Dr CHEUNG, Hiu Yan Alice    張曉恩 博士
Lecturer II
Department of Literature and Cultural Studies
Lecturer II
Department of Literature and Cultural Studies
(852) 2948 7339
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Research Interests

The studies of Yang Jiang 

The female writers of May Fourth and wartime period 

Female Comedy

Teaching Interests

Modern Chinese Literature 

Modern Chinese Drama 

The Studies of May Fourth Writer 


Personal Profile

B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.



Postgraduate Diploma in Education, The University of Hong Kong.



M.A. in Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.



PhD in Language and Culture, Imperial College London.


PhD Thesis: Cultural Productions in Shanghai Theatre during the Japanese Occupation Period: Yang Jiang' s Reception and Transformation of Jane Austen's Comedic Art 



Research Interests

The studies of Yang Jiang 

The female writers of May Fourth and wartime period 

Female Comedy

Teaching Interests

Modern Chinese Literature 

Modern Chinese Drama 

The Studies of May Fourth Writer 


Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Chapter in an edited book (author)
張曉恩 (2019)。 詩畫交流的藝術體現 —— 凌叔華兒童小說的風景畫。輯於宋詒瑞主編, 兒童繪本的欣賞與教學 (53-57)。香港: 香港兒童文藝協會。

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
Cheung, A.H.Y., & Wang, L. (2021). Exploring Hong Kong Youth Culture via a Virtual Reality Tour. Sustainability, 13(23), 13345.
張曉恩 (2021)。 笑的顛覆 —— 楊絳的女性風俗喜劇。 淡江中文學報,44,305-343。 https://doi.org/10.6187/tkujcl.202106_(44).0010

Conference Papers
Refereed conference paper
張曉恩 (2024, December). 楊 絳喜劇對珍.奧斯丁喜劇美學的轉換. The 11th Symposium of Chinese Language Education, Ideology and Culture, Taichung, Taiwan.
張曉恩 (2022, December). 由出走到闖 入:凌叔華與楊絳女角們的家居空間. The 10th Symposium of Chinese Language Education, Ideology and Culture, Pingtung, Taiwan.
Cheung, Hiu Yan Alice (2022, November). The Twisted Father Figure - Jane Austen's and Yang Jiang's Antiromantic Comedic Art. Paper presented at 13th ACS International Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
張曉恩 (2019,12). 笑的探尋 —— 楊絳女性風俗喜劇和她的先行者們。第九屆「語文教育與思想文化」研討會,香港。
Cheung, Alice Hiu Yan (2019, June). Laughing Together:Yang Jiang's Reception of Jane Austen's Female Laughter. Paper presented at 8th Annual International Conference on Language, Literature and Linguistics (L3 2019), Singapore.


Drama Education in Metaverse: Learning New Literacies beyond Classroom
This project aims to create a VLT package consisting of a metaverse-based learning space and a handbook for providing practical ideas for the implementation of the package. Blended with face-to-face teaching and learning, students can continue their drama-learning beyond classroom. In this virtual space, students can enjoy interactivity, safety and novelty by choosing their own avatars to participate in a variety of drama activities, such as process drama, character-profiling and rolling role, etc. While language and literature learning serve as the starting point of this project, its ultimate goal is to develop students’ literacy skills. Literacy here refers to the general operational skills, such as reading and writing, cultural perception and critical thinking.
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, Hiu Yan, Alice

Approaching Theatre for the Impression of Drama
The objective of the project is to encourage students who join LIT3012 to watch and appreciate drama; to observe “the Impression of Drama” – a core concept taught in the course – of a play; and to, furthermore, employ the approaches of analysing the impression of drama in their discussion of the play as well as to apply the concept in their own play writing and performance. To achieve this, the subsidies of ticket fee would be provided for students who are interested in joining the programme.
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, Hiu Yan, Alice

Aging, Rejuvenation and Environment in Chinese and European Early Modern Literature
This project seeks to examine the theoretical and pragmatic aspects of how faculty in universities in Hong Kong and Chicago can use Early Modern literature to encourage students to consider topics such as, aging, rejuvenation and the environment in a cross-cultural dimension. We are interested in studying how our current epistemologies, when dealing with these three topics, can be affected by the intercultural understanding and communication of values in a comparative perspective. By bringing together a discrete number of professors associated with the University of Chicago as well as faculty members from two different universities in Hong Kong in China, our goal is to study the styles, practices and logics of our research and teaching about the process of aging, techniques and rites of rejuvenation. We wish to examine the role that our cultural, emotional and geographical surroundings play in our understanding of these notions and practices. To accomplish this, we will focus on our field of specialization, early modern literature. We intend to discuss to what extent our current multidisciplinary approach is able to encourage not only future research but also find new ways to teach these topics in a more critical manner, and how new technologies can assist us in this process.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): Frederick A. De Armas (CHEUNG, Hiu Yan, Alice as Team Member)

Prizes and awards

Certificate of Merit, Faculty Teaching Award
The awardee has shown evidence of excellence in teaching across a variety of learning and teaching contexts and sustained involvement in disseminating and sharing the results of effective and innovative teaching in following areas: (a) An average SET score of the last two years at or above the University mean; (b) Design of student learning; (c) Delivery or facilitation of student learning; (d) Past/present achievements and leadership in teaching and potential scholarly contribution to or impact on the development of effective teaching practice.
Date of receipt: 13/6/2022, Conferred by: FHM, EdUHK