My research focuses on Curriculum, Pedagogy, Teacher Learning and Professional Development (PD), especifically within Early Childhood Education (ECE) settings. The core idea of my research is the notion of ‘responsive PD’. I claim that for PD initiatives to be transformative and effective for teachers, these need to respond to the needs, motivations and interests of teachers. Consistent with this notion, my work involves three recursive components: 1) Analysis of classroom practices and teachers’ PD needs; 2) The design and implementation of responsive PD initiatives, resources, or interventions; and 3) The evaluation of impact / effectiveness of PD. In the past, I have conducted research with teachers from preschools, primary, and secondary schools, focusing on several subject matters, and also with teachers from music conservatories. Currently, my primary focus is to investigate how teacher educators and PD providers can best support early childhood teachers in the area of Arts and Creativity, particularly in Music.
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I have taught in higher education environments for 18 years, including in higher diploma, undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programs. I have also contributed to the implementation of numerous in-service professional development courses and workshops. I have taught courses related to teacher professional development theory and practice, music education and creativity in early childhood, the psychology of music teaching and learning, conceptual change, research methods, and lexicometry.
I am Associate Professor in the Department of Early Childhood Education (ECE) at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). My research focuses on curriculum, pedagogy and teacher professional development. I also serve as Associate Head of Department, looking after internationalization matters for ECE (i.e., international partnerships, exchanges, knowledge transfer & dissemination, departmental visibility). Born and raised in Spain, I studied Psychology (emphasis: teaching and learning) at Autonomous University of Madrid and Music (classical piano) at Royal Music Conservatory of Madrid (Spain). After completing my PhD, I worked as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Victoria (British Columbia, Canada) and Tufts University (Boston, United States). Subsequently, I joined Singapore's National Institute of Education, where I served as Research Scientist and Assistant Dean (Professional Learning) within the Office of Education Research. During this period, I run a number of research and development projects as Principal or Co-Principal Investigator, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Education, the Singapore Teacher Academy for the Arts, and the National Institute of Early Childhood. My work has been published in prestigious academic journals, both domain general (e.g., Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Professional Development in Education, Journal of Curriculum Studies) and specific to Music (e.g., Psychology of Music, Journal of Music Teacher Education, Music Education Research). I serve as Associate Editor for the journals "SN Social Sciences", "Infancia y Aprendizaje / Journal for the Study of Education and Development", and "Psychology, Society, & Education".
My research focuses on Curriculum, Pedagogy, Teacher Learning and Professional Development (PD), especifically within Early Childhood Education (ECE) settings. The core idea of my research is the notion of ‘responsive PD’. I claim that for PD initiatives to be transformative and effective for teachers, these need to respond to the needs, motivations and interests of teachers. Consistent with this notion, my work involves three recursive components: 1) Analysis of classroom practices and teachers’ PD needs; 2) The design and implementation of responsive PD initiatives, resources, or interventions; and 3) The evaluation of impact / effectiveness of PD. In the past, I have conducted research with teachers from preschools, primary, and secondary schools, focusing on several subject matters, and also with teachers from music conservatories. Currently, my primary focus is to investigate how teacher educators and PD providers can best support early childhood teachers in the area of Arts and Creativity, particularly in Music.
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I have taught in higher education environments for 18 years, including in higher diploma, undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programs. I have also contributed to the implementation of numerous in-service professional development courses and workshops. I have taught courses related to teacher professional development theory and practice, music education and creativity in early childhood, the psychology of music teaching and learning, conceptual change, research methods, and lexicometry.