Dr CHAU, Man Lut    鄒文律 博士
Assistant Professor
Department of Literature and Cultural Studies
(852) 2948 6757
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Research Interests
  • Hong Kong Literature
  • Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
  • Creative Writing
  • Chinese Language Education
Teaching Interests
  • Chinese Language
  • Modern Chinese Literature
  • Creative Writing in Chinese
Other Activities
  • 2022 March, May工作坊導師 Instructor。香港教育局課程發展處(HKEDB Curriculum Development Institute)主辦:資優教育組教師專業發展工作坊:從創意寫作發展中國語文科資優/高能力學生的創造力(中學)
  • 2022 March 講者 Guest Speaker。香港大學專業進修學院(HKU SPACE)主辦:現代文學講座。講題:人工智慧與當代中國科幻小說。
  • 2022 Apr 講者 Guest Speaker。香港浸會大學語文中心(Language Centre of HKBU)主辦:第十五屆大專中文教學交流會。講題:創意寫作教學分享——比喻創新與抽象概念的呈現。
  • 2020,2021 Reviewer for Journal of Chinese Language and Literature of National Taipei University(臺北大學中文學報).
  • 2020 March 導賞作家 Guide。香港中文大學香港文學研究中心(Hong Kong Literature Research Centre)主辦:趣寫文學足印——黃大仙區文學景點考察。
  • 2019 Jan 評判 Adjudicator。《香港中學生文藝月刊》(Hong Kong Secondary School Student Magazine) 主辦:校園創作擂台陣擂台陣。
  • 2018 Aug 評判 Adjudicator。香港中文大學中國語言及文學系(The Chinse Language & Literature Department of CUHK)主辦:中文大學徵文比賽.「文學中大」。
  • 2017 May 評判 Adjudicator。2016-2017年香港中文大學中文寫作及微劇本選拔比賽。香港中文大學語文自學中心(The Independent Learning Centre of CUHK)。
  • 2017 Feb-May 課程顧問。香港中文大學優質學校改進計劃(Quality School Improvement Project of CUHK)主持:「紙飛機」(Project WeCan)創意寫作班專業支援服務。
  • 2016 June 講者 Guest Speaker。香港公共圖書館(Hong Kong Public Libraries)主辦:第十一屆香港文學節(The 11th Hong Kong Literature Festival)——「一起文創:青蔥歲月」(Our Script Roads)香港作家講座。
  • 2016 April 導師 Instructor。香港中文大學香港文學研究中心(Hong Kong Literature Research Centre of CUHK)主辦:文學大渡海——文學讀寫工作坊2015/16。
  • 2016 Feb-May 課程統籌及導師。香港中文大學優質學校改進計劃(Quality School Improvement Project of CUHK)主持:「紙飛機」(Project WeCan)創意寫作班專業支援服務。
  • 2016-18, 2021-22  評判 Adjudicator。香港協恩中學(Heep Yunn School)主辦:聯校中學生文學節散文高級組。
  • 2015 March 導賞作家 Guide。香港中文大學香港文學研究中心(Hong Kong Literature Research Centre)主辦:輕鬆散步學中文——深水埗區文學景點考察。
  • 2015 Jan 講者 Guest Speaker。香港浸會大學語文中心(Language Centre of HKBU)主辦:教師發展講論會。講題:大學語文與文學教育——一種職業訓練的視野。
  • 2014-15 評判 Adjudicator。香浸會大學語文中心(Language Centre of HKBU)主辦:第八屆大學文學獎小說組。
  • 2014 July 導師 Instructor。香港中文大學香港文學研究中心(Hong Kong Literature Research Centre of CUHK)主辦:盛開文字記憶——香港文學夏令營2014。
  • 2014 Jan-July 評判 Adjudicator。《明報》(Ming Pao)及語常會(Standing Committee on Language Education and Research)合辦:小作家培訓計劃(Writers training)。
  • 2014 March 講者 Guest Speaker。香港中文大學崇基學院(Chung Chi College of CUHK)主辦:語文講座。講題:房子與夢想——我與《籠子裏的天鵝》。
  • 2013 July 導師 Instructor。香港中文大學香港文學研究中心(Hong Kong Literature Research Centre of CUHK)主辦:流動的文字風景——香港文學夏令營2013。
  • 2013 March 講者 Guest Speaker。香港專業教育學院(青衣分校)(IVE, Tsing Yi)語文中心(Language Centre)主辦:青年作家講座。
  • 2012 Oct 講者 Guest Speaker。香港教育局課程發展處(Curriculum Development Institute of Education Bureau)主辦:作家對談。
  • 2012 July 講者 Guest Speaker。香港公共圖書館(Hong Kong Public Libraries)主辦:第九屆香港文學節(The 9th Hong Kong Literature Festival)──「志同道同」(Literary Friendship Talk)香港作家講座。
  • 2012 July 講者 Guest Speaker。啟思出版社(Oxford University Press)主辦:悅讀七月.講座。講題:閱讀的假期。
  • 2012 Feb 講者 Guest Speaker。第三十九屆青年文學獎協會(The 39th Youth Literary Awards)舉主辦:講座。講題:從朱雀到N地——如何以文字築起一座城市。
  • 2012 評判 Adjudicator。香港中學生文藝月刊(Hong Kong Secondary School Student Magazine)主辦:第2屆校園擂台陣決賽。
  • 2012-13 導師 Tutor。屯門天主教中學主辦(Tuen Mun Catholic Secondary School):師友計劃(Mentorship Programme)。
  • 2011-13 客席作家 Guest Writer。仁濟醫院第二中學(Yan Chai Hospital No.2 Secondary School)。
  • 2011 Nov 講者 Guest Speaker。香港公共圖書館(Hong Kong Public Libraries)及香港中文大學香港文學研究中心(Hong Kong Literature Research Centre)合辦:文學月會(Monthly Literary Talk)。講題:歷史的變奏與可能世界:當代中國文學裏的烏托邦。
  • 2009-2018 評判 Adjudicator。香港青年文學獎協會(Youth Literary Awards)主辦:新詩初級組。
  • 2007-09 評判 Adjudicator。香港保良局唐乃勤中學(PLK Tong Nai Kan Junior Secondary College)主辦:深水埗、油尖旺、葵青、荃灣區小學生作文比賽。

