Journal Publications Tao, L., Liang, H., Wen, B., & Huang, T. (2023). Between nature and nurture: The genetic overlap between psychological attributes and selection into public service employment. Public Administration Review, 83(4), 809-822. Tao, L., Tang, S. Y., & Wen, B. (2023). Advancing the Frontiers of Genomic Public Administration: From Genetics to Administrative Attitudes, Behaviors, and Practices. Public Administration Review, Online First, 1-15. Liang, H., Tao, L., & Shi, L. (2023). The Effect of Medicaid Eligibility on Utilization of Services and Access to Care among Health Center Patients: A Regression Discontinuity Design. Health & Social Care in the Community, 2023, 1-14. Liang, H., Tao, L., & Shi, L. (2023). Relationship between socioeconomic status and cognitive ability among Chinese older adults: The moderating role of social support. International Journal for Equity in Health, 22 Tao, L., & Wen, B (2023). The bedrock of public service motivation among Chinese adolescents: Family and school institutions. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 16(3), 350-379. Tao, L., & Wen, B (2023). Demystifying the components of public service motivation among young public servants in China: A qualitative inquiry. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 45(3), 248-273. Wen, B., Tang, S.Y., & Tao, L (2020). How governance shapes emergency management: China's mixed records in responding to COVID-19. Chinese Public Administration Review, 11(2), 122-131. Liang, H., Tao, L., Ford, E. W., Beydoun, M. A., & Eid, S. M. (2020). The patient-centered oncology care on health care utilization and cost: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Care Management Review, 45(4), 364-376. Liang, H., Yang, L., Tao, L., Shi, L., Yang, W., Bai, J., ... & Ji, J (2020). Data Mining-Based Model and Risk Prediction of Colorectal Cancer by Using Secondary Health Data: A Systematic Review. Chinese Journal of Cancer Research, 32(2), 242-251.