Dr LI, Man Wai Liman    李敏維 博士
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
Centre for Psychosocial Health
(852) 2948 8923
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests

Liman is particularly interested in studying mental health, decision-making processes, and social relationships from a socio-ecological perspective. 

For a full publication list, please visit my personal website (http://sites.google.com/site/limanlmw). 


Teaching Interests

Culture psychology; Social psychology

Personal Profile

Liman obtained her bachelor degree and masters' degree at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Later she obtained her PhD degree in Psychology at the University of Alberta, Canada. Prior to joining the Education University of Hong Kong, she has worked at the Department of Psychology, Sun Yat-sen University, for two years. 

Research Interests

Liman is particularly interested in studying mental health, decision-making processes, and social relationships from a socio-ecological perspective. 

For a full publication list, please visit my personal website (http://sites.google.com/site/limanlmw). 


Teaching Interests

Culture psychology; Social psychology

Research Outputs

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
Mei, D. #, Yang, D. #, Li, T., Zhang, X., Rao, K., & Li, L. M. W.* (2024). Nature contact promotes prosociality: The mediating roles of self-transcendence, nature connectedness, and materialism. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 96 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2024.102324
Lou, X., Li, L.M.W., & Ito, K. (2024). Egoistic Value is Positively Associated with Pro-Eenvironmental Attitude and Behaviour When the Environmental Problems are Psychologically Close. British Journal of Social Psychology, Advance online publication https://doi.org/10.1111/bjso.12743
Xia, W., & Li, L. M. W.* (2023). Societal gender role beliefs moderate the pattern of gender differences in public- and private-sphere pro-environmental behaviors. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 92 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2023.102158
Li, L. M. W.*, Xia, W., & Ito, K. (2023). Stereotypes of pro-environmental people: Perception of competence and warmth. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 91 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2023.102133
Li, L. M. W., Wang, S., & Lin, Y.* (2023). The casual effect of relational mobility on integration of social networks: An agent-based modeling approach. Current Psychology, 42, 21900-21916. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-03130-x
Lou, N. M., & Li, L. M. W.* (2023). Social mobility and motivational payoff: Achievement motivation is more important in students’ performance and well-being in cultures with high versus low social mobility. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 54(8), 827-848. https://doi.org/10.1177/00220221231195930
Li, L., Li, L. M. W., Ma, J., Lu, A., & Dai, Z. (2023). The relationship between personality traits and well-being via brain functional connectivity. Journal of Happiness Studies, 24, 2127-2152. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-023-00674-y
Xia, W.W., Li, M.W., & Li, M. (2023). Holistic Thinking and Emotional Variability across Environments. Current Psychology, 42, 11207-11222. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02398-9
Luo, S. #*, Li, L. M. W. #, Espina, E., Bond, M. H., Lun, V., Huang, L., Duan, Q., & Liu, J.* (2023). Individual uniqueness in trust profiles and well-being: Understanding the role of cultural tightness–looseness from a representation similarity perspective. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62, 825- 844. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjso.12599
Lou, N. M., & Li, L. M. W.* (2023). The mindsets × societal norm effect across 78 cultures: Growth mindsets are linked to performance weakly and well-being negatively in societies with fixed-mindset norms. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 93(1), 134-152. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12544
Lou, X., & Li, L. M. W.* (2023). The relationship of environmental concern with public and private pro-environmental behaviours: A pre-registered meta-analysis. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53(1), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejsp.2879
Lou, X., & Li, L. M. W.* (2022). The mediating role of self-enhancement value on the relationship of power distance and individualism with pro-environmental attitudes: Evidence from multilevel mediation analysis with 52 societies. Cross-Cultural Research, 56(5), 445-466. https://doi.org/10.1177/10693971221093122
Guo, S., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Li, L. M. W., & Gao, D.-G.* (2022). Impression management in predicting social stress and adaptive work behaviors. International Journal of Stress Management, 29, 319-329. https://doi.org/10.1037/str0000143
Lou, X., Lin, Y.*, & Li, L. M. W.* (2022). Predicting priority of environmental protection over economic growth using macroeconomic and individual-level predictors: Evidence from machine learning. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 82 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2022.101843
Xia, W., & Li, L. M. W.* (2022). Multilevel evidence for the parent-adolescent dyadic effect of familiarity with climate change on pro-environmental behaviors in 14 societies: Moderating effects of societal power distance and individualism. Environment and Behavior, 54(7-8), 1097-1132. https://doi.org/10.1177/00139165221129550
Mei, D., Li, L. M. W.*, He, W., & Gao, D.-G.* (2022). Dampening effect of unethical experience on memory. Current Psychology https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-03334-1
Li, W.-Q., Li, L. M. W.*, Lou, N. M. (2022). Who moved with you? The companionship of significant others reduces movers’ motivation to make new friends.. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 25, 319-335. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajsp.12497
Xia, W.W., & Li, L.M.W. (2022). When and How to share? The Role of Inspiration. Journal of Social Psychology, Online publication, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224545.2022.2080038
Lou, X., Li, L. M. W.*, Xia, W., & Zhu, Q. (2022). A meta-analysis of temporal shifts in environmental concern between 1994 and 2017: An examination of the new environmental paradigm. Anthropocene, 38, 100335. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ancene.2022.100335
Li, L. M. W., Lou, X.*, & Bond, M. H. (2022). Societal emphasis on religious faith as a cultural context for shaping the social-psychological relationships between personal religiosity and well-being.. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 53, 306-326. https://doi.org/10.1177/00220221221079875
Li, L. M. W.*, & Li, W.-Q. (2022). Chronic vulnerability to natural disasters and subjective well-being. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 3, 100041. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cresp.2022.100041
Sun, Y.#, Ma, J.#, Huang, M., Yi, Y., Wang, Y., Gu, Y., Lin, Y., Li, L. M. W.*, & Dai, Z.* (2022). Functional connectivity dynamics as a function of the fluctuation of tension during film watching. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 16, 1260-1274. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11682-021-00593-7
Li, L., Wei, Y., Zhang, J., Ma, J., Yi, Y., Gu, Y., Li, L. M. W., Lin, Y., & Dai, Z.* (2021). Gene expression associated with individual variability in intrinsic functional connectivity.. NeuroImage, 15, 118743. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118743
Mei, D.*, He, S., Li, L. M. W.*, & Zhu, Y. (2021). The effect of subjective loss in financial risk taking and negative emotion.. Frontiers in Psyhcology, 12, 736353. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.736353
Lou, X., & Li, L. M. W.* (2021). The Relationship between identity and environmental concern: A meta-analysis.. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 76 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2021.101653
Ito, K., Yang, S., & Li, L. M. W. (2021). Changing Facebook profile pictures to dyadic photo influences romantic partners’ relationship satisfaction via perceived partner commitment. Computers in Human Behavior, 20, 106748.
Xia, W., Li, L. M. W., Jiang, D., & Liu, S. (2021). Dynamics of Stress and Emotional Experiences during the COVID-19 Results from Two 14-day Daily Diary Studies. International Journal of Stress Management., 28, 256-265.
Li, L. M. W., & Jiang, D. (2021). Marital Satisfaction can Backfire: The Magnifying Effect of Marital Satisfaction on the Dyadic Effect of Disabilities on Life Satisfaction. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), 5352-5363.
Li, W.Q., Li, L. M. W., Jiang, D., Liu, S. (2021). Fate control and ingroup bias in donation for the fight with the coronavirus pandemic: The mediating role of risk perception of COVID-19. Personality and Individual Differences, 171, 110456-..
Li, L. M. W., Chen, Q., Gao, H., Li, W.-Q., & Ito, K. (2021). Online/offline self-disclosure to offline friends and relational outcomes in a diary study: The moderating role of self-esteem and relational closeness.. International Journal of Psychology, 56, 129-137.
Li, L. M. W., Liu, M., & Ito, K. (2021). The relationship between the need to belong and nature relatedness: The moderating role of independent self-construal. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 638320.
Li, L. M. W., Li, W.-Q, Mei, D., & Ito, K. (2021). Dialectical versus linear thinking shapes people’s anticipation of climate change. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 623591.
Wang, Y., & Li, L. M. W. (2020). Does your trust in strangers or close acquaintances promote better health? Societal residential mobility matters.. The Journal of Social Psychology, 160, 416-427.
Li, L. M. W., Mei, D., Li, W.-Q., & Lee, H. (2020). The relationship between dialectical beliefs and pro-environmental behaviors. Environment and Behavior, 52(3), 223-247.
Li, L. M. W., Li, W.-Q., Mei, D., & Wang, Y. (2020). Self-esteem among Chinese Cohorts: Its temporal trend and its relations with socioecological factors, 1993 – 2016. European Journal of Personality, 34(2), 203-214.
Ito, K., Lee, A. K. C., Tan, T. S.-M., & Li, L. M. W. (2019). Low residential mobility and novelty-seeking consumption.. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 50(10), 1242-1252.
Ito, K., & Li, L. M. W. (2019). Holism and pro-environmental commitment: An examination on the mediating roles of affective and cognitive determinants. Personality and Individual Differences, 149, 160-166.
Wang, Y., Li, L. M. W., & Xie, F. (2019). Cultural difference in maladaptive functions of perfectionistic self-presentation. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 22(3), 290-300.
Li, M., Li, L. M. W., Zhao, K., & Gao, D.-G. (2019). Cultural group perception enhances sense of agency in a multicultural society. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 60(4), 394-403.
Li, M., Li,W.-Q., & Li, L.M.W. (2019). Sensitive Periods of Moving on Mental Health and Academic Performance among University Students. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1289.
Li, M.-Y., Lin, H.-C., Li, L.M.W., & Frieze, I.H. (2019). Cross-Cultural Study of Community Engagement in Second-Generation Immigrants. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 50(6), 763-788.
Li, L.M.W. (2019). Can Job Autonomy Attenuate the Effect of Depression on Employees’ Well-being? It May Depend on Culture. Journal of Mental Health, 28, 181-188.
Li, W.-Q., Li, L.M.W., & Li, M. (2019). Residential Mobility Reduces Ingroup Favoritism in Prosocial Behavior. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 22(1), 3-17.
Lin, Y., Ma, J., Gu, Y., Yang, S., Li, L. M. W., & Dai, Z. (2018). Intrinsic Overlapping Modular Organization of Human Brain Functional Networks Revealed by a Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm. NeuroImage, 181, 430-445.
Yi, Y.#, Li, L. M. W.#, Xiao, Y., Ma, J., Fan, L., & Dai, Z.* (2018). Brain activity mediates the relation between emotional but not instrumental support and trait loneliness.. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 13, 995-1002.
Li, L. M. W., Luo, S., Ma, J., Lin, Y., Fan, L., Zhong, S., Yang, J., Huang, Y., Gu, L., Fan, L., Dai, Z., & Wu, X (2018). Functional connectivity pattern underlies individual differences in independent self-construal. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 13, 128-135.
Li, L.M.W. (2018). Dialectical beliefs and savings tendency: Opposite patterns in good versus bad current status. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 48, 128-135.
Mei, D., Li, L. M. W.*, Wang, Y. (2018). Influence of emotional valence on perceived psychological distance depends on emotional intensity. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48, 687-700.


