Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters Research book or monograph (author) M.T. Hue, & S. Karim (2022). Supporting diverse students in Asian inclusive classrooms: from policies and theories to practice. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Chapter in an edited book (author) S. Karim, & K. Aman (2024). Preparing Younger Generations for a Global Future: Re-imagining Citizenship Education in Pakistan. J.C.K. Lee, & K.J. Kennedy, Routledge (223-232). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Karim, S. (2023). Inclusive Education for Students With Diverse Learning Needs in Mainstream Schools. In P. Narot, & N. Kiettikunwong (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Special and Inclusive Education in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex & Ambiguous (Vuca) World (pp. 137-156). Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited. Hue, M.-T., & Karim, S. (2022). Whole-school approaches to building inclusive classroom and school. In M.-T. Hue & S. Karim (Eds.), Supporting diverse students in Asian Inclusive classrooms: From policies and theories to practice (pp. 229-243). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Karim, S. (2022). Piecemeal Policies and Measures in Supporting Non-Chinese Students in Hong Kong. In M.T. Hue, & S. Karim (Eds.), Supporting Diverse Students in Asian Inclusive Classrooms: From Policies and Theories to Practice (40-54). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Karim, S. (2022). Supporting Students with Emotional and Behavioural Challenges: Considerations for Inclusive Education. In M.T. Hue, & S. Karim (Eds.), Supporting Diverse Students in Asian Inclusive Classrooms: From Policies and Theories to Practice (124-141). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Karim, S., & Hue, M.-T. (2022). Global perspectives and the challenge of inclusive education. In M.-T. Hue & S. Karim (Eds.), Supporting diverse students in Asian Inclusive classrooms: From policies and theories to practice (pp. 3-22). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. S. Karim, & T. Ali (2021). Developing loyal citizens: a case of social studies education in Pakistan. K. J. Kennedy, Social studies education in South and South East Asian contexts (28-43). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. T. Ali, & S. Karim (2021). Teaching and learning in social studies classroom in Pakistan. K. J. Kennedy, Social studies education in South and South East Asian contexts (131-144). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Edited book (editor) Hue, M.-T., & Karim, S. (Eds.) (2022). Supporting diverse students in Asian Inclusive classrooms: From policies and theories to practice. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Journal Publications Publication in refereed journal M.T. Hue, & S. Karim (2024). Developing a sense of belonging among immigrant youth in multicultural contexts: challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 26 (1), 56-75. Karim, S., & Hue, M.T. (2022). Determinants of ethnic minority students’ sense of belonging in Hong Kong: teachers’ narratives and perspectives. Asian Ethnicity, 24(2), 221-242. Karim, S., & Hue, M.T. (2022). Researching Ethnic Minority Lives in Multicultural Contexts: A Methodological Inquiry in Acculturation. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 24, 177-192.. Karim, S., & Hue, M. T. (2022). Acculturation and sense of belonging: A study of young Pakistani students in Hong Kong. Asian Ethnicity, 23(3), 463-483. Karim, S., & Hue, M. T. (2022). Enculturation of immigrants in multicultural contexts: A case of young Pakistani students in Hong Kong. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 87, 13-25. Karim, S., & Hue, M.-T. (2021). Behavioural acculturation of young Pakistani students in Hong Kong: A qualitative inquiry. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, ., .-.. Karim, S. (2021). Acculturation in a globalised world: implications for theory and educational policy and practice. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 23(1), 44-58. Karim, S., Hue, M. T., & Ullah, R. (2021). Acculturative challenges among Pakistani secondary school students in Hong Kong. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 82, 1-11.
Conference Papers Refereed conference paper S. Karim, A. Bautista, & K. Lee (2024, June). Early childhood educators’ beliefs and intentions: Playstyle, sensitivity, and verbal/non-verbal communication in teacher-child interactions. The 1st EdUHK International Research Conference on Early Childhood Education and Development (InCRECE 2024), Hong Kong. S. Karim, A. Bautista, & K. Lee (2024, February). Assessing teachers’ interaction with children in early childhood education (ECE): Cambodian preschool teachers’ beliefs and intentions. International Conference on Early Childhood Education and Effective Designing Instructions, Konya, Turykey. S. Karim, A. Bautista, & K. Lee (2024, February). Early childhood education in Cambodia: Preschool Teachers’ beliefs, curriculum priorities, and professional development needs. The 4th Southeast Asian Conference on Education, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Hue, M. T., & Karim, S. (2022, May). Developing a sense of belonging among ethnic minority youth in Hong Kong: Challenges and opportunities. Paper presented at the 2022 KAME International Academic Conference., Korea. Karim, S. & Hue, M.T. (2021, August). Multicultural education: A source of belongingness and inclusive education for immigrant youth. Paper presented at the 2021 KAME International Academic Conference., Korea. S. Karim (2019, February). Acculturative experiences of ethnic minority young people in Hong Kong: A phenomenographic study.. The 5th East Asian Conference for Young Sociologists 2019, the Institute of Sociology, Taiwan. S. Karim (2018, March). Pre-service teachers’ preparation: a case of teacher education program in Pakistan. Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong Spring Annual Conference 2018, Hong Kong. T. Ali, & S. Karim (2018, March). Assessment of teachers’ professional learning communities at selected schools in Pakistan. Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong Spring Annual Conference 2018, Hong Kong. T. Ali, & S. Karim (2016, February). Developing teachers’ professional learning communities in Pakistan: challenges and opportunities. International Conference on Research and Practice in Education 2016, Islamabad, Pakistan. S. Karim (2015, November). Professional development of public school teachers in Pakistan. International Conference on a Renewed Focus on Teacher, Teaching Quality and Learning, Localised Models and Practices 2015, Karachi, Pakistan.
All Other Outputs Postgraduate research theses Karim, S. (2019). Acculturative Experiences of Pakistani Secondary School Students in Hong Kong: A Phenomenographic Inquiry. Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong.