Conference Papers NA (2024, April). "Universalist Vs Postcolonial French Feminist: Two Perspectives on Autonomy". French and Francophone Philosophy Today Conference, Baton Rouge, USA. NA (2023, December). "The Ethics of Passion-Based Economy". PESA Conference 2023, Auckland, NZ. Ezechiel Thibaud (2023, March). 'Don't Tell Me What To Do': A Critique of Nudges. Hong Kong Catastrophic Risk Center (Lignan University), Hong Kong. Ezechiel Thibaud (2022, December). Nudges in the Classroom: Can the Use of Educational Choice-Architecture Tools Ever Be Justified?. PESA Conference 2022, Sydney. Ezechiel Thibaud (2022, November). The Ethics of Passion in the Workplace. Department Seminar (EdUHK - IE), Hong Kong. Ezechiel Thibaud (2022, September). The Ethics of the Passion Economy. Curtin AAPAE 2022 Conference, Online.