Obstacles of Green Recruitment and Selection: A Double-edged Sword Effect of Pro-environmental Tendencies at Workplace

Project Start Year: 2024, Principal Investigator(s): LI, Man Wai, Liman

Evaluating the Role of Attitude and Norms in Promoting Pro-Environmental Behaviors: A Pilot Study
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): LI, Man Wai, Liman

Social Norms and Pro-environmental Behaviors
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): LI, Man Wai

An Exploration of the Effect of Theory of Planned Behavior on Environmental Behaviors across Cultures
To enhance the understanding of socio-cultural factors on shaping people’s pro-environmental tendencies, the proposed study will examine the effect of three key determinants of pro-environmental behavioral intention, including pro-environmental attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control, on individuals’ pro-environmental tendencies across cultures by exploring the moderating effect of societal-level collectivism-individualism.
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): LI, Man Wai

The Relationship between Interdependence and Pro-environmental Behavior across Contexts
Present Study will explore the moderating effect of unsupportive social contexts on the effect of interdependence on pro-environmental behaviors.
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): LI, Man Wai

Developing and Validating the Climate Change Adaptation Scale
The specific aim of this project is to develop the Climate Change Adaptation Scale (CCAS), a reliable, validated questionnaire to quantify individuals' tendency to engage in climate change adaptation.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): Kenichi Ito (LI, Man Wai 李敏維 as Collaborator)

Mask Wearing Behaviors and Attitudes: Cultural and Individual Influences
In the current worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, different public norms regarding mask wearing have emerged across cultures. The public health efficacy of mask-wearing depends on more than the physical efficacy of masks themselves: Instead, it depends on social behavior—compliance and acceptance. How can we improve the social efficacy of masks for public health? Specifically, what facilitates mask acceptance in USA and Hong Kong, what discourages it, and how can we learn from one another to encourage more enthusiastic public acceptance and positive interpersonal/social effects (and therefore public health effects)?
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): BUCHTEL, Emma Ellen Kathrina 蒲安梅 (LI, Man Wai 李敏維 as Co-Investigator)

The Temporal Trend of Chinese Adolescents’ Achievement Motivation: Striving to Exceed Others or Avoid Incompetence Relative to Others
We examine the temporal trend of Chinese adolescents’ achievement motivation by focusing on two dimensions of achievement motivation: mastery or avoidance-oriented motivation.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): LI, Man Wai 李敏維

A Longitudinal Study on Subjective Well-being and Cultural Fit in Social Networks: A Pilot Study
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): LI, Man Wai 李敏維

Stereotype on Pro-environmental Behavior: Depend on the Target’s Gender
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): LI, Man Wai 李敏維

Low Environmental Relational Mobility Promotes Existence of Enemies
This project examines whether the environmental relational mobility would lead to the formation of interpersonal enemies.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): LI, Man Wai 李敏維

Decision Making and Self-Control: The Moderating Role of Culture
This research examines the relation between decision making and self-control in different cultures.
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): LI, Man Wai 李敏維

Increasing Cultural Sensitivity among Pre-service Teachers in Hong Kong
This project aims to promote future educators' cultural sensitivity, skills, and knowledge in multicultural situations via an innovative program built in an existing education studies course taken by all students enrolled in Bachelor of Education (BEd) programmes at The Education University of Hong Kong.
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): YUM, Yen Na Cherry 任演納, JIANG, Da 蔣達, CHEUNG, Yuen Man Rebecca 張婉文 (LI, Man Wai 李敏維 as Co-Investigator)

Personal, Social, and Community Well-Being Cluster
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): POON, Kai Tak 潘啟德 (LI, Man Wai 李敏維 as Team Member)

Cultural Transmission: The Role of Inspiration on Social Learning and Transmission
To examine whether inspiration will affect social learning and knowledge transmission
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): LI, Man Wai 李敏維

Effect of Time Perception on Emotional Experiences
This project examines how time perception may shape people's negative and positive emotional experiences.
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): LI, Man Wai 李敏維

Prizes and awards

Early Career Award

Date of receipt: /7/2023, Conferred by: International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology
APS Rising Star

Date of receipt: /12/2019, Conferred by: Association for Psychological Science