Dr CHONG, Yee Ling    張予菱 博士
Senior Lecturer II
Department of Science and Environmental Studies
(852) 2948 7904
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Outputs

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
Lee, Y., Lim, J.Z., Sulaiman, B., Bilung, M.L., Ngui, S.N., & Chong, Y.L. (2023). Antibacterial Screening of Epidermal Mucus Protein Extract of Freshwater Bornean Spotted Barb Barbodes Sealei. International Aquatic Research, 2023(15), 163-179.. https://doi.org/10.22034/iar.2023.1980719.1402
Yeo, K.S.F., Cheok, Y.H., Wan Ismail, W.N., Kueh-Tai, F.F., Lam, T.T., & Chong, Y.L. (2022). Genotype and Organ Effect on the Occupancy of Phyllosphere Prokaryotes in Different Rice Landraces. Archives of Microbiology, 204, 600.. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00203-022-03209-w
Teo, S.Z., Chong, Y.L., & Tuen, A.A. (2021). Diversity of Rodents and Treeshrews in Different Habitats in Western Sarawak, Borneo. Malaysian Applied Biology, 50(1), 221-224.
Lim, L.W.K., Karmar, C.K.A., Roja, J.S., Chung, H.H., Liao, Y., Lam, T.T.Y., & Chong, Y.L. (2020). Sequencing and Characterization of Complete Mitogenome DNA for Rasbora Sarawakensis (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae: Rasbora) with Phylogenetic Consideration. Computational Biology and Chemistry, 89, 107403.
Chung, H.H., Kamar, C.K.A., Lim, L.W.K., Liao, Y., Lam, T.T., & Chong, Y.L. (2020). Sequencing and Characterisation of Complete Mitogenome DNA for Rasbora hobelmani (Cyprinidae) with Phylogenetic Consideration. Journal of Ichthyology, 60(1), 90-98.
Lee, Y., Bilung, L.M., Sulaiman, B., & Chong, Y.L. (2020). The Antibacterial Activity of Fish Skin Mucus with Various Extraction Solvents and Their In-vitro Evaluation Methods. International Aquatic Research, 12(1), 1-21.
Teo, S.Z., Tuen, A.A., Madinah, A., Aban, S., & Chong, Y.L. (2019). Occurrence of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Captive Nonhuman Primates at Matang Wildlife Centre, Sarawak. Tropical Biomedicine, 36(3), 594-603.
Cheok, Y.H., Yeo, F.K.S., & Chong, Y.L. (2019). Oviposition Behavior of Scirpophaga Incertulas, the Yellow Stemborer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in a Non-Choice Study. Tropical Agriculture Science, 42(3), 1167-1172.


Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled Web-interface Platform for Assessments and Feedback of Microscopy Image Analysis
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): CHONG, Yee Ling

Role of Pangolins in the Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 and Other Viruses in Humans
The animal origin of SARS-CoV-2 remains enigmatic, but the answer to this question is critical to prevent future emergence of zoonotic pathogens such as coronaviruses with pandemic potential as with COVID-19. While bats are natural reservoirs for coronaviruses, our previous study (Lam et al. Nature 2020) showed that Malayan pangolins smuggled into China are the only non-bat animals found to carry coronaviruses related to SARS-CoV-2 prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, implicating their potential role as intermediary hosts for the emergence of SARS- CoV-2 from bats to humans. Malayan pangolins are an exotic species in China, smuggled into the country from regions of Southeast Asia where they are indigenous, raising the possibility that SARS- CoV-2 related viruses may circulate in the natural habitats of these animals, or along the trafficking route to China. Our preliminary observations, as well as some recent reports, provide evidence for co-habitation of pangolins and bats in the same sleeping sites in the wild, supporting this hypothesis of virus exchange in nature. Furthermore, we have recently found a novel zoonotic virus from ticks parasitizing pangolins (Jia et al. EBioMedicine 2019), implicating these animals in the emergence of additional viruses with threats to humans. Notably, there is very limited research on the viral diversity and ecology of pangolins. Therefore, this project assembles a team of local and international ecologists, virologists, bioinformaticians and biochemists to conduct multi-disciplinary study into the role of pangolins in the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses in humans, from ecological to molecular levels.
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): Dr LAM, Tsan Yuk, CHONG, Yee Ling

Innovative Exploration on Virtual Teaching and Learning of Science Experiments

Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): TSANG, Po Keung, Eric, CHAN, Chi Keung, CHOI, Tat Shing, CHONG, Yee Ling, LEUNG, Chi Fai, MAN, Mei Sum, YEUNG, Chi Ho