Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters Hamza R'boul (2024). Postcolonial challenges to theory and practice in ELT and TESOL: Geopolitics of knowledge and epistemologies of the South. Routledge. Hamza R'boul & Abdelaziz El Amrani (2024). Education for Emancipation and Disrupting Colonial Legacies in Morocco. Ann E. Lopez & Herveen Singh, Decolonizing Educational Knowledge (201-216). Palgrave Macmillan. Hamza R'boul, Hassan Belhiah, Mohammed Guamguami & Ahlam Lamjahdi (2024). Moroccan English through epistemological polylogue: Opportunity for speaking back, hopes for localization, and the postcolonial framework. Ruanni Tupas, Investigating Unequal Englishes (168-181). Routledge. Hamza R'boul & Benachour Saidi (2024). Critical race theory, interculturality and power imbalances: Intersectionality in English language education. Lillie PADILLA, Rosti VANA, Representation, inclusion and social justice in world language teaching: Research and pedagogy for inclusive classrooms (13-31). Taylor and Francis. Hamza R'boul & Fred Dervin (2023). Flexing interculturality: Further critiques, hesitations, and intuitions. Routledge. Dervin, F., & R'boul, H. (2022). Through the looking-glass of interculturality: Autocritiques. Springer. Doi:10.1007/978-981-19-6672-9. R'boul, H. (2023). Afterword: Theorising and teaching interculturality otherwise: What ‘otherwise'?. Fred DERVIN, Mei YUAN, SUDE, Teaching interculturality 'otherwise' (pp. 222-226). Routledge. Doi:10.4324/9781003345275-20. R'boul, H. (2023). Critical multilingualism in TESOL in practice: Language, power, and decoloniality. Kashif RAZA, Dudley REYNOLDS, Christine COOMBE, Handbook of multilingual TESOL in practice (pp. 99-109). Springer. Doi:10.1007/978-981-19-9350-3_7. R'boul, H., & Dervin, F. (2022). Intercultural communication education and research: Reenvisioning fundamental notions. London, UK: Routledge. Doi:10.4324/9781003395225.
Journal Publications Hamza R'boul, Hassan Belhiah & Anissa Elhaffari (2024). EMI in Moroccan high schools: Multilingualism or multiple monolingualisms, ambivalent linguistic identities, and language use. Language and Education, 38(1), 23-41. Hamza R'boul (2024). Alternative knowledges in intercultural education and educators as epistemic subjects. International Journal of Educational Research, 127, 1-11. Hamza R'boul (2024). English as a subtle technology of distraction in postcolonial contexts: undoing linguistic colonialism by linguistic coloniality. Current Issues in Language Planning, 0, 1-20. Hamza R'boul & Fred Dervin (2024). Attempts at including, mediating and creating ‘new’ knowledges: Problematising appropriation in intercultural communication education and research. Applied Linguistics Review Osman. Z Barnawi and Hamza R'boul (2024). Against epistemological theft and appropriation in applied linguistics research. Applied Linguistics Review Hamza R'boul (2024). The National Coordination of Forcibly Contracted Teachers (NCFCT) as a social movement in Morocco: educators’ unionism and social justice activism. Globalisation, Societies and Education Osman. Z Barnawi and Hamza R'boul (2023). Colonizability and hermeneutical injustice in applied linguistics research: (Im)possibilities for epistemological delinking. Applied Linguistics, 44(5), 865-881. Hamza R'boul, Osman. Z Barnawi & Benachour Saidi (2023). Islamic ethics as alternative epistemology in intercultural education: Educators’ situated knowledges. British Journal of Educational Studies, 72(2), 199-217. R'boul, H. (2023). Intercultivism and alternative knowledges in intercultural education. Globalisation, Societies and Education. Doi:10.1080/14767724.2023.2166018. R'boul, H., & Saidi, B. (2022). Unravelling intercultural communication education in the periphery: Critical examination of interculturality university-level courses. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 1-19. Doi:10.1080/03057925.2023.2179871. R'boul, H., & Belhiah, H. (2023). Neo-nationalism and politicizing TESOL: Nationalist rhetoric and decolonial impulses in English teaching in Morocco. TESOL Quarterly. Doi:10.1002/tesq.3230. R’boul, H., Dervin, F., & Saidi, B. (2023). South-South acculturation: Majority-group students’ relation to Sub-Saharan students in Moroccan universities. International Journal of Intercultural Relations.