Dr Yang Yang is Assistant Professor of the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts. Yang acquired his bachelor and master's degrees in music performance in China, having extensive experiences in both Western classical and Chinese music as a solo singer. He was awarded a PhD in music education in 2011 by the Institution of Education, University of London. His doctoral research explored pedagogical challenges in the teaching and learning of traditional folk song performance in higher education. This included an initial in-depth cultural inquiry into China's higher music education policies since the 1900s, as well as extensive fieldwork with associated acoustic and qualitative data analyses. He has been undertaken joined research studies with the University of Queensland as an Honorary Research Fellow since 2014. Areas of study include music performance, musicology, singing pedagogy, the psychology of music, psychoacoustic and knowledge transfer.
The transformation of traditional folk song singing in Higher music education
PhD research
England ‘Sing-up’ national singing programme
Survey data operator
Survival & inheritance: National music ICH in Xi’an
Deputy project manager
Indigenous music education in the development of cultural identity: A comparative perspective of China and Australia
Project leader:
Pre-service music teachers’ professional identity development in China
Project leader
Motivational factors that influence non-music undergraduates’ enrolment in general music courses
MOOC for UNESCO music ICH in China
Mapping music education research in China
Journal Articles
Yang, Y., (2013). Cultural Diversity as a Challenge to School-based Music Education in China: Reflections on the 2012 UK National Music Plan. People’s Music [人民音乐], (12), 54–57. (Chinese)
Yang, Y., (2015). Pros and Cons of Using a MOOC Model for General Music Education Courses in Higher Education – A Case Study of Shaanxi Normal University. People’s Music [人民音乐], (06), 56–59. (Chinese)
Yang, Y., & Welch, G. F. (2014). Contemporary challenges in learning and teaching folk music in a higher education context: a case study of Hua'er music. Music Education Research, 16(2), 193–219.
Yang, Y., Welch, G. F., Sundberg, J., & Himonides, E. (2015). Tuning features of Chinese folk song singing: a case study of Hua'er music. Journal of Voice, 29(4), 426–432.
Yang, Y., & Welch, G. F. (2016). Pedagogical challenges in folk music teaching in higher education: A case study of Hua’er music in China. British Journal of Music Education,33(1), 61–79.
Book chapters
Yang, Y., Carter-Enyi, A., Radhakrishnan, N., Grimmer, S., & Nix, J. (2014). Vocal Music and Pedagogy of Chinese, African, and Indian Genres. In G. F. Welch, D. M. Howard, & J. Nix (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Singing. Oxford University Press.
Yang, Y. (2015). Music performance in a ‘transitional era' of education: a case study of folk song performance in China. In I. Papageorgi & G. F. Welch (Eds.), Advanced Musical Performance: Investigations in Higher Education Learning (1st ed., pp. 77–95). London: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
Translations (Chinese)
Psychology of Music & Research Study in Music Education, SAGE Publishing. (Official translator of article abstracts 2005-2016)
Bowman, W. D., & Frega, A. L. (2012). The Oxford handbook of philosophy in music education. Oxford; New York; Oxford University Press. (Translation editor, 2017)
McPherson, G. E., & Welch, G. F. (2012). The Oxford Handbook of Music Education. Oxford University Press. (Translation editor, 2018)
Pedagogical strategies for ensuring the continued survival for China’s musical folksong heritage: Historical review and methodology (Paper presentation)
The 6th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research Bangkok, Thailand 2007
The musical challenges inherent in promoting traditional folksong performance in Chinese higher education: Vocal features of authentic folk singing (Paper presentation)
The British Voice Association: Choice of Voice 2008 London, UK 2008
Pedagogical strategies for ensuring the continued survival for China’s musical folksong heritage: Qualitative & Quantitative analyses of authentic folk performance (Presentation)
International Society for Music Education Conference Bologna, Italy 2008
The musical challenges inherent in promoting traditional folksong performance in Chinese higher education: Pedagogy & Teaching/Learning Evaluation (Presentation)
International Society for Music Education Conference Beijing, China 2010
Music Education in Contemporary China: from Quality to Equity
Beijing Normal University & Institute of Education, UoL Beijing, China 2012
An Introduction to Chinese Music Culture (Invited public lecture)
Confucius Institute, University of Queensland Brisbane, Australia 2015
University Students' Motivation to Enrol in Elective Music Classes: An Study Using Exploratory Structural Equation Modelling (Poster presentation)
The 6th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research Glasgow, UK 2016
Pedagogical strategies for ensuring the continued survival for China’s musical folksong heritage: sociocultural reflection and sustainability (Invited presentation)
UNESSCO 2016 World Arts Education Summit Hangzhou, China 2016