Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters Chapter in an edited book (author) Liu, Y., & Lin, A.M.Y. (2021). Translation and Translanguaging in Artistic Performances in Hong Kong. In T.K. Lee (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Translation and the City (pp. 326-346). UK, London and the US, New York: Routledge.
Journal Publications Publication in refereed journal Liu, Y., & Lin, A.M.Y. (2024). Positioning gender in time-travel: Time-travel TV dramas as dialogic resources for constructing and re-imagining identity among Mainland Chinese postgraduates in Hong Kong. Feminist Media Studies, Latest Articles Liu, Y. (2024). Translanguaging for Doing Gender in English-Medium Classrooms in Hong Kong: Towards Critical CLIL in Plurilingual Settings. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, Latest Articles Liu, Y. (2022). Pedagogy of multiliteracies in CLIL: Innovating with the social systems, genre and multimodalities framework. OLBI Journal, 11, 31-56. Liu, Y. (2022). Exploring bilingual learners' desires in English-medium studies: Evidence from a Thai private bilingual school. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 25(1), 80-99. Liu, Y. (2020). Translanguaging and Trans-semiotizing as Planned Systematic Scaffolding: Examining Feeling-meaning in CLIL Classrooms. English Teaching & Learning, 44(2), 149-173. Lo, Y.Y., Lin, A.M.Y., & Liu, Y. (2020). Exploring Content and Language Co-construction in CLIL with Semantic Waves. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Retrieved from, Online publication, 1-23.
Conference Papers Invited conference paper Liu, Y. (2024, January). Translanguaging and Trans-Knowledging Towards Critical and Inclusive CLIL in Plurilingual Settings [Invited Speech presentation]. Applied Linguistics and Language Education Symposium, Hong Kong. Refereed conference paper Liu, Y. (2022, April). Pedagogy of Multiliteracies: Innovating With the "Social System–Genre–Multimodalities" Framework in Online English-Medium Studies. Paper presented at 2022 AERA Annual Meeting, San Diego, California and Virtual. Liu, Y. (2021, August). Translanguaging and Trans-semiotizing as Artistic Performance: Rapping the City, Rapping the Hong Kong Identity. Paper presented at the 19th AILA World Congress, Groningen, The Netherlands. Other conference paper Liu, Y. (2021, April). Translanguaging and Trans-semiotizing for Designing Scaffolding in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Poster presented at the 2021 Virtual AERA Annual Meeting, USA.
All Other Outputs Journal editor ('editorial membership' should be excluded) Liu, Y., Iida, P., & Ho, J.M.H. (2021). Disrupting and Recreating Beliefs in Language Studies: Introduction to the Special Issue. [Editorial] Critical Inquiry in Language Studies.