Dr THIBAUD, Ezechiel    博士
Lecturer I
Department of International Education
(852) 2948 7963
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
NA (2025). "AI in education and its effect on student identity formation" (under review). Guy Tchibozo, Education and Artificial Intelligence (forthcoming book) (NA). NA.

Journal Publications
NA (2024). The Ethics of the Passion Economy (accepted-under review). Research In Ethical Issues in Organisations, NA, NA.

Conference Papers
NA (2024, April). "Universalist Vs Postcolonial French Feminist: Two Perspectives on Autonomy". French and Francophone Philosophy Today Conference, Baton Rouge, USA.
NA (2023, December). "The Ethics of Passion-Based Economy". PESA Conference 2023, Auckland, NZ.
Ezechiel Thibaud (2023, March). 'Don't Tell Me What To Do': A Critique of Nudges. Hong Kong Catastrophic Risk Center (Lignan University), Hong Kong.
Ezechiel Thibaud (2022, December). Nudges in the Classroom: Can the Use of Educational Choice-Architecture Tools Ever Be Justified?. PESA Conference 2022, Sydney.
Ezechiel Thibaud (2022, November). The Ethics of Passion in the Workplace. Department Seminar (EdUHK - IE), Hong Kong.
Ezechiel Thibaud (2022, September). The Ethics of the Passion Economy. Curtin AAPAE 2022 Conference, Online.