Dr YIP, Tak Ping    葉德平 博士
Senior Lecturer II
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
(852) 2948 8212
(852) 2948 7563
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
4 - Quality Education
Research Interests
Intangible cultural heritage
Heritage education
Museum studies
Folklore religion
Chinese culture (especially Song Dynasty culture and Hong Kong culture)
Chinese literature and history (especially Zen literature and Monk poem of Song Dynasty)

Teaching Interests

Intangible cultural heritage

Heritage education

Museum studies

Folklore religion

Chinese culture (especially Song Dynasty culture and Hong Kong culture)

Chinese literature and history

External Appointments

Co-opted member of Community Involvement, Culture and Recreation Committee of Sai Kung District Council (西貢區議會社區參與及文化康樂委員會增選委員)

Member of of District Youth Development and Civic Education Committee 2023-25(2023-25年度西貢區青年發展及公民教育委員會委員

Co-opted member of the Culture and Promotion Working Group of the Chinese Temples Committee (華人廟宇委員會文化及宣傳小組增選委員)

School Manager of Evangel College

Editorial review for Integrated Humanities subject (Primary school) of Modern Educational Research Society, Ltd (現代教育研究社)

Honorary Advisor for Chinese and History related programmes and courses of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK (1 Sep 2023 - 31 Aug 2025)

External Examiner for Higher Diploma Programme in Chinese and Chinese common core courses of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK (1 Sep 2023 - 31 Aug 2025)

Executive Committee of Hong Kong Association for China Graduates

President of Hong Kong History and Culture Society

Founding Director of Tender Loving Care Charity Association

Director of Life Encouraging Fund

Deputy Officer (Religion) of Hong Kong Nanan Shishan Association

Deputy Secretary General of Nam An (Hong Kong) Association (2019-2021)

Executive Committee of Hong Kong Higher Education Convergence

Executive Committee of Hong Kong Early Childhood Education Association

Honourary Advisor of Magart Education Foundation

Academic Advisor of Jockey Club Lei Yue Mun Plus

Honourary Advisor of Open Education Foundation

Other Activities

Columnist of 《環球人物》專欄(人民日報社主管主辦

Columnist of Master Insight Media《灼見名家》「學研文化」專欄

Columnist of Hong Kong Commercial Daily《香港商報》「情尋非遺」專欄

Columnist of Think Hong Kong 《思考香港》專欄

Columnist of Wenweipo《文匯報》「Fun享歷史」專欄

Columnist of Wenweipo《文匯報》「文自遊戲」專欄

Columnist of Wenweipo《文匯報》「文苑英華」專欄

Columnist of 《樂鋒報》、《良友之聲》「歷史小故事」、「詩人聚會」專欄

Personal Profile

Dr YIP Tak Ping, Terry is the Associate Director of the Xiqu and Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre (XICH) at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). He also holds an appointment as Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Heritage Education and Arts Management (BAHEAM) in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. He earned his Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Chinese Language and Literature from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and holds a PhD in Classical Chinese from the Beijing Normal University. Later, he earned his Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Professional and Vocational Education) from the Education University of Hong Kong. He is a certified Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) and a Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP).

Before joining the Education University of Hong Kong, Dr Yip taught at the Chinese University of Hong Kong for 10 years. Besides teaching, he serves as a director of two charities in Hong Kong and writes for several newspapers. In recent years, he published more than 20 books, one of which received a Publication Award in Language Learning at the 2nd Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards. His publication covers the areas of Chinese literature, Chinese history, religious studies, intangible cultural heritage and museum studies. He has also successfully launched more than 10 research and development projects with external competitive research grants in the capacity of Principal Investigator.

