Dr TAN, Weiqiang    譚偉強 博士
Associate Professor
Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies
(852) 2948 8540
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests

Household finance, Financial Literacy Education, Financial Technology (FinTech), Sustainable Finance

Teaching Interests

Personal Finance, Financial Technology (FinTech), ESG investment

External Appointments
  • Scholar, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary and Financial Research (HKIMR), December 2021 - May 2022
  • 廣東省高層次人才評審專家庫 專家
  • Topic Editor, Journal of Risk and Financial Management (ISSN: 1911-8074)
  • Editorial board, The Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility (ISSN: 2365-6417)
Personal Profile

Dr. Tan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Sciences. He is the Programme Leader of Master of Arts in Personal Finance Education. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Atmospheric Science from Nanjing University and a Ph.D. in finance from the Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China.

His research interests focus on Household finance, Financial education, and Financial Technology. His research papers have been published in the international peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Financial Economics, Management Science, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Corporate Finance, Business and Society, and Journal of Banking and Finance.

He has extensive experience in providing consultancy service to the industrial enterprises. He has received the Faculty Teaching Award (Group Award) 2022/23 and Research Output Award of Dean’s Research Fund 2021/22. He also won the Bronze Award of Investor and Financial Education Award (Teacher Division) 2022 from the Hong Kong Investor and Financial Education Council. On behalf of EdUHK, Dr. Tan and the team won the Gold Award of Financial Education and ESG Leadership Award 2022 from the Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong.

Research Interests

Household finance, Financial Literacy Education, Financial Technology (FinTech), Sustainable Finance

Teaching Interests

Personal Finance, Financial Technology (FinTech), ESG investment

External Appointments

  • Scholar, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary and Financial Research (HKIMR), December 2021 - May 2022
  • 廣東省高層次人才評審專家庫 專家
  • Topic Editor, Journal of Risk and Financial Management (ISSN: 1911-8074)
  • Editorial board, The Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility (ISSN: 2365-6417)
Prizes and awards

Investor and Financial Education Award (Teacher Division) – Bronze Award 投資者及理財教育獎(教師組) – 銅獎
To recognize the efforts of the stakeholders in advancing investor and financial education in Hong Kong, Investor and Financial Education Council organizes the “Investor and Financial Education Award” (IFEA). The IFEA 2022 awardees were reviewed and selected unanimously by the respective Assessment Committees, comprising of government representatives, IFEC Board members and industry experts.
Date of receipt: 29/11/2022, Conferred by: Hong Kong Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) 香港投資者及理財教育委員會
第十屆中國投資學年會論文三等獎The 10th Annual Conference of China Investment Association

Date of receipt: 6/11/2022, Conferred by: 中國投資協會 China Investment Association
Research Output Prize (ROP) of Dean’s Research Fund 2021/22

Date of receipt: 23/6/2022, Conferred by: Faculty of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, Education University of Hong Kong
Semifinalist of Best Paper Awards at the 2021 Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting
The paper "Proprietary Information and the Choice Between Public and Private Debt" was identified as a semifinalist for one of six best paper awards to be given at the 2021 FMA Annual Meeting.
Date of receipt: 7/9/2021, Conferred by: Financial Management Association
The Best Paper Award of the 7th World Business Ethics Forum

Date of receipt: /12/2018, Conferred by: World Business Ethics Forum
The Emerald Literati Award – 2018 Highly Commended Award

Date of receipt: /7/2018, Conferred by: Emerald press
The Best Paper Award of the 4th World Business Ethics Forum.

Date of receipt: /12/2012, Conferred by: the 4th World Business Ethics Forum
Date of receipt: /11/2010, Conferred by: 中國國際金融有限公司
The Hong Kong Asian Capital Markets Research Prize

Date of receipt: /11/2009, Conferred by: CFA Institute and The Hong Kong Society of Financial Analysts (HKSFA).

Date of receipt: /1/2009, Conferred by: 國家教育部

Advancing the Research in Personal Finance and Financial Education: Empowering Individuals for Financial Well-being

Project Start Year: 2024, Principal Investigator(s): TAN, Weiqiang

Directors’ Equity-Based Compensation and Stock Price Crash Risk

Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): TAN, Weiqiang

Designing a Sandplay Game Mobile App for Enhancing the Financial Literacy of Low-income Group in Hong Kong SAR

Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): TAN, Weiqiang

The Effect of Culture and Institution on Financial Literacy Education and Financial Behavior: Cross-country Investigation
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): TAN, Weiqiang

Financial Literacy Education and Poverty Alleviation Symposium
The project is funded by Jiangsu-Hong Kong-Macao University Alliance (JHMUA) Open Bid Funding under UGC. Dr. Tan is the Principle Investigator (PI). The co-organizers are Nanjing Normal University and City University of Macau.

