Journal Publications Publication in refereed journal Mei, D. #, Yang, D. #, Li, T., Zhang, X., Rao, K., & Li, L. M. W.* (2024). Nature contact promotes prosociality: The mediating roles of self-transcendence, nature connectedness, and materialism. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 96 Lou, X., Li, L.M.W., & Ito, K. (2024). Egoistic Value is Positively Associated with Pro-Eenvironmental Attitude and Behaviour When the Environmental Problems are Psychologically Close. British Journal of Social Psychology, Advance online publication Xia, W., & Li, L. M. W.* (2023). Societal gender role beliefs moderate the pattern of gender differences in public- and private-sphere pro-environmental behaviors. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 92 Li, L. M. W.*, Xia, W., & Ito, K. (2023). Stereotypes of pro-environmental people: Perception of competence and warmth. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 91 Li, L. M. W., Wang, S., & Lin, Y.* (2023). The casual effect of relational mobility on integration of social networks: An agent-based modeling approach. Current Psychology, 42, 21900-21916. Lou, N. M., & Li, L. M. W.* (2023). Social mobility and motivational payoff: Achievement motivation is more important in students’ performance and well-being in cultures with high versus low social mobility. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 54(8), 827-848. Li, L., Li, L. M. W., Ma, J., Lu, A., & Dai, Z. (2023). The relationship between personality traits and well-being via brain functional connectivity. Journal of Happiness Studies, 24, 2127-2152. Xia, W.W., Li, M.W., & Li, M. (2023). Holistic Thinking and Emotional Variability across Environments. Current Psychology, 42, 11207-11222. Luo, S. #*, Li, L. M. W. #, Espina, E., Bond, M. H., Lun, V., Huang, L., Duan, Q., & Liu, J.* (2023). Individual uniqueness in trust profiles and well-being: Understanding the role of cultural tightness–looseness from a representation similarity perspective. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62, 825- 844. Lou, N. M., & Li, L. M. W.* (2023). The mindsets × societal norm effect across 78 cultures: Growth mindsets are linked to performance weakly and well-being negatively in societies with fixed-mindset norms. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 93(1), 134-152. Lou, X., & Li, L. M. W.* (2023). The relationship of environmental concern with public and private pro-environmental behaviours: A pre-registered meta-analysis. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53(1), 1-14. Lou, X., & Li, L. M. W.* (2022). The mediating role of self-enhancement value on the relationship of power distance and individualism with pro-environmental attitudes: Evidence from multilevel mediation analysis with 52 societies. Cross-Cultural Research, 56(5), 445-466. Guo, S., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Li, L. M. W., & Gao, D.-G.* (2022). Impression management in predicting social stress and adaptive work behaviors. International Journal of Stress Management, 29, 319-329. Lou, X., Lin, Y.*, & Li, L. M. W.* (2022). Predicting priority of environmental protection over economic growth using macroeconomic and individual-level predictors: Evidence from machine learning. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 82 Xia, W., & Li, L. M. W.* (2022). Multilevel evidence for the parent-adolescent dyadic effect of familiarity with climate change on pro-environmental behaviors in 14 societies: Moderating effects of societal power distance and individualism. Environment and Behavior, 54(7-8), 1097-1132. Mei, D., Li, L. M. W.*, He, W., & Gao, D.-G.* (2022). Dampening effect of unethical experience on memory. Current Psychology Li, W.-Q., Li, L. M. W.*, Lou, N. M. (2022). Who moved with you? The companionship of significant others reduces movers’ motivation to make new friends.. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 25, 319-335. Xia, W.W., & Li, L.M.W. (2022). When and How to share? The Role of Inspiration. Journal of Social Psychology, Online publication, 1-15. Lou, X., Li, L. M. W.*, Xia, W., & Zhu, Q. (2022). A meta-analysis of temporal shifts in environmental concern between 1994 and 2017: An examination of the new environmental paradigm. Anthropocene, 38, 100335. Li, L. M. W., Lou, X.*, & Bond, M. H. (2022). Societal emphasis on religious faith as a cultural context for shaping the social-psychological relationships between personal religiosity and well-being.. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 53, 306-326. Li, L. M. W.*, & Li, W.-Q. (2022). Chronic vulnerability to natural disasters and subjective well-being. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 3, 100041. Sun, Y.#, Ma, J.#, Huang, M., Yi, Y., Wang, Y., Gu, Y., Lin, Y., Li, L. M. W.*, & Dai, Z.* (2022). Functional connectivity dynamics as a function of the fluctuation of tension during film watching. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 16, 1260-1274. Li, L., Wei, Y., Zhang, J., Ma, J., Yi, Y., Gu, Y., Li, L. M. W., Lin, Y., & Dai, Z.* (2021). Gene expression associated with individual variability in intrinsic functional connectivity.. NeuroImage, 15, 118743. Mei, D.