Research Interests

Intangible cultural heritage
Heritage education
Museum studies
Folklore religion
Chinese culture (especially Song Dynasty culture and Hong Kong culture)
Chinese literature and history (especially Zen literature and Monk poem of Song Dynasty)

Teaching Interests

Intangible cultural heritage

Heritage education

Museum studies

Folklore religion

Chinese culture (especially Song Dynasty culture and Hong Kong culture)

Chinese literature and history

External Appointments

Co-opted member of Community Involvement, Culture and Recreation Committee of Sai Kung District Council (西貢區議會社區參與及文化康樂委員會增選委員)

Member of of District Youth Development and Civic Education Committee 2023-25(2023-25年度西貢區青年發展及公民教育委員會委員

Co-opted member of the Culture and Promotion Working Group of the Chinese Temples Committee (華人廟宇委員會文化及宣傳小組增選委員)

School Manager of Evangel College

Editorial review for Integrated Humanities subject (Primary school) of Modern Educational Research Society, Ltd (現代教育研究社)

Honorary Advisor for Chinese and History related programmes and courses of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK (1 Sep 2023 - 31 Aug 2025)

External Examiner for Higher Diploma Programme in Chinese and Chinese common core courses of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK (1 Sep 2023 - 31 Aug 2025)

Executive Committee of Hong Kong Association for China Graduates

President of Hong Kong History and Culture Society

Founding Director of Tender Loving Care Charity Association

Director of Life Encouraging Fund

Deputy Officer (Religion) of Hong Kong Nanan Shishan Association

Deputy Secretary General of Nam An (Hong Kong) Association (2019-2021)

Executive Committee of Hong Kong Higher Education Convergence

Executive Committee of Hong Kong Early Childhood Education Association

Honourary Advisor of Magart Education Foundation

Academic Advisor of Jockey Club Lei Yue Mun Plus

Honourary Advisor of Open Education Foundation

Other Activities

Columnist of 《環球人物》專欄(人民日報社主管主辦

Columnist of Master Insight Media《灼見名家》「學研文化」專欄

Columnist of Hong Kong Commercial Daily《香港商報》「情尋非遺」專欄

Columnist of Think Hong Kong 《思考香港》專欄

Columnist of Wenweipo《文匯報》「Fun享歷史」專欄

Columnist of Wenweipo《文匯報》「文自遊戲」專欄

Columnist of Wenweipo《文匯報》「文苑英華」專欄

Columnist of 《樂鋒報》、《良友之聲》「歷史小故事」、「詩人聚會」專欄

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
葉德平主編 (2023)。 《身邊的中藥朋友動起來》。香港: 初文出版社。
葉德平 (2023)。 《金庸小說裡的中國歷史》(簡體字版)。中國: 廣東人民出版社。
葉德平、邱逸 (2023)。 《如果古詩是一群喵:寫景篇》。中國: 華東理工大學出版社。
葉德平、邱逸 (2023)。 《如果古詩是一群喵:抒情篇》。中國: 華東理工大學出版社。
葉德平、邱逸 (2023)。 《如果古詩是一群喵:狀物篇》。中國: 華東理工大學出版社。
葉德平 (2022)。 〈廣澤尊王信仰文化在香港的傳播:香港鳳山寺的籌建與發展〉。楊松年、林緯毅編, 《廣澤尊王文化的境內與跨境傳播》 (130-141)。台灣: 唐山出版社。
葉德平 (2021)。 《金庸小說裡的中國歷史》。香港: 三聯書店(香港)有限公司。
葉德平編著 (2021)。 《沙田文化研究計劃合集》。香港: 菁藍文化。
葉德平、黃競聰 (2020)。 《西貢・非遺傳承計劃:西貢漁歌》。香港: 菁藍文化。
葉德平 (2019)。 《香港鳳山寺與廣澤尊王研究》。中華書局。
葉德平、黃競聰 (2019)。 《西貢・非遺傳承計劃:西貢麒麟舞》。香港: 菁藍文化。
葉德平 (2018)。 《回緬歲月一甲子──坑口風物志》。香港: 初文出版社有限公司。
葉德平、邱逸、羅子健 (2018)。 《坑口口述歷史》(衞奕信勳爵文化信託資助)。香港: 香港歷史文化研究會。
葉德平主編 (2018)。 《樂善啟德・歲月龍城》。香港: 九龍城區議會、九龍城民政事務處。
葉德平 (2017)。 《小學生古詩遊》(初、中、高階)。香港: 中華書局(香港)有限公司。
葉德平 (2017)。 《讀寫天書(高小適用)》上、下冊。香港: 顯智教育出版。
葉德平、黃頌行 (2017)。 《港鐵沿途有禮.電梯安全篇》。香港: 樂在棋中社會企業有限公司。