The project focuses on “Financial Literacy Education and Poverty Alleviation” to increase the awareness and understanding of the importance of financial literacy on poverty alleviation in both Hong Kong SAR and Mainland China.

Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): TAN, Weiqiang

Urban Education Resources and Corporate Labor Costs in China

Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): TAN, Weiqiang

Financial Literacy Education Programme for Low-income Group in Greater Bay Area: Survey Pilot Programme Design and Implementation

Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): TAN, Weiqiang

Adopting Experiential Pedagogy in Teaching and Learning in Finance Courses
The project has two purposes: (1) to introduce a new initiative in experiential learning to strengthen students’ interest, capability, and knowledge application in finance-related courses; and (2) to examine whether the experiential learning pedagogy is effective in improving a student’s learning.
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): TAN, Weiqiang 譚偉強

The Trade Secret Protection and Investment-price Sensitivity
This project will examines how trade secret protection affects investment-q sensitivity.
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): TAN, Weiqiang

Limited Attention and Asset Mispricing: Models and Empirical Research
The grant is funded by Guangdong Province Natural Science Foundation. Dr. Tan was the Principle Investigator (PI). This project investigates how the investor's inattention affects asset mispricing. We will develop theoretical model and provide empirical evidence on the effect of limited attention on the capital market efficiency.

Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): TAN, Weiqiang 譚偉強

The Green Finance Education Forum
This project is approved by Beijing-Hong Kong Universities Alliance (BHUA) Activities fund under the UGC. The project aims to increase the awareness and understanding of green investment for the retailed investors in both Hong Kong SAR and Mainland China.
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): TAN, Weiqiang 譚偉強

Host Country's Economic Policy Uncertainty and Bank Loan Contracting
The project investigates whether and how lenders react to the change of host country EPU the globalized firm faces and change the borrowers’ loan contracting terms.
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): TAN, Weiqiang 譚偉強

Human Capital Mobility and Analyst Forecast Accuracy
This project investigate how the human capital mobility affects the analyst forecast accuracy in the US.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): TAN, Weiqiang 譚偉強

The Effect of Terrorist Attack on Household Consumption: Evidence from India
This project investigate how the terrorist attack nearby affects the individual's consumption behavior in short-term.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): TAN, Weiqiang 譚偉強