Personal Profile

Dr CHAU, Man Lut earned his PhD and MPhil. in Chinese Language and Literature from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He obtained his B.Ed. in Chinese Language (minor in History) in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 

Before joining EdUHK, he worked in the School of General Education and Languages at the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi). 

On top of teaching, Dr. Chau is enthusiastic about research and creative writing. His research articles published in academic journals, including Sino-Humanitas (人文中國學報)Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies (清華學報) and Journal of Chinese Literature (中國文學學報)He published nine literary works, including Travels in N (fiction) and The Embroidery Bird (poetry anthology).

Research Interests

  • Hong Kong Literature
  • Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
  • Creative Writing
  • Chinese Language Education
Teaching Interests

  • Chinese Language
  • Modern Chinese Literature
  • Creative Writing in Chinese
Other Activities

  • 2022 March, May工作坊導師 Instructor。香港教育局課程發展處(HKEDB Curriculum Development Institute)主辦:資優教育組教師專業發展工作坊:從創意寫作發展中國語文科資優/高能力學生的創造力(中學)
  • 2022 March 講者 Guest Speaker。香港大學專業進修學院(HKU SPACE)主辦:現代文學講座。講題:人工智慧與當代中國科幻小說。
  • 2022 Apr 講者 Guest Speaker。香港浸會大學語文中心(Language Centre of HKBU)主辦:第十五屆大專中文教學交流會。講題:創意寫作教學分享——比喻創新與抽象概念的呈現。
  • 2020,2021 Reviewer for Journal of Chinese Language and Literature of National Taipei University(臺北大學中文學報).
  • 2020 March 導賞作家 Guide。香港中文大學香港文學研究中心(Hong Kong Literature Research Centre)主辦:趣寫文學足印——黃大仙區文學景點考察。
  • 2019 Jan 評判 Adjudicator。《香港中學生文藝月刊》(Hong Kong Secondary School Student Magazine) 主辦:校園創作擂台陣擂台陣。
  • 2018 Aug 評判 Adjudicator。香港中文大學中國語言及文學系(The Chinse Language & Literature Department of CUHK)主辦:中文大學徵文比賽.「文學中大」。
  • 2017 May 評判 Adjudicator。2016-2017年香港中文大學中文寫作及微劇本選拔比賽。香港中文大學語文自學中心(The Independent Learning Centre of CUHK)。
  • 2017 Feb-May 課程顧問。香港中文大學優質學校改進計劃(Quality School Improvement Project of CUHK)主持:「紙飛機」(Project WeCan)創意寫作班專業支援服務。
  • 2016 June 講者 Guest Speaker。香港公共圖書館(Hong Kong Public Libraries)主辦:第十一屆香港文學節(The 11th Hong Kong Literature Festival)——「一起文創:青蔥歲月」(Our Script Roads)香港作家講座。
