Dr THIBEAULT, Matthew Doran    博士
Associate Professor
Department of Cultural and Creative Arts
(852) 2948 7623
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests
  • Technology and media in music education
  • Participatory music
  • Curriculum
  • General music

A complete list of publications, with links to online versions, is available here: https://matthewthibeault.com/publications/

Teaching Interests
  • Media and technology in music education
  • General music
  • Curriculum
  • Participatory music education
  • Popular music education
External Appointments

2017 - External Examiner of PhD thesis, University of Western Australia

2014-20 Chair-elect, chair, and past-chair for the Philosophy Special Research Interest Group, National Association for Music Education (NAfME), USA

2014–17 Adjunct Assistant professor, University of Florida, Gainesville (online Masters of Music Education programme)

2007–14 Assistant professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (music education, courtesy appointment in Curriculum and Instruction)


Personal Profile

Matthew D. Thibeault is Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts. Thibeault received his BME in music education and psychology at Florida State University before completing MA and Ph.D. degrees in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education at Stanford University. He taught general music in the United States of America in California public schools at the elementary and high school level. He previously taught at San José State University, the University of Illinois, and the University of Florida.

Thibeault was a 2012-13 Faculty Fellow at the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities and the 2013 recipient of the Outstanding Emerging Researcher Award presented by the Center for Music Education Research at the University of South Florida. He serves on the editorial or advisory boards of Action, Criticism and Theory for Music Education, The Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, The International Journal of Education & the ArtsMusic Educators Journal, the Media Journal of Music Education, and the Journal of Music, Technology, and Education. From 2010–14 General Music Today published his column for practitioners, “Secondary Scene.” Thibeault is Chair-elect for the NAfME Philosophy SRIG. 

Thibeault’s interests and research concern the connections between general music education, technology, and society. He has published in a variety of journals for researchers and practitioners, including the Journal of Research in Music Education (forthcoming), Music Education Research, and Arts Education Policy Review. Thibeault served as editor of the media section of the Oxford Handbook of Music Education. While at Stanford, he worked on a multiyear National Science Foundation grant, and as co-author published several papers and the 2005 book Designing Everyday Assessment in the Science Classroom (Teachers College Press). As an outgrowth of his interest in the relationship between media and music education, Thibeault lead a community group devoted to participatory music making, the Homebrew Ukulele Union.
Thibeault maintains a professional blog: https://matthewthibeault.com


Research Interests

  • Technology and media in music education
  • Participatory music
  • Curriculum
  • General music

A complete list of publications, with links to online versions, is available here: https://matthewthibeault.com/publications/

Teaching Interests

  • Media and technology in music education
  • General music
  • Curriculum
  • Participatory music education
  • Popular music education
External Appointments

2017 - External Examiner of PhD thesis, University of Western Australia

2014-20 Chair-elect, chair, and past-chair for the Philosophy Special Research Interest Group, National Association for Music Education (NAfME), USA

2014–17 Adjunct Assistant professor, University of Florida, Gainesville (online Masters of Music Education programme)

2007–14 Assistant professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (music education, courtesy appointment in Curriculum and Instruction)


Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Chapter in an edited book (author)
Thibeault, M. D., & Matsunobu, K. (2020). Learning from Japanese Vocaloid Hatsune Miku. J. Waldron, K. K. Veblen, & S. Horsley, Oxford Handbook of Social Media and Music Learning (511-528). New York: Oxford University Press.
Ruthmann, S.A., Tobias, E. S., Randles, C., & Thibeault, M. D (2014). Challenging technological determinism in music education. In C. Randles (Ed.), Music education: Navigating the future (122-138). New York, NY: Routledge.

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
Zhang, C., Leung, B.W., & Thibeault, M.D. (2023). A Proposed Model of Parental Behaviours of Music Practice: Based on Music Majors’ Retrospective Views in Mainland China. Music Education Research, 25(5), 496-508. https://doi.org/10.1080/14613808.2023.2255209
Matthew D. Thibeault (2022). Aebersold’s Mediated Play-A-Long Pedagogy and the Invention of the Beginning Jazz Improvisation Student. Journal of Research in Music Education, 70, 66-91. https://doi.org/10.1177/00224294211031894
Thibeault, M. D. (2020). Dewey's musical allergy and the philosophy of music education. Journal of Research in Music Education, 68(1), 31-52.
Thibeault, M. D. (2018). Learning with Sound Recordings: A History of Suzuki’s Mediated Pedagogy. Journal of Research in Music Education, 66(1), 6-30.
Thibeault, M. D. (2017). Sound Studies and Music Education. The Journal of Aesthetic Education, 51(1), 69-83.
Klemp, N., McDermott, R., Duque, J., Thibeault, M., Powell, K., & Levitin, D. J. (2016). Plans, takes, and mis-takes. Education et Didactique, 10(3), 105-120.
Thibeault, M. D. (2016). Understanding sheet music as a medium to expand pedagogic practice. Journal of Music, Technology & Education, 9(2), 209-222.
Thibeault, M. D. (2015). Music education for all through participatory ensembles. Music Educators Journal, 102(2), 54-61.
Thibeault, M. D. (2014). Algorithms and the future of music education: A response to Shuler. Arts Education Policy Review, 115(1), 19-25.
Thibeault, M. D. (2013). The shifting locus of musical experience from performance to recording to data: Some implications for music education. Music Education Research International, 6, 38-55.
Thibeault, M. D. (2012). From compliance to creative rights in music education: rethinking intellectual property in the age of new media. Music Education Research, 14(1), 107-121.
Publication in policy or professional journal
Thibeault, M. D. (2020). Reflections on Participatory Music in Japan. The Orff Echo, 53(1), 36-41.
Thibeault, M. D. (2019). Celebrating the Technological Side of the Suzuki Method. American Suzuki Journal, 48(1), 41-43.

Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies
Film, video
Thibeault, M. D. (2020). Sights and Sounds of Japanese Participatory Music. Media Journal in Music Education, Volume 1. Retrieved from http://music.arts.usf.edu/content/go/music-education/mjme/links/japanese-participatory.asp. Online


Early 20th Century Mediated Pedagogy: An Historical Study of the Emergence of Music Appreciation
Granted by the General Research Fund in 2019, this research project will examine the adjustment of music education to the availability of sound recordings (and radio) in the early 20th century in the US through four related case studies.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): THIBEAULT, Matthew Doran

Oral History of Aebersold Play-along Jazz Learning Aids
This historical research examines the origins of Jamey Aebersold’s play-a-long technology for learning jazz improvisation. Analysis of documents is supplemented by an oral history of those involved in the creation of that system during the 1960s to the present. Outputs aim to further the use of technologies in music pedagogy and self-directed music learning.
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): THIBEAULT, Matthew Doran

Prizes and awards

EdUHK FLASS Dean's Research Fund, Research Output Prize (2021-22)
Awarded based on the following research output: Thibeault, M. D. (2022). Aebersold’s mediated Play-A-Long pedagogy and the invention of the beginning jazz improvisation student. Journal of Research in Music Education, 70(1), 66-91. doi: 10.1177/00224294211031894
Date of receipt: 2/6/2022, Conferred by: Education University of Hong Kong Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (FLASS)