Dr YING, Ji    英吉 博士
Assistant Professor
Department of Education Policy and Leadership
(852) 2948 8846
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
4 - Quality Education
10 - Reduced Inequality
Personal Profile

Ying Ji (Yumjyi) is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL) at the Education University of Hong Kong. Her disciplinary background is in Sociology of Education, Educational Policy Studies, and International and Comparative Education. She graduated from Central China Normal University with a Bachelor's in English Language and Literature. She received her MPhil in Educational Research and PhD in Education from the University of Cambridge.

Ying Ji’s research interests include values and ethics, multiculturalism, equity & inclusion, educational governance, teacher professionalism, teachers’ work, teacher education and higher education.

Research Interests:

  • Values and ethics
  • Multiculturalism
  • Equity & inclusion
  • Educational governance
  • Teachers’ work
  • Teacher education
  • Teacher professionalism
  • Higher education

Recent research projects:

2025-2026 PI, ‘Preservice teachers’ readiness to teach culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms in Hong Kong: a mixed-method study’, funded by EdUHK.

2024 -2025 PI. Doctoral research as knowledge production: Chinese international students’ navigation of ‘epistemic diversity’ in social sciences. EdUHK Department of Education Policy & Leadership Departmental Grant. Duration: 01/03/2024 to 28/02/2025. Co-I: Assoc. Prof. Hayes Tang, Assis. Prof. Adam Poole, Lecturer, Dala Duo.

2024 - 2025 Co-PI. Widening access to cosmopolitan capital: The experiences of first-generation university students in Hong Kong. EdUHK Department of Education Policy & Leadership Research Programs Support Scheme. Duration: 01/01/2024 to 31/12/2024. Co-PI: Assoc. Prof. Ewan Wright, Assoc. Prof. Wong Kuan Lin, Assist. Prof. Adam Poole.

2023 -2024 PI. Preparing globally competent teachers in Hong Kong: a mixed method study. EdUHK Start-Up Grant for Assistant Professors, Committee on Research & Development. Duration: 01/09/2023 to 30/09/2024.

Other roles:

  • Guest editor for Higher Education Special Issue: Expressions of educational change agents: Student voice influences in higher education. (With Carla Briffett-Aktaş, Assoc. Professor)
  • Coordinating Editor for Universities & Intellectuals
  • Coordinating Editor for Academic Praxis
  • External peer reviewers for journals (e.g., Teaching and Teacher Education, Comparative Education Review, Asia Pacific Education Review, American Behavioral Scientist, etc.)
  • Programme Leader of Master of Arts in Leading Innovative Learning Organisations (LILO), EdUHK. 
  • Member of Faculty Research and Higher Degrees Support Committee, FEHD, EdUHK
  • Fellow at the Centre for Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies, EdUHK


Preparing ‘globally competent’ teachers in Hong Kong: a mixed-method study
This projects explores conceptualisation of global competence and its development among student teachers in Hong Kong.
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): YING, Ji

Applying Social Justice Principles to the Pedagogical Planning Process in Higher Education (HE)
The Student Voice for Social Justice (SVSJ) pedagogy focuses on creating a socially just experience for students in higher education (HE) programs. The approach builds on the framework created by Nancy Fraser (2007, 2008a, 2008b, 2013), which states that individuals should be offered opportunities to participate in creating socially just environments through (re)distribution, recognition, and representation of their identities throughout their lives. Through the implementation of the SVSJ pedagogy, this project will explore multiple aspects of integration and interaction between teachers and students at the teaching and personal levels to achieve social justice and inclusiveness in education. SVSJ emphasizes improving students' critical thinking and cognitive abilities through independent learning and shared learning, helping to promote knowledge-building between students and teachers. In this project, students will participate in planning, interacting, observing, teaching, sharing, and reflecting on course content based on the SVSJ pedagogy. The project has already been carried out through preliminary research in Hong Kong, China, and has achieved gratifying results. Students participating in these programs (education and philosophy disciplines) found that their critical and expressive skills were significantly enhanced, they developed a sense of ownership over their education and inadvertently acquired soft skills (such as self-study, critical thinking, knowledge generation, and cognitive development). These results have been submitted to and accepted by a high-quality journal (SSCI, Teaching in Higher Education) and will be published. The purpose of this project is to determine the cultural and disciplinary impact of SVSJ pedagogy by comparing regional and national research data from Hong Kong, China (education and educational leadership), mainland China (civic education, English, and general education), and Poland (developmental psychology).
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): WONG, Koon Lin (YING, Ji as Collaborator)
SDGs Information: 4 - Quality Education, 10 - Reduced Inequality
Research Outputs

Journal Publications
Harrison, M., Briffett-Aktaş, C., Ying, J., Tsui, G., Cheng, A.S., & Jackson, L. (2023). A comparative study of international and local school teachers' perceptions and enactments of humility in Hong Kong. Beijing International Review of Education, 5(3), 217-241. https://doi.org/10.1163/25902539-05030003
Harrison, M., Ying, J., Yan, F., & Jackson, L. (2023). Teachers’ Conceptions of Gratitude and Its Cultivation in Schools in China. Journal of Moral Education, Latest Articles, online. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057240.2023.2258290
Ying, J. (2023). Education for Development: Professional Commitments and Practices among Tibetan Teachers in Northwest China. Educational Review, Latest Articles, online. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131911.2023.2170331
Yumjyi Ji Ying (2022). Governing the Family through Parental Responsibilisation and Professionalisation: An Analysis of the State ‘Family Education’ Discourses in Contemporary China. Social Policy and Society, 0(0), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1474746422000148
Yumjyi Ji Ying (2021). ‘To be included among people’: families’ perceptions of schooling and contingent negotiations in a rural Tibetan community in China. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 0, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057925.2021.1976617

Conference Papers
Ying, J., Parmigiani, D., Timkova, R., & Lourenço, M. (2024, June). Preparing Globally Competent Teachers: A Cross-regional Dialogue [Panel Discussion]. Reimagining Teachers and Teacher Education for our Futures, Helsinki, Finland. https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/reimagining-teachers-and-teacher-education-our-futures/programme
Jackson, L., Harrison, M.G., Ying, J., & Yan, F. (2024, April). Confucianism and Teachers’ Conceptions of Gratitude in China [Paper presentation]. 2024 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting - Dismantling Racial Injustice and Constructing Educational Possibilities: A Call to Action, Philadelphia, USA. https://www.aera.net/AERA24
Briffett-Aktaş, C., Ying, J., & Wong, K.L. (2023, July). The Role of Humility in the Implementation of the Student Voice for Social Justice Pedagogical Method [Paper presentation]. The 11th European Conference on Language Learning, UK. https://ecll.iafor.org/ecll2023/
L. Jackson, J. Ying, C. Briffett Atkas & M. Harrison (2022, April). A Comparative Analysis of Western and Chinese Notions of Humility. American Educational Research Association, Online.
L. Jackson, J. Ying, C. Briffett Atkas & M. Harrison (2022, April). Humility in Chinese Contexts: Implications for Education. American Educational Research Association, Online.
Y. Fei, L. Jackson & J. Ying (2022, April). Representation of Ethnic Minorities in Textbooks: ‘Multicultural Education’ in China. Comparative and International Education Society, Online.
J. Ying, M. Harrison, C. Briffett Atkas & L. Jackson (2021, December). Teachers’ Conceptions of Humility in Hong Kong: Implications for Teaching and Learning. International Conference on Learning and Teaching, Hong Kong.