Research Outputs

Journal Publications
Guo, Q., Qian, Y., Tan, W., & Xie, Z. (2024). Does Financial Literacy Drive Entrepreneurship in Rural China?. Finance Research Letters, 61, 105046. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.frl.2024.105046
Qian, Y., Tan, W., & Wu, J. (2024). Household Financial Literacy and Retirement Planning in Rural China. International Review of Financial Analysis, 93 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.irfa.2024.103130
Tan, W., Wang, W., & Zhang, W. (2024). The Effects of Terrorist Attacks on Supplier–Customer Relationships. Production and Operations Management, 33(1), 146-165. https://doi.org/10.1177/10591478231224920
Tan, W., Xie, C. & Yu, D. (2024). Do Urban Educational Resources Affect Corporate Labor Costs?. Economic Modelling, 130, 106567. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econmod.2023.106567
Shu, H., Tan, W., & Wei, P. (2023). Carbon policy risk and corporate capital structure decision. International Review of Financial Analysis, 86 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.irfa.2023.102523
Bae, K., Dai, Y., Tan, W. & Wang, W. (2023). Proprietary Information and the Choice between Public and Private Debt. Accounting & Finance, 64(2), 1693-1721. https://doi.org/10.1111/acfi.13197
Hu, F., Liao, L., Tan, W. & Yao, D. (2023). Guest Editorial: The Ever-Changing Market in China. Pacific Accounting Review, 35(4), 505-511. https://doi.org/10.1108/PAR-11-2023-211
Cheung, Y.-L.S., Mak, S.C.B., Shu, H. & Tan, W. (2023). Impact of financial investment on confidence in a happy future retirement. International Review of Financial Analysis, 89 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.irfa.2023.102784
Muller, A., Tan, W., Peng, M. W., & Pfarrer, M. (2023). Corporate philanthropy and CEO outside directorships under authoritarian capitalism. Business & Society, 62(7), 1420-1457. https://doi.org/10.1177/00076503221148439
Bassen, A., Shu, H., & Tan, W. (2023). Green revenues and stock returns: Cross-market evidence. Finance Research Letters, 52 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.frl.2022.103550
Shu, H., & Tan, W. (2023). Does carbon control policy risk affect corporate ESG performance?. Economic Modelling, 120 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econmod.2022.106148
Dai, Y., Kordsachia, O., and Tan, W. (2022). How does firm prestige affect the cost of bank loans?. The European Journal of Finance https://doi.org/10.1080/1351847X.2022.2057807
Shu, H. & Tan, W. (2022). Investor limited attention, opinion divergence, and post-earnings-announcement drift: Evidence from China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade https://doi.org/10.1080/1540496X.2022.2079975
Haw, I-M, Song, B.Y., Tan, W. and Wang, W. (2021). Bankruptcy, overlapping directors, and bank loan pricing. Journal of Corporate Finance, 71, 1-50.
Kong, D., Lin, C., Liu, S. and Tan, W. (2021). Whose money is smart? Individual and institutional investors’ trades based on analyst recommendations. Journal of Empirical Finance, 62, 234-251.
Cheung, Y.-L., Tan, W. and Wang, W. (2021). Where do banks value corporate social responsibility (CSR) more? Evidence on the role of national culture. Journal of Banking and Finance, 118, 1-20.
Cheung, Y.-L., P. R. Rau, A. Stouraitis, and W. Tan (2021). Does the market understand the ex-ante risk of expropriation by controlling shareholders?. Journal of Corporate Finance, 1, 1-40.
Tan, W. and J. Zhang (2021). Good days, bad days: Stock market fluctuation and taxi tipping decisions. Management Science, 1, 1-40.
Cheung, Y.-L., I. Haw, W. Tan, and W. Wang (2021). Auditor Appointment Strategy and Intragroup Value Transfers: Evidence from Family Business Groups. Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, forthcoming, 1-40.
Chen, F., Chen, X., Tan, W., and Zheng, L., (2020). Religiosity and cross-country differences in trade credit use. Accounting and Finance, 60, 909-941.
Dai, Y., Rau, P.R., Stouraitis, A., and Tan, W. (2020). An ill wind? Terrorist attacks and CEO compensation. Journal of Financial Economics, 135, 379-398.
Tan, W., Tsang, A., Wang, W., and Zhang, W., (2020). Corporate social responsibility reporting and the choice between bank debt and public debt. Accounting Horizons, 34, 151-173.
孔東民, 劉莎莎 & 譚偉強 (2019)。 分析師評級與投資者交易行為。 管理世界,2019(1),167-178。 https://doi.org/10.19744/j.cnki.11-1235/f.2019.0012
Cheung, Y.L., W. Tan, and W. Wang (2018). National stakeholder orientation, corporate social responsibility and bank loan cost. Journal of Business Ethics, 150, 505-524.
Cheung, Y.L., Y.o Dai, Z. Ouyang, and W. Tan, (2018). Who leaves money on the table? The role of founder identity in Hong Kong. Applied Economics, 50, 774-788.
Cheung, Y.L. Y. Dang, P. Jiang, T. Lu, and W. Tan (2018). Does the market care about investor protection practices in China?. Applied Economics, 50, 492-509.
Chen, X., Dai, Y., Kong, D., & Tan, W. (2017). Effect of international working experience of individual auditors on audit quality: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 44(7-8), 1073-1108. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbfa.12257
Hu, F., Stewart, J., & Tan, W. (2017). CEO’s political connections, institutions and audit opinions. Pacific Accounting Review, 29(3), 283-306. https://doi.org/10.1108/PAR-04-2016-0047
SU, W., PENG, M. W., TAN, W. & CHEUNG, Y. L. S., (2017). Institutional relatedness behind product diversification and international diversification. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 34(2), 339-366. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10490-016-9498-4
Sun, S. L., Peng, M. W., Lee, R. P., & Tan, W. (2015). Institutional open access at home and outward internationalization. Journal of World Business, 50(1), 234-246. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwb.2014.04.003
譚偉強 (2006)。 商業信用:基於企業融資動機的實證研究。 南方經濟,2006(12),50-60。 http://ezproxy.eduhk.hk/login?url=https://tra.oversea.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?DBCode=CJFD&DBName=CJFD2006&fileName=NFJJ200612005published version (EdUHK Users only)