  • 2016 April 導師 Instructor。香港中文大學香港文學研究中心(Hong Kong Literature Research Centre of CUHK)主辦:文學大渡海——文學讀寫工作坊2015/16。
  • 2016 Feb-May 課程統籌及導師。香港中文大學優質學校改進計劃(Quality School Improvement Project of CUHK)主持:「紙飛機」(Project WeCan)創意寫作班專業支援服務。
  • 2016-18, 2021-22  評判 Adjudicator。香港協恩中學(Heep Yunn School)主辦:聯校中學生文學節散文高級組。
  • 2015 March 導賞作家 Guide。香港中文大學香港文學研究中心(Hong Kong Literature Research Centre)主辦:輕鬆散步學中文——深水埗區文學景點考察。
  • 2015 Jan 講者 Guest Speaker。香港浸會大學語文中心(Language Centre of HKBU)主辦:教師發展講論會。講題:大學語文與文學教育——一種職業訓練的視野。
  • 2014-15 評判 Adjudicator。香浸會大學語文中心(Language Centre of HKBU)主辦:第八屆大學文學獎小說組。
  • 2014 July 導師 Instructor。香港中文大學香港文學研究中心(Hong Kong Literature Research Centre of CUHK)主辦:盛開文字記憶——香港文學夏令營2014。
  • 2014 Jan-July 評判 Adjudicator。《明報》(Ming Pao)及語常會(Standing Committee on Language Education and Research)合辦:小作家培訓計劃(Writers training)。
  • 2014 March 講者 Guest Speaker。香港中文大學崇基學院(Chung Chi College of CUHK)主辦:語文講座。講題:房子與夢想——我與《籠子裏的天鵝》。
  • 2013 July 導師 Instructor。香港中文大學香港文學研究中心(Hong Kong Literature Research Centre of CUHK)主辦:流動的文字風景——香港文學夏令營2013。
  • 2013 March 講者 Guest Speaker。香港專業教育學院(青衣分校)(IVE, Tsing Yi)語文中心(Language Centre)主辦:青年作家講座。
  • 2012 Oct 講者 Guest Speaker。香港教育局課程發展處(Curriculum Development Institute of Education Bureau)主辦:作家對談。
  • 2012 July 講者 Guest Speaker。香港公共圖書館(Hong Kong Public Libraries)主辦:第九屆香港文學節(The 9th Hong Kong Literature Festival)──「志同道同」(Literary Friendship Talk)香港作家講座。
  • 2012 July 講者 Guest Speaker。啟思出版社(Oxford University Press)主辦:悅讀七月.講座。講題:閱讀的假期。
  • 2012 Feb 講者 Guest Speaker。第三十九屆青年文學獎協會(The 39th Youth Literary Awards)舉主辦:講座。講題:從朱雀到N地——如何以文字築起一座城市。
  • 2012 評判 Adjudicator。香港中學生文藝月刊(Hong Kong Secondary School Student Magazine)主辦:第2屆校園擂台陣決賽。
  • 2012-13 導師 Tutor。屯門天主教中學主辦(Tuen Mun Catholic Secondary School):師友計劃(Mentorship Programme)。
  • 2011-13 客席作家 Guest Writer。仁濟醫院第二中學(Yan Chai Hospital No.2 Secondary School)。
  • 2011 Nov 講者 Guest Speaker。香港公共圖書館(Hong Kong Public Libraries)及香港中文大學香港文學研究中心(Hong Kong Literature Research Centre)合辦:文學月會(Monthly Literary Talk)。講題:歷史的變奏與可能世界:當代中國文學裏的烏托邦。
  • 2009-2018 評判 Adjudicator。香港青年文學獎協會(Youth Literary Awards)主辦:新詩初級組。
  • 2007-09 評判 Adjudicator。香港保良局唐乃勤中學(PLK Tong Nai Kan Junior Secondary College)主辦:深水埗、油尖旺、葵青、荃灣區小學生作文比賽。