*, He, S., Li, L. M. W.*, & Zhu, Y. (2021). The effect of subjective loss in financial risk taking and negative emotion.. Frontiers in Psyhcology, 12, 736353. Lou, X., & Li, L. M. W.* (2021). The Relationship between identity and environmental concern: A meta-analysis.. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 76 Ito, K., Yang, S., & Li, L. M. W. (2021). Changing Facebook profile pictures to dyadic photo influences romantic partners’ relationship satisfaction via perceived partner commitment. Computers in Human Behavior, 20, 106748. Xia, W., Li, L. M. W., Jiang, D., & Liu, S. (2021). Dynamics of Stress and Emotional Experiences during the COVID-19 Results from Two 14-day Daily Diary Studies. International Journal of Stress Management., 28, 256-265. Li, L. M. W., & Jiang, D. (2021). Marital Satisfaction can Backfire: The Magnifying Effect of Marital Satisfaction on the Dyadic Effect of Disabilities on Life Satisfaction. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), 5352-5363. Li, W.Q., Li, L. M. W., Jiang, D., Liu, S. (2021). Fate control and ingroup bias in donation for the fight with the coronavirus pandemic: The mediating role of risk perception of COVID-19. Personality and Individual Differences, 171, 110456-.. Li, L. M. W., Chen, Q., Gao, H., Li, W.-Q., & Ito, K. (2021). Online/offline self-disclosure to offline friends and relational outcomes in a diary study: The moderating role of self-esteem and relational closeness.. International Journal of Psychology, 56, 129-137. Li, L. M. W., Liu, M., & Ito, K. (2021). The relationship between the need to belong and nature relatedness: The moderating role of independent self-construal. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 638320. Li, L. M. W., Li, W.-Q, Mei, D., & Ito, K. (2021). Dialectical versus linear thinking shapes people’s anticipation of climate change. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 623591. Wang, Y., & Li, L. M. W. (2020). Does your trust in strangers or close acquaintances promote better health? Societal residential mobility matters.. The Journal of Social Psychology, 160, 416-427. Li, L. M. W., Mei, D., Li, W.-Q., & Lee, H. (2020). The relationship between dialectical beliefs and pro-environmental behaviors. Environment and Behavior, 52(3), 223-247. Li, L. M. W., Li, W.-Q., Mei, D., & Wang, Y. (2020). Self-esteem among Chinese Cohorts: Its temporal trend and its relations with socioecological factors, 1993 – 2016. European Journal of Personality, 34(2), 203-214. Ito, K., Lee, A. K. C., Tan, T. S.-M., & Li, L. M. W. (2019). Low residential mobility and novelty-seeking consumption.. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 50(10), 1242-1252. Ito, K., & Li, L. M. W. (2019). Holism and pro-environmental commitment: An examination on the mediating roles of affective and cognitive determinants. Personality and Individual Differences, 149, 160-166. Wang, Y., Li, L. M. W., & Xie, F. (2019). Cultural difference in maladaptive functions of perfectionistic self-presentation. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 22(3), 290-300. Li, M., Li, L. M. W., Zhao, K., & Gao, D.-G. (2019). Cultural group perception enhances sense of agency in a multicultural society. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 60(4), 394-403. Li, M., Li,W.-Q., & Li, L.M.W. (2019). Sensitive Periods of Moving on Mental Health and Academic Performance among University Students. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1289. Li, M.-Y., Lin, H.-C., Li, L.M.W., & Frieze, I.H. (2019). Cross-Cultural Study of Community Engagement in Second-Generation Immigrants. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 50(6), 763-788. Li, L.M.W. (2019). Can Job Autonomy Attenuate the Effect of Depression on Employees’ Well-being? It May Depend on Culture. Journal of Mental Health, 28, 181-188. Li, W.-Q., Li, L.M.W., & Li, M. (2019). Residential Mobility Reduces Ingroup Favoritism in Prosocial Behavior. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 22(1), 3-17. Lin, Y., Ma, J., Gu, Y., Yang, S., Li, L. M. W., & Dai, Z. (2018). Intrinsic Overlapping Modular Organization of Human Brain Functional Networks Revealed by a Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm. NeuroImage, 181, 430-445. Yi, Y.#, Li, L. M. W.#, Xiao, Y., Ma, J., Fan, L., & Dai, Z.* (2018). Brain activity mediates the relation between emotional but not instrumental support and trait loneliness.. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 13, 995-1002. Li, L. M. W., Luo, S., Ma, J., Lin, Y., Fan, L., Zhong, S., Yang, J., Huang, Y., Gu, L., Fan, L., Dai, Z., & Wu, X (2018). Functional connectivity pattern underlies individual differences in independent self-construal. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 13, 128-135. Li, L.M.W. (2018). Dialectical beliefs and savings tendency: Opposite patterns in good versus bad current status. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 48, 128-135. Mei, D., Li, L. M. W.*, Wang, Y. (2018). Influence of emotional valence on perceived psychological distance depends on emotional intensity. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48, 687-700.