Conference Papers
葉德平 (2024,3). 〈道教宗教的神聖性〉。第三屆基督宗教與道教國際論壇,香港。
葉德平 (2023,12). 〈論香港中醫中藥教育的發展:以「中藥實地考察與繪本」為例〉。香港中文大學中醫學院、香港本草醫藥學會及九龍總商會主辦「嶺南中醫藥文化薈萃」學術研討會,香港。
葉德平 (2023,11). 〈瑞獸獻吉祥:道教視角下的麒麟文化〉。廣州市道教協會主辦之「問道嶺南,共築未來」學術研討會,中國。
葉德平 (2023,9). 〈宗教信仰與華僑後代身份認同之關係——以福建華僑為例〉。廣東省人民政府參事室、廣東省人民政府文史研究館合辦之「粵港澳大灣區(廣東)文史論壇」學術研討會,中國。
葉德平 (2023,7). 〈道教教育對大灣區青少年價值觀教育的引領作用初探〉。論文發表於廣東道教學院、香港道教學院及博羅縣羅浮山黃龍古觀合辦之「大灣區視野下的道教」學術研討會,中國。
葉德平 (2023,5). 〈體現多元,終身學習——析論三棟屋村博物館職能的變化與香港發展的關係〉。論文發表於「博物館新定義與中國博物館高質量發展」學術研討會,中國。
葉德平 (2022,12). 〈論「體驗式學習」於「韓國非遺」推廣的可行性:從駐香港韓國文化院說起〉。論文發表於「東亞歷史教科書比較分析國際學術會議」,韓國。
葉德平 (2022,9). 〈跨境千里,歷時千年:媽祖與海洋文化的關係〉。論文發表於「2022粵港澳大灣區(廣東)文史論壇——海洋文化與新發展格局」,中國。
葉德平 (2022,6). 〈廣澤尊王信仰文化在香港的傳播:香港鳳山寺的籌建與發展〉。論文發表於廣澤尊王信仰文化國際研討會,台灣。


Understanding and facilitating pre-service teachers’ digital assessment literacy
With generous sponsorship from the Renshan Fortune Charity Association, the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) and Quanzhou Normal University (QNU) are collaborating on an innovative teaching and cultural research project. This project, grounded in the principles of equality, friendship, and mutual development, encompasses two main components: digital transformation and assessment, and the study of Minnan culture and language. The digital transformation and assessment component aims to amplify the digital assessment literacy of pre-service teachers at QNU. A comprehensive training program will be developed to achieve this goal. Furthermore, staff from EdUHK will collaborate with teachers from QNU to author a book centered on the theory and practice of digital assessment literacy for educators. This resource is designed to offer an in-depth understanding of digital assessment, benefiting pre-service teachers, university lecturers, academic leaders, researchers, and government officials. The second component focuses on promoting Minnan culture and language. The project aims to foster cultural, academic, and youth exchanges between Quanzhou and Hong Kong. It hopes to broaden the understanding of Minnan culture among overseas Chinese communities. Initiatives will include student exchange programs, a "Minnan-Hong Kong Intangible Cultural Heritage Seminar", and the creation of a book titled "Millennial Maritime Silk Road: Cultural Heritage of Hong Kong and Quanzhou". Through this multifaceted project, we aim to enhance digital assessment literacy among teachers, preserve and promote Minnan culture, and increase awareness and understanding of Minnan culture and language. Ultimately, our goal is to encourage cultural exchange between Quanzhou and Hong Kong.
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): YIP, Tak Ping, ZHU, Jinxin

Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): YIP, Tak Ping

Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): YIP, Tak Ping

Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): YIP, Tak Ping

Prizes and awards

Date of receipt: 20/7/2019, Conferred by: 香港出版學會