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
鄒文律 (2024). 城景變幻:後九七香港青年作家小說論(1998-2018). Hong Kong: 香港中華書局. https://www.chunghwabookstore.com/products/1-9789888860852
鄒文律 (2021). 「後九七香港青年作家」小說中的城市與自然 (The Relationship of City and Nature in Fiction of “Post-1997 Hong Kong Young Writers”). 輯於鍾怡雯, 陳大為編, 日落維港 : 當代香港文學研究論集 (137-168). 桃園,台灣: 元智大學中國語文學系.
鄒文律、易瑩瑩 (2017). 試論韓麗珠小說〈黑熊〉對旅遊業的反思 (Reflection on Tourism in Han Lizhu ’s Black Bear). 輯於張雙慶, 余濟美編, 文學山水——第五屆世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會文集 (613-624). 香港: 大山文化出版社有限公司.
鄒文律 (2016). 論韓麗珠《離心帶》的疾病書寫 (The Illness Writing in Han Lizhu’s Centrifugal Belt). 輯於陳平原編, 今古齊觀——中國文學中的古典與現代 (409-422). 香港: 香港中文大學中國語言及文學系.
鄒文律 (2015). 作家倫理責任之叩問:董啟章之例 (Inquisition into the Epoch-making Significance of Writing – on Dong Qizhang’s Introspection of his Identity of Writer in Tiangong Kaiwu, XuxuRuzhen and Shijian Fanshi, Yaci Zhiguang). 輯於李瑞騰, 游勝冠, 熊秉真编, 流離與歸屬:二戰後港臺文學與其他 (311-355). Taipei: National Taiwan University Press.
鄒文律 (2015). 試論韓麗珠小說〈夢遊症旅行團〉的旅遊書寫 (The Travel Writing in Han Lizhu ’s Sleepwalking Tours). 輯於張雙慶, 余濟美編, 文化生態之旅 : 第四屆世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會文集 (453-463). 香港: 明報月刊出版社, 香港中文大學聯合書院, 世界華文旅遊文學聯會.

Journal Publications
鄒文律 (2024). 崇高、交流、自由——郝景芳《流浪蒼穹》的烏托邦追求 Sublime, Communication, and Freedom: The Utopian Pursuit in Hao Jingfang's Vagabonds. 清華中文學報, 31, 243-298.
鄒文律 (2023). 後九七香港作家的動物書寫 Post-1997 Hong Kong Writers’ Animal Writing. 人文中國學報, 37, 335-371.
鄒文律 (2021). 情感何所依——李維怡、可洛、張婉雯小說中的市區重建 (Where Feelings Lie: The Urban Renewal and the Placelessness in Novels by Lee Wai-yi, Ho Lok and Cheung Yuen-man). 中國現代文學, 40, 117-136. https://doi.org/10.29980/MCL
鄒文律 (2021). 高樓與商場——可洛、陳志華,韓麗珠的超密度城市空間書寫(Skyscrapers and Shopping Malls: Hyper Density City Writing by Ho Lok, Hon Lai-chu, Chan Chi-wa). 人文中國學報, 32, 161-186.
鄒文律 (2020). 「後九七香港青年作家」小說的城市與自然 (The Relationship of City and Nature in Fiction of “Post-1997 Hong Kong Young Writers”). 臺北大學中文學報, 28, 519-551. https://doi.org/10.29766/JCLLNTU
鄒文律 (2018). 重塑「我城」——從西西《我城》到可洛《鯨魚之城》 (Reshaping “My City” :from Xi Xi’s My City to Ke Lok’s The Whale City). 東海中文學報, 36, 31-68.
鄒文律 (2017). 《i-城志.我城05》的城市及身體空間書寫──兼論「後九七香港青年作家」的情感結構 (City-space and Body-space in My City 05 and the Structure of Feeling of “Post-1997 Hong Kong Young Writers”). 人文中國學報, 25, 193-229.
鄒文律 (2017). 逸出烏托邦之外——論閻連科《受活》的反烏托邦書寫 (Escape from Utopia: On Anti-utopian Writing of Yan Lianke’s Lenin’s Kisses). 中國文學學報, 8, 151-186.
鄒文律 (2015). 對消費文化的「模擬」、呈現與反思——論董啟章《The Catalog》的城市書寫 (The Imitation, Reveals and Reflections of Consumer Culture–An inquisition of the City writing in Dong Qizhang’s The Catalog. 人文中國學報, 21, 433-461.
鄒文律 (2015). 論韓麗珠《離心帶》的疾病書寫 (The Narrative of Illness in Han Lizhu’s Centrifual Belt). 文學論衡, 26, 72-81.
鄒文律 (2013). 平原上盛開的紅花—論李佩甫《羊的門》的烏托邦書寫 (The Blossoming Red Flower on the Plain - An Inquisition of the Utopian Writing in Li Peifu’s The Gate for Sheep). 清華學報, 43(2), 339-383.
鄒文律 (2013). 論董啟章《天工開物.栩栩如真》和《時間繁史.啞瓷之光》對作家倫理責任的叩問(On Writer’s Ethical Responsibilities - A Study of Dong Qizhang’s Tiangong kaiwu, Xuxu ruzhen and Shijian fanshi, Yaci zhiguang. 中國文學學報, 4, 161-187.
鄒文律 (2011). 桃源夢魘─論莫應豐《桃源夢》的「惡托邦」書寫 (On the“Dystopia” Writing of Mo Ying-feng’s Taoyuanmeng). 中央大學人文學報, 47, 103-162.
鄒文律 (2011). 論董啟章《V城繁勝錄》對「香港文化身分」的建構與思考. 人文中國學報, 17, 465-489.
鄒文律 (2010). 為新文學護航—論鄭振鐸《中國新文學大系第二集‧文學論爭集‧導言》的敘述策略 (Strategies of Narratives in Zheng Zhenduo 's Introduction of “ Wenxue Lunzhengji ” in “ Xinwenxue Daxi II ” - A Cavalier of New-vernacular Literature). 文學論衡, 16, 33-42.

