Journal Publications Publication in refereed journal Lee, T.T. (2024). The texture of parental experiences with online learning: the interplay of norms, relationships, and emotions.. British Journal of Sociology of Education, Advance online publication, 1-19. Lee, T.T.L. (2024). Beyond Conventional Metrics: Alternative Middle-Class Choice among Chinese Homeschooling Families.. Sociology, 58(5), 1207-1224. Lee, T.L.T. (2024). Leadership for inclusive online learning in public primary schools during COVID-19: A multiple case study in Hong Kong. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 52(6), 1434-1454. Lee, T.T.L. & Chiu S.W.K. (2024). Educational value priorities of Chinese parents in a global city: A mixed-methods study in Hong Kong. Education and Urban Society, 56(9), 1142-1161. Ho, C.S.M., Lee, T.T., & Lu, J. (2024). Enhancing School Appeal: How Experiential Marketing Influences Perceived School Attractiveness in the Urban Context. Education and Urban Society., 56(6), 703-727. Lee, T.T.L. (2023). Homeschooling in Chinese cities: educational implications for post-pandemic schools. Educational Review Lee, T.L.T (2023). Social class, intensive parenting norms and parental values for children. Current Sociology, 71(6), 964-981. Lee, T.T.L. (2023). Towards a textural sociological approach to single mothers’ voices: a study of Hong Kong mothers. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, .44(4), 548-561. Lee, T.T. (2022). Reform at the Intersection of Loose Coupling and Pedagogic Modalities: The Case of Hong Kong. Education and Urban Society, 54(1), 54-76. Lee, T.T. & Luo, X. (2021). Women’s perceived support of parents and parents-in-law in China: Socioeconomic resources, reciprocity, and family context. Chinese Journal of Sociology, 7(2), 171-193. Lee, T.T., Kwan, P., & Li, B.Y.M. (2019). Neoliberal challenges in context: a case of Hong Kong. International Journal of Educational Management, 34(4), 641-652. Lee, T.L., & Ma, X. (2019). Identity and border setting: A qualitative study of homeworkers in China. Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, 15(2), 94-113. Fong, E., Lee, T. T., Shibuya, K., Wang, J., & Yang, Y. (2018). Trust towards Conventional Businesses and E-Businesses by Socioeconomic Status in China. Comparative Sociology, 17 (3-4), 279-298. Lee, T. T., & Chiu, S. W. K. (2018). Conduit for Engagement? School Curriculum and Youth Political Participation in Hong Kong. YOUNG, 26 (2), 161-178. Lee, T. T.-L. (2018). Revisiting the role of pedagogic contexts in social class analysis: A Bernsteinian approach. International Review of Sociology, 28(1), 133-149. Lee, T. T., & Chiu, S. W. K. (2016). Curriculum Reform and the Social Class Achievement Gap. Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, 12 (2), 148-165. Publication in policy or professional journal Ling, B., & Lee, T. T. (2007). Where Is The ‘Frugal Olympics’? Internet Voices Protest Extravagance. China Rights Forum, 3, 54-61.
Conference Papers Invited conference paper Lee, T.T.L. (2021, June). Homeschooling in Asia (South): Singapore and Hong Kong. Quality Learning Conference (in Chinese), Taiwan. Refereed conference paper Lee, T.T.L. (2022, December). Homeschooling in Chinese Cities: The Middle-class Remaking of Chinese Parenting? [Paper presentation]. Hong Kong Sociological Association 23rd Annual Conference, Hong Kong. Lee, T.T.L. & Chu, L.Y. (2022, April). Chinese Parents Exercising Alternative Middle-Class Choice: A Study of Homeschooling in Hong Kong. British Sociological Association Annual Conference, UK. Chan, C.H. & Lee, T.T. (2022, January). The Social Side of Online Learning: A Case Study of Hong Kong Primary Schools during COVID-19. The 22nd Annual Conference of Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hong Kong. Lee, T.L. (2019, July). Beyond Structure Versus Culture: Class-specific Parenting Practices in Hong Kong. Proceedings of the Middle-Term Conference RC04 Sociology of Education International Sociological Association (ISA), Moscow, Russia. Luo, X., & Lee, T. T. (2018, December). Main Patterns and Determinants of Married Women’s Support to Parents and Parents-in-law in China. The 20th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hong Kong. Ma, X., & Lee, T. T. (2018, December). Work-Leisure Borders in Post-Industrial Society: The Study of Leisure Experience of Homeworkers in China. The 20th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hong Kong. Fong, E., Lee T. T., Shibuya, K., Wang, J., & Yang, Y. (2017, November). Trust towards Institutions among the Successful during the Economic Reform. International Conference on Trust, Tokyo, Japan. Lee, T. T. (2017, August). Career and Life Adventure Planning for Youth---Model, Collaboration and Tools. The Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., USA. Lee, T. T., Yuen, M. K., Cheng, Y. L. G., & Leung, S.A. (2017, August). Life Skills Self-Efficacy, School Connectedness and Meaning in Life: Immigrant Students in Hong Kong. The Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., USA. Leung, S. A., Lee, T. T., & Cheng Y. L. G. (2017, August). Factors Predicting Changes in Students’ Perceptions of Career Decision-Making Difficulties. The Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., USA. Leung, S. A., Lee T. T., & Cheng, Y. L. G. (2017, May). Personal and Social Contextual Influences on Career Decision Making Difficulties of Chinese High School Adolescents. The Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX, USA. Lee, T. T., Cheng Y. L. G., Ho, M., Ho, E.Y.F., & Leung, S.A. (2016, August). Contributions of Interest and Competence to Career Indecision among Chinese High School Students. The Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Denver, CO, USA. Chiu, S. W. K., & Lee, T. T. (2015, May). Class-based Achievement Gap in Liberal Studies of New Senior Secondary Curriculum in Hong Kong. The Taiwan─HK Sociology and Social Image Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. Lee, T. T. (2014, December). An Exploratory Study of the Politicizing Effect of Liberal Studies on Student Activism. The 16th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hong Kong. Chiu, S. W. K., & Lee, T. T. (2014, July). Integrative Forms of Curriculum and Pedagogy: A Bernsteinian Analysis of Liberal Studies in Hong Kong. The International Basil Bernstein Symposium, Nagoya, Japan. Chiu, S. W. K., & Lee, T. T. (2014, April). Revisiting Basil Bernstein: Social Class and Curriculum Studies. British Sociological Association Annual Conference, London, UK. Chiu, S. W. K., & Lee, T. T. (2013, February). Bringing Class (back) in Curriculum Reform: The Case of Hong Kong. The Annual Conference of The Hong Kong Educational Research Association, Hong Kong.