Dr LAI, Chi Shing    賴志成 博士
Senior Lecturer II
Department of Chinese Language Studies
(852) 2948 7413
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Research Interests


Language and literature teaching, teaching Chinese as a second language



Relationship between cultural history and language, Cultural exchange between East and West, etc.

Teaching Interests


Language and literature teaching, teaching Chinese as a second language



Relationship between cultural history and language, Cultural exchange between East and West, etc.

External Appointments

International Academic Exchange Experience

July-August, 2015   

Visiting scholar, The Department for East Asian Studies, Georg-August - Universität

Göttingen, Germany             

December, 2015

 Visiting scholar, The Confucius Institute, Universität Basel, Switzerland

February, 2016

Visiting scholar, The Institute of Sinology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg,  Germany

July, 2016–Present 

Honour researcher,  The Department for East Asian Studies, Georg-August- Universität

Göttingen, Germany.


Knowledge Transferring Activities


Nov, 2017-Present

Editorial member of  Wen Lu (《文路》)


Sept, 2015- Oct, 2017

Editorial member of  e-Campus Today (《今日校園》)



2015- Present

Co-supervisor of a TDG project - Understanding Global Issues through Courses, Exchange Students and Faculty Members, EdUHK


Co-Investigator, School Support and Promotion Group member of the EdU Hong Kong Jockey Club “Chinese Characters Project”- in processing


Adviser of EdU Hong Kong Jockey Club eLearning Project Team (CSENIE)


Adviser of EdU Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology


Co-investigator of “Lamma residents telling Lamma stories”- The Lord Wilson Heritage Trust


Co-investigator of Hong Kong Non-material Heritage Project (Fire Dragon Dance & Ghost Festival), the Hong Kong Public Governance Association


Co-investigator of Post-war Diaoyutai Defending Campaign research project, the Hong Kong Public Governance Association


Co-investigator of Lamma Island Museum Project, Hong Kong SAR Islands District Office


Co-investigator of 50-60 Century Hong Kong Chinese History Textbook Research Project-University Grants Committee Fund 



Nov, 2017- June, 2018

Consultant of Pre-Secondary One Hong Kong Attainment Test, Education Bureau Hong Kong


12th July, 2017

Graduation guest speaker in the  Speech Day 2016-17, Sung Tak Wong Kin Sheung Memorial School


4th July, 2017

Judge of Heep Yunn School Speech Competition, 2016-17


30th June, 2017

Open lecture in the Confucius Institute, Universität Basel, Switzerland


1st February, 2017

Open lecture in the Institut für Sinologie Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Deutschland (Germany)


30th June, 2016

Open lecture in the Confucius Institute, Universität Basel, Switzerland


5th February, 2016

Open lecture in the Institut für Sinologie Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Deutschland (Germany)


26th October, 2015

Sharing of Academic Exchanges with German and Swiss Universities, Academic Lecture Series, 2015-2016 Department of Chinese Language Studies, EdUHK


25th July, 2015

Open lecture in the Confucius Institute, Universität Basel, Switzerland


7th July, 2015

Open lecture in the Department for East Asian Studies, Georg-August- Universität Göttingen, Deutschland (Germany)


Sept, 2015-Present

Executive committee member of Hong Kong Chinese Culture Development Association



Adviser of Radio Television Hong Kong in Chinese language, Chinese Literature, and Chinese History


Personal Profile

International Academic Exchange Experience


July, 2016–Present 

Honour researcher,  The Department for East Asian Studies, Georg-August- Universität

Göttingen, Germany.


July-August, 2015   

Visiting scholar, The Department for East Asian Studies, Georg-August - Universität

Göttingen, Germany             


December, 2015

 Visiting scholar, The Confucius Institute, Universität Basel, Switzerland


February, 2016

Visiting scholar, The Institute of Sinology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany


Services in EdUHK


Department representative, Chinese PGDE (P), HKEdU



Coordinator, Field Experience of Putonghua PGDE (P), HKEdU


2018- Present

Coordinator, Field Experience of Chinese PGDE (P), HKEdU


2018- Present

Key member of GEIC STEM course development team, EdUHK



Coordinator of the HKEdU student helpers that served in The Independent Schools Foundation Academy


2017- Present

Adviser of EdU Hong Kong Jockey Club eLearning Project Team


2017- Present

Adviser of EdU Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology

Research Interests


Language and literature teaching, teaching Chinese as a second language



Relationship between cultural history and language, Cultural exchange between East and West, etc.

Teaching Interests


Language and literature teaching, teaching Chinese as a second language



Relationship between cultural history and language, Cultural exchange between East and West, etc.

External Appointments

International Academic Exchange Experience

July-August, 2015   

Visiting scholar, The Department for East Asian Studies, Georg-August - Universität

Göttingen, Germany             

December, 2015

 Visiting scholar, The Confucius Institute, Universität Basel, Switzerland

February, 2016

Visiting scholar, The Institute of Sinology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg,  Germany

July, 2016–Present 

Honour researcher,  The Department for East Asian Studies, Georg-August- Universität

Göttingen, Germany.


Knowledge Transferring Activities


Nov, 2017-Present

Editorial member of  Wen Lu (《文路》)


Sept, 2015- Oct, 2017

Editorial member of  e-Campus Today (《今日校園》)



2015- Present

Co-supervisor of a TDG project - Understanding Global Issues through Courses, Exchange Students and Faculty Members, EdUHK


Co-Investigator, School Support and Promotion Group member of the EdU Hong Kong Jockey Club “Chinese Characters Project”- in processing


Adviser of EdU Hong Kong Jockey Club eLearning Project Team (CSENIE)


Adviser of EdU Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology


Co-investigator of “Lamma residents telling Lamma stories”- The Lord Wilson Heritage Trust


Co-investigator of Hong Kong Non-material Heritage Project (Fire Dragon Dance & Ghost Festival), the Hong Kong Public Governance Association


Co-investigator of Post-war Diaoyutai Defending Campaign research project, the Hong Kong Public Governance Association


Co-investigator of Lamma Island Museum Project, Hong Kong SAR Islands District Office


Co-investigator of 50-60 Century Hong Kong Chinese History Textbook Research Project-University Grants Committee Fund 



Nov, 2017- June, 2018

Consultant of Pre-Secondary One Hong Kong Attainment Test, Education Bureau Hong Kong


12th July, 2017

Graduation guest speaker in the  Speech Day 2016-17, Sung Tak Wong Kin Sheung Memorial School


4th July, 2017

Judge of Heep Yunn School Speech Competition, 2016-17


30th June, 2017

Open lecture in the Confucius Institute, Universität Basel, Switzerland


1st February, 2017

Open lecture in the Institut für Sinologie Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Deutschland (Germany)


30th June, 2016

Open lecture in the Confucius Institute, Universität Basel, Switzerland


5th February, 2016

Open lecture in the Institut für Sinologie Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Deutschland (Germany)


26th October, 2015

Sharing of Academic Exchanges with German and Swiss Universities, Academic Lecture Series, 2015-2016 Department of Chinese Language Studies, EdUHK


25th July, 2015

Open lecture in the Confucius Institute, Universität Basel, Switzerland


7th July, 2015

Open lecture in the Department for East Asian Studies, Georg-August- Universität Göttingen, Deutschland (Germany)


Sept, 2015-Present

Executive committee member of Hong Kong Chinese Culture Development Association



Adviser of Radio Television Hong Kong in Chinese language, Chinese Literature, and Chinese History


Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Research book or monograph (author)
賴志成 (2020)。 〈淺析漢語文化學習者之偏誤及其教學方法〉。香港: 《二十一世紀兩岸四地歷史教育》(香港:中華書局)。
賴志成 (2020)。 〈從錢賓四之《道與器》看「道器體用」概念對當代中國的意義〉。台北: 《重訪錢穆先生》(台北:秀威出版社)。
賴志成 (2020)。 〈藉「乞巧節」文化習俗探討中國傳統婦女的優良品格――以清代才媛閨秀詩人七夕詩詞為例〉。香港: 《七夕文化》(香港:中華書局)。
賴志成 (2020)。 〈淺析中國學人對《玩偶之家》的主觀誤讀〉。香港: 《文化與歷史》(香港:中華書局)。
賴志成 (2019)。 〈孔聖堂創辦人的思想:論尤列的「化西」治國理念及「體用論」的現代轉型〉。台北: 《國文天地》 第34卷第12期(台北: 《 國文天地》雜誌社)。
賴志成 (2019)。 〈淺析「五四啟蒙」的「化西」現象〉。香港: 《五四百周年:啟蒙、記憶與開新》(香港:中華書局)。
賴志成 (2013). 〈《香港潮州商會九十年發展史》書評〉,《香港潮汕學刊》. Hong Kong: 香港浸會大學當代中國研究所及近代史研究中心出版.
賴志成 (2012). 〈論「白話文運動」是否一場理性運動〉,《第二屆廿一世紀華人社會的歷史教育論文集》. Hong Kong: 中華書局出版.
賴志成,馬楚堅 (2010). “On the History of Chaozhou Gazetteers of the Sui, Tang, Song Dynasties”,《潮州隋唐宋代方志史轍考》. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
賴志成,馬楚堅 (2010). “Thirteen Hongs of Canton and Development in Chinese and Western Cultures”,《廣東十三行與中西文化的發展》. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
賴志成,馬楚堅,江裕英 (2010). 〈古今資源與東莞鳳崗客僑文化之學術研究發展議〉,《鳳崗客僑文化論壇》. 廣東,中國: 中國評論學術出版社出版.
Chapter in an edited book (author)
賴志成 (2018)。 〈簡述書樓創辦人賴際熙對近代學術的貢獻〉。陳滿銘, 《國文天地》第33卷第10期 (14-17)。台北: (台北: 《 國文天地》雜誌社)。
賴志成 (2017)。 〈淺論西方美學對中國近代「化西」審美模式的影響〉。施仲謀、廖佩莉, 《漢語教學與文化新探》 (288-302)。香港: 中華書局。
賴志成 (2017)。 新國文,新國民。輯於李帆、韓子奇和區志堅編, 《教材與知識傳播》 (頁68-82)。香港: 中華書局。
Lai, C.S. (2017). Learning the Use of “Irony” from the Perspective of Theory of Literature: A Case Study Using Wang Meng’s The Stubborn Porridge. In S.C. Kong, T.L. Wong, M. Yang., C.F. Chow., K.H. Tse (eds.), Emerging Practices in Scholarship of Learning and Teaching in a Digital Era (219-232). Singapore: Springer Science Business Media Singapore Pte Ltd.
賴志成 (2016)。 “國民教育”的先聲──清末民初新式國文教科書。輯於施仲謀編, 《漢語教學與研究新探》 (頁50-63)。香港: 中華書局。
Textbook (author)
賴志成 (1999). 《就業普通話》. Hong Kong: 僱員再培訓(明愛)中心.
Edited book (editor)
賴志成,馬楚堅 (2010). “The History of Chinese Peoples”, by Prof. Lo Hsiang-lin ( 1905-1978 ),《中國民族史》,羅香林教授( 1905-1978 )著. Hong Kong: 中華書局.

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
賴志成 (2018)。 〈簡述香港小學中文科目融合教育之實戰案例──以教大PDP課程學校協作實踐為例〉。 Hong Kong Journal of Special Education,Vol. 19,58-59。
賴志成 (2017). 〈從王國維的悲劇美學看《玩偶之家》的真善美〉. 《重慶師範大學學報(社會科學版)》, Vol. 05, 46-51.
賴志成 (2015)。 《從作品看辛棄疾後期從儒入道》。 研訊學刊,第21期,頁14-20。

Conference Papers
Invited conference paper
賴志成 (2018,11). 〈淺論粵語拼音教學對小學「粵教中」的促進作用〉。第三屆語文教育國際研討會,香港教育大學中國語言學系,香港。
LAI, Chi Shing (2018, May). An introduction on inclusive education of Chinese subject in Hong Kong Primary School Classroom: An Example from EdUHK PDP Course. The 4th International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei.
LAI, Chi Shing (2017, June). The Difficulty of CSL Learners in Learning Chinese Compound Characters and The Corresponding Learning and Teaching Strategies. the Confucius Institute, Universität Basel, Switzerland, Basel, Switzerland.
LAI, Chi Shing (2017, February). An Analysis of the Errors in The center word (word being qualified) that made by English Students in Learning Chinese Writing. the Institut für Sinologie Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Deutschland (Germany), Freiburg, Germany).
LAI, Chi Shing (2016, December). On the Errors and Solutions of English Students' Learning Chinese Function words - Taking "Du" as an Example. The First International Seminar on Language Education, Hong Kong.
LAI, Chi Shing (2016, June). “Absorbing Western Concepts into Chinese ones (Hua Xi)” phenomenon in the “May Fourth New literature”. the Confucius Institute, Universität Basel, Switzerland, June, 2016, Basel, Switzerland.
LAI, Chi Shing (2015, December). The Pronunciation Differences that the English countries’ Students faced in Chinese Acquisition. the 3rd International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.
LAI, Chi Shing (2015, December). The Pronunciation Differences that the English countries’ Students faced in Chinese Acquisition. the Department of Chinese Language Studies, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.
LAI, Chi Shing (2015, November). 对外汉语教学之-中英色彩文化与语义对比. The Seventh Conference of Asia-Pacific Consortium of Teaching Chinese as an International Language (Kobe), Japan.
LAI, Chi Shing (2015, July). The Influence of A Doll’s House in Modern China. the Confucius Institute, Universität Basel, Switzerland, Basel, Switzerland.
Lai, C.S. (2015, July). Intercultural Differences in Language from the Lens of Colour Related Expressions. Paper presented at Open Presentation of Sinology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany, Göttingen, Germany.
Lai, C.S. (2015, June). 〈通過閱讀教學學習「反諷」修辭:以王蒙《堅硬的稀粥》為例〉Understanding Irony in Extracurricular Reading:A Case Study using Wang Meng’s The Stubborn Porridge. Paper presented at Department of Chinese Language Studies, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.
Lai, C.S. (2015, April). 〈 反對『中體西用』論的先聲──何啟的政治文化觀〉Harbinger of Anti- “ Chinese System and Western Technology”, Ho Kai’s Political Culture View. Paper presented at The International Conference on the History of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Lai, C.S. (2014, November). 〈「國民教育」的先聲──清末新式國文教科書〉Harbinger of National Education: The New Style Chinese Language Textbook in Late Qing Dynasty. Paper presented at Department of Chinese Language Studies, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.


Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 'Characteristic Affection, Classical Aspirations' Teaching Development Research Project

Project Start Year: 2024, Principal Investigator(s): LAI, Chi Shing

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 'Characteristic Affection, Classical Aspirations' Teaching Development Research Project

Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): LAI, Chi Shing

“Fun Reading in the Greater Bay Area” Teaching Development Plan ( TDG「大灣區朗讀繽Fun樂」教學發展計劃 )
This TDG "Fun Reading in the Greater Bay Area" teaching development plan aims to align with the curriculum syllabus of Chinese Language (Primary 4 to 6, Junior Secondary 1 to 3) in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Select the famous Chinese texts and develop teaching materials on reading skills, storytelling, and positive values. The students of the Department of Chinese Language Studies of EdUHK made teaching clips, which were integrated into the "Fun Reading in the Greater Bay Area " Teaching Development Plan Online Teaching Kit, and uploaded to The "International Platform of Chinese Language Education" that is freely available for schools participating in this plan. In addition, in order to promote teaching exchanges in the Greater Bay Area and create opportunities for observation and learning, we encourage schools to shoot teaching videos by themselves and upload them to the platform to participate in the competition.
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): LAI, Chi Shing

"Chinese History Coordinate Ruler - A Life-wide Learning and Teaching Activity 7. 中國歷史座標尺——全方位學習教學活動"
This project is a life-wide learning and teaching activity. It aims to promote the life-wide learning of Chinese history in junior secondary schools through learning modes other than classrooms, such as Chinese history, information technology, workshops, site inspections, project studies, lectures, etc. Understand the inseparable relationship and history between the country and the Hong Kong region from different levels such as politics, culture and society, help students conduct experiential learning of moral and civic education, promote students' national identity, and help parents, teachers and staff of the project Under the mutual support of each other, a comprehensive learning environment is constructed, which enriches students' learning experience, broadens students' horizons, and achieves lifelong learning.
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): LAI, Chi Shing 賴志成