Conference Papers
鄒文律 (2024, June). 中央AI與人類的未來——論遲卉與林新惠小說的賽伯格寫作 Central AI and the Future of Humanity — On the Cyborg Writing in the sf of Chi Hui and Lin Xin-hui. 中國與比較文學協會雙年會 Biennial Conference of Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature (ACCL), 香港.
鄒文律 (2024, April). 遊與讀——論可洛《來一場文學散步》對文學散步之發微 Travel and Reading: On Ke Lok’s A Literary Walk and the Subtleties of Literary Strolls. 第八屆世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會 Conference on Travel Writings in Chinese, Hong Kong: United College of CUHK, 香港.
鄒文律 (2023, November). 郝景芳流浪蒼穹之後增長烏托邦敘事 The Post Growth Utopia Narrative in Hao Jingfang's Vagabonds. 生態危機中的推測性文學與視覺敘事——異托邦、氣候小說、科幻小說中的氣候與社會 Speculative Literary and Visual Narratives on Ecological Crisis: Dystopia, Climate Fiction, Science Fiction, Climate and Society, Shenzhen.
鄒文律 (2023, June). 後九七香港作家的動物書寫 Post-1997 Hong Kong Writers’ Animal Writing. Society for Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference 2023, Hong Kong.

Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies
鄒文律 (2024). 北極熊,或者白熊2.0 Polar Bear, or White Bear 2.0. 香港文學 (112-112). 香港
鄒文律 (2024). 拒絕馴養的白狼 The Untameable White Wolf. 大頭菜文藝月刊 (94-95). 香港
鄒文律 (2023). 宅在碢中的穿山甲 The Pangolin Dwelling in Saucepan. 城市文藝 (127-127). 香港
鄒文律 (2023). 孤獨是一種奢侈的權利 Loneliness is a Luxurious Right. 聲韻詩刊 (12-12). 香港
鄒文律 (2022)。 之前的深宵 The night before。 城市文藝 (80-80)。香港: 香港城市文藝出版社有限公司。
鄒文律 (2014). 《籠子裏的天鵝》(Swan in the Cage). Hong Kong: Kubrick.
鄒文律 (2010). 《N地之旅》(Travels in N, fiction). Hong Kong: Kubrick.
鄒文律 (2008). 《刺繡鳥》(The Embroidery Bird). Hong Kong: Infolink Publishing Limited.
鄒文律 (2006). 《尋找消失的花園》(Search of the Disappeared Garden). 《尋找消失的花園》(Search of the Disappeared Garden). Hong Kong: Infolink Publishing Limited.


當代華語科幻小說對人工智慧決策系統的想像 The Imagination of Intelligent Decision Making System in Contemporary Sinophone Science Fiction

Project Start Year: 2024, Principal Investigator(s): CHAU, Man Lut

「更新代」中國科幻小說作家的時間與空間想像 The Time and Space Imagination of the “New Generation” of contemporary Chinese science fiction writer
Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): CHAU, Man Lut

後九七香港作家小說中的動物書寫研究 The Animal Writing of Post 97 Hong Kong Writers
本計劃擬借鑒生態文學研究的相關理論,特別是有關動物書寫(例如黃宗潔:《他鄉何處?城市.動物與文學》)、動物權利之研究(例如威爾.金利卡、蘇.唐納森《動物公民:動物權利的政治哲學》Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights),以文本細讀的方式探討可洛、張婉雯、李維怡、黃怡、蔣曉薇,葉曉文等作家如何通過書寫動物,反思香港人和動物在城市的生存狀態。本計劃的研究成果相信能夠豐富香港文學中有關自然生態、動物書寫的研究,並為日後此方向的文學研究計劃,奠下基礎。
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): CHAU, Man Lut

Imagination of Cityscape: A Study on Post-1997 Hong Kong Young Writers
Hong Kong cityscape and the city itself have been gradually changed and transformed since the handover in 1997. A group of writers who started to publish their first book after 1997, namely the "post-1997 Hong Kong young writers", have grown up in the city since they were born. They have witnessed and experienced the changes. Their works can reflect how they feel and think towards the city. Yet, studies of this group of writers are still in its infancy. A closer look and a comprehensive study should be carried out in order to understand their structure of feelings – is it different from what is shown in the works of writers from older generation? There are three main objectives for this project. Firstly, it aims to provide a detailed analysis of how "post-1997 Hong Kong young writers" imagine the city by looking into their fiction. As much related researches are concerned with individual writers, this research intends to fill in the gap by examining their works comprehensively. Secondly, this research will analyze their structure of feelings by using the theories of space and place. It also gives voice to the writers' unique experiences and current feelings towards the city by conducting interviews. Thirdly, this project aims to provide a thorough study on this group of writers for future use, either in the writings of Hong Kong literary history or in generating more critical studies on these writers. It will also examine the possibility of using this similar framework to analyze prose and poetry. In short, upon completion of this project, we will arrive at a better understanding of (1) how the "post-1997 Hong Kong young writers" imagine the city; (2) their structure of feelings and whether it is different from writers of the older generation; and (3) how their fiction represents urban space and body space.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): CHAU, Man Lut 鄒文律

Prizes and awards

Postgraduate Research Output Award 2012-13

Date of receipt: /12/2012, Conferred by: Chinese University of Hong Kong
Young Scholars Thesis Award 年青學者論文獎

Date of receipt: /8/2012, Conferred by: Chinese University of Hong Kong
Award for Young Artist (Literary Arts) 2011香港藝術發展獎.藝術新秀獎(文學藝術組)

Date of receipt: /4/2011, Conferred by: Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Creative Writing in Chinese(Poetry, First Runner-up) 2006年中文文學創作獎新詩組亞軍

Date of receipt: /11/2006, Conferred by: Hong Kong Public Libraries
Creative Writing in Chinese(Fiction, First Runner-up) 2006年中文文學創作獎小說組亞軍

Date of receipt: /11/2006, Conferred by: Hong Kong Public Libraries
City Literary Awards(Fiction, Champion) 第一屆城市文學獎小說組冠軍

Date of receipt: /2/2006, Conferred by: City University of Hong Kong
City Literary Awards(Poetry, First Runner-up) 第一屆城市文學獎新詩組亞軍

Date of receipt: /2/2006, Conferred by: City University of Hong Kong
University Literary Awards (Fiction, First Runner-up) 第三屆大學文學獎小說組亞軍

Date of receipt: /5/2005, Conferred by: Hong Kong Baptist University
University Literary Awards (Poetry, First Runner-up) 第三屆大學文學獎新詩組亞軍

Date of receipt: /5/2005, Conferred by: Hong Kong Baptist University
1st CUHK Speech Contest (Cantonese Section, Champion) 第一屆香港中文大學演講比賽冠軍 (廣東話組)

Date of receipt: /12/2004, Conferred by: Chinese University of Hong Kong
Youth Literary Awards (Poetry, Champion) 第三十一屆青年文學獎新詩高級組冠軍

Date of receipt: /1/2004, Conferred by: Youth Literary Awards Association of Hong Kong
Youth Literary Awards (Fiction, First Runner-up) 第三十一屆青年文學獎小說高級組亞軍

Date of receipt: /1/2004, Conferred by: Youth Literary Awards Association of Hong Kong