. Publication in policy or professional journal Lee, F. K. J. (2007). Using short stories in the classroom: The Cinderella effect. Modern English Teacher, 16 (4), 39-43. Publication in non-refereed journal Lee, Jackie (2011). Pick up a pronoun. English Teaching Professional, 72, 12-15. Lee, J. F. K. (2009). Teaching 'be' and 'do'. Modern English Teacher, 18 (4), 47-50. |
Conference Papers Invited conference paper Ma, Q., Wang, L., Lee, J. F. K., & Chen, H. C. (2022, December). Helping teachers to teach with corpora: The Corpus-Aided Platform for Language Teachers (CAP). International Congress on English Language Education and Applied Linguistics, Hong Kong. Lee, J. F. K. (2022, July). A critical reading of gender portrayal in early readers. 3rd International Global Challenges in Education Conference – Representations of gender in teaching and learning materials, Liverpool (Zoom). Refereed conference paper Lee, J. F. K. (2023, July). Preservice teachers’ experiential learning – Production of digital stories to nurture children’s positive values. The European Conference on Language Learning, London. Lee, J. F. K. (2023, June). Production of digital stories to nurture children’s positive values. The 16th International Conference on the Short Story in English, Singapore. Lee, J. F. K. (2022, March). Building gender and cultural awareness with children’s e-books. RELC Conference, Singapore (virtual). Lee, J. F. K. (2021, March). How is culture represented in the English language textbooks used in Hong Kong and Shanghai?. The Asian Conference on Language, Tokyo (virtual). Ahrens, K., Todorova, M., & Lee, J. F. K. (2020, December). A gender-based analysis of Hong Kong children’s literature in English. International Conference on Gender, Language and Education, Hong Kong. Lee, J. F. K. & Chin, C. O. A. (2020, December). A comparative study of earlier and contemporary children’s books – Are female and male characters represented equally?. International Conference on Gender, Language and Education, Hong Kong. Lee, J. F. K. (2019, July). Using corpora for grammar teaching and learning. 2019 Joint International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, Seoul. Lee, J. F. K., & Chin, C. O. (2019, July). Gender positioning in children’s books – A visual analysis. The European Conference on Language Learning, London. Lee, J. F. K., & Chin, C. O. (2019, June). The Primary Literacy Programme – Are females and males created equally?. The 17th Asia TEFL International Conference and The 6th FLLT International Conference, Bangkok. Lee, J. F. K., & Chin, C. O. (2018, August). Construction of gender in primary literacy resources – A Hong Kong case. The 10th Malaysia International Conference on Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Malacca. Lee, J. F. K. (2018, July). Do EFL textbooks play a role in the pursuit of a gender-equal society in Japan?. The 14th International Conference of the Association for Language Awareness, Amsterdam. Li, X., & Lee, J. F. K. (2018, April). Cultural representation in primary English language textbooks: A comparison of textbooks used in mainland China and Hong Kong. The Asian Conference on Language Learning, Kobe. Lee, J. F. K., & Chin, C. O. (2018, March). Gender representation in early readers – Are women and men equal?. The 53rd RELC International Conference, Singapore. Lee, J. F. K. (2017, August). Learning how to teach readers – The experiential learning of student teachers. International Symposium on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Education, Osaka. Lee, J. F. K. (2016, July). A corpus study of gender representation in Japanese EFL textbooks. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Language, Literature and Culture in Education, Venice. Lee, J. F. K. (2015, August). How to teach grammar effectively – The perceptions of student teachers. Paper presented at the 2015 LACUS Conference, New York. Lee, J. F. K. (2014, July). Gender and language in school textbooks – The cases of China, Hong Kong and Japan. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference Association for Language Awareness, Norway. Lee, J. F. K. (2014, June). Japanese EFL Textbooks: Are women and men equal?. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on the Social Sciences, Osaka. Lee, J. F. K. (2013, June). Gender representation in textbooks – A computational analysis. Paper presented at the Euro-American Conference for Academic Disciplines, Bad Hofgastein. Lee, J. F. K. (2012, July). Are there any changes in gender representation in Hong Kong primary English textbooks?. Paper presented at Malaysia International Conference on Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Selangor. Lee, J.F.K. (2012, May). Use of Gender-neutral language – The case of China. IJAS Conference, Toronto. Lee, J.F.K. (2011, August). Teacher development through lesson study – Story writing. AILA 2011, Beijing. Lee, J.F.K. (2011, July). How to help students enrich the content of a picture story – Using a learning study approach. The 9th Asia TEFL International Conference, Seoul. Lee, Jackie F. K. (2010, December). Using a learning study approach to teach wh-questions. Paper presented at the 15th English in Southeast Asia Conference, Macau. Lee, Jackie F. K. (2010, August). Grammar teaching – Any interesting methods?. Paper presented at the 8th Asia TEFL International Conference, Hanoi. Lee, Jackie F. K. (2010, July). Australian English language textbooks – Is there gender equality?. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual International Conference on Philology, Literatures and Linguistics, Athens. Lee, J. F. K. (2010, April). Formation of wh-questions – Using a lesson study approach. APEC-RELC International Seminar, Singapore. Lee, J. F. K. (2009, June). Using big books and shared reading in the primary classroom in China. Paper presented at the 18th Malaysian English Language Teaching Association International Conference 2009, Malaysia. Lee, J. F. K. (2008, November). Pre-service ESL teachers' learning in a short-term overseas immersion programme. Paper presented at the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association Conference, Singapore. Lee, J. F. K. (2008, August). Gender representation in English language textbooks - The cases of Hong Kong and Australia. Paper presented at AILA 2008 - the 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Essen, Germany. Lee, F. K. J. (2007, December). Gender bias in the language of Australian and Hong Kong English language textbooks. Paper presented at the 12th English in South-East Asia Conference: Trends and Directions, Thailand. Lee, F. K. J. (2007, November). Gender equity in English language textbooks: Hong Kong's past and present. Paper presented at the Language, Education and Diversity Conference 2007, Hamilton, New Zealand. Lee, J. F. K. (2006, December). Hong Kong students' attitudes towards sexist language. Paper presented at the 11th English in South East Asia Conference, Perth. Lee, J. F. K. (2006, December). Teacher development through lesson study-Benefits and pitfalls. Paper presented at the Second CLS International Conference, Singapore. Lee, J. F. K. (2006, June). Gender representation in Hong Kong English textbooks. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Gender Equity Education in the Asia Pacific Region, Hong Kong. Collins, P., & Lee, J. F. K. (2005, September). Grammar in current Hong Kong English as second language textbooks: A critical appraisal. Paper presented at the 30th Applied Linguistics Association of Australia Conference, Melbourne. Lee, J. F. K. (2005, September). Subjunctive were and indicative was: A corpus analysis. Paper presented at the Australian Linguistic Society Conference, Melbourne. |
Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies Authored play, poem, novel, story Chen, P., & Lee, J. F. K. (2022). Be helpful. Hong Kong Cheung, M. Y. D., & Lee, J. F. K. (2022). Let’s talk about sportsmanship. Hong Kong Hui, L. C., & Lee, J. F. K. (2022). Impossible? I’m possible!. Hong Kong Lai, M. F., & Lee, J. F. K. (2022). Before you get a pet: The meaning of responsibility. Hong Kong Shen, X, N., & Lee, J. F. K. (2022). No bad days. Hong kong Tse, S. C. T., & Lee, J. F. K. (2022). The M&M companions. Hong Kong Xie, X., & Lee, J. F. K. (2022). Why doesn’t Lina have a friend?. Hong Kong Yuan, W. F., & Lee, J. F. K (2022). Be a friend with nature. Hong Kong Au Yeung, W., Hui, L. C., & Lee, J. F. K. (2021). Festive celebrations. Hong Kong Lai, R., Cheung, M. Y. D., & Lee, J. F. K. (2021). Ash’s fantastic friend. Hong Kong Lin, Q., & Lee, J. F. K. (2021). Knight Brave and Little Daring. Hong Kong and Yan, T. L., & Lee, J. F. K. (2021). The New Class Teacher. Hong Kong and Cheung, M. Y. D., & Lee, J. F. K. (2021). My special friend. Hong Kong Hui, L. C., & Lee, J. F. K. (2021). Cultural carnival. Hong Kong Tse, S. C. T., & Lee, J. F. K. (2021). Cantonese opera – An old-fashioned cultural heritage?. Hong Kong Yan, T. L., & Lee, J. F. K. (2021). Greg and Freda the Frog. Hong Kong and Yan, T. L., & Lee, J. F. K. (2021). The Little Mermaid and Merman. Hong Kong and |
All Other Outputs Other outputs Lee, J. F. K. (2021). Guidelines for book producers, teachers and parents to promote gender equality. Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong. https://7c69ba_a79369b4c45f4552877aa6ea5312e132.pdf ( Lee, J. F. K. (2021). Integrating e-learning tools in grammar classes. The Education University of Hong Kong. 李鳳琼 (2021). 促進性別平等的寫作 / 閱讀指南(作者及出版商、家長和教師適用). The Education University of Hong Kong. https://7c69ba_9e3c6f15272b4e8cafd376b3ed1e4f29.pdf ( Lee, J. F. K. (2019). Using corpus linguistics to improve grammar teaching and learning. Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong. |
Creating an international community of English teachers with reinforced learning of a corpus-based language pedagogy This project builds on the research expertise of corpus linguistics of a corpus team at LML/FHM. The corpus team has successfully established an innovative language pedagogy - a corpus-based language pedagogy (CBLP). In the past years, great success has been achieved in providing CBLP training to both pre- and in-service English teachers in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay area (GBA). Now we would like to reinforce this CBLP approach and extend its educational impact from GBA to a broad international English teacher community. Specifically, we will provide CBLP training for English teachers in Hong Kong, mainland China (especially GBA), and other countries/regions (Taiwan, Macau, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, etc.). We will update existing and create new resources in the form of MOOC open to the public. We will also produce a book proposal with the view to providing practical guidance for acquiring CL and high-quality corpus-based lesson samples to sustain teachers’ CBLP development. Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): MA, Qing 馬清 (LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 as Co-Investigator) |
Provision of Enhanced Support to Senior Year (SY) and New First-year- first-degree (FYFD) Education-plus Programmes This project aims to address the specific needs of students of Senior Year (SY) programmes and provide them with enhanced support and learning opportunities during their stay on the programme. Surveys will be conducted to gauge the effectiveness of the provision of support to the respective programmes in different aspects, such as publicity/ programme promotion, faculty/programme-based induction, academic advising, career support, language enhancement, entrepreneurial skills and internship experience. Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Chi Kin, John, CHENG, May Hung, May, YU, Kwan Wai, Eric, YEUNG, Siu Sze, HUI, King Fai, Sammy, TANG, Yee Fan, Sylvia, CHENG, Wing Yi, Rebecca, LEE, Fung King, Jackie, TSANG, Po Keung, Eric, JIN, Jing, CHEN, Hsueh Chu, LAU, Leung Kwok, Prudence, CHENG, Po Ying, Sidney, CHENG, Chi Keung, Eric, KAM, Wai Keung, Kevin, CHANG, Tsung-chi, Hawk |
Development of Digital Stories to Nurture Children’s Positive Values and Attitudes This project aims to produce a series of children’s digital stories that stress values education for primary school children. Learning activities will be designed to accompany the digital stories to facilitate school learners to develop positive values and good character, Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 |
Strategic Development of the EdU Online Classes Platform (EOCP) for the Enhancement of Online Learning and Teaching in Local Schools (FHM) Amid Covid-19 and its impact on the local education sector, EdUHK needs to reach out and build connections in new ways. The project aims to o share readily usable teaching and learning materials, good practices, references, etc., of online teaching, with in-service and pre-service teachers; to extend and expand into a community of practice for in-service and pre-service teachers; to provide support to in-service teachers in improving the quality of online teaching; and to build a lively hub of resources and activities in online teaching, contributing to an increasingly digital education landscape. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan, Pamela, LEE, Fung King, Jackie |
University Enhancement of ePortfolio for Reflective Learning Phase II University Enhancement of ePortfolio for Reflective Learning Phase II Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Chi Kin John 李子建, CHENG, May Hung May 鄭美紅, LIM, Cher Ping 林質彬, TSANG, Po Keung Eric 曾寶強, KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥, LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼, KAM, Wai Keung Kevin 甘偉強, CHENG, Nga Yee Irene 鄭雅儀 |
Development of Children’s E-books to Enhance Young Learners’ Gender and Cultural Awareness In view of the increasing need for the establishment of a more equal society that values respect, equity and cultural diversity in different areas of life, this project aims to produce a series of children’s e-books that stresses gender equality and multicultural education, particularly for Hong Kong primary school children. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 |
Language Enhancement at EdUHK and Beyond: Fostering a Community of Practice on Technology-enhanced Language Learning and Teaching This project intends to achieve the following objectives: 1). Identify creative and effective use of technologies in language learning and teaching (English / Cantonese / Putonghua / other modern languages); 2). Investigate how such technologies help to enhance students’ language learning and teachers’ language teaching through guided self-reflection and critical evaluations of their technology-enhanced language learning/teaching practices; 3). Build a Community of Practice on technology-enhanced language learning and teaching among tertiary students and academic/teaching staff and motivate them to use technologies in language learning and teaching; 4). Discuss language learning related issues (e.g., English/Chinese academic writing, corpus-based language learning, etc.) and offer pedagogical suggestions on technology-enhanced language learning and teaching for both students and teachers; 5). Sustain the community members’ interests in using technologies in language learning and teaching through regular sharing of members’ successful experiences and invited talks given by local and overseas experts in the field of technology enhanced language learning and teaching, and through the organization of an international conference on technology-enhanced language learning and teaching. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): WANG, Lixun (LEE, Fung King, Jackie as Co-Investigator) |
The Development and Evaluation of an Innovative Corpus-based Language Teaching Approach among School In-service Teachers in the Greater Bay Area or Beyond Guided by a self-developed theoretical framework, this project will provide a two-phase corpus-based training for in-service teachers in primary, secondary and vocational schools in the Greater Bay Area, including cities such as Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Zhuhai and Huizhou. Through the development and implementation of workshop series, online self-learning materials, teacher professional training and consultancy provided for schools, this proposed project is expected to develop school teachers’ understanding and implementation of an innovative corpus-based language pedagogy that is developed co-jointly from two areas, i.e., corpus linguistics and educational technologies, with the long term benefits of maximising school teachers’ potential in sustainable self-learning for professional development and effectiveness in teaching. It is hoped that the developed and enhanced new corpus-based language pedagogy of teachers and their positive attitudes could help to bring an impact on the school language pedagogy and curriculum in the Greater Bay Area. Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): MA, Qing 馬清 (LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 as Co-Investigator) |
A Comparative Study of Culture Education in ELT Textbooks – The Cases of Hong Kong and Mainland China The project aims to examine the similarities and differences in culture representation in the ELT textbooks used in Hong Kong and mainland China. Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 |
Lesson Study of Grammar Instruction in Schools The project aims to enhance grammar instruction in schools, and to provide opportunities for preservice teachers to practise classroom teaching in real school contexts. Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 |
Enhancement of Student Learning Outcomes: Developing Pre-service and In-service English Teacher’s Corpus Literacy Using Flipped Learning Enhanced by Mobile Technologies Despite the importance and popularity of corpus linguistics and its great potential in benefiting language teaching and learning, a corpus-based linguistic approach remains largely unknown to the majority of the professional teaching community. This project will identify gaps between corpus linguistic research and language pedagogy and come up with concrete solutions to solve authentic teaching/learning problems. This project proposes to bridge the gaps by developing pre-service English teachers’ corpus literacy using flipped learning enhanced by mobile technologies. A rich and user-friendly corpus-based teaching and learning website will be built first, then a flipped mobile training programme will be offered to both pre-service and in-service English teachers to help them develop a good corpus literacy and equip them with the skills to integrate a corpus-based approach into language classrooms. Finally, their achievement will be evaluated in real classroom teaching. This project makes use of corpus research findings at different linguistic levels, and has the potential to generate tangible pedagogical products that will benefit the large field of language education, as well as contribute significantly to the professional training of student English teachers from all three faculties by developing their corpus literacy. In addition, this project will help develop in students the four core competencies: positive personality, positive work attitude, cooperation and teamwork, and interpersonal skills. Finally, this project will demonstrate how flipped learning enhanced by mobile technologies can be used effectively to deliver subject knowledge, which will be beneficial to all disciplines at the university. Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): MA, Qing 馬清 (LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 as Co-Investigator) |
Children’s Literature in English Language Teaching for Primary Students in Hong Kong The project focuses on books for children that take Hong Kong as a backdrop for the story. Building on insights from narrative theory, books will be analysed as a whole, in order to select a suggested list of books to be used in English Language teaching in Hong Kong primary schools (P1-P3). It will also use relevant ELT methodology in developing sample teaching materials for using Anglophone Hong Kong children's literature as a way to motivate English language learners in primary schools, to develop their literacy and intercultural awareness by using authentic materials produced in Hong Kong. Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): Prof Kathleen Ahrens (LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 as Co-Investigator) |
Construction of Gender in Primary Literacy Resources: A Study of Readers for Hong Kong Early Learners The present study arises from the belief that early school readers play a major role in the socialization of children’s lives and their gender development. Given that schooling is an important medium of reproducing cultures and of perpetuating the existing mechanisms of domination, the present study aims to examine how males and females are represented in early readers. Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Fung King, Jackie |
Educational Linguistics 2.0 – The use of corpora in language teaching In recent decades, corpus linguistics has offered a new approach to collecting and analysing language data, greatly boosting our understanding of various linguistic and language issues. The thousands of language data, after input into speedy and user-friendly concordancers, reveal authentic and interesting linguistic features which would not be discovered if an intuition-based approach had been taken. Despite the efforts made by linguists and researchers, a corpus-based linguistic approach remains largely unknown to the majority of professional teaching community, particularly language teachers in schools who often rely on an intuition-based approach to solving language issues as well as developing pedagogical materials. So are students’ approaches to language learning. Such an intuition-based approach may not always be efficient or satisfactory. Corpus linguistics has been identified as a strategic area to be focused on since the establishment of the LML department in 2012. Several colleagues have developed various corpora ( in different languages (i.e., English, Chinese, Cantonese and Japanese), most of which being specialised corpora with a clear focus on certain specific language features. For example, the Chinese-English Parallel Corpora provide a good venue for examining literature translation from English to Chinese or vice versa; the English for Academic Purpose corpora (EAP) are used to improve students’ academic writing skills; the Spoken Corpora and Asian Corpus of English (ACE) can be used to improve students’ pronunciation; the Multilingual Parallel Corpora and Cantonese Movie Corpora provide learners with a multimodal approach to language learning. The research on these corpora has been fruitful and resulted in several projects (including GRF/ECS) and publications. Being aware of the good potential of the education values of these corpora, a number of colleagues from LML proposed a collective KTP in order to transfer the expertise and knowledge acquired by the department to school teachers in both Hong Kong and elsewhere (mainland China or other countries/regions). Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): MA, Qing 馬清 (LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 as Co-Investigator) |
Gender Awareness in Language Education To investigate gender representation in Japanese EFL textbooks and tertiary students' use of gender-neutral/gender-biased language Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 |
Innovative English Language Teaching for Primary Students One aim of the project was to enhance preservice teachers’ materials development skills, and their abilities to discuss and evaluate observed lessons. The student teachers who joined the project developed resources on the teaching of readers, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. Another aim of the project was to strengthen links with the Department of Education of Guangdong Province and schools in Foshan. The project team visited Nanhai Experimental Primary School, in which the participating student teachers tried out the materials developed and observed local teachers' class teaching. Post-lesson conferences were held. Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 |
Construction of Gender in Hong Kong English Language Curriculum: A Study of Early Readers This project aimed to explore gender representation in English readers for young children. Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 |
How is gender represented in Iranian EFL textbooks? The aim of this study is to examine how gender is represented in the ‘English for School Series, Prospect’, published by the Iranian Ministry of Education to enhance junior high school students’ communication skills in the wake of the educational reform. Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 |
Grammar Teaching in Language Education The project was a continuation of the Knowledge Transfer Project entitled ‘Grammar Teaching Resources for School Teachers’ conducted in 2015. The project aimed (1) to give BEd(EL) students opportunities to apply their pedagogical learning to real practice, (2) to provide useful grammar teaching resources for school teachers, and (3) to promote contemporary grammar teaching methods to teachers in Guangdong Province and enhance their teaching strategies. Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 |
Grammar Teaching Resources for School Teachers To develop a website which provides useful grammar teaching resources for primary and secondary school teachers Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 |
Corpus-based feature analyses of Hong Kong/Mainland university students’ spoken English The project will build on the spoken corpus established in PI’s TDG research project, which contains roughly 12-hour recording data from two speech tasks (4 hours of reading-aloud and 8 hours of interview) from university students in the Hong Kong Institute of Education. The linguistic analyses of the spoken data will mainly focus on the following three aspects: phonological, syntactical and discourse analyses. Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): CHEN, Hsueh Chu 陳雪珠 (LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 as Co-Investigator) |
Language and Gender Studies in Educational Materials in East Asia Examining the extent of sexism in current ESL materials used in Japan Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 |
Assessing the influence of university supervisor and school supporting teacher in the preservice ESL student teachers’ practicum This project examines preservice ESL student teachers’ interaction with their university supervisors and school supporting teachers on the sites where field-based practicum experience occurs, and documents and interprets how contributions from university supervisors and school supporting teachers inform and influence the ways in which preservice ESL student teachers prepare for and carry out their teaching throughout the practicum. Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): GAN ZHENGDONG 甘正東 (LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 as Co-Investigator) |
A Corpus-based Study of Hong Kong English Language Textbooks – Do they Create and Sustain a Sexist Culture? Using corpus research tools to examine gender construction in textbooks and the changes over time Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 |
Gender Representation in Educational Materials To examine the extent of sexism in current ESL materials used in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Japan Project Start Year: 2010, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 |
Acceptability of Sexist Language among English Language Teachers in China The aim of this research is to investigate whether the improved social status of Chinese women is reflected in people’s English language use and attitudes. Project Start Year: 2010, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 |
Gender Study of English Textbooks Published in Mainland China It aims to survey gender representation in the English language textbooks used in China. Project Start Year: 2010, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Fung King Jackie 李鳳琼 |
Assessment for Learning: Putting up Online Quizzes for the B(Ed) Module 'ENG1249 English Grammar' The pedagogical potential of online quizzes is well-known. The three investigators will be co-teaching the module 'ENG1249 English Grammar' to about 100 B9Ed) students in semester II, 2008-2009, including around a dozen nonlocal exchange students. Starting from late January 2009, we would like to gradually phase in a set of online quiz (multiple choice) questions, with a view to (a) testing students' newly acquired knowledge (i.e. assessment of learning), as well as (b) using online quizzes to facilitate learning (i.e. assessment for learning). Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): LI, Chor Shing, David (LEE, Fung King, Jackie as Co-Investigator) |
Learning to Teach in Field Experience: Perceptions of Student Teachers and Supporting Teachers The aims of this study are two-fold: (1) to gauge student teachers' perceptions of their abilities as competent teachers and (2) to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of student teachers in the views of supporting teachers. Full-time PGDE(S) students will be invited to complete a questionnaire before and after their teaching practicum, and feedback from supporting teachers will be collected at the end of each block practice. A comparison of the student teachers' own perceptions and the mentors' views of the student teachers' performance in terms of their teaching strategies, classroom managment and attitude in teaching is made. Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): LEE Fung King Jackie |
From International to Local Field Experience - English Language Student Teachers' Learning in an Age of Globalisation To examine pre-service teachers’ professional learning during an international field experience and to explore to what extent their pedagogical knowledge and skills acquired overseas can be applied in the primary classroom in Hong Kong Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Fung King, Jackie |
A Hong Kong Case of Lesson Study To investigate how a group of Hong Kong teachers adopted a lesson study approach and worked collaboratively so as to improve their class instruction. Project Start Year: 2006, Principal Investigator(s): LEE Fung King Jackie |
Gender Representation in ESL Textbooks - the Cases of Hong Kong and Australia To examine the extent of sexism in current ESL materials used in Hong Kong and Australia, and to determine whether there has been any change of gender representation in the instructional materials used in Hong Kong over the last twenty years. Project Start Year: 2005, Principal Investigator(s): LEE Fung King, Jackie |
Corpus of Lesson Observation Comments The project aims to develop a small scale database of lesson observation comments and to provide tutors in the English Department with a useful database for studying teacher education students' teaching performance in the FE components of the programmes offered in HKIEd. It also aims to enhance FE tutors' understanding of teacher-trainees' problems in teaching practice, hence extending their repertoire of comments on supervision as well as that of strategies for teaching the methodology components of the programmes offered in the Institute. Project Start Year: 2005, Principal Investigator(s): PANG Yin Mei, May (LEE Fung King, Jackie as Co-Investigator) |
2020 Esperanto "Access to Language Education” Award Date of receipt: 2/6/2020, Conferred by: CALICO, the Esperantic Studies Foundation, and |
Silver Medal at the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva Date of receipt: 12/4/2019, Conferred by: 47th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva |