Dr ZHOU, Lulu    周潞鷺 博士
Assistant Professor
Department of Literature and Cultural Studies
(852) 2948 7407
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests
TV Drama(電視劇)
Fandom and Stardom (粉絲與明星)
Gender (性別)
Modern and Contemporary Chinese Novels(中國現當代小說)
Teaching Interests

Media and Popular Culture(媒體與流行文化)

Gender (性別)

Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature (中國現當代文學)

Personal Profile

Current Positions 現任職位:

♥ Assistant Professor, Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong


♥ Associate Director, International Research Centre for Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities, The Education University of Hong Kong


♥ Associate Program Leader, Master of Arts in Chinese Studies (Language Education) , Faculty of Humanities, The Education University of Hong Kong


Education 教育背景:

♥ B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature with an Education Diploma: East China Normal University;


♥ Master in Modern Chinese Literature: Beijing Normal University;


♥ PhD in Cultural Studies, Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKD $750,000): The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Previous Work Experience 工作經歷:

♥ Part-time Lecturer, Master of Arts in Visual Culture Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


♥ Research-track Lecturer, Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong


♥ Senior Tutor, Grantham Hall (Hall B)


Major Research Grants 主要研究項目:

Early Career Scheme (2017): HKD $300,562


Project Title: Watching Mainland Chinese Television Dramas in Hong Kong: Youth, Identities and Transcultural Consumption


♥ General Research Fund (2021): HKD $255,559


Project Title: A History of Representation of Mainlanders in Hong Kong TV Dramas


Research Interests

TV Drama(電視劇)
Fandom and Stardom (粉絲與明星)
Gender (性別)
Modern and Contemporary Chinese Novels(中國現當代小說)
Teaching Interests

Media and Popular Culture(媒體與流行文化)

Gender (性別)

Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature (中國現當代文學)

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Research book or monograph (author)
周潞鷺、董若 (2024). 《日出照舊:香港電視劇與陸港關係》. 香港: 商務印書館.
Chapter in an edited book (author)
Zhou, Egret Lulu (2017). Dongfang Bubai, Online Fandom, and the Gender Politics of a Legendary Queer Icon in Post-Mao China. In Maud Lavin, Ling Yang and Jing Zhao (Eds.), Boys’ Love, Cosplay, and Androgynous Idols: Queer Fan Cultures in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan (111-127). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
周潞鷺 (2022)。 大陸網絡文學,女性主義與同志平權──以曉暴的 GL(百合)小說爲例。 文學論衡,39, 40,105-120。
周潞鷺 (2021)。 不容抽去的「政治」:從香港電視劇《火舞黃沙》回望大陸小說《白鹿原》。 臺北大學中文學報,30,321-392。
周潞鷺 (2020)。 間接權力理論與《三國演義》中的權謀描寫。 文學論衡,37,15-28。
周潞鷺 (2020)。 韓流不韓:《愛的迫降》和韓國愛情劇在何種程度上展演了「韓國性」?。 戲劇與影視評論,6,115-130。
周潞鷺 (2019)。 周芷若還是趙敏?──正邪框架、父權紅利與2019版《倚天屠龍記》。 戲劇與影視評論,6,45-55。
周潞鷺 (2018)。 從親密關系研究看宮鬥劇提供的婚戀指南。 戲劇與影視評論,6,110-120。
周潞鷺 (2018)。 登上那美輪美奐的對比大廈:60年代是香港的“花樣年華”嗎?。 戲劇與影視評論,2018(1),105-117。
周潞鷺 (2017)。 楊紅櫻兒童小說副文本研究。 現代中國文化與文學,第21期,110-123。
周潞鷺 (2017)。 《歡樂頌》、左翼批評與時尚探測器──兼談國産時裝劇難以「走出去」之癥結。 戲劇與影視評論,第17期,59-66。
周潞鷺 (2015)。 “基本國情”與“高稈麥麩”?——中國電視劇,粉絲社群與腐女文化。 戲劇與影視評論,第7期,73-80。
周潞鷺 (2015)。 “中心/邊緣模式”再思考——評<邊城對話:香港.中國.邊緣.邊界>。 二十一世紀,第147期,141-151。
周潞鷺 (2014)。 超越“改編模式”:“擴散性文學”的當代特徵。 文藝理論研究,34(5),205-211。
周潞鷺 (2014)。 “接合”、“雙重接合”與“三重接合”——文化研究關鍵概念的演進與辨析。 人文雜誌,第4期,53-58。
Zhou, Egret Lulu (2013). Displeasure, Star-Chasing and the Trans-cultural Networking Fandom. Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies, 10(2), 139-167.
周潞鷺 (2012)。 片場劇星制:香港電視產業明星制初探。 新聞界,第22期,34-38。
周潞鷺 (2011)。 女觀眾眼中的女明星:凡星研究的意義及實例。 文化研究,第12期,108-122。
周潞鷺 (2009)。 無法回避的“十四年”:試論張愛玲小說<半生緣>的影視改編。 名作欣賞,第6期,138-141。
周潞鷺 (2009)。 文本的意義空間:從八零后觀眾對<于無聲處>的接受引發的思考。 戲劇文學,第1期,43-46。

Conference Papers
Refereed conference paper
Zhou, Egret Lulu (2016, December). Watching Mainland Chinese Television Programs in Hong Kong: Audiences,Local Identities and Questions of "Quality Television". The 11th “Crossroads in Cultural Studies” Conference, Sydney, Australia.
Zhou, Egret Lulu (2016, June). Singledom as a Queering Lifestyle: Celebrity Fandom, Detraditionalized Intimacy and the ‘Leftover Women’ in Contemporary China. The 3rd International Celebrity Studies Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands..
Zhou, Egret Lulu (2015, August). How to Read a Fictional Queer Icon?: Dongfang Bubai's Online Fandom in an Age of the Spreadable Media. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Conference 2015, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Zhou, Egret Lulu (2013, May). The Floating New Identities: Trans-border Media Fans in Contemporary China. Paper presented at the 11st Annual Conference of Cultural Studies Association, Chicago, IL, USA..
Zhou, Egret Lulu (2012, December). From Minor Star to Major Star: Problems of Popularity. Paper presented at the International Conference "Report from the Pop Line: On the Life and Afterlife of Popular Culture", Lisbon, Portugal.


A History of Representation of Mainlanders in Hong Kong TV Dramas
Representation is a key concept to cultural studies. Who can be on TV? Do they represent diversity or stereotypes? Why? What will be the consequences? These are questions of aesthetics and politics. This study will try to fill this research gap by critically surveying representations of mainlanders from the 1960s to the present and situate such representations in the context of Hong Kong history.


In particular, we will re-theorize the concepts of representation, stereotyping and racism, and focus primarily on ten selected dramas. Our methodology is systematic, consisting of archival studies of historical reports in newspapers, textual analysis, industry interviews, local and nonlocal audience interviews. Since ours is a critical study, we do not aim to serve the culture industry and related government sectors.


Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): ZHOU, Lulu 周潞鷺

Watching Mainland Chinese Television Dramas in Hong Kong: Youth, Identities and Transcultural Consumption
This ECS (Early Career Scheme, 傑出青年學者計劃) grant is funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, which addresses an important and intriguing basic question: why, in light of significant anti-Mainland sentiments among Hong Kong youth, are Mainland TV dramas popular with this audience? The core method involves qualitative, in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 34 Hong Kong young viewers of Mainland TV dramas; and the research objectives are to yield new insights into urgent questions: the cultural and political affiliations of Hong Kong youth today; the current trends in TV viewership; and ultimately, the meaning of "Chineseness" at this point in Hong Kong, a contested territory.
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): ZHOU, Lulu 周潞鷺

Consuming Chinese Television Programs in Hong Kong: Transcultural Fandom and the Politics of Hong Kong Identities
Aiming to be a pilot study of my ECS project, this study is an empirical audience research of contemporary Hong Kong young adults’ TV drama consumptions, aiming to explore the depth of their TV drama viewing experiences in the theoretical lens of “Quality Television”.
In 2017, my ECS project has been funded by the RGC on the basis of this pilot study.

Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): ZHOU, Lulu 周潞鷺

Television Drama Consumption in Hong Kong: Audiences, Quality and the Politics of Popular Culture
This is an Internal Research Grant funded by the Education University of Hong Kong, which is an empirical qualitative audience research of contemporary Hong Kong young adults’ TV drama consumption. The research aiming to explore the depth of their TV drama viewing experiences in the theoretical lens of “Quality Television”.
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): ZHOU, Lulu 周潞鷺

DongFang Bubai's Queer Fandom in Contemporary Chinese Cyberspaces
This is a Start-Up Research Grant for Newly-Appointed Lecturers funded by the Education University of Hong Kong, and this project intends to study the online fandom of Dongfang Bubai, a legendary queer icon that was created by Jin Yong (1969), remade by Tsui Hark (1991; 1993) and Yu Zheng (2013), situating Chinese netizens' consumption practices in the fields of fan studies, gender and queer studies, literary and adaptation studies, as well as media and cultural studies.
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): ZHOU, Lulu